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authorRobert Schütz <robert.schuetz@stud.uni-heidelberg.de>2018-03-12 20:20:24 +0100
committerRobert Schütz <robert.schuetz@stud.uni-heidelberg.de>2018-03-19 13:12:47 +0100
commitfdf0f037be55c5c14e24667b1ad7eeedf2057295 (patch)
tree092e409554ac6a8a828a7081c8a76fa05cca7db0 /nixos
parent6fa864ed7fb5309c6386f47b994c08f123abe032 (diff)
nixos/borgbackup: init
Diffstat (limited to 'nixos')
3 files changed, 733 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/nixos/modules/module-list.nix b/nixos/modules/module-list.nix
index 3bb65c6b295a0..aa7806a7a9e47 100644
--- a/nixos/modules/module-list.nix
+++ b/nixos/modules/module-list.nix
@@ -159,6 +159,7 @@
+  ./services/backup/borgbackup.nix
diff --git a/nixos/modules/services/backup/borgbackup.nix b/nixos/modules/services/backup/borgbackup.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..1b730e0c2b76d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixos/modules/services/backup/borgbackup.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,580 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+  isLocalPath = x:
+    builtins.substring 0 1 x == "/"      # absolute path
+    || builtins.substring 0 1 x == "."   # relative path
+    || builtins.match "[.*:.*]" == null; # not machine:path
+  mkExcludeFile = cfg:
+    # Write each exclude pattern to a new line
+    pkgs.writeText "excludefile" (concatStringsSep "\n" cfg.exclude);
+  mkKeepArgs = cfg:
+    # If cfg.prune.keep e.g. has a yearly attribute,
+    # its content is passed on as --keep-yearly
+    concatStringsSep " "
+      (mapAttrsToList (x: y: "--keep-${x}=${toString y}") cfg.prune.keep);
+  mkBackupScript = cfg: ''
+    on_exit()
+    {
+      exitStatus=$?
+      # Reset the EXIT handler, or else we're called again on 'exit' below
+      trap - EXIT
+      ${cfg.postHook}
+      exit $exitStatus
+    }
+    trap 'on_exit' INT TERM QUIT EXIT
+    archiveName="${cfg.archiveBaseName}-$(date ${cfg.dateFormat})"
+    archiveSuffix="${optionalString cfg.appendFailedSuffix ".failed"}"
+    ${cfg.preHook}
+  '' + optionalString cfg.doInit ''
+    # Run borg init if the repo doesn't exist yet
+    if ! borg list > /dev/null; then
+      borg init \
+        --encryption ${cfg.encryption.mode} \
+        $extraInitArgs
+      ${cfg.postInit}
+    fi
+  '' + ''
+    borg create \
+      --compression ${cfg.compression} \
+      --exclude-from ${mkExcludeFile cfg} \
+      $extraCreateArgs \
+      "::$archiveName$archiveSuffix" \
+      ${escapeShellArgs cfg.paths}
+  '' + optionalString cfg.appendFailedSuffix ''
+    borg rename "::$archiveName$archiveSuffix" "$archiveName"
+  '' + ''
+    ${cfg.postCreate}
+  '' + optionalString (cfg.prune.keep != { }) ''
+    borg prune \
+      ${mkKeepArgs cfg} \
+      --prefix ${escapeShellArg cfg.prune.prefix} \
+      $extraPruneArgs
+    ${cfg.postPrune}
+  '';
+  mkPassEnv = cfg: with cfg.encryption;
+    if passCommand != null then
+      { BORG_PASSCOMMAND = passCommand; }
+    else if passphrase != null then
+      { BORG_PASSPHRASE = passphrase; }
+    else { };
+  mkBackupService = name: cfg: 
+    let
+      userHome = config.users.users.${cfg.user}.home;
+    in nameValuePair "borgbackup-job-${name}" {
+      description = "BorgBackup job ${name}";
+      path = with pkgs; [
+        borgbackup openssh
+      ];
+      script = mkBackupScript cfg;
+      serviceConfig = {
+        User = cfg.user;
+        Group = cfg.group;
+        # Only run when no other process is using CPU or disk
+        CPUSchedulingPolicy = "idle";
+        IOSchedulingClass = "idle";
+        ProtectSystem = "strict";
+        ReadWritePaths =
+          [ "${userHome}/.config/borg" "${userHome}/.cache/borg" ]
+          # Borg needs write access to repo if it is not remote
+          ++ optional (isLocalPath cfg.repo) cfg.repo;
+        PrivateTmp = true;
+      };
+      environment = {
+        BORG_REPO = cfg.repo;
+        inherit (cfg) extraInitArgs extraCreateArgs extraPruneArgs;
+      } // (mkPassEnv cfg) // cfg.environment;
+      inherit (cfg) startAt;
+    };
+  # Paths listed in ReadWritePaths must exist before service is started
+  mkActivationScript = name: cfg:
