{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }: with lib; let cfg = config.vuizvui.programs.gnupg; hasXdgSupport = versionAtLeast (getVersion cfg.package) "2.1.13"; isDefaultHome = cfg.homeDir == ".gnupg"; sockDir = if hasXdgSupport && isDefaultHome then "%t/gnupg" else "%h/${cfg.homeDir}"; shellSockDir = if hasXdgSupport && isDefaultHome then "$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/gnupg" else "$HOME/${cfg.homeDir}"; pinentryWrapper = pkgs.runCommand "pinentry-wrapper" { pinentryProgram = cfg.agent.pinentry.program; } '' cc -Wall -std=gnu11 -DPINENTRY_PROGRAM=\"$pinentryProgram\" \ "${./pinentry-wrapper.c}" -o "$out" ''; scdaemonRedirector = pkgs.writeScript "scdaemon-redirector" '' #!${pkgs.stdenv.shell} exec "${pkgs.socat}/bin/socat" - \ UNIX-CONNECT:"${shellSockDir}/S.scdaemon" ''; agentWrapper = pkgs.runCommand "gpg-agent-wrapper" { buildInputs = with pkgs; [ pkgconfig systemd ]; inherit pinentryWrapper; } '' cc -Wall -shared -std=c11 \ -DLIBSYSTEMD=\"${pkgs.systemd.lib}/lib/libsystemd.so\" \ -DPINENTRY_WRAPPER=\"$pinentryWrapper\" \ $(pkg-config --cflags libsystemd) -ldl \ "${./agent-wrapper.c}" -o "$out" -fPIC ''; agentSocketConfig = name: { FileDescriptorName = name; Service = "gpg-agent.service"; SocketMode = "0600"; DirectoryMode = "0700"; }; in { options.vuizvui.programs.gnupg = { enable = mkEnableOption "support for GnuPG"; homeDir = mkOption { type = types.addCheck types.str (d: builtins.substring 0 1 d != "/"); default = ".gnupg"; description = '' The directory where GnuPG keeps its state files and configuration files, relative to the user's home directory. ''; }; package = mkOption { type = types.package; default = pkgs.gnupg; defaultText = "pkgs.gnupg"; example = literalExample "pkgs.gnupg21"; description = '' The GnuPG package to use for running the agent and make available in . ''; }; agent = { enable = mkEnableOption "support for the GnuPG agent"; pinentry.program = mkOption { type = types.path; default = "${pkgs.pinentry}/bin/pinentry"; defaultText = "\${pkgs.pinentry}/bin/pinentry"; example = literalExample "\${pkgs.pinentry_qt5}/bin/pinentry"; description = "The pinentry program to use to ask for passphrases."; }; sshSupport = mkEnableOption "GnuPG agent support for SSH"; scdaemon = { enable = mkEnableOption "GnuPG agent with Smartcard daemon"; program = mkOption { type = types.path; default = "${cfg.package}/libexec/scdaemon"; defaultText = let configPath = "config.vuizvui.programs.gnupg"; in "\${${configPath}.package}/libexec/scdaemon"; example = literalExample "\${pkgs.my_shiny_scdaemon}/bin/scdaemon"; description = "The program to use for the Smartcard daemon"; }; }; }; }; config = mkMerge [ (mkIf cfg.enable { vuizvui.requiresTests = singleton ["vuizvui" "programs" "gnupg"]; environment.systemPackages = [ cfg.package ]; }) (mkIf (cfg.enable && !isDefaultHome) { environment.variables.GNUPGHOME = "~/${cfg.homeDir}"; }) (mkIf (cfg.enable && cfg.agent.enable) { systemd.user.services.gpg-agent = { description = "GnuPG Agent"; environment.LD_PRELOAD = agentWrapper; environment.GNUPGHOME = "~/${cfg.homeDir}"; serviceConfig.ExecStart = toString ([ "${cfg.package}/bin/gpg-agent" "--pinentry-program=${pinentryWrapper}" (if cfg.agent.scdaemon.enable then "--scdaemon-program=${scdaemonRedirector}" else "--disable-scdaemon") "--no-detach" "--daemon" ] ++ optional cfg.agent.sshSupport "--enable-ssh-support"); serviceConfig.ExecReload = toString [ "${cfg.package}/bin/gpg-connect-agent" "RELOADAGENT" "/bye" ]; }; systemd.user.sockets.gpg-agent-main = { wantedBy = [ "sockets.target" ]; description = "Main Socket For GnuPG Agent"; listenStreams = singleton "${sockDir}/S.gpg-agent"; socketConfig = agentSocketConfig "main"; }; }) (mkIf (cfg.enable && cfg.agent.enable && cfg.agent.scdaemon.enable) { systemd.user.sockets.gnupg-scdaemon = { wantedBy = [ "sockets.target" ]; description = "GnuPG Smartcard Daemon Socket"; listenStreams = singleton "${sockDir}/S.scdaemon"; socketConfig = { FileDescriptorName = "scdaemon"; SocketMode = "0600"; DirectoryMode = "0700"; }; }; systemd.user.services.gnupg-scdaemon = { description = "GnuPG Smartcard Daemon"; environment.LD_PRELOAD = agentWrapper; environment.GNUPGHOME = "~/${cfg.homeDir}"; serviceConfig.ExecStart = toString [ "${cfg.agent.scdaemon.program}" "--no-detach" "--daemon" ]; }; }) (mkIf (cfg.enable && cfg.agent.enable && cfg.agent.sshSupport) { environment.variables.SSH_AUTH_SOCK = "${shellSockDir}/S.gpg-agent.ssh"; systemd.user.sockets.gpg-agent-ssh = { wantedBy = [ "sockets.target" ]; description = "SSH Socket For GnuPG Agent"; listenStreams = singleton "${sockDir}/S.gpg-agent.ssh"; socketConfig = agentSocketConfig "ssh"; }; assertions = singleton { assertion = !config.programs.ssh.startAgent; message = toString [ "You cannot use the GnuPG agent with SSH support in addition to the" "SSH agent, please either disable" "`vuizvui.programs.gpg-agent.sshSupport' or disable" "`programs.ssh.startAgent'." ]; }; }) ]; }