import pytest # type: ignore from io import StringIO from itertools import groupby from typing import Set, Tuple, Iterable, Callable, Any from hypothesis import assume, given # type: ignore import hypothesis.strategies as st # type: ignore from patch import Compost MAX_OFFSET = 1000 ints = st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=MAX_OFFSET) @given(ranges=st.iterables(st.tuples(ints, ints))) def test_compost_free(ranges: Iterable[Tuple[int, int]]) -> None: compost = Compost() # Use a completely different (however inefficient) implementation here to # check for overlaps so that we can make sure the actual implementation # isn't "accidentally correct". bitset: Set[int] = set() for start, end in ranges: if end < start: with pytest.raises(ValueError):, end) else: must_fail = False new_bitset = set() for bit in range(start, end + 1): if bit in bitset: must_fail = True new_bitset.add(bit) if must_fail: with pytest.raises(ValueError):, end) else: bitset |= new_bitset, end) # Allocating from the biggest chunks to the smallest ones needs to always # work and will also make sure that contiguous areas are properly merged. grouped = groupby(range(MAX_OFFSET + 1), bitset.__contains__) chunks = [len(list(chunk)) for valid, chunk in grouped if valid] for size in sorted(chunks, reverse=True): compost.alloc(size) # The last allocation is just one byte and it must fail, since we exhausted # all the space we have on the compost heap. with pytest.raises(LookupError): compost.alloc(1) @st.composite def valid_ranges( draw: Callable[..., Any], min_chunksize: int = 1, max_chunksize: int = 10000, min_ranges: int = 0, max_ranges: int = 100, allow_gaps: bool = True, ): gap = st.tuples(st.just(False), st.integers(min_value=0)) occupied = st.tuples(st.just(True), st.integers(min_value=min_chunksize, max_value=max_chunksize)) elems = st.one_of(gap, occupied) if allow_gaps else occupied sizes = draw(st.iterables(elems, min_size=min_ranges, max_size=max_ranges)) ranges = [] offset = 0 for is_occupied, size in sizes: if is_occupied: ranges.append((offset, offset + size)) offset += 1 offset += size return ranges @given(ranges=valid_ranges()) def test_compost_sizes(ranges: Iterable[Tuple[int, int]]) -> None: compost = Compost() total = 0 smallest = 0 largest = 0 for start, end in ranges: size = end - start + 1 if smallest == 0 or size < smallest: smallest = size if size > largest: largest = size total += size, end) assert compost.available == total # Values could have been merged, so the sizes will be at *least* the value # we calculated here in the naive way. assert compost.smallest_chunk >= smallest assert compost.largest_chunk >= largest @given(ranges=valid_ranges(allow_gaps=False, min_ranges=1)) def test_compost_gapless_alloc(ranges: Iterable[Tuple[int, int]]) -> None: compost = Compost() for start, end in ranges:, end) assert compost.available > 0 compost.alloc(compost.available) assert compost.available == 0 @given(ranges=valid_ranges(max_chunksize=100, min_ranges=1, max_ranges=10)) def test_compost_alloc_nofrag(ranges: Iterable[Tuple[int, int]]) -> None: compost = Compost() for start, end in ranges:, end) total = compost.available for n in range(compost.available): compost.alloc(1) total -= 1 assert compost.available == total with pytest.raises(LookupError): compost.alloc(1) @given(ranges=valid_ranges(min_chunksize=4, max_chunksize=20, min_ranges=1), allocs=st.iterables(st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=21), min_size=1)) def test_compost_alloc(ranges: Iterable[Tuple[int, int]], allocs: Iterable[int]) -> None: compost = Compost() for start, end in ranges:, end) for alloc_size in allocs: assume(compost.largest_chunk >= alloc_size) size_before = compost.available compost.alloc(alloc_size) assert size_before - alloc_size == compost.available @given(ranges=valid_ranges(min_chunksize=2, max_chunksize=5, min_ranges=10, max_ranges=15, allow_gaps=False), use=st.integers(min_value=-1, max_value=21)) def test_compost_maybe_alloc(ranges: Iterable[Tuple[int, int]], use: int) -> None: compost = Compost() for start, end in ranges:, end) # This is similar to the one in test_compost_free and it serves as a canary # to make sure we don't accidentally overwrite something we don't want. bitset_before = {i for start, end in compost.offsets for i in range(1000) if start <= i <= end} initial_available = compost.available with compost.maybe_alloc(20) as (_, mark_used): assert initial_available - compost.available == 20 assume(0 <= use <= 20) mark_used(use) # If the bitset before the allocation is a superset, something is clearly # wrong and we're now in the middle of invalid memory. bitset_afterwards = {i for start, end in compost.offsets for i in range(1000) if start <= i <= end} assert bitset_before.issuperset(bitset_afterwards) assert initial_available - use == compost.available @given(start=st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=100), alloc_sizes=st.iterables(st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=20), max_size=5)) def test_compost_writes(start: int, alloc_sizes: Iterable[int]): compost = Compost(), start + 100) io = StringIO('.' * 200) alloc_chars = 'abcdefghijkl' expected_written = '' for n, asize in enumerate(alloc_sizes): char = alloc_chars[n] offset = compost.alloc(asize) expected_written += char * asize io.write(char * asize) assert'.' * start + expected_written) def test_invalid_compost_calls(): compost = Compost() with pytest.raises(ValueError):, 9) with pytest.raises(ValueError):, 0) with pytest.raises(ValueError): compost.alloc(0) with pytest.raises(ValueError): compost.alloc(-10)