+    let
+      install = "install -o ${cfg.user} -g ${cfg.group}";
+    in
+      nameValuePair "borgbackup-job-${name}" (stringAfter [ "users" ] (''
+        # Eensure that the home directory already exists
+        # We can't assert createHome == true because that's not the case for root
+        cd "${config.users.users.${cfg.user}.home}"                                                                                                         
+        ${install} -d .config/borg
+        ${install} -d .cache/borg
+      '' + optionalString (isLocalPath cfg.repo) ''
+        ${install} -d ${escapeShellArg cfg.repo}
+      ''));
+  mkPassAssertion = name: cfg: {
+    assertion = with cfg.encryption;
+      mode != "none" -> passCommand != null || passphrase != null;
+    message =
+      "passCommand or passphrase has to be specified because"
+      + '' borgbackup.jobs.${name}.encryption != "none"'';
+  };
+  mkRepoService = name: cfg:
+    nameValuePair "borgbackup-repo-${name}" {
+      description = "Create BorgBackup repository ${name} directory";
+      script = ''
+        mkdir -p ${escapeShellArg cfg.path}
+        chown ${cfg.user}:${cfg.group} ${escapeShellArg cfg.path}
+      '';
+      serviceConfig = {
+        # The service's only task is to ensure that the specified path exists
+        Type = "oneshot";
+      };
+      wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
+    };
+  mkAuthorizedKey = cfg: appendOnly: key:
+    let
+      # Because of the following line, clients do not need to specify an absolute repo path
+      cdCommand = "cd ${escapeShellArg cfg.path}";
+      restrictedArg = "--restrict-to-${if cfg.allowSubRepos then "path" else "repository"} .";
+      appendOnlyArg = optionalString appendOnly "--append-only";
+      quotaArg = optionalString (cfg.quota != null) "--storage-quota ${cfg.quota}";
+      serveCommand = "borg serve ${restrictedArg} ${appendOnlyArg} ${quotaArg}";
+    in
+      ''command="${cdCommand} && ${serveCommand}",restrict ${key}'';
+  mkUsersConfig = name: cfg: {
+    users.${cfg.user} = {
+      openssh.authorizedKeys.keys =
+        (map (mkAuthorizedKey cfg false) cfg.authorizedKeys
+        ++ map (mkAuthorizedKey cfg true) cfg.authorizedKeysAppendOnly);
+      useDefaultShell = true;
+    };
+    groups.${cfg.group} = { };
+  };
+  mkKeysAssertion = name: cfg: {
+    assertion = cfg.authorizedKeys != [ ] || cfg.authorizedKeysAppendOnly != [ ];
+    message =
+      "borgbackup.repos.${name} does not make sense"
+      + " without at least one public key";
+  };
+in {
+  meta.maintainers = with maintainers; [ dotlambda ];
+  ###### interface
+  options.services.borgbackup.jobs = mkOption {
+    description = "Deduplicating backups using BorgBackup.";
+    default = { };
+    example = literalExample ''
+      {
+        rootBackup = {
+          paths = "/";
+          exclude = [ "/nix" ];
+          repo = "/path/to/local/repo";
+          encryption = {
+            mode = "repokey";
+            passphrase = "secret";
+          };
+          compression = "auto,lzma";
+          startAt = "weekly";
+        };
+      }
+    '';
+    type = types.attrsOf (types.submodule (let globalConfig = config; in
+      { name, config, ... }: {
+        options = {
+          paths = mkOption {
+            type = with types; either path (nonEmptyListOf path);
+            description = "Path(s) to back up.";
+            example = "/home/user";
+            apply = x: if isList x then x else [ x ];
+          };
+          repo = mkOption {
+            type = types.str;
+            description = "Remote or local repository to back up to.";
+            example = "user@machine:/path/to/repo";
+          };
+          archiveBaseName = mkOption {
+            type = types.strMatching "[^/{}]+";
+            default = "${globalConfig.networking.hostName}-${name}";
+            defaultText = "\${config.networking.hostName}-<name>";
+            description = ''
+              How to name the created archives. A timestamp, whose format is
+              determined by <option>dateFormat</option>, will be appended. The full
+              name can be modified at runtime (<literal>$archiveName</literal>).
