opam-version: "1.2" maintainer: "sternenseemann " authors: ["sternenseemann "] homepage: "https://github.com/sternenseemann/logbook" doc: "https://sternenseemann.github.io/logbook/doc" synopsis: "A tool for keeping a personal log" description: """ logbook is a tool for generating HTML renderings of log files, a file format for a personal log/diary. By restricting who may access what parts of entries renderings can be shared without leaking private information. This package also includes a module Log for parsing and manipulating log files. """ license: "ISC" dev-repo: "https://github.com/sternenseemann/logbook.git" bug-reports: "https://github.com/sternenseemann/logbook/issues" tags: [] depends: [ "ocaml" {>= "4.07"} "dune" {>= "2.4"} "ptime" {>= "0.8.0"} "angstrom" {>= "0.14.0"} "astring" {>= "0.8.0"} "lwt" "jingoo" {>= "1.3.0"} "cow" {>= "2.2.0"} ] depopts: [] build: [ [ "dune" "subst" ] { pinned } [ "dune" "build" "-p" name "-j" jobs ] ]