{ system ? builtins.currentSystem , config ? {} , pkgs ? import ../.. { inherit system config; } # bool: whether to use networkd in the tests , networkd }: with import ../lib/testing-python.nix { inherit system pkgs; }; with pkgs.lib; let qemu-common = import ../lib/qemu-common.nix { inherit (pkgs) lib pkgs; }; router = { config, pkgs, lib, ... }: with pkgs.lib; let vlanIfs = range 1 (length config.virtualisation.vlans); in { environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.iptables ]; # to debug firewall rules virtualisation.vlans = [ 1 2 3 ]; boot.kernel.sysctl."net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding" = true; networking = { useDHCP = false; useNetworkd = networkd; firewall.checkReversePath = true; firewall.allowedUDPPorts = [ 547 ]; interfaces = mkOverride 0 (listToAttrs (forEach vlanIfs (n: nameValuePair "eth${toString n}" { ipv4.addresses = [ { address = "192.168.${toString n}.1"; prefixLength = 24; } ]; ipv6.addresses = [ { address = "fd00:1234:5678:${toString n}::1"; prefixLength = 64; } ]; }))); }; services.dhcpd4 = { enable = true; interfaces = map (n: "eth${toString n}") vlanIfs; extraConfig = flip concatMapStrings vlanIfs (n: '' subnet 192.168.${toString n}.0 netmask { option routers 192.168.${toString n}.1; range 192.168.${toString n}.3 192.168.${toString n}.254; } '') ; machines = flip map vlanIfs (vlan: { hostName = "client${toString vlan}"; ethernetAddress = qemu-common.qemuNicMac vlan 1; ipAddress = "192.168.${toString vlan}.2"; } ); }; services.radvd = { enable = true; config = flip concatMapStrings vlanIfs (n: '' interface eth${toString n} { AdvSendAdvert on; AdvManagedFlag on; AdvOtherConfigFlag on; prefix fd00:1234:5678:${toString n}::/64 { AdvAutonomous off; }; }; ''); }; services.dhcpd6 = { enable = true; interfaces = map (n: "eth${toString n}") vlanIfs; extraConfig = '' authoritative; '' + flip concatMapStrings vlanIfs (n: '' subnet6 fd00:1234:5678:${toString n}::/64 { range6 fd00:1234:5678:${toString n}::2 fd00:1234:5678:${toString n}::2; } ''); }; }; testCases = { loopback = { name = "Loopback"; nodes.client = { pkgs, ... }: with pkgs.lib; { networking.useDHCP = false; networking.useNetworkd = networkd; }; testScript = '' start_all() client.wait_for_unit("network.target") loopback_addresses = client.succeed("ip addr show lo") assert "inet" in loopback_addresses assert "inet6 ::1/128" in loopback_addresses ''; }; static = { name = "Static"; nodes.router = router; nodes.client = { pkgs, ... }: with pkgs.lib; { virtualisation.interfaces.enp1s0.vlan = 1; virtualisation.interfaces.enp2s0.vlan = 2; networking = { useNetworkd = networkd; useDHCP = false; defaultGateway = ""; defaultGateway6 = "fd00:1234:5678:1::1"; interfaces.enp1s0.ipv4.addresses = [ { address = ""; prefixLength = 24; } { address = ""; prefixLength = 32; } { address = ""; prefixLength = 32; } ]; interfaces.enp2s0.ipv4.addresses = [ { address = ""; prefixLength = 24; } ]; }; }; testScript = { ... }: '' start_all() client.wait_for_unit("network.target") router.wait_for_unit("network-online.target") with subtest("Make sure dhcpcd is not started"): client.fail("systemctl status dhcpcd.service") with subtest("Test vlan 1"): client.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1") client.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1") client.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1") client.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1") router.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1") router.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1") router.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1") router.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1") with subtest("Test vlan 2"): client.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1") client.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1") router.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1") router.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1") with subtest("Test default gateway"): router.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1") client.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1") router.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1 fd00:1234:5678:3::1") client.