+              Placeholders like <literal>{hostname}</literal> must not be used.
+            '';
+          };
+          dateFormat = mkOption {
+            type = types.str;
+            description = ''
+              Arguments passed to <command>date</command>
+              to create a timestamp suffix for the archive name.
+            '';
+            default = "+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S";
+            example = "-u +%s";
+          };
+          startAt = mkOption {
+            type = with types; either str (listOf str);
+            default = "daily";
+            description = ''
+              When or how often the backup should run.
+              Must be in the format described in
+              <citerefentry><refentrytitle>systemd.time</refentrytitle>
+              <manvolnum>7</manvolnum></citerefentry>.
+              If you do not want the backup to start
+              automatically, use <literal>[ ]</literal>.
+            '';
+          };
+          user = mkOption {
+            type = types.str;
+            description = ''
+              The user <command>borg</command> is run as.
+              User or group need read permission
+              for the specified <option>paths</option>.
+            '';
+            default = "root";
+          };
+          group = mkOption {
+            type = types.str;
+            description = ''
+              The group borg is run as. User or group needs read permission
+              for the specified <option>paths</option>.
+            '';
+            default = "root";
+          };
+          encryption.mode = mkOption {
+            type = types.enum [
+              "repokey" "keyfile"
+              "repokey-blake2" "keyfile-blake2"
+              "authenticated" "authenticated-blake2"
+              "none"
+            ];
+            description = ''
+              Encryption mode to use. Setting a mode
+              other than <literal>"none"</literal> requires
+              you to specify a <option>passCommand</option>
+              or a <option>passphrase</option>.
+            '';
+          };
+          encryption.passCommand = mkOption {
+            type = with types; nullOr str;
+            description = ''
+              A command which prints the passphrase to stdout.
+              Mutually exclusive with <option>passphrase</option>.
+            '';
+            default = null;
+            example = "cat /path/to/passphrase_file";
+          };
+          encryption.passphrase = mkOption {
+            type = with types; nullOr str;
+            description = ''
+              The passphrase the backups are encrypted with.
+              Mutually exclusive with <option>passCommand</option>.
+              If you do not want the passphrase to be stored in the
+              world-readable Nix store, use <option>passCommand</option>.
+            '';
+            default = null;
+          };
+          compression = mkOption {
+            # "auto" is optional,
+            # compression mode must be given,
+            # compression level is optional
+            type = types.strMatching "none|(auto,)?(lz4|zstd|zlib|lzma)(,[[:digit:]]{1,2})?";
+            description = ''
+              Compression method to use. Refer to
+              <command>borg help compression</command>
+              for all available options.
+            '';
+            default = "lz4";
+            example = "auto,lzma";
+          };
+          exclude = mkOption {
+            type = with types; listOf str;
+            description = ''
+              Exclude paths matching any of the given patterns. See
+              <command>borg help patterns</command> for pattern syntax.
+            '';
+            default = [ ];
+            example = [
+              "/home/*/.cache"
+              "/nix"
+            ];
+          };
+          doInit = mkOption {
+            type = types.bool;
+            description = ''
+              Run <command>borg init</command> if the
+              specified <option>repo</option> does not exist.
+              You should set this to <literal>false</literal>
+              if the repository is located on an external drive
+              that might not always be mounted.
+            '';
+            default = true;
+          };
+          appendFailedSuffix = mkOption {
+            type = types.bool;
+            description = ''
+              Append a <literal>.failed</literal> suffix
+              to the archive name, which is only removed if
+              <command>borg create</command> has a zero exit status.
+            '';
+            default = true;
+          };
+          prune.keep = mkOption {
+            # Specifying e.g. `prune.keep.yearly = -1`
+            # means there is no limit of yearly archives to keep
+            # The regex is for use with e.g. --keep-within 1y
+            type = with types; attrsOf (either int (strMatching "[[:digit:]]+[Hdwmy]"));
+            description = ''
+              Prune a repository by deleting all archives not matching any of the
+              specified retention options. See <command>borg help prune</command>
+              for the available options.
+            '';
+            default = { };
+            example = literalExample ''
+              {
+                within = "1d"; # Keep all archives from the last day
+                daily = 7;
+                weekly = 4;
+                monthly = -1;  # Keep at least one archive for each month
+              }
+            '';
+          };
+          prune.prefix = mkOption {
+            type = types.str;
+            description = ''
+              Only consider archive names starting with this prefix for pruning.
