{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }: let myLib = import ./lib.nix { inherit pkgs lib; }; myPkgs = import ./pkgs.nix { inherit pkgs lib myLib; }; tailscaleInterface = "tailscale0"; # tailscaleAddress = ""; # ethernetInterface = "enp0s20"; myKey = "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDNMQvmOfon956Z0ZVdp186YhPHtSBrXsBwaCt0JAbkf/U/P+4fG0OROA++fHDiFM4RrRHH6plsGY3W6L26mSsCM2LtlHJINFZtVILkI26MDEIKWEsfBatDW+XNAvkfYEahy16P5CBtTVNKEGsTcPD+VDistHseFNKiVlSLDCvJ0vMwOykHhq+rdJmjJ8tkUWC2bNqTIH26bU0UbhMAtJstWqaTUGnB0WVutKmkZbnylLMICAvnFoZLoMPmbvx8efgLYY2vD1pRd8Uwnq9MFV1EPbkJoinTf1XSo8VUo7WCjL79aYSIvHmXG+5qKB9ed2GWbBLolAoXkZ00E4WsVp9H philip@nyx"; in { imports = [ ./base-server.nix ]; config = { # TODO abstract out vuizvui.modifyNixPath = false; nix.nixPath = [ "nixpkgs=${with pkgs.vuizvui.profpatsch; filterSourceGitignoreWith { gitignoreLines = readGitignoreFile "${toString pkgs.path}/.gitignore"; globMap = glob: # filter out the non-rooted file globs, # because those take forever to filter # (10(!) seconds evaluation time in my test). if (!glob.isDir && !glob.isRooted) then null else glob; } pkgs.path}" # TODO? # "vuizvui=/root/vuizvui" # TODO: nicer? "nixos-config=${pkgs.writeText "leguin-configuration.nix" '' (import ).profpatsch.leguin.config ''}" ]; boot.loader.grub.device = "/dev/sda"; fileSystems = { "/" = { device = "/dev/sda3"; fsType = "ext4"; }; "/boot" = { device = "/dev/sda2"; fsType = "ext4"; }; }; users.users = { root.openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = [ myKey ]; }; security.acme.acceptTerms = true; security.acme.email = "mail@profpatsch.de"; networking = { nat = { # enable = true; # externalInterface = ethernetInterface; # internalInterfaces = [ wireguard.interface ]; }; hostName = "leguin"; firewall = { allowedTCPPorts = [ 80 443 ]; allowedUDPPorts = [ ]; interfaces.${tailscaleInterface} = { allowedTCPPorts = [ ]; }; }; # nameservers = [ # "" # "" }; services.tailscale = { enable = true; # interfaceName = tailscaleInterface; }; }; }