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path: root/doc
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authorRobert Hensing <roberth@users.noreply.github.com>2023-02-17 18:01:23 +0100
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2023-02-17 18:01:23 +0100
commitb72592ee0416f5297109c391396b8c17924b08c1 (patch)
treeefeaab1d632c1ebf697d256543333d0a41efcd42 /doc
parent223092f727b251eecf5e884fbaee4a660caec8fd (diff)
parentbfc6975cbc399cac0719b9305a8ac0fedb957aca (diff)
Merge pull request #215973 from pennae/nrd-manual-structure
nixos/manual: specify manual structure in markdown
Diffstat (limited to 'doc')
2 files changed, 73 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/doc/doc-support/default.nix b/doc/doc-support/default.nix
index e9cb96e37fdd5..bea3e12a70b35 100644
--- a/doc/doc-support/default.nix
+++ b/doc/doc-support/default.nix
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ in pkgs.runCommand "doc-support" {}
     ln -s ${epub-xsl} ./epub.xsl
     ln -s ${xhtml-xsl} ./xhtml.xsl
-    ln -s ${../../nixos/doc/xmlformat.conf} ./xmlformat.conf
+    ln -s ${./xmlformat.conf} ./xmlformat.conf
     ln -s ${pkgs.documentation-highlighter} ./highlightjs
     echo -n "${version}" > ./version
diff --git a/doc/doc-support/xmlformat.conf b/doc/doc-support/xmlformat.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..c3f39c7fd81b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/doc-support/xmlformat.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+# DocBook Configuration file for "xmlformat"
+# see http://www.kitebird.com/software/xmlformat/
+# 10 Sept. 2004
+# Only block elements
+ackno address appendix article biblioentry bibliography bibliomixed \
+biblioset blockquote book bridgehead callout calloutlist caption caution \
+chapter chapterinfo classsynopsis cmdsynopsis colophon constraintdef \
+constructorsynopsis dedication destructorsynopsis entry epigraph equation example \
+figure formalpara funcsynopsis glossary glossdef glossdiv glossentry glosslist \
+glosssee glossseealso graphic graphicco highlights imageobjectco important \
+index indexdiv indexentry indexinfo info informalequation informalexample \
+informalfigure informaltable legalnotice literallayout lot lotentry mediaobject \
+mediaobjectco msgmain msgset note orderedlist para part preface primaryie \
+procedure qandadiv qandaentry qandaset refentry refentrytitle reference \
+refnamediv refsect1 refsect2 refsect3 refsection revhistory screenshot sect1 \
+sect2 sect3 sect4 sect5 section seglistitem set setindex sidebar simpara \
+simplesect step substeps synopfragment synopsis table term title \
+toc variablelist varlistentry warning itemizedlist listitem \
+footnote colspec partintro row simplelist subtitle tbody tgroup thead tip
+  format      block
+  normalize   no
+#appendix bibliography chapter glossary preface reference
+#  element-break   3
+sect1 section
+  element-break   2
+para abstract
+  format       block
+  entry-break  1
+  exit-break   1
+  normalize    yes
+  format       block
+  normalize = yes
+  entry-break = 0
+  exit-break = 0
+# Inline elements
+abbrev accel acronym action application citation citebiblioid citerefentry citetitle \
+classname co code command computeroutput constant country database date email emphasis \
+envar errorcode errorname errortext errortype exceptionname fax filename \
+firstname firstterm footnoteref foreignphrase funcdef funcparams function \
+glossterm group guibutton guiicon guilabel guimenu guimenuitem guisubmenu \
+hardware holder honorific indexterm inlineequation inlinegraphic inlinemediaobject \
+interface interfacename \
+keycap keycode keycombo keysym lineage link literal manvolnum markup medialabel \
+menuchoice methodname methodparam modifier mousebutton olink ooclass ooexception \
+oointerface option optional otheraddr othername package paramdef parameter personname \
+phrase pob postcode productname prompt property quote refpurpose replaceable \
+returnvalue revnumber sgmltag state street structfield structname subscript \
+superscript surname symbol systemitem token trademark type ulink userinput \
+uri varargs varname void wordasword xref year mathphrase member tag
+  format       inline
+programlisting screen
+  format       verbatim
+  entry-break = 0
+  exit-break = 0
+# This is needed so that the spacing inside those tags is kept.
+term cmdsynopsis arg
+  normalize yes
+  format    block