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authorArian van Putten <arian.vanputten@gmail.com>2024-05-25 09:12:01 +0200
committerArian van Putten <arian.vanputten@gmail.com>2024-05-25 10:01:02 +0200
commita48cd7d56faaaee4d359c7c64ca83e55b00d9732 (patch)
treefa6f2ac1568518e303f182d85db978bce83949c5 /nixos
parent694c90663063383cfd0e3b3c0fe876a6f4af4e52 (diff)
nixos/amazon-image: Drop create-amis.sh script and update docs
We replaced this with automation in https://github.com/NixOS/amis

Also add some docs how you can build the image yourself
Diffstat (limited to 'nixos')
2 files changed, 32 insertions, 371 deletions
diff --git a/nixos/maintainers/scripts/ec2/README.md b/nixos/maintainers/scripts/ec2/README.md
index 1328109d464a3..eb2c9088d5a2c 100644
--- a/nixos/maintainers/scripts/ec2/README.md
+++ b/nixos/maintainers/scripts/ec2/README.md
@@ -1,7 +1,36 @@
 # Amazon images
-* The `create-amis.sh` script will be replaced by https://github.com/NixOS/amis which will regularly upload AMIs per NixOS channel bump.
+AMIs are regularly uploaded from Hydra. This automation lives in
-* @arianvp is planning to drop zfs support
-* @arianvp is planning to rewrite the image builder to use the repart-based image builder.
+## How to upload an AMI for testing
+If you want to upload an AMI from changes in a local nixpkgs checkout.
+nix-build nixos/release.nix -A amazonImage
+export AWS_REGION=us-west-2
+export AWS_PROFILE=my-profile
+nix run nixpkgs#upload-ami -- --image-info ./result/nix-support/image-info.json
+## How to build your own NixOS config into an AMI
+I suggest looking at https://github.com/nix-community/nixos-generators for a user-friendly interface.
+nixos-generate -c ./my-config.nix -f amazon
+export AWS_REGION=us-west-2
+export AWS_PROFILE=my-profile
+nix run github:NixOS/amis#upload-ami -- --image-info ./result/nix-support/image-info.json
+## Roadmap
+* @arianvp is planning to drop zfs support unless someone else picks it up
+* @arianvp is planning to rewrite the image builder to use the repart-based image builder.
+* @arianvp is planning to perhaps rewrite `upload-ami` to use coldnsap
+* @arianvp is planning to move `upload-ami` tooling into nixpkgs once it has stabilized. And only keep the Github Action in separate repo
diff --git a/nixos/maintainers/scripts/ec2/create-amis.sh b/nixos/maintainers/scripts/ec2/create-amis.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index d182c5c2a4794..0000000000000
--- a/nixos/maintainers/scripts/ec2/create-amis.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,368 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
-#!nix-shell -p awscli -p jq -p qemu -i bash
-# shellcheck shell=bash
-# Future Deprecation?
-# This entire thing should probably be replaced with a generic terraform config
-# Uploads and registers NixOS images built from the
-# <nixos/release.nix> amazonImage attribute. Images are uploaded and
-# registered via a home region, and then copied to other regions.
-# The home region requires an s3 bucket, and an IAM role named "vmimport"
-# (by default) with access to the S3 bucket. The name can be
-# configured with the "service_role_name" variable. Configuration of the
-# vmimport role is documented in
-# https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vm-import/latest/userguide/vmimport-image-import.html
-# set -x
-set -euo pipefail
-var () { true; }
-# configuration
-var ${state_dir:=$HOME/amis/ec2-images}
-var ${home_region:=eu-west-1}
-var ${bucket:=nixos-amis}
-var ${service_role_name:=vmimport}
-# Output of the command:
-# $ nix-shell -I nixpkgs=. -p awscli --run 'aws ec2 describe-regions --region us-east-1 --all-regions --query "Regions[].{Name:RegionName}" --output text | sort | sed -e s/^/\ \ /'
-var ${regions:=
-  af-south-1
-  ap-east-1
-  ap-northeast-1
-  ap-northeast-2
-  ap-northeast-3
-  ap-south-1
-  ap-south-2
-  ap-southeast-1
-  ap-southeast-2
-  ap-southeast-3
-  ap-southeast-4
-  ca-central-1
-  eu-central-1
-  eu-central-2
-  eu-north-1
-  eu-south-1
-  eu-south-2
-  eu-west-1
-  eu-west-2
-  eu-west-3
-  il-central-1
-  me-central-1
-  me-south-1
-  sa-east-1
-  us-east-1
-  us-east-2
-  us-west-1
-  us-west-2
-log() {
-    echo "$@" >&2
-if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]; then
-    log "Usage: ./upload-amazon-image.sh IMAGE_OUTPUT"
-    exit 1
-# result of the amazon-image from nixos/release.nix
-if [ ! -e "$store_path" ]; then
-    log "Store path: $store_path does not exist, fetching..."
