{ pkgs, getBins, importDhall2, writeExecline, dhall, buildDhallPackage, writeRustSimple, rust-deps }: let lib = pkgs.lib; bins = getBins pkgs.libnotify [ "notify-send" ] // getBins pkgs.file [ "file" ] // getBins pkgs.dmenu [ "dmenu" "dmenu_path" ] # TODO: make sure these are the ones from the environment // getBins pkgs.emacs [ "emacsclient" ] // getBins pkgs.firefox [ "firefox" ] // getBins pkgs.lilyterm-git [ "lilyterm" ] // getBins pkgs.ranger [ "ranger" ] ; notify = msg: { exe = writeExecline "notify" { readNArgs = 2; } [ bins.notify-send ("\${1} \${2}") ]; args = file: [ ({String, Variable}: String msg) file ]; }; get-mime-type = writeExecline "get-mime-type" { readNArgs = 1; } [ bins.file "-E" "--brief" "--mime-type" "$1" ]; compose-mail-to = { exe = writeExecline "emacs-mail" { readNArgs = 1; } [ bins.emacsclient "--create-frame" "--eval" # TODO: this obviously fails if the mail address contains " ''(url-mailto (url-generic-parse-url "''${1}"))'' ]; args = file: [ file ]; }; open-in-browser = { exe = bins.firefox; args = file: [ file ]; }; open-in-editor = { exe = bins.emacsclient; args = file: [ file ]; }; dmenu-list-binaries-and-exec = { exe = writeExecline "dmenu-query" { readNArgs = 1; } [ "backtick" "-in" "cmd" [ "pipeline" [ bins.dmenu_path ] bins.dmenu ] "importas" "cmd" "cmd" "$cmd" "$1" ]; args = file: [ file ]; }; exec-in-terminal-emulator = {exe, args}: { exe = bins.lilyterm; args = file: [ ({Variable, String}: String "--execute") ({Variable, String}: String exe) ] ++ args file; }; Prelude = let src = (import ./imports.nix { inherit pkgs; }).Prelude; # TODO: bs, make dhall version overridable in buildDhallPackage { name = "Prelude"; code = "${src.repo}/${src.mainFile}"; }; xdg-open = importDhall2 { type = '' let Command = { args : < String : Text | Variable : Text > → List < String : Text | Variable : Text > , exe : Text } in ∀(bins : { get-mime-type : Text }) → ∀(write-dash : Text → Text → Text) → ∀(shellEscape : Text → Text) → ∀(pkgs : { binary : Text, package : Text } → Text) → ∀ ( special : { compose-mail-to : Command , dmenu-list-binaries-and-exec : Command , exec-in-terminal-emulator : ∀ ( args: Command) → Command , open-in-browser : Command , open-in-editor : Command } ) → Text ''; root = ./.; main = "xdg-open.dhall"; files = [ "config.dhall" "imports/Prelude/Text/concatSep" "imports/Prelude/Text/concatMap" "imports/Prelude/Text/concat" "imports/Prelude/List/map" "imports/Prelude/List/concatMap" ]; deps = [ Prelude ]; } { inherit get-mime-type; } pkgs.writers.writeDash pkgs.lib.escapeShellArg ({binary, package}: "${lib.getBin pkgs.${package}}/bin/${binary}") { inherit compose-mail-to open-in-browser open-in-editor dmenu-list-binaries-and-exec exec-in-terminal-emulator ; }; mini-url = writeRustSimple "mini-url" { dependencies = [ rust-deps.libc rust-deps.errno ]; buildInputs = [ pkgs.skalibs pkgs.execline ]; release = false; # buildTests = true; verbose = true; } ./mini-url.rs; in { inherit xdg-open Prelude mini-url ; }