{ pkgs, getBins, tvl, importDhall2, writeExecline, buildDhallPackage, runExeclineLocal, writeRustSimple, netencode-rs, record-get, el-exec, lazy-packages }: let lib = pkgs.lib; bins = getBins pkgs.libnotify [ "notify-send" ] // getBins pkgs.file [ "file" ] // getBins pkgs.coreutils [ "printf" "ln" "echo" ] // getBins pkgs.fdtools [ "multitee" ] // getBins pkgs.s6 [ "s6-ioconnect" ] // getBins pkgs.s6-portable-utils [ "s6-test" ] // getBins pkgs.s6-networking [ "s6-tcpclient" ] // getBins pkgs.libressl.nc [ "nc" ] // getBins pkgs.dmenu [ "dmenu" "dmenu_path" ] # TODO: make sure these are the ones from the environment // getBins pkgs.emacs [ "emacsclient" ] // getBins pkgs.firefox [ "firefox" ] // getBins pkgs.ranger [ "ranger" ] // getBins pkgs.khal [ "khal" ] ; notify = msg: { exe = writeExecline "notify" { readNArgs = 2; } [ bins.notify-send ("\${1} \${2}") ]; args = file: [ ({String, Variable}: String msg) file ]; }; get-mime-type = writeExecline "get-mime-type" { readNArgs = 1; } [ bins.file "-E" "--brief" "--mime-type" "$1" ]; compose-mail-to = { exe = writeExecline "emacs-mail" { readNArgs = 1; } [ bins.emacsclient "--create-frame" "--eval" # TODO: this obviously fails if the mail address contains " ''(url-mailto (url-generic-parse-url "''${1}"))'' ]; args = file: [ file ]; }; # TODO: interactive adding? Don’t want to add all ics files to my calendar add-to-calendar = { exe = writeExecline "add-to-calendar" { readNArgs = 1; } [ "if" [ bins.khal "import" "--batch" # the private calendar is called calendar "--include-calendar" "calendar" "$1" ] "systemctl" "--user" "start" # defined as a user service (TODO: config variable?) "calendar-sync" ]; args = file: [ file ]; }; open-in-browser = { exe = bins.firefox; args = file: [ file ]; }; open-in-editor = { exe = bins.emacsclient; args = file: [ file ]; }; dmenu-list-binaries-and-exec = { exe = writeExecline "dmenu-query" { readNArgs = 1; } [ "backtick" "-in" "cmd" [ "pipeline" [ bins.dmenu_path ] bins.dmenu ] "importas" "cmd" "cmd" "$cmd" "$1" ]; args = file: [ file ]; }; exec-in-terminal-emulator = {exe, args}: { exe = tvl.users.Profpatsch.alacritty; args = file: [ ({Variable, String}: String "--execute") ({Variable, String}: String exe) ] ++ args file; }; fetch-command-on-demand = cmd: lazy-packages.mkWrapper { package = cmd; }; fetch-http-url-mime = { exe = writeExecline "fetch-http-url-mime" { readNArgs = 1; } [ "pipeline" [ read-headers-and-follow-redirect "$1" ] record-get [ "content-type" ] printenv "content-type" ]; args = file: [ file ]; }; Prelude = let src = (import ./imports.nix { inherit pkgs; }).Prelude; # TODO: bs, make dhall version overridable in buildDhallPackage { name = "Prelude"; code = "${src.repo}/${src.mainFile}"; }; xdg-open = importDhall2 { type = '' let Command = { args : < String : Text | Variable : Text > → List < String : Text | Variable : Text > , exe : Text } in ∀(bins : { get-mime-type : Text }) → ∀(write-dash : Text → Text → Text) → ∀(shellEscape : Text → Text) → ∀(pkgs : { binary : Text, package : Text } → Text) → ∀(pkgsOnDemand : { binary : Text, package : Text } → Text) → ∀ ( special : { compose-mail-to : Command , dmenu-list-binaries-and-exec : Command , exec-in-terminal-emulator : ∀ ( args: Command) → Command , fetch-http-url-mime : Command , open-in-browser : Command , open-in-editor : Command , notify : Text -> Command , add-to-calendar : Command } ) → Text ''; root = ./.; main = "xdg-open.dhall"; files = [ "config.dhall" "types.dhall" "imports/Prelude/Text/concatSep" "imports/Prelude/Text/concatMap" "imports/Prelude/Text/concat" "imports/Prelude/List/map" "imports/Prelude/List/concatMap" ]; deps = [ Prelude ]; } { inherit get-mime-type; } pkgs.writers.writeDash pkgs.lib.escapeShellArg ({binary, package}: "${lib.getBin pkgs.