extern crate temp; use std::borrow::Cow; use std::ffi::{OsStr, OsString}; use std::fs::read_dir; use std::io::Write; use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt; use std::os::unix::process::ExitStatusExt; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::process::{Command, ExitStatus, Stdio}; use temp::TempDir; enum CliAction<'a> { /// attribute, section, page Man(&'a str, Option<&'a str>, &'a str), } enum CliResult<'a> { ShowUsage { err_msg: Option<&'a str> }, Action(CliAction<'a>), } fn main() { use CliResult::*; let (opts, args): (Vec, Vec) = std::env::args().partition(|s| s.starts_with("-")); let mut cli_res: CliResult = match args.len() { 2 => Action(CliAction::Man(&args[1], None, &args[1])), 3 => match parse_man_section(&args[2]) { Ok(s) => Action(CliAction::Man(&args[1], Some(s), &args[1])), Err(_) => Action(CliAction::Man(&args[1], None, &args[2])), }, 4 => match parse_man_section(&args[2]) { Err(err_msg) => ShowUsage { err_msg: Some(err_msg), }, Ok(s) => Action(CliAction::Man(&args[1], Some(s), &args[3])), }, _ => ShowUsage { err_msg: Some("Unexpected number of arguments"), }, }; let mut is_debug: bool = false; for opt in opts { match &opt[..] { "--help" | "--usage" | "-h" => cli_res = ShowUsage { err_msg: None }, "--verbose" | "-v" => is_debug = true, _ => { cli_res = ShowUsage { err_msg: Some("Unknown option"), } } } } let main = Main { is_debug }; match cli_res { ShowUsage { err_msg } => { if let Some(msg) = err_msg { eprintln!("usage error: {}", msg); } println!("Usage: {} ATTR [PAGE | SECTION [PAGE]]", &args[0]); std::process::exit(NmanError::Usage.code()); } Action(action) => match action { CliAction::Man(attr, section, page) => match main.open_man_page(attr, section, page) { Ok(_) => (), Err(t) => { let msg = t.msg(); eprint!("error: {}", msg); if !msg.ends_with("\n") { eprint!("\n"); } std::process::exit(t.code()) } }, }, } } /// Represents all errors that can occurr in `nman`. /// The inner structure of this type is rather messy /// as it is highly specific to the location it may /// occurr, so whatever is most efficient is passed /// back. /// /// The common interface is `err.msg()` for building /// an user facing error message for an `NmanError` /// and `err.code()` for returning a descriptive /// exit code for the occurred error (not that it /// really matters for an interactive tool). enum NmanError<'a> { IO(std::io::Error), Instantiate(&'a str, ExitStatus), Build(OsString, ExitStatus), Man, NotFound(&'a str, Option<&'a str>), ParseError(&'a str), Usage, Execution(&'a str), } impl NmanError<'_> { fn code(&self) -> i32 { match self { // expected errors NmanError::NotFound(_, _) => 1, // most likely due to attribute missing NmanError::Instantiate(_, _) => 1, // missing executable NmanError::Execution(_) => 127, // user error NmanError::Usage => 100, // everything else is an unexpected error _ => 101, } } fn msg(&self) -> String { match self { NmanError::IO(err) => format!("unexpected IO error occurred: {}", err), NmanError::Instantiate(attr, s) => format!( "could not instantiate \"{}\", nix-instantiate {}.", attr, pretty_exit_status(s) ), NmanError::Build(drv_path, s) => format!( "failed to build \"{}\", nix-store {}.", drv_path.to_string_lossy(), pretty_exit_status(s) ), NmanError::Man => String::from("man failed while opening while opening man page"), NmanError::NotFound(page, sec) => format!( "man page {}({}) could not be found", page, sec.unwrap_or("?") ), NmanError::ParseError(exec) => format!("could not parse output of {}", exec), NmanError::Execution(exec) => format!("could not execute {}", exec), NmanError::Usage => String::from("usage error"), } } } /// Pretty print an [`ExitStatus`] fn pretty_exit_status(status: &ExitStatus) -> String { match status.code() { Some(i) => format!("exited with {}", i), None => match status.signal() { Some(s) => format!