{ go, cacert, git, lib, stdenv }: { name ? "${args'.pname}-${args'.version}" , src , buildInputs ? [] , nativeBuildInputs ? [] , passthru ? {} , patches ? [] # Go linker flags, passed to go via -ldflags , ldflags ? [] # Go tags, passed to go via -tag , tags ? [] # A function to override the go-modules derivation , overrideModAttrs ? (_oldAttrs : {}) # path to go.mod and go.sum directory , modRoot ? "./" # vendorHash is the SRI hash of the vendored dependencies # # if vendorHash is null, then we won't fetch any dependencies and # rely on the vendor folder within the source. , vendorHash ? "_unset" # same as vendorHash, but outputHashAlgo is hardcoded to sha256 # so regular base32 sha256 hashes work , vendorSha256 ? "_unset" # Whether to delete the vendor folder supplied with the source. , deleteVendor ? false # Whether to fetch (go mod download) and proxy the vendor directory. # This is useful if your code depends on c code and go mod tidy does not # include the needed sources to build or if any dependency has case-insensitive # conflicts which will produce platform dependant `vendorHash` checksums. , proxyVendor ? false # We want parallel builds by default , enableParallelBuilding ? true # Do not enable this without good reason # IE: programs coupled with the compiler , allowGoReference ? false , CGO_ENABLED ? go.CGO_ENABLED , meta ? {} # Not needed with buildGoModule , goPackagePath ? "" # needed for buildFlags{,Array} warning , buildFlags ? "" , buildFlagsArray ? "" , ... }@args': with builtins; assert goPackagePath != "" -> throw "`goPackagePath` is not needed with `buildGoModule`"; assert (vendorSha256 == "_unset" && vendorHash == "_unset") -> throw "either `vendorHash` or `vendorSha256` is required"; assert (vendorSha256 != "_unset" && vendorHash != "_unset") -> throw "both `vendorHash` and `vendorSha256` set. only one can be set."; let hasAnyVendorHash = (vendorSha256 != null && vendorSha256 != "_unset") || (vendorHash != null && vendorHash != "_unset"); vendorHashType = if hasAnyVendorHash then if vendorSha256 != null && vendorSha256 != "_unset" then "sha256" else "sri" else null; args = removeAttrs args' [ "overrideModAttrs" "vendorSha256" "vendorHash" ]; go-modules = if hasAnyVendorHash then stdenv.mkDerivation (let modArgs = { name = "${name}-go-modules"; nativeBuildInputs = (args.nativeBuildInputs or []) ++ [ go git cacert ]; inherit (args) src; inherit (go) GOOS GOARCH; prePatch = args.prePatch or ""; patches = args.patches or []; patchFlags = args.patchFlags or []; postPatch = args.postPatch or ""; preBuild = args.preBuild or ""; postBuild = args.postBuild or ""; sourceRoot = args.sourceRoot or ""; GO111MODULE = "on"; impureEnvVars = lib.fetchers.proxyImpureEnvVars ++ [ "GIT_PROXY_COMMAND" "SOCKS_SERVER" "GOPROXY" ]; configurePhase = args.modConfigurePhase or '' runHook preConfigure export GOCACHE=$TMPDIR/go-cache export GOPATH="$TMPDIR/go" cd "${modRoot}" runHook postConfigure ''; buildPhase = args.modBuildPhase or '' runHook preBuild '' + lib.optionalString (deleteVendor == true) '' if [ ! -d vendor ]; then echo "vendor folder does not exist, 'deleteVendor' is not needed" exit 10 else rm -rf vendor fi '' + '' if [ -d vendor ]; then echo "vendor folder exists, please set 'vendorHash = null;' or 'vendorSha256 = null;' in your expression" exit 10 fi ${if proxyVendor then '' mkdir -p "''${GOPATH}/pkg/mod/cache/download" go mod download '' else '' if (( "''${NIX_DEBUG:-0}" >= 1 )); then goModVendorFlags+=(-v) fi go mod vendor "''${goModVendorFlags[@]}" ''} mkdir -p vendor runHook postBuild ''; installPhase = args.modInstallPhase or '' runHook preInstall ${if proxyVendor then '' rm -rf "''${GOPATH}/pkg/mod/cache/download/sumdb" cp -r --reflink=auto "''${GOPATH}/pkg/mod/cache/download" $out '' else '' cp -r --reflink=auto vendor $out ''} if ! [ "$(ls -A $out)" ]; then echo "vendor folder is empty, please set 'vendorHash = null;' or 'vendorSha256 = null;' in your expression" exit 10 fi runHook postInstall ''; dontFixup = true; }; in modArgs // ( { outputHashMode = "recursive"; } // (if (vendorHashType == "sha256") then { outputHashAlgo = "sha256"; outputHash = vendorSha256; } else { outputHash = vendorHash; }) // (lib.optionalAttrs (vendorHashType == "sri" && vendorHash == "") { outputHashAlgo = "sha256"; }) ) // overrideModAttrs modArgs) else ""; package = stdenv.mkDerivation (args // { nativeBuildInputs = [ go ] ++ nativeBuildInputs; inherit (go) GOOS GOARCH; GO111MODULE = "on"; GOFLAGS = lib.optionals (!proxyVendor) [ "-mod=vendor" ] ++ lib.optionals (!allowGoReference) [ "-trimpath" ]; inherit CGO_ENABLED; configurePhase = args.configurePhase or '' runHook preConfigure export GOCACHE=$TMPDIR/go-cache export GOPATH="$TMPDIR/go" export GOPROXY=off export GOSUMDB=off cd "$modRoot" '' + lib.optionalString hasAnyVendorHash '' ${if proxyVendor then '' export GOPROXY=file://${go-modules} '' else '' rm -rf vendor cp -r --reflink=auto ${go-modules} vendor ''} '' + '' # currently pie is only enabled by default in pkgsMusl # this will respect the `hardening{Disable,Enable}` flags if set if [[ $NIX_HARDENING_ENABLE =~ "pie" ]]; then export GOFLAGS="-buildmode=pie $GOFLAGS" fi runHook postConfigure ''; buildPhase = args.buildPhase or '' runHook preBuild exclude='\(/_\|examples\|Godeps\|testdata' if [[ -n "$excludedPackages" ]]; then IFS=' ' read -r -a excludedArr <<<$excludedPackages printf -v excludedAlternates '%s\\|' "''${excludedArr[@]}" excludedAlternates=''${excludedAlternates%\\|} # drop final \| added by printf exclude+='\|'"$excludedAlternates" fi exclude+='\)' buildGoDir() { local cmd="$1" dir="$2" . $TMPDIR/buildFlagsArray declare -a flags flags+=($buildFlags "''${buildFlagsArray[@]}") flags+=(''${tags:+-tags=${lib.concatStringsSep "," tags}}) flags+=(''${ldflags:+-ldflags="$ldflags"}) flags+=("-p" "$NIX_BUILD_CORES") if [ "$cmd" = "test" ]; then flags+=(-vet=off) flags+=($checkFlags) fi local OUT if ! OUT="$(go $cmd "''${flags[@]}" $dir 2>&1)"; then if ! echo "$OUT" | grep -qE '(no( buildable| non-test)?|build constraints exclude all) Go (source )?files'; then echo "$OUT" >&2 return 1 fi fi if [ -n "$OUT" ]; then echo "$OUT" >&2 fi return 0 } getGoDirs() { local type; type="$1" if [ -n "$subPackages" ]; then echo "$subPackages" | sed "s,\(^\| \),\1./,g" else find . -type f -name \*$type.go -exec dirname {} \; | grep -v "/vendor/" | sort --unique | grep -v "$exclude" fi } if (( "''${NIX_DEBUG:-0}" >= 1 )); then buildFlagsArray+=(-x) fi if [ ''${#buildFlagsArray[@]} -ne 0 ]; then declare -p buildFlagsArray > $TMPDIR/buildFlagsArray else touch $TMPDIR/buildFlagsArray fi if [ -z "$enableParallelBuilding" ]; then export NIX_BUILD_CORES=1 fi for pkg in $(getGoDirs ""); do echo "Building subPackage $pkg" buildGoDir install "$pkg" done '' + lib.optionalString (stdenv.hostPlatform != stdenv.buildPlatform) '' # normalize cross-compiled builds w.r.t. native builds ( dir=$GOPATH/bin/${go.GOOS}_${go.GOARCH} if [[ -n "$(shopt -s nullglob; echo $dir/*)" ]]; then mv $dir/* $dir/.. fi if [[ -d $dir ]]; then rmdir $dir fi ) '' + '' runHook postBuild ''; doCheck = args.doCheck or true; checkPhase = args.checkPhase or '' runHook preCheck # We do not set trimpath for tests, in case they reference test assets export GOFLAGS=''${GOFLAGS//-trimpath/} for pkg in $(getGoDirs test); do buildGoDir test "$pkg" done runHook postCheck ''; installPhase = args.installPhase or '' runHook preInstall mkdir -p $out dir="$GOPATH/bin" [ -e "$dir" ] && cp -r $dir $out runHook postInstall ''; strictDeps = true; disallowedReferences = lib.optional (!allowGoReference) go; passthru = passthru // { inherit go go-modules vendorSha256 vendorHash; }; enableParallelBuilding = enableParallelBuilding; meta = { # Add default meta information platforms = go.meta.platforms or lib.platforms.all; } // meta; }); in lib.warnIf (buildFlags != "" || buildFlagsArray != "") "Use the `ldflags` and/or `tags` attributes instead of `buildFlags`/`buildFlagsArray`" package