+              By default, only archives created by this job are considered.
+              Use <literal>""</literal> to consider all archives.
+            '';
+            default = config.archiveBaseName;
+            defaultText = "\${archiveBaseName}";
+          };
+          environment = mkOption {
+            type = with types; attrsOf str;
+            description = ''
+              Environment variables passed to the backup script.
+              You can for example specify which SSH key to use.
+            '';
+            default = { };
+            example = { BORG_RSH = "ssh -i /path/to/key"; };
+          };
+          preHook = mkOption {
+            type = types.lines;
+            description = ''
+              Shell commands to run before the backup.
+              This can for example be used to mount file systems.
+            '';
+            default = "";
+            example = ''
+              # To add excluded paths at runtime
+              extraCreateArgs="$extraCreateArgs --exclude /some/path"
+            '';
+          };
+          postInit = mkOption {
+            type = types.lines;
+            description = ''
+              Shell commands to run after <command>borg init</command>.
+            '';
+            default = "";
+          };
+          postCreate = mkOption {
+            type = types.lines;
+            description = ''
+              Shell commands to run after <command>borg create</command>. The name
+              of the created archive is stored in <literal>$archiveName</literal>.
+            '';
+            default = "";
+          };
+          postPrune = mkOption {
+            type = types.lines;
+            description = ''
+              Shell commands to run after <command>borg prune</command>.
+            '';
+            default = "";
+          };
+          postHook = mkOption {
+            type = types.lines;
+            description = ''
+              Shell commands to run just before exit. They are executed
+              even if a previous command exits with a non-zero exit code.
+              The latter is available as <literal>$exitStatus</literal>.
+            '';
+            default = "";
+          };
+          extraInitArgs = mkOption {
+            type = types.str;
+            description = ''
+              Additional arguments for <command>borg init</command>.
+              Can also be set at runtime using <literal>$extraInitArgs</literal>.
+            '';
+            default = "";
+            example = "--append-only";
+          };
+          extraCreateArgs = mkOption {
+            type = types.str;
+            description = ''
+              Additional arguments for <command>borg create</command>.
+              Can also be set at runtime using <literal>$extraCreateArgs</literal>.
+            '';
+            default = "";
+            example = "--stats --checkpoint-interval 600";
+          };
+          extraPruneArgs = mkOption {
+            type = types.str;
+            description = ''
+              Additional arguments for <command>borg prune</command>.
+              Can also be set at runtime using <literal>$extraPruneArgs</literal>.
+            '';
+            default = "";
+            example = "--save-space";
+          };
+        };
+      }
+    ));
+  };
+  options.services.borgbackup.repos = mkOption {
+    description = ''
+      Serve BorgBackup repositories to given public SSH keys,
+      restricting their access to the repository only.
+      Also, clients do not need to specify the absolute path when accessing the repository,
+      i.e. <literal>user@machine:.</literal> is enough. (Note colon and dot.)
+    '';
+    default = { };
+    type = types.attrsOf (types.submodule (
+      { name, config, ... }: {
+        options = {
+          path = mkOption {
+            type = types.path;
+            description = ''
+              Where to store the backups. Note that the directory
+              is created automatically, with correct permissions.
+            '';
+            default = "/var/lib/borgbackup";
+          };
+          user = mkOption {
+            type = types.str;
+            description = ''
+              The user <command>borg serve</command> is run as.
+              User or group needs write permission
+              for the specified <option>path</option>.
+            '';
+            default = "borg";
+          };
+          group = mkOption {
+            type = types.str;
+            description = ''
+              The group <command>borg serve</command> is run as.
+              User or group needs write permission
+              for the specified <option>path</option>.
+            '';
+            default = "borg";
+          };
+          authorizedKeys = mkOption {
+            type = with types; listOf str;
+            description = ''
+              Public SSH keys that are given full write access to this repository.
+              You should use a different SSH key for each repository you write to, because
+              the specified keys are restricted to running <command>borg serve</command>
+              and can only access this single repository.
+            '';
+            default = [ ];
+          };
+          authorizedKeysAppendOnly = mkOption {
+            type = with types; listOf str;
+            description = ''
+              Public SSH keys that can only be used to append new data (archives) to the repository.
+              Note that archives can still be marked as deleted and are subsequently removed from disk
+              upon accessing the repo with full write access, e.g. when pruning.
