# TODO(sterni) icons, GTK # TODO(sterni) X11 cursor { config, pkgs, lib, ... }: let cfg = config.vuizvui.user.sternenseemann.profiles.desktop-sway; inherit (pkgs.vuizvui.profpatsch) getBins ; inherit (pkgs.vuizvui.sternenseemann) tep ; bins = (getBins pkgs.bemenu [ "bemenu" "bemenu-run" ]) // (getBins tep [ "tep" ]) // (getBins pkgs.grim [ "grim" ]) // (getBins pkgs.slurp [ "slurp" ]) // (getBins pkgs.mako [ "makoctl" ]) // (getBins screenshot [ "screenshot" ]) // (getBins pkgs.foot [ "foot" ]) // (getBins pkgs.dash [ "dash" ]) // (getBins config.vuizvui.user.sternenseemann.programs.saneterm.package [ "saneterm" ]) ; screenshot = pkgs.writers.writeDashBin "screenshot" '' if [ "$1" != "full" ]; then additionalOpts="-g '$(${bins.slurp})'" else shift fi $SHELL -c "${bins.grim} $additionalOpts $@" ''; defaultFont = builtins.head config.fonts.fontconfig.defaultFonts.monospace; mkDefEnableOption = text: lib.mkEnableOption text // { default = true; example = false; }; in { options = { vuizvui.user.sternenseemann.profiles.desktop-sway = { enable = lib.mkEnableOption "Sway-based Desktop Profile"; saneterm.enable = mkDefEnableOption "Keyboard shortcuts for saneterm"; tep.enable = mkDefEnableOption "Keyboard shortcuts for the tep emoji picker"; nextcloud.enable = mkDefEnableOption "Automatically launching Nextcloud-Client"; screenshot.enable = mkDefEnableOption "Keyboard shortcuts for taking screenshots"; }; }; config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable (lib.mkMerge [ # Core of the module, always active { vuizvui.user.sternenseemann.services.sway = { enable = true; additionalBinds = { "$mod+c" = "${bins.makoctl} dismiss -a"; }; term = bins.foot; menu = "${bins.bemenu-run} -l 10 -i"; lockArgs = [ "-c" "FFC0CB" "-k" "-l" ]; font = { name = defaultFont; size = 10; }; }; # notifications services.dbus.packages = [ pkgs.mako ]; environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ bemenu # better dmenu xwayland qt5.qtwayland wl-clipboard # instead of xsel mako # notifications gnome.adwaita-icon-theme ]; programs.fish.shellAliases = { "hdmi2-above" = '' sway output HDMI-A-2 position 0 0 && sway output eDP-1 position 0 1440 ''; "workspace-move" = "sway move workspace output"; }; vuizvui.programs.foot = { enable = true; settings = { include = "${pkgs.foot.themes}/share/foot/themes/selenized-white"; font = [ { font = defaultFont; options = { size = 8; }; } { font = "Noto Color Emoji"; options = { size = 8; }; } ]; tweak = { grapheme-shaping = "yes"; }; key-bindings = { scrollback-up-page = "Control+Shift+Page_Up"; scrollback-down-page = "Control+Shift+Page_Down"; search-start = "Control+Shift+F"; font-increase = "Control+Shift+b"; font-decrease = "Control+Shift+t"; font-reset = "Control+Shift+0"; }; mouse-bindings = { primary-paste = "none"; }; mouse = { alternate-scroll-mode = "yes"; }; scrollback = { lines = 10000; indicator-position = "none"; }; }; }; } (lib.mkIf cfg.saneterm.enable { vuizvui.user.sternenseemann = { programs.saneterm.enable = true; services.sway.additionalBinds = { "$mod+Shift+Return" = "${bins.saneterm} -- ${bins.dash} -l"; }; }; }) (lib.mkIf cfg.nextcloud.enable { vuizvui.user.sternenseemann.services.sway.extraConfig = '' exec ${pkgs.gnome.gnome-keyring}/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon --start --components=secrets exec ${pkgs.nextcloud-client}/bin/nextcloud ''; environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.nextcloud-client ]; # so libsecret works services.gnome.gnome-keyring.enable = true; programs.dconf.enable = true; }) (lib.mkIf cfg.tep.enable { vuizvui.user.sternenseemann.services.sway.additionalBinds = { "$mod+g" = "${bins.tep} copy -l 25 -p 'tep>' -i"; }; }) (lib.mkIf cfg.screenshot.enable { vuizvui.user.sternenseemann.services.sway.additionalBinds = { "$mod+x" = bins.screenshot; }; environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.grim pkgs.slurp screenshot # screenshots ]; }) ]); }