import sys import os import codecs import termios import fcntl import struct from . import keys from . import proc from . import pty from .search import SearchBar from .history import History from .termview import * from gi.repository import Gtk from gi.repository import Gdk from gi.repository import GLib from gi.repository import Pango NAME = "saneterm" class Terminal(Gtk.Window): config = { 'autoscroll': True, 'wordwrap': True, } def __init__(self, cmd, limit=-1, vscrollbar=True): Gtk.Window.__init__(self, title=NAME) self.set_name(NAME) self.hist = History() self.reset_history_index() self.pty = pty.Source(cmd) self.pty.set_priority(GLib.PRIORITY_LOW) self.pty.set_callback(self.handle_pty) self.pty.attach(None) self.pty_parser = pty.Parser() # Gtk TextTags to use, generated from TEXT_STYLE events self.active_text_tags = {} # Already created TextTags which are reused to save on allocs self.cached_text_tags = {} self.termview = TermView(self.complete, limit) # Block-wise reading from the PTY requires an incremental decoder. self.decoder = codecs.getincrementaldecoder('UTF-8')() self.termview.connect("new-user-input", self.user_input) self.termview.connect("termios-ctrlkey", self.termios_ctrl) self.termview.connect("size-allocate", self.autoscroll) self.termview.connect("populate-popup", self.populate_popup) self.connect("configure-event", self.update_size) self.connect("destroy", self.destroy) self.connect_after("set-focus", self.focus) bindings = keys.Bindings(self.termview) for key, idx in keys.CTRL.items(): bindings.add_bind(key, "termios-ctrlkey", idx) vbox =, 0) self.add(vbox) self.search_bar = SearchBar(self.termview) vbox.pack_start(self.search_bar, False, True, 0) self.scroll = Gtk.ScrolledWindow().new(None, None) self.scroll.set_policy(Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.ALWAYS) self.scroll.add(self.termview) self.update_wrapmode() vbox.pack_start(self.scroll, True, True, 0) if not vscrollbar: vscroll = self.scroll.get_vscrollbar() vscroll.hide() signals = { "toggle-search": (), "toggle-config": (GObject.TYPE_STRING,), "history-entry": (GObject.TYPE_LONG,), } for name, args in signals.items(): GObject.signal_new(name, self.termview, GObject.SIGNAL_ACTION, GObject.TYPE_NONE, args) self.termview.connect("toggle-search", self.toggle_search, self.search_bar) self.termview.connect("toggle-config", self.toggle_config) self.termview.connect("history-entry", self.history) def complete(self, input): # XXX: This could be cached as the CWD shouldn't # change unless input is send to the child process. cwd = proc.cwd(os.tcgetpgrp(self.pty.master)) f = completion.FileName(cwd) return f.get_matches(input) def focus(self, window, widget): # If no widget is focused, focus the termview by default. # This occurs, for instance, after closing the SearchBar. # # XXX: Is there a better way to do this? if widget is None: self.emit("set-focus", self.termview) def destroy(self, widget): self.hist.close() def update_wrapmode(self): # XXX: Need to set hscroll mode explicitly and cannot rely on # AUTOMATIC, as hypenation may introduce a horizontal scrollbar # otherwise. With Gtk+4.0 we can disable hypenation explicitly. # See: if self.config['wordwrap']: wmode = Gtk.WrapMode.WORD_CHAR hscroll = Gtk.PolicyType.NEVER else: wmode = Gtk.WrapMode.NONE hscroll = Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC self.termview.set_wrap_mode(wmode) _, vscroll = self.scroll.get_policy() self.scroll.set_policy(hscroll, vscroll) def update_size(self, widget, rect): # This function allows application running inside the terminal # to retrieve the window size using the TIOCGWINSZ ioctl. This # is for example used by ls(1) for multi column output. However, # since TIOCGWINSZ assumes the terminal be built around a # character grid we only provide a heuristic implementation. # PTY must already be initialized if self.pty.master == -1: return # Widget width/height in pixels, is later converted # to rows/columns by dividing these values by the # font width/height as determined by the PangoLayout. width, height = widget.get_size() ctx = self.termview.get_pango_context() layout = Pango.Layout(ctx) layout.set_markup(" ") # assumes monospace fw, fh = layout.get_pixel_size() rows = int(height / fh) cols = int(width / fw) # TODO: use tcsetwinsize() instead of the ioctl. # See: ws = struct.pack('HHHH', rows, cols, width, height) # struct winsize fcntl.ioctl(self.pty.master, termios.TIOCSWINSZ, ws) def get_tag_for(self, ev_data): """ Return a Gtk TextTag for the text formatting encoded in the given TEXT_STYLE event's payload (consisting of a tuple of a TextStyleChange and an associated value). If the tag is requested for the first time, the tag is added to the TextTagTable in the TermView's buffer and a reference to it stored in self.cached_text_tags. From the next request onwards the cached tag is returned. """ # check for previously created tag if ev_data in self.cached_text_tags: return self.cached_text_tags[ev_data] # otherwise create a new tag or cache None # which indicates that the default Gtk