+            '';
+            default = [ ];
+          };
+          allowSubRepos = mkOption {
+            type = types.bool;
+            description = ''
+              Allow clients to create repositories in subdirectories of the
+              specified <option>path</option>. These can be accessed using
+              <literal>user@machine:path/to/subrepo</literal>. Note that a
+              <option>quota</option> applies to repositories independently.
+              Therefore, if this is enabled, clients can create multiple
+              repositories and upload an arbitrary amount of data.
+            '';
+            default = false;
+          };
+          quota = mkOption {
+            # See the definition of parse_file_size() in src/borg/helpers/parseformat.py
+            type = with types; nullOr (strMatching "[[:digit:].]+[KMGTP]?");
+            description = ''
+              Storage quota for the repository. This quota is ensured for all
+              sub-repositories if <option>allowSubRepos</option> is enabled
+              but not for the overall storage space used.
+            '';
+            default = null;
+            example = "100G";
+          };
+        };
+      }
+    ));
+  };
+  ###### implementation
+  config = mkIf (with config.services.borgbackup; jobs != { } || repos != { })
+    (with config.services.borgbackup; {
+      assertions =
+        mapAttrsToList mkPassAssertion jobs
+        ++ mapAttrsToList mkKeysAssertion repos;
+      system.activationScripts = mapAttrs' mkActivationScript jobs;
+      systemd.services =
+        # A job named "foo" is mapped to systemd.services.borgbackup-job-foo
+        mapAttrs' mkBackupService jobs
+        # A repo named "foo" is mapped to systemd.services.borgbackup-repo-foo
+        // mapAttrs' mkRepoService repos;
+      users = mkMerge (mapAttrsToList mkUsersConfig repos);
+      environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ borgbackup ];
+    });
diff --git a/nixos/tests/borgbackup.nix b/nixos/tests/borgbackup.nix
index 123b02be72511..36731773de27e 100644
--- a/nixos/tests/borgbackup.nix
+++ b/nixos/tests/borgbackup.nix
@@ -1,21 +1,162 @@
-import ./make-test.nix ({ pkgs, ...}: {
+import ./make-test.nix ({ pkgs, ... }:
+  passphrase = "supersecret";
+  dataDir = "/ran:dom/data";
+  excludeFile = "not_this_file";
+  keepFile = "important_file";
+  keepFileData = "important_data";
+  localRepo = "/root/back:up";
+  archiveName = "my_archive";
+  remoteRepo = "borg@server:."; # No need to specify path
+  privateKey = pkgs.writeText "id_ed25519" ''
+    QyNTUxOQAAACBx8UB04Q6Q/fwDFjakHq904PYFzG9pU2TJ9KXpaPMcrwAAAJB+cF5HfnBe
+    RwAAAAtzc2gtZWQyNTUxOQAAACBx8UB04Q6Q/fwDFjakHq904PYFzG9pU2TJ9KXpaPMcrw
+    AAAEBN75NsJZSpt63faCuaD75Unko0JjlSDxMhYHAPJk2/xXHxQHThDpD9/AMWNqQer3Tg
+    9gXMb2lTZMn0pelo8xyvAAAADXJzY2h1ZXR6QGt1cnQ=
+  '';
+  publicKey = ''
+    ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIHHxQHThDpD9/AMWNqQer3Tg9gXMb2lTZMn0pelo8xyv root@client
+  '';
+  privateKeyAppendOnly = pkgs.writeText "id_ed25519" ''
+    cQAAAAtzc2gtZWQyNTUxOQAAACBacZuz1ELGQdhI7PF6dGFafCDlvh8pSEc4cHjkW0QjLw
+    AAAEAAhV7wTl5dL/lz+PF/d4PnZXuG1Id6L/mFEiGT1tZsuFpxm7PUQsZB2Ejs8Xp0YVp8
+  '';
+  publicKeyAppendOnly = ''
+    ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIFpxm7PUQsZB2Ejs8Xp0YVp8IOW+HylIRzhweORbRCMv root@client
+  '';
+in {
   name = "borgbackup";
-  meta = with pkgs.stdenv.lib.maintainers; {
-    maintainers = [ mic92 ];
+  meta = with pkgs.stdenv.lib; {
+    maintainers = with maintainers; [ dotlambda ];
   nodes = {
-    machine = { config, pkgs, ... }: {
-      environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.borgbackup ];
+    client = { config, pkgs, ... }: {
+      services.borgbackup.jobs = {
+        local = rec {
+          paths = dataDir;
+          repo = localRepo;
+          preHook = ''
+            # Don't append a timestamp
+            archiveName="${archiveName}"
+          '';
+          encryption = {
+            mode = "repokey";
+            inherit passphrase;
+          };
+          compression = "auto,zlib,9";
+          prune.keep = {
