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path: root/pkgs/applications/editors
diff options
authorAndersonTorres <torres.anderson.85@protonmail.com>2022-02-16 11:55:43 -0300
committerAndersonTorres <torres.anderson.85@protonmail.com>2022-02-24 20:26:07 -0300
commit3f19fc37a3557d31b242b220b52c7a1358572f57 (patch)
tree5b7f91299e0f8633512862c96755fb483349fc57 /pkgs/applications/editors
parenta2122813921a74f1c6f04f113b07f89484376765 (diff)
Move misc/vim-plugins to applications/editors/vim/plugins
Diffstat (limited to 'pkgs/applications/editors')
21 files changed, 15506 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/aliases.nix b/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/aliases.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..955590cafe318
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/aliases.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+# Deprecated aliases - for backward compatibility
+final: prev:
+  # Removing recurseForDerivation prevents derivations of aliased attribute
+  # set to appear while listing all the packages available.
+  removeRecurseForDerivations = alias: with lib;
+    if alias.recurseForDerivations or false then
+      removeAttrs alias ["recurseForDerivations"]
+    else alias;
+  # Disabling distribution prevents top-level aliases for non-recursed package
+  # sets from building on Hydra.
+  removeDistribute = alias: with lib;
+    if isDerivation alias then
+      dontDistribute alias
+    else alias;
+  # Make sure that we are not shadowing something from
+  # all-packages.nix.
+  checkInPkgs = n: alias: if builtins.hasAttr n prev
+                          then throw "Alias ${n} is still in vim-plugins"
+                          else alias;
+  mapAliases = aliases:
+    lib.mapAttrs (n: alias: removeDistribute
+                             (removeRecurseForDerivations
+                              (checkInPkgs n alias)))
+                     aliases;
+  deprecations = lib.mapAttrs (old: info:
+    throw "${old} was renamed to ${info.new} on ${info.date}. Please update to ${info.new}."
+  ) (lib.importJSON ./deprecated.json);
+mapAliases (with prev; {
+  airline             = vim-airline;
+  alternative         = a-vim; # backwards compat, added 2014-10-21
+  bats                = bats-vim;
+  BufOnly             = BufOnly-vim;
+  calendar            = calendar-vim;
+  coffee-script       = vim-coffee-script;
+  coffeeScript        = vim-coffee-script; # backwards compat, added 2014-10-18
+  Solarized           = vim-colors-solarized;
+  solarized           = vim-colors-solarized;
+  colors-solarized    = vim-colors-solarized;
+  caw                 = caw-vim;
+  colorsamplerpack    = Colour-Sampler-Pack;
+  Colour_Sampler_Pack = Colour-Sampler-Pack;
+  command_T           = command-t; # backwards compat, added 2014-10-18
+  commentary          = vim-commentary;
+  committia           = committia-vim;
+  concealedyank       = concealedyank-vim;
+  context-filetype    = context_filetype-vim;
+  Cosco               = cosco-vim;
+  css_color_5056      = vim-css-color;
+  CSApprox            = csapprox;
+  csv                 = csv-vim;
+  ctrlp               = ctrlp-vim;
+  cute-python         = vim-cute-python;
+  denite              = denite-nvim;
+  easy-align          = vim-easy-align;
+  easygit             = vim-easygit;
+  easymotion          = vim-easymotion;
+  echodoc             = echodoc-vim;
+  eighties            = vim-eighties;
+  extradite           = vim-extradite;
+  fugitive            = vim-fugitive;
+  ghc-mod-vim         = ghcmod-vim;
+  ghcmod              = ghcmod-vim;
+  goyo                = goyo-vim;
+  Gist                = vim-gist;
+  gitgutter           = vim-gitgutter;
+  gundo               = gundo-vim;
+  Gundo               = gundo-vim; # backwards compat, added 2015-10-03
+  haskellConceal      = vim-haskellconceal; # backwards compat, added 2014-10-18
+  haskellConcealPlus  = vim-haskellConcealPlus;
+  haskellconceal      = vim-haskellconceal;
+  hier                = vim-hier;
+  hlint-refactor      = hlint-refactor-vim;
+  hoogle              = vim-hoogle;
+  Hoogle              = vim-hoogle;
+  indent-blankline-nvim-lua = indent-blankline-nvim; # backwards compat, added 2021-07-05
+  ipython             = vim-ipython;
+  latex-live-preview  = vim-latex-live-preview;
+  maktaba             = vim-maktaba;
+  multiple-cursors    = vim-multiple-cursors;
+  necoGhc             = neco-ghc; # backwards compat, added 2014-10-18
+  neocomplete         = neocomplete-vim;
+  neoinclude          = neoinclude-vim;
+  neomru              = neomru-vim;
+  neosnippet          = neosnippet-vim;
+  The_NERD_Commenter  = nerdcommenter;
+  The_NERD_tree       = nerdtree;
+  open-browser        = open-browser-vim;
+  pathogen            = vim-pathogen;
+  polyglot            = vim-polyglot;
+  prettyprint         = vim-prettyprint;
+  quickrun            = vim-quickrun;
+  rainbow_parentheses = rainbow_parentheses-vim;
+  repeat              = vim-repeat;
+  riv                 = riv-vim;
+  rhubarb             = vim-rhubarb;
+  sensible            = vim-sensible;
+  signature           = vim-signature;
+  snipmate            = vim-snipmate;
+  sourcemap           = sourcemap-vim;
+  "sourcemap.vim"     = sourcemap-vim;
+  surround            = vim-surround;
+  sleuth              = vim-sleuth;
+  solidity            = vim-solidity;
+  stylish-haskell     = vim-stylish-haskell;
+  stylishHaskell      = vim-stylish-haskell; # backwards compat, added 2014-10-18
+  Supertab            = supertab;
+  Syntastic           = syntastic;
+  SyntaxRange         = vim-SyntaxRange;
+  table-mode          = vim-table-mode;
+  taglist             = taglist-vim;
+  tabpagebuffer       = tabpagebuffer-vim;
+  tabpagecd           = vim-tabpagecd;
+  Tabular             = tabular;
+  Tagbar              = tagbar;
+  thumbnail           = thumbnail-vim;
+  tlib                = tlib_vim;
+  tmux-navigator      = vim-tmux-navigator;
+  tmuxNavigator       = vim-tmux-navigator; # backwards compat, added 2014-10-18
+  tslime              = tslime-vim;
+  unite               = unite-vim;
+  UltiSnips           = ultisnips;
+  vim-addon-vim2nix   = vim2nix;
+  vimproc             = vimproc-vim;
+  vimshell            = vimshell-vim;
+  vinegar             = vim-vinegar;
+  watchdogs           = vim-watchdogs;
+  WebAPI              = webapi-vim;
+  wombat256           = wombat256-vim; # backwards compat, added 2015-7-8
+  yankring            = YankRing-vim;
+  Yankring            = YankRing-vim;
+  xterm-color-table   = xterm-color-table-vim;
+  zeavim              = zeavim-vim;
+} // deprecations)
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/build-vim-plugin.nix b/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/build-vim-plugin.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..3d36edb32325c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/build-vim-plugin.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+{ lib, stdenv
+, rtpPath
+, vim
+, vimGenDocHook
+rec {
+  addRtp = path: attrs: derivation:
+    derivation // { rtp = "${derivation}"; } // {
+      overrideAttrs = f: buildVimPlugin (attrs // f attrs);
+    };
+  buildVimPlugin = attrs@{
+    name ? "${attrs.pname}-${attrs.version}",
+    namePrefix ? "vimplugin-",
+    src,
+    unpackPhase ? "",
+    configurePhase ? "",
+    buildPhase ? "",
+    preInstall ? "",
+    postInstall ? "",
+    path ? ".",
+    addonInfo ? null,
+    ...
+  }:
+    addRtp "${rtpPath}/${path}" attrs (stdenv.mkDerivation (attrs // {
+      name = namePrefix + name;
+      # dont move the doc folder since vim expects it
+      forceShare= [ "man" "info" ];
+      nativeBuildInputs = attrs.nativeBuildInputs or []
+      ++ lib.optional (stdenv.hostPlatform == stdenv.buildPlatform) vimGenDocHook;
+      inherit unpackPhase configurePhase buildPhase addonInfo preInstall postInstall;
+      installPhase = ''
+        runHook preInstall
+        target=$out/${rtpPath}/${path}
+        mkdir -p $out/${rtpPath}
+        cp -r . $target
+        runHook postInstall
+      '';
+    }));
+  buildVimPluginFrom2Nix = attrs: buildVimPlugin ({
+    # vim plugins may override this
+    buildPhase = ":";
+    configurePhase =":";
+  } // attrs);
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/default.nix b/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..9bfcf44318637
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# TODO check that no license information gets lost
+{ callPackage, config, lib, vimUtils, vim, darwin, llvmPackages, luaPackages }:
+  inherit (vimUtils.override {inherit vim;}) buildVimPluginFrom2Nix vimGenDocHook;
+  inherit (lib) extends;
+  initialPackages = self: {
+    # Convert derivation to a vim plugin.
+    toVimPlugin = drv:
+      drv.overrideAttrs(oldAttrs: {
+        nativeBuildInputs = oldAttrs.nativeBuildInputs or [] ++ [ vimGenDocHook ];
+        passthru = (oldAttrs.passthru or {}) // {
+          vimPlugin = true;
+        };
+      });
+  };
+  plugins = callPackage ./generated.nix {
+    inherit buildVimPluginFrom2Nix;
+  };
+  # TL;DR
+  # * Add your plugin to ./vim-plugin-names
+  # * run ./update.py
+  #
+  # If additional modifications to the build process are required,
+  # add to ./overrides.nix.
+  overrides = callPackage ./overrides.nix {
+    inherit (darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks) Cocoa CoreFoundation CoreServices;
+    inherit buildVimPluginFrom2Nix;
+    inherit llvmPackages luaPackages;
+  };
+  aliases = if (config.allowAliases or true) then (import ./aliases.nix lib) else final: prev: {};
+  extensible-self = lib.makeExtensible
+    (extends aliases
+      (extends overrides
+        (extends plugins initialPackages)
+      )
+    );
+  extensible-self
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/deprecated.json b/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/deprecated.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..b185aa7483d80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/deprecated.json
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+    "compe-tmux": {
+        "date": "2021-12-21",
+        "new": "cmp-tmux"
+    },
+    "gist-vim": {
+        "date": "2020-03-27",
+        "new": "vim-gist"
+    },
+    "nvim-bufferline-lua": {
+        "date": "2021-08-22",
+        "new": "bufferline-nvim"
+    },
+    "nvim-lsp": {
+        "date": "2020-08-31",
+        "new": "nvim-lspconfig"
+    },
+    "nvim-toggleterm-lua": {
+        "date": "2021-08-22",
+        "new": "toggleterm-nvim"
+    },
+    "orgmode-nvim": {
+        "date": "2021-11-28",
+        "new": "orgmode"
+    },
+    "sql-nvim": {
+        "date": "2021-09-03",
+        "new": "sqlite-lua"
+    },
+    "vim-jade": {
+        "date": "2020-03-27",
+        "new": "vim-pug"
+    },
+    "vundle": {
+        "date": "2020-03-27",
+        "new": "Vundle-vim"
+    },
+    "youcompleteme": {
+        "date": "2020-03-27",
+        "new": "YouCompleteMe"
+    }
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/generated.nix b/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/generated.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..7b9fb616d1c5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/generated.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,11967 @@
+# This file has been generated by ./pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/update.py. Do not edit!
+{ lib, buildVimPluginFrom2Nix, fetchFromGitHub, fetchgit }:
+final: prev:
+  a-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "a.vim";
+    version = "2010-11-06";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "vim-scripts";
+      repo = "a.vim";
+      rev = "2cbe946206ec622d9d8cf2c99317f204c4d41885";
+      sha256 = "0h62v9z5bh9xmaq22pqdb3z79i84a5rknqm68mjpy7nq7s3q42fa";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/vim-scripts/a.vim/";
+  };
+  ack-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "ack.vim";
+    version = "2018-02-27";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "mileszs";
+      repo = "ack.vim";
+      rev = "36e40f9ec91bdbf6f1adf408522a73a6925c3042";
+      sha256 = "0yppr89hd1jyp0pj56hxdjbn32sr7pj3mihd18wxispvl5dqd6fm";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/mileszs/ack.vim/";
+  };
+  acp = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "acp";
+    version = "2013-02-05";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "eikenb";
+      repo = "acp";
+      rev = "5c627cec37d0d3b1670cb250d84e176e8b0c644e";
+      sha256 = "0h7s4nvxin7m2caka7g1hhlxj1bbiwsvw8s2lqwlh7nq43v23ghg";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/eikenb/acp/";
+  };
+  aerial-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "aerial.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-21";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "stevearc";
+      repo = "aerial.nvim";
+      rev = "f4dab432cb3afe0b737f85d823fcd74655727aae";
+      sha256 = "0i1qmfnlcwa3d75s4b07yn62737fz87w3jgsjpf5ijmkyxf29d1k";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/stevearc/aerial.nvim/";
+  };
+  agda-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "agda-vim";
+    version = "2021-10-28";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "derekelkins";
+      repo = "agda-vim";
+      rev = "4a0f475aaef756702222bdd5b01e25f814f5691f";
+      sha256 = "0d4gwgdy4y52gycz33y5ar9rj0r2y6bkjnyns3br2iy0x4rzghff";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/derekelkins/agda-vim/";
+  };
+  alchemist-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "alchemist.vim";
+    version = "2020-04-27";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "slashmili";
+      repo = "alchemist.vim";
+      rev = "3d370d163a48bdeccea4be541686cce67a52b996";
+      sha256 = "0svciz70yccaaifq1ivb7f0cwfjssmrkm7fbpjlylslx6wjjfc1i";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/slashmili/alchemist.vim/";
+  };
+  ale = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "ale";
+    version = "2022-02-19";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "dense-analysis";
+      repo = "ale";
+      rev = "5b1044e2ade71fee4a59f94faa108d99b4e61fb2";
+      sha256 = "02np6iarx5yp8m5lvp4rmgl6zlxy7m64sp3fix7hh9dy51h58xs5";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/dense-analysis/ale/";
+  };
+  align = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "align";
+    version = "2012-08-08";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "vim-scripts";
+      repo = "align";
+      rev = "787662fe90cd057942bc5b682fd70c87e1a9dd77";
+      sha256 = "0acacr572kfh7jvavbw61q5pkwrpi1albgancma063rpax1pddgp";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/vim-scripts/align/";
+  };
+  aniseed = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "aniseed";
+    version = "2022-02-15";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "Olical";
+      repo = "aniseed";
+      rev = "a955096c566843302a0a509680b92ab276488add";
+      sha256 = "1ka9p2d2fvr1p8gr39fq44msjqkshg3r6pjzzsnx8r821ql0055i";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/Olical/aniseed/";
+  };
+  ansible-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "ansible-vim";
+    version = "2022-02-11";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "pearofducks";
+      repo = "ansible-vim";
+      rev = "93798e8c89c441d29d4678da0c0d5e1429eb43b0";
+      sha256 = "0r2q7iyw0y7zaf33k6ka5ca9v6g7zlmya5x0ph5xgsylmglq6jca";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/pearofducks/ansible-vim/";
+  };
+  antonys-macro-repeater = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "antonys-macro-repeater";
+    version = "2017-09-10";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ckarnell";
+      repo = "antonys-macro-repeater";
+      rev = "61784d86b2654f3e261b9cc33360c5197704e266";
+      sha256 = "1cq5r091qbxjs9s12f7bb2fdm43gxwpnnh2l8nhj0n69jfk7gblw";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ckarnell/antonys-macro-repeater/";
+  };
+  arcanist-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "arcanist.vim";
+    version = "2016-05-27";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "solarnz";
+      repo = "arcanist.vim";
+      rev = "bd59e799e838c8d946d33142104b2db625dc15d6";
+      sha256 = "11v7gqa5rnv28q0i3d02g9sw22gkjn10afvjx7bg352d91knxn9m";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/solarnz/arcanist.vim/";
+  };
+  argtextobj-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "argtextobj.vim";
+    version = "2010-10-18";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "vim-scripts";
+      repo = "argtextobj.vim";
+      rev = "f3fbe427f7b4ec436416a5816d714dc917dc530b";
+      sha256 = "1l4jh5hdmky1qj5z26jpnk49a6djjcvzyyr6pknrrgb8rzkiln48";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/vim-scripts/argtextobj.vim/";
+  };
+  async-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "async.vim";
+    version = "2022-01-04";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "prabirshrestha";
+      repo = "async.vim";
+      rev = "f20569020d65bec3249222606c073c0943045b5e";
+      sha256 = "0lff0v2vd06amcjirnpa4wc4l4nsbngcrdqcv34kszyqgzd7phka";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/prabirshrestha/async.vim/";
+  };
+  asyncomplete-lsp-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "asyncomplete-lsp.vim";
+    version = "2021-12-17";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "prabirshrestha";
+      repo = "asyncomplete-lsp.vim";
+      rev = "f6d6a6354ff279ba707c20292aef0dfaadc436a3";
+      sha256 = "1y0wpq982nw0ibqhvcvb7md58jvadygkxc1ibg99zxw1kznfpla6";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/prabirshrestha/asyncomplete-lsp.vim/";
+  };
+  asyncomplete-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "asyncomplete.vim";
+    version = "2021-12-06";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "prabirshrestha";
+      repo = "asyncomplete.vim";
+      rev = "9c7651894c2c6d656c0dc71e87cfabbbb71b9c78";
+      sha256 = "1vjai1v9nnn7vbckclz85bhl6mx4d5d3155pg2vv1d2s4lzqplhv";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/prabirshrestha/asyncomplete.vim/";
+  };
+  asyncrun-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "asyncrun.vim";
+    version = "2022-02-19";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "skywind3000";
+      repo = "asyncrun.vim";
+      rev = "6942fc4fcb2058fe1401761e97641f42aadb7758";
+      sha256 = "12q9im1rd7zmdfw6bax7x7pjnlf6204ar70z77fv3cpi09r2s3sz";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/skywind3000/asyncrun.vim/";
+  };
+  asynctasks-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "asynctasks.vim";
+    version = "2022-01-12";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "skywind3000";
+      repo = "asynctasks.vim";
+      rev = "dfecf57c79ded5ead2911e32caff46d8cede8c5c";
+      sha256 = "1w58y2ccgry47nhidqv4vg1wag7saphs2xad9wfpq65sj8vva3kk";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/skywind3000/asynctasks.vim/";
+  };
+  ats-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "ats-vim";
+    version = "2020-09-04";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "vmchale";
+      repo = "ats-vim";
+      rev = "8e3e722b6d09ed81313573b4e7b108b265628ff1";
+      sha256 = "1jj4q8dmal7rgizqm59dbgjf8by8lxjwnbg39gkbmjiwhdj8q67h";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/vmchale/ats-vim/";
+  };
+  aurora = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "aurora";
+    version = "2022-02-02";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ray-x";
+      repo = "aurora";
+      rev = "d11266046077968bbc3d6ac37d81e069618cdedd";
+      sha256 = "1hdycb9rc7kpcppwv332hmrnzx5g2jy5r0ckaynahwwbwbjiyjqh";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ray-x/aurora/";
+  };
+  auto-git-diff = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "auto-git-diff";
+    version = "2019-09-23";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "hotwatermorning";
+      repo = "auto-git-diff";
+      rev = "a14d52b7ed7e7fb69bf1de9d363f3abdd3410b3a";
+      sha256 = "0i0bnlxclh8pzanrxj428728mdx4wdy19fx499kiin87qr4r2hbn";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/hotwatermorning/auto-git-diff/";
+  };
+  auto-pairs = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "auto-pairs";
+    version = "2019-02-27";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "jiangmiao";
+      repo = "auto-pairs";
+      rev = "39f06b873a8449af8ff6a3eee716d3da14d63a76";
+      sha256 = "1hxf155cmavpxpbsxx6zk23hgl9grl6yrh165kp9bjvld9ng08ng";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/jiangmiao/auto-pairs/";
+  };
+  auto-session = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "auto-session";
+    version = "2022-02-21";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "rmagatti";
+      repo = "auto-session";
+      rev = "da8a37dc635ef25c39442351fb3c838d151eda71";
+      sha256 = "0pn32l9pzvxl5fd8l3pxjsrzx0gv794xjh2flv0gf2f9lk4hvcbx";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/rmagatti/auto-session/";
+  };
+  autoload_cscope-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "autoload_cscope.vim";
+    version = "2011-01-28";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "vim-scripts";
+      repo = "autoload_cscope.vim";
+      rev = "26f428f400d96d25a9d633e6314f6e1760923db1";
+      sha256 = "150h6k4nd1msa21c0zxl68nwwq3qdmqi0d8h4as98rrz0b0lghn7";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/vim-scripts/autoload_cscope.vim/";
+  };
+  awesome-vim-colorschemes = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "awesome-vim-colorschemes";
+    version = "2022-01-17";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "rafi";
+      repo = "awesome-vim-colorschemes";
+      rev = "9a28614941beec4539f82937d50df1a03bb70e0d";
+      sha256 = "0fvb3r8176r030wnf1rvpd4dba8cz5506a3plp5j5h5gxpsyd27y";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/rafi/awesome-vim-colorschemes/";
+  };
+  ayu-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "ayu-vim";
+    version = "2020-05-29";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ayu-theme";
+      repo = "ayu-vim";
+      rev = "0745635421688ce777f663d13531996cb4da6514";
+      sha256 = "0w7ixhz72g3lr1hkn450k6x8sdgv95pp6pxbykka3s01i506rzmj";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ayu-theme/ayu-vim/";
+  };
+  barbar-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "barbar.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-22";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "romgrk";
+      repo = "barbar.nvim";
+      rev = "be65945626fb6bf6058cae61d5176d156f923c11";
+      sha256 = "165ffjrwhhjdyssj96z4qn3fjys0dxwckpvjyzrpca2b2fag0cx2";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/romgrk/barbar.nvim/";
+  };
+  base16-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "base16-vim";
+    version = "2019-06-07";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "chriskempson";
+      repo = "base16-vim";
+      rev = "6191622d5806d4448fa2285047936bdcee57a098";
