{ lib, python3Packages, fetchFromGitHub }: with python3Packages; buildPythonApplication rec { pname = "searx"; version = "0.16.0"; # Can not use PyPI because certain test files are missing. src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "asciimoo"; repo = "searx"; rev = "v${version}"; sha256 = "0hfa4nmis98yvghxw866rzjpmhb2ln8l6l8g9yx4m79b2lk76xcs"; }; postPatch = '' substituteInPlace requirements.txt \ --replace 'certifi==2019.3.9' 'certifi' \ --replace 'flask==1.0.2' 'flask' \ --replace 'flask-babel==0.12.2' 'flask-babel' \ --replace 'jinja2==2.10.1' 'jinja2' \ --replace 'lxml==4.3.3' 'lxml' \ --replace 'idna==2.8' 'idna' \ --replace 'pygments==2.1.3' 'pygments>=2.1,<3.0' \ --replace 'pyopenssl==19.0.0' 'pyopenssl' \ --replace 'python-dateutil==2.8.0' 'python-dateutil==2.8.*' \ --replace 'pyyaml==5.1' 'pyyaml' substituteInPlace requirements-dev.txt \ --replace 'plone.testing==5.0.0' 'plone.testing' \ --replace 'pep8==1.7.0' 'pep8==1.7.*' \ --replace 'splinter==0.11.0' 'splinter' \ --replace 'selenium==3.141.0' 'selenium' ''; propagatedBuildInputs = [ pyyaml lxml grequests flaskbabel flask requests gevent speaklater Babel pytz dateutil pygments pyasn1 pyasn1-modules ndg-httpsclient certifi pysocks jinja2 ]; checkInputs = [ Babel mock nose2 covCore pep8 plone-testing splinter unittest2 zope_testrunner selenium ]; preCheck = '' rm tests/test_robot.py # A variable that is imported is commented out ''; meta = with lib; { homepage = https://github.com/asciimoo/searx; description = "A privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine"; license = licenses.agpl3Plus; maintainers = with maintainers; [ matejc fpletz globin danielfullmer ]; }; }