{config, pkgs, ...}: { require = [ ]; nix = { maxJobs = 8; useChroot = true; readOnlyStore = true; extraOptions = '' build-cores = 0 ''; /* buildMachines = [ { hostName = " ]; */ }; boot = let linuxAszlig = pkgs.linuxManualConfig { version = "3.7.0-rc6"; src = pkgs.fetchgit { url = /home/aszlig/linux; rev = "c56dcc86b9a0a140ae0b35abb4b2ecd1b45e8bda"; sha256 = "1km8dgfgdcgngcdnj5jzy98zyn7mrfryygnrp2wvzk5vi53wksmx"; }; configfile = pkgs.fetchurl { name = "aszlig.kconf"; url = "file:///home/aszlig/linux/.config"; md5 = "0c632194689797846127b47fa135c516"; }; allowImportFromDerivation = true; # XXX }; in rec { kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackagesFor linuxAszlig kernelPackages; cleanTmpDir = true; initrd = { luks.enable = true; luks.devices = [ { name = "system_crypt"; device = "/dev/disk/by-uuid/91fbc437-b191-4c32-add4-6f96b2c953dd"; preLVM = true; } ]; }; loader.grub = { enable = true; version = 2; devices = [ "/dev/disk/by-id/ata-WDC_WD10EAVS-00D7B1_WD-WCAU48931237" ]; }; }; hardware = { cpu.intel.updateMicrocode = true; pulseaudio.enable = true; pulseaudio.package = pkgs.pulseaudio.override { useSystemd = true; }; }; users.defaultUserShell = "/var/run/current-system/sw/bin/zsh"; networking = { hostName = "mmrnmhrm"; wireless.enable = false; }; fileSystems = { "/boot" = { label = "boot"; fsType = "ext2"; }; "/" = { device = "/dev/system/root"; fsType = "btrfs"; options = pkgs.lib.concatStringsSep "," [ "autodefrag" "space_cache" "inode_cache" "compress=lzo" "noatime" ]; }; /* "/run/nix/remote-stores/dnyarri/nix" = { device = "root@dnyarri:/nix"; fsType = "sshfs"; options = pkgs.lib.concatStringsSep "," [ "compression=yes" "ssh_command=${pkgs.openssh}/bin/ssh" "Ciphers=arcfour" "IdentityFile=/root/.ssh/id_buildfarm" ]; }; */ }; fonts = { enableCoreFonts = true; enableFontDir = true; enableGhostscriptFonts = true; extraFonts = [ pkgs.dosemu_fonts pkgs.liberation_ttf ]; }; swapDevices = [ { device = "/dev/system/swap"; } ]; i18n = { consoleKeyMap = "dvorak"; }; services = { openssh = { enable = true; permitRootLogin = "without-password"; }; /* nfs.server = { enable = true; exports = '' /nix dnyarri.redmoon(ro,no_root_squash) /nix/var/nix/db dnyarri.redmoon(rw,no_root_squash) ''; }; */ /* mingetty.ttys = [ "tty1" "tty2" "tty3" "tty4" "tty5" "tty6" "tty8" "tty9" "tty10" "tty11" "tty12" ]; */ syslogd.tty = "tty13"; xfs.enable = false; gpm = { enable = true; protocol = "exps2"; }; nixosManual.showManual = false; pulseaudio.enable = false; printing = { enable = true; drivers = [ pkgs.foo2zjs pkgs.foomatic_filters ]; }; xserver = { enable = true; layout = "dvorak"; videoDrivers = [ "nouveau" ]; windowManager = { i3.enable = true; default = "i3"; }; desktopManager.default = "none"; displayManager.slim.theme = pkgs.fetchurl { url = "mirror://sourceforge/slim.berlios/slim-fingerprint.tar.gz"; sha256 = "0i1igl4iciml3d46n5hl3bbmqsdzzv56akw2l36i9f779kw07ds8"; }; }; }; /* jobs.vlock_all = { name = "vlock-all"; startOn = "keyboard-request"; path = [ pkgs.vlock ]; script = "vlock -asn"; task = true; restartIfChanged = false; }; */ environment.nix = pkgs.nixUnstable; environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ zsh wget vim_configurable cacert ]; nixpkgs = { config = { git = { svnSupport = true; guiSupport = true; }; }; }; system.fsPackages = with pkgs; [ sshfsFuse ]; # broken -> chroot build -> FIXME #system.copySystemConfiguration = true; time.timeZone = "Europe/Berlin"; }