import ./make-test-python.nix ({ pkgs, ...} : { name = "i3wm"; meta = with pkgs.lib.maintainers; { maintainers = [ aszlig ]; }; nodes.machine = { lib, ... }: { imports = [ ./common/x11.nix ./common/user-account.nix ]; = "alice"; services.displayManager.defaultSession = lib.mkForce "none+i3"; services.xserver.windowManager.i3.enable = true; }; testScript = { ... }: '' with subtest("ensure x starts"): machine.wait_for_x() machine.wait_for_file("/home/alice/.Xauthority") machine.succeed("xauth merge ~alice/.Xauthority") with subtest("ensure we get first configuration window"): machine.wait_for_window(r".*?first configuration.*?") machine.sleep(2) machine.screenshot("started") with subtest("ensure we generate and save a config"): # press return to indicate we want to gen a new config machine.send_key("\n") machine.sleep(2) machine.screenshot("preconfig") # press alt then return to indicate we want to use alt as our Mod key machine.send_key("alt") machine.send_key("\n") machine.sleep(2) # make sure the config file is created before we continue machine.wait_for_file("/home/alice/.config/i3/config") machine.screenshot("postconfig") machine.sleep(2) with subtest("ensure we can open a new terminal"): machine.send_key("alt-ret") machine.sleep(2) machine.wait_for_window(r"alice.*?machine") machine.sleep(2) machine.screenshot("terminal") ''; })