{ pkgs, lib, ... }: { name = "aesmd"; meta = { maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ veehaitch ]; }; nodes.machine = { lib, ... }: { services.aesmd = { enable = true; settings = { defaultQuotingType = "ecdsa_256"; proxyType = "direct"; whitelistUrl = "http://nixos.org"; }; }; # Should have access to the AESM socket users.users."sgxtest" = { isNormalUser = true; extraGroups = [ "sgx" ]; }; # Should NOT have access to the AESM socket users.users."nosgxtest".isNormalUser = true; # We don't have a real SGX machine in NixOS tests systemd.services.aesmd.unitConfig.AssertPathExists = lib.mkForce [ ]; }; testScript = '' with subtest("aesmd.service starts"): machine.wait_for_unit("aesmd.service") status, main_pid = machine.systemctl("show --property MainPID --value aesmd.service") assert status == 0, "Could not get MainPID of aesmd.service" main_pid = main_pid.strip() with subtest("aesmd.service runtime directory permissions"): runtime_dir = "/run/aesmd"; res = machine.succeed(f"stat -c '%a %U %G' {runtime_dir}").strip() assert "750 aesmd sgx" == res, f"{runtime_dir} does not have the expected permissions: {res}" with subtest("aesm.socket available on host"): socket_path = "/var/run/aesmd/aesm.socket" machine.wait_until_succeeds(f"test -S {socket_path}") machine.succeed(f"test 777 -eq $(stat -c '%a' {socket_path})") for op in [ "-r", "-w", "-x" ]: machine.succeed(f"sudo -u sgxtest test {op} {socket_path}") machine.fail(f"sudo -u nosgxtest test {op} {socket_path}") with subtest("Copies white_list_cert_to_be_verify.bin"): whitelist_path = "/var/opt/aesmd/data/white_list_cert_to_be_verify.bin" whitelist_perms = machine.succeed( f"nsenter -m -t {main_pid} ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/stat -c '%a' {whitelist_path}" ).strip() assert "644" == whitelist_perms, f"white_list_cert_to_be_verify.bin has permissions {whitelist_perms}" with subtest("Writes and binds aesm.conf in service namespace"): aesmd_config = machine.succeed(f"nsenter -m -t {main_pid} ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/cat /etc/aesmd.conf") assert aesmd_config == "whitelist url = http://nixos.org\nproxy type = direct\ndefault quoting type = ecdsa_256\n", "aesmd.conf differs" ''; }