#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell #!nix-shell -i bash -p common-updater-scripts curl jq nix nix-prefetch-git patchutils set -euo pipefail info() { if [ -t 2 ]; then set -- '\033[32m%s\033[39m\n' "$@" else set -- '%s\n' "$@" fi printf "$@" >&2 } nitter_old_version=$(nix-instantiate --eval --strict --json -A nitter.version . | jq -r .) nitter_old_rev=$(nix-instantiate --eval --strict --json -A nitter.src.rev . | jq -r .) today=$(LANG=C date -u +'%Y-%m-%d') # use latest commit before today, we should not call the version *today* # because there might still be commits coming # use the day of the latest commit we picked as version commit=$(curl -Sfs "https://api.github.com/repos/zedeus/nitter/compare/$nitter_old_rev~1...master" \ | jq '.commits | map(select(.commit.committer.date < $today) | {sha, date: .commit.committer.date}) | .[-1]' --arg today "$today") nitter_new_rev=$(jq -r '.sha' <<< "$commit") nitter_new_version="unstable-$(jq -r '.date[0:10]' <<< "$commit")" info "latest commit before $today: $nitter_new_rev ($(jq -r '.date' <<< "$commit"))" if [ "$nitter_new_rev" = "$nitter_old_rev" ]; then info "nitter is up-to-date." exit fi if curl -Sfs "https://github.com/zedeus/nitter/compare/$nitter_old_rev...$nitter_new_rev.patch" \ | lsdiff | grep -Fxe 'a/nitter.nimble' -e 'b/nitter.nimble' > /dev/null; then info "nitter.nimble changed, some dependencies probably need updating." fi nitter_new_sha256=$(nix-prefetch-git --rev "$nitter_new_rev" "https://github.com/zedeus/nitter.git" | jq -r .sha256) update-source-version nitter "$nitter_new_version" "$nitter_new_sha256" --rev="$nitter_new_rev" git commit --all --verbose --message "nitter: $nitter_old_version -> $nitter_new_version" info "Updated nitter to $nitter_new_version."