{ lib, config, utils, pkgs, ... }: with lib; let inherit (utils) systemdUtils escapeSystemdPath; inherit (systemdUtils.lib) generateUnits pathToUnit serviceToUnit sliceToUnit socketToUnit targetToUnit timerToUnit mountToUnit automountToUnit; cfg = config.boot.initrd.systemd; # Copied from fedora upstreamUnits = [ "basic.target" "ctrl-alt-del.target" "emergency.service" "emergency.target" "final.target" "halt.target" "initrd-cleanup.service" "initrd-fs.target" "initrd-parse-etc.service" "initrd-root-device.target" "initrd-root-fs.target" "initrd-switch-root.service" "initrd-switch-root.target" "initrd.target" "kexec.target" "kmod-static-nodes.service" "local-fs-pre.target" "local-fs.target" "multi-user.target" "paths.target" "poweroff.target" "reboot.target" "rescue.service" "rescue.target" "rpcbind.target" "shutdown.target" "sigpwr.target" "slices.target" "sockets.target" "swap.target" "sysinit.target" "sys-kernel-config.mount" "syslog.socket" "systemd-ask-password-console.path" "systemd-ask-password-console.service" "systemd-fsck@.service" "systemd-halt.service" "systemd-hibernate-resume@.service" "systemd-journald-audit.socket" "systemd-journald-dev-log.socket" "systemd-journald.service" "systemd-journald.socket" "systemd-kexec.service" "systemd-modules-load.service" "systemd-poweroff.service" "systemd-reboot.service" "systemd-sysctl.service" "systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service" "systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service" "timers.target" "umount.target" # TODO: Networking # "network-online.target" # "network-pre.target" # "network.target" # "nss-lookup.target" # "nss-user-lookup.target" # "remote-fs-pre.target" # "remote-fs.target" ] ++ cfg.additionalUpstreamUnits; upstreamWants = [ "sysinit.target.wants" ]; enabledUpstreamUnits = filter (n: ! elem n cfg.suppressedUnits) upstreamUnits; enabledUnits = filterAttrs (n: v: ! elem n cfg.suppressedUnits) cfg.units; jobScripts = concatLists (mapAttrsToList (_: unit: unit.jobScripts or []) (filterAttrs (_: v: v.enable) cfg.services)); stage1Units = generateUnits { type = "initrd"; units = enabledUnits; upstreamUnits = enabledUpstreamUnits; inherit upstreamWants; inherit (cfg) packages package; }; fileSystems = filter utils.fsNeededForBoot config.system.build.fileSystems; needMakefs = lib.any (fs: fs.autoFormat) fileSystems; needGrowfs = lib.any (fs: fs.autoResize) fileSystems; kernel-name = config.boot.kernelPackages.kernel.name or "kernel"; modulesTree = config.system.modulesTree.override { name = kernel-name + "-modules"; }; firmware = config.hardware.firmware; # Determine the set of modules that we need to mount the root FS. modulesClosure = pkgs.makeModulesClosure { rootModules = config.boot.initrd.availableKernelModules ++ config.boot.initrd.kernelModules; kernel = modulesTree; firmware = firmware; allowMissing = false; }; initrdBinEnv = pkgs.buildEnv { name = "initrd-bin-env"; paths = map getBin cfg.initrdBin; pathsToLink = ["/bin" "/sbin"]; postBuild = concatStringsSep "\n" (mapAttrsToList (n: v: "ln -s '${v}' $out/bin/'${n}'") cfg.extraBin); }; initialRamdisk = pkgs.makeInitrdNG { name = "initrd-${kernel-name}"; inherit (config.boot.initrd) compressor compressorArgs prepend; inherit (cfg) strip; contents = map (path: { object = path; symlink = ""; }) (subtractLists cfg.suppressedStorePaths cfg.storePaths) ++ mapAttrsToList (_: v: { object = v.source; symlink = v.target; }) (filterAttrs (_: v: v.enable) cfg.contents); }; in { options.boot.initrd.systemd = { enable = mkEnableOption (lib.mdDoc "systemd in initrd") // { description = lib.mdDoc '' Whether to enable systemd in initrd. Note: This is in very early development and is highly experimental. Most of the features NixOS supports in initrd are not yet supported by the intrd generated with this option. ''; }; package = (mkPackageOptionMD pkgs "systemd" { default = "systemdStage1"; }) // { visible = false; }; extraConfig = mkOption { default = ""; type = types.lines; example = "DefaultLimitCORE=infinity"; description = lib.mdDoc '' Extra config options for systemd. See systemd-system.conf(5) man page for available options. ''; }; contents = mkOption { description = lib.mdDoc "Set of files that have to be linked into the initrd"; example = literalExpression '' { "/etc/hostname".text = "mymachine"; } ''; visible = false; default = {}; type = utils.systemdUtils.types.initrdContents; }; storePaths = mkOption { description = lib.mdDoc '' Store paths to copy into the initrd as well. ''; type = with types; listOf (oneOf [ singleLineStr package ]); default = []; }; strip = mkOption { description = lib.mdDoc '' Whether to completely strip executables and libraries copied to the initramfs. Setting this to false may save on the order of 30MiB on the machine building the system (by avoiding a binutils reference), at the cost of ~1MiB of initramfs size. This puts this option firmly in the territory of micro-optimisation. ''; type = types.bool; default = true; }; extraBin = mkOption { description = lib.mdDoc '' Tools to add to /bin ''; example = literalExpression '' { umount = ''${pkgs.util-linux}/bin/umount; } ''; type = types.attrsOf types.path; default = {}; }; suppressedStorePaths = mkOption { description = lib.mdDoc '' Store paths specified in the storePaths option that should not be copied. ''; type = types.listOf types.singleLineStr; default = []; }; emergencyAccess = mkOption { type = with types; oneOf [ bool (nullOr (passwdEntry str)) ]; visible = false; description = lib.mdDoc '' Set to true for unauthenticated emergency access, and false for no emergency access. Can also be set to a hashed super user password to allow authenticated access to the emergency mode. ''; default = false; }; initrdBin = mkOption { type = types.listOf types.package; default = []; visible = false; description = lib.mdDoc '' Packages to include in /bin for the stage 1 emergency shell. ''; }; additionalUpstreamUnits = mkOption { default = [ ]; type = types.listOf types.str; visible = false; example = [ "debug-shell.service" "systemd-quotacheck.service" ]; description = lib.mdDoc '' Additional units shipped with systemd that shall be enabled. ''; }; suppressedUnits = mkOption { default = [ ]; type = types.listOf types.str; example = [ "systemd-backlight@.service" ]; visible = false; description = lib.mdDoc '' A list of units to skip when generating system systemd configuration directory. This has priority over upstream units, {option}`boot.initrd.systemd.units`, and {option}`boot.initrd.systemd.additionalUpstreamUnits`. The main purpose of this is to prevent a upstream systemd unit from being added to the initrd with any modifications made to it by other NixOS modules. ''; }; units = mkOption { description = lib.mdDoc "Definition of systemd units."; default = {}; visible = false; type = systemdUtils.types.units; }; packages = mkOption { default = []; visible = false; type = types.listOf types.package; example = literalExpression "[ pkgs.systemd-cryptsetup-generator ]"; description = lib.mdDoc "Packages providing systemd units and hooks."; }; targets = mkOption { default = {}; visible = false; type = systemdUtils.types.initrdTargets; description = lib.mdDoc "Definition of systemd target units."; }; services = mkOption { default = {}; type = systemdUtils.types.initrdServices; visible = false; description = lib.mdDoc "Definition of systemd service units."; }; sockets = mkOption { default = {}; type = systemdUtils.types.initrdSockets; visible = false; description = lib.mdDoc "Definition of systemd socket units."; }; timers = mkOption { default = {}; type = systemdUtils.types.initrdTimers; visible = false; description = lib.mdDoc "Definition of systemd timer units."; }; paths = mkOption { default = {}; type = systemdUtils.types.initrdPaths; visible = false; description = lib.mdDoc "Definition of systemd path