{ config, lib, pkgs, utils, ... }: let xcfg = config.services.xserver; cfg = xcfg.desktopManager.plasma5; # Use only for **internal** options. # This is not exactly user-friendly. kdeConfigurationType = with types; let valueTypes = (oneOf [ bool float int str ]) // { description = "KDE Configuration value"; emptyValue.value = ""; }; set = (nullOr (lazyAttrsOf valueTypes)) // { description = "KDE Configuration set"; emptyValue.value = {}; }; in (lazyAttrsOf set) // { description = "KDE Configuration file"; emptyValue.value = {}; }; libsForQt5 = pkgs.plasma5Packages; inherit (libsForQt5) kdeGear kdeFrameworks plasma5; inherit (lib) getBin optionalAttrs optionalString literalExpression mkRemovedOptionModule mkRenamedOptionModule mkDefault mkIf mkMerge mkOption mkPackageOptionMD types; activationScript = '' ${set_XDG_CONFIG_HOME} # The KDE icon cache is supposed to update itself automatically, but it uses # the timestamp on the icon theme directory as a trigger. This doesn't work # on NixOS because the timestamp never changes. As a workaround, delete the # icon cache at login and session activation. # See also: http://lists-archives.org/kde-devel/26175-what-when-will-icon-cache-refresh.html rm -fv $HOME/.cache/icon-cache.kcache # xdg-desktop-settings generates this empty file but # it makes kbuildsyscoca5 fail silently. To fix this # remove that menu if it exists. rm -fv ''${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/menus/applications-merged/xdg-desktop-menu-dummy.menu # Qt writes a weird ‘libraryPath’ line to # ~/.config/Trolltech.conf that causes the KDE plugin # paths of previous KDE invocations to be searched. # Obviously using mismatching KDE libraries is potentially # disastrous, so here we nuke references to the Nix store # in Trolltech.conf. A better solution would be to stop # Qt from doing this wackiness in the first place. trolltech_conf="''${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/Trolltech.conf" if [ -e "$trolltech_conf" ]; then ${getBin pkgs.gnused}/bin/sed -i "$trolltech_conf" -e '/nix\\store\|nix\/store/ d' fi # Remove the kbuildsyscoca5 cache. It will be regenerated # immediately after. This is necessary for kbuildsyscoca5 to # recognize that software that has been removed. rm -fv $HOME/.cache/ksycoca* ${libsForQt5.kservice}/bin/kbuildsycoca5 ''; set_XDG_CONFIG_HOME = '' # Set the default XDG_CONFIG_HOME if it is unset. # Per the XDG Base Directory Specification: # https://specifications.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/latest # 1. Never export this variable! If it is unset, then child processes are # expected to set the default themselves. # 2. Contaminate / if $HOME is unset; do not check if $HOME is set. XDG_CONFIG_HOME=''${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config} ''; in { options = { services.xserver.desktopManager.plasma5 = { enable = mkOption { type = types.bool; default = false; description = lib.mdDoc "Enable the Plasma 5 (KDE 5) desktop environment."; }; phononBackend = mkOption { type = types.enum [ "gstreamer" "vlc" ]; default = "vlc"; example = "gstreamer"; description = lib.mdDoc "Phonon audio backend to install."; }; useQtScaling = mkOption { type = types.bool; default = false; description = lib.mdDoc "Enable HiDPI scaling in Qt."; }; runUsingSystemd = mkOption { description = lib.mdDoc "Use systemd to manage the Plasma session"; type = types.bool; default = true; }; notoPackage = mkPackageOptionMD pkgs "Noto fonts" { default = [ "noto-fonts" ]; example = "noto-fonts-lgc-plus"; }; # Internally allows configuring kdeglobals globally kdeglobals = mkOption { internal = true; default = {}; type = kdeConfigurationType; }; # Internally allows configuring kwin globally kwinrc = mkOption { internal = true; default = {}; type = kdeConfigurationType; }; mobile.enable = mkOption { type = types.bool; default = false; description = lib.mdDoc '' Enable support for running the Plasma Mobile shell. ''; }; mobile.installRecommendedSoftware = mkOption { type = types.bool; default = true; description = lib.mdDoc '' Installs software recommended for use with Plasma Mobile, but which is not strictly required for Plasma Mobile to run. ''; }; bigscreen.enable = mkOption { type = types.bool; default = false; description = lib.mdDoc '' Enable support for running the Plasma Bigscreen session. ''; }; }; environment.plasma5.excludePackages = mkOption { description = lib.mdDoc "List of default packages to exclude from the configuration"; type = types.listOf types.package; default = []; example = literalExpression "[ pkgs.plasma5Packages.oxygen ]"; }; }; imports = [ (mkRemovedOptionModule [ "services" "xserver" "desktopManager" "plasma5" "enableQt4Support" ] "Phonon no longer supports Qt 4.") (mkRemovedOptionModule [ "services" "xserver" "desktopManager" "plasma5" "supportDDC" ] "DDC/CI is no longer supported upstream.") (mkRenamedOptionModule [ "services" "xserver" "desktopManager" "kde5" ] [ "services" "xserver" "desktopManager" "plasma5" ]) (mkRenamedOptionModule [ "services" "xserver" "desktopManager" "plasma5" "excludePackages" ] [ "environment" "plasma5" "excludePackages" ]) ]; config = mkMerge [ # Common Plasma dependencies (mkIf (cfg.enable || cfg.mobile.enable || cfg.bigscreen.enable) { security.wrappers = { kwin_wayland = { owner = "root"; group = "root"; capabilities = "cap_sys_nice+ep"; source = "${getBin plasma5.kwin}/bin/kwin_wayland"; }; } // optionalAttrs (!cfg.runUsingSystemd) { start_kdeinit = { setuid = true; owner = "root"; group = "root"; source = "${getBin libsForQt5.kinit}/libexec/kf5/start_kdeinit"; }; }; environment.systemPackages = with libsForQt5; with plasma5; with kdeGear; with kdeFrameworks; let requiredPackages = [ frameworkintegration kactivities kauth kcmutils kconfig kconfigwidgets kcoreaddons kdoctools kdbusaddons kdeclarative kded kdesu kdnssd kemoticons kfilemetadata kglobalaccel kguiaddons kiconthemes kidletime kimageformats kinit kirigami2 # In system profile for SDDM theme. TODO: wrapper. kio kjobwidgets knewstuff knotifications knotifyconfig kpackage kparts kpeople krunner kservice ktextwidgets kwallet kwallet-pam kwalletmanager kwayland kwayland-integration kwidgetsaddons kxmlgui kxmlrpcclient plasma-framework solid sonnet threadweaver breeze-qt5 kactivitymanagerd kde-cli-tools kdecoration kdeplasma-addons kgamma5 khotkeys kscreen kscreenlocker kwayland kwin kwrited libkscreen libksysguard milou plasma-integration polkit-kde-agent plasma-desktop plasma-workspace plasma-workspace-wallpapers oxygen-sounds breeze-icons pkgs.hicolor-icon-theme kde-gtk-config breeze-gtk qtvirtualkeyboard pkgs.xdg-user-dirs # Update user dirs as described in https://freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/xdg-user-dirs/ ]; optionalPackages = [ pkgs.aha # needed by kinfocenter for fwupd support plasma-browser-integration konsole oxygen (lib.getBin qttools) # Expose qdbus in PATH ]; in requiredPackages ++ utils.removePackagesByName optionalPackages config.environment.plasma5.excludePackages # Phonon audio backend ++ lib.optional (cfg.phononBackend == "gstreamer") libsForQt5.phonon-backend-gstreamer ++ lib.optional (cfg.phononBackend == "vlc") libsForQt5.phonon-backend-vlc # Optional hardware support features ++ lib.optionals config.hardware.bluetooth.enable [ bluedevil bluez-qt pkgs.openobex pkgs.obexftp ] ++ lib.optional config.networking.networkmanager.enable plasma-nm ++ lib.optional config.hardware.pulseaudio.enable plasma-pa ++ lib.optional config.services.pipewire.pulse.enable plasma-pa ++ lib.optional config.powerManagement.enable powerdevil ++ lib.optional