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path: root/nixos/tests/fcitx
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author_ <>2020-08-26 18:28:37 +0530
committer_ <>2020-08-26 18:36:53 +0530
commit10ffa340b7fab53a3cf04359d1b22cc077e541b2 (patch)
tree6d45bd86d69f00d7251745b0bce0d2e47239b403 /nixos/tests/fcitx
parent8815c9e1866d656594bd2576c59d7a83183fbd4b (diff)
fcitx: Add test (Unicode input, table input, m17n)
Diffstat (limited to 'nixos/tests/fcitx')
3 files changed, 323 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nixos/tests/fcitx/config b/nixos/tests/fcitx/config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..0bf657e8620a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixos/tests/fcitx/config
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+# Trigger Input Method
+# Use extra trigger key only after using it to inactivate
+# Available Value:
+# True False
+# Extra key for trigger input method
+# Available Value:
+# CTRL Both
+# SHIFT Both
+# L_ALT
+# R_ALT
+# ALT Both
+# Left Super
+# Right Super
+# Super Both
+# Ctrl+Left Super
+# Ctrl+Right Super
+# Super+Left Ctrl
+# Super+Right Ctrl
+# Disabled
+# Custom
+# Custom switch key
+# Activate input method
+# Inactivate Input Method
+# Enable Hotkey to scroll Between Input Method
+# Available Value:
+# True False
+# Include Inactivate when scrolling between Input Method
+# Available Value:
+# True False
+# Scroll between Input Method
+# Available Value:
+# Reload configuration
+# Interval of Two Key Input
+# Switching Virtual Keyboard
+# Switching Remind Mode
+# Switching Full Width Character Mode
+# Switch Full Width Punc Mode
+# Prev Page
+#PrevPageKey=- UP
+# Next Page
+#NextPageKey== DOWN
+# Choose Second and Third Candidate Word
+# Saving All Config and Input History
+# Switch Embeded Preedit
+# Previous Candidate Word
+# Next Candidate Word
+# Seconds sleep before fcitx really start
+# Share State Among Window
+# Available Value:
+# No
+# All
+# PerProgram
+# Default Input Method State
+# Available Value:
+# Inactive
+# Active
+# Type half width Punc After a Number
+# Available Value:
+# True False
+# Disable Paging in Remind Mode
+# Available Value:
+# True False
+# Commit when toggle state
+# Available Value:
+# True False
+# Candidate Word Number
+# Give the tips of Phrase
+# Available Value:
+# True False
+# Do not commit preedit text when unfocus a window
+# Available Value:
+# True False
+# Show Input Method Hint After Input method changed
+# Available Value:
+# True False
+# Show Input Method Hint After Input method changed and Focus in
+# Available Value:
+# True False
+# Input Method Hint will be only shown when state is active
+# Available Value:
+# True False
+# Show Input Speed
+# Available Value:
+# True False
+# Show Version
+# Available Value:
+# True False
+# Do not show input window if there is only preedit string
+# Available Value:
+# True False
+# Do not show input window if there is only one candidate and preedit
+# Available Value:
+# True False
diff --git a/nixos/tests/fcitx/default.nix b/nixos/tests/fcitx/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..7c53d42fae450
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixos/tests/fcitx/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+import ../make-test-python.nix ( 
+  {
+    pkgs, ...
+  }: 
+    # copy_from_host works only for store paths
+    let 
+      fcitx_profile_file_host = pkgs.writeTextFile { 
+        name = "fcitx_profile";
+        text = builtins.readFile ./profile;
+      };
+      fcitx_config_file_host = pkgs.writeTextFile { 
+        name = "fcitx_config";
+        text = builtins.readFile ./config;
+      };
+    in
+    rec {
+        name = "fcitx";
+        machine = 
+        { 
+          pkgs, 
+          ... 
+        }: 
+          {
+            virtualisation.memorySize = 1024;
+            imports = [
+              ../common/user-account.nix
+            ];
+            environment.systemPackages = [
+              # To avoid clashing with xfce4-terminal
+              pkgs.alacritty 
+            ];
+            services.xserver = 
+            {
+              enable = true;
+              displayManager = {
+                lightdm.enable = true;
+                autoLogin = {
+                  enable = true;
+                  user = "alice";
+                };
+              };
+              desktopManager.xfce.enable = true;
+            };
+            i18n = {
+              inputMethod = {
+                enabled = "fcitx";
+                fcitx.engines = [
+                  pkgs.fcitx-engines.m17n
+                  pkgs.fcitx-engines.table-extra
+                ];
+              };
+            };
+          }
+        ;
+        testScript = { nodes, ... }: 
+        let 
+            user = nodes.machine.config.users.users.alice;
+            userName      =;
+            userHome      = user.home;
+            xauth         = "${userHome}/.Xauthority";
+            fcitx_confdir = "${userHome}/.config/fcitx";
+        in 
+        ''
+            # We need config files before login session
+            # So copy first thing
+            # Point and click would be expensive,
+            # So configure using files
+            machine.copy_from_host(
+                "${fcitx_profile_file_host}",
+                "${fcitx_confdir}/profile",
+            )
+            machine.copy_from_host(
+                "${fcitx_config_file_host}",
+                "${fcitx_confdir}/config",
+            )
+            start_all()
+            machine.wait_for_file("${xauth}")
+            machine.succeed("xauth merge ${xauth}")
+            machine.sleep(5)
+            machine.succeed("su - ${userName} -c 'alacritty&'")
+            machine.succeed("su - ${userName} -c 'fcitx&'")
+            machine.sleep(10)
+            ### Type on terminal
+            machine.send_chars("echo ")
+            machine.sleep(1)
+            ### Start fcitx Unicode input
+            machine.send_key("ctrl-alt-shift-u")
+            machine.sleep(5)
+            machine.sleep(1)
+            ### Search for smiling face
+            machine.send_chars("smil")
+            machine.sleep(1)
+            ### Navigate to the second one
+            machine.send_key("tab")
+            machine.sleep(1)
+            ### Choose it
+            machine.send_key("\n")
+            machine.sleep(1)
+            ### Start fcitx language input
+            machine.send_key("ctrl-spc")
+            machine.sleep(1)
+            ### Default zhengma, enter 一下
+            machine.send_chars("a2")
+            machine.sleep(1)
+            ### Switch to Harvard Kyoto
+            machine.send_key("alt-shift")
+            machine.sleep(1)
+            ### Enter क
+            machine.send_chars("ka ")
+            machine.sleep(1)
+            machine.send_key("alt-shift")
+            machine.sleep(1)
+            ### Turn off Fcitx
+            machine.send_key("ctrl-spc")
+            machine.sleep(1)
+            ### Redirect typed characters to a file
+            machine.send_chars(" > fcitx_test.out\n")
+            machine.sleep(1)
+            machine.screenshot("terminal_chars")
+            ### Verify that file contents are as expected
+            file_content = machine.succeed("cat ${userHome}/fcitx_test.out")
+            assert file_content == "☺一下क\n"
+            ''
+    ;
+  }
diff --git a/nixos/tests/fcitx/profile b/nixos/tests/fcitx/profile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..85898e74c07d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixos/tests/fcitx/profile
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# 使用全角字符
+# 可选值:
+# True False
+# 使用全角标点
+# 可选值:
+# True False
+# 输入后联想词组
+# 可选值:
+# True False
+# 当前输入法名称
+# 当前启用的输入法列表
+# 在客户端窗口中显示预编辑字符串
+# 可选值:
+# True False