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1 fd00:1234:5678:3::1") ''; }; routeType = { name = "RouteType"; nodes.client = { pkgs, ... }: with pkgs.lib; { networking = { useDHCP = false; useNetworkd = networkd; interfaces.eth1.ipv4.routes = [{ address = ""; prefixLength = 32; type = "local"; }]; }; }; testScript = '' start_all() client.wait_for_unit("network.target") client.succeed("ip -4 route list table local | grep 'local'") ''; }; dhcpDefault = { name = "useDHCP-by-default"; nodes.router = router; nodes.client = { lib, ... }: { # Disable test driver default config networking.interfaces = lib.mkForce {}; networking.useNetworkd = networkd; virtualisation.interfaces.enp1s0.vlan = 1; }; testScript = '' start_all() client.wait_for_unit("multi-user.target") client.wait_until_succeeds("ip addr show dev enp1s0 | grep '192.168.1'") client.shell_interact() client.succeed("ping -c 1") router.succeed("ping -c 1") router.succeed("ping -c 1") client.succeed("ping -c 1") ''; }; dhcpSimple = { name = "SimpleDHCP"; nodes.router = router; nodes.client = { pkgs, ... }: with pkgs.lib; { virtualisation.interfaces.enp1s0.vlan = 1; virtualisation.interfaces.enp2s0.vlan = 2; networking = { useNetworkd = networkd; useDHCP = false; interfaces.enp1s0.useDHCP = true; interfaces.enp2s0.useDHCP = true; }; }; testScript = { ... }: '' start_all() client.wait_for_unit("network.target") router.wait_for_unit("network-online.target") with subtest("Wait until we have an ip address on each interface"): client.wait_until_succeeds("ip addr show dev enp1s0 | grep -q '192.168.1'") client.wait_until_succeeds("ip addr show dev enp1s0 | grep -q 'fd00:1234:5678:1:'") client.wait_until_succeeds("ip addr show dev enp2s0 | grep -q '192.168.2'") client.wait_until_succeeds("ip addr show dev enp2s0 | grep -q 'fd00:1234:5678:2:'") with subtest("Test vlan 1"): client.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1") client.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1") client.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1 fd00:1234:5678:1::1") client.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1 fd00:1234:5678:1::2") router.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1") router.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1") router.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1 fd00:1234:5678:1::1") router.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1 fd00:1234:5678:1::2") with subtest("Test vlan 2"): client.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1") client.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1") client.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1 fd00:1234:5678:2::1") client.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1 fd00:1234:5678:2::2") router.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1") router.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1") router.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1 fd00:1234:5678:2::1") router.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1 fd00:1234:5678:2::2") ''; }; dhcpOneIf = { name = "OneInterfaceDHCP"; nodes.router = router; nodes.client = { pkgs, ... }: with pkgs.lib; { virtualisation.interfaces.enp1s0.vlan = 1; virtualisation.interfaces.enp2s0.vlan = 2; networking = { useNetworkd = networkd; useDHCP = false; interfaces.enp1s0 = { mtu = 1343; useDHCP = true; }; }; }; testScript = { ... }: '' start_all() with subtest("Wait for networking to come up"): client.wait_for_unit("network.target") router.wait_for_unit("network.target") with subtest("Wait until we have an ip address on each interface"): client.wait_until_succeeds("ip addr show dev enp1s0 | grep -q '192.168.1'") with subtest("ensure MTU is set"): assert "mtu 1343" in client.succeed("ip link show dev enp1s0") with subtest("Test vlan 1"): client.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1") client.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1") router.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1") router.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1") with subtest("Test vlan 2"): client.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1") client.fail("ping -c 1") router.