#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell #!nix-shell -i python3 -p curl python3 import sys import subprocess as sub import datetime IP = "" DOMAIN = "haku.profpatsch.de" PROTOCOL = "https" FILE = "/pub/well-known/speedtest-5M.rng" SIZE = 5242880 HOST_BIN = "host" PING_BIN = "ping" CURL_TIMEOUT_SEC = 30 v4 = 0 == sub.run([HOST_BIN, "-4", "-W1", DOMAIN], stdout=sub.DEVNULL).returncode v6 = 0 == sub.run([HOST_BIN, "-6", "-W1", DOMAIN], stdout=sub.DEVNULL).returncode dns = v4 or v6 ping = 0 == sub.run([PING_BIN, "-w1", "-W1", "-c1", DOMAIN if dns else IP], stdout=sub.DEVNULL).returncode bytes_per_sec = 0 error = None if dns: res = sub.run(["curl", "--silent", PROTOCOL + "://" + DOMAIN + FILE, "--max-time", str(CURL_TIMEOUT_SEC), "--write-out", "\n%{size_download} %{speed_download}"], stdout=sub.PIPE, stderr=sub.PIPE) if res.returncode == 28: error = "curl timed out after {} seconds".format(CURL_TIMEOUT_SEC) elif res.returncode != 0: sys.exit("download failed unexpectedly. curl outputs:\n{}".format(res.stderr)) else: # the last line is the download speed out = res.stdout.split(b"\n")[-1].strip().split(b" ") try: download_size = int(out[0]) if download_size != SIZE: sys.exit("download size should have been {} but is {}" .format(SIZE, download_size)) bytes_per_sec = float(out[1]) except ValueError: sys.exit("last line of curl was no float (bytes per sec), but:\n" + out[0:100] + "\nthere were " + len(out) + " lines in the output") # some yaml-like output def bool_(b): return "true" if b else "false" print("---") print("version: 0.3") print("date: " + str(datetime.datetime.now())) print("ping-v4: " + bool_(v4)) print("ping-v6: " + bool_(v6)) print("dns: " + bool_(dns)) print("download_speed: {}".format(int(bytes_per_sec))) # null or string print("error: " + repr(error)) # version 0.2 # + ping-v4 and ping-v6 fields # version 0.3 # + error field (I want tagged unions …)