{ pkgs, getBins, writeExecline, runExeclineLocal, toNetstringKeyVal, dhall-json, ... }: let inherit (pkgs) lib; bins = getBins pkgs.nodejs [ "node" ] // getBins pkgs.coreutils [ "echo" "ln" "mkdir" ] // getBins dhall-json [ "json-to-dhall" ] // getBins pkgs.xorg.xrandr [ "xrandr" ] ; writeNodejs = { name, # an attrset of node dependency name to source directory; # will be made into a node_modules directory and set as `NODE_PATH`. dependencies }: let node_modules = runExeclineLocal "${name}-node_modules" { stdin = toNetstringKeyVal dependencies; } [ "importas" "out" "out" "if" [ bins.mkdir "$out" ] "forstdin" "-o" "0" "-Ed" "" "dep" "multidefine" "-d" "" "$dep" [ "name" "source" ] "if" [ bins.echo "\${name} - \${source}" ] bins.ln "-sT" "\${source}" "\${out}/\${name}" ]; in pkgs.writers.makeScriptWriter { interpreter = writeExecline "nodejs-with-modules" {} [ "export" "NODE_PATH" node_modules bins.node "$@" ]; } name; dhall-typecheck = { name, dhallType, recordsLoose ? false }: writeExecline name {} ([ bins.json-to-dhall ] ++ lib.optional recordsLoose "--records-loose" ++ [ dhallType ]); parse = writeNodejs { name = "xrandr-parse"; dependencies = { xrandr-parse = (pkgs.fetchFromGitHub { owner = "lionep"; repo = "xrandr-parse"; rev = "a35bfd625c1b0834aa94f136cf8282b25624b3e6"; sha256 = "0c8mfsvgg76ia2i9gsgdwy567xzba5274xpj8si37yah5qpp8dkm"; }); }; } '' var parse = require('xrandr-parse'); var exec = require('child_process').exec; exec('xrandr', function (err, stdout) { var query = parse(stdout); console.log(JSON.stringify(query, null, 2)); }); ''; type = pkgs.writeText "type.dhall" '' let Resolution = { height: Text, width: Text, rate: Double } let Monitor = < NotConnected : {} | Connected : { connected: Bool, modes: List Resolution, index: Natural, native: Resolution } | Active : { modes: List Resolution, index: Natural, native: Resolution, current: Resolution } > in List { mapKey: Text, mapValue: Monitor } ''; two-monitor-setup = writeExecline "test" {} [ "backtick" "-Ei" "json" [ parse ] "if" [ "pipeline" [ bins.echo "$json" ] "redirfd" "-w" "1" "/dev/null" (dhall-typecheck { name = "typecheck-xrandr"; dhallType = type; recordsLoose = true; }) ] "pipeline" [ bins.echo "$json" ] two-monitor-setup-script ]; two-monitor-setup-script = pkgs.writers.writePython3 "xrandr-two-monitor-setup" {} '' import json import sys import os # TODO: use netencode for input monitors = json.load(sys.stdin) connected = { k: v for k, v in monitors.items() if 'connected' in v and v['connected'] } if 'eDP1' not in connected: print("could not find eDP1 (laptop screen)", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) if len(connected) != 2: print("only know how to configure two monitors") sys.exit(1) eDP1 = connected['eDP1'] # laptop screen is active assert('current' in eDP1) # how far the laptop screen should be offset to end # at the bottom of the monitor h_offset = 0 for k, v in connected.items(): if k == 'eDP1': assert('current' in v) else: h = int(v['native']['height']) h_offset = h - int(eDP1['native']['height']) external_monitor = (k, v) # can’t handle bigger laptop screens atm assert(h_offset >= 0) xrandr_command = [ "--verbose", "--output", external_monitor[0], "--primary", "--mode", "{}x{}".format( external_monitor[1]['native']['width'], external_monitor[1]['native']['height'] ), "--pos", "{}x{}".format( # offset by the laptop size to the right eDP1['native']['width'], # monitor starts at 0 0 ), "--output", "eDP1", "--mode", "{}x{}".format( eDP1['native']['width'], eDP1['native']['height'], ), "--pos", "{}x{}".format( # laptop is the leftmost screen 0, # but offset to the bottom so that it always aligns on the left bottom h_offset ), ] os.execvp( "${bins.xrandr}", ["${bins.xrandr}"] + xrandr_command ) ''; in { inherit parse two-monitor-setup ; }