("was killed by signal {}", s), None => String::from("exited for unknown reason"), }, } } /// Represents an output of a Nix derivation. /// These can theoretically be any strings, /// but are limited to the first 9 options /// in `nixpkgs` by convention. /// /// The main purpose of parsing derivation /// outputs is to order them from most /// likely to least likely to contain man /// pages to save on realizing store paths. #[derive(PartialEq, PartialOrd, Eq, Ord, Debug)] enum DrvOutput<'a> { Man, DevMan, Doc, Out, DevDoc, // Info, Dev, Bin, Lib, Other(&'a [u8]), } impl<'a> DrvOutput<'a> { /// Convert a string (Nix strings may be arbitrary bytes) /// into a parsed [`DrvOutput`]. No sanity checking is /// done, anything strange is passed into [`DrvOutput::Other`]. fn parse(output: &'a [u8]) -> Self { match output { b"out" => DrvOutput::Out, b"bin" => DrvOutput::Bin, b"lib" => DrvOutput::Lib, b"doc" => DrvOutput::Doc, b"man" => DrvOutput::Man, b"dev" => DrvOutput::Dev, b"devdoc" => DrvOutput::DevDoc, b"devman" => DrvOutput::DevMan, _ => DrvOutput::Other(output), } } fn display(&self) -> Cow { match self { DrvOutput::Out => Cow::Borrowed("out"), DrvOutput::Bin => Cow::Borrowed("bin"), DrvOutput::Lib => Cow::Borrowed("lib"), DrvOutput::Doc => Cow::Borrowed("doc"), DrvOutput::Man => Cow::Borrowed("man"), DrvOutput::Dev => Cow::Borrowed("dev"), DrvOutput::DevDoc => Cow::Borrowed("devdoc"), DrvOutput::DevMan => Cow::Borrowed("devman"), DrvOutput::Other(s) => String::from_utf8_lossy(s), } } } /// A derivation represented as a path /// coupled with a parsed [`DrvOutput`] /// for sorting purposes. #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] struct DrvWithOutput<'a> { /// The original derivation path as printed /// by `nix-instantiate` _including_ the output /// indicator if `output` is not [`DrvOutput::Out`] path: &'a [u8], /// The parsed output of `path` for sorting purposes output: DrvOutput<'a>, } impl DrvWithOutput<'_> { fn render(&self) -> OsString { match self.output { DrvOutput::Out => { let mut r = OsStr::from_bytes(self.path).to_os_string(); r.push("!out"); r } _ => OsStr::from_bytes(self.path).to_os_string(), } } } impl<'a> DrvWithOutput<'a> { /// Parse a line of the output of `nix-instantiate`, of the form: /// `/nix/store/[!]` into a [`DrvWithOutput`] /// structure. fn parse(drv_path: &'a [u8]) -> Option { let mut split = drv_path.split(|c| char::from(*c) == '!'); let _ = split.next().filter(|s| s.len() > 0)?; let output = split.next().map(DrvOutput::parse).unwrap_or(DrvOutput::Out); match split.next() { None => Some(DrvWithOutput { path: drv_path, output: output, }), Some(_) => None, } } } struct Main { /// Whether the program is running in debug mode is_debug: bool, } struct DerivationOutputPath(PathBuf); struct BuildResult { first_path: DerivationOutputPath, } enum OutputDirResult { NoManDir, NoManPageFound, FoundManPage(PathBuf), } struct FoundManSection { man_section: String, } impl Main { /// This function implements the main operation of `nman`: /// It instantiates the given attribute to get all outputs /// of the described derivation and checks the outputs /// for the desired man page using `build_man_page`. /// Finally the man page is opened using `man(1)`. /// Both GNU's `man-db` and OpenBSD's `mandoc` work /// (any man implementation that implements `-l` should /// for that matter). fn open_man_page<'a>( &self, attr: &'a str, section: Option<&'a str>, page: &'a str, ) -> Result<(), NmanError<'a>> { let tmpdir = TempDir::new("nman").map_err(NmanError::IO)?; // TODO(sterni): allow selecting other base package sets, // like , /home/lukas/src/nix/nixpkgs, … let expr = format!( "with (import {{}}); builtins.map (o: {}.\"${{o}}\") {}.outputs", attr, attr ); let inst = self .debug_log_command( Command::new("nix-instantiate") .arg("-E") .arg(expr) .arg("--add-root") .arg(tmpdir.as_ref().join("instantiation-result")) .arg("--indirect") .stderr(Stdio::inherit()), ) .and_then(|cmd| cmd.output()) .map_err(|_| NmanError::Execution("nix-instantiate"))?; if !inst.status.success() { return Err(NmanError::Instantiate(attr, inst.status)); } let mut drvs: Vec = inst .stdout .split(|c| char::from(*c) == '\n') .filter_map(DrvWithOutput::parse) .collect(); if drvs.len() <= 0 { return Err(NmanError::ParseError("nix-instantiate")); } self.debug_log(format!