{ config, pkgs, ... }: { config = { fonts = { fonts = with pkgs; [ corefonts # microsoft fonts ttf_bitstream_vera # dejavu without b&w emojis libertine liberation_ttf # free replacements for times … google-fonts # vollkorn, source * pro, inconsolata freefont_ttf noto-fonts # noto fonts: great for fallbacks noto-fonts-extra noto-fonts-cjk noto-fonts-emoji # emoji primary twemoji-color-font # emoji fallback unifont # bitmap font, good fallback unifont_upper # upper unicode ranges of unifont ]; fontDir.enable = true; enableGhostscriptFonts = true; enableDefaultFonts = true; fontconfig = { enable = true; antialias = true; hinting.enable = true; defaultFonts = { monospace = [ "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono" "Noto Mono" ]; serif = [ "Vollkorn" "Noto Serif" ]; sansSerif = [ "Open Sans" "Noto Sans" ]; emoji = [ "Noto Color Emoji" "Twitter Color Emoji" "Unifont" "Unifont Upper" ]; }; }; }; }; }