-    nix-store --realise "$store_path"
-if [ ! -d "$store_path" ]; then
-    log "store_path: $store_path is not a directory. aborting"
-    exit 1
-read_image_info() {
-    if [ ! -e "$store_path/nix-support/image-info.json" ]; then
-        log "Image missing metadata"
-        exit 1
-    fi
-    jq -r "$1" "$store_path/nix-support/image-info.json"
-# We handle a single image per invocation, store all attributes in
-# globals for convenience.
-zfs_disks=$(read_image_info .disks)
-if jq -e .boot <<< "$zfs_disks"; then
-  is_zfs_image=1
-  zfs_boot=".disks.boot"
-image_label="$(read_image_info .label)${is_zfs_image:+-ZFS}"
-image_system=$(read_image_info .system)
-image_files=( $(read_image_info ".disks.root.file") )
-image_logical_bytes=$(read_image_info "${zfs_boot:-.disks.root}.logical_bytes")
-if [[ -n "$is_zfs_image" ]]; then
-  image_files+=( $(read_image_info .disks.boot.file) )
-# Derived attributes
-image_logical_gigabytes=$(((image_logical_bytes-1)/1024/1024/1024+1)) # Round to the next GB
-case "$image_system" in
-    aarch64-linux)
-        amazon_arch=arm64
-        ;;
-    x86_64-linux)
-        amazon_arch=x86_64
-        ;;
-    *)
-        log "Unknown system: $image_system"
-        exit 1
-image_description="NixOS ${image_label} ${image_system}"
-log "Image Details:"
-log " Name: $image_name"
-log " Description: $image_description"
-log " Size (gigabytes): $image_logical_gigabytes"
-log " System: $image_system"
-log " Amazon Arch: $amazon_arch"
-read_state() {
-    local state_key=$1
-    local type=$2
-    cat "$state_dir/$state_key.$type" 2>/dev/null || true
-write_state() {
-    local state_key=$1
-    local type=$2
-    local val=$3
-    mkdir -p "$state_dir"
-    echo "$val" > "$state_dir/$state_key.$type"
-wait_for_import() {
-    local region=$1
-    local task_id=$2
-    local state snapshot_id
-    log "Waiting for import task $task_id to be completed"
-    while true; do
-        read -r state message snapshot_id < <(
-            aws ec2 describe-import-snapshot-tasks --region "$region" --import-task-ids "$task_id" | \
-                jq -r '.ImportSnapshotTasks[].SnapshotTaskDetail | "\(.Status) \(.StatusMessage) \(.SnapshotId)"'
-        )
-        log " ... state=$state message=$message snapshot_id=$snapshot_id"
-        case "$state" in
-            active)
-                sleep 10
-                ;;
-            completed)
-                echo "$snapshot_id"
-                return
-                ;;
-            *)
-                log "Unexpected snapshot import state: '${state}'"
-                log "Full response: "
-                aws ec2 describe-import-snapshot-tasks --region "$region" --import-task-ids "$task_id" >&2
-                exit 1
-                ;;
-        esac
-    done
-wait_for_image() {
-    local region=$1
-    local ami_id=$2
-    local state
-    log "Waiting for image $ami_id to be available"
-    while true; do
-        read -r state < <(
-            aws ec2 describe-images --image-ids "$ami_id" --region "$region" | \
-                jq -r ".Images[].State"
-        )
-        log " ... state=$state"
-        case "$state" in
-            pending)
-                sleep 10
-                ;;
-            available)
-                return
-                ;;
-            *)
-                log "Unexpected AMI state: '${state}'"
-                exit 1
-                ;;
-        esac
-    done
-make_image_public() {
-    local region=$1
-    local ami_id=$2
-    wait_for_image "$region" "$ami_id"
-    log "Making image $ami_id public"
-    aws ec2 modify-image-attribute \
-        --image-id "$ami_id" --region "$region" --launch-permission 'Add={Group=all}' >&2
-upload_image() {
-    local region=$1
-    for image_file in "${image_files[@]}"; do
-        local aws_path=${image_file#/}
-        if [[ -n "$is_zfs_image" ]]; then
-            local suffix=${image_file%.*}
-            suffix=${suffix##*.}
-        fi
-        local state_key="$region.$image_label${suffix:+.${suffix}}.$image_system"
-        local task_id
-        task_id=$(read_state "$state_key" task_id)
-        local snapshot_id
-        snapshot_id=$(read_state "$state_key" snapshot_id)
-        local ami_id
-        ami_id=$(read_state "$state_key" ami_id)
-        if [ -z "$task_id" ]; then