( "Found derivation outputs: {:?}", drvs.iter() .map(|drv| drv.output.display()) .collect::>() )); // the sort order is such that the outputs where we // expect the man page to be are checked first. // This means we realise the least amount of outputs // necessary // // TODO(sterni): change sorting depending on section: // "3" and "3p" should prioritize DevMan drvs.sort_unstable_by(|a, b| a.output.cmp(&b.output)); let manpage_display = format!( r#""{}{}""#, page, section.map_or(String::from(""), |m| format!("({})", m)) ); for drv in drvs { self.debug_log(format!( r#"Searching for manpage {} in output "{}""#, manpage_display, drv.output.display() )); let build_result = self.build_drv_with_output(&drv, &tmpdir)?; let man_file = self.find_man_page(section, page, build_result)?; match man_file { OutputDirResult::NoManDir | OutputDirResult::NoManPageFound => { self.debug_log(format!( r#"no manpage for {} found in output "{}""#, manpage_display, &drv.output.display() )); continue; } OutputDirResult::FoundManPage(file) => { self.debug_log(format!( r#"found manpage {} in output "{}", opening …"#, manpage_display, &drv.output.display() )); let res = self .debug_log_command(Command::new("man").arg("--local-file").arg(file)) .and_then(|cmd| cmd.spawn()) .and_then(|mut c| c.wait()) .map(|c| c.success()); return match res { Ok(true) => Ok(()), Ok(false) => Err(NmanError::Man), Err(_) => Err(NmanError::Execution("man")), }; } } } Err(NmanError::NotFound(page, section)) } /// Checks if the man page described by `section` and `page` can be found /// within it. If that is the case, the path to is returned. If it can't /// be found, `None` is returned. `Err` is only used to describe unrecoverable /// errors. /// /// `section == None` indicates that the section is not given. `build_man_page` /// then searches all man section directories for any matching page. If multiple /// matches exist, the one with an alphanumerically lower section is preferred, /// e. g. section 1 is preferred over section 3. fn find_man_page<'a>( &self, section: Option<&str>, page: &str, build_result: BuildResult, ) -> Result> { let drv_share_man = build_result.first_path.0.join("share/man"); // no share/man, no man pages if !drv_share_man.exists() { return Ok(OutputDirResult::NoManDir); } // expected sub directory of share/man or, if no section // is given, all potential sub directories let mut section_dirs: Vec = Self::enumerate_man_pages(&drv_share_man)?; if let Some(sect) = section { section_dirs = section_dirs .into_iter() .find(|man| man.man_section == sect) .map_or(Vec::new(), |x| vec![x]); } // sorting should be ascending in terms of numerics, // apart from that, not many requirements section_dirs.sort_unstable_by(|man1, man2| man1.man_section.cmp(&man2.man_section)); for ref section_dir in section_dirs { // we have a valid man dir, check if it contains our page section let section_path = drv_share_man.join(String::from("man") + §ion_dir.man_section); let dir_content = read_dir(section_path).map_err(NmanError::IO)?; for entry in dir_content { let file = entry.map_err(NmanError::IO)?; let mmatch = file .file_name() .to_str() .map(|f| match_man_page_file(f, §ion_dir.man_section, page)); if mmatch.unwrap_or(false) { return Ok(OutputDirResult::FoundManPage(file.path())); } } } Ok(OutputDirResult::NoManPageFound) } fn enumerate_man_pages<'a>(path: &PathBuf) -> Result, NmanError<'a>> { let dirs = read_dir(path.as_path()).map_err(NmanError::IO)?; let mut res = Vec::new(); for entry in dirs.collect::>() { // ignore directories/files that cannot be read if let Ok(e) = entry { // separate "man" prefix from section indicator, // while validating the particular sub directory if let Some((prefix, man_section)) = e .file_name() .to_str() .filter(|d| d.len() > 3) .map(|d| d.split_at(3)) { if