{ lib, runCommandLocal, writeText, python3, libnotify, bc, sfttime }: let name = "display-infos-0.1.0"; script = writeText (name + "-script") '' #!@python3@ import sys import glob import subprocess as sub import os.path as path import statistics as st def readint(fn): with open(fn, 'r') as f: return int(f.read()) def seconds_to_sft(secs): p = sub.Popen(["@bc@", "-l"], stdin=sub.PIPE, stdout=sub.PIPE) (sft, _) = p.communicate(input="scale=2; obase=16; {} / 86400\n".format(secs).encode()) p.terminate() return str(sft.strip().decode()) charging = readint("/sys/class/power_supply/AC/online") full = 0 now = 0 # this is "to charged" if charging and "to empty" if not seconds_remaining = 0 for bat in glob.iglob("/sys/class/power_supply/BAT*"): # these files might be different for different ACPI/battery providers # see the full list in acpi.c of the acpi(1) tool # unit: who knows full += readint(path.join(bat, "energy_full")) now += readint(path.join(bat, "energy_now" )) # in unit?/hours, hopefully the same unit as above # ACPI is a garbage fire current_rate = readint(path.join(bat, "power_now")) if current_rate == 0: continue elif charging: seconds_remaining += 3600 * (full - now) / current_rate else: seconds_remaining += 3600 * now / current_rate bat = round( now/full, 2 ) ac = "🗲 " if charging else "" sft_remaining = seconds_to_sft(seconds_remaining) date = sub.run(["date", "+%d.%m. %a %T"], stdout=sub.PIPE).stdout.strip().decode() sftdate = sub.run(["@sfttime@"], stdout=sub.PIPE).stdout.strip().decode() notify = "BAT: {percent}% {ac}{charge}| {date} | {sftdate}".format( percent = int(bat*100), ac = ac, charge = "{} ".format(sft_remaining) if seconds_remaining else "", date = date, sftdate = sftdate ) print(notify) ''; in with lib; runCommandLocal "display-infos" { meta.description = "Script to display time & battery"; } '' substitute ${script} script \ --replace "@python3@" "${getBin python3}/bin/python3" \ --replace "@bc@" "${getBin bc}/bin/bc" \ --replace "@sfttime@" "${getBin sfttime}/bin/sfttime" install -D script $out/bin/display-infos ''