# Examples of using the docker tools to build packages. # # This file defines several docker images. In order to use an image, # build its derivation with `nix-build`, and then load the result with # `docker load`. For example: # # $ nix-build '' -A dockerTools.examples.redis # $ docker load < result { pkgs, buildImage, pullImage, shadowSetup, buildImageWithNixDb }: rec { # 1. basic example bash = buildImage { name = "bash"; contents = pkgs.bashInteractive; }; # 2. service example, layered on another image redis = buildImage { name = "redis"; tag = "latest"; # for example's sake, we can layer redis on top of bash or debian fromImage = bash; # fromImage = debian; contents = pkgs.redis; runAsRoot = '' mkdir -p /data ''; config = { Cmd = [ "/bin/redis-server" ]; WorkingDir = "/data"; Volumes = { "/data" = {}; }; }; }; # 3. another service example nginx = let nginxPort = "80"; nginxConf = pkgs.writeText "nginx.conf" '' user nginx nginx; daemon off; error_log /dev/stdout info; pid /dev/null; events {} http { access_log /dev/stdout; server { listen ${nginxPort}; index index.html; location / { root ${nginxWebRoot}; } } } ''; nginxWebRoot = pkgs.writeTextDir "index.html" ''

Hello from NGINX

''; in buildImage { name = "nginx-container"; contents = pkgs.nginx; runAsRoot = '' #!${pkgs.stdenv.shell} ${shadowSetup} groupadd --system nginx useradd --system --gid nginx nginx ''; config = { Cmd = [ "nginx" "-c" nginxConf ]; ExposedPorts = { "${nginxPort}/tcp" = {}; }; }; }; # 4. example of pulling an image. could be used as a base for other images nixFromDockerHub = pullImage { imageName = "nixos/nix"; imageTag = "1.11"; # this hash will need change if the tag is updated at docker hub sha256 = "0nncn9pn5miygan51w34c2p9qssi96jgsaqv44dxxdprc8pg0g83"; }; # 5. example of multiple contents, emacs and vi happily coexisting editors = buildImage { name = "editors"; contents = [ pkgs.coreutils pkgs.bash pkgs.emacs pkgs.vim pkgs.nano ]; }; # 6. nix example to play with the container nix store # docker run -it --rm nix nix-store -qR $(nix-build '' -A nix) nix = buildImageWithNixDb { name = "nix"; contents = [ # nix-store uses cat program to display results as specified by # the image env variable NIX_PAGER. pkgs.coreutils pkgs.nix ]; config = { Env = [ "NIX_PAGER=cat" ]; }; }; # 7. example of adding something on top of an image pull by our # dockerTools chain. onTopOfPulledImage = buildImage { name = "onTopOfPulledImage"; fromImage = nixFromDockerHub; contents = [ pkgs.hello ]; }; }