use crate::nix_file::NixFileStore; use std::panic; mod eval; mod nix_file; mod nixpkgs_problem; mod ratchet; mod references; mod structure; mod utils; mod validation; use crate::structure::check_structure; use crate::validation::Validation::Failure; use crate::validation::Validation::Success; use anyhow::Context; use clap::Parser; use colored::Colorize; use std::io; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::process::ExitCode; use std::thread; /// Program to check the validity of pkgs/by-name /// /// This CLI interface may be changed over time if the CI workflow making use of /// it is adjusted to deal with the change appropriately. /// /// Exit code: /// - `0`: If the validation is successful /// - `1`: If the validation is not successful /// - `2`: If an unexpected I/O error occurs /// /// Standard error: /// - Informative messages /// - Detected problems if validation is not successful #[derive(Parser, Debug)] #[command(about, verbatim_doc_comment)] pub struct Args { /// Path to the main Nixpkgs to check. /// For PRs, this should be set to a checkout of the PR branch. nixpkgs: PathBuf, /// Path to the base Nixpkgs to run ratchet checks against. /// For PRs, this should be set to a checkout of the PRs base branch. #[arg(long)] base: PathBuf, } fn main() -> ExitCode { let args = Args::parse(); match process(args.base, args.nixpkgs, false, &mut io::stderr()) { Ok(true) => ExitCode::SUCCESS, Ok(false) => ExitCode::from(1), Err(e) => { eprintln!("{} {:#}", "I/O error: ".yellow(), e); ExitCode::from(2) } } } /// Does the actual work. This is the abstraction used both by `main` and the tests. /// /// # Arguments /// - `base_nixpkgs`: Path to the base Nixpkgs to run ratchet checks against. /// - `main_nixpkgs`: Path to the main Nixpkgs to check. /// - `keep_nix_path`: Whether the value of the NIX_PATH environment variable should be kept for /// the evaluation stage, allowing its contents to be accessed. /// This is used to allow the tests to access e.g. the mock-nixpkgs.nix file /// - `error_writer`: An `io::Write` value to write validation errors to, if any. /// /// # Return value /// - `Err(e)` if an I/O-related error `e` occurred. /// - `Ok(false)` if there are problems, all of which will be written to `error_writer`. /// - `Ok(true)` if there are no problems pub fn process( base_nixpkgs: PathBuf, main_nixpkgs: PathBuf, keep_nix_path: bool, error_writer: &mut W, ) -> anyhow::Result { // Very easy to parallelise this, since it's totally independent let base_thread = thread::spawn(move || check_nixpkgs(&base_nixpkgs, keep_nix_path)); let main_result = check_nixpkgs(&main_nixpkgs, keep_nix_path)?; let base_result = match base_thread.join() { Ok(res) => res?, Err(e) => panic::resume_unwind(e), }; match (base_result, main_result) { (Failure(_), Failure(errors)) => { // Base branch fails and the PR doesn't fix it and may also introduce additional problems for error in errors { writeln!(error_writer, "{}", error.to_string().red())? } writeln!(error_writer, "{}", "The base branch is broken and still has above problems with this PR, which need to be fixed first.\nConsider reverting the PR that introduced these problems in order to prevent more failures of unrelated PRs.".yellow())?; Ok(false) } (Failure(_), Success(_)) => { writeln!( error_writer, "{}", "The base branch is broken, but this PR fixes it. Nice job!".green() )?; Ok(true) } (Success(_), Failure(errors)) => { for error in errors { writeln!(error_writer, "{}", error.to_string().red())? } writeln!( error_writer, "{}", "This PR introduces the problems listed above. Please fix them before merging, otherwise the base branch would break." .yellow() )?; Ok(false) } (Success(base), Success(main)) => { // Both base and main branch succeed, check ratchet state match ratchet::Nixpkgs::compare(base, main) { Failure(errors) => { for error in errors { writeln!(error_writer, "{}", error.to_string().red())? } writeln!(error_writer, "{}", "This PR introduces additional instances of discouraged patterns as listed above. Merging is discouraged but would not break the base branch.".yellow())?; Ok(false) } Success(()) => { writeln!(error_writer, "{}", "Validated successfully".green())?; Ok(true) } } } } } /// Checks whether the pkgs/by-name structure in Nixpkgs is valid. /// /// This does not include ratchet checks, see ../ /// Instead a `ratchet::Nixpkgs` value is returned, whose `compare` method allows performing the /// ratchet check against another result. pub fn check_nixpkgs( nixpkgs_path: &Path, keep_nix_path: bool, ) -> validation::Result { let mut nix_file_store = NixFileStore::default(); Ok({ let nixpkgs_path = nixpkgs_path.canonicalize().with_context(|| { format!