units."; }; mounts = mkOption { default = []; type = systemdUtils.types.initrdMounts; visible = false; description = lib.mdDoc '' Definition of systemd mount units. This is a list instead of an attrSet, because systemd mandates the names to be derived from the 'where' attribute. ''; }; automounts = mkOption { default = []; type = systemdUtils.types.automounts; visible = false; description = lib.mdDoc '' Definition of systemd automount units. This is a list instead of an attrSet, because systemd mandates the names to be derived from the 'where' attribute. ''; }; slices = mkOption { default = {}; type = systemdUtils.types.slices; visible = false; description = lib.mdDoc "Definition of slice configurations."; }; }; config = mkIf (config.boot.initrd.enable && cfg.enable) { system.build = { inherit initialRamdisk; }; boot.initrd.availableKernelModules = [ "autofs4" # systemd needs this for some features "tpm-tis" "tpm-crb" # systemd-cryptenroll ]; boot.initrd.systemd = { initrdBin = [pkgs.bash pkgs.coreutils cfg.package.kmod cfg.package] ++ config.system.fsPackages; extraBin = { less = "${pkgs.less}/bin/less"; mount = "${cfg.package.util-linux}/bin/mount"; umount = "${cfg.package.util-linux}/bin/umount"; }; contents = { "/init".source = "${cfg.package}/lib/systemd/systemd"; "/etc/systemd/system".source = stage1Units; "/etc/systemd/system.conf".text = '' [Manager] DefaultEnvironment=PATH=/bin:/sbin ${optionalString (isBool cfg.emergencyAccess && cfg.emergencyAccess) "SYSTEMD_SULOGIN_FORCE=1"} ${cfg.extraConfig} ''; "/lib/modules".source = "${modulesClosure}/lib/modules"; "/lib/firmware".source = "${modulesClosure}/lib/firmware"; "/etc/modules-load.d/nixos.conf".text = concatStringsSep "\n" config.boot.initrd.kernelModules; "/etc/passwd".source = "${pkgs.fakeNss}/etc/passwd"; "/etc/shadow".text = "root:${if isBool cfg.emergencyAccess then "!" else cfg.emergencyAccess}:::::::"; "/bin".source = "${initrdBinEnv}/bin"; "/sbin".source = "${initrdBinEnv}/sbin"; "/etc/sysctl.d/nixos.conf".text = "kernel.modprobe = /sbin/modprobe"; "/etc/modprobe.d/systemd.conf".source = "${cfg.package}/lib/modprobe.d/systemd.conf"; "/etc/modprobe.d/ubuntu.conf".source = pkgs.runCommand "initrd-kmod-blacklist-ubuntu" { } '' ${pkgs.buildPackages.perl}/bin/perl -0pe 's/## file: iwlwifi.conf(.+?)##/##/s;' $src > $out ''; "/etc/modprobe.d/debian.conf".source = pkgs.kmod-debian-aliases; "/etc/os-release".source = config.boot.initrd.osRelease; "/etc/initrd-release".source = config.boot.initrd.osRelease; } // optionalAttrs (config.environment.etc ? "modprobe.d/nixos.conf") { "/etc/modprobe.d/nixos.conf".source = config.environment.etc."modprobe.d/nixos.conf".source; }; storePaths = [ # systemd tooling "${cfg.package}/lib/systemd/systemd-fsck" (lib.mkIf needGrowfs "${cfg.package}/lib/systemd/systemd-growfs") "${cfg.package}/lib/systemd/systemd-hibernate-resume" "${cfg.package}/lib/systemd/systemd-journald" (lib.mkIf needMakefs "${cfg.package}/lib/systemd/systemd-makefs") "${cfg.package}/lib/systemd/systemd-modules-load" "${cfg.package}/lib/systemd/systemd-remount-fs" "${cfg.package}/lib/systemd/systemd-shutdown" "${cfg.package}/lib/systemd/systemd-sulogin-shell" "${cfg.package}/lib/systemd/systemd-sysctl" # generators "${cfg.package}/lib/systemd/system-generators/systemd-debug-generator" "${cfg.package}/lib/systemd/system-generators/systemd-fstab-generator" "${cfg.package}/lib/systemd/system-generators/systemd-gpt-auto-generator" "${cfg.package}/lib/systemd/system-generators/systemd-hibernate-resume-generator" "${cfg.package}/lib/systemd/system-generators/systemd-run-generator" # utilities needed by systemd "${cfg.package.util-linux}/bin/mount" "${cfg.package.util-linux}/bin/umount" "${cfg.package.util-linux}/bin/sulogin" # so NSS can look up usernames "${pkgs.glibc}/lib/libnss_files.so.2" ] ++ optionals cfg.package.withCryptsetup [ # tpm2 support "${cfg.package}/lib/cryptsetup/libcryptsetup-token-systemd-tpm2.so" pkgs.tpm2-tss # fido2 support "${cfg.package}/lib/cryptsetup/libcryptsetup-token-systemd-fido2.so" "${pkgs.libfido2}/lib/libfido2.so.1" # the unwrapped systemd-cryptsetup executable "${cfg.package}/lib/systemd/.systemd-cryptsetup-wrapped" ] ++ jobScripts; targets.initrd.aliases = ["default.target"]; units = mapAttrs' (n: v: nameValuePair "${n}.path" (pathToUnit n v)) cfg.paths // mapAttrs' (n: v: nameValuePair "${n}.service" (serviceToUnit n v)) cfg.services // mapAttrs' (n: v: nameValuePair "${n}.slice" (sliceToUnit n v)) cfg.slices // mapAttrs' (n: v: nameValuePair "${n}.socket" (socketToUnit n v)) cfg.sockets // mapAttrs' (n: v: nameValuePair "${n}.target" (targetToUnit n v)) cfg.targets // mapAttrs' (n: v: nameValuePair "${n}.timer" (timerToUnit n v)) cfg.timers // listToAttrs (map (v: let n = escapeSystemdPath v.where; in nameValuePair "${n}.mount" (mountToUnit n v)) cfg.mounts) // listToAttrs (map (v: let n = escapeSystemdPath v.where; in nameValuePair "${n}.automount" (automountToUnit n v)) cfg.automounts); # The unit in /run/systemd/generator shadows the unit in # /etc/systemd/system, but will still apply drop-ins from # /etc/systemd/system/foo.service.d/ # # We need IgnoreOnIsolate, otherwise the Requires dependency of # a mount unit on its makefs unit causes it to be unmounted when # we isolate for switch-root. Use a dummy package so that # generateUnits will generate drop-ins instead of unit files. packages = [(pkgs.runCommand "dummy" {} '' mkdir -p $out/etc/systemd/system touch $out/etc/systemd/system/systemd-{makefs,growfs}@.service '')]; services."systemd-makefs@" = lib.mkIf needMakefs { unitConfig.IgnoreOnIsolate = true; }; services."systemd-growfs@" = lib.mkIf needGrowfs { unitConfig.IgnoreOnIsolate = true; }; # make sure all the /dev nodes are set up services.systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.wantedBy = ["sysinit.target"]; services.initrd-nixos-activation = { after = [ "initrd-fs.target" ]; requiredBy = [ "initrd.target" ]; unitConfig.AssertPathExists = "/etc/initrd-release"; serviceConfig.Type = "oneshot"; description = "NixOS Activation"; script = /* bash */ '' set -uo pipefail export PATH="/bin:${cfg.package.util-linux}/bin" # Figure out what closure to boot closure= for o in $(< /proc/cmdline); do case $o in init=*) IFS== read -r -a initParam <<< "$o" closure="$(dirname "''${initParam[1]}")" ;; esac done # Sanity check if [ -z "''${closure:-}" ]; then echo 'No init= parameter on the kernel command line' >&2 exit 1 fi # If we are not booting a NixOS closure (e.g. init=/bin/sh), # we don't know what root to prepare so we don't do anything if ! [ -x "/sysroot$closure/prepare-root" ]; then echo "NEW_INIT=''${initParam[1]}" > /etc/switch-root.conf echo "$closure does not look like a NixOS installation - not activating" exit 0 fi echo 'NEW_INIT=' > /etc/switch-root.conf # We need to propagate /run for things like /run/booted-system # and /run/current-system. mkdir -p /sysroot/run mount --bind /run /sysroot/run # Initialize the system export IN_NIXOS_SYSTEMD_STAGE1=true exec chroot /sysroot $closure/prepare-root ''; }; # This will either call systemctl with the new init as the last parameter (which # is the case when not booting a NixOS system) or with an empty string, causing # systemd to bypass its verification code that checks whether the next file is a systemd # and using its compiled-in value services.initrd-switch-root.serviceConfig = { EnvironmentFile = "-/etc/switch-root.conf"; ExecStart = [ "" ''systemctl --no-block switch-root /sysroot "''${NEW_INIT}"'' ]; }; services.panic-on-fail = { wantedBy = ["emergency.target"]; unitConfig = { DefaultDependencies = false; ConditionKernelCommandLine = [ "|boot.panic_on_fail" "|stage1panic" ]; }; script = '' echo c > /proc/sysrq-trigger ''; serviceConfig.Type = "oneshot"; }; }; boot.kernelParams = lib.mkIf (config.boot.resumeDevice != "") [ "resume=${config.boot.resumeDevice}" ]; }; }