+      sha256 = "1qz21jizcy533mqk9wff1wqchhixkcfkysqcqs0x35wwpbri6nz8";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/chriskempson/base16-vim/";
+  };
+  bats-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "bats.vim";
+    version = "2013-07-03";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "vim-scripts";
+      repo = "bats.vim";
+      rev = "3c283f594ff8bc7fb0c25cd07ebef0f17385f94a";
+      sha256 = "06f3hdf7y5gpwmc6inrhk938qmn7cr6mbk00amrnl1qjvk09givx";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/vim-scripts/bats.vim/";
+  };
+  bclose-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "bclose.vim";
+    version = "2018-10-10";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "rbgrouleff";
+      repo = "bclose.vim";
+      rev = "99018b4a2dd18aea1cbd3aa23565b01a0f8c5b73";
+      sha256 = "09a7g0nxn8cbnfz6za8q1p46kb5zbvxl80077hrjpnx4xc82xn2h";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/rbgrouleff/bclose.vim/";
+  };
+  better-escape-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "better-escape.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-05";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "max397574";
+      repo = "better-escape.nvim";
+      rev = "b227dd1380bbe226b117f9b758e146aa7c2e7d82";
+      sha256 = "1jzfjnry03cv8nxf30h4x5pad5s55k4grzy1jp26sb3xjlpriz3p";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/max397574/better-escape.nvim/";
+  };
+  BetterLua-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "BetterLua.vim";
+    version = "2020-08-14";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "euclidianAce";
+      repo = "BetterLua.vim";
+      rev = "d2d6c115575d09258a794a6f20ac60233eee59d5";
+      sha256 = "1rvlx21kw8865dg6q97hx9i2s1n8mn1nyhn0m7dkx625pghsx3js";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/euclidianAce/BetterLua.vim/";
+  };
+  bitbake-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "bitbake.vim";
+    version = "2021-02-06";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "sblumentritt";
+      repo = "bitbake.vim";
+      rev = "faddca1e8768b10c80ee85221fb51a560df5ba45";
+      sha256 = "1hfly2vxhhvjdiwgfz58hr3523kf9z71i78vk168n3kdqp5vkwrp";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/sblumentritt/bitbake.vim/";
+  };
+  blueballs-neovim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "blueballs-neovim";
+    version = "2021-11-28";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "blueballs-theme";
+      repo = "blueballs-neovim";
+      rev = "6201c1bf272bd3d8516a68579f5ead8ac5ab95b0";
+      sha256 = "1k9fh5r64csp1xxr647s3rd67h1ay36y57afkp67xgv7mlk17cv5";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/blueballs-theme/blueballs-neovim/";
+  };
+  bracey-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "bracey.vim";
+    version = "2021-08-20";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "turbio";
+      repo = "bracey.vim";
+      rev = "4e1a22acc01787814819df1057d039d4ecf357eb";
+      sha256 = "05cz8hx2jk3zp1h65j4pfpvdvcff65wp59j7j796ljnjaggj9kh2";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/turbio/bracey.vim/";
+  };
+  brainfuck-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "brainfuck-vim";
+    version = "2021-01-28";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "fruit-in";
+      repo = "brainfuck-vim";
+      rev = "721bbe54df26906f79ed481069435596741f67f3";
+      sha256 = "130njfiwbgd6gpy52xm5ayadh9q11ahsin1a60y54a99qd8jz6wi";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/fruit-in/brainfuck-vim/";
+  };
+  bufdelete-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "bufdelete.nvim";
+    version = "2021-12-18";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "famiu";
+      repo = "bufdelete.nvim";
+      rev = "1c59b784c53afaf7b9ca63186da99e5d46e3e429";
+      sha256 = "0zq261nv2jzhqqzaldr5l6dlriyy23zv8rsn3k7fg91q3vjawn4i";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/famiu/bufdelete.nvim/";
+  };
+  bufexplorer = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "bufexplorer";
+    version = "2022-02-08";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "jlanzarotta";
+      repo = "bufexplorer";
+      rev = "4b1d3adca7e968ebc619cf2f6f3e197ef78c8342";
+      sha256 = "0imyzav898hzx4d669rxx7qyac6b8csp04am2j85rr31rywylpn0";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/jlanzarotta/bufexplorer/";
+  };
+  bufferline-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "bufferline.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-15";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "akinsho";
+      repo = "bufferline.nvim";
+      rev = "e97a404bd7449ecebab243c796c1016c98397fc0";
+      sha256 = "1cfqcbxvig271zppq0mydj616dgbdy5ryvycc64q5gyq1lfmhnsl";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/akinsho/bufferline.nvim/";
+  };
+  BufOnly-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "BufOnly.vim";
+    version = "2010-10-18";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "vim-scripts";
+      repo = "BufOnly.vim";
+      rev = "43dd92303979bdb234a3cb2f5662847f7a3affe7";
+      sha256 = "1gvpaqvvxjma0dl1zai68bpv42608api4054appwkw9pgczkkcdl";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/vim-scripts/BufOnly.vim/";
+  };
+  calendar-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "calendar.vim";
+    version = "2021-09-18";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "itchyny";
+      repo = "calendar.vim";
+      rev = "eebee3aa5da63188b70c4fd75509dcfce77e2030";
+      sha256 = "0n8i5jg3hvx6mj6grxcvdsanbyvg67gjiq18aq6kpdb1rcip0270";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/itchyny/calendar.vim/";
+  };
+  camelcasemotion = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "camelcasemotion";
+    version = "2019-12-02";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "bkad";
+      repo = "camelcasemotion";
+      rev = "de439d7c06cffd0839a29045a103fe4b44b15cdc";
+      sha256 = "0yfsb0d9ly8abmc95nqcmr8r8ylif80zdjppib7g1qj1wapdhc69";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/bkad/camelcasemotion/";
+  };
+  catppuccin-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "catppuccin-nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-16";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "catppuccin";
+      repo = "nvim";
+      rev = "5169cd99bd4bc5f0c2d505e91190383c3c323680";
+      sha256 = "1q5bz37yfzbnm6h9n0c3y8nn69zphsxjsjykly28xg6q87il9di5";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/catppuccin/nvim/";
+  };
+  caw-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "caw.vim";
+    version = "2021-09-20";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tyru";
+      repo = "caw.vim";
+      rev = "3aefcb5a752a599a9200dd801d6bcb0b7606bf29";
+      sha256 = "0v21vp0ngj60ksmyrk6f8ld25qqmx298nsd0v1kj2ysrcvj3hjb7";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tyru/caw.vim/";
+  };
+  chadtree = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "chadtree";
+    version = "2022-02-22";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ms-jpq";
+      repo = "chadtree";
+      rev = "45177b39245b6aa4efda9f5051aadaad6f953fd5";
+      sha256 = "0hgmkfrwwplzw6bsvvd9549rr3326k4bviix8w4ir133qw8av5j5";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ms-jpq/chadtree/";
+  };
+  changeColorScheme-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "changeColorScheme.vim";
+    version = "2010-10-18";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "vim-scripts";
+      repo = "changeColorScheme.vim";
+      rev = "b041d49f828629d72f2232531a230d1ec5de2405";
+      sha256 = "0pybhsg9k9252d4ifdc4gsar8lkmfzbvs6xkzqq1m6f35l9wqk09";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/vim-scripts/changeColorScheme.vim/";
+  };
+  cheatsheet-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "cheatsheet.nvim";
+    version = "2021-12-23";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "sudormrfbin";
+      repo = "cheatsheet.nvim";
+      rev = "9716f9aaa94dd1fd6ce59b5aae0e5f25e2a463ef";
+      sha256 = "0dm94kppbnky8y0gs1pdfs7vcc9hyp8lf6h33dw6ndqfnw3hd2ad";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/sudormrfbin/cheatsheet.nvim/";
+  };
+  CheckAttach = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "CheckAttach";
+    version = "2019-05-08";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "chrisbra";
+      repo = "CheckAttach";
+      rev = "8f0b1350431d1d34655a147e6f1cfe6cb5dda5f7";
+      sha256 = "1z9a40nbdjd3pnp28nfsi2bijsbaiphc0ia816f5flkchn07gmmj";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/chrisbra/CheckAttach/";
+  };
+  ci_dark = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "ci_dark";
+    version = "2022-01-26";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "yunlingz";
+      repo = "ci_dark";
+      rev = "6d0254b845e1cf42ee778763190f852b6d013dc3";
+      sha256 = "15z2mfjgpr36bqady1ijvaha41d1rfw5prcwr9czcmh2iaphp2j8";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/yunlingz/ci_dark/";
+  };
+  circles-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "circles.nvim";
+    version = "2022-01-11";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "projekt0n";
+      repo = "circles.nvim";
+      rev = "3847feed23fa3ba6abecdf1b17a6c7d2022ebe65";
+      sha256 = "1wxfix1fd8qwflc7id3g0yr7838j4vgnrk1nixv5q99d7wj0hadr";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/projekt0n/circles.nvim/";
+  };
+  clang_complete = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "clang_complete";
+    version = "2020-09-18";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "xavierd";
+      repo = "clang_complete";
+      rev = "293a1062274a06be61797612034bd8d87851406e";
+      sha256 = "1whipcrr4pcg1bkivq3l753v3f3glbhkdd6wp6f9czspr7hx2h2d";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/xavierd/clang_complete/";
+  };
+  clever-f-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "clever-f.vim";
+    version = "2021-07-07";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "rhysd";
+      repo = "clever-f.vim";
+      rev = "fd370f27cca93918184a8043220cef1aa440a1fd";
+      sha256 = "163gd1vv6k9pyzyfjfcqinn7w001ickwdh1ygg6g62h4s98r2ann";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/rhysd/clever-f.vim/";
+  };
+  clighter8 = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "clighter8";
+    version = "2018-07-25";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "bbchung";
+      repo = "clighter8";
+      rev = "839993b60dc4a19a58e4c7e7db1df04d911bb181";
+      sha256 = "01r92idbym2p1hiqszrprrl1hrqzz2yhzv8n08m8gycd7m227cwg";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/bbchung/clighter8/";
+  };
+  cmd-parser-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "cmd-parser.nvim";
+    version = "2021-05-30";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "winston0410";
+      repo = "cmd-parser.nvim";
+      rev = "70813af493398217cb1df10950ae8b99c58422db";
+      sha256 = "0rfa8cpykarcal8qcfp1dax1kgcbq7bv1ld6r1ia08n9vnqi5vm6";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/winston0410/cmd-parser.nvim/";
+  };
+  cmp-buffer = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "cmp-buffer";
+    version = "2022-02-21";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "hrsh7th";
+      repo = "cmp-buffer";
+      rev = "d66c4c2d376e5be99db68d2362cd94d250987525";
+      sha256 = "0n9mqrf4rzj784zhshxr2wqyhm99d9mzalxqnik7srkghjvc9l4a";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/hrsh7th/cmp-buffer/";
+  };
+  cmp-calc = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "cmp-calc";
+    version = "2021-10-11";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "hrsh7th";
+      repo = "cmp-calc";
+      rev = "eb7bd1d7382ac26d8eb7346e36405c0ae94333a2";
+      sha256 = "0b88fn4zb2sp4c9fnn9m8qb41djv17mmydhx6bryqnrc8mqycajy";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/hrsh7th/cmp-calc/";
+  };
+  cmp-cmdline = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "cmp-cmdline";
+    version = "2022-02-13";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "hrsh7th";
+      repo = "cmp-cmdline";
+      rev = "f4beb74e8e036f9532bedbcac0b93c7a55a0f8b0";
+      sha256 = "0spc5vhrcz2ld1cxf9n27mhhfdwm0v89xbbyzbi9hshzfssndagh";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/hrsh7th/cmp-cmdline/";
+  };
+  cmp-conjure = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "cmp-conjure";
+    version = "2021-10-09";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "PaterJason";
+      repo = "cmp-conjure";
+      rev = "ca39e595a0a64150a3fbad340635b0179fe275ec";
+      sha256 = "08vpd8ibz9472iblw0qc64phvwvkm0byrkvw9b9lq0jcsmw2sgs5";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/PaterJason/cmp-conjure/";
+  };
+  cmp-emoji = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "cmp-emoji";
+    version = "2021-09-28";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "hrsh7th";
+      repo = "cmp-emoji";
+      rev = "19075c36d5820253d32e2478b6aaf3734aeaafa0";
+      sha256 = "00jrwg491q6nx3q36krarxfpchg3fgdsz7l02ag7cm0x9hv4dknd";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/hrsh7th/cmp-emoji/";
+  };
+  cmp-latex-symbols = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "cmp-latex-symbols";
+    version = "2021-09-10";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "kdheepak";
+      repo = "cmp-latex-symbols";
+      rev = "29dc9e53d17cd1f26605888f85500c8ba79cebff";
+      sha256 = "17qjw0yp0cmgyjy593qq6rfh7fgfwgb7mxg7a0kg1drjpncwv8gl";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/kdheepak/cmp-latex-symbols/";
+  };
+  cmp-nvim-lsp = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "cmp-nvim-lsp";
+    version = "2022-01-15";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "hrsh7th";
+      repo = "cmp-nvim-lsp";
+      rev = "ebdfc204afb87f15ce3d3d3f5df0b8181443b5ba";
+      sha256 = "0kmaxxdxlp1s5w36khnw0sdrbv1lr3p5n9r90h6h7wv842n4mnca";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/hrsh7th/cmp-nvim-lsp/";
+  };
+  cmp-nvim-lsp-document-symbol = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "cmp-nvim-lsp-document-symbol";
+    version = "2021-10-28";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "hrsh7th";
+      repo = "cmp-nvim-lsp-document-symbol";
+      rev = "29d12e55cf49ee07b829114ad39b161cad2544ab";
+      sha256 = "0w4m34467j3cg4dj69r12115p5k1i2lbjzmwx5hmd5x6xzb5qycb";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/hrsh7th/cmp-nvim-lsp-document-symbol/";
+  };
+  cmp-nvim-lua = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "cmp-nvim-lua";
+    version = "2021-10-11";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "hrsh7th";
+      repo = "cmp-nvim-lua";
+      rev = "d276254e7198ab7d00f117e88e223b4bd8c02d21";
+      sha256 = "11mhpb2jdc7zq7yiwzkks844b7alrdd08h96r6y7p3cxjv1iy5gz";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/hrsh7th/cmp-nvim-lua/";
+  };
+  cmp-nvim-ultisnips = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "cmp-nvim-ultisnips";
+    version = "2022-02-21";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "quangnguyen30192";
+      repo = "cmp-nvim-ultisnips";
+      rev = "3cac37c0dfea9d42cf69d9638bb63f267c5a1033";
+      sha256 = "1h4jjhczgx9kp4a0d9jf5qa0jkhb15zzdfhkpfgxfz2szh8frj0k";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/quangnguyen30192/cmp-nvim-ultisnips/";
+  };
+  cmp-omni = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "cmp-omni";
+    version = "2022-01-08";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "hrsh7th";
+      repo = "cmp-omni";
+      rev = "7a457f0c4f9e0801fee777d955eb841659aa3b84";
+      sha256 = "0f9mk0h3g1gg6lq9qnasi0liv8kvgc6rzfvgc9cflq5kkw97gjpw";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/hrsh7th/cmp-omni/";
+  };
+  cmp-pandoc-references = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "cmp-pandoc-references";
+    version = "2022-02-16";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "jc-doyle";
+      repo = "cmp-pandoc-references";
+      rev = "13e6c080fb16836f52c7fc498eecaae51adb4d54";
+      sha256 = "10pyzv4pdis05ap9jrz6wszxjha0m3bdjv6pd7xqm1hqahsyf4qs";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/jc-doyle/cmp-pandoc-references/";
+  };
+  cmp-path = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "cmp-path";
+    version = "2022-02-02";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "hrsh7th";
+      repo = "cmp-path";
+      rev = "466b6b8270f7ba89abd59f402c73f63c7331ff6e";
+      sha256 = "15ksxnwxssv1yr1ss66mbl5w0layq0f4baisd9ki192alnkd7365";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/hrsh7th/cmp-path/";
+  };
+  cmp-spell = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "cmp-spell";
+    version = "2021-10-19";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "f3fora";
+      repo = "cmp-spell";
+      rev = "5602f1a0de7831f8dad5b0c6db45328fbd539971";
+      sha256 = "1pk6izww8canfqpiyrqd6qx1p3j18pwfzkfx4ynbng8kl9nh6nv5";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/f3fora/cmp-spell/";
+  };
+  cmp-tabnine = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "cmp-tabnine";
+    version = "2022-01-26";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tzachar";
+      repo = "cmp-tabnine";
+      rev = "2a051347190a22b738e9784426199b9db745e1da";
+      sha256 = "1z3imhw4jgswd957aqhf1yf5dihb1k9dfd22abshziv45fb0fggy";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tzachar/cmp-tabnine/";
+  };
+  cmp-tmux = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "cmp-tmux";
+    version = "2022-01-09";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "andersevenrud";
+      repo = "cmp-tmux";
+      rev = "3c16f7e73abee43b3ea3e919e8b34c24427d9530";
+      sha256 = "1zc543zf3j09wlyka2srqp6zb0xf88m5jd2j0axmxb7rhl9sjhr4";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/andersevenrud/cmp-tmux/";
+  };
+  cmp-treesitter = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "cmp-treesitter";
+    version = "2021-12-02";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ray-x";
+      repo = "cmp-treesitter";
+      rev = "a6b4c95ee922cace635b5a46c7fcc691d2559fbb";
+      sha256 = "068x8n63iavycf5fsc5jf2p8i3cs697r60k54j7rm076bpbmnisa";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ray-x/cmp-treesitter/";
+  };
+  cmp-under-comparator = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "cmp-under-comparator";
+    version = "2021-11-11";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "lukas-reineke";
+      repo = "cmp-under-comparator";
+      rev = "6857f10272c3cfe930cece2afa2406e1385bfef8";
+      sha256 = "18kcxl9rg6qrg5wv6bb0hv0sjafspjhy57irf8gyaa66svwmgxmh";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/lukas-reineke/cmp-under-comparator/";
+  };
+  cmp-vsnip = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "cmp-vsnip";
+    version = "2021-11-10";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "hrsh7th";
+      repo = "cmp-vsnip";
+      rev = "0abfa1860f5e095a07c477da940cfcb0d273b700";
+      sha256 = "1vhw2qx8284bskivc2jyijl93g1b1z9hzzbq2l9b4aw6r23frbgc";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/hrsh7th/cmp-vsnip/";
+  };
+  cmp_luasnip = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "cmp_luasnip";
+    version = "2022-01-02";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "saadparwaiz1";
+      repo = "cmp_luasnip";
+      rev = "d6f837f4e8fe48eeae288e638691b91b97d1737f";
+      sha256 = "0cmfjqps7j3056y8avkrfz40kx8qcdxf4v1xvfv03nrw9xdwwh5y";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/saadparwaiz1/cmp_luasnip/";
+  };
+  coc-clap = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "coc-clap";
+    version = "2021-09-18";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "vn-ki";
+      repo = "coc-clap";
+      rev = "0f43b736899b9444704b11bd1835fa337f31ac11";
+      sha256 = "03glw1mz1pbn2paj7bhmmwcb7f25p1fqm755mpzrs9phra8bnyis";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/vn-ki/coc-clap/";
+  };
+  coc-denite = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "coc-denite";
+    version = "2021-02-24";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "neoclide";
+      repo = "coc-denite";
+      rev = "37016bc170014e36fc8212b2dc7ce7adda48bbe3";
+      sha256 = "0kpw2gfkpdfsi2kwm6rbzmz3diyinc3lcf91rxm8wyw486sp0s10";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/neoclide/coc-denite/";
+  };
+  coc-fzf = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "coc-fzf";
+    version = "2021-11-11";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "antoinemadec";
+      repo = "coc-fzf";
+      rev = "60828294b9ba846c78893389d4772021043d2fa1";
+      sha256 = "1y7rslksa558fdh3m4m626vpvs424pvxkkk70mr57is47cminm3m";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/antoinemadec/coc-fzf/";
+  };
+  coc-lua = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "coc-lua";
+    version = "2022-02-22";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "josa42";
+      repo = "coc-lua";
+      rev = "4f73c9dd68fdd9493e34020e3e626e788b95fd9a";
+      sha256 = "0igsr25shrjl9fj8is6lpyff9l2by7jkjmck5n56wdn97cxav719";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/josa42/coc-lua/";
+  };
+  coc-neco = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "coc-neco";
+    version = "2020-04-07";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "neoclide";
+      repo = "coc-neco";
+      rev = "fe130c2c3b883f8b58f70f15bf36c73923faa3d9";
+      sha256 = "1yzh3p1xx6k6rnr9skdvy5lsb7hz4kh2y537ill8a7770y936vn8";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/neoclide/coc-neco/";
+  };
+  coc-spell-checker = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "coc-spell-checker";
+    version = "2020-09-15";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "iamcco";
+      repo = "coc-spell-checker";
+      rev = "a76ebbff41fec61bb7a3c2556a670720db3f9ff9";
+      sha256 = "0i2znngg8jyxgns1kqi5168c4899wj2b8h8n14yy6pxgidhgqvzp";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/iamcco/coc-spell-checker/";
+  };
+  coc-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "coc.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-19";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "neoclide";
+      repo = "coc.nvim";
+      rev = "33ddba0d8db509378b59d05939da20d8a8d23df7";
+      sha256 = "0vqdv9yscjp7m9p61qwb0jgrdxkj9c5fbw3ccy5z158lnfa4j5hk";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/neoclide/coc.nvim/";
+  };
+  codi-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "codi.vim";
+    version = "2021-01-11";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "metakirby5";
+      repo = "codi.vim";
+      rev = "cf62681a4962ce1873e4b2a5e0bf401dcd42890f";
+      sha256 = "15j08qa7sklm0pilfn3ljgq75hrv8y9h8xzj8ibrafp29640gkfl";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/metakirby5/codi.vim/";
+  };
+  colorbuddy-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "colorbuddy.nvim";
+    version = "2021-12-01";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tjdevries";
+      repo = "colorbuddy.nvim";
+      rev = "c678edd8113274574f9d9ef440773d1123e1431d";