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1") router.fail("ping -c 1") ''; }; bond = let node = address: { pkgs, ... }: with pkgs.lib; { virtualisation.interfaces.enp1s0.vlan = 1; virtualisation.interfaces.enp2s0.vlan = 2; networking = { useNetworkd = networkd; useDHCP = false; bonds.bond0 = { interfaces = [ "enp1s0" "enp2s0" ]; driverOptions.mode = "802.3ad"; }; interfaces.bond0.ipv4.addresses = mkOverride 0 [ { inherit address; prefixLength = 30; } ]; }; }; in { name = "Bond"; nodes.client1 = node ""; nodes.client2 = node ""; testScript = { ... }: '' start_all() with subtest("Wait for networking to come up"): client1.wait_for_unit("network.target") client2.wait_for_unit("network.target") with subtest("Test bonding"): client1.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 2") client1.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 2") client2.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 2") client2.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 2") with subtest("Verify bonding mode"): for client in client1, client2: client.succeed('grep -q "Bonding Mode: IEEE 802.3ad Dynamic link aggregation" /proc/net/bonding/bond0') ''; }; bridge = let node = { address, vlan }: { pkgs, ... }: with pkgs.lib; { virtualisation.interfaces.enp1s0.vlan = vlan; networking = { useNetworkd = networkd; useDHCP = false; interfaces.enp1s0.ipv4.addresses = [ { inherit address; prefixLength = 24; } ]; }; }; in { name = "Bridge"; nodes.client1 = node { address = ""; vlan = 1; }; nodes.client2 = node { address = ""; vlan = 2; }; nodes.router = { pkgs, ... }: with pkgs.lib; { virtualisation.interfaces.enp1s0.vlan = 1; virtualisation.interfaces.enp2s0.vlan = 2; networking = { useNetworkd = networkd; useDHCP = false; bridges.bridge.interfaces = [ "enp1s0" "enp2s0" ]; interfaces.eth1.ipv4.addresses = mkOverride 0 [ ]; interfaces.eth2.ipv4.addresses = mkOverride 0 [ ]; interfaces.bridge.ipv4.addresses = mkOverride 0 [ { address = ""; prefixLength = 24; } ]; }; }; testScript = { ... }: '' start_all() with subtest("Wait for networking to come up"): for machine in client1, client2, router: machine.wait_for_unit("network.target") with subtest("Test bridging"): client1.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1") client1.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1") client1.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1") client2.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1") client2.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1") client2.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1") router.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1") router.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1") router.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1") ''; }; macvlan = { name = "MACVLAN"; nodes.router = router; nodes.client = { pkgs, ... }: with pkgs.lib; { environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.iptables ]; # to debug firewall rules virtualisation.interfaces.enp1s0.vlan = 1; networking = { useNetworkd = networkd; useDHCP = false; firewall.logReversePathDrops = true; # to debug firewall rules # reverse path filtering rules for the macvlan interface seem # to be incorrect, causing the test to fail. Disable temporarily. firewall.checkReversePath = false; macvlans.macvlan.interface = "enp1s0"; interfaces.enp1s0.useDHCP = true; interfaces.macvlan.useDHCP = true; }; }; testScript = { ... }: '' start_all() with subtest("Wait for networking to come up"): client.wait_for_unit("network.target") router.wait_for_unit("network.target") with subtest("Wait until we have an ip address on each interface"): client.wait_until_succeeds("ip addr show dev enp1s0 | grep -q '192.168.1'") client.wait_until_succeeds("ip addr show dev macvlan | grep -q '192.168.1'") with subtest("Print lots of diagnostic information"): router.log("**********************************************") router.succeed("ip addr >&2") router.succeed("ip route >&2") router.execute("iptables-save >&2") client.log("==============================================") client.succeed("ip addr >&2") client.succeed("ip route >&2") client.execute("iptables-save >&2") client.log("##############################################") with subtest("Test macvlan creates routable ips"): client.