prefix == "man" { res.push(FoundManSection { man_section: String::from(man_section), }) } } } } Ok(res) } /// Realises the given derivation output using `nix-store --realise` and /// returns the path to the output directory. fn build_drv_with_output<'a>( &self, drv: &DrvWithOutput, tempdir: &TempDir, ) -> Result> { let build = self .debug_log_command( Command::new("nix-store") .arg("--realise") .arg(drv.render()) .arg("--add-root") .arg(tempdir.as_ref().join("build-result")) .arg("--indirect") .stderr(Stdio::inherit()), ) .and_then(|cmd| cmd.output()) .map_err(|_| NmanError::Execution("nix-store"))?; if !build.status.success() { return Err(NmanError::Build(drv.render(), build.status)); } // get the first line of the output, usually only one line // is printed, but this way we also get rid of the trailing '\n' build .stdout .split(|c| char::from(*c) == '\n') .next() .filter(|l| l.len() > 0) .ok_or(NmanError::ParseError("nix-store")) .map(|path| BuildResult { first_path: DerivationOutputPath(PathBuf::from(OsStr::from_bytes(path))), }) } fn debug_log(&self, msg: S) where S: AsRef, S: std::fmt::Display, { if self.is_debug { writeln!(std::io::stderr(), "{}", msg).unwrap() } } /// Log the given command to stderr, but only in debug mode fn debug_log_command<'a>( &self, cmd: &'a mut Command, ) -> Result<&'a mut Command, std::io::Error> { if self.is_debug { let mut formatted = vec![b'$', b' ']; formatted.extend( vec![cmd.get_program()] .into_iter() .chain(cmd.get_args()) .map(|arg| simple_bash_escape(arg.as_bytes())) .collect::>() .join(&b' '), ); formatted.push(b'\n'); std::io::stderr().write_all(&formatted).map(|()| cmd) } else { Ok(cmd) } } } /// Match if a file name is a man file matching the given /// section and page. It is checked that the filename is /// of the form `.
` or /// `.
.` where extra /// extension may not be a valid man section to prevent /// mismatches if a man page name itself contains a valid /// section extension. fn match_man_page_file(name: &str, section: &str, page: &str) -> bool { let init = format!("{}.{}", page, section); let init_len = init.len(); if !name.starts_with(&init[..]) { false } else { if name.len() == init_len { true } else { let rem = &name[init_len..]; rem.chars().nth(0) == Some('.') // remainder is an extension && rem.chars().filter(|c| *c == '.').count() == 1 // only one extension && parse_man_section(&rem[1..]).is_err() // not a man extension } } } /// Check if a string describes a man section, /// i. e. is a number or "3p" (Perl Developer's /// manual). Used to distinguish between man pages /// and manual sections on the command line. fn parse_man_section(section: &str) -> Result<&str, &str> { match section { "3p" => Ok(section), _ => match u8::from_str_radix(section, 10) { Ok(_) => Ok(section), Err(_) => Err("Invalid man section: not a number and not \"3p\""), }, } } /// Simple escaping for bash words. If they contain anything that’s not ascii chars /// and a bunch of often-used special characters, put the word in single quotes. fn simple_bash_escape(arg: &[u8]) -> Cow<[u8]> { let mut is_simple: bool = true; let mut number_of_single_quotes: usize = 0; // any word that is just ascii characters is simple (no spaces or control characters) // or contains a few often-used characters like - or . for c in arg { if !(c.is_ascii_alphabetic() || c.is_ascii_digit() || [b'-', b'.', b':', b'/'].contains(c)) { is_simple = false; } if *c == b'\'' { number_of_single_quotes += 1; } } if is_simple { return Cow::Borrowed(arg); } // Put the word in single quotes // If there is a single quote in the word, // close the single quoted word, add a single quote, open the word again // replace single quotes with `'\''` (i.e. escape from the string, then add a `'`, then open another string) if number_of_single_quotes > 0 { // we know the capacity we need to build the string, so vec will only allocate once let mut v = Vec::with_capacity(get_bash_escaped_capacity(arg, number_of_single_quotes)); v.push(b'\''); for c in arg { if *c == b'\'' { v.extend(b"'\\''") } else { v.push(*c) } } v.push(b'\''); return Cow::Owned(v); } let mut v = Vec::with_capacity(arg.len() + 2); v.push(b'\''); v.extend(arg); v.push(b'\''); return Cow::Owned(v); } fn get_bash_escaped_capacity(arg: &[u8], number_of_single_quotes: usize) -> usize { arg.len() // initial `'` and final `'` + 2 // replacing `'` with `'\''` adds three bytes + number_of_single_quotes * 3 } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn test_section_parsing() { assert!