( "Nixpkgs path {} could not be resolved", nixpkgs_path.display() ) })?; if !nixpkgs_path.join(utils::BASE_SUBPATH).exists() { // No pkgs/by-name directory, always valid Success(ratchet::Nixpkgs::default()) } else { check_structure(&nixpkgs_path, &mut nix_file_store)?.result_map(|package_names| // Only if we could successfully parse the structure, we do the evaluation checks eval::check_values(&nixpkgs_path, &mut nix_file_store, package_names, keep_nix_path))? } }) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use crate::process; use crate::utils; use anyhow::Context; use std::fs; use std::path::Path; use tempfile::{tempdir_in, TempDir}; #[test] fn tests_dir() -> anyhow::Result<()> { for entry in Path::new("tests").read_dir()? { let entry = entry?; let path = entry.path(); let name = entry.file_name().to_string_lossy().into_owned(); if !path.is_dir() { continue; } let expected_errors = fs::read_to_string(path.join("expected")) .expect("No expected file for test {name}"); test_nixpkgs(&name, &path, &expected_errors)?; } Ok(()) } // tempfile::tempdir needs to be wrapped in temp_env lock // because it accesses TMPDIR environment variable. pub fn tempdir() -> anyhow::Result { let empty_list: [(&str, Option<&str>); 0] = []; Ok(temp_env::with_vars(empty_list, tempfile::tempdir)?) } // We cannot check case-conflicting files into Nixpkgs (the channel would fail to // build), so we generate the case-conflicting file instead. #[test] fn test_case_sensitive() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let temp_nixpkgs = tempdir()?; let path = temp_nixpkgs.path(); if is_case_insensitive_fs(&path)? { eprintln!("We're on a case-insensitive filesystem, skipping case-sensitivity test"); return Ok(()); } let base = path.join(utils::BASE_SUBPATH); fs::create_dir_all(base.join("fo/foo"))?; fs::write(base.join("fo/foo/package.nix"), "{ someDrv }: someDrv")?; fs::create_dir_all(base.join("fo/foO"))?; fs::write(base.join("fo/foO/package.nix"), "{ someDrv }: someDrv")?; test_nixpkgs( "case_sensitive", &path, "pkgs/by-name/fo: Duplicate case-sensitive package directories \"foO\" and \"foo\".\nThis PR introduces the problems listed above. Please fix them before merging, otherwise the base branch would break.\n", )?; Ok(()) } /// Tests symlinked temporary directories. /// This is needed because on darwin, `/tmp` is a symlink to `/private/tmp`, and Nix's /// restrict-eval doesn't also allow access to the canonical path when you allow the /// non-canonical one. /// /// The error if we didn't do this would look like this: /// error: access to canonical path '/private/var/folders/[...]/.tmpFbcNO0' is forbidden in restricted mode #[test] fn test_symlinked_tmpdir() -> anyhow::Result<()> { // Create a directory with two entries: // - actual (dir) // - symlinked -> actual (symlink) let temp_root = tempdir()?; fs::create_dir(temp_root.path().join("actual"))?; std::os::unix::fs::symlink("actual", temp_root.path().join("symlinked"))?; let tmpdir = temp_root.path().join("symlinked"); temp_env::with_var("TMPDIR", Some(&tmpdir), || { test_nixpkgs( "symlinked_tmpdir", Path::new("tests/success"), "Validated successfully\n", ) }) } fn test_nixpkgs(name: &str, path: &Path, expected_errors: &str) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let base_path = path.join("base"); let base_nixpkgs = if base_path.exists() { base_path.as_path() } else { Path::new("tests/empty-base") }; // We don't want coloring to mess up the tests let writer = temp_env::with_var("NO_COLOR", Some("1"), || -> anyhow::Result<_> { let mut writer = vec![]; process(base_nixpkgs.to_owned(), path.to_owned(), true, &mut writer) .with_context(|| format!("Failed test case {name}"))?; Ok(writer) })?; let actual_errors = String::from_utf8_lossy(&writer); if actual_errors != expected_errors { panic!( "Failed test case {name}, expected these errors:\n=======\n{}\n=======\nbut got these:\n=======\n{}\n=======", expected_errors, actual_errors ); } Ok(()) } /// Check whether a path is in a case-insensitive filesystem fn is_case_insensitive_fs(path: &Path) -> anyhow::Result { let dir = tempdir_in(path)?; let base = dir.path(); fs::write(base.join("aaa"), "")?; Ok(base.join("AAA").exists()) } }