{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: with lib; let genConf = attrs: let escStr = s: "\"${escape [ "\"" "\\" ] s}\""; mkVal = v: if isBool v && v then "true" else if isBool v && !v then "false" else escStr (toString v); mkLine = key: val: "${key} = ${mkVal val}"; filterNull = filterAttrs (_: v: !(isNull v)); mkSection = sect: subsect: vals: '' [${sect}${optionalString (subsect != null) " ${escStr subsect}"}] ${concatStringsSep "\n" (mapAttrsToList mkLine (filterNull vals))} ''; mkConf = sect: content: let subs = filterAttrs (_: isAttrs) content; nonSubs = filterAttrs (_: s: !isAttrs s) content; hasPlain = (attrNames nonSubs) != []; plainSects = singleton (mkSection sect null nonSubs); in mapAttrsToList (mkSection sect) subs ++ optional hasPlain plainSects; text = concatStringsSep "\n" (flatten (mapAttrsToList mkConf attrs)); in pkgs.writeText "gitconfig" text; gitPatched = overrideDerivation pkgs.gitFull (git: { makeFlags = let oldFlags = git.makeFlags or []; newVal = "ETC_GITCONFIG=${config.vuizvui.git.config}"; in if isList oldFlags then oldFlags ++ [ newVal ] else "${oldFlags} ${newVal}"; }); in { options.vuizvui.git = { enable = mkEnableOption "Git"; config = mkOption { description = "System-wide default config for Git"; type = let superType = types.attrsOf types.unspecified; in mkOptionType { name = "attribute set of either plain values or " + "attribute sets of values (if it is a subsection)"; inherit (superType) check merge; inherit (superType) getSubOptions getSubModules substSubModules; }; default = {}; example = { color.ui = "auto"; merge.tool = "vimdiff"; guitool.foobar.noconsole = true; }; apply = genConf; }; }; config = mkIf config.vuizvui.git.enable { environment.systemPackages = [ gitPatched pkgs.gitAndTools.hub ]; }; }