-            log "Checking for image on S3"
-            if ! aws s3 ls --region "$region" "s3://${bucket}/${aws_path}" >&2; then
-                log "Image missing from aws, uploading"
-                aws s3 cp --region "$region" "$image_file" "s3://${bucket}/${aws_path}" >&2
-            fi
-            log "Importing image from S3 path s3://$bucket/$aws_path"
-            task_id=$(aws ec2 import-snapshot --role-name "$service_role_name" --disk-container "{
-              \"Description\": \"nixos-image-${image_label}-${image_system}\",
-              \"Format\": \"vhd\",
-              \"UserBucket\": {
-                  \"S3Bucket\": \"$bucket\",
-                  \"S3Key\": \"$aws_path\"
-              }
-            }" --region "$region" | jq -r '.ImportTaskId')
-            write_state "$state_key" task_id "$task_id"
-        fi
-        if [ -z "$snapshot_id" ]; then
-            snapshot_id=$(wait_for_import "$region" "$task_id")
-            write_state "$state_key" snapshot_id "$snapshot_id"
-        fi
-    done
-    if [ -z "$ami_id" ]; then
-        log "Registering snapshot $snapshot_id as AMI"
-        local block_device_mappings=(
-            "DeviceName=/dev/xvda,Ebs={SnapshotId=$snapshot_id,VolumeSize=$image_logical_gigabytes,DeleteOnTermination=true,VolumeType=gp3}"
-        )
-        if [[ -n "$is_zfs_image" ]]; then
-            local root_snapshot_id=$(read_state "$region.$image_label.root.$image_system" snapshot_id)
-            local root_image_logical_bytes=$(read_image_info ".disks.root.logical_bytes")
-            local root_image_logical_gigabytes=$(((root_image_logical_bytes-1)/1024/1024/1024+1)) # Round to the next GB
-            block_device_mappings+=(
-                "DeviceName=/dev/xvdb,Ebs={SnapshotId=$root_snapshot_id,VolumeSize=$root_image_logical_gigabytes,DeleteOnTermination=true,VolumeType=gp3}"
-            )
-        fi
-        local extra_flags=(
-            --root-device-name /dev/xvda
-            --sriov-net-support simple
-            --ena-support
-            --virtualization-type hvm
-        )
-        block_device_mappings+=("DeviceName=/dev/sdb,VirtualName=ephemeral0")
-        block_device_mappings+=("DeviceName=/dev/sdc,VirtualName=ephemeral1")
-        block_device_mappings+=("DeviceName=/dev/sdd,VirtualName=ephemeral2")
-        block_device_mappings+=("DeviceName=/dev/sde,VirtualName=ephemeral3")
-        ami_id=$(
-            aws ec2 register-image \
-                --name "$image_name" \
-                --description "$image_description" \
-                --region "$region" \
-                --architecture $amazon_arch \
-                --block-device-mappings "${block_device_mappings[@]}" \
-                --boot-mode $(read_image_info .boot_mode) \
-                "${extra_flags[@]}" \
-                | jq -r '.ImageId'
-              )
-        write_state "$state_key" ami_id "$ami_id"
-    fi
-    [[ -v PRIVATE ]] || make_image_public "$region" "$ami_id"
-    echo "$ami_id"
-copy_to_region() {
-    local region=$1
-    local from_region=$2
-    local from_ami_id=$3
-    state_key="$region.$image_label.$image_system"
-    ami_id=$(read_state "$state_key" ami_id)
-    if [ -z "$ami_id" ]; then
-        log "Copying $from_ami_id to $region"
-        ami_id=$(
-            aws ec2 copy-image \
-                --region "$region" \
-                --source-region "$from_region" \
-                --source-image-id "$from_ami_id" \
-                --name "$image_name" \
-                --description "$image_description" \
-                | jq -r '.ImageId'
-              )
-        write_state "$state_key" ami_id "$ami_id"
-    fi
-    [[ -v PRIVATE ]] || make_image_public "$region" "$ami_id"
-    echo "$ami_id"
-upload_all() {
-    home_image_id=$(upload_image "$home_region")
-    jq -n \
-       --arg key "$home_region.$image_system" \
-       --arg value "$home_image_id" \
-       '$ARGS.named'
-    for region in "${regions[@]}"; do
-        if [ "$region" = "$home_region" ]; then
-            continue
-        fi
-        copied_image_id=$(copy_to_region "$region" "$home_region" "$home_image_id")
-        jq -n \
-           --arg key "$region.$image_system" \
-           --arg value "$copied_image_id" \
-           '$ARGS.named'
-    done
-upload_all | jq --slurp from_entries