{ writeExecline, getBins, pkgs }: let bins = getBins pkgs.rlwrap [ "rlwrap" ] // getBins pkgs.s6-portable-utils [ { use = "s6-cat"; as = "cat"; } "s6-test" ] // getBins pkgs.execline [ "execlineb" ]; # minimal execline shell shell = let prompt = [ "if" [ "printf" ''\e[0;33me>\e[0m '' ] ]; in writeExecline "execline-shell" {} ([ bins.rlwrap "--remember" "--quote-characters" "\"" "--complete-filenames" "--ansi-colour-aware" ] ++ prompt ++ [ "forstdin" "-d\n" "cmd" "importas" "cmd" "cmd" "foreground" [ bins.execlineb "-Pc" "$cmd" ] ] ++ prompt); # TODO: should definitely still pass a command line to rlwrap, because then it keeps the history! e = writeExecline "e" { argMode = "env"; } [ # if there is no argument, we start the shell, else we call execlineb directly "ifelse" [ "importas" "#" "#" bins.s6-test "$#" "=" "0" ] [ shell ] # call execlineb with the arguments as script "backtick" "-i" "cmd" [ "dollarat" "-d" " " ] "importas" "-ui" "cmd" "cmd" bins.execlineb "-Pc" "$cmd" ]; in { inherit e; }