${package}}/bin/${binary}") ({binary, package}: "${lazy-packages.mkWrapper { package = (lib.getBin pkgs.${package}); }}/bin/${binary}") { inherit compose-mail-to open-in-browser fetch-http-url-mime fetch-command-on-demand open-in-editor dmenu-list-binaries-and-exec exec-in-terminal-emulator notify add-to-calendar ; }; httparse = pkgs.buildRustCrate { pname = "httparse"; version = "1.3.4"; crateName = "httparse"; sha256 = "0dggj4s0cq69bn63q9nqzzay5acmwl33nrbhjjsh5xys8sk2x4jw"; }; stderr-tee = writeExecline "stderr-tee" {} [ "pipeline" [ bins.multitee "0-1,2" ] "$@" ]; stderr-prog = writeExecline "stderr-prog" {} [ "if" [ "fdmove" "-c" "1" "2" bins.echo "$@" ] "$@" ]; http-request = writeExecline "http-request" { } [ "importas" "-i" "protocol" "protocol" "ifelse" [ bins.s6-test "$protocol" "=" "http" ] [ (http-https-request false) ] "ifelse" [ bins.s6-test "$protocol" "=" "https" ] [ (http-https-request true) ] eprintf "protocol \${protocol} not supported" ]; http-https-request = isHttps: writeExecline "http-https-request" { } ([ "multisubstitute" [ "importas" "-ui" "port" "port" "importas" "-ui" "host" "host" "importas" "-ui" "path" "path" ] "pipeline" [ bins.printf (lib.concatStringsSep "\r\n" [ ''HEAD %s HTTP/1.1'' ''Host: %s'' ''User-Agent: lol'' ''Accept: */*'' "" "" ]) "$path" "$host" ] stderr-tee stderr-prog "pipeline" ([ bins.nc ] ++ lib.optional isHttps "-c" ++ [ "-v" "-N" "$host" "$port" ]) stderr-tee "cat" ]); printenv = writeRustSimple "printenv" {} (pkgs.writeText "printenv.rs" '' use std::io::Write; use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt; fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { let usage = || { eprintln!("usage: printenv VAR"); std::process::exit(1) }; let mut args = std::env::args_os(); let _ = args.next().unwrap_or_else(usage); let var = args.next().unwrap_or_else(usage); match std::env::var_os(&var) { None => { let mut err = std::io::stderr(); err.write_all("env variable ".as_bytes())?; err.write_all(var.as_bytes())?; err.write_all(" does not exist\n".as_bytes())?; }, Some(stuff) => std::io::stdout().write_all(stuff.as_bytes())? } Ok(()) } ''); assert-printf = writeExecline "assert-printf" { argMode = "env"; } [ "ifelse" [ "runblock" "2" ] [ "runblock" "-r" "2" ] "fdmove" "-c" "1" "2" "runblock" "1" bins.printf ]; as-stdin = writeExecline "as-stdin" { readNArgs = 1; } [ "pipeline" [ printenv "$1" ] "$@" ]; read-headers-and-follow-redirect = writeExecline "read-headers-and-follow-redirect" { readNArgs = 1; } (let go = writeExecline "go" {} [ "pipeline" [ http-request ] "pipeline" [ read-http ] record-get [ "status" "status-text" "headers" ] "importas" "-ui" "status" "status" # TODO: a test util for netencode values "ifelse" [ bins.s6-test "$status" "=" "n6:301," ] # retry the redirection location [ as-stdin "headers" record-get [ "Location" ] "importas" "-ui" "Location" "Location" "export" "host" "$Location" "if" [ "echo" "redirected to \${Location}" ] # save path, which would be overwritten by mini-url "importas" "old-path" "path" mini-url "$Location" "export" "path" "$old-path" "$0" ] printenv "headers" ]; in [ mini-url "$1" go ]); read-http = writeRustSimple "read-http" { dependencies = [ httparse netencode-rs ]; buildInputs = [ pkgs.skalibs ]; } ./read-http.rs; mini-url = writeRustSimple "mini-url" { dependencies = [ el-exec ]; buildInputs = [ pkgs.skalibs ]; release = false; # buildTests = true; verbose = true; } ./mini-url.rs; eprintf = writeExecline "eprintf" {} [ "fdmove" "-c" "1" "2" bins.printf "%s" "$@" ]; in { inherit xdg-open Prelude read-headers-and-follow-redirect mini-url assert-printf as-stdin printenv ; }