let Text/concatSep = ./imports/Prelude/Text/concatSep let Text/concatMap = ./imports/Prelude/Text/concatMap let List/concatMap = ./imports/Prelude/List/concatMap let List/map = ./imports/Prelude/List/map let -- TODO use library like with shell commands Executable = Text let types = ./types.dhall let renderMime = Text/concatSep "/" let shellEscapeCommand = λ(shellEscape : Text → Text) → λ(file : Text) → λ(cmd : types.Command) → Text/concatSep " " ( [ shellEscape cmd.exe ] # List/map types.Arg Text ( λ(arg : types.Arg) → merge { String = λ(t : Text) → shellEscape t , Variable = λ(t : Text) → t } arg ) (cmd.args (types.Arg.Variable file)) ) : Text let repeatText = λ(t : Text) → λ(n : Natural) → Natural/fold n Text (λ(t2 : Text) → t ++ t2) "" let Lines = { indent : Natural, lines : List Text } let prettyLines = λ(lines : Lines) → Text/concatMap Text (λ(line : Text) → repeatText " " lines.indent ++ line ++ "\n") lines.lines let xdg-open = let mimeMatcherCase = λ(shellEscape2 : Text → Text) → λ(file2 : Text) → λ(m : types.MimeMatch) → [ "${renderMime m.mime})" , "${shellEscapeCommand shellEscape2 file2 m.cmd}" , ";;" ] let mimeGlobCase = λ(shellEscape2 : Text → Text) → λ(file2 : Text) → λ(g : types.UriMimeGlob) → List/concatMap Text Text ( λ(match : Text) → merge { Mime = λ(mime : types.Mime) → [ "${match})", "mime=${renderMime mime}", ";;" ] , Transparent = λ(cmd : types.Command) → [ "${match})" , "mime=\"\$(${shellEscapeCommand shellEscape2 file2 cmd})\"" , ";;" ] } g.handler ) g.glob : List Text in λ(bins : { get-mime-type : Executable }) → λ(write-dash : Text → Text → Executable) → λ(shellEscape : Text → Text) → λ(pkgs : { package : Text, binary : Text } → Executable) → λ(special : types.Special) → let config = ./config.dhall pkgs special in write-dash "xdg-open" ( '' # TODO: --dry-run to display what would be opened and why # partially taken from # https://github.com/march-linux/mimi/blob/master/xdg-open set -e file="$1" mime= # match on protocols # if you want to match files reliably, start with file:// case "$file" in ${prettyLines { indent = 2 , lines = List/concatMap types.UriMimeGlob Text (mimeGlobCase shellEscape "\"\$file\"") config.uriMimeGlobs }} *) # it’s a file # strip possible protocol file='' ++ "\$" ++ '' {file#file://} mime=$(file -E --brief --mime-type "$file") \ || (echo "$mime" 1>&2; exit 1) # ^ echo the error message of file ;; esac case "$mime" in ${prettyLines { indent = 2 , lines = List/concatMap types.MimeMatch Text (mimeMatcherCase shellEscape "\"\$file\"") config.orderedMimeMatchers }} esac '' ) in xdg-open