{ pkgs, lib, config, ... }: with lib; let # The symbols if you press shift and a number key. wsNumberSymbols = [ "exclam" "at" "numbersign" "dollar" "percent" "asciicircum" "ampersand" "asterisk" "parenleft" "parenright" ]; wsCount = length wsNumberSymbols; headCount = length config.services.xserver.xrandrHeads; wsPerHead = wsCount / headCount; excessWs = wsCount - (headCount * wsPerHead); headModifier = if config.aszlig.i3.reverseHeads then reverseList else id; getHeadAt = elemAt (headModifier config.services.xserver.xrandrHeads); mkDefaultWorkspace = number: numberSymbol: { name = toString number; value = mkDefault { label = null; labelPrefix = "${toString number}: "; keys.switchTo = "$mod+${if number == 10 then "0" else toString number}"; keys.moveTo = "$mod+Shift+${numberSymbol}"; head = getHeadAt ((number - (excessWs + 1)) / wsPerHead); }; }; wsCfgList = mapAttrsToList (_: getAttr "config") config.aszlig.i3.workspaces; wsConfig = concatStrings wsCfgList; defaultWorkspaces = listToAttrs (imap mkDefaultWorkspace wsNumberSymbols); in { options.aszlig.i3 = { workspaces = mkOption { type = types.attrsOf (types.submodule ./workspace.nix); default = listToAttrs (imap mkDefaultWorkspace wsNumberSymbols); description = '' Workspace to monitor assignment. Workspaces are by default assigned starting from the leftmost monitor being workspace 1 and the rightmost monitor being workspace 10. The workspaces are divided by the number of available heads, so if you have a dual head system, you'll end up having workspace 1 to 5 on the left monitor and 6 to 10 on the right. ''; }; reverseHeads = mkOption { type = types.bool; default = false; description = '' Reverse the order of the heads, so if enabled and you have two heads, you'll end up having workspaces 1 to 5 on the right head and 6 to 10 on the left head. ''; }; }; config.aszlig.i3.workspaces = defaultWorkspaces; config.services.xserver.windowManager = { default = "i3"; i3.enable = true; i3.configFile = let conky = import ./conky.nix { inherit pkgs; }; in pkgs.substituteAll ({ name = "i3.conf"; src = ./i3.conf; inherit (pkgs) dmenu xterm pvolctrl; inherit (pkgs.xorg) xsetroot; inherit wsConfig; leftHead = head config.services.xserver.xrandrHeads; rightHead = last config.services.xserver.xrandrHeads; leftConky = conky.left; rightConky = conky.right; } // (let # Workaround for Synergy: we need to have polarizing heads. leftHead = head config.services.xserver.xrandrHeads; rightHead = last config.services.xserver.xrandrHeads; in if config.networking.hostName == "mmrnmhrm" then { inherit leftHead rightHead; } else { leftHead = rightHead; rightHead = leftHead; } )); }; }