# grav2ty :rocket: ![screenshot of grav2ty showing a spaceship, a planet, an asteroid orbiting and two projectiles](./doc/grav2ty-2019-05-24.png) the most realistic asteroids-like game in existence. ## controls * `up`/`down`: increase/decrease thruster power (ship acceleration) * `left`/`right`: rotate ship (counter)-clockwise * `c`: toggle centered view * `+`/`-`: zoom in/out * `space`: fire a projectile ## roadmap - [x] simulation of gravity - [x] controllable spaceship - [x] collision detection - [ ] make measurements more realistic - [x] allow for zooming the viewport - [ ] Free viewport (mouse moved) - [x] time scaling / fast forward - [x] rework HUD, log additional info to console - [ ] Add speed to HUD - [x] projectiles - [ ] Limit firerate - [x] make projectiles self-destruct - [ ] performance improvements - [ ] don't calculate gravity to every little object - [ ] don't do collision detection at a safe distance - [ ] multi player support - [ ] Prevent library user from creating a broken state (by hiding lenses etc. if possible) - [ ] cosmetics (improved models, stars, …) - [ ] switch rendering engine - [ ] orbit visualization / prediction ## history * screenshot of [grav2ty at its first commit](./doc/grav2ty-first-commit.png) * the previous attempt [grav1ty](https://github.com/sternenseemann/grav2ty/tree/grav1ty)