+      sha256 = "095347cz5idcb09l4sl236agzi89lyr9r40nix2c8vk5pbskvp8f";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tjdevries/colorbuddy.nvim/";
+  };
+  colorizer = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "colorizer";
+    version = "2022-01-03";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "lilydjwg";
+      repo = "colorizer";
+      rev = "72790a003d5a706c287486a1a81e3a6b32158b54";
+      sha256 = "1y7j3l1wcpr721cc1vha1f3vs7raand819zdy4izpdjmzph7vgch";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/lilydjwg/colorizer/";
+  };
+  Colour-Sampler-Pack = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "Colour-Sampler-Pack";
+    version = "2012-11-30";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "vim-scripts";
+      repo = "Colour-Sampler-Pack";
+      rev = "05cded87b2ef29aaa9e930230bb88e23abff4441";
+      sha256 = "03v2r18sfgs0xbgy9p56pxfdg0lsk6m7wyr5hw63wm1nzpwiipg3";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/vim-scripts/Colour-Sampler-Pack/";
+  };
+  command-t = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "command-t";
+    version = "2021-06-07";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "wincent";
+      repo = "command-t";
+      rev = "6a00a2cabfb5ee3f49ff556ceea56892825c0397";
+      sha256 = "0z2zr2mfc5m4xn8b0j0br7q96hs42md5wd53viv0zmw67i2pnbcs";
+      fetchSubmodules = true;
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/wincent/command-t/";
+  };
+  comment-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "comment.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-16";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "numtostr";
+      repo = "comment.nvim";
+      rev = "18a8dc0bbdfc089d5f5a850e4640d8e75381c598";
+      sha256 = "00yvac1iks83jy7cbkalx0hy3sg0d14hn4zd3jk5wc25c7f1jzmq";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/numtostr/comment.nvim/";
+  };
+  committia-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "committia.vim";
+    version = "2021-11-24";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "rhysd";
+      repo = "committia.vim";
+      rev = "0b4df1a7f48ffbc23b009bd14d58ee1be541917c";
+      sha256 = "1scz52n6y2qrqd74kcsgvjkmxd37wmgzx2wail4sz88h3cks8w39";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/rhysd/committia.vim/";
+  };
+  compe-conjure = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "compe-conjure";
+    version = "2021-02-02";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tami5";
+      repo = "compe-conjure";
+      rev = "809853ff8098dffcf8ba5ac89bcf07806eb8f981";
+      sha256 = "0p7p4bgkh05zy0gzmq0g9nn9npykh1l17cvfzjyhcb3n1sczpjzf";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tami5/compe-conjure/";
+  };
+  compe-latex-symbols = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "compe-latex-symbols";
+    version = "2021-05-14";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "GoldsteinE";
+      repo = "compe-latex-symbols";
+      rev = "70f58e53e142e3c59fe0f673dd54ce690ae57367";
+      sha256 = "0p4xss3zyp6002hsa6dx989zhp672mc30b57w5cjhcgbknw0iy1l";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/GoldsteinE/compe-latex-symbols/";
+  };
+  compe-tabnine = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "compe-tabnine";
+    version = "2021-09-14";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tzachar";
+      repo = "compe-tabnine";
+      rev = "33e4af509c27da9ef2c9c3002c01e3ec031797d4";
+      sha256 = "1lzyia2s66kcxpr6d3db4rcgxlcddfg6gpz8rbg333hdasly383w";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tzachar/compe-tabnine/";
+  };
+  compe-zsh = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "compe-zsh";
+    version = "2021-04-03";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tamago324";
+      repo = "compe-zsh";
+      rev = "1a46a0ee661242f6a015b2abead34b606bb97171";
+      sha256 = "0m8fmsx4bwmgqgjpwpldckp68hpx6qfschwdg275xsxkzw8pdnbk";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tamago324/compe-zsh/";
+  };
+  completion-buffers = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "completion-buffers";
+    version = "2021-01-17";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "steelsojka";
+      repo = "completion-buffers";
+      rev = "c36871b2a44b59761387f4972c617b44dcec5e75";
+      sha256 = "14rxmy3cjrl7lr4yvrk7nkhc5h8rlpj7xjixzgr0vmnbsl885kyh";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/steelsojka/completion-buffers/";
+  };
+  completion-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "completion-nvim";
+    version = "2021-10-12";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "nvim-lua";
+      repo = "completion-nvim";
+      rev = "87b0f86da3dffef63b42845049c648b5d90f1c4d";
+      sha256 = "07n5h3jbbjpciwpd6j8dnclvb70a5hwv00605cybcc5l4xvvvsga";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/nvim-lua/completion-nvim/";
+  };
+  completion-tabnine = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "completion-tabnine";
+    version = "2021-09-27";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "aca";
+      repo = "completion-tabnine";
+      rev = "5d2c49aee5b5443d58cceb0c8411429d5fae1b6f";
+      sha256 = "1cbdw1lby0v3i8xf1f5lcmafwq9rpsyk3x8hzq3k28nffckfrwnk";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/aca/completion-tabnine/";
+  };
+  completion-treesitter = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "completion-treesitter";
+    version = "2020-06-26";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "nvim-treesitter";
+      repo = "completion-treesitter";
+      rev = "45c9b2faff4785539a0d0c655440c2465fed985a";
+      sha256 = "19pgdzzk7zq85b1grfjf0nncvs5vxrd4rj1p90iw2amq4mvqrx3l";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/nvim-treesitter/completion-treesitter/";
+  };
+  concealedyank-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "concealedyank.vim";
+    version = "2013-03-24";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "chikatoike";
+      repo = "concealedyank.vim";
+      rev = "e7e65a395e0e6a266f3a808bc07441aa7d03ebbd";
+      sha256 = "0z7i8dmwfjh6mcrmgrxv3j86ic867617fas9mv4gqsrhhvrrkzsb";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/chikatoike/concealedyank.vim/";
+  };
+  conflict-marker-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "conflict-marker.vim";
+    version = "2021-10-18";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "rhysd";
+      repo = "conflict-marker.vim";
+      rev = "22b6133116795ea8fb6705ddca981aa8faecedda";
+      sha256 = "0rh3c1sl145hwyh6idwgyqbrgnwvd91spxc5qs2hfr1xsh53ssx2";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/rhysd/conflict-marker.vim/";
+  };
+  conjure = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "conjure";
+    version = "2022-02-15";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "Olical";
+      repo = "conjure";
+      rev = "6c53d863c0843be0f68a138def146d6b8f725b22";
+      sha256 = "1f5z99ac72433f2nj714fk6xd76mq7yr5i5z1afwgrhx61zbwn5h";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/Olical/conjure/";
+  };
+  context_filetype-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "context_filetype.vim";
+    version = "2021-08-08";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "Shougo";
+      repo = "context_filetype.vim";
+      rev = "28768168261bca161c3f2599e0ed63c96aab6dea";
+      sha256 = "1kyfl4xcx9brsnmqb19ibc2sai5zdrjd1vv7zn63halm2imdv2sj";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/Shougo/context_filetype.vim/";
+  };
+  copilot-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "copilot.vim";
+    version = "2022-02-15";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "github";
+      repo = "copilot.vim";
+      rev = "47eb231463d3654de1a205c4e30567fbd006965d";
+      sha256 = "06znz1869h7cdh9xc0b54mysslgpf3qdwsj5zvnzrzk6fnfin03q";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/github/copilot.vim/";
+  };
+  coq-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "coq.vim";
+    version = "2013-01-16";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "jvoorhis";
+      repo = "coq.vim";
+      rev = "9b229f5872854dadfb8ba4b67a6a273f37eca4b8";
+      sha256 = "0hpfwcm8lvv831b7i27lw72nqxfy7jymq6a6g3xmf0ycb0l3pnky";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/jvoorhis/coq.vim/";
+  };
+  coq_nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "coq_nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-22";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ms-jpq";
+      repo = "coq_nvim";
+      rev = "baad617cc9d9598c563d0571d44ef226d4888ee7";
+      sha256 = "0a7yfmqrsbq4x5k0vvjlvw89n3k3hwsbz72cgcazid7a1ngxwh37";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ms-jpq/coq_nvim/";
+  };
+  Coqtail = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "Coqtail";
+    version = "2022-02-21";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "whonore";
+      repo = "Coqtail";
+      rev = "877cd4b9b023d728d196d7841ceec47d2060c467";
+      sha256 = "0qr8zvscwms6w0w4pfzdx319nykiacgj7qvgzk9ip5jfwnnlrxwr";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/whonore/Coqtail/";
+  };
+  cosco-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "cosco.vim";
+    version = "2018-08-07";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "lfilho";
+      repo = "cosco.vim";
+      rev = "5752622192d9b27b3a5a274a5455613b56df6386";
+      sha256 = "01byd7j4gl7zb1bh61p839ka04x2sm0rgwvbb126az7dr6gpclyf";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/lfilho/cosco.vim/";
+  };
+  cpsm = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "cpsm";
+    version = "2021-07-25";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "nixprime";
+      repo = "cpsm";
+      rev = "814961aef3eba4412e5e63342575c46f87eaead4";
+      sha256 = "13qp6qaghaw355wjwmmd8d7cakb3ry9ijpnz06mj8yza50w7p3fx";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/nixprime/cpsm/";
+  };
+  crates-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "crates.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-03";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "saecki";
+      repo = "crates.nvim";
+      rev = "afa44bb9ccebbcde56bf66d498f2277206f7895c";
+      sha256 = "064is1nhdldkglj03f4832qagnbbwrf4sd1bnjx9iadq9wx84lp5";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/saecki/crates.nvim/";
+  };
+  csapprox = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "csapprox";
+    version = "2013-07-27";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "godlygeek";
+      repo = "csapprox";
+      rev = "7981dac51d8b6776985aa08cb7b5ee98ea7f2ddd";
+      sha256 = "08g4x6nnd6hkgm2daa5ihhz75pcdx3jzzv8rfjls80qajlhx5rf6";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/godlygeek/csapprox/";
+  };
+  csv-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "csv.vim";
+    version = "2022-01-12";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "chrisbra";
+      repo = "csv.vim";
+      rev = "eb284c4e33b57fc828012cb9ebb420a9ae6ecbe7";
+      sha256 = "0y660p8p716cf1gf7ncwvz62yr4d85bimvggsg4rdwmrqpvmshv6";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/chrisbra/csv.vim/";
+  };
+  ctrlp-cmatcher = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "ctrlp-cmatcher";
+    version = "2015-10-15";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "JazzCore";
+      repo = "ctrlp-cmatcher";
+      rev = "6c36334f106b6fd981d23e724e9a618734cab43a";
+      sha256 = "1573kd6xf3n8sxlz2j4zadai4rnc7k3s9c54648yfzickwn57d8q";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/JazzCore/ctrlp-cmatcher/";
+  };
+  ctrlp-py-matcher = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "ctrlp-py-matcher";
+    version = "2021-09-20";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "FelikZ";
+      repo = "ctrlp-py-matcher";
+      rev = "940e267d4fecd81287a1bdecc8475bf079e9dca9";
+      sha256 = "133xhi069ndcgj6wcgj5xvpf4m9c34zs9cnk35qpx13h2scxdsa4";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/FelikZ/ctrlp-py-matcher/";
+  };
+  ctrlp-z = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "ctrlp-z";
+    version = "2015-10-17";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "amiorin";
+      repo = "ctrlp-z";
+      rev = "d1a69ec623ce24b9a30fc8fe3cd468c322b03026";
+      sha256 = "16nsj1g8lqmyizlb5ijwhf4dsmh0xv1kwqq6jxvhaf55vfga82yl";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/amiorin/ctrlp-z/";
+  };
+  ctrlp-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "ctrlp.vim";
+    version = "2022-02-09";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ctrlpvim";
+      repo = "ctrlp.vim";
+      rev = "d5b092036bc651912474f64277913be8502f8f09";
+      sha256 = "12nmcam301h69181hznsh19p9sl42srp98dfa56ghy4iyrcg2d34";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim/";
+  };
+  dart-vim-plugin = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "dart-vim-plugin";
+    version = "2022-01-25";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "dart-lang";
+      repo = "dart-vim-plugin";
+      rev = "42e6f57f2404b882cb7e491d50e525f8a8eb7f1f";
+      sha256 = "1lla0ldgayryib0868zl10dz6yy9dxa0k86fxl5sr6y0csfpi23z";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/dart-lang/dart-vim-plugin/";
+  };
+  dashboard-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "dashboard-nvim";
+    version = "2021-04-17";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "glepnir";
+      repo = "dashboard-nvim";
+      rev = "ba98ab86487b8eda3b0934b5423759944b5f7ebd";
+      sha256 = "1gyk0n8ks7xyjqab0gb7yx4ypl9k7csfjgmha84hy7mz4h08fkxq";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/glepnir/dashboard-nvim/";
+  };
+  defx-git = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "defx-git";
+    version = "2021-01-01";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "kristijanhusak";
+      repo = "defx-git";
+      rev = "324552fc652ed09e14a45485945b2e52eb04cbdc";
+      sha256 = "1imgzbyrpivk601z35wdr6lk0r9vwriy37l4a0c3cmmb87pxkzcf";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/kristijanhusak/defx-git/";
+  };
+  defx-icons = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "defx-icons";
+    version = "2021-08-21";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "kristijanhusak";
+      repo = "defx-icons";
+      rev = "82c3eb13bed83453d2361a72d4af7b52a74b2b93";
+      sha256 = "0gvrk7spf1fkyvldcrs03d50sck9gbhn52mk0d19awxylf765ygz";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/kristijanhusak/defx-icons/";
+  };
+  defx-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "defx.nvim";
+    version = "2022-01-30";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "Shougo";
+      repo = "defx.nvim";
+      rev = "c3417f30029c384c73aeccb1084f21c14b4bae45";
+      sha256 = "0dc0w8j4fhbh86vmibi9wx146r79sv2yvsqczp28hqinwss6j68b";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/Shougo/defx.nvim/";
+  };
+  delimitMate = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "delimitMate";
+    version = "2020-12-14";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "Raimondi";
+      repo = "delimitMate";
+      rev = "537a1da0fa5eeb88640425c37e545af933c56e1b";
+      sha256 = "0vjs11bx5zp6xqny5fd3lhqqvqaz6xjgncyga7hb0x5v6zng7gaj";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/Raimondi/delimitMate/";
+  };
+  denite-extra = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "denite-extra";
+    version = "2019-03-29";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "neoclide";
+      repo = "denite-extra";
+      rev = "af18257544027ce89269dba70c12aba1f5b9e23c";
+      sha256 = "0bmq9yhylfd3v6bfwvakw3pbsz5kk8wlmmql0yllqayp6410w25a";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/neoclide/denite-extra/";
+  };
+  denite-git = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "denite-git";
+    version = "2021-01-25";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "neoclide";
+      repo = "denite-git";
+      rev = "031c2db8fd7ff68078ba3e4f05d21a7950353433";
+      sha256 = "0h5a0cmrv1w7zvzxj8gdddhyiqi1qa91qsyl2axhcrdishpc0hnn";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/neoclide/denite-git/";
+  };
+  denite-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "denite.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-19";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "Shougo";
+      repo = "denite.nvim";
+      rev = "fbee9c1d2ff6d58b6b24c079fbb221414857cb9e";
+      sha256 = "1i0adlg0qldygy60ca1z5m7bh0mv4jj5alcd43m8n6inkr0yzsnm";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/Shougo/denite.nvim/";
+  };
+  deol-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "deol.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-17";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "Shougo";
+      repo = "deol.nvim";
+      rev = "bf9b2bafc76e290f11eabd654ac830034a4b553b";
+      sha256 = "1hya333j0j7mhk1cnyjpy3rzmzbq7pddnyrjrl3bi4xhq8044g3h";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/Shougo/deol.nvim/";
+  };
+  deoplete-clang = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "deoplete-clang";
+    version = "2019-11-10";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "deoplete-plugins";
+      repo = "deoplete-clang";
+      rev = "2ea262e98edcb66e828f9077fcc844100320eb63";
+      sha256 = "1wvk61f8ph2vpl6llzmir3qs3zwaw3lrphs16d1j7ljkdl3bk49k";
+      fetchSubmodules = true;
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/deoplete-plugins/deoplete-clang/";
+  };
+  deoplete-dictionary = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "deoplete-dictionary";
+    version = "2019-04-16";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "deoplete-plugins";
+      repo = "deoplete-dictionary";
+      rev = "e0879df5dce25b96d6a2a6f52a1a5e41d12b5992";
+      sha256 = "05p707b15fzhf0laqy3q0hi34vxpljy86cd5qvpjzx5h0ry32p09";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/deoplete-plugins/deoplete-dictionary/";
+  };
+  deoplete-fish = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "deoplete-fish";
+    version = "2020-04-04";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ponko2";
+      repo = "deoplete-fish";
+      rev = "c4cfb934bb6ec69d7f1aff9d376b7d436bba5c93";
+      sha256 = "19a6j4qsqljz1pmrn4fx8v1bhlfpqdq821fc2ibjd9h98f6dzi5p";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ponko2/deoplete-fish/";
+  };
+  deoplete-github = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "deoplete-github";
+    version = "2018-03-04";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "SevereOverfl0w";
+      repo = "deoplete-github";
+      rev = "8e30256e50b3914a7e57ea4d5976b6a499fb936f";
+      sha256 = "11n15nqi417sdcqgb6gkk6z4wrrdd8vdbd7wzqpg41140c73v5gm";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/SevereOverfl0w/deoplete-github/";
+  };
+  deoplete-go = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "deoplete-go";
+    version = "2021-03-30";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "deoplete-plugins";
+      repo = "deoplete-go";
+      rev = "4eac2e6f127f2e2601dee415db2f826e2c9ef16c";
+      sha256 = "0vwp1vnjf63i7wm3crpwjj9myjdw75ghq20i6nfrfv1szhqnq28m";
+      fetchSubmodules = true;
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/deoplete-plugins/deoplete-go/";
+  };
+  deoplete-greek = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "deoplete-greek";
+    version = "2019-12-23";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "Inazuma110";
+      repo = "deoplete-greek";
+      rev = "aecf3b2f8acfab20c93a6dc88d55260a0df04cbf";
+      sha256 = "086qjbqps05zb2vnyb5q7a67i7al8mxxi86n0h5nsqdd0ws6qqhx";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/Inazuma110/deoplete-greek/";
+  };
+  deoplete-jedi = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "deoplete-jedi";
+    version = "2020-12-21";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "deoplete-plugins";
+      repo = "deoplete-jedi";
+      rev = "43058915007d92dc167b84dd5b8ada2d2a057a82";
+      sha256 = "0qh43mwzjsn67id6qs96p9lw1fjsgdgqmks0161hfgvbyixx2b3y";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/deoplete-plugins/deoplete-jedi/";
+  };
+  deoplete-julia = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "deoplete-julia";
+    version = "2018-06-11";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "JuliaEditorSupport";
+      repo = "deoplete-julia";
+      rev = "d60b976910685c99ca773c974e91c44eeda03a19";
+      sha256 = "0x5cc9g1g1w9myr6p1ahb9gpn2abpbggjdk2bc903f62pkrapvjf";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/JuliaEditorSupport/deoplete-julia/";
+  };
+  deoplete-khard = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "deoplete-khard";
+    version = "2020-09-18";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "nicoe";
+      repo = "deoplete-khard";
+      rev = "dc2b519e8da0df10c3954946285caf484d376497";
+      sha256 = "126mhnn4dqwm3aw6v4c3s3fnz40lki4cbb8xfrmxfbnbnjw1yx4x";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/nicoe/deoplete-khard/";
+  };
+  deoplete-lsp = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "deoplete-lsp";
+    version = "2021-10-07";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "deoplete-plugins";
+      repo = "deoplete-lsp";
+      rev = "f3d1f14fa8a8cf882be39605fb037ee982c3f37c";
+      sha256 = "0qngyypp8md9rq06xvmwy5qwpa5al6kscj9ivad9mg3wzw6rmya6";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/deoplete-plugins/deoplete-lsp/";
+  };
+  deoplete-notmuch = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "deoplete-notmuch";
+    version = "2018-12-11";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "Valodim";
+      repo = "deoplete-notmuch";
+      rev = "828b5acf1924f9869614e93855a0d8cc94f1a74d";
+      sha256 = "1l2pfazhpkz26zwbjdafvhgvjj533kncm7dywlandsf3cibm8mv9";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/Valodim/deoplete-notmuch/";
+  };
+  deoplete-phpactor = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "deoplete-phpactor";
+    version = "2020-09-12";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "kristijanhusak";
+      repo = "deoplete-phpactor";
+      rev = "3668d35d8ea8177bb70cfb239169d3c12bc54f6a";
+      sha256 = "1cjdr8py7brxz419vf125jkyfjrx3n5z65ranj23z20ifc945g6b";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/kristijanhusak/deoplete-phpactor/";
+  };
+  deoplete-rust = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "deoplete-rust";
+    version = "2017-07-18";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "sebastianmarkow";
+      repo = "deoplete-rust";
+      rev = "0a86e502113910c33448b337c4d50cabea120d25";
+      sha256 = "0wsck83jns40ny3740vwjhc8g5bh6zl71hkirbjxy6n4xgixa54h";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/sebastianmarkow/deoplete-rust/";
+  };
+  deoplete-tabnine = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "deoplete-tabnine";
+    version = "2021-04-08";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tbodt";
+      repo = "deoplete-tabnine";
+      rev = "181dc9e615e39fa95a722ec21b5604ef3b40c6f3";
+      sha256 = "0xc6kwgfvzfi1apgq6g0zl5wlvwxv51ipnpycrzq93sz618hg78j";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tbodt/deoplete-tabnine/";
