let types = ./types.dhall let Executable = types.Executable let Special = types.Special let Command = types.Command let Arg = types.Arg let Mime = types.Mime let UriMimeGlob = types.UriMimeGlob let MimeMatch = types.MimeMatch in λ(pkgs : { package : Text, binary : Text } → Executable) → λ(pkgsOnDemand : { package : Text, binary : Text } → Executable) → λ(special : Special) → let mime = let pkgSame = λ(packageAndBinaryName : Text) → pkgs { package = packageAndBinaryName , binary = packageAndBinaryName } let pkgSameOnDemand = λ(packageAndBinaryName : Text) → pkgsOnDemand { package = packageAndBinaryName , binary = packageAndBinaryName } let wrapCommand = λ(wrapper : Command) → λ(cmd : Command) → { exe = wrapper.exe , args = λ(template : Arg) → wrapper.args template # [ Arg.String cmd.exe ] # cmd.args template } let -- An executable that takes as its one argument the file to run oneArg = λ(exe : Executable) → { exe, args = λ(file : Arg) → [ file ] } in { text = { html = { mime = [ "text", "html" ], cmd = special.open-in-browser } , gemini = { mime = [ "text", "gemini" ] , cmd = oneArg (pkgSame "lagrange") } , gopher = { mime = [ "text", "gopher" ] , cmd = oneArg (pkgSame "lagrange") } , xml = { mime = [ "text", "xml" ], cmd = special.open-in-browser } , ical = { mime = [ "text", "calendar" ] , cmd = special.add-to-calendar } , csv = { mime = [ "text", "csv" ] , cmd = oneArg (pkgSameOnDemand "libreoffice") } , any = { mime = [ "text", "any" ], cmd = special.open-in-editor } } , mail-address = { mime = [ "special", "mailaddress" ] , cmd = special.compose-mail-to } , torrent = { mime = [ "application", "x-bittorrent" ] , cmd = special.notify "No xdg-open handler for the torrent" } , irc = { mime = [ "x-scheme-handler", "irc" ] , cmd = special.notify "No xdg-open handler for the irc link" } , file = { mime = [ "x-scheme-handler", "file" ] , cmd = special.notify "No xdg-open handler for the x-scheme-handler/file" } , image = { gif = { mime = [ "image", "gif" ], cmd = special.open-in-browser } , svg = { mime = [ "image", "svg+xml" ] , cmd = oneArg (pkgSame "inkscape") } , any = { mime = [ "image", "*" ], cmd = oneArg (pkgSame "imv") } } , pdf = { mime = [ "application", "pdf" ] , cmd = oneArg (pkgSame "zathura") } , pgp-key = { mime = [ "application", "pgp-keys" ] , cmd = { exe = pkgs { package = "gnupg", binary = "gpg" } , args = λ(file : Arg) → [ Arg.String "--import" , Arg.String "--import-options" , Arg.String "show-only" , file ] } } , directory = { mime = [ "inode", "directory" ] , cmd = special.exec-in-terminal-emulator (oneArg (pkgSame "ranger")) } , opendocument-any = { mime = [ "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.*" ] , cmd = oneArg (pkgSameOnDemand "libreoffice") } , openxmlformats-any = { mime = [ "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.*" ] , cmd = oneArg (pkgSameOnDemand "libreoffice") } , any = { mime = [ "*" ], cmd = special.dmenu-list-binaries-and-exec } } let orderedMimeMatchers = [ mime.text.html , mime.text.gemini , mime.text.gopher , mime.text.xml , mime.text.ical , mime.text.csv , mime.text.any , mime.mail-address , mime.torrent , mime.irc , mime.file , mime.image.gif , mime.image.svg , mime.image.any , mime.pdf , mime.opendocument-any , mime.openxmlformats-any , mime.pgp-key , mime.directory , mime.any ] let uriMimeGlobs : List UriMimeGlob = [ { desc = "http link" , glob = [ "http://*", "https://*" ] , schema-prefix = [ "http", "https" ] , handler = mime.text.html } , { desc = "gemini link" , glob = [ "gemini://*" ] , schema-prefix = [ "gemini" ] , handler = mime.text.gemini } , { desc = "gemini link" , glob = [ "gopher://*", "gophers://*" ] , schema-prefix = [ "gopher", "gophers" ] , handler = mime.text.gopher } , { glob = [ "mailto:*" ] , desc = "mail address" , schema-prefix = [ "mailto" ] , handler = mime.mail-address } , { glob = [ "magnet:*" ] , desc = "bittorrent magnet link" , schema-prefix = [ "magnet" ] , handler = mime.torrent } , { desc = "irc channel" , glob = [ "irc:*", "ircs:*" ] , schema-prefix = [ "irc", "ircs" ] , handler = mime.irc } ] in { uriMimeGlobs , UriMimeGlob , orderedMimeMatchers , Executable , Command , MimeMatch , Special , Mime , Arg }