+            within = "1y";
+            yearly = 5;
+          };
+          exclude = [ "*/${excludeFile}" ];
+          postHook = "echo post";
+          startAt = [ ]; # Do not run automatically
+        };
+        remote = {
+          paths = dataDir;
+          repo = remoteRepo;
+          encryption.mode = "none";
+          startAt = [ ];
+          environment.BORG_RSH = "ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /root/id_ed25519";
+        };
+        remoteAppendOnly = {
+          paths = dataDir;
+          repo = remoteRepo;
+          encryption.mode = "none";
+          startAt = [ ];
+          environment.BORG_RSH = "ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /root/id_ed25519.appendOnly";
+        };
+      };
+    };
+    server = { config, pkgs, ... }: {
+      services.openssh = {
+        enable = true;
+        passwordAuthentication = false;
+        challengeResponseAuthentication = false;
+      };
+      services.borgbackup.repos.repo1 = {
+        authorizedKeys = [ publicKey ];
+        path = "/data/borgbackup";
+      };
+      # Second repo to make sure the authorizedKeys options are merged correctly
+      services.borgbackup.repos.repo2 = {
+        authorizedKeysAppendOnly = [ publicKeyAppendOnly ];
+        path = "/data/borgbackup";
+        quota = ".5G";
+      };
   testScript = ''
-    my $borg = "BORG_PASSPHRASE=supersecret borg";
-    $machine->succeed("$borg init --encryption=repokey /tmp/backup");
-    $machine->succeed("mkdir /tmp/data/ && echo 'data' >/tmp/data/file");
-    $machine->succeed("$borg create --stats /tmp/backup::test /tmp/data");
-    $machine->succeed("$borg extract /tmp/backup::test");
-    $machine->succeed('c=$(cat data/file) && echo "c = $c" >&2 && [[ "$c" == "data" ]]');
+    startAll;
+    $client->fail('test -d "${remoteRepo}"');
+    $client->succeed("cp ${privateKey} /root/id_ed25519");
+    $client->succeed("chmod 0600 /root/id_ed25519");
+    $client->succeed("cp ${privateKeyAppendOnly} /root/id_ed25519.appendOnly");
+    $client->succeed("chmod 0600 /root/id_ed25519.appendOnly");
+    $client->succeed("mkdir -p ${dataDir}");
+    $client->succeed("touch ${dataDir}/${excludeFile}");
+    $client->succeed("echo '${keepFileData}' > ${dataDir}/${keepFile}");
+    subtest "local", sub {
+      my $borg = "BORG_PASSPHRASE='${passphrase}' borg";
+      $client->systemctl("start --wait borgbackup-job-local");
+      $client->fail("systemctl is-failed borgbackup-job-local");
+      # Make sure exactly one archive has been created
+      $client->succeed("c=\$($borg list '${localRepo}' | wc -l) && [[ \$c == '1' ]]");
+      # Make sure excludeFile has been excluded
+      $client->fail("$borg list '${localRepo}::${archiveName}' | grep -qF '${excludeFile}'");
+      # Make sure keepFile has the correct content
+      $client->succeed("$borg extract '${localRepo}::${archiveName}'");
+      $client->succeed('c=$(cat ${dataDir}/${keepFile}) && [[ "$c" == "${keepFileData}" ]]');
+    };
+    subtest "remote", sub {
+      my $borg = "BORG_RSH='ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /root/id_ed25519' borg";
+      $server->waitForUnit("sshd.service");
+      $client->waitForUnit("network.target");
+      $client->systemctl("start --wait borgbackup-job-remote");
+      $client->fail("systemctl is-failed borgbackup-job-remote");
+      # Make sure we can't access repos other than the specified one
+      $client->fail("$borg list borg\@server:wrong");
+      #TODO: Make sure that data is actually deleted
+    };
+    subtest "remoteAppendOnly", sub {
+      my $borg = "BORG_RSH='ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /root/id_ed25519.appendOnly' borg";
+      $server->waitForUnit("sshd.service");
+      $client->waitForUnit("network.target");
+      $client->systemctl("start --wait borgbackup-job-remoteAppendOnly");
+      $client->fail("systemctl is-failed borgbackup-job-remoteAppendOnly");
+      # Make sure we can't access repos other than the specified one
+      $client->fail("$borg list borg\@server:wrong");
+      #TODO: Make sure that data is not actually deleted
+    };