+  };
+  deoplete-ternjs = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "deoplete-ternjs";
+    version = "2019-12-19";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "carlitux";
+      repo = "deoplete-ternjs";
+      rev = "5405e84a44fc4ab5234c9a253ad4aa2b161e5897";
+      sha256 = "0684f9ci0y4wihf04z9r8x55cir02al4wp911dz0zg678z8w0yha";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/carlitux/deoplete-ternjs/";
+  };
+  deoplete-vim-lsp = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "deoplete-vim-lsp";
+    version = "2021-02-22";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "lighttiger2505";
+      repo = "deoplete-vim-lsp";
+      rev = "af5432f1e063fd4c3a5879aa8c2afe82c17dc1c9";
+      sha256 = "1s6fw6vkpl0yiya22g13v4i14w3n1ds2zr8zdlwpkk44bf0225px";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/lighttiger2505/deoplete-vim-lsp/";
+  };
+  deoplete-zsh = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "deoplete-zsh";
+    version = "2019-11-10";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "deoplete-plugins";
+      repo = "deoplete-zsh";
+      rev = "92b7afc3804dd17a849b207e184359558ab8f444";
+      sha256 = "0zsbkl82kny1vmfv06iz576xsclbik0xr7ndzpb0ddhw5nfnicfx";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/deoplete-plugins/deoplete-zsh/";
+  };
+  deoplete-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "deoplete.nvim";
+    version = "2021-11-02";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "Shougo";
+      repo = "deoplete.nvim";
+      rev = "1c40f648d2b00e70beb4c473b7c0e32b633bd9ae";
+      sha256 = "1256k6pi6vx7zvh74px4p4kyd9rnsipjrf59mydix3a39k2xfyld";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/Shougo/deoplete.nvim/";
+  };
+  devdocs-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "devdocs.vim";
+    version = "2018-08-27";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "rhysd";
+      repo = "devdocs.vim";
+      rev = "1c91c619874f11f2062f80e6ca4b49456f21ae91";
+      sha256 = "1nxww2mjabl2g2wchxc4h3a58j64acls24zb5jmfi71b8sai8a9b";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/rhysd/devdocs.vim/";
+  };
+  dhall-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "dhall-vim";
+    version = "2021-06-05";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "vmchale";
+      repo = "dhall-vim";
+      rev = "68500ef46ff3706f46c99db3be7a0c8abcf6a3ae";
+      sha256 = "0lwna4kcq7davfvh3535n8wl9jxkjm7cg6jgpisd17kvagihh8qw";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/vmchale/dhall-vim/";
+  };
+  diaglist-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "diaglist.nvim";
+    version = "2022-01-11";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "onsails";
+      repo = "diaglist.nvim";
+      rev = "6c43beac1ff07f6ef00f063090b5a6c9ed11b800";
+      sha256 = "1a10hmz38g3lpf1xxsk3b62vr16iaz5z5yqvk21m9bpai871fv1r";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/onsails/diaglist.nvim/";
+  };
+  diagnostic-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "diagnostic-nvim";
+    version = "2020-11-13";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "nvim-lua";
+      repo = "diagnostic-nvim";
+      rev = "a8401479822e638fa70472009949e7be8b24e0fd";
+      sha256 = "1dl4b8xhvnb2x9fw220jis7hqmiwfz0969d44l96p41bj68qbbs9";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/nvim-lua/diagnostic-nvim/";
+  };
+  diffview-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "diffview.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-21";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "sindrets";
+      repo = "diffview.nvim";
+      rev = "cf32c3fcdbc2f6855f6bb883302c9f290e9c3d88";
+      sha256 = "0vikawxr40pkprsn8yzpacs33hfakpb98j5lmpf7sjmvyzkb1x8b";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/sindrets/diffview.nvim/";
+  };
+  direnv-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "direnv.vim";
+    version = "2020-11-20";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "direnv";
+      repo = "direnv.vim";
+      rev = "ff37d76da391e1ef299d2f5eb84006cb27a67799";
+      sha256 = "136z8axjd66l4yy6rkjr6gqm86zxnqpbw9pzkvii0lsaz11w9wak";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/direnv/direnv.vim/";
+  };
+  doki-theme-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "doki-theme-vim";
+    version = "2022-02-16";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "doki-theme";
+      repo = "doki-theme-vim";
+      rev = "fe7112ce7db0c8c65420e82aabfe7a98be2b538b";
+      sha256 = "07vy5kf7pqsdqsz5jmqj6lm2aizcncfi4j1vmkpnjw9rpp3c733r";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/doki-theme/doki-theme-vim/";
+  };
+  DoxygenToolkit-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "DoxygenToolkit.vim";
+    version = "2010-11-06";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "vim-scripts";
+      repo = "DoxygenToolkit.vim";
+      rev = "afd8663d36d2ec19d26befdb10e89e912d26bbd3";
+      sha256 = "1za8li02j4nhqjjsyxg4p78638h5af4izim37zc0p1x55zr3i85r";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/vim-scripts/DoxygenToolkit.vim/";
+  };
+  dracula-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "dracula-vim";
+    version = "2022-01-18";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "dracula";
+      repo = "vim";
+      rev = "210e0961b9bd765b5b46a84d0631271ee8e6af64";
+      sha256 = "0f4kf6853wynhdc30hmc9avk1k6inw8jxp9w0sgkgp6958s3ksfh";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/dracula/vim/";
+  };
+  dressing-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "dressing.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-02";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "stevearc";
+      repo = "dressing.nvim";
+      rev = "8e8f7e525941ee2080a39b98c1b1f5466a6ea187";
+      sha256 = "0i2wsjzy881g80rf94zmggkk1mj1jnb582dwzl6wlw3bi9vvsbg0";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/stevearc/dressing.nvim/";
+  };
+  echodoc-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "echodoc.vim";
+    version = "2021-11-26";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "Shougo";
+      repo = "echodoc.vim";
+      rev = "42b7fb45c6a45e90410203d9c248b79bc46ea933";
+      sha256 = "14as4q6dnc540in68039c1bbdn4ag86872pbra6h06s5rbhbgzky";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/Shougo/echodoc.vim/";
+  };
+  edge = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "edge";
+    version = "2022-02-20";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "sainnhe";
+      repo = "edge";
+      rev = "205cbbdd1181c3d164a84568449904fd1fe270a5";
+      sha256 = "1rjwdl4wiv49cr0wrm9ivy21r5cwif5p6ci2yhbsa048bg1gimpc";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/sainnhe/edge/";
+  };
+  editorconfig-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "editorconfig-vim";
+    version = "2022-01-22";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "editorconfig";
+      repo = "editorconfig-vim";
+      rev = "a8e3e66deefb6122f476c27cee505aaae93f7109";
+      sha256 = "19k6nii3p6a4vfyf7xxrkhj7wfamjivdp22bn1mhx4zcw8h01lkn";
+      fetchSubmodules = true;
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/editorconfig/editorconfig-vim/";
+  };
+  editorconfig-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "editorconfig.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-17";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "gpanders";
+      repo = "editorconfig.nvim";
+      rev = "495d3e2f56ee392de0d55902c82849f94b6fc86b";
+      sha256 = "1m80hjm1m04dsivwqhxk5753gd8yzww62130wvgdsac3z394zzrn";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/gpanders/editorconfig.nvim/";
+  };
+  elm-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "elm-vim";
+    version = "2020-09-23";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "elmcast";
+      repo = "elm-vim";
+      rev = "4b71facd77297cb33bbb3b14894676cff0a9bd1d";
+      sha256 = "1kxkjm6fzmircg5gh7w2bmvjgk8ly5vvq9l31m4p6ql48azg2ilc";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/elmcast/elm-vim/";
+  };
+  elvish-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "elvish.vim";
+    version = "2019-06-29";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "dmix";
+      repo = "elvish.vim";
+      rev = "67ef8e89bff7cb8ea936f2164c8c268bbb3295f0";
+      sha256 = "133hr3i7zxysf2gnnimhz3gf3nda3fyfxmqq7mhq544v2mki4x9m";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/dmix/elvish.vim/";
+  };
+  embark-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "embark-vim";
+    version = "2022-01-10";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "embark-theme";
+      repo = "vim";
+      rev = "2740b2f15708dee3a5b390709e07a69255f75d75";
+      sha256 = "1y1i5wzs1w20k6yyr6l8861bph7xj50ks66yxy7kc97f18jrpra6";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/embark-theme/vim/";
+  };
+  emmet-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "emmet-vim";
+    version = "2021-12-04";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "mattn";
+      repo = "emmet-vim";
+      rev = "def5d57a1ae5afb1b96ebe83c4652d1c03640f4d";
+      sha256 = "1x9v455q4z71dqzalvswd0l4lsp7ic0h1sr1z6pcgwf8ik3j7f7x";
+      fetchSubmodules = true;
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/mattn/emmet-vim/";
+  };
+  emodeline = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "emodeline";
+    version = "2010-10-18";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "vim-scripts";
+      repo = "emodeline";
+      rev = "19550795743876c2256021530209d83592f5924a";
+      sha256 = "0x9y7rzbk6g8cq6jkn37wi95wzhq0abban6w10652v4kdmjrxrr0";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/vim-scripts/emodeline/";
+  };
+  falcon = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "falcon";
+    version = "2021-12-19";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "fenetikm";
+      repo = "falcon";
+      rev = "01cc57decb4086644b07ba100f22fed770c91428";
+      sha256 = "0qaj37z4npd3azj912330qq84srmgwacgs1ywyhzcpmfp96smkxk";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/fenetikm/falcon/";
+  };
+  far-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "far.vim";
+    version = "2022-01-07";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "brooth";
+      repo = "far.vim";
+      rev = "611d9c221c370a64f582c3dc4c38f9ea7b29f441";
+      sha256 = "1gflszsbnabb9mbf0njzv2nwn5lsmb0ghhmzvnylfqcyll1ib44q";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/brooth/far.vim/";
+  };
+  fastfold = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "fastfold";
+    version = "2022-01-26";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "konfekt";
+      repo = "fastfold";
+      rev = "e4a51e0f6763720ab1d1889e1ce3fa3beaaf00d3";
+      sha256 = "11v3jh8qrpwpnvjj1r9z522v9bsyvxwxb8s8856a2zl6vn9caqml";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/konfekt/fastfold/";
+  };
+  fcitx-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "fcitx.vim";
+    version = "2021-10-26";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "lilydjwg";
+      repo = "fcitx.vim";
+      rev = "c689083ffb1d1076dd3fb9b587fd3c6d9f9d6b5a";
+      sha256 = "1hcg6lkgnx87qnqj8qc3gvpcfyav2v79mi5mjkjqkfw2f339gc5c";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/lilydjwg/fcitx.vim/";
+  };
+  feline-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "feline.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-13";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "feline-nvim";
+      repo = "feline.nvim";
+      rev = "7ddd3f02757b04f1035d0ae8bbe9d8461d536a2d";
+      sha256 = "0dfv4a131x5c6njwiz34kfr0sgky8mmd3ifd7gpk5z5q5cwgbhg0";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/feline-nvim/feline.nvim/";
+  };
+  fennel-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "fennel.vim";
+    version = "2020-11-15";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "bakpakin";
+      repo = "fennel.vim";
+      rev = "30b9beabad2c4f09b9b284caf5cd5666b6b4dc89";
+      sha256 = "1fvcn4q87d594nzxlj1597bmrixzlfqnl7k8f547skvvywx09kii";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/bakpakin/fennel.vim/";
+  };
+  fern-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "fern.vim";
+    version = "2022-02-13";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "lambdalisue";
+      repo = "fern.vim";
+      rev = "d2ceaeb0c16ff0ea38def9442d6062371cec1548";
+      sha256 = "0p3r2xff2lkmvqc390nwn6qrgif5niclbqvs4hx0fypq5b86i33y";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/lambdalisue/fern.vim/";
+  };
+  ferret = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "ferret";
+    version = "2021-08-06";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "wincent";
+      repo = "ferret";
+      rev = "a513036f28d9ef1092d95ba7f183b3966a070194";
+      sha256 = "117ifszvd2f6h86ialqnm10j14bhhcyn4pjl0289zsyf2fk4kksn";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/wincent/ferret/";
+  };
+  fidget-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "fidget.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-19";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "j-hui";
+      repo = "fidget.nvim";
+      rev = "cbe0db4f2adfddfd830310e5846f8735d4e068fa";
+      sha256 = "0fg3rmp3nnb3hh8cs4mha96xjfzkgbs308a5lbmsbkqz9gi2l6yq";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/j-hui/fidget.nvim/";
+  };
+  file-line = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "file-line";
+    version = "2016-10-21";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "bogado";
+      repo = "file-line";
+      rev = "559088afaf10124ea663ee0f4f73b1de48fb1632";
+      sha256 = "1w183g0hj8jvzm6m1jw7m6xz3x1dld8n8342vnycsh6hyzdcg3mg";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/bogado/file-line/";
+  };
+  FixCursorHold-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "FixCursorHold.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-17";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "antoinemadec";
+      repo = "FixCursorHold.nvim";
+      rev = "1bfb32e7ba1344925ad815cb0d7f901dbc0ff7c1";
+      sha256 = "0b1iffk6pa2zwd9fvlgqli72r8qj74b7hqkhlw6awhc7r1qj8m1q";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/antoinemadec/FixCursorHold.nvim/";
+  };
+  flake8-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "flake8-vim";
+    version = "2020-10-20";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "andviro";
+      repo = "flake8-vim";
+      rev = "5bc93f7f26ceb18ccbe116830eaf8ff2baa63994";
+      sha256 = "142pgasl0b64a0zxmspdsi636axrgvdx6rh3hwjrb1zlsck19y1a";
+      fetchSubmodules = true;
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/andviro/flake8-vim/";
+  };
+  float-preview-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "float-preview.nvim";
+    version = "2020-11-03";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ncm2";
+      repo = "float-preview.nvim";
+      rev = "f9ed1c701d5ea41222509fc822cbdc5613b14b2d";
+      sha256 = "0r1pj80mnsr269d7mnxfagdp988gn3gnf5fix55z4qwim9cakrl8";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ncm2/float-preview.nvim/";
+  };
+  floating-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "floating.nvim";
+    version = "2021-07-19";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "fhill2";
+      repo = "floating.nvim";
+      rev = "11e75c2a201b9d73f03bd3c2db1fc94021c231eb";
+      sha256 = "172ak3macqmkz4jvic1xcnfpp6wafq33afyvcx4za170qh30sydj";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/fhill2/floating.nvim/";
+  };
+  floobits-neovim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "floobits-neovim";
+    version = "2021-10-18";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "floobits";
+      repo = "floobits-neovim";
+      rev = "dbfa051e4f097dfa3f46997a2019556a62861258";
+      sha256 = "1zsr1536qf7zqdskpshf366m333w66hfjrfdw3ws5yz2l7kq5bcm";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/floobits/floobits-neovim/";
+  };
+  formatter-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "formatter.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-11";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "mhartington";
+      repo = "formatter.nvim";
+      rev = "c879f29c592afc9b9a15e4daa5fd7e78c56af89c";
+      sha256 = "1669jww7cv9sv8v4z1sscilixmx2945h2rvz9afc384i1pfidips";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/mhartington/formatter.nvim/";
+  };
+  forms = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "forms";
+    version = "2012-11-28";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "megaannum";
+      repo = "forms";
+      rev = "b601e03fe0a3b8a43766231f4a6217e4492b4f75";
+      sha256 = "19kp1i5c6jmnpbsap9giayqbzlv7vh02mp4mjvicqj9n0nfyay74";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/megaannum/forms/";
+  };
+  friendly-snippets = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "friendly-snippets";
+    version = "2022-02-02";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "rafamadriz";
+      repo = "friendly-snippets";
+      rev = "2e575549910571ff5abb6b02178c69ad760a4e00";
+      sha256 = "06cbqxnpi5gzq9cggwixkgmw9kw5sdlw311xsczk7vn720bay26f";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/rafamadriz/friendly-snippets/";
+  };
+  fruzzy = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "fruzzy";
+    version = "2020-08-31";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "raghur";
+      repo = "fruzzy";
+      rev = "4cdfee7b828a5cace22bfd93cf23fee0b2b233c4";
+      sha256 = "1dmxz283ypz1klcmdf4jk699aifr3dywkh9y8v8v8vyflampqwwp";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/raghur/fruzzy/";
+  };
+  FTerm-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "FTerm.nvim";
+    version = "2022-01-04";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "numToStr";
+      repo = "FTerm.nvim";
+      rev = "eabb65f23ba48ec9e8abb9a2514f99b77b3bc6f2";
+      sha256 = "0bk1lh9i584ysj5yvmb7945nkighrc8blw28y6npqaf6mvma31n6";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/numToStr/FTerm.nvim/";
+  };
+  fugitive-gitlab-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "fugitive-gitlab.vim";
+    version = "2021-09-20";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "shumphrey";
+      repo = "fugitive-gitlab.vim";
+      rev = "85d4e16e03b05964560514afe53bc74f9d445b02";
+      sha256 = "1zvn4rz765yjxyhv71dxly9lzdp9r94762jprff0srpnsyjiypz2";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/shumphrey/fugitive-gitlab.vim/";
+  };
+  futhark-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "futhark-vim";
+    version = "2021-08-24";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "BeneCollyridam";
+      repo = "futhark-vim";
+      rev = "fd7d053c74f150712eaa73999f44a3f95c8f08ff";
+      sha256 = "17iwpqxkvflcimc066n5ljjbx603hpaqzk271r37qxdvk58jpn0w";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/BeneCollyridam/futhark-vim/";
+  };
+  fwatch-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "fwatch.nvim";
+    version = "2021-07-25";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "rktjmp";
+      repo = "fwatch.nvim";
+      rev = "83600d71e7d7dd73194375adcea938789a41249a";
+      sha256 = "1kqmyqzx4g45dayhbbck4bavfdr2y41lwjdv5z4bwd9hqys7s4rz";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/rktjmp/fwatch.nvim/";
+  };
+  fzf-checkout-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "fzf-checkout.vim";
+    version = "2021-06-25";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "stsewd";
+      repo = "fzf-checkout.vim";
+      rev = "4d5ecae74460de8fed4f743f6bd53c4c31d32797";
+      sha256 = "0mia7p2z8l3lrid0v8ml4i8y190gh4ll9898yyg4gcghhxp83zpm";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/stsewd/fzf-checkout.vim/";
+  };
+  fzf-lsp-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "fzf-lsp.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-06";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "gfanto";
+      repo = "fzf-lsp.nvim";
+      rev = "b02056f3c4b9d64d876bbf0a58d20791345a9364";
+      sha256 = "16n78ylicrd7lh41g5hvd9vnnhkwbvj28c190k5zvrblyyhipn93";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/gfanto/fzf-lsp.nvim/";
+  };
+  fzf-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "fzf.vim";
+    version = "2022-02-01";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "junegunn";
+      repo = "fzf.vim";
+      rev = "1f7bfa4007043c30027b2cd79625e8aac5cff1f9";
+      sha256 = "0f6i6g9qvh9zyh56g51b1jf0bm4chsgkmqsy62fjh5yrlbkcwkai";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/junegunn/fzf.vim/";
+  };
+  galaxyline-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "galaxyline.nvim";
+    version = "2022-01-21";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "NTBBloodbath";
+      repo = "galaxyline.nvim";
+      rev = "4d4f5fc8e20a10824117e5beea7ec6e445466a8f";
+      sha256 = "0xgk64d7dyihrjir8mxchwzi65nimm9w23r24m99w6p0f9qr56gk";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/NTBBloodbath/galaxyline.nvim/";
+  };
+  gen_tags-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "gen_tags.vim";
+    version = "2022-02-01";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "jsfaint";
+      repo = "gen_tags.vim";
+      rev = "a7221d8edc3ca2d8616e3f57624b2248f390c34f";
+      sha256 = "17gn7k835181cmd49i16yw22z2861wgk5y3la1la7cx1az2h83f4";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/jsfaint/gen_tags.vim/";
+  };
+  gentoo-syntax = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "gentoo-syntax";
+    version = "2022-02-21";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "gentoo";
+      repo = "gentoo-syntax";
+      rev = "e5a55b7fa046e3b23b7f7e5e2224fa9dc74c1052";
+      sha256 = "1l83d2yj8qd1vgc5iqswqim43akf31pm6apgi4y9fsg22lb742ip";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/gentoo/gentoo-syntax/";
+  };
+  ghcid = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "ghcid";
+    version = "2022-02-19";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ndmitchell";
+      repo = "ghcid";
+      rev = "5957897f76b1f5fe3abbdd612d19be2c69452b0e";
+      sha256 = "1d05nh2plyha3h8kr9pzys2730kbfxhb0lb2k2fg08bcxcnz144k";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ndmitchell/ghcid/";
+  };
+  ghcmod-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "ghcmod-vim";
+    version = "2016-06-19";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "eagletmt";
+      repo = "ghcmod-vim";
+      rev = "1d192d13d68ab59f9f46497a0909bf24a7b7dfff";
+      sha256 = "0bzahgzagnf0a9zv86jhdf8nc3p0yfz9izv5n3lc8gc12cp47d0a";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/eagletmt/ghcmod-vim/";
+  };
+  gina-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "gina.vim";
+    version = "2021-06-12";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "lambdalisue";
+      repo = "gina.vim";
+      rev = "abdbe0fe33f3b6fc59e94f7cc3072768f8dfd8ac";
+      sha256 = "1f3shh6jxr5i1an2dbb1vmc0l2xg03fm6ava25ahxg4b5ka59bc5";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/lambdalisue/gina.vim/";
+  };