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1") client.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1") client.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1") router.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1") router.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1") router.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1") ''; }; fou = { name = "foo-over-udp"; nodes.machine = { ... }: { virtualisation.interfaces.enp1s0.vlan = 1; networking = { useNetworkd = networkd; useDHCP = false; interfaces.enp1s0.ipv4.addresses = [ { address = ""; prefixLength = 24; } ]; fooOverUDP = { fou1 = { port = 9001; }; fou2 = { port = 9002; protocol = 41; }; fou3 = mkIf (!networkd) { port = 9003; local.address = ""; }; fou4 = mkIf (!networkd) { port = 9004; local = { address = ""; dev = "enp1s0"; }; }; }; }; systemd.services = { fou3-fou-encap.after = optional (!networkd) "network-addresses-enp1s0.service"; }; }; testScript = { ... }: '' import json machine.wait_for_unit("network.target") fous = json.loads(machine.succeed("ip -json fou show")) assert {"port": 9001, "gue": None, "family": "inet"} in fous, "fou1 exists" assert {"port": 9002, "ipproto": 41, "family": "inet"} in fous, "fou2 exists" '' + optionalString (!networkd) '' assert { "port": 9003, "gue": None, "family": "inet", "local": "", } in fous, "fou3 exists" assert { "port": 9004, "gue": None, "family": "inet", "local": "", "dev": "enp1s0", } in fous, "fou4 exists" ''; }; sit = let node = { address4, remote, address6 }: { pkgs, ... }: with pkgs.lib; { virtualisation.interfaces.enp1s0.vlan = 1; networking = { useNetworkd = networkd; useDHCP = false; sits.sit = { inherit remote; local = address4; dev = "enp1s0"; }; interfaces.enp1s0.ipv4.addresses = mkOverride 0 [ { address = address4; prefixLength = 24; } ]; interfaces.sit.ipv6.addresses = mkOverride 0 [ { address = address6; prefixLength = 64; } ]; }; }; in { name = "Sit"; # note on firewalling: the two nodes are explicitly asymmetric. # client1 sends SIT packets in UDP, but accepts only proto-41 incoming. # client2 does the reverse, sending in proto-41 and accepting only UDP incoming. # that way we'll notice when either SIT itself or FOU breaks. nodes.client1 = args@{ pkgs, ... }: mkMerge [ (node { address4 = ""; remote = ""; address6 = "fc00::1"; } args) { networking = { firewall.extraCommands = "iptables -A INPUT -p 41 -j ACCEPT"; sits.sit.encapsulation = { type = "fou"; port = 9001; }; }; } ]; nodes.client2 = args@{ pkgs, ... }: mkMerge [ (node { address4 = ""; remote = ""; address6 = "fc00::2"; } args) { networking = { firewall.allowedUDPPorts = [ 9001 ]; fooOverUDP.fou1 = { port = 9001; protocol = 41; }; }; } ]; testScript = { ... }: '' start_all() with subtest("Wait for networking to be configured"): client1.wait_for_unit("network.target") client2.wait_for_unit("network.target") # Print diagnostic information client1.succeed("ip addr >&2") client2.succeed("ip addr >&2") with subtest("Test ipv6"): client1.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1 fc00::1") client1.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1 fc00::2") client2.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1 fc00::1") client2.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1 fc00::2") ''; }; gre = let node = { pkgs, ... }: with pkgs.lib; { networking = { useNetworkd = networkd; useDHCP = false; firewall.extraCommands = "ip6tables -A nixos-fw -p gre -j nixos-fw-accept"; }; }; in { name = "GRE"; nodes.client1 = args@{ pkgs, ... }: mkMerge [ (node args) { virtualisation.vlans = [ 1 2 4 ]; networking = { greTunnels = { greTunnel = { local = ""; remote = ""; dev = "eth2"; ttl = 225; type = "tap"; }; gre6Tunnel = { local = "fd00:1234:5678:4::1"; remote = "fd00:1234:5678:4::2"; dev = "eth3"; ttl = 255; type = "tun6"; }; }; bridges.bridge.interfaces = [ "greTunnel" "eth1" ]; interfaces.eth1.ipv4.addresses = mkOverride 0 []; interfaces.bridge.ipv4.addresses = mkOverride 0 [ { address = ""; prefixLength = 24; } ]; interfaces.eth3.ipv6.addresses = [ { address = "fd00:1234:5678:4::1"; prefixLength = 