style is appropriate (change, value) = ev_data buf = self.termview.get_buffer() if change is pty.TextStyleChange.ITALIC: tag = buf.create_tag(None, style=Pango.Style.ITALIC) if value else None elif change is pty.TextStyleChange.STRIKETHROUGH: tag = buf.create_tag(None, strikethrough=value) if value else None elif change is pty.TextStyleChange.WEIGHT: if value is Pango.Weight.NORMAL: tag = None else: tag = buf.create_tag(None, weight=value) elif change is pty.TextStyleChange.UNDERLINE: if value is Pango.Underline.NONE: tag = None else: tag = buf.create_tag(None, underline=value) elif change is pty.TextStyleChange.CONCEALED: tag = buf.create_tag(None, invisible=value) if value else None elif change is pty.TextStyleChange.FOREGROUND_COLOR: if value is None: tag = None else: rgba = value.to_gdk() tag = buf.create_tag(None, foreground_rgba=rgba) elif change is pty.TextStyleChange.BACKGROUND_COLOR: if value is None: tag = None else: rgba = value.to_gdk() tag = buf.create_tag(None, background_rgba=rgba) else: # should never be called with TextStyleChange.RESET raise AssertionError("unknown event or not applicable for this style change") # note that we cache using the whole event data # as opposed to using just the TextStyleChange # when tracking the current display state self.cached_text_tags[ev_data] = tag return tag def handle_pty(self, source, tag, master): cond = source.query_unix_fd(tag) if cond & GLib.IOCondition.HUP: Gtk.main_quit() return GLib.SOURCE_REMOVE data =, 4096) if not data: raise AssertionError("expected data but did not receive any") decoded = self.decoder.decode(data) for (ev, data) in self.pty_parser.parse(decoded): if ev is pty.EventType.TEXT: self.termview.insert_data(data, *self.active_text_tags.values()) elif ev is pty.EventType.BELL: self.termview.error_bell() self.set_urgency_hint(True) elif ev is pty.EventType.TEXT_STYLE: (change, _) = data if change is pty.TextStyleChange.RESET: # On RESET we just use the default style of the TermView self.active_text_tags = {} else: # To avoid creating an unnecessary amount of TextTags, # we let get_tag_for create and cache TextTags. new_tag = self.get_tag_for(data) # Instead of a single tag which has the exact attributes # we need, we apply multiple tags which makes the tags # more cacheable. We track the currently active tags in # a dict mapping from TextStyleChanges to TextTags. # Since all tags associated with the same TextStyleChange # are mutually exclusive, we get the correct state updates # for free. In cases where the default style of TermView # is appropriate, get_tag_for() returns None and we delete # the respective entry from the dict. if new_tag is None: if change in self.active_text_tags: del self.active_text_tags[change] else: self.active_text_tags[change] = new_tag else: raise AssertionError("unknown pty.EventType") return GLib.SOURCE_CONTINUE def toggle_search(self, termview, search_bar): active = search_bar.get_search_mode() search_bar.set_search_mode(not active) def reset_history_index(self): self.hist_index = -1 def history(self, termview, idx): # Backup index and restore it if we hit the beginning of the history backup_index = self.hist_index self.hist_index += idx entry = self.hist.get_entry(self.pty.master, self.hist_index) if entry is None: if idx > 0: # we are going back in time. if there are no older # entries, restore history index and bail out. self.hist_index = backup_index return else: # we were going forward in time, but no newer entry # was found. in this case we just clear the line self.reset_history_index() entry = "" self.termview.emit("kill-after-output") self.termview.emit("insert-at-cursor", entry) def autoscroll(self, widget, rect): if not self.config['autoscroll']: return # For some reason it is not possible to use .scroll_to_mark() # et cetera on the TextView contained in the ScrolledWindow. adj = self.scroll.get_vadjustment() adj.set_value(adj.get_upper() - adj.get_page_size()) def toggle_config(self, widget, key): self.config[key] = not self.config[key] if key == 'wordwrap': self.update_wrapmode() def populate_popup(self, textview, popup): popup.append(Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem()) for key, enabled in self.config.items(): mitem = Gtk.CheckMenuItem(key.capitalize()) mitem.set_active(enabled) mitem.connect('toggled', self.toggle_config, key) popup.append(mitem) popup.show_all() def user_input(self, termview, line): self.hist.add_entry(self.pty.master, line) self.reset_history_index() os.write(self.pty.master, line.encode("UTF-8")) def termios_ctrl(self, termview, cidx): # termios ctrl keys are ignored if the cursor is not at the # buffer position where the next character would appear. if not termview.cursor_at_end(): return elif cidx == termios.VEOF: termview.flush() # TODO: Employ some heuristic to cache tcgetattr result. cc = termios.tcgetattr(self.pty.master)[-1] os.write(self.pty.master, cc[cidx]) # XXX: Clear line-based buffer here (i.e. update the # marks in TermView) in case the application doesn't # write anything to the PTY on receiving the CC.