{ stdenv, lib, fetchurl, fetchFromGitHub, writeText, writeTextFile, writeScript , runCommand, writers, python3Packages, ledger, meson, vim, buildGoPackage }: let fetchVimScript = { srcId, sha256, type, name }: let baseUrl = "http://www.vim.org/scripts/download_script.php"; src = fetchurl { name = "script${toString srcId}.vim"; url = "${baseUrl}?src_id=${toString srcId}"; inherit sha256; }; in stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "vim-${type}-${toString srcId}"; buildCommand = '' install -vD -m 0644 "${src}" "$out/${type}/${name}.vim" ''; }; extractSubdir = subdir: src: stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "${src.name}-subdir"; phases = [ "unpackPhase" "installPhase" ]; inherit src; installPhase = '' cp -Rd "${subdir}" "$out" ''; }; pluginDeps = { vimAddonMwUtils = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "MarcWeber"; repo = "vim-addon-mw-utils"; rev = "0c5612fa31ee434ba055e21c76f456244b3b5109"; sha256 = "147s1k4n45d3x281vj35l26sv4waxjlpqdn83z3k9n51556h1d45"; }; vimAddonCompletion = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "MarcWeber"; repo = "vim-addon-completion"; rev = "80f717d68df5b0d7b32228229ddfd29c3e86e435"; sha256 = "08acffzy847w8b5j8pdw6qsidm2859ki5q351n4r7fkr969p80mi"; }; vimAddonActions = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "MarcWeber"; repo = "vim-addon-actions"; rev = "a5d20500fb8812958540cf17862bd73e7af64936"; sha256 = "1wfkwr89sn2w97i94d0dqylcg9mr6pirjadi0a4l492nfnsh99bc"; }; vimAddonBackgroundCmd = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "MarcWeber"; repo = "vim-addon-background-cmd"; rev = "14df72660a95804a57c02b9ff0ae3198608e2491"; sha256 = "09lh6hqbx05gm7njhpqvhqdwig3pianq9rddxmjsr6b1vylgdgg4"; }; vimAddonErrorFormats = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "MarcWeber"; repo = "vim-addon-errorformats"; rev = "dcbb203ad5f56e47e75fdee35bc92e2ba69e1d28"; sha256 = "159zqm69fxbxcv3b2y99g57bf20qrzsijcvb5rzy2njxah3049m1"; }; vimAddonToggleBuffer = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "MarcWeber"; repo = "vim-addon-toggle-buffer"; rev = "a1b38b9c5709cba666ed2d84ef06548f675c6b0b"; sha256 = "1xq38kfdm36c34ln66znw841q797w5gm8bpq1x64bsf2h6n3ml03"; }; vimAddonGotoThingAtCursor = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "MarcWeber"; repo = "vim-addon-goto-thing-at-cursor"; rev = "f052e094bdb351829bf72ae3435af9042e09a6e4"; sha256 = "1ksm2b0j80zn8sz2y227bpcx4jsv76lwgr2gpgy2drlyqhn2vlv0"; }; vimAddonViews = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "MarcWeber"; repo = "vim-addon-views"; rev = "d1383ad56d0a07d7350880adbadf9de501729fa8"; sha256 = "09gqh7w5rk4lmra706schqaj8dnisf396lpsipm7xv6gy1qbslnv"; }; vimAddonSwfMill = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "MarcWeber"; repo = "vim-addon-swfmill"; rev = "726777e02cbe3ad8f82e37421fb37674f446a148"; sha256 = "0ablzl5clgfzhzwvzzbaj0cda0b4cyrj3pbv02f26hx7rfnssaqm"; }; tlib = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "tomtom"; repo = "tlib_vim"; rev = "bc4097bd38c4bc040fe1e74df68dec6c9adfcb6a"; sha256 = "19v7bgmkk4k2g1z62bd0kky29xxfq96l7wfrl27wb2zijlhbrnpz"; }; vamStub = writeTextFile { name = "vam-stub"; destination = "/autoload/vam.vim"; text = '' fun! vam#DefineAndBind(local, global, default) return ' if !exists('.string(a:global).') | \ let '.a:global.' = '.a:default.' | \ endif | let '.a:local.' = '.a:global endfun ''; }; pug = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "digitaltoad"; repo = "vim-pug"; rev = "ddc5592f8c36bf4bd915c16b38b8c76292c2b975"; sha256 = "069pha18g1nlzg44k742vjxm4zwjd1qjzhfllkr35qaiflvjm84y"; }; scss = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "cakebaker"; repo = "scss-syntax.vim"; rev = "4461789d02f81fd328afbdf27d6404b6c763c25f"; sha256 = "0d227d2c1pvcksk2njzpkgmxivrnfb0apn2r62q7q89s61ggbzfj"; }; less = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "groenewege"; repo = "vim-less"; rev = "6e818d5614d5fc18d95a48c92b89e6db39f9e3d6"; sha256 = "0rhqcdry8ycnfbg534q4b3hm78an7mnqhiazxik7k08a57dk9dbm"; }; }; plugins = pluginDeps // { vaxe = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "jdonaldson"; repo = "vaxe"; rev = "d5f905f806c7c90bb116d4b06a78924341840021"; sha256 = "0axvavzxbi3m4shva1m0cm6finl1i2rwqgn6lnklxnr2g9sfi4j7"; extraPostFetch = '' # Do not highlight ',' and ';'. sed -i -e '/\/d' "$out/syntax/haxe.vim" ''; }; factor = extractSubdir "misc/vim" (fetchFromGitHub { owner = "slavapestov"; repo = "factor"; rev = "0d6f70cc7cf35cc627ee78886e2932091a651fe6"; sha256 = "0lmqzvrmwgmxpcpwgn59y033sf4jybmw3lffbjwww5d7ch90333q"; }); opaLang = extractSubdir "tools/editors/vim" (fetchFromGitHub { owner = "MLstate"; repo = "opalang"; rev = "94e4e6d9d8da9a72214f4f28dd1ffa1a987997eb"; sha256 = "0d6b67868cfqakkz63y5ynpz549lbpfzc3c3x7kx3ffsv10xy3bb"; }); lslvim = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "sukima"; repo = "LSLvim"; rev = "f269de39a1c713a43470e90d0ec78208c0f05e0b"; sha256 = "1plwx5id3jsj4y6yhshlf3rishxhf1b9k47g2cpzaczvqb5bl40w"; }; vimSyntaxShakespeare = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "pbrisbin"; repo = "vim-syntax-shakespeare"; rev = "29085ae94ee3dbd7f39f2a7705d86692ef5bc365"; sha256 = "0kvys81jiwqzwmpbk1lvbciw28yha4shd1xby5saiy4b68l6d8rk"; }; glsl = fetchVimScript { name = "glsl"; srcId = 3194; sha256 = "1vqfcpjmfyjc95wns3i84kgd1k5r2lwjjvjcprygi9g9vng7i5xc"; type = "syntax"; }; actionScript = fetchVimScript { name = "actionscript"; srcId = 1205; sha256 = "0pdzqg678lhn7lmqf3z9icpj6ff2nnghsxy983kxkn8sblnzlhfs"; type = "syntax"; }; indentPython = fetchVimScript { name = "python"; srcId = 4316; sha256 = "1pgdiaqd1hm0qpspy1asj7i103pq0846lnjrxvl6pk17ymww9pmk"; type = "indent"; }; nixAddon = stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "vim-nix-support"; lnl7 = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "LnL7"; repo = "vim-nix"; rev = "d733cb96707a2a6bdc6102b6d89f947688e0e959"; sha256 = "12k2gwm8b1n02361gpjhsldql99yd7qsh80a3lbwc5c5gz5j8jsb"; }; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "MarcWeber"; repo = "vim-addon-nix"; rev = "3001a9db5f816dd7af11384f15415bddd146ef86"; sha256 = "195z2yz09wirpqjpsha8x7qcr9is1q8qph4j0svws6qbqrkh8ryy"; }; phases = [ "unpackPhase" "patchPhase" "installPhase" ]; patchPhase = '' for what in indent syntax; do install -vD -m 0644 "$lnl7/$what/nix.vim" "$what/nix.vim" done sed -i -re '/^ *au(group)? /,/^ *au(group)? +end/ { s/^ *au(tocmd)? +((BufRead|BufNewFile),?)+ +[^ ]+ +setl(ocal)?