pkgs: with pkgs; { haskell = with haskellPackages; [ ghc cabalInstall hlint darcs diagrams yesod yesodStatic yesodDefault yesodTest hjsmin persistentSqlite ]; python = with pythonPackages; [ pkgs.python3 pkgs.python pep8 polib ]; shell = [ zsh dash taskwarrior screen htop bc lftp mmv ncdu surfraw w3m fbida mutt vlock ]; multimedia = [ pulseaudio pvolctrl MPlayer vorbisTools mpg321 mp3info ]; crypto = [ gnupg1compat openssh keychain ]; dev = [ manpages posix_man_pages gitFull gdb gnumake vim_configurable ltrace strace ]; net = [ netrw nmap socat ]; x11 = [ i3 i3lock i3status dmenu conky tkabber tkabber_plugins xpdf ]; misc = [ lastwatch chromiumBetaWrapper glxinfo imagemagick graphviz youtubeDL ghostscript rtorrent ]; }