import ./make-test-python.nix ({ pkgs, ... }: let deviceName = "rp0"; server = { ip = "fe80::1"; wg = { public = "mQufmDFeQQuU/fIaB2hHgluhjjm1ypK4hJr1cW3WqAw="; secret = "4N5Y1dldqrpsbaEiY8O0XBUGUFf8vkvtBtm8AoOX7Eo="; listen = 10000; }; }; client = { ip = "fe80::2"; wg = { public = "Mb3GOlT7oS+F3JntVKiaD7SpHxLxNdtEmWz/9FMnRFU="; secret = "uC5dfGMv7Oxf5UDfdPkj6rZiRZT2dRWp5x8IQxrNcUE="; }; }; in { name = "rosenpass"; nodes = let shared = peer: { config, modulesPath, ... }: { imports = [ "${modulesPath}/services/networking/rosenpass.nix" ]; boot.kernelModules = [ "wireguard" ]; services.rosenpass = { enable = true; defaultDevice = deviceName; settings = { verbosity = "Verbose"; public_key = "/etc/rosenpass/pqpk"; secret_key = "/etc/rosenpass/pqsk"; }; }; networking.firewall.allowedUDPPorts = [ 9999 ]; = { enable = true; networks."rosenpass" = { matchConfig.Name = deviceName; networkConfig.IPForward = true; address = [ "${peer.ip}/64" ]; }; netdevs."10-rp0" = { netdevConfig = { Kind = "wireguard"; Name = deviceName; }; wireguardConfig.PrivateKeyFile = "/etc/wireguard/wgsk"; }; }; environment.etc."wireguard/wgsk" = { text = peer.wg.secret; user = "systemd-network"; group = "systemd-network"; }; }; in { server = { imports = [ (shared server) ]; networking.firewall.allowedUDPPorts = [ server.wg.listen ];"10-${deviceName}" = { wireguardConfig.ListenPort = server.wg.listen; wireguardPeers = [ { AllowedIPs = [ "::/0" ]; PublicKey = client.wg.public; } ]; }; services.rosenpass.settings = { listen = [ "" ]; peers = [ { public_key = "/etc/rosenpass/peers/client/pqpk"; peer = client.wg.public; } ]; }; }; client = { imports = [ (shared client) ];"10-${deviceName}".wireguardPeers = [ { AllowedIPs = [ "::/0" ]; PublicKey = server.wg.public; Endpoint = "server:${builtins.toString server.wg.listen}"; } ]; services.rosenpass.settings.peers = [ { public_key = "/etc/rosenpass/peers/server/pqpk"; endpoint = "server:9999"; peer = server.wg.public; } ]; }; }; testScript = { ... }: '' from os import system # Full path to rosenpass in the store, to avoid fiddling with `$PATH`. rosenpass = "${pkgs.rosenpass}/bin/rosenpass" # Path in `/etc` where keys will be placed. etc = "/etc/rosenpass" start_all() for machine in [server, client]: machine.wait_for_unit("") # Gently stop Rosenpass to avoid crashes during key generation/distribution. for machine in [server, client]: machine.execute("systemctl stop rosenpass.service") for (name, machine, remote) in [("server", server, client), ("client", client, server)]: pk, sk = f"{name}.pqpk", f"{name}.pqsk" system(f"{rosenpass} gen-keys --force --secret-key {sk} --public-key {pk}") machine.copy_from_host(sk, f"{etc}/pqsk") machine.copy_from_host(pk, f"{etc}/pqpk") remote.copy_from_host(pk, f"{etc}/peers/{name}/pqpk") for machine in [server, client]: machine.execute("systemctl start rosenpass.service") for machine in [server, client]: machine.wait_for_unit("rosenpass.service") with subtest("ping"): client.succeed("ping -c 2 -i 0.5 ${server.ip}%${deviceName}") with subtest("preshared-keys"): # Rosenpass works by setting the WireGuard preshared key at regular intervals. # Thus, if it is not active, then no key will be set, and the output of `wg show` will contain "none". # Otherwise, if it is active, then the key will be set and "none" will not be found in the output of `wg show`. for machine in [server, client]: machine.wait_until_succeeds("wg show all preshared-keys | grep --invert-match none", timeout=5) ''; # NOTE: Below configuration is for "interactive" (=developing/debugging) only. interactive.nodes = let inherit (import ./ssh-keys.nix pkgs) snakeOilPublicKey snakeOilPrivateKey; sshAndKeyGeneration = { services.openssh.enable = true; users.users.root.openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = [ snakeOilPublicKey ]; environment.systemPackages = [ (pkgs.writeShellApplication { name = "gen-keys"; runtimeInputs = [ pkgs.rosenpass ]; text = '' HOST="$(hostname)" if [ "$HOST" == "server" ] then PEER="client" else PEER="server" fi # Generate keypair. mkdir -vp /etc/rosenpass/peers/$PEER rosenpass gen-keys --force --secret-key /etc/rosenpass/pqsk --public-key /etc/rosenpass/pqpk # Set up SSH key. mkdir -p /root/.ssh cp ${snakeOilPrivateKey} /root/.ssh/id_ecdsa chmod 0400 /root/.ssh/id_ecdsa # Copy public key to other peer. # shellcheck disable=SC2029 ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no $PEER "mkdir -pv /etc/rosenpass/peers/$HOST" scp /etc/rosenpass/pqpk "$PEER:/etc/rosenpass/peers/$HOST/pqpk" ''; }) ]; }; # Use kmscon # to provide a slightly nicer console, and while we're at it, # also use a nice font. # With kmscon, we can for example zoom in/out using [Ctrl] + [+] # and [Ctrl] + [-] = { enable = true; autologinUser = "root"; fonts = [{ name = "Fira Code"; package = pkgs.fira-code; }]; }; in { server = sshAndKeyGeneration // niceConsoleAndAutologin; client = sshAndKeyGeneration // niceConsoleAndAutologin; }; })