from gi.repository import Gtk from gi.repository import Gdk from gi.repository import GObject from . import completion class TermBuffer(Gtk.TextBuffer): """ Buffer which stores a limit amount of lines. If the limit is -1 an unlimited amount of lines is stored. Old lines are deleted automatically if the limit is exceeded. Furthermore, the buffer provides some facilities for more native copy/paste handling. """ def __init__(self, limit): Gtk.TextBuffer.__init__(self) self._clipboard = Gtk.Clipboard.get(Gdk.SELECTION_PRIMARY) if limit == -1: return # unlimited self.limit = limit self.connect_after("insert-text", self.__insert_text) def do_mark_set(self, loc, mark): # Gtk only partially adheres to the clipboard # specification. If text is selected, this text is copied to the # primary clipboard. However, if the user unselects the text by # clicking somewhere else the clipboard is cleared. This has # been a known bug in Gtk for over 12 years. The code here is a # dirty workaround for this bug. # # See selection = self.get_selection_bounds() if selection: start, end = selection text = self.get_text(start, end, True) self._clipboard.set_text(text, -1) else: Gtk.TextBuffer.do_mark_set(self, loc, mark) def __insert_text(self, buffer, loc, text, len): lines = buffer.get_line_count() diff = lines - self.limit if diff <= 0: return end = buffer.get_start_iter() end.forward_lines(diff) start = buffer.get_start_iter() buffer.delete(start, end) # Revalide the given iterator loc.assign(buffer.get_end_iter()) class TermView(Gtk.TextView): """ TextView-based widget for line-based terminal emulators. The widget has two input sources (a) input entered by the application user and (b) input received from a backend (usually a PTY). Since the widget is line-based, user input is only received after the user finishes input of the current line by emitting a newline character. Afterwards, a new-user-input signal is emitted to which the application should connect. To display input received from the backend source (e.g. a PTY) the insert_data method should be used. Internally, the widget tracks input through two markers. The _last_output_mark tracks the position in the underlying TextView where data from the backend source was last written. While the _last_mark constitues the position where user input would be added. Control characters are not line-buffered. Instead these are intercepted through pre-defined key bindings by Gtk and communicated to the application via the termios-ctrlkey signal. """ def __init__(self, compfunc, limit=-1): # TODO: set insert-hypens to false in GTK 4 # Gtk.TextView.__init__(self) self._textbuffer = TermBuffer(limit) self._textbuffer.connect("end-user-action", self.__end_user_action) self.set_buffer(self._textbuffer) self._clipboard = Gtk.Clipboard.get(Gdk.SELECTION_PRIMARY) self._tabcomp = completion.TabComp(self._textbuffer, compfunc) self.set_monospace(True) self.set_input_hints(Gtk.InputHints.NO_SPELLCHECK | Gtk.InputHints.EMOJI) self._last_mark = self._textbuffer.create_mark(None, self._textbuffer.get_end_iter(), True) self._last_output_mark = self._last_mark signals = { "kill-after-output": self.__kill_after_output, "move-input-start": self.__move_input_start, "move-input-end": self.__move_input_end, "clear-view": self.__clear_view, "tab-completion": self.__tabcomp, "paste-primary": self.__paste_primary, } for name, func in signals.items(): GObject.signal_new(name, self, GObject.SIGNAL_ACTION, GObject.TYPE_NONE, ()) self.connect(name, func) GObject.signal_new("termios-ctrlkey", self, GObject.SIGNAL_ACTION, GObject.TYPE_NONE, (GObject.TYPE_LONG,)) GObject.signal_new("new-user-input", self, GObject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, GObject.TYPE_NONE, (GObject.TYPE_PYOBJECT,)) def insert_data(self, str, *tags): self._textbuffer.insert_with_tags(self._textbuffer.get_end_iter(), str, *tags) end = self._textbuffer.get_end_iter() self._last_mark = self._textbuffer.create_mark(None, end, True) self._last_output_mark = self._last_mark def flush(self): end = self._textbuffer.get_end_iter() line_start = self._textbuffer.get_iter_at_mark(self._last_output_mark) line = self._textbuffer.get_text(line_start, end, True) self.emit("new-user-input", line) self._last_output_mark = self._textbuffer.create_mark(None, end, True) self._last_mark = self._last_mark def __cursor_at_mark(self, mark): if self._textbuffer.get_has_selection(): return False cur = self._textbuffer.get_iter_at_offset(self._textbuffer.props.cursor_position) other = self._textbuffer.get_iter_at_mark(mark) return == 0 def cursor_at_out(self): return self.__cursor_at_mark(self._last_output_mark) def cursor_at_end(self): return self.__cursor_at_mark(self._last_mark) def do_backspace(self): # If current position is output positon ignore backspace. if not self.cursor_at_out(): Gtk.TextView.do_backspace(self) def __end_user_action(self, buffer): start = buffer.get_iter_at_mark(self._last_mark) end = self._textbuffer.get_end_iter() text = buffer.get_text(start, end, True) if len(text) != 0 and text[-1] == "\n": self.flush() self._last_mark = buffer.create_mark(None, end, True) # User entered new text → reset tab completion state machine self._tabcomp.reset() def do_delete_from_cursor(self, type, count): # XXX: Currently, this function only ensures that word movement # don't move the cursor before the output point. Other movement # types (e.g. paragraph movements) currently might still do so. if type != Gtk.DeleteType.WORD_ENDS or count >= 0: return Gtk.TextView.do_delete_from_cursor(self, type, count) buf = self._textbuffer cur = buf.get_iter_at_offset(buf.props.cursor_position) out = buf.get_iter_at_mark(self._last_output_mark) # Only go backward by $count if there are enough characters # in the buffer and the movement would not go beyond the # last output point. tgt = Gtk.TextIter.copy(cur) if not tgt.backward_word_starts(0 - count): return elif != 1: # tgt <= out # XXX: For some reason adjusting counting and changing the # type to Gtk.DeleteType.CHARS does not work → delete directly. self._textbuffer.delete_interactive(out, cur, True) return Gtk.TextView.do_delete_from_cursor(self, type, count) def __kill_after_output(self, textview): buffer = textview.get_buffer() start = buffer.get_iter_at_mark(self._last_output_mark) end = buffer.get_end_iter() buffer.delete(start, end) def __move_input_start(self, textview): buffer = textview.get_buffer() start = buffer.get_iter_at_mark(self._last_output_mark) buffer.place_cursor(start) def __move_input_end(self, textview): buffer = textview.get_buffer() end = buffer.get_iter_at_mark(self._last_mark) buffer.place_cursor(end) def __clear_view(self, textview): buffer = textview.get_buffer() # XXX: This function breaks with multi-line prompts, etc. end = buffer.get_iter_at_mark(self._last_output_mark) off = end.get_visible_line_offset() end.backward_chars(off) buffer.delete(buffer.get_start_iter(), end) def __tabcomp(self, textview): buf = textview.get_buffer() cur = buf.get_iter_at_offset(buf.props.cursor_position) # Gtk.TextCharPredicate to find start of word to be completed. fn = lambda x, _: str.isspace(x) out = buf.get_iter_at_mark(self._last_output_mark) if cur.backward_find_char(fn, None, out): cur.forward_char() else: cur.assign(out) # See def __paste_primary(self, textview): buf = textview.get_buffer() buf.paste_clipboard(self._clipboard, None, textview.props.editable)