config.services.colord.enable pkgs.colord-kde ++ lib.optional config.services.hardware.bolt.enable pkgs.plasma5Packages.plasma-thunderbolt ++ lib.optionals config.services.samba.enable [ kdenetwork-filesharing pkgs.samba ] ++ lib.optional config.services.xserver.wacom.enable pkgs.wacomtablet ++ lib.optional config.services.flatpak.enable flatpak-kcm; # Extra services for D-Bus activation services.dbus.packages = [ plasma5.kactivitymanagerd ]; environment.pathsToLink = [ # FIXME: modules should link subdirs of `/share` rather than relying on this "/share" ]; environment.etc."X11/xkb".source = xcfg.xkb.dir; environment.sessionVariables = { PLASMA_USE_QT_SCALING = mkIf cfg.useQtScaling "1"; # Needed for things that depend on other store.kde.org packages to install correctly, # notably Plasma look-and-feel packages (a.k.a. Global Themes) # # FIXME: this is annoyingly impure and should really be fixed at source level somehow, # but kpackage is a library so we can't just wrap the one thing invoking it and be done. # This also means things won't work for people not on Plasma, but at least this way it # works for SOME people. KPACKAGE_DEP_RESOLVERS_PATH = "${pkgs.plasma5Packages.frameworkintegration.out}/libexec/kf5/kpackagehandlers"; }; # Enable GTK applications to load SVG icons services.xserver.gdk-pixbuf.modulePackages = [ pkgs.librsvg ]; fonts.packages = with pkgs; [ cfg.notoPackage hack-font ]; fonts.fontconfig.defaultFonts = { monospace = [ "Hack" "Noto Sans Mono" ]; sansSerif = [ "Noto Sans" ]; serif = [ "Noto Serif" ]; }; programs.ssh.askPassword = mkDefault "${plasma5.ksshaskpass.out}/bin/ksshaskpass"; # Enable helpful DBus services. services.accounts-daemon.enable = true; # when changing an account picture the accounts-daemon reads a temporary file containing the image which systemsettings5 may place under /tmp systemd.services.accounts-daemon.serviceConfig.PrivateTmp = false; services.power-profiles-daemon.enable = mkDefault true; services.system-config-printer.enable = mkIf config.services.printing.enable (mkDefault true); services.udisks2.enable = true; services.upower.enable = config.powerManagement.enable; services.xserver.libinput.enable = mkDefault true; # Extra UDEV rules used by Solid services.udev.packages = [ # libmtp has "bin", "dev", "out" outputs. UDEV rules file is in "out". pkgs.libmtp.out pkgs.media-player-info ]; services.xserver.displayManager.sddm = { theme = mkDefault "breeze"; }; security.pam.services.kde = { allowNullPassword = true; }; security.pam.services.login.enableKwallet = true; systemd.user.services = { plasma-early-setup = mkIf cfg.runUsingSystemd { description = "Early Plasma setup"; wantedBy = [ "graphical-session-pre.target" ]; serviceConfig.Type = "oneshot"; script = activationScript; }; }; xdg.portal.enable = true; xdg.portal.extraPortals = [ plasma5.xdg-desktop-portal-kde ]; xdg.portal.configPackages = mkDefault [ plasma5.xdg-desktop-portal-kde ]; # xdg-desktop-portal-kde expects PipeWire to be running. # This does not, by default, replace PulseAudio. services.pipewire.enable = mkDefault true; # Update the start menu for each user that is currently logged in system.userActivationScripts.plasmaSetup = activationScript; programs.firefox.nativeMessagingHosts.packages = [ pkgs.plasma5Packages.plasma-browser-integration ]; }) (mkIf (cfg.kwinrc != {}) { environment.etc."xdg/kwinrc".text = lib.generators.toINI {} cfg.kwinrc; }) (mkIf (cfg.kdeglobals != {}) { environment.etc."xdg/kdeglobals".text = lib.generators.toINI {} cfg.kdeglobals; }) # Plasma Desktop (mkIf cfg.enable { # Seed our configuration into nixos-generate-config system.nixos-generate-config.desktopConfiguration = [ '' # Enable the Plasma 5 Desktop Environment. services.xserver.displayManager.sddm.enable = true; services.xserver.desktopManager.plasma5.enable = true; '' ]; services.xserver.displayManager.sessionPackages = [ pkgs.libsForQt5.plasma5.plasma-workspace ]; # Default to be `plasma` (X11) instead of `plasmawayland`, since plasma wayland currently has # many tiny bugs. # See: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/143272 services.xserver.displayManager.defaultSession = mkDefault "plasma"; environment.systemPackages = with libsForQt5; with plasma5; with kdeGear; with kdeFrameworks; let requiredPackages = [ ksystemstats kinfocenter kmenuedit plasma-systemmonitor spectacle systemsettings dolphin dolphin-plugins ffmpegthumbs kdegraphics-thumbnailers kde-inotify-survey kio-admin kio-extras ]; optionalPackages = [ ark elisa gwenview okular khelpcenter print-manager ]; in requiredPackages ++ utils.removePackagesByName optionalPackages config.environment.plasma5.excludePackages; systemd.user.services = { plasma-run-with-systemd = { description = "Run KDE Plasma via systemd"; wantedBy = [ "basic.target" ]; serviceConfig.Type = "oneshot"; script = '' ${set_XDG_CONFIG_HOME} ${kdeFrameworks.kconfig}/bin/kwriteconfig5 \ --file startkderc --group General --key systemdBoot ${lib.boolToString cfg.runUsingSystemd} ''; }; }; }) # Plasma Mobile (mkIf cfg.mobile.enable { assertions = [ { # The user interface breaks without NetworkManager assertion = config.networking.networkmanager.enable; message = "Plasma Mobile requires NetworkManager."; } { # The user interface breaks without bluetooth assertion = config.hardware.bluetooth.enable; message = "Plasma Mobile requires Bluetooth."; } { # The user interface breaks without pulse assertion = config.hardware.pulseaudio.enable || (config.services.pipewire.enable && config.services.pipewire.pulse.enable); message = "Plasma Mobile requires pulseaudio."; } ]; environment.systemPackages = with libsForQt5; with plasma5; with kdeApplications; with kdeFrameworks; [ # Basic packages without which Plasma Mobile fails to work properly. plasma-mobile plasma-nano pkgs.maliit-framework pkgs.maliit-keyboard ] ++ lib.optionals (cfg.mobile.installRecommendedSoftware) (with libsForQt5.plasmaMobileGear;[ # Additional software made for Plasma Mobile. alligator angelfish audiotube calindori kalk kasts kclock keysmith koko krecorder ktrip kweather plasma-dialer plasma-phonebook plasma-settings spacebar ]) ; # The following services are needed or the UI is broken. hardware.bluetooth.enable = true; hardware.pulseaudio.enable = true; networking.networkmanager.enable = true; # Required for autorotate hardware.sensor.iio.enable = lib.mkDefault true; # Recommendations can be found here: # - https://invent.kde.org/plasma-mobile/plasma-phone-settings/-/tree/master/etc/xdg # This configuration is the minimum required for Plasma Mobile to *work*. services.xserver.desktopManager.plasma5 = { kdeglobals = { KDE = { # This forces a numeric PIN for the lockscreen, which is the # recommendation from upstream. LookAndFeelPackage = lib.mkDefault "org.kde.plasma.phone"; }; }; kwinrc = { "Wayland" = { "InputMethod[$e]" = "/run/current-system/sw/share/applications/com.github.maliit.keyboard.desktop"; "VirtualKeyboardEnabled" = "true"; }; "org.kde.kdecoration2" = { # No decorations (title bar) NoPlugin = lib.mkDefault "true"; }; }; }; services.xserver.displayManager.sessionPackages = [ pkgs.libsForQt5.plasma5.plasma-mobile ]; }) # Plasma Bigscreen (mkIf cfg.bigscreen.enable { environment.systemPackages = with pkgs.plasma5Packages; [ plasma-nano plasma-settings plasma-bigscreen plasma-remotecontrollers aura-browser plank-player plasma-pa plasma-nm kdeconnect-kde ]; services.xserver.displayManager.sessionPackages = [ pkgs.plasma5Packages.plasma-bigscreen ]; # required for plasma-remotecontrollers to work correctly hardware.uinput.enable = true; }) ]; }