/${ "& sw=2 sts=2 et iskeyword+='\\''" }/ }' plugin/vim-addon-nix.vim sed -n -e '/^ *setlocal/ { h; :l; $ { x; p; b }; n; /^ *\\/ { H; bl }; x; p }' "$lnl7/ftplugin/nix.vim" >> ftplugin/nix.vim ''; installPhase = '' cp -Rd . "$out" ''; }; urwebAddon = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "MarcWeber"; repo = "vim-addon-urweb"; rev = "49ea3960a9924a5dd7ff70956d1a7c0479a55773"; sha256 = "090ww8nxqsabrwf4r8g7a93kawnp6zwpsx65yxpacwwwlbc73m7s"; }; indentHaskell = fetchVimScript { name = "haskell"; srcId = 7407; sha256 = "1lj44jkyihmcnj2kcfckhqzr9gfipda9frbzicix2wrc5728kjsv"; type = "indent"; }; fishSyntax = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "georgewitteman"; repo = "vim-fish"; rev = "667523b8fc0310b3f09492186a1e25b978ef8e5f"; sha256 = "1ni9bkrc2m1y7sirp57piqks3ns4yin7hi4x71pjmyrdkqnv8xr1"; }; elmVim = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "lambdatoast"; repo = "elm.vim"; rev = "ad556c97e26072b065825852ceead0fe6a1f7d7c"; sha256 = "19k6b6m5ngm5qn2f3p13hzjyvha53fpdgq691z8n0lwfn8831b21"; }; flake8 = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "nvie"; repo = "vim-flake8"; rev = "293613dbe731a2875ce93739e7b64ee504d8bbab"; sha256 = "0xmqmbh66g44vhx9769mzs820k6ksbpfnsfvivmbhzlps2hjqpqg"; }; vader = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "junegunn"; repo = "vader.vim"; rev = "ad2c752435baba9e7544d0046f0277c3573439bd"; sha256 = "0yvnah4lxk5w5qidc3y5nvl6lpi8rcv26907b3w7vjskqc935b8f"; }; multipleCursors = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "terryma"; repo = "vim-multiple-cursors"; rev = "3afc475cc64479a406ce73d3333df1f67db3c73f"; sha256 = "04dijb4hgidypppphcy83bacmfrd9ikyjc761hqq6bl4kc49f5kc"; }; csv = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "chrisbra"; repo = "csv.vim"; rev = "443fa8bd2a1a017b26cc421a9494e1a1e33f4acf"; sha256 = "1pbgl9f00kqxr2dpxmxg9jnk5q41sxzgan7hn16hc2b4as3zbihd"; extraPostFetch = '' # Use sane (non-UTF8) settings for separators sed -i -e 's/(&enc *[=~#]\+ *.utf-8. *?[^:]*: *\([^)]*\))/\1/g' \ "$out/ftplugin/csv.vim" "$out/syntax/csv.vim" ''; }; sleuth = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "tpope"; repo = "vim-sleuth"; rev = "dfe0a33253c61dd8fac455baea4ec492e6cf0fe3"; sha256 = "0576k4l2wbzy9frvv268vdix4k6iz9pw6n6626ifvg8hk6gbc5g9"; }; ats = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "alex-ren"; repo = "org.ats-lang.toolats"; rev = "e0c5499dfa5c65b4aa3bf031247c768f826f3de8"; sha256 = "0g1qrq4f4gq0yrnlslrjz03m0997rd343b22w21w7359hydlqzax"; extraPostFetch = '' mv -t "$out" "$out/org.ats-lang.toolats.vim/ftdetect" \ "$out/org.ats-lang.toolats.vim/syntax" rm -rf "$out/org.ats-lang.toolats"* \ "$out/README.md" "$out/release" "$out/.gitignore" ''; }; ledger = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "ledger"; repo = "vim-ledger"; rev = "6eb3bb21aa979cc295d0480b2179938c12b33d0d"; sha256 = "0rbwyaanvl2bqk8xm4kq8fkv8y92lpf9xx5n8gw54iij7xxhnj01"; }; vue = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "posva"; repo = "vim-vue"; rev = "e531e1d24f24385a5f4d2f1ba36d972a57ec52d9"; sha256 = "1vi4i9ybwg1l1xmarsdhzd08py4w0yfg4xswbz3qrvihk8nhg1km"; }; meson = stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "meson-vim-${meson.version}"; inherit (meson) src; phases = [ "unpackPhase" "patchPhase" "installPhase" ]; postPatch = '' sed -i -e '/^ *echom \+getline/d' \ data/syntax-highlighting/vim/indent/meson.vim ''; installPhase = "cp -r data/syntax-highlighting/vim \"$out\""; }; jinja2 = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "Glench"; repo = "Vim-Jinja2-Syntax"; rev = "2c17843b074b06a835f88587e1023ceff7e2c7d1"; sha256 = "13mfzsw3kr3r826wkpd3jhh1sy2j10hlj1bv8n8r01hpbngikfg7"; }; xdebug = fetchurl { name = "vim-xt-syntax"; url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xdebug/xdebug/" + "ce4f6bc7ae04ae542960af6c1b8975888e9c3e5e/contrib/xt.vim"; sha256 = "05a3nry310s2w1h2q7w6yw2wick81jrnrs43x9vk0k7dqyavhvhi"; downloadToTemp = true; recursiveHash = true; postFetch = '' install -vD -m 0644 "$downloadedFile" "$out/syntax/xt.vim" ''; }; purescript = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "purescript-contrib"; repo = "purescript-vim"; rev = "67ca4dc4a0291e5d8c8da48bffc0f3d2c9739e7f"; sha256 = "1insh39hzbynr6qxb215qxhpifl5m8i5i0d09a3b6v679i7s11i8"; }; hexokinase = buildGoPackage { name = "hexokinase"; goPackagePath = "hexokinase"; outputs = [ "out" "bin" ]; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "RRethy"; repo = "vim-hexokinase"; rev = "62324b43ea858e268fb70665f7d012ae67690f43"; sha256 = "1qdy028i9zrldjx24blk5im35lcijvq4fwg63ks2vrrvn0dfsj01"; fetchSubmodules = true; }; postPatch = '' sed -i -n -e '/^let g:Hexokinase_executable_path/ { :l; n; /^ *\\/bl i let g:Hexokinase_executable_path = '"'$bin/bin/hexokinase'"' }' -e p plugin/hexokinase.vim ''; installPhase = '' install -vD "$NIX_BUILD_TOP/go/bin/hexokinase" "$bin/bin/hexokinase" cd "$NIX_BUILD_TOP/go/src/$goPackagePath" mkdir "$out" for i in autoload doc plugin; do cp -Rd "$i" "$out" done ''; }; fluent = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "projectfluent"; repo = "fluent.vim"; rev = "2278e05ec7fbb48e06b5d26319385e1c09325760"; sha256 = "0hp8jjr4xpw73pkfpbxpjnr49cvjyksymvj748zaxjznkvizmyxc"; }; godot = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "habamax"; repo = "vim-godot"; rev = "e38845b4042d2351c47cd63f8705fd51c97acb4f"; sha256 = "1k3val0ibriwcv5jdyq95sgxgkz54r15gpylbhns5934zvaakpj1"; }; }; generic = '' " boolean set nocompatible set showcmd set showmatch set ignorecase set smartcase set incsearch set modeline set smarttab set expandtab set smartindent set ruler " non-boolean set tabstop=4 set softtabstop=4 set shiftwidth=4 set textwidth=79 set backspace=indent,eol,start set background=dark set mouse= set history=500 ''; vimLanguages = runCommand "vim-languages.json" { inherit vim; plugins = lib.attrValues plugins; } '' result= add_synfiles() { for synfile in "$@"; do synbase="$(basename "$synfile")" result="$result''${result:+,}\"''${synbase%.vim}\"" done } add_synfiles "$vim"/share/vim/vim[0-9]*/syntax/*.vim for plugin in $plugins; do add_synfiles "$plugin"/syntax/*.vim done echo "[$result]" > "$out" ''; githubLanguages = let rev = "16c70aef8cd62ca071231a380c69050f5e83c900"; sha256 = "1bzxvf9128dzwc3n6hamvqld1idmagx0mfw8ydg4v7789yywppjj"; file = "lib/linguist/languages.yml"; url = "https://github.com/github/linguist/raw/${rev}/${file}"; in fetchurl { inherit url sha256; }; blacklistedLanguages = [ # Support file rather than real syntax files, which we never ever want to # include directly. "syncolor" "synload" "syntax" # Those have poor runtime performance because they include other syntax # files. While there are certainly others, I excluded the following syntax # files because I find them highly unlikely to occur in code blocks from # Markdown files I care