64; } ]; interfaces.gre6Tunnel.ipv6.addresses = mkOverride 0 [ { address = "fc00::1"; prefixLength = 64; } ]; }; } ]; nodes.client2 = args@{ pkgs, ... }: mkMerge [ (node args) { virtualisation.vlans = [ 2 3 4 ]; networking = { greTunnels = { greTunnel = { local = ""; remote = ""; dev = "eth1"; ttl = 225; type = "tap"; }; gre6Tunnel = { local = "fd00:1234:5678:4::2"; remote = "fd00:1234:5678:4::1"; dev = "eth3"; ttl = 255; type = "tun6"; }; }; bridges.bridge.interfaces = [ "greTunnel" "eth2" ]; interfaces.eth2.ipv4.addresses = mkOverride 0 []; interfaces.bridge.ipv4.addresses = mkOverride 0 [ { address = ""; prefixLength = 24; } ]; interfaces.eth3.ipv6.addresses = [ { address = "fd00:1234:5678:4::2"; prefixLength = 64; } ]; interfaces.gre6Tunnel.ipv6.addresses = mkOverride 0 [ { address = "fc00::2"; prefixLength = 64; } ]; }; } ]; testScript = { ... }: '' import json start_all() with subtest("Wait for networking to be configured"): client1.wait_for_unit("network.target") client2.wait_for_unit("network.target") # Print diagnostic information client1.succeed("ip addr >&2") client2.succeed("ip addr >&2") with subtest("Test GRE tunnel bridge over VLAN"): client1.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1") client2.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1") client1.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1 fc00::2") client2.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1 fc00::1") with subtest("Test GRE tunnel TTL"): links = json.loads(client1.succeed("ip -details -json link show greTunnel")) assert links[0]['linkinfo']['info_data']['ttl'] == 225, "ttl not set for greTunnel" links = json.loads(client2.succeed("ip -details -json link show gre6Tunnel")) assert links[0]['linkinfo']['info_data']['ttl'] == 255, "ttl not set for gre6Tunnel" ''; }; vlan = let node = address: { pkgs, ... }: with pkgs.lib; { #virtualisation.vlans = [ 1 ]; networking = { useNetworkd = networkd; useDHCP = false; vlans.vlan = { id = 1; interface = "eth0"; }; interfaces.eth0.ipv4.addresses = mkOverride 0 [ ]; interfaces.eth1.ipv4.addresses = mkOverride 0 [ ]; interfaces.vlan.ipv4.addresses = mkOverride 0 [ { inherit address; prefixLength = 24; } ]; }; }; in { name = "vlan"; nodes.client1 = node ""; nodes.client2 = node ""; testScript = { ... }: '' start_all() with subtest("Wait for networking to be configured"): client1.wait_for_unit("network.target") client2.wait_for_unit("network.target") with subtest("Test vlan is setup"): client1.succeed("ip addr show dev vlan >&2") client2.succeed("ip addr show dev vlan >&2") ''; }; vlan-ping = let baseIP = number: "10.10.10.${number}"; vlanIP = number: "10.1.1.${number}"; baseInterface = "enp1s0"; vlanInterface = "vlan42"; node = number: {pkgs, ... }: with pkgs.lib; { virtualisation.interfaces.enp1s0.vlan = 1; networking = { #useNetworkd = networkd; useDHCP = false; vlans.${vlanInterface} = { id = 42; interface = baseInterface; }; interfaces.${baseInterface}.ipv4.addresses = mkOverride 0 [{ address = baseIP number; prefixLength = 24; }]; interfaces.${vlanInterface}.ipv4.addresses = mkOverride 0 [{ address = vlanIP number; prefixLength = 24; }]; }; }; serverNodeNum = "1"; clientNodeNum = "2"; in { name = "vlan-ping"; nodes.server = node serverNodeNum; nodes.client = node clientNodeNum; testScript = { ... }: '' start_all() with subtest("Wait for networking to be configured"): server.wait_for_unit("network.target") client.wait_for_unit("network.target") with subtest("Test ping on base interface in setup"): client.succeed("ping -I ${baseInterface} -c 1 ${baseIP serverNodeNum}") server.succeed("ping -I ${baseInterface} -c 1 ${baseIP clientNodeNum}") with subtest("Test ping on vlan subinterface in setup"): client.succeed("ping -I ${vlanInterface} -c 1 ${vlanIP serverNodeNum}") server.succeed("ping -I ${vlanInterface} -c 1 ${vlanIP clientNodeNum}") ''; }; virtual = { name = "Virtual"; nodes.machine = { networking.useNetworkd = networkd; networking.useDHCP = false; networking.interfaces.tap0 = { ipv4.addresses = [ { address = ""; prefixLength = 24; } ]; ipv6.addresses = [ { address = "2001:1470:fffd:2096::"; prefixLength = 64; } ]; virtual = true; mtu = 1342; macAddress = "02:de:ad:be:ef:01"; }; networking.interfaces.tun0 = { ipv4.addresses = [ { address = ""; prefixLength = 24; } ]; ipv6.addresses = [ { address = "2001:1470:fffd:2097::"; prefixLength = 64; } ]; virtual = true; mtu = 1343; }; }; testScript = '' targetList = """ tap0: tap persist user 0 tun0: tun persist user 0 """.strip() with subtest("Wait for networking to come up"): machine.start() machine.wait_for_unit("network.target") with subtest("Test interfaces set up"): list = machine.succeed("ip tuntap list | sort").strip() assert ( list == targetList ), """ The list of virtual interfaces does not match the expected one: Result: {} Expected: {} """.format( list, targetList ) with subtest("Test MTU and MAC Address are configured"): machine.wait_until_succeeds("ip link show dev tap0 | grep 'mtu 1342'") machine.wait_until_succeeds("ip link show dev tun0 | grep 'mtu 1343'") assert "02:de:ad:be:ef:01" in machine.succeed("ip link show dev tap0") '' # network-addresses-* only exist in scripted networking + optionalString (!networkd) '' with subtest("Test interfaces clean up"): machine.succeed("systemctl stop network-addresses-tap0") machine.sleep(10) machine.succeed("systemctl stop network-addresses-tun0") machine.sleep(10) residue = machine.succeed("ip tuntap list") assert ( residue == "" ), "Some virtual interface has not been properly cleaned:\n{}".format(residue) ''; }; privacy = { name = "Privacy"; nodes.router = { ... }: { virtualisation.interfaces.enp1s0.vlan = 1; boot.kernel.sysctl."net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding" = true; networking = { useNetworkd = networkd; useDHCP = false; interfaces.enp1s0.ipv6.addresses = singleton { address = "fd00:1234:5678:1::1"; prefixLength = 64; }; }; services.radvd = { enable = true; config = '' interface enp1s0 { AdvSendAdvert on; AdvManagedFlag on; AdvOtherConfigFlag on; prefix fd00:1234:5678:1::/64 { AdvAutonomous on; AdvOnLink on; }; }; ''; }; }; nodes.client_with_privacy = { pkgs, ... }: with pkgs.lib; { virtualisation.interfaces.enp1s0.vlan = 1; networking = { useNetworkd = networkd; useDHCP = false; interfaces.enp1s0 = { tempAddress = "default"; ipv4.addresses = mkOverride 0 [ ]; ipv6.addresses = mkOverride 0 [ ]; useDHCP = true; }; }; }; nodes.client = { pkgs, ... }: with pkgs.lib; { virtualisation.interfaces.enp1s0.vlan = 1; networking = { useNetworkd = networkd; useDHCP = false; interfaces.enp1s0 = { tempAddress = "enabled"; ipv4.addresses = mkOverride 0 [ ]; ipv6.addresses = mkOverride 0 [ ]; useDHCP = true; }; }; }; testScript = { ... }: '' start_all() client.wait_for_unit("network.target") client_with_privacy.wait_for_unit("network.target") router.wait_for_unit("network-online.target") with subtest("Wait until we have an ip address"): client_with_privacy.wait_until_succeeds( "ip addr show dev enp1s0 | grep -q 'fd00:1234:5678:1:'" ) client.wait_until_succeeds("ip addr show dev enp1s0 | grep -q 'fd00:1234:5678:1:'") with subtest("Test vlan 1"): client_with_privacy.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1 fd00:1234:5678:1::1") client.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1 fd00:1234:5678:1::1") with subtest("Test address used is temporary"): client_with_privacy.wait_until_succeeds( "! ip route get fd00:1234:5678:1::1 | grep -q ':[a-f0-9]*ff:fe[a-f0-9]*:'" ) with subtest("Test address used is EUI-64"): client.wait_until_succeeds( "ip route get fd00:1234:5678:1::1 | grep -q ':[a-f0-9]*ff:fe[a-f0-9]*:'" ) ''; }; routes = { name = "routes"; nodes.machine = { networking.useNetworkd = networkd; networking.useDHCP = false; networking.interfaces.eth0 = { ipv4.addresses = [ { address = ""; prefixLength = 24; } ]; ipv6.addresses = [ { address = "2001:1470:fffd:2097::"; prefixLength = 64; } ]; ipv6.routes = [ { address = "fdfd:b3f0::"; prefixLength = 48; } { address = "2001:1470:fffd:2098::"; prefixLength = 64; via = "fdfd:b3f0::1"; } ]; ipv4.routes = [ { address = ""; prefixLength = 16; options = { mtu = "1500"; # Explicitly set scope because iproute and systemd-networkd # disagree on what the scope should be # if the type is the default "unicast" scope = "link"; }; } { address = ""; prefixLength = 24; via = ""; } ]; }; virtualisation.vlans = [ ]; }; testScript = '' targetIPv4Table = [ " proto static scope link mtu 1500", " proto kernel scope link src", " via proto static", ] targetIPv6Table = [ "2001:1470:fffd:2097::/64 proto kernel metric 256 pref medium", "2001:1470:fffd:2098::/64 via fdfd:b3f0::1 proto static metric 1024 pref medium", "fdfd:b3f0::/48 proto static metric 1024 pref medium", ] machine.start() machine.wait_for_unit("network.target") with subtest("test routing tables"): ipv4Table = machine.succeed("ip -4 route list dev eth0 | head -n3").strip() ipv6Table = machine.succeed("ip -6 route list dev eth0 | head -n3").strip() assert [ l.strip() for l in ipv4Table.splitlines() ] == targetIPv4Table, """ The IPv4 routing table does not match the expected one: Result: {} Expected: {} """.format( ipv4Table, targetIPv4Table ) assert [ l.strip() for l in ipv6Table.splitlines() ] == targetIPv6Table, """ The IPv6 routing table does not match the expected one: Result: {} Expected: {} """.format( ipv6Table, targetIPv6Table ) '' + optionalString (!networkd) '' with subtest("test clean-up of the tables"): machine.succeed("systemctl stop network-addresses-eth0") ipv4Residue = machine.succeed("ip -4 route list dev eth0 | head -n-3").strip() ipv6Residue = machine.succeed("ip -6 route list dev eth0 | head -n-3").strip() assert ( ipv4Residue == "" ), "The IPv4 routing table has not been properly cleaned:\n{}".format(ipv4Residue) assert ( ipv6Residue == "" ), "The IPv6 routing table has not been properly cleaned:\n{}".format(ipv6Residue) ''; }; rename = if networkd then { name = "RenameInterface"; nodes.machine = { pkgs, ... }: { virtualisation.vlans = [ 1 ]; networking = { useNetworkd = networkd; useDHCP = false; }; systemd.network.links."10-custom_name" = { matchConfig.MACAddress = "52:54:00:12:01:01"; linkConfig.Name = "custom_name"; }; }; testScript = '' machine.succeed("udevadm settle") print(machine.succeed("ip link show dev custom_name")) ''; } else { name = "RenameInterface"; nodes = { }; testScript = ""; }; # even with disabled networkd, systemd.network.links should work # (as it's handled by udev, not networkd) link = { name = "Link"; nodes.client = { pkgs, ... }: { virtualisation.vlans = [ 1 ]; networking = { useNetworkd = networkd; useDHCP = false; }; systemd.network.links."50-foo" = { matchConfig = { Name = "foo"; Driver = "dummy"; }; linkConfig.MTUBytes = "1442"; }; }; testScript = '' print(client.succeed("ip l add name foo type dummy")) print(client.succeed("stat /etc/systemd/network/50-foo.link")) client.succeed("udevadm settle") assert "mtu 1442" in client.succeed("ip l show dev foo") ''; }; wlanInterface = let testMac = "06:00:00:00:02:00"; in { name = "WlanInterface"; nodes.machine = { pkgs, ... }: { boot.kernelModules = [ "mac80211_hwsim" ]; networking.wlanInterfaces = { wlan0 = { device = "wlan0"; }; wap0 = { device = "wlan0"; mac = testMac; }; }; }; testScript = '' machine.start() machine.wait_for_unit("network.target") machine.wait_until_succeeds("ip address show wap0 | grep -q ${testMac}") machine.fail("ip address show wlan0 | grep -q ${testMac}") ''; }; naughtyInterfaceNames = let ifnames = [ # flags of ip-address "home" "temporary" "optimistic" "bridge_slave" "flush" # flags of ip-route "up" "type" "nomaster" "address" # other "very_loong_name" "lowerUpper" "-" ]; in { name = "naughtyInterfaceNames"; nodes.machine = { pkgs, ... }: { networking.useNetworkd = networkd; networking.bridges = listToAttrs (flip map ifnames (name: { inherit name; value.interfaces = []; })); }; testScript = '' machine.start() machine.wait_for_unit("network.target") for ifname in ${builtins.toJSON ifnames}: machine.wait_until_succeeds(f"ip link show dev '{ifname}' | grep -q '{ifname}'") ''; }; caseSensitiveRenaming = { name = "CaseSensitiveRenaming"; nodes.machine = { pkgs, ... }: { virtualisation.interfaces.enCustom.vlan = 11; networking = { useNetworkd = networkd; useDHCP = false; }; }; testScript = '' machine.succeed("udevadm settle") print(machine.succeed("ip link show dev enCustom")) machine.wait_until_succeeds("ip link show dev enCustom | grep -q '52:54:00:12:0b:01") ''; }; }; in mapAttrs (const (attrs: makeTest (attrs // { name = "${attrs.name}-Networking-${if networkd then "Networkd" else "Scripted"}"; }))) testCases