(parse_man_section("1").is_ok()); assert!(parse_man_section("2").is_ok()); assert!(parse_man_section("3").is_ok()); assert!(parse_man_section("3p").is_ok()); assert!(parse_man_section("4").is_ok()); assert!(parse_man_section("5").is_ok()); assert!(parse_man_section("6").is_ok()); assert!(parse_man_section("7").is_ok()); assert!(parse_man_section("8").is_ok()); assert!(parse_man_section("9").is_ok()); assert!(parse_man_section("man").is_err()); assert!(parse_man_section("ocamlPackages.sexp").is_err()); assert!(parse_man_section("lowdown").is_err()); assert!(parse_man_section("").is_err()); } #[test] fn test_output_preference() { // lower =^= preferred assert!(DrvOutput::Man < DrvOutput::Out); assert!(DrvOutput::DevMan < DrvOutput::Out); // assert!(DrvOutput::Out < DrvOutput::Doc); assert!(DrvOutput::Out < DrvOutput::DevDoc); assert!(DrvOutput::Out < DrvOutput::Lib); assert!(DrvOutput::Out < DrvOutput::Bin); assert!(DrvOutput::Out < DrvOutput::Other(b"foo")); } const OUT: &[u8] = b"/nix/store/3v06l2clmzxx4pna0yd0wiggqlh7b33s-lowdown-0.8.1.drv"; const DEVMAN: &[u8] = b"/nix/store/1ilsvw0y81mi8rdz2jp5kng2wakg2mq8-libunwind-1.4.0.drv!devman"; #[test] fn test_drv_path_parsing() { assert_eq!( DrvWithOutput::parse(OUT), Some(DrvWithOutput { path: OUT, output: DrvOutput::Out, }) ); assert_eq!( DrvWithOutput::parse(DEVMAN), Some(DrvWithOutput { path: DEVMAN, output: DrvOutput::DevMan, }) ); } #[test] fn test_drv_path_rendering() { let mut expected_out_path = Vec::from(OUT); expected_out_path.extend(b"!out"); let out = DrvWithOutput { path: OUT, output: DrvOutput::Out, }; assert_eq!( out.render().as_os_str(), OsStr::from_bytes(&expected_out_path[..]) ); let devman = DrvWithOutput { path: DEVMAN, output: DrvOutput::DevMan, }; assert_eq!(devman.render().as_os_str(), OsStr::from_bytes(DEVMAN)); } #[test] fn test_man_page_matching() { assert!(match_man_page_file("man.1", "1", "man")); assert!(match_man_page_file("lowdown.3", "3", "lowdown")); assert!(match_man_page_file("lowdown.3.gz", "3", "lowdown")); assert!(match_man_page_file("magrep.1.gz", "1", "magrep")); assert!(match_man_page_file("CGI.3p", "3p", "CGI")); assert!(!match_man_page_file("lowdown.1", "3", "lowdown")); assert!(!match_man_page_file("lowdown.5.3", "3", "lowdown")); assert!(!match_man_page_file("lowdown.5.3", "5", "lowdown")); assert!(!match_man_page_file("mblaze.gz.1", "1", "mblaze")); // make sure these don't panic assert!(match_man_page_file("lowdown.3.", "3", "lowdown")); assert!(!match_man_page_file("lowdown.3f", "3", "lowdown")); assert!(match_man_page_file("lowdown.", "", "lowdown")); assert!(!match_man_page_file("", "", "")); } #[test] fn test_simple_bash_escape() { assert_eq!(&simple_bash_escape(b""), &vec![], "empty string"); assert_eq!( &simple_bash_escape(b"abc"), &"abc".as_bytes(), "simple word" ); assert_eq!( &simple_bash_escape(b"12ab3c4"), &"12ab3c4".as_bytes(), "simple word with digits" ); assert_eq!( &simple_bash_escape(b"a-b.c:d/e"), &"a-b.c:d/e".as_bytes(), "simple word with allowed special chars" ); assert_eq!( &simple_bash_escape("a$bc€de".as_bytes()), &"'a$bc€de'".as_bytes(), "escaped word with special chars" ); assert_eq!( &simple_bash_escape("a'bc'".as_bytes()), &"'a'\\''bc'\\'''".as_bytes(), "escaped word with single quotes" ); assert_eq!( &simple_bash_escape("a'bc'".as_bytes()), &"'a'\\''bc'\\'''".as_bytes(), "escaped word with single quotes" ); assert_eq!( get_bash_escaped_capacity("a'bc'".as_bytes(), 2), 13, "escaped vec capacity is correct" ); } }