using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System; using Mono.Cecil.Cil; using Mono.Cecil.Rocks; using Mono.Cecil; using CommandLine; class Command { protected string infile; protected string outfile; protected ModuleDefinition module; public Command(GenericOptions options) { if (options.outputFile == null) this.outfile = options.inputFile; else this.outfile = options.outputFile; this.infile = options.inputFile; var readOnly = this.infile != this.outfile; this.module = this.read_module(this.infile, readOnly); } protected ModuleDefinition read_module(string path, bool readOnly) { var resolver = new DefaultAssemblyResolver(); resolver.AddSearchDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(path)); var rp = new ReaderParameters { ReadWrite = !readOnly, AssemblyResolver = resolver }; return ModuleDefinition.ReadModule(path, rp); } protected virtual IEnumerable get_assembly_types() { return this.module.AssemblyReferences .Select(a => this.module.AssemblyResolver.Resolve(a)) .SelectMany(r => r.MainModule.Types); } protected MethodReference find_method_ref(string fullSig) { foreach (var type in this.get_assembly_types()) { foreach (var ctor in type.GetConstructors()) { if (ctor.ToString() != fullSig) continue; return this.module.ImportReference(ctor); } foreach (var meth in type.GetMethods()) { if (meth.ToString() != fullSig) continue; return this.module.ImportReference(meth); } } throw new Exception($"Method reference for {fullSig} not found."); } public void save() { if (this.outfile == this.infile) this.module.Write(); else this.module.Write(this.outfile); } } class FixFileStreams : Command { private MethodReference betterFileStream; public FixFileStreams(FixFileStreamsCmd options) : base(options) { var filtered = this.module.Types .Where(p => options.typesToPatch.Contains(p.Name)); this.betterFileStream = this.find_method_ref( "System.Void System.IO.FileStream::.ctor" + "(System.String,System.IO.FileMode,System.IO.FileAccess)" ); foreach (var toPatch in filtered) patch_type(toPatch);; } private void patch_method(MethodDefinition md) { var il = md.Body.GetILProcessor(); var fileStreams = md.Body.Instructions .Where(i => i.OpCode == OpCodes.Newobj) .Where(i => (i.Operand as MethodReference).DeclaringType .FullName == "System.IO.FileStream"); foreach (Instruction i in fileStreams.ToList()) { var fileAccessRead = il.Create(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_1); il.InsertBefore(i, fileAccessRead); il.Replace(i, il.Create(OpCodes.Newobj, this.betterFileStream)); } } private void patch_type(TypeDefinition td) { foreach (var nested in td.NestedTypes) patch_type(nested); foreach (MethodDefinition md in td.Methods) patch_method(md); } } class ReplaceCall : Command { private string search; private MethodReference replace; private ModuleDefinition targetModule; private bool patch_done; public ReplaceCall(ReplaceCallCmd options) : base(options) { if (options.assemblyFile != null) this.targetModule = this.read_module(options.assemblyFile, true); = options.replaceMethod; this.replace = this.find_method_ref(options.replacementMethod); var filtered = this.module.Types .Where(p => options.typesToPatch.Contains(p.Name)); this.patch_done = false; foreach (var toPatch in filtered) patch_type(toPatch); if (!this.patch_done) { var types = string.Join(", ", options.typesToPatch); throw new Exception($"Unable to find {} in {types}."); }; } protected override IEnumerable get_assembly_types() { if (this.targetModule != null) return this.targetModule.Types; else return base.get_assembly_types(); } private void patch_method(MethodDefinition md) { var il = md.Body.GetILProcessor(); var found = md.Body.Instructions .Where(i => i.OpCode == OpCodes.Call) .Where(i => i.Operand.ToString() ==; foreach (Instruction i in found.ToList()) { il.Replace(i, il.Create(OpCodes.Call, this.replace)); this.patch_done = true; } } private void patch_type(TypeDefinition td) { foreach (var nested in td.NestedTypes) patch_type(nested); foreach (MethodDefinition md in td.Methods) patch_method(md); } } public class patcher { public static int Main(string[] args) { var parser = new Parser((settings) => { settings.EnableDashDash = true; settings.HelpWriter = Console.Error; // XXX: When not running in a terminal the width is 0, but the // CommandLine library expects it to be greater than zero. if (Console.WindowWidth == 0) settings.MaximumDisplayWidth = 80; }); var retval = 0; parser.ParseArguments(args) .WithParsed(opts => new FixFileStreams(opts)) .WithParsed(opts => new ReplaceCall(opts)) .WithNotParsed(_ => retval = 1); return retval; } }