about. "2html" "ant" "antlr" "groovy" "gsp" "haml" "javacc" "jinja" "jsp" "less" "lucius" "phtml" "rpcgen" "sass" "scss" "smarty" "sqlj" "vim" "vue" "xs" # Cause conflicts because they execute "syn sync linecont". "fortran" "rexx" "sicad" # These syntax files recursively include markdown.vim syntax file. "lhaskell" "markdown" "pug" "rmd" # Other markup languages I think are pretty unlikely to be included in # Markdown code blocks. "asciidoc" "docbk" "docbksgml" "docbkxml" "doxygen" "groff" "nroff" "rst" "rtf" ]; transformer = writers.writePython3Bin "transform-languages" { libraries = lib.singleton python3Packages.pyyaml; flakeIgnore = [ "E111" "E114" "E501" ]; } '' import json import sys import yaml blacklisted_languages = {${ lib.concatMapStringsSep ", " (l: "'${l}'") blacklistedLanguages }} with open(sys.argv[1]) as fp: vim_languages = set(json.load(fp)) - blacklisted_languages # This generate language canidates/aliases according to # https://git.io/Jcioq with the keys being the corresponding Vim syntax # file name and the values being a set of all the aliases we can use for # GitHub Flavored Markdown. languages = {} with open(sys.argv[2]) as fp: for name, lang in yaml.load(fp, Loader=yaml.CLoader).items(): if lang['tm_scope'] == 'none': continue aliases = lang.get('aliases', []) interpreters = lang.get('interpreters', []) # The Vim variant doesn't support a dot prefix to the language name. extensions = [ext.lstrip('.') for ext in lang.get('extensions', [])] raw_canidates = [name] + aliases + interpreters + extensions # Note that this is not a set (yet), because order is important here, # going from the most specific ones to the least specific ones. canidates = [c.replace(' ', '-').lower() for c in raw_canidates] for canidate in canidates: if canidate in vim_languages: # At this point we *do* want to make sure it's a set because we # only want to provide the aliases once. languages[canidate] = set(canidates) break # This is for getting the canidates/aliases into the format expected by # g:markdown_fenced_languages, which either is the syntax file directly or # some aliased mapping like "bash=sh". fenced_langs = [] for name, canidates in languages.items(): fenced_langs += [c if c == name else f'{c}={name}' for c in canidates] with open(sys.argv[3], 'w') as fp: escaped = ["'" + val.replace("'", "'''") + "'" for val in fenced_langs] vim_fenced_langs = '[' + ', '.join(escaped) + ']' fp.write('let g:markdown_fenced_languages = ' + vim_fenced_langs + "\n") ''; vimMarkdownLanguages = runCommand "markdown-languages.vim" { inherit vimLanguages githubLanguages; nativeBuildInputs = lib.singleton transformer; } "transform-languages \"$vimLanguages\" \"$githubLanguages\" \"$out\""; plugin = '' " erlang let erlang_folding = 0 let erlang_highlight_bif = 1 let erlang_force_use_vimerl_indent = 1 " python let python_highlight_numbers = 1 let python_highlight_builtins = 1 let python_highlight_exceptions = 1 let g:flake8_cmd = '${python3Packages.flake8}/bin/flake8' " ledger let g:ledger_bin = '${ledger}/bin/ledger' let g:ledger_date_format = '%Y-%m-%d' let g:ledger_maxwidth = 79 let g:ledger_align_at = 73 let g:ledger_default_commodity = 'EUR' let g:ledger_commodity_before = 0 let g:ledger_commodity_sep = ' ' let g:ledger_fold_blanks = 1 " php let php_noShortTags = 1 let php_sql_query = 1 let php_baselib = 1 let php_htmlInStrings = 1 let g:PHP_vintage_case_default_indent = 1 " markdown source ${vimMarkdownLanguages} " hexokinase let g:Hexokinase_highlighters = ['background'] let g:Hexokinase_refreshEvents = \ ['TextChanged', 'TextChangedI', 'InsertLeave', 'BufRead'] ''; autocmd = '' " jump to last position au BufReadPost * if line("'\"") > 1 && line("'\"") <= line("$") | \ exe "normal! g'\"zz" | endif " filetype defaults au BufNewFile,BufRead *.as setlocal ft=actionscript au BufNewFile,BufRead *.tt setlocal ft=tt2html ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et au BufNewFile,BufRead *.xt setlocal ft=xt foldlevel=4 au BufNewFile,BufRead *.html setlocal ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et au FileType python setlocal textwidth=79 au FileType gitcommit setlocal textwidth=72 au FileType docbk setlocal tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 expandtab " Enable folding for Ledger files au FileType ledger set fdm=syntax " Do not sleuth these file types! au FileType ledger let g:sleuth_automatic = 0 au FileType haskell let g:sleuth_automatic = 0 au FileType nix let g:sleuth_automatic = 0 " highlight unnecessary whitespace highlight ExtraWhitespace ctermbg=red guibg=red match ExtraWhitespace /\s\+$/ au BufWinEnter,InsertLeave * match ExtraWhitespace /\s\+$/ au InsertEnter * match ExtraWhitespace /\s\+\%#\@79v.\+', -1) \ | endif " flake everything that has been *detected* as python (not just by suffix) au BufWritePost * if &ft ==# 'python' | call Flake8() | endif ''; functions = '' " ASCII art mode fun! AAMode() highlight clear ExtraWhitespace for m in getmatches() if m.group ==# 'ErrorMsg' && m.pattern ==# '\%>79v.\+' call matchdelete(m.id) endif endfor endfun command DiffOrig vert new | set bt=nofile | r # | 0d_ | diffthis \ | wincmd p | diffthis ''; vimrc = writeText "vimrc" '' let g:skip_defaults_vim = 1 ${generic} ${plugin} " has to be after the generic block and before the autocmd block filetype plugin indent on syntax on colorscheme elflord set termguicolors ${functions} if has("autocmd") ${autocmd} endif ''; installPlugin = name: plugin: let mkInst = targetDir: writeScript "install-plugin-file" '' #!${stdenv.shell} if [ -e "${targetDir}/$1" ]; then cat "$1" >> "${targetDir}/$1" else exec install -m 0644 -vD "$1" "${targetDir}/$1" fi ''; afterPath = "$out/share/vim/vimfiles"; findCmd = [ "find" "-L" "." "-mindepth" "2" "-type" "f" "(" "-path" "*/after/*" "-exec" (mkInst afterPath) "{}" ";" "-o" "-exec" (mkInst "$vimdir") "{}" ";" ")" ]; in '' ( cd ${lib.escapeShellArg plugin} ${lib.concatMapStringsSep " " lib.escapeShellArg findCmd} ) ''; in lib.overrideDerivation vim (drv: { # Fix elflord color theme to use the 16 color terminal colors in GUI mode as # well for consistence. Also, I'm already used to the colors and I don't for # example like the "Statement" guifg color. patchPhase = (drv.patchPhase or "") + '' sed -i -e ' /^hi Normal/c hi Normal guifg=#bebebe guibg=black s/ctermfg=\([^ ]*\)\(.*guifg=\)[^ ]*/ctermfg=\1\2\1/ s/guifg=LightBlue\>/guifg=#5fd7ff/g ' runtime/colors/elflord.vim ''; postInstall = (drv.postInstall or "") + '' export vimdir="$(echo "$out/share/vim/vim"[0-9]*)" ${lib.concatStrings (lib.mapAttrsToList installPlugin plugins)} ln -sf "${vimrc}" "$out/share/vim/vimrc" ''; })