{ pkgs, getBins, writeExecline, writeHaskellInterpret }: let lib = pkgs.lib; bins = getBins pkgs.httpie [ "http" ]; develop = true; writeHaskell = name: { interpret ? false, withPackages }: if interpret then writeHaskellInterpret name { inherit withPackages; } else pkgs.writers.writeHaskell name { libraries = withPackages pkgs.haskellPackages; }; # see https://hackage.haskell.org/package/aeson-schema- # for the schema format. # The input is a json-encoding of that via quasi-quoter. json-schema-validator = name: schema: writeHaskell name { withPackages = hps: [ (pkgs.haskell.lib.doJailbreak (pkgs.haskell.lib.markUnbroken hps.aeson-schema)) hps.aeson ]; interpret = develop; } '' {-# language QuasiQuotes #-} import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS import Data.Aeson (eitherDecode') import Data.Aeson.Schema import System.Exit (die, exitSuccess) main :: IO () main = do stdin <- BS.getContents case (eitherDecode' stdin) of Left errs -> die errs Right json -> do let val = validate mempty schema json if val == [] then BS.putStr stdin >> exitSuccess else die (show val) schema :: Schema () schema = [schemaQQ| ${lib.generators.toJSON {} schema} |] ''; query-lastFm-album = writeExecline "query-lastFm-album" { readNArgs = 2; } [ bins.http "GET" "https://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/" "--" "api_key==\${1}" "method==album.search" "album==\${2}" "format==json" ]; schema = { obj = { required ? true }: propsMap: { type = "object"; inherit required; properties = propsMap; }; arr = { required ? true }: itemsSchema: { type = "array"; inherit required; items = itemsSchema; }; }; validator = json-schema-validator "last-fm-album-output" (with schema; obj {} { results = obj {} { albummatches = obj {} { album = arr {} (obj {} { name = { type = "string"; }; artist = { type = "string"; }; }); }; }; }); query-and-validate = writeExecline "validate-lastfm-album-response" { } [ "pipeline" [ query-lastFm-album "$@" ] "if" [ validator ] ]; # in validator in { inherit query-lastFm-album validator query-and-validate; }