+  git-blame-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "git-blame.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-05";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "f-person";
+      repo = "git-blame.nvim";
+      rev = "fdd38cf969af53acfaebde75ce74bb9bdc44daca";
+      sha256 = "0pl60wgsc8pfhbzi6rgxa8kd4pbw7qdk2xc161i1qxykjjkczgwa";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/f-person/git-blame.nvim/";
+  };
+  git-messenger-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "git-messenger.vim";
+    version = "2021-11-13";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "rhysd";
+      repo = "git-messenger.vim";
+      rev = "2e67899355f3f631aad6845925e4c2c13546444d";
+      sha256 = "0a6c04far9ji7h7k0b195zxn62sj6drn56cacmz86zmzksqgm8wp";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/rhysd/git-messenger.vim/";
+  };
+  git-worktree-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "git-worktree.nvim";
+    version = "2021-12-24";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ThePrimeagen";
+      repo = "git-worktree.nvim";
+      rev = "d7f4e2584e81670154f07ca9fa5dd791d9c1b458";
+      sha256 = "1k446mah5dlqddxwdm7l009251ly8l99ysamncs5q2wpvmv68hm6";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ThePrimeagen/git-worktree.nvim/";
+  };
+  gitignore-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "gitignore.vim";
+    version = "2014-03-16";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "vim-scripts";
+      repo = "gitignore.vim";
+      rev = "3ad6a15768945fd4fc1b013cec5d8c8e62c7bb87";
+      sha256 = "0fg36hrkwqb3accqm7ihw1cjs64fxf73zk06gickdkzq0zn4yl8x";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/vim-scripts/gitignore.vim/";
+  };
+  gitlinker-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "gitlinker.nvim";
+    version = "2022-01-29";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ruifm";
+      repo = "gitlinker.nvim";
+      rev = "ff33d07bb64e104b387fff7d91650a35274f81ea";
+      sha256 = "1sxhcbww0f780lp0zda1iaiyp89c6cirs0ncihjxr106a47zpya4";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ruifm/gitlinker.nvim/";
+  };
+  gitsigns-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "gitsigns.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-15";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "lewis6991";
+      repo = "gitsigns.nvim";
+      rev = "1d1f043acf025f919b8dd12bb672569109c7f099";
+      sha256 = "1wcinz5r81mcx246vxwqqs3dfc7j61x81bp9zf02p3hflhf66s7h";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim/";
+  };
+  gitv = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "gitv";
+    version = "2019-08-22";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "gregsexton";
+      repo = "gitv";
+      rev = "a73599c34202709eaa7da78f4fe32b97c6ef83f8";
+      sha256 = "0hhamv2q3z8cy4n9yzxq0jvs2x8qx4wx6c2qpsk82jsnghmzipd6";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/gregsexton/gitv/";
+  };
+  gleam-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "gleam.vim";
+    version = "2020-06-24";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "gleam-lang";
+      repo = "gleam.vim";
+      rev = "847a5ef57c2faef2774242c87f711d1131b89fe6";
+      sha256 = "17kjby64zdnmhyia1cx9jnk4mss0gca1jz1m4hff9rl63i56bql1";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/gleam-lang/gleam.vim/";
+  };
+  glow-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "glow.nvim";
+    version = "2022-01-26";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ellisonleao";
+      repo = "glow.nvim";
+      rev = "c6685381d31df262b776775b9f4252f6c7fa98d0";
+      sha256 = "08f6qi6ncicw7zj9vyf08pays9sbxvzwm920i3mbkld6nmb87j39";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ellisonleao/glow.nvim/";
+  };
+  golden-ratio = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "golden-ratio";
+    version = "2020-04-03";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "roman";
+      repo = "golden-ratio";
+      rev = "8313b6d6723c9e77ef1d3760af2cdd244e8db043";
+      sha256 = "03nm1wr0qsrirg4z4171f4nygnqgb6w06ldr6rbbz4a1f7j8j654";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/roman/golden-ratio/";
+  };
+  gotests-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "gotests-vim";
+    version = "2021-11-25";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "buoto";
+      repo = "gotests-vim";
+      rev = "9adb78b15d0cbb72a3ffb9fbed28faa909b0817b";
+      sha256 = "0lf05rfgw1dmidslbvw5qal45crnb8jfxsfbhbhffqa9da1fkspn";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/buoto/gotests-vim/";
+  };
+  goto-preview = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "goto-preview";
+    version = "2021-12-25";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "rmagatti";
+      repo = "goto-preview";
+      rev = "7f842e981f81cce14f28c49befad9146c18c3931";
+      sha256 = "018lf4z50j25j5y3lhcw1al2jp6dm9xy39mi9732zx4wa8my8gix";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/rmagatti/goto-preview/";
+  };
+  goyo-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "goyo.vim";
+    version = "2021-11-18";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "junegunn";
+      repo = "goyo.vim";
+      rev = "a9c7283dce60ffcdec952384f6451ff42f8914f2";
+      sha256 = "0ikp0hal6hqvkbzmd2vsp27rkhl9n5iv2nkzlsc3ahwihy6p6xn8";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/junegunn/goyo.vim/";
+  };
+  graphviz-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "graphviz.vim";
+    version = "2021-04-09";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "liuchengxu";
+      repo = "graphviz.vim";
+      rev = "12b04c512694ace2fc15735676f5afdd05519466";
+      sha256 = "1ky9rar3gxvsf0n3y71qfln4pxmz3hpq3dqimbf0r8l8q7sw483r";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/liuchengxu/graphviz.vim/";
+  };
+  gruvbox = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "gruvbox";
+    version = "2020-07-03";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "morhetz";
+      repo = "gruvbox";
+      rev = "bf2885a95efdad7bd5e4794dd0213917770d79b7";
+      sha256 = "0576sqzljal3k8rsnbmcvlsk4ywg1vfgkxkvrv2zac2d5wwa9i8z";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox/";
+  };
+  gruvbox-community = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "gruvbox-community";
+    version = "2022-02-03";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "gruvbox-community";
+      repo = "gruvbox";
+      rev = "9395ee71627d7202343c606a2e1d3c7967bfb256";
+      sha256 = "06v6kdsqhy59zd4il9qxcli68cmx4g1pxv5zfpaglayghvnxdn9n";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/gruvbox-community/gruvbox/";
+  };
+  gruvbox-flat-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "gruvbox-flat.nvim";
+    version = "2022-01-19";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "eddyekofo94";
+      repo = "gruvbox-flat.nvim";
+      rev = "756dbdd3dfd3ed84acb2f9649724df19ae41f904";
+      sha256 = "0ns4cavxcq58dwkf2gxbq4950rim0bbalvhlyc2clr30d5z5skv7";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/eddyekofo94/gruvbox-flat.nvim/";
+  };
+  gruvbox-material = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "gruvbox-material";
+    version = "2022-02-20";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "sainnhe";
+      repo = "gruvbox-material";
+      rev = "fde5af0921d4ac5e0b108417f3b57595ca5c7e7f";
+      sha256 = "0sd106rkcsmypha79jwkangsh0i4dx4viiqgdqbk3hi05fsnwngm";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/sainnhe/gruvbox-material/";
+  };
+  gruvbox-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "gruvbox.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-12";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ellisonleao";
+      repo = "gruvbox.nvim";
+      rev = "dc6bae93ded04ac542d429ff5cc87189dde44294";
+      sha256 = "06mvdxi1pf9mw0zrk0cib3bi9p82ymdc3acm4r2rr4rqww8mrq4x";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ellisonleao/gruvbox.nvim/";
+  };
+  gundo-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "gundo.vim";
+    version = "2021-02-21";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "sjl";
+      repo = "gundo.vim";
+      rev = "c5efef192b975b8e7d5fa3c6db932648d3b76323";
+      sha256 = "1smavxh0nmx4la75b1fjh8cs2x8p8ahxls034254vnm05wiwvghh";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/sjl/gundo.vim/";
+  };
+  gv-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "gv.vim";
+    version = "2021-10-19";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "junegunn";
+      repo = "gv.vim";
+      rev = "386d770e916dd680d1d622e715b9eb3a77f21bd1";
+      sha256 = "184kvydzz9nyg0sv3crn38v04s24km0ma8vfg4i3agmffb1riibk";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/junegunn/gv.vim/";
+  };
+  harpoon = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "harpoon";
+    version = "2022-02-16";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ThePrimeagen";
+      repo = "harpoon";
+      rev = "b2bb0d6f2b8a55895afda53f0ad04527998d3411";
+      sha256 = "0izsscglfk6lpisxvarr0qw4m9br8854wi6jhyp2msd8r9gcrzi7";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ThePrimeagen/harpoon/";
+  };
+  haskell-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "haskell-vim";
+    version = "2021-01-19";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "neovimhaskell";
+      repo = "haskell-vim";
+      rev = "f35d02204b4813d1dbe8b0e98cc39701a4b8e15e";
+      sha256 = "1q3hf0vr5gpmymmvm208sl0r8nb69m7f3bdrkqrp7fwc2v1ylnz0";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/neovimhaskell/haskell-vim/";
+  };
+  hasksyn = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "hasksyn";
+    version = "2014-09-04";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "travitch";
+      repo = "hasksyn";
+      rev = "c434040bf13a17ca20a551223021b3ace7e453b9";
+      sha256 = "09998lnfcshqis5m062wlag6y476imq9jday9gp4ayjjl1cp3cwx";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/travitch/hasksyn/";
+  };
+  hiPairs = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "hiPairs";
+    version = "2020-12-10";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "Yggdroot";
+      repo = "hiPairs";
+      rev = "8272bf6979d0ee65a3fdbbb97eff3dda79b661b2";
+      sha256 = "1hcskq9zdkf8vlxwd2n403m4rq7495v2fj35hjf6461hqx9v9dnw";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/Yggdroot/hiPairs/";
+  };
+  hlint-refactor-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "hlint-refactor-vim";
+    version = "2015-12-05";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "mpickering";
+      repo = "hlint-refactor-vim";
+      rev = "fffb044ecef854a82c5c2efda252e09044ba03e0";
+      sha256 = "0z8d31arfy9aidg1dwj5msnnx799d9r7njkgh51z695w6ayxn6p8";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/mpickering/hlint-refactor-vim/";
+  };
+  hologram-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "hologram.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-17";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "edluffy";
+      repo = "hologram.nvim";
+      rev = "de698e1f8db5d1d3a65ba9dd1880096ae2d5ff7f";
+      sha256 = "099dj5zvijhpvvd6r0zvsyl0v841cqh4vz678k1f7jcrpk6g9537";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/edluffy/hologram.nvim/";
+  };
+  hoon-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "hoon.vim";
+    version = "2022-01-29";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "urbit";
+      repo = "hoon.vim";
+      rev = "f287adb9ce5f99a2a8b806833ab1582ba162aab0";
+      sha256 = "0nlmcz79qcmrkfji5mdc66p1pxrz5i68m50013fr66zqcccnynjk";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/urbit/hoon.vim/";
+  };
+  hop-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "hop.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-07";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "phaazon";
+      repo = "hop.nvim";
+      rev = "75f73d3959a0df7ef3642fd5138acdb1ce50fdc8";
+      sha256 = "08yvjh70saffnjjxdhis9sfcbkpmbgm8jl3ax0qal41crwrv7ibb";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/phaazon/hop.nvim/";
+  };
+  i3config-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "i3config.vim";
+    version = "2021-06-23";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "mboughaba";
+      repo = "i3config.vim";
+      rev = "5c753c56c033d3b17e5005a67cdb9653bbb88ba7";
+      sha256 = "0i9w094sqlq85kfwajhaangfwdp81fbwk42n72wfxypjjhw8shv8";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/mboughaba/i3config.vim/";
+  };
+  iceberg-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "iceberg.vim";
+    version = "2021-12-28";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "cocopon";
+      repo = "iceberg.vim";
+      rev = "105aceb0ccb45deb05bc3b1e5da956cd3e29869c";
+      sha256 = "0vywngmgm818nca313viriz9csvm6fbi46ik1m037yzi8znfarxa";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/cocopon/iceberg.vim/";
+  };
+  idris-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "idris-vim";
+    version = "2017-12-04";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "idris-hackers";
+      repo = "idris-vim";
+      rev = "091ed6b267749927777423160eeab520109dd9c1";
+      sha256 = "1zibar2vxcmai0k37ricwnimfdv1adxfbbvz871rc4l6h3q85if1";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/idris-hackers/idris-vim/";
+  };
+  idris2-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "idris2-vim";
+    version = "2020-11-26";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "edwinb";
+      repo = "idris2-vim";
+      rev = "964cebee493c85f75796e4f4e6bbb4ac54e2da9e";
+      sha256 = "1hgil24c7zv7m1glzzm3an60pimd3l9dbma26xdxly7bv210ssmz";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/edwinb/idris2-vim/";
+  };
+  impatient-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "impatient.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-21";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "lewis6991";
+      repo = "impatient.nvim";
+      rev = "7abfc924714d3b7f19f3674cca0231cf6ef2050f";
+      sha256 = "04q08syijlia2m8dbaf0854y4zp73j0ms1vg8wa7kr80rwvkrvbz";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/lewis6991/impatient.nvim/";
+  };
+  Improved-AnsiEsc = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "Improved-AnsiEsc";
+    version = "2015-08-26";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "vim-scripts";
+      repo = "Improved-AnsiEsc";
+      rev = "e1c59a8e9203fab6b9150721f30548916da73351";
+      sha256 = "1smjs4kz2kmzprzp9az4957675nakb43146hshbby39j5xz4jsbz";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/vim-scripts/Improved-AnsiEsc/";
+  };
+  increment-activator = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "increment-activator";
+    version = "2021-09-16";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "nishigori";
+      repo = "increment-activator";
+      rev = "55efcff88be45bd98cfdf7333dd718399373d10c";
+      sha256 = "0q8990q9yxc85h69hssk4lry01qiqyi0hlnnx8l1kk218yar4q6h";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/nishigori/increment-activator/";
+  };
+  incsearch-easymotion-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "incsearch-easymotion.vim";
+    version = "2016-01-18";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "haya14busa";
+      repo = "incsearch-easymotion.vim";
+      rev = "fcdd3aee6f4c0eef1a515727199ece8d6c6041b5";
+      sha256 = "1bscr3xs1zggm9qzk1mb88fkc8qj6yrnkxmqwwyr75sf1xzy74mk";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/haya14busa/incsearch-easymotion.vim/";
+  };
+  incsearch-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "incsearch.vim";
+    version = "2017-11-24";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "haya14busa";
+      repo = "incsearch.vim";
+      rev = "25e2547fb0566460f5999024f7a0de7b3775201f";
+      sha256 = "05v0d9b5sm4d1bvhb01jk6s7brlli2xc16hvzr6gik1nm1ks6ai1";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/haya14busa/incsearch.vim/";
+  };
+  indent-blankline-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "indent-blankline.nvim";
+    version = "2022-01-22";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "lukas-reineke";
+      repo = "indent-blankline.nvim";
+      rev = "2e35f7dcdc72f39b37c21e43cdb538d7a41c7e07";
+      sha256 = "1hgj7k3ml7n11nqn7cmn7bpls0rm6xh5z4sgrsgjyvrdnw6wckla";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/lukas-reineke/indent-blankline.nvim/";
+  };
+  indentLine = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "indentLine";
+    version = "2022-02-15";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "Yggdroot";
+      repo = "indentLine";
+      rev = "7753505f3c500ec88d11e9373d05250f49c1d900";
+      sha256 = "1lh6d3ljz1rmj3xa4f0n687fyxxc30dnmsq8mgd77v27f7lj62p5";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/Yggdroot/indentLine/";
+  };
+  inkpot = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "inkpot";
+    version = "2013-02-10";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ciaranm";
+      repo = "inkpot";
+      rev = "b86ad4dc977d3e92ca713c83bc225526a7d77070";
+      sha256 = "1s9hizzjfd6szj5961hmmi767b3mk92q7jq94dff8c6zlza829gy";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ciaranm/inkpot/";
+  };
+  intero-neovim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "intero-neovim";
+    version = "2019-11-15";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "parsonsmatt";
+      repo = "intero-neovim";
+      rev = "4ce2d154379f8c95b3819512a9b67ead5204ffd0";
+      sha256 = "1na61qb31z80973jfi7ziw2zv6y73rm0bpfb6iqxjppmg4iqgl3i";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/parsonsmatt/intero-neovim/";
+  };
+  investigate-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "investigate.vim";
+    version = "2020-02-29";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "keith";
+      repo = "investigate.vim";
+      rev = "aef9332ba3cfc070fb59fd7a4ac82bae2b42cd7b";
+      sha256 = "1jiipch8jr66h1cywwj0zdlx45p70d359s8ljdwcndjwicrqslmk";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/keith/investigate.vim/";
+  };
+  iosvkem = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "iosvkem";
+    version = "2021-03-26";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "neutaaaaan";
+      repo = "iosvkem";
+      rev = "ba116cae99eaa116f781f4bfef0a20a80bc19e98";
+      sha256 = "1as5xfcc6bgm2sp23qzxjpasbnx9jsdgzc97hhmybhq4115kfmxv";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/neutaaaaan/iosvkem/";
+  };
+  ir_black = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "ir_black";
+    version = "2012-03-05";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "twerth";
+      repo = "ir_black";
+      rev = "4e45f1cbcc9c04cf32c8681c6b3b4534a33610ed";
+      sha256 = "13g9nqlqsjsxnrq37y33ldh41dw9q9dw07spfi7qwrskiwa0ayk7";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/twerth/ir_black/";
+  };
+  is-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "is.vim";
+    version = "2020-10-27";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "haya14busa";
+      repo = "is.vim";
+      rev = "d393cb346dcdf733fecd7bbfc45b70b8c05e9eb4";
+      sha256 = "03rvhvqx59c6lp9xh6zry3ynppngqn53swl3v9gmc3ynh3l1jdzq";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/haya14busa/is.vim/";
+  };
+  jdaddy-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "jdaddy.vim";
+    version = "2014-02-22";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "vim-scripts";
+      repo = "jdaddy.vim";
+      rev = "3e44c2e6d22e2d6fc94863379b5b4f5424537321";
+      sha256 = "1ch12bffrs3gqqzdj9vh0i2azhc5d06i5vwds4rqcx797lqh7pzb";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/vim-scripts/jdaddy.vim/";
+  };
+  jedi-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "jedi-vim";
+    version = "2022-01-30";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "davidhalter";
+      repo = "jedi-vim";
+      rev = "32d05f7742dfb0ef84bee99e059ac3b7cb9526eb";
+      sha256 = "19z9i07w3wgf939fiy6kh7mq5pvlay3w37sm0sv4bmrdi42p8b4z";
+      fetchSubmodules = true;
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/davidhalter/jedi-vim/";
+  };
+  jellybeans-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "jellybeans-nvim";
+    version = "2021-04-07";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "metalelf0";
+      repo = "jellybeans-nvim";
+      rev = "cef41133874073b35bf7e8061d97a5214623770d";
+      sha256 = "1hd21h48mwsixbx4iw8r86pmml2z79wpc0p0wb8d50jjxlyphgv4";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/metalelf0/jellybeans-nvim/";
+  };
+  jellybeans-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "jellybeans.vim";
+    version = "2019-06-22";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "nanotech";
+      repo = "jellybeans.vim";
+      rev = "ef83bf4dc8b3eacffc97bf5c96ab2581b415c9fa";
+      sha256 = "1zy3gjz5bna3l5a7k2ddqa0w7x8wbndy2vc9gmqfdsxdbhrgpvaz";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/nanotech/jellybeans.vim/";
+  };
+  Jenkinsfile-vim-syntax = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "Jenkinsfile-vim-syntax";
+    version = "2021-01-26";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "martinda";
+      repo = "Jenkinsfile-vim-syntax";
+      rev = "0d05729168ea44d60862f17cffa80024ab30bcc9";
+      sha256 = "05z30frs4f5z0l4qgxk08r7mb19bzhqs36hi213yin78cz62b9gy";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/martinda/Jenkinsfile-vim-syntax/";
+  };
+  jq-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "jq.vim";
+    version = "2019-05-21";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "vito-c";
+      repo = "jq.vim";
+      rev = "6e056fa297ce58d45500b0937b8214400e9a50fa";
+      sha256 = "0dfsym34xiza9221bdsr51jykcxmz8bnkzi846bqxxjxiw0p3yk1";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/vito-c/jq.vim/";
+  };
+  jsonc-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "jsonc.vim";
+    version = "2021-12-20";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "neoclide";
+      repo = "jsonc.vim";
+      rev = "b87595ba7f3fa4bdcc8803a2ec72574719fc9fd6";
+      sha256 = "02bgqxi20lmq97s9nnsb1mmjp45fh5a9pbhbs6hl2zmb03spbvpi";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/neoclide/jsonc.vim/";
+  };
+  julia-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "julia-vim";
+    version = "2022-02-21";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "JuliaEditorSupport";
+      repo = "julia-vim";
+      rev = "d752c2eebda44f4ba96768ffc2d61ebe41a914b3";
+      sha256 = "0qqav23q85yad6i0vlq5fx74cvb97gmvb7ncnhkrh0qy3z63b0hk";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/JuliaEditorSupport/julia-vim/";
+  };
+  kanagawa-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "kanagawa.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-17";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "rebelot";
+      repo = "kanagawa.nvim";
+      rev = "95462e91b82542a3d602bec5a2a54a35abe29728";
+      sha256 = "1vl4p6nlp7y3vd98qgxl43c0yrcpllbyjlzqa3ajjsgkgxdjn73f";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/rebelot/kanagawa.nvim/";
+  };
