use crate::nixpkgs_problem::NixpkgsProblem; use itertools::concat; use itertools::{ Either::{Left, Right}, Itertools, }; use Validation::*; /// The validation result of a check. /// Instead of exiting at the first failure, /// this type can accumulate multiple failures. /// This can be achieved using the functions `and`, `sequence` and `sequence_` /// /// This leans on pub enum Validation { Failure(Vec), Success(A), } impl From for Validation { /// Create a `Validation` from a single check problem fn from(value: NixpkgsProblem) -> Self { Failure(vec![value]) } } /// A type alias representing the result of a check, either: /// - Err(anyhow::Error): A fatal failure, typically I/O errors. /// Such failures are not caused by the files in Nixpkgs. /// This hints at a bug in the code or a problem with the deployment. /// - Ok(Failure(Vec)): A non-fatal validation problem with the Nixpkgs files. /// Further checks can be run even with this result type. /// Such problems can be fixed by changing the Nixpkgs files. /// - Ok(Success(A)): A successful (potentially intermediate) result with an arbitrary value. /// No fatal errors have occurred and no validation problems have been found with Nixpkgs. pub type Result = anyhow::Result>; pub trait ResultIteratorExt: Sized + Iterator> { fn collect_vec(self) -> std::result::Result, E>; } impl ResultIteratorExt for I where I: Sized + Iterator>, { /// A convenience version of `collect` specialised to a vector fn collect_vec(self) -> std::result::Result, E> { self.collect() } } impl Validation { /// Map a `Validation` to a `Validation` by applying a function to the /// potentially contained value in case of success. pub fn map(self, f: impl FnOnce(A) -> B) -> Validation { match self { Failure(err) => Failure(err), Success(value) => Success(f(value)), } } /// Map a `Validation` to a `Result` by applying a function `A -> Result` /// only if there is a `Success` value pub fn result_map(self, f: impl FnOnce(A) -> Result) -> Result { match self { Failure(err) => Ok(Failure(err)), Success(value) => f(value), } } } impl Validation<()> { /// Combine two validations, both of which need to be successful for the return value to be successful. /// The `NixpkgsProblem`s of both sides are returned concatenated. pub fn and(self, other: Validation) -> Validation { match (self, other) { (Success(_), Success(right_value)) => Success(right_value), (Failure(errors), Success(_)) => Failure(errors), (Success(_), Failure(errors)) => Failure(errors), (Failure(errors_l), Failure(errors_r)) => Failure(concat([errors_l, errors_r])), } } } /// Combine many validations into a single one. /// All given validations need to be successful in order for the returned validation to be successful, /// in which case the returned validation value contains a `Vec` of each individual value. /// Otherwise the `NixpkgsProblem`s of all validations are returned concatenated. pub fn sequence(check_results: impl IntoIterator>) -> Validation> { let (errors, values): (Vec>, Vec) = check_results .into_iter() .partition_map(|validation| match validation { Failure(err) => Left(err), Success(value) => Right(value), }); // To combine the errors from the results we flatten all the error Vec's into a new Vec // This is not very efficient, but doesn't matter because generally we should have no errors let flattened_errors = errors.into_iter().concat(); if flattened_errors.is_empty() { Success(values) } else { Failure(flattened_errors) } } /// Like `sequence`, but without any containing value, for convenience pub fn sequence_(validations: impl IntoIterator>) -> Validation<()> { sequence(validations).map(|_| ()) }