+  kommentary = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "kommentary";
+    version = "2022-02-15";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "b3nj5m1n";
+      repo = "kommentary";
+      rev = "12ecde4ed3ecb39964000a5fd034ae4c1d307388";
+      sha256 = "0zf9p181rlkn0d0d53ckg4992wgdgnxpkgmn9hv2sajsrih4m0z9";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/b3nj5m1n/kommentary/";
+  };
+  kotlin-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "kotlin-vim";
+    version = "2021-11-08";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "udalov";
+      repo = "kotlin-vim";
+      rev = "6fec676fe552cb30165dc8977dab9353c4c3ab26";
+      sha256 = "08sz0fmlk4bzzkg5j0zbjd1dki1ykigar4rzyc05xfynvkcxh4fg";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/udalov/kotlin-vim/";
+  };
+  lalrpop-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "lalrpop.vim";
+    version = "2017-11-22";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "qnighy";
+      repo = "lalrpop.vim";
+      rev = "7073eec8efdeff37cacd4bca378c28dad02c3c14";
+      sha256 = "1xx6hlgrdbnk3d6rsn4jzbaqwankvnnmj4iilakaazddfaa0l6rr";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/qnighy/lalrpop.vim/";
+  };
+  LanguageClient-neovim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "LanguageClient-neovim";
+    version = "2020-12-10";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "autozimu";
+      repo = "LanguageClient-neovim";
+      rev = "a42594c9c320b1283e9b9058b85a8097d8325fed";
+      sha256 = "0lj9na3g2cl0vj56jz8rhz9lm2d3xps5glk8ds491i2ixy4vdm37";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/autozimu/LanguageClient-neovim/";
+  };
+  LanguageTool-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "LanguageTool.nvim";
+    version = "2020-10-19";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "vigoux";
+      repo = "LanguageTool.nvim";
+      rev = "809e7d77fec834597f495fec737c59292a10025b";
+      sha256 = "1g12dz85xq8qd92dgna0a3w6zgxa74njlvmvly4k20610r63bzrn";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/vigoux/LanguageTool.nvim/";
+  };
+  last256 = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "last256";
+    version = "2020-12-09";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "sk1418";
+      repo = "last256";
+      rev = "2a00be266db371846e8d666c993d3076c8986438";
+      sha256 = "07z01jqzyfqalahdp0kswyvc3mb8dldc3qv5wpbdm79hh6zyd3f1";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/sk1418/last256/";
+  };
+  latex-box = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "latex-box";
+    version = "2015-06-01";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "latex-box-team";
+      repo = "latex-box";
+      rev = "3c2901e12cb78bfb2be58ba4c62a488612550fe1";
+      sha256 = "1z4mdy47cpwcdhvy8mr72vhlybxn1y59yd3ixf6ids1bzpkrd7zl";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/latex-box-team/latex-box/";
+  };
+  lazygit-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "lazygit.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-21";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "kdheepak";
+      repo = "lazygit.nvim";
+      rev = "9bceeab97668935cc6b91ab5190167d9771b5210";
+      sha256 = "1s2jyfssj1xvp2ym8a77pynjxw28722jj75i3lqln5i7v57dsjd9";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/kdheepak/lazygit.nvim/";
+  };
+  LeaderF = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "LeaderF";
+    version = "2022-01-26";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "Yggdroot";
+      repo = "LeaderF";
+      rev = "18dc0d630250c3d3b8cb4139bed53327aa4fed50";
+      sha256 = "0cxvhinwd7afsy8jxy9c6ql9ybv1w0m8xv4dh5sl1bpybf8dsg96";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/Yggdroot/LeaderF/";
+  };
+  lean-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "lean.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-20";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "Julian";
+      repo = "lean.nvim";
+      rev = "585503ef238726bc51bc3ce724afc0e8b64bf43b";
+      sha256 = "0f6r16rhbc1k12d85a278cicqpbl3mj30pfra66s7kfv531lvw00";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/Julian/lean.nvim/";
+  };
+  lean-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "lean.vim";
+    version = "2021-09-29";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "leanprover";
+      repo = "lean.vim";
+      rev = "e4414d0f4221f9ad2c94cf799ac53c8dbcd30229";
+      sha256 = "1zxmsp87zq8c6wirihf946mbnl6fdgyvbfzcxi6qc5mwwn55aby9";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/leanprover/lean.vim/";
+  };
+  lens-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "lens.vim";
+    version = "2021-05-30";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "camspiers";
+      repo = "lens.vim";
+      rev = "099c3502d001f7081edf113de57e8b1cfd121c55";
+      sha256 = "1h25isrw96qhfacf37h3anscnrisdxsz6vv7826hpb17r0ygb5ms";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/camspiers/lens.vim/";
+  };
+  lessspace-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "lessspace.vim";
+    version = "2019-09-12";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "thirtythreeforty";
+      repo = "lessspace.vim";
+      rev = "dc05cf6c3b67e3f8c87da2e565c5524872526316";
+      sha256 = "154x6i2ncmcbc3snkzdcggq5m5zvlbjyry5lvr6n4qcvf65z5z44";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/thirtythreeforty/lessspace.vim/";
+  };
+  lexima-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "lexima.vim";
+    version = "2022-02-10";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "cohama";
+      repo = "lexima.vim";
+      rev = "abfae597b52c621da63882c6d58f252a37815ac0";
+      sha256 = "1xn4xv7br7k92q6nsrrys0qrj1bm10asycyrqcqzzs7wvd1qirlv";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/cohama/lexima.vim/";
+  };
+  lf-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "lf.vim";
+    version = "2021-02-18";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ptzz";
+      repo = "lf.vim";
+      rev = "73fb502c6d1470243b1f4d8afa81e289d9edd94b";
+      sha256 = "1whrzpavv46r64l3b7vax4sj23kjdfjiwmhfpssb6bprhc9c4j97";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ptzz/lf.vim/";
+  };
+  lh-brackets = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "lh-brackets";
+    version = "2021-08-18";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "LucHermitte";
+      repo = "lh-brackets";
+      rev = "0b687d63afc771d5ddce3aa175b9ab4b012f9715";
+      sha256 = "0nhvibvizczk8bp4lc4g9mndhwp240bh8adcq840zf3lghpnlkh4";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/LucHermitte/lh-brackets/";
+  };
+  lh-vim-lib = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "lh-vim-lib";
+    version = "2021-08-18";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "LucHermitte";
+      repo = "lh-vim-lib";
+      rev = "aa8e8f270c1d3be4fbe6b153827a191a5fcaa0d7";
+      sha256 = "0lgpxgg2696pbfdgnr2zcapvhfk6d1qwvci223h69rvg0fh853rz";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/LucHermitte/lh-vim-lib/";
+  };
+  lightline-ale = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "lightline-ale";
+    version = "2021-06-09";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "maximbaz";
+      repo = "lightline-ale";
+      rev = "a861f691ac7e40b1b359bc7a147078fa1e0570ce";
+      sha256 = "0bi3pghcjdpbrp235bhkgqrsyfr1m6v40krxfb2qbc1yy9plbs9q";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/maximbaz/lightline-ale/";
+  };
+  lightline-bufferline = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "lightline-bufferline";
+    version = "2022-01-26";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "mengelbrecht";
+      repo = "lightline-bufferline";
+      rev = "81c3ed800ce24bc09802899c1dc0c0b4d8d4f9b2";
+      sha256 = "1ahbd3l2jjjjcwsvjlbr0q4vhhlsngz9jwvmrkl5a7q9c7h0y7m6";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/mengelbrecht/lightline-bufferline/";
+  };
+  lightline-gruvbox-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "lightline-gruvbox.vim";
+    version = "2021-11-12";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "shinchu";
+      repo = "lightline-gruvbox.vim";
+      rev = "e94af37820d9c2e6d9eb27c735bb8ef926a66c7e";
+      sha256 = "1wxhxc3aqd0z0giwi8ki5wdarzz6s5bpc5iss7q63w2sbgvbr9sh";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/shinchu/lightline-gruvbox.vim/";
+  };
+  lightline-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "lightline.vim";
+    version = "2021-11-21";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "itchyny";
+      repo = "lightline.vim";
+      rev = "a29b8331e1bb36b09bafa30c3aa77e89cdd832b2";
+      sha256 = "0n3wrfcw6k95cmwg8jpxh0y9jy6y2bjgvszjgal9yha7y8gv6a9v";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/itchyny/lightline.vim/";
+  };
+  lightspeed-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "lightspeed.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-18";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ggandor";
+      repo = "lightspeed.nvim";
+      rev = "4d8359a30b26ee5316d0e7c79af08b10cb17a57b";
+      sha256 = "0j5qn12qmahdbyavp85yd633pap0rds4xnn37v2jhkipm0ag81wg";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ggandor/lightspeed.nvim/";
+  };
+  limelight-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "limelight.vim";
+    version = "2021-11-18";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "junegunn";
+      repo = "limelight.vim";
+      rev = "eebac6c4fce06d3b849cccd213b7233d37ab037f";
+      sha256 = "0nhiwmklkn4p8njw6l891yk5bnya1hyx4zg0a8d4yb2j734bmr2g";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/junegunn/limelight.vim/";
+  };
+  lingua-franca-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "lingua-franca.vim";
+    version = "2021-09-05";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "lf-lang";
+      repo = "lingua-franca.vim";
+      rev = "439b92a13744ee21cb3cd9c399e179efbcaa2967";
+      sha256 = "1cwn2pq26m7hdwvwhajb3cbz4pva423cryp2k6sgrp8ynmlqrz85";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/lf-lang/lingua-franca.vim/";
+  };
+  lir-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "lir.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-18";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tamago324";
+      repo = "lir.nvim";
+      rev = "eaa706a38bdf889103806d10ccbe0be1983ca746";
+      sha256 = "0j8rlkyq8snsyhjw6swr35ldznz9w64hhpcbyl7qzsgcjsn62kly";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tamago324/lir.nvim/";
+  };
+  lispdocs-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "lispdocs.nvim";
+    version = "2021-12-20";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tami5";
+      repo = "lispdocs.nvim";
+      rev = "0ba08a70c671570d6e55b76505bf3dbf52cdbe00";
+      sha256 = "1q0lfymk6808n0c1p73yng9nm9qzsycg4irsg2l8i3ijphgni5fj";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tami5/lispdocs.nvim/";
+  };
+  litee-calltree-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "litee-calltree.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-22";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ldelossa";
+      repo = "litee-calltree.nvim";
+      rev = "65bf5c03cd0b2a3c5c67a7600833092f89541344";
+      sha256 = "1fayv5ldhvspjvlwpvpwzcggc0ih1va20hyd1krfhyj91842prz0";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ldelossa/litee-calltree.nvim/";
+  };
+  litee-filetree-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "litee-filetree.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-16";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ldelossa";
+      repo = "litee-filetree.nvim";
+      rev = "a736dd5a177cc36d31b702a6b6d2ffb767e84c80";
+      sha256 = "0vhq6an7p6abhm6w9px627ymyq3r3ybsnik14k5x7pfwd5bg4c69";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ldelossa/litee-filetree.nvim/";
+  };
+  litee-symboltree-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "litee-symboltree.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-17";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ldelossa";
+      repo = "litee-symboltree.nvim";
+      rev = "58ee5063ca1cd333a2d0a4a9509de80c7582ee01";
+      sha256 = "07qbfkjyf0j0mngn6bn4x4vypnl3sf0jaiwhw8iw7zqy4a1338rg";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ldelossa/litee-symboltree.nvim/";
+  };
+  litee-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "litee.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-17";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ldelossa";
+      repo = "litee.nvim";
+      rev = "dd231b288ae0bac7fe140aa78b474a094cc69e57";
+      sha256 = "1l5hq8jj5jdyd6jbxzmdj8wqgnx4y9mrv4zbjwhs7y67rmp7alqr";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ldelossa/litee.nvim/";
+  };
+  lsp-colors-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "lsp-colors.nvim";
+    version = "2021-10-22";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "folke";
+      repo = "lsp-colors.nvim";
+      rev = "517fe3ab6b63f9907b093bc9443ef06b56f804f3";
+      sha256 = "15q3hiwh0zpyhadapjk3wabnn71kafcljj2gq11qk53fk3zzsxdx";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/folke/lsp-colors.nvim/";
+  };
+  lsp-rooter-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "lsp-rooter.nvim";
+    version = "2021-08-13";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ahmedkhalf";
+      repo = "lsp-rooter.nvim";
+      rev = "7c83364f5a40db6c91f322fb148a99be8cec7b91";
+      sha256 = "1zmjc9a72swndgzzqyax1r6ifi858dq445ygmpxbpav8kp0q7n4g";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ahmedkhalf/lsp-rooter.nvim/";
+  };
+  lsp-status-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "lsp-status.nvim";
+    version = "2021-12-08";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "nvim-lua";
+      repo = "lsp-status.nvim";
+      rev = "4073f766f1303fb602802075e558fe43e382cc92";
+      sha256 = "1aicy5n57ihpy1fkrv3bpxdcmwbdldl6pnxisndfk2h0l2vc1bp4";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/nvim-lua/lsp-status.nvim/";
+  };
+  lsp_extensions-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "lsp_extensions.nvim";
+    version = "2021-09-11";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "nvim-lua";
+      repo = "lsp_extensions.nvim";
+      rev = "4011f4aec61ba59c734f5dbf52e91f258b99d985";
+      sha256 = "0nzxadzc2namm1lxrklw6gqwdw6wvl2ddpg7c0alhw5c1j05lb64";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/nvim-lua/lsp_extensions.nvim/";
+  };
+  lsp_lines-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "lsp_lines.nvim";
+    version = "2022-01-14";
+    src = fetchgit {
+            url = "https://git.sr.ht/~whynothugo/lsp_lines.nvim";
+            rev = "6267f4234b559f756ec22dade7e8d50eb7325135";
+            sha256 = "02gzhvhsd76jx09fnqf0i67k79zygikkplhj25p36qcc0rgw1abf";
+        };
+    meta.homepage = "https://git.sr.ht/~whynothugo/lsp_lines.nvim";
+  };
+  lsp_signature-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "lsp_signature.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-15";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ray-x";
+      repo = "lsp_signature.nvim";
+      rev = "f7c308e99697317ea572c6d6bafe6d4be91ee164";
+      sha256 = "0s48bamqwhixlzlyn431z7k3bhp0y2mx16d36g66c9ccgrs5ifmm";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ray-x/lsp_signature.nvim/";
+  };
+  lspkind-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "lspkind-nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-05";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "onsails";
+      repo = "lspkind-nvim";
+      rev = "93e98a0c900327ce7e9be1cbf24aebbe7170e375";
+      sha256 = "1c13ll09v16prhzgmv8pappck4x3ahhc5sizp6r61kb7k4mkfpfk";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/onsails/lspkind-nvim/";
+  };
+  lspsaga-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "lspsaga.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-21";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tami5";
+      repo = "lspsaga.nvim";
+      rev = "65e9ca7fb147668ce3f7321f8d734ae9b754241c";
+      sha256 = "1rjmgq4jm7a785qy7xzsxy9hb5x2c3rjiqmhdqmqn3kw1d01wrxl";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tami5/lspsaga.nvim/";
+  };
+  lua-dev-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "lua-dev.nvim";
+    version = "2022-01-18";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "folke";
+      repo = "lua-dev.nvim";
+      rev = "a0ee77789d9948adce64d98700cc90cecaef88d5";
+      sha256 = "10hc5iyqicbwjchwfyk7dz2wph0hz7ikjanvga9ncjk62qm2154f";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/folke/lua-dev.nvim/";
+  };
+  lualine-lsp-progress = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "lualine-lsp-progress";
+    version = "2021-10-23";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "arkav";
+      repo = "lualine-lsp-progress";
+      rev = "56842d097245a08d77912edf5f2a69ba29f275d7";
+      sha256 = "1gz5nxpfky0xr53l0z67viknzbxdr3k7pp5bp1n3rka3s74jswzh";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/arkav/lualine-lsp-progress/";
+  };
+  lualine-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "lualine.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-21";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "nvim-lualine";
+      repo = "lualine.nvim";
+      rev = "016a20711ee595a11426f9c1f4ab3e04967df553";
+      sha256 = "0y3rfamhl04hx3cjh6p9spr11flxr3l195a5h9h06k9hhj5rqppc";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/nvim-lualine/lualine.nvim/";
+  };
+  luasnip = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "luasnip";
+    version = "2022-02-19";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "l3mon4d3";
+      repo = "luasnip";
+      rev = "8f2480d7a8c23c164429f2e4b487f28fc9a72d4b";
+      sha256 = "0z0ksqc3rkb2vypdm6mkb6iq5g56fw4mxwfz5v4gqzlmfjc790vc";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/l3mon4d3/luasnip/";
+  };
+  luatab-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "luatab.nvim";
+    version = "2021-12-05";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "alvarosevilla95";
+      repo = "luatab.nvim";
+      rev = "79d53c11bd77274b49b50f1d6fdb10529d7354b7";
+      sha256 = "0cn244bh82b52pysimvqwl0spj6jadxb673jw6mnmd52nlv634f5";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/alvarosevilla95/luatab.nvim/";
+  };
+  lush-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "lush.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-04";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "rktjmp";
+      repo = "lush.nvim";
+      rev = "218923092bea0ba1f7cb5552b68994f28064b154";
+      sha256 = "1dmnmvavljy4dh6f7fvpwf6a2zl2rj9aq00jz57l1w0a63fddpcd";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/rktjmp/lush.nvim/";
+  };
+  lushtags = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "lushtags";
+    version = "2017-04-19";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "mkasa";
+      repo = "lushtags";
+      rev = "fd7fa5a0162d9aa159559880d5ba4731e180eeaf";
+      sha256 = "03saw1w5pybj6yywzi8hinciv18znimm7k0h34k4pqp5gi1jfaql";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/mkasa/lushtags/";
+  };
+  markdown-preview-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "markdown-preview.nvim";
+    version = "2021-03-10";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "iamcco";
+      repo = "markdown-preview.nvim";
+      rev = "e5bfe9b89dc9c2fbd24ed0f0596c85fd0568b143";
+      sha256 = "0bfkcfjqg2jqm4ss16ks1mfnlnpyg1l4l18g7pagw1dfka14y8fg";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/iamcco/markdown-preview.nvim/";
+  };
+  marks-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "marks.nvim";
+    version = "2021-12-28";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "chentau";
+      repo = "marks.nvim";
+      rev = "4b0aad42e72a653ca1afe31d2942f8aa5ab633e1";
+      sha256 = "1qvgaf353aaq3aw8q251vx8llvm30c4yj1lyvnh43r5h8kxawc6x";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/chentau/marks.nvim/";
+  };
+  matchit-zip = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "matchit.zip";
+    version = "2010-10-18";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "vim-scripts";
+      repo = "matchit.zip";
+      rev = "ced6c409c9beeb0b4142d21906606bd194411d1d";
+      sha256 = "1s9c4lnsmbfm97bp22jrmcp5lga5ihx23lzqqncvv7rcizkvr3dm";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/vim-scripts/matchit.zip/";
+  };
+  MatchTagAlways = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "MatchTagAlways";
+    version = "2017-05-20";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "Valloric";
+      repo = "MatchTagAlways";
+      rev = "352eb479a4ad1608e0880b79ab2357aac2cf4bed";
+      sha256 = "0y8gq4cs0wm2ijagc2frpmm664z355iridxyl5893576v5aqp8z1";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/Valloric/MatchTagAlways/";
+  };
+  material-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "material.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-07";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "marko-cerovac";
+      repo = "material.nvim";
+      rev = "a7c9069a55d136e6dc62fc107cb996df2eaebb55";
+      sha256 = "1qblxq744ldzihb57b62ykjci19fa2v918610g8jb36gjrlmxdkd";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/marko-cerovac/material.nvim/";
+  };
+  mattn-calendar-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "mattn-calendar-vim";
+    version = "2022-02-10";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "mattn";
+      repo = "calendar-vim";
+      rev = "2083a41e2d310f9bbbbf644517f30e901f1fb04d";
+      sha256 = "13wakcprkh93i7afykkpavxqvxssjh573pjjljsgip3y3778ms5q";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/mattn/calendar-vim/";
+  };
+  mayansmoke = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "mayansmoke";
+    version = "2010-10-18";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "vim-scripts";
+      repo = "mayansmoke";
+      rev = "168883af7aec05f139af251f47eadd5dfb802c9d";
+      sha256 = "1xxcky7i6sx7f1q8xka4gd2xg78w6sqjvqrdwgrdzv93fhf82rpd";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/vim-scripts/mayansmoke/";
+  };
+  mini-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "mini.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-17";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "echasnovski";
+      repo = "mini.nvim";
+      rev = "e36464080b7a62fe318f659cca3adb57e6712511";
+      sha256 = "09l5dz6ihnzgw7hg87jckmx8ycppsbpls5lcqvamnfiy2j21rhjq";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/echasnovski/mini.nvim/";
+  };
+  minimap-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "minimap.vim";
+    version = "2022-01-31";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "wfxr";
+      repo = "minimap.vim";
+      rev = "c8ea2a5550b95b007631bc83908c48a3368eb57c";
+      sha256 = "08amdbn4xcdl7d09w3iqgrlyfmqnxlwmnild9q5mpqh5z372y6i0";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/wfxr/minimap.vim/";
+  };
+  minsnip-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "minsnip.nvim";
+    version = "2022-01-04";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "jose-elias-alvarez";
+      repo = "minsnip.nvim";
+      rev = "6ae2f3247b3a2acde540ccef2e843fdfcdfebcee";
+      sha256 = "1db5az5civ2bnqg7v3g937mn150ys52258c3glpvdvyyasxb4iih";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/jose-elias-alvarez/minsnip.nvim/";
+  };
+  mkdir-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "mkdir.nvim";
+    version = "2021-06-20";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "jghauser";
+      repo = "mkdir.nvim";
+      rev = "caa4178dae081850230f2f05699fef8e83b59ded";
+      sha256 = "0s87hmna6bl9zy12ni2ih4i7aml009slmsk1pkpr93lmh2mspms7";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/jghauser/mkdir.nvim/";
+  };
+  mkdx = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "mkdx";
+    version = "2022-02-21";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "SidOfc";
+      repo = "mkdx";
+      rev = "973ab6ea0bf79021e2992cdf91627f18c4b74b5d";
+      sha256 = "0dkfyiv2932r8lqsipq4r9yfq3yi8s42q03iw14njnr68cvnqfn3";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/SidOfc/mkdx/";
+  };
+  molokai = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "molokai";
+    version = "2015-11-11";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tomasr";
+      repo = "molokai";
+      rev = "c67bdfcdb31415aa0ade7f8c003261700a885476";
+      sha256 = "1piszjr5kyw43ac1f0jh9z88g824xknshrkchbys9qxlz7pd831s";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tomasr/molokai/";
+  };
+  moonlight-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "moonlight.nvim";
+    version = "2021-05-16";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "shaunsingh";
+      repo = "moonlight.nvim";
+      rev = "e24e4218ec680b6396532808abf57ca0ada82e66";
+      sha256 = "0m9w3fpypsqxydjd93arbjqb5576nl40iy27i4ijlrqhgdhl49y3";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/shaunsingh/moonlight.nvim/";
+  };
+  mru = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "mru";
+    version = "2022-01-22";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "yegappan";
+      repo = "mru";
+      rev = "30315ad4c07f0045c203a443291ad0c8d2fe7279";
+      sha256 = "1k3x8v9c9c3mn2nakcsr5f9wqckxlx3b86smml4d985q90372fqn";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/yegappan/mru/";
+  };
+  Navigator-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "Navigator.nvim";
+    version = "2021-11-18";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "numToStr";
+      repo = "Navigator.nvim";
+      rev = "f7b689d72649e1d5132116c76ac2ad8b97c210d4";
+      sha256 = "17yfc7ss9yslf8dvwl0vi3mdpcxp5j1g6dc8qrz20v2dx8hjxd1q";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/numToStr/Navigator.nvim/";
+  };
+  ncm2 = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "ncm2";
+    version = "2021-10-08";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ncm2";
+      repo = "ncm2";
+      rev = "d2d8cc430232f385d8468f44da8635febb9a92ad";
+      sha256 = "1zkl8g7kf95rbyk9zs1xwr0n76l1f9vvwc2432rsmgj2bdly8vby";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ncm2/ncm2/";
+  };
+  ncm2-bufword = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "ncm2-bufword";
+    version = "2019-01-19";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ncm2";
+      repo = "ncm2-bufword";
+      rev = "1d42750114e47a31286268880affcd66c6ae48d5";
+      sha256 = "14q76n5c70wvi48wm1alyckba71rp5300i35091ga197nkgphyaz";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ncm2/ncm2-bufword/";
+  };
+  ncm2-cssomni = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "ncm2-cssomni";
+    version = "2018-07-09";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ncm2";
+      repo = "ncm2-cssomni";
+      rev = "adaf78b921ee4320fd9d7adaa5bff7f3794f373a";
+      sha256 = "0z79n1fivw60whx2fy6239lq8c2xnbzzadijplj51gy34jk4hki0";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ncm2/ncm2-cssomni/";
+  };
+  ncm2-dictionary = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "ncm2-dictionary";
+    version = "2018-11-15";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "yuki-yano";
+      repo = "ncm2-dictionary";
+      rev = "c93b52ab0cd1a9ebe5711414c3134f4bba9be6af";
+      sha256 = "096l8prqm7zb2s27j2cpnydggszicaji7xjlmhrav7dzc51avafy";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/yuki-yano/ncm2-dictionary/";
+  };
+  ncm2-github = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "ncm2-github";
+    version = "2018-08-01";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ncm2";
+      repo = "ncm2-github";
+      rev = "2d7ed04a8fe5b8c27cfef5781a944d9865eed61f";
+      sha256 = "1dcxknbjm2mxrw1l2i56xrjyxlp0vr6gr5l62x5hcd5wfkzi74a1";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ncm2/ncm2-github/";
+  };
+  ncm2-html-subscope = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "ncm2-html-subscope";
+    version = "2018-07-01";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ncm2";
+      repo = "ncm2-html-subscope";
+      rev = "8294cf1bb55fb805454a9230aeb91dbb0f733a14";
+      sha256 = "19h1jjqv6jwv5fnxxa6gv0qiyc3rbnxf0zibqxzdclmskrdgjacq";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ncm2/ncm2-html-subscope/";
+  };
+  ncm2-jedi = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "ncm2-jedi";
+    version = "2021-01-05";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ncm2";
+      repo = "ncm2-jedi";
+      rev = "f2e9007783b1f543b00d336a94210b4bc76b67e0";
+      sha256 = "1vrrz5zp39xk7c35dz737gfbr8j3yhqmmwmdwrxl5nibjwph4c30";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ncm2/ncm2-jedi/";
+  };
+  ncm2-markdown-subscope = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "ncm2-markdown-subscope";
+    version = "2020-03-09";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ncm2";
+      repo = "ncm2-markdown-subscope";
+      rev = "beeef1e88df29d2718f0fb73cdd4702eaf449f13";
+      sha256 = "0hh5bs76k5jsjzdp5lm53gma517s8ijrdp0acjjvsagz7r7gymq7";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ncm2/ncm2-markdown-subscope/";
+  };
+  ncm2-neoinclude = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "ncm2-neoinclude";
+    version = "2020-07-19";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ncm2";
+      repo = "ncm2-neoinclude";
+      rev = "081f48c735c5f51849ec14e6a266b5400bf94b62";
+      sha256 = "0xsvj8ng9blhwl8fxscm3iflppvf7p7kpl3hxh0z14xhdy3nynyi";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ncm2/ncm2-neoinclude/";
+  };
+  ncm2-neosnippet = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "ncm2-neosnippet";
+    version = "2021-10-08";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ncm2";
+      repo = "ncm2-neosnippet";
+      rev = "1df7dcc1e22a6f769f54e90fbbff68d9e4fdd5fe";
+      sha256 = "1bbqy4ak0abn73fwnv02c2b6ivfaqj31g2qbj39zqrls0vzrd70q";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ncm2/ncm2-neosnippet/";
+  };
+  ncm2-path = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "ncm2-path";
+    version = "2019-02-20";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ncm2";
+      repo = "ncm2-path";
+      rev = "84b1e6b5f28ced2245ff08e6694101f029fdfca8";
+      sha256 = "0yqga8d423k2j6iknkyx1qs1shddpshi4sx78992sa15dax9d394";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ncm2/ncm2-path/";
+  };
+  ncm2-syntax = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "ncm2-syntax";
+    version = "2020-07-19";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ncm2";
+      repo = "ncm2-syntax";
+      rev = "d41d60b22175822c14f497378a05398e3eca2517";
+      sha256 = "065sflxr6sp491ifvcf7bzvpn5c47qc0mr091v2p2k73lp9jx2s2";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ncm2/ncm2-syntax/";
+  };
+  ncm2-tagprefix = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "ncm2-tagprefix";
+    version = "2018-11-08";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ncm2";
+      repo = "ncm2-tagprefix";
+      rev = "6bff80cbd3edb02a0c91a26820606d0dcbfeb3bd";
+      sha256 = "0a3dgvs3jflhh5015jw7iahlblvnlq7vllh9avwh9pggd7zwc42k";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ncm2/ncm2-tagprefix/";
+  };
+  ncm2-tmux = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "ncm2-tmux";
+    version = "2019-01-11";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ncm2";
+      repo = "ncm2-tmux";
+      rev = "17fa16ac1211af3d8e671f1591939d6f37bdd3bd";
+      sha256 = "1g99vbrdz06i36gpa95crwixj61my7c9miy7mbpfbiy4zykf2wl2";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ncm2/ncm2-tmux/";
+  };
+  ncm2-ultisnips = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "ncm2-ultisnips";
+    version = "2019-01-26";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ncm2";
+      repo = "ncm2-ultisnips";
+      rev = "a7462f3b7036dce045a472d8ec9d8fb9fb090212";
+      sha256 = "0f3qp33s5nh9nha9cgxggcmh7c1a5yrwvyyrszlh0x8nrzm1v1ma";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ncm2/ncm2-ultisnips/";
+  };
+  ncm2-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "ncm2-vim";
+    version = "2020-07-19";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ncm2";
+      repo = "ncm2-vim";
+      rev = "876ad5f30d1e296a4ab425a0e22a8162876ac48b";
+      sha256 = "19b2xl5cvy3pk14r3k02149whdrcgisnqv2rzm5bic4w23532ad2";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ncm2/ncm2-vim/";
+  };
+  neco-ghc = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "neco-ghc";
+    version = "2021-02-22";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "eagletmt";
+      repo = "neco-ghc";
+      rev = "699897c2f4ba82c4fd2be6b93c9a2e8e548efe4e";
+      sha256 = "03g2mky83a5zd54wzjhc1cv4pwkzcadskjm1c7b36k85yw35v88a";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/eagletmt/neco-ghc/";
+  };
+  neco-look = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "neco-look";
+    version = "2021-07-26";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ujihisa";
+      repo = "neco-look";
+      rev = "d98e550b741265fa8ca2b18f51c19adb2d3ff00a";
+      sha256 = "01bb5d3n7k7m5gd1rn78qhrjf9cvsccwib390zh0h22aryswzqnx";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ujihisa/neco-look/";
+  };
+  neco-syntax = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "neco-syntax";
+    version = "2020-09-13";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "Shougo";
+      repo = "neco-syntax";
+      rev = "f8d7b748b022aac8ce73458574da5616f1c5fb65";
+      sha256 = "12h8qm6l40a2dgbimn579bdyar0dq88hk7mdd0vhyj15c1305kda";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/Shougo/neco-syntax/";
+  };
+  neco-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "neco-vim";
+    version = "2022-02-02";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "Shougo";
+      repo = "neco-vim";
+      rev = "4b537fa01c28f2f7cf249722530561d2e477b49f";
+      sha256 = "09lkbwijvl34ff2pagra383n517k1b1nw2lpjv2jlik0970sbcbv";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/Shougo/neco-vim/";
+  };
+  neocomplete-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "neocomplete.vim";
+    version = "2021-02-18";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "Shougo";
+      repo = "neocomplete.vim";
+      rev = "fc2d22c23962290cc0b32f50bf18add6a4573bdf";
+      sha256 = "04sxri3anr5d8zdqw11fn8nqf86wxin4lza78dp2x52kgrjawpla";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/Shougo/neocomplete.vim/";
+  };
+  neodark-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "neodark.vim";
+    version = "2022-01-16";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "KeitaNakamura";
+      repo = "neodark.vim";
+      rev = "bd422a98e7293013d67ccfbe1d52e1144ab47083";
+      sha256 = "0rifx4x8v4ndn7p33m54gn9m3vwh1nz8lyrz87n50incryh09vbl";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/KeitaNakamura/neodark.vim/";
+  };
+  neoformat = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "neoformat";
+    version = "2022-01-26";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "sbdchd";
+      repo = "neoformat";
+      rev = "0d665b05efa344977208c230f164440e3a5ce52f";
+      sha256 = "1ckz7lrnwgnijf6mm6dxamqhwkr0y0wswc5gcm3np37r58yc5mbh";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/sbdchd/neoformat/";
+  };
+  neogit = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "neogit";
+    version = "2022-02-18";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "TimUntersberger";
+      repo = "neogit";
+      rev = "e3339888ab2875f7535762a70c916b4986405b58";
+      sha256 = "084lhaq3pi157dikhpys0ppg68fhdjkm8pbap55ajmkxh5vh7xlf";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/TimUntersberger/neogit/";
+  };
+  neoinclude-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "neoinclude.vim";
+    version = "2020-09-13";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "Shougo";
+      repo = "neoinclude.vim";
+      rev = "954cfc9dfdb303f2c2fa867b9cf949dd74512628";
+      sha256 = "0slp6mz8ds5raqhbi9gpr1ilgw745lfzjygyd58r6jcg2givsiik";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/Shougo/neoinclude.vim/";
+  };
+  neomake = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "neomake";
+    version = "2021-09-17";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "neomake";
+      repo = "neomake";
+      rev = "8df876172fd9b8f6c023fcd5b84728a675cbdf91";
+      sha256 = "0dqr9b2h0f2rxiw4lvws2gamwxdmnqb2qsk2ish47v7lnc772l2l";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/neomake/neomake/";
+  };
+  neomru-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "neomru.vim";
+    version = "2020-02-05";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "Shougo";
+      repo = "neomru.vim";
+      rev = "d9b92f73f7d9158e803d72f2baeb7da9ea30040e";
+      sha256 = "04fic8s4g19kgml1pb5fd6yzhsscq8yrpwbmg8sb0lqjas2qpakv";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/Shougo/neomru.vim/";
+  };
+  neon = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "neon";
+    version = "2021-07-30";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "rafamadriz";
+      repo = "neon";
+      rev = "5c6d24504e2177a709ad16ae9e89ab5732327ad8";
+      sha256 = "1p7g3204hjj52qnm5vdvh425r4xh0y8bsyfivpnp4zgz44rqd6v3";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/rafamadriz/neon/";
+  };
+  neorg = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "neorg";
+    version = "2022-02-13";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "nvim-neorg";
+      repo = "neorg";
+      rev = "d6d64466f060ff9db87976ca4dfc92dda473a81c";
+      sha256 = "0si8pq0scmpvarlssdpllfnbv3r1121dj5c6n88cy2g52f42zldi";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/nvim-neorg/neorg/";
+  };
+  neoscroll-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "neoscroll.nvim";
+    version = "2022-01-13";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "karb94";
+      repo = "neoscroll.nvim";
+      rev = "07242b9c29eed0367cb305d41851b2e04de9052e";
+      sha256 = "1xcj3dmrcnqrk2dzzr137n0g0crfyg3zk3220202v6b4vylairnh";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/karb94/neoscroll.nvim/";
+  };
+  neosnippet-snippets = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "neosnippet-snippets";
+    version = "2021-10-02";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "Shougo";
+      repo = "neosnippet-snippets";
+      rev = "8a6655a034eb7c12138dad505ef1004bf383a45d";
+      sha256 = "0mwvcjdrk324azqy5m2lpl3z1gi92jspxvmcjcxqnppfjsv1iyhd";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/Shougo/neosnippet-snippets/";
+  };
+  neosnippet-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "neosnippet.vim";
+    version = "2022-02-18";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "Shougo";
+      repo = "neosnippet.vim";
+      rev = "5973e801e7ad38a01e888cb794d74e076a35ea9b";
+      sha256 = "1mbx2iw4s0ny89siic156y7lwypw55abkvskmzzjjf7y4h8g9rsv";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/Shougo/neosnippet.vim/";
+  };
+  NeoSolarized = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "NeoSolarized";
+    version = "2020-08-07";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "overcache";
+      repo = "NeoSolarized";
+      rev = "b94b1a9ad51e2de015266f10fdc6e142f97bd617";
+      sha256 = "019nz56yirpg1ahg8adfafrxznalw056qwm3xjm9kzg6da8j6v48";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/overcache/NeoSolarized/";
+  };
+  neoterm = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "neoterm";
+    version = "2022-01-20";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "kassio";
+      repo = "neoterm";
+      rev = "533d311a2a9187294ea52acab32d8565d6517059";
+      sha256 = "04k62g72bf2i7jndngp68ci9i4bldk8q3h6yk8lpyqsqkgn9q4k6";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/kassio/neoterm/";
+  };
+  neovim-ayu = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "neovim-ayu";
+    version = "2022-02-05";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "Shatur";
+      repo = "neovim-ayu";
+      rev = "88bee216a0b1429d6301faa733712da84cf0e650";
+      sha256 = "069y6ji6xnanzy3ad70lcgn5g3p2nxr62qn08fdhdrq6a75iz3ys";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/Shatur/neovim-ayu/";
+  };
+  neovim-fuzzy = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "neovim-fuzzy";
+    version = "2021-07-02";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "cloudhead";
+      repo = "neovim-fuzzy";
+      rev = "0bef4e1a81c65fc05d31380dd74454bd67733837";
+      sha256 = "02a8ipk341bs6y8mk7nixdkbk1c4jdddsjp1qvqgyyca0shaqsz8";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/cloudhead/neovim-fuzzy/";
+  };
+  neovim-sensible = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "neovim-sensible";
+    version = "2017-09-20";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "jeffkreeftmeijer";
+      repo = "neovim-sensible";
+      rev = "e7ab7544f15e59de2d9a1b42f58e590938e496e7";
+      sha256 = "06whnfvmzfdsx9gvkd2nxhx29939gjzibr2xadh54sj8ns646w58";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/jeffkreeftmeijer/neovim-sensible/";
+  };
+  neoyank-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "neoyank.vim";
+    version = "2020-12-20";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "Shougo";
+      repo = "neoyank.vim";
+      rev = "8b3c9f7d8109744766d13eaf6c17eb195dd61d9d";
+      sha256 = "0fmn92kjgwkfpsh328bvd3nsw32q6wbjjp9vqmfnbs8rbkmpn0vh";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/Shougo/neoyank.vim/";
+  };
+  nerdcommenter = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nerdcommenter";
+    version = "2022-02-12";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "preservim";
+      repo = "nerdcommenter";
+      rev = "ec002e8f5de441d07cf5cd3ac44f41edc5f939d9";
+      sha256 = "1z7xdgqbcpld1742rw52sc0d128b5wsx2607hwm0y0nrzajd57xb";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/preservim/nerdcommenter/";
+  };
+  nerdtree = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nerdtree";
+    version = "2021-10-29";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "preservim";
+      repo = "nerdtree";
+      rev = "eed488b1cd1867bd25f19f90e10440c5cc7d6424";
+      sha256 = "0hlyn2l9ppjn92zaiw51i6d15li15z5083m13m0710giqx05qrak";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/preservim/nerdtree/";
+  };
+  nerdtree-git-plugin = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nerdtree-git-plugin";
+    version = "2021-08-18";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "Xuyuanp";
+      repo = "nerdtree-git-plugin";
+      rev = "e1fe727127a813095854a5b063c15e955a77eafb";
+      sha256 = "0d7xm5rafw5biv8phfyny2haqq50mnh0q4ms7dkhvp9k1k2k2whz";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/Xuyuanp/nerdtree-git-plugin/";
+  };
+  neuron-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "neuron.nvim";
+    version = "2021-12-04";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "oberblastmeister";
+      repo = "neuron.nvim";
+      rev = "d89a2f701eceae882dca1f9bbb754d2a89b0beda";
+      sha256 = "0xjf5wiwy57g1rpq08lw32xyk0yx27p6z1m1bycq4wnxd1faqm8s";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/oberblastmeister/neuron.nvim/";
+  };
+  neuron-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "neuron.vim";
+    version = "2020-12-06";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "fiatjaf";
+      repo = "neuron.vim";
+      rev = "0b820b2191bf239c38e62ffa63501333590d6810";
+      sha256 = "0x00y0a46jwqq9gx741m3j7p78ps7nycp5hl3bjxqmwj289gc12y";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/fiatjaf/neuron.vim/";
+  };
+  nginx-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nginx.vim";
+    version = "2021-10-03";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "chr4";
+      repo = "nginx.vim";
+      rev = "ceeab164880ad90e73ab1be31dc3932777b9ef20";
+      sha256 = "178rd4zi8lspsq7qy5ag5gnqr87hivv92pcgqszbriqkga30srpc";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/chr4/nginx.vim/";
+  };
+  nightfox-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nightfox.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-18";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "EdenEast";
+      repo = "nightfox.nvim";
+      rev = "57ef9b52e015530090d9b9c49558197ae413cc19";
+      sha256 = "16inv9r7vxwhw9blhd9sy2grf8ghpcpbw2lwd5wq39ij7vwwy2n3";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/EdenEast/nightfox.nvim/";
+  };
+  nim-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nim.vim";
+    version = "2021-11-11";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "zah";
+      repo = "nim.vim";
+      rev = "a15714fea392b0f06ff2b282921a68c7033e39a2";
+      sha256 = "1vf3af8b85rjsccvclkb6aw9zgkwfpxd43jgnkbx6wrsv9bfz034";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/zah/nim.vim/";
+  };
+  nlua-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nlua.nvim";
+    version = "2021-12-14";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tjdevries";
+      repo = "nlua.nvim";
+      rev = "3603ee35ed928acd961847aeac30c92a3a048997";
+      sha256 = "0bdpplmgn0cvlgw37jn8qhl91qx4sjsyl88r1qzp6c0gjn0qfwi6";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tjdevries/nlua.nvim/";
+  };
+  nnn-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nnn.vim";
+    version = "2022-01-03";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "mcchrish";
+      repo = "nnn.vim";
+      rev = "169951733371abd152d76d1ce65e2dd867156e2d";
+      sha256 = "15prh70imjikmgnk4b161phcfqqz8jfqdq3l3nzhz80b597d6sv5";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/mcchrish/nnn.vim/";
+  };
+  nord-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nord-vim";
+    version = "2021-09-12";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "arcticicestudio";
+      repo = "nord-vim";
+      rev = "c2aaac39e5cb6111dabd24be7098bf04947ca6ca";
+      sha256 = "11iwjaypjkjd3s45dx3f7blpj0lkjs4jmp41sj7hlg2r7m64ss1g";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/arcticicestudio/nord-vim/";
+  };
+  nord-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nord.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-17";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "shaunsingh";
+      repo = "nord.nvim";
+      rev = "1fdad275596f85bdc36c525b14697ff3a4f08bdf";
+      sha256 = "1pq32gnpmkyqaxq0j5bqf6ik9vkrf2zkayvcvb6fv4vxaiv7w7hr";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/shaunsingh/nord.nvim/";
+  };
+  nordic-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nordic.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-16";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "andersevenrud";
+      repo = "nordic.nvim";
+      rev = "35b910263c614257dadc76813c9a02659912ad62";
+      sha256 = "1mbxdxk637x506xdhmbybvzl2ilmy25wdd1911119s257zjq41w0";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/andersevenrud/nordic.nvim/";
+  };
+  NrrwRgn = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "NrrwRgn";
+    version = "2022-02-13";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "chrisbra";
+      repo = "NrrwRgn";
+      rev = "e027db9d94f94947153cd7b5ac9abd04371ab2b0";
+      sha256 = "0mcwyqbfc2m865w44s96ra2k0v1mn5kkkxf8i71iqhvc7fvnrfah";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/chrisbra/NrrwRgn/";
+  };
+  nterm-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nterm.nvim";
+    version = "2021-11-10";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "jlesquembre";
+      repo = "nterm.nvim";
+      rev = "14d16c83aa1d165724f7780f470c4dcde5addcb6";
+      sha256 = "0y883fpjfk7lki8nfscxhfw0wr7xm1d22zgf52zqmc9pjznjz9my";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/jlesquembre/nterm.nvim/";
+  };
+  nui-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nui.nvim";
+    version = "2022-01-30";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "MunifTanjim";
+      repo = "nui.nvim";
+      rev = "6f803e88093573f73d4ee6c0dfe0575df3f97a9f";
+      sha256 = "05napd3gqhdpb2x07affs50bm8prb3rzz0w5a39iyr40y96bpjix";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/MunifTanjim/nui.nvim/";
+  };
+  null-ls-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "null-ls.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-21";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "jose-elias-alvarez";
+      repo = "null-ls.nvim";
+      rev = "ae1edec262c11964d45188b56af19135c5e38c89";
+      sha256 = "1bnw1hhm8xbs55dk99nl1sc86zvagfn5kb05vlczhngv7xrx2jpv";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/jose-elias-alvarez/null-ls.nvim/";
+  };
+  numb-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "numb.nvim";
+    version = "2021-07-12";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "nacro90";
+      repo = "numb.nvim";
+      rev = "c8b128230adb22727256fd24a221f4c5a1b41e93";
+      sha256 = "0dg5cym0rcjy198rhkd61mhq1mg7lw5z4vprik8aimgnlqdzgqad";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/nacro90/numb.nvim/";
+  };
+  nvcode-color-schemes-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nvcode-color-schemes.vim";
+    version = "2021-07-03";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ChristianChiarulli";
+      repo = "nvcode-color-schemes.vim";
+      rev = "3a0e624a67ecd2c7f990bc3c25a1044e85782b10";
+      sha256 = "03ifj5a3f02k00jrcjsdiy7a8wzq5k2b28hmrc7nkzm8gd4fmczb";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ChristianChiarulli/nvcode-color-schemes.vim/";
+  };
+  nvim-ale-diagnostic = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nvim-ale-diagnostic";
+    version = "2021-11-06";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "nathanmsmith";
+      repo = "nvim-ale-diagnostic";
+      rev = "5c81828853ffd138be0ae482e3441c35976529f6";
+      sha256 = "1bs9qkpphrkcf9y5xig23igcgdb8xj2vsil5pc7qh4bwkp2njbp0";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/nathanmsmith/nvim-ale-diagnostic/";
+  };
+  nvim-autopairs = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nvim-autopairs";
+    version = "2022-02-14";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "windwp";
+      repo = "nvim-autopairs";
+      rev = "784398a8f184431fd4329f20b0e4f52e87707bbd";
+      sha256 = "14cd1aq5kyi82akkmk3pf2as0pg9kmyavggpcpkp8cl1api01xl8";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/windwp/nvim-autopairs/";
+  };
+  nvim-base16 = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nvim-base16";
+    version = "2022-02-20";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "RRethy";
+      repo = "nvim-base16";
+      rev = "6c6962d51dda76cf9bc1467aa8b09036396985d0";
+      sha256 = "07ynvj0m88l8vbzvk8izqbwxs4wr99f99wh7x95jpi4wd6rfdvc3";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/RRethy/nvim-base16/";
+  };
+  nvim-bqf = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nvim-bqf";
+    version = "2022-02-21";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "kevinhwang91";
+      repo = "nvim-bqf";
+      rev = "2558ee1d3a0c518301bd9bee97ddd61eb21b629c";
+      sha256 = "1kjn0fvmbk5ii47vjmw8p3w7h6gdhmxr10x84x48spaz428vw5wd";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/kevinhwang91/nvim-bqf/";
+  };
+  nvim-bufdel = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nvim-bufdel";
+    version = "2022-01-07";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ojroques";
+      repo = "nvim-bufdel";
+      rev = "af537a915b8c60c6dcb6416e0e9382a5bed94bb3";
+      sha256 = "1k242j2gzpv82cpccmiai6k50rfmnhxx6kyxbs1h1zwzyb0s2gxz";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ojroques/nvim-bufdel/";
+  };
+  nvim-cm-racer = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nvim-cm-racer";
+    version = "2017-07-27";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "roxma";
+      repo = "nvim-cm-racer";
+      rev = "2a8a4a49fa58c5dac9e0bed9511f6928930cacd2";
+      sha256 = "1yljxwypgn91084yyicbc2qprn31ld7s4drvnddzczyhzq5m2gpx";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/roxma/nvim-cm-racer/";
+  };
+  nvim-cmp = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nvim-cmp";
+    version = "2022-02-15";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "hrsh7th";
+      repo = "nvim-cmp";
+      rev = "13d64460cba64950aff41e230cc801225bd9a3e2";
+      sha256 = "091argbivsnjp3ibsnci2qj5jrr2b39gicrlz2ky41kmb4pmw36b";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/hrsh7th/nvim-cmp/";
+  };
+  nvim-code-action-menu = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nvim-code-action-menu";
+    version = "2022-02-21";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "weilbith";
+      repo = "nvim-code-action-menu";
+      rev = "b3671ef7a74912575d84b4dbc848fd3b6195b27e";
+      sha256 = "0p6959z8im5r1mvr0fmx1ig24kav9wndnr50r1pvq117ch9kr59z";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/weilbith/nvim-code-action-menu/";
+  };
+  nvim-colorizer-lua = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nvim-colorizer.lua";
+    version = "2020-06-11";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "norcalli";
+      repo = "nvim-colorizer.lua";
+      rev = "36c610a9717cc9ec426a07c8e6bf3b3abcb139d6";
+      sha256 = "0gvqdfkqf6k9q46r0vcc3nqa6w45gsvp8j4kya1bvi24vhifg2p9";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/norcalli/nvim-colorizer.lua/";
+  };
+  nvim-comment = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nvim-comment";
+    version = "2022-01-04";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "terrortylor";
+      repo = "nvim-comment";
+      rev = "f670649da497de12aa3d5afc0a693d5d50b17d85";
+      sha256 = "0j3pay000yf79lz5plcnfp068fychnf7xa08cg7h5s0nx5cp5bgh";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/terrortylor/nvim-comment/";
+  };
+  nvim-compe = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nvim-compe";
+    version = "2021-10-02";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "hrsh7th";
+      repo = "nvim-compe";
+      rev = "d186d739c54823e0b010feb205c6f97792322c08";
+      sha256 = "1cl3c4cazzpjj2wmsi42czrklzngzm82bbb9ivmcsa40rfz2lsk3";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/hrsh7th/nvim-compe/";
+  };
+  nvim-completion-manager = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nvim-completion-manager";
+    version = "2018-07-27";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "roxma";
+      repo = "nvim-completion-manager";
+      rev = "45a026afb8b309b3b80f2c1b5910f72a54a9b563";
+      sha256 = "0znwgry4ill0nxm096hc8s9vf20rf9xcq3dz8y8h7xlqzzsycl7a";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/roxma/nvim-completion-manager/";
+  };
+  nvim-cursorline = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nvim-cursorline";
+    version = "2022-01-22";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "yamatsum";
+      repo = "nvim-cursorline";
+      rev = "88232dd52f186e3bff9aa594aa9c3a062f400642";
+      sha256 = "1lgcfwkc3kq9jyh7r19v6rpmbflq2nplg46kvb79l07212pz64s0";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/yamatsum/nvim-cursorline/";
+  };
+  nvim-dap = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nvim-dap";
+    version = "2022-02-16";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "mfussenegger";
+      repo = "nvim-dap";
+      rev = "9fcff6e02e1a549d47a2c559a4b833798537c0bc";
+      sha256 = "1ai71s38dcny22wmhw5b5b82hj2mf16g60rbzi7llg54fdlfp92k";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/mfussenegger/nvim-dap/";
+  };
+  nvim-dap-ui = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nvim-dap-ui";
+    version = "2022-02-22";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "rcarriga";
+      repo = "nvim-dap-ui";
+      rev = "5dfbd6ebfbbfd4866f7eafe723f2fdfa0440733f";
+      sha256 = "02ss2mxi5dqa44r06iv69r5c5dp9g0cxg1dk3an1nnsh78wpibjs";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/rcarriga/nvim-dap-ui/";
+  };
+  nvim-dap-virtual-text = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nvim-dap-virtual-text";
+    version = "2022-02-19";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "theHamsta";
+      repo = "nvim-dap-virtual-text";
+      rev = "7f82fec9a1c7fce292c9a9a7310e7d121607db93";
+      sha256 = "1x9y74nvcvbwakvlzz4k7h1azkldphmdygwgs5cz7qf9pxbx67lq";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/theHamsta/nvim-dap-virtual-text/";
+  };
+  nvim-expand-expr = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nvim-expand-expr";
+    version = "2021-08-14";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "allendang";
+      repo = "nvim-expand-expr";
+      rev = "365cc2a0111228938fb46cffb9cc1a246d787cf0";
+      sha256 = "1nmklzvvq64dz430gzrbq6qpjrvwwfm09lsw4iiffs9fizjp95if";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/allendang/nvim-expand-expr/";
+  };
+  nvim-fzf = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nvim-fzf";
+    version = "2021-10-25";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "vijaymarupudi";
+      repo = "nvim-fzf";
+      rev = "7cc3670b00f4d6e0968289f8b3bee7481cab3e73";
+      sha256 = "1flp9y54fr94gb96x8nrvw2sx61rwwi2rzmjmipa9crl0ckj14pb";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/vijaymarupudi/nvim-fzf/";
+  };
+  nvim-fzf-commands = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nvim-fzf-commands";
+    version = "2021-05-31";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "vijaymarupudi";
+      repo = "nvim-fzf-commands";
+      rev = "c6188c8618ca6b579af37cbc242414e1016bcd45";
+      sha256 = "0nn04gpz3n0jqb9kyxbmipkixzp1lk2f67knxqzzzlxm27m839fy";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/vijaymarupudi/nvim-fzf-commands/";
+  };
+  nvim-gdb = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nvim-gdb";
+    version = "2021-12-09";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "sakhnik";
+      repo = "nvim-gdb";
+      rev = "c2a0d076383b8a0991681c33efe80bcba6dd3608";
+      sha256 = "19yc51bhfaw53rc9awdr145i8k2i2gnnl3faw85afsqs9dr4hi7i";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/sakhnik/nvim-gdb/";
+  };
+  nvim-gps = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nvim-gps";
+    version = "2022-02-09";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "smiteshp";
+      repo = "nvim-gps";
+      rev = "6afd8f7a69e7008dabe048d4fb1ee8e467a72fdf";
+      sha256 = "13pgq09sxhfxxmrrqzc1f8b119f6d7yyx30lzbgr2vx59bh69ph2";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/smiteshp/nvim-gps/";
+  };
+  nvim-highlite = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nvim-highlite";
+    version = "2022-02-18";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "Iron-E";
+      repo = "nvim-highlite";
+      rev = "0f20213a9d55ac7ff19b4f9a9f8812303ec4200b";
+      sha256 = "0fvmnwraxzfwm9rc4b279bg40ycmpkxjgx6yqkwg7aznzmmqlc22";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/Iron-E/nvim-highlite/";
+  };
+  nvim-hlslens = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nvim-hlslens";
+    version = "2022-02-15";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "kevinhwang91";
+      repo = "nvim-hlslens";
+      rev = "805b61cc7841a9ef700430095ed56cda34fb8619";
+      sha256 = "0i8nvdvf5l2966ihprwvh4py37ljlqrrclhwflzhdr7pmyy79k98";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/kevinhwang91/nvim-hlslens/";
+  };
+  nvim-hs-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nvim-hs.vim";
+    version = "2022-01-30";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "neovimhaskell";
+      repo = "nvim-hs.vim";
+      rev = "d4a6b7278ae6a1fdc64e300c3ebc1e24719af342";
+      sha256 = "0a4sc2ff67xdqy5wj1j384vrsbnvhcd15mmwv7yygd7rccc2wsxs";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/neovimhaskell/nvim-hs.vim/";
+  };
+  nvim-jdtls = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nvim-jdtls";
+    version = "2022-01-27";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "mfussenegger";
+      repo = "nvim-jdtls";
+      rev = "e2a80d5f51c326d6623979d614dd7968ef752061";
+      sha256 = "1m8sc88g8sk41m4ml62zn7dn05q1ns8xr20c7bldqaz9rwqbhqny";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/mfussenegger/nvim-jdtls/";
+  };
+  nvim-jqx = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nvim-jqx";
+    version = "2022-02-10";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "gennaro-tedesco";
+      repo = "nvim-jqx";
+      rev = "26bf7cc5e1942dac9f825dff90e180620c264fe7";
+      sha256 = "0r45lda81khhkkqk6nrdqw6y3hdzc0w5jirz1yn1n51b7vxjm1dy";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/gennaro-tedesco/nvim-jqx/";
+  };
+  nvim-lightbulb = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nvim-lightbulb";
+    version = "2021-11-13";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "kosayoda";
+      repo = "nvim-lightbulb";
+      rev = "cd5267d2d708e908dbd668c7de74e1325eb1e1da";
+      sha256 = "1ans2kzg750d4a83hk5p9x5h51m9ywxgk6bxrcj1pwnpkhl5h75z";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/kosayoda/nvim-lightbulb/";
+  };
+  nvim-lint = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nvim-lint";
+    version = "2022-02-14";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "mfussenegger";
+      repo = "nvim-lint";
+      rev = "da931f58a59ff0a441b9e8c0679f91790fe61870";
+      sha256 = "13rbvf91xqhjwp4f4gp7gjgqsrbhdasb4k4swhf2f9zcqd51knz5";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/mfussenegger/nvim-lint/";
+  };
+  nvim-lsp-ts-utils = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nvim-lsp-ts-utils";
+    version = "2022-02-11";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "jose-elias-alvarez";
+      repo = "nvim-lsp-ts-utils";
+      rev = "85e62e572ee63a2877267d023795488c33c0fd6f";
+      sha256 = "1c017n0di9zb1lcqqr9pjc4z8n3d2s55qlqzn8m9rrww9mjqqhnl";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/jose-elias-alvarez/nvim-lsp-ts-utils/";
+  };
+  nvim-lspconfig = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nvim-lspconfig";
+    version = "2022-02-21";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "neovim";
+      repo = "nvim-lspconfig";
+      rev = "ec7119b166b16e681f663fcbf16b7139b38172ae";
+      sha256 = "115d4n8i9cjafsl0nkrljcswn5qd0ny1cw7w1mw67sjddp79cqq7";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/neovim/nvim-lspconfig/";
+  };
+  nvim-lsputils = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nvim-lsputils";
+    version = "2022-01-29";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "RishabhRD";
+      repo = "nvim-lsputils";
+      rev = "ae1a4a62449863ad82c70713d5b6108f3a07917c";
+      sha256 = "0xl3crhgkzmas8zdcycgk11am3wx0az4jh7fh5n4lsjip8895p4s";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/RishabhRD/nvim-lsputils/";
+  };
+  nvim-metals = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nvim-metals";
+    version = "2022-02-21";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "scalameta";
+      repo = "nvim-metals";
+      rev = "e9553362f1bff508fa947fce09bba297cfac0f79";
+      sha256 = "1k3bprxzn3qqm4a7rz2l7pld2am9aggcmvrrr6ak7aafd14v5fs9";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/scalameta/nvim-metals/";
+  };
+  nvim-neoclip-lua = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nvim-neoclip.lua";
+    version = "2022-02-20";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "AckslD";
+      repo = "nvim-neoclip.lua";
+      rev = "8213c2c59c99fdaccb3ea5fe9fed2a532fd3fdf8";
+      sha256 = "1hi1yjdaxjsawgci230cnxa5anniq2s6ijxy7z2ibsyfn1jcpb0b";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/AckslD/nvim-neoclip.lua/";
+  };
+  nvim-nonicons = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nvim-nonicons";
+    version = "2021-12-06";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "yamatsum";
+      repo = "nvim-nonicons";
+      rev = "cdb104f58c46a62ff9f484f49f8660d46db6326f";
+      sha256 = "0xqhcfp9qxnqn96ykycsyamwjjqrp7qfv7hshs9h4xa6c51yaqy4";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/yamatsum/nvim-nonicons/";
+  };
+  nvim-notify = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nvim-notify";
+    version = "2022-02-20";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "rcarriga";
+      repo = "nvim-notify";
+      rev = "57093e9f3749c57f20f49d7e10be9c7d15018c86";
+      sha256 = "03slk1lbgn2r66hw2gh34ja1l8kjx6qwc6p0g18bd7w1aazb3g9i";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/rcarriga/nvim-notify/";
+  };
+  nvim-peekup = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nvim-peekup";
+    version = "2021-07-05";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "gennaro-tedesco";
+      repo = "nvim-peekup";
+      rev = "e8ad8c7160e1f8ed2a7e4e071110b8b18866b463";
+      sha256 = "1kjvz2hv05a2id72xi28n1iq7cclcvy3ql74h8f0vcpn10zqvfxx";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/gennaro-tedesco/nvim-peekup/";
+  };
+  nvim-scrollview = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nvim-scrollview";
+    version = "2022-02-11";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "dstein64";
+      repo = "nvim-scrollview";
+      rev = "b6d26e21573c25e9c5faca69a1f905abe66fa294";
+      sha256 = "1qsqkgs22r128jb4lvadzv15dzn586x300fwgimkl1q464cdawmx";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/dstein64/nvim-scrollview/";
+  };
+  nvim-solarized-lua = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nvim-solarized-lua";
+    version = "2022-01-22";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ishan9299";
+      repo = "nvim-solarized-lua";
+      rev = "995ae7e0baa4b5d42c094ffa7d6b3fe9459397c3";
+      sha256 = "01dsbdlizckvw34hwzq7jkdhsv5008jzj9p140c177zv4qps2kll";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ishan9299/nvim-solarized-lua/";
+  };
+  nvim-spectre = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nvim-spectre";
+    version = "2022-02-10";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "nvim-pack";
+      repo = "nvim-spectre";
+      rev = "208d983e9bab4d0eb98b4642636e1b4f41c5280a";
+      sha256 = "0yq7whrlzrwiyk6xzakvrf9drrr21gy2s5318rnn9r01mp27z6in";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/nvim-pack/nvim-spectre/";
+  };
+  nvim-terminal-lua = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nvim-terminal.lua";
+    version = "2019-10-17";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "norcalli";
+      repo = "nvim-terminal.lua";
+      rev = "095f98aaa7265628a72cd2706350c091544b5602";
+      sha256 = "09hass19v3wrqgxjcr3b59w462lp2nw533zwb1nnmiz99gx1znpx";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/norcalli/nvim-terminal.lua/";
+  };
+  nvim-tree-lua = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nvim-tree.lua";
+    version = "2022-02-22";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "kyazdani42";
+      repo = "nvim-tree.lua";
+      rev = "3486c48225265792842545e90dc041e5a214686d";
+      sha256 = "0bhp85j5446riacblingmd6z316hdh92lpp0p2kd4sckfw6ih8ja";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/kyazdani42/nvim-tree.lua/";
+  };
+  nvim-treesitter = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nvim-treesitter";
+    version = "2022-02-22";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "nvim-treesitter";
+      repo = "nvim-treesitter";
+      rev = "3533721282669e945b62b3ae9c53d4c5ffe16c76";
+      sha256 = "0mlckwhammzh93kililzipynqzw4r09r2xk77yygka54y8vv9kjm";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter/";
+  };
+  nvim-treesitter-context = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nvim-treesitter-context";
+    version = "2022-01-12";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "romgrk";
+      repo = "nvim-treesitter-context";
+      rev = "b7d7aba81683c1cd76141e090ff335bb55332cba";
+      sha256 = "113vvcisnypfbbnw9l9jq0avsh95p286gay3vb60ykfxjfbxsw1q";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/romgrk/nvim-treesitter-context/";
+  };
+  nvim-treesitter-pyfold = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nvim-treesitter-pyfold";
+    version = "2021-05-22";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "eddiebergman";
+      repo = "nvim-treesitter-pyfold";
+      rev = "01185457e9c0a118d5807998de624179bc605a2a";
+      sha256 = "13dhix449mvbfsmg8j1554nv6i7gdr8d6143gdy3ihp8sx66bg6k";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/eddiebergman/nvim-treesitter-pyfold/";
+  };
+  nvim-treesitter-refactor = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nvim-treesitter-refactor";
+    version = "2022-01-22";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "nvim-treesitter";
+      repo = "nvim-treesitter-refactor";
+      rev = "0dc8069641226904f9757de786a6ab2273eb73ea";
+      sha256 = "193fk657wjxz7hfbkjw566bng62vv7432cjhb5rwcig04xd5izqm";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter-refactor/";
+  };
+  nvim-treesitter-textobjects = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nvim-treesitter-textobjects";
+    version = "2022-02-07";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "nvim-treesitter";
+      repo = "nvim-treesitter-textobjects";
+      rev = "fea609aa58b3390a09e8df0e96902fd4b094d8b7";
+      sha256 = "0221ax71334ghsr8xznp9jk2iv9r0bin47ch8r7hsfh4r0wgc5w7";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter-textobjects/";
+  };
+  nvim-ts-autotag = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nvim-ts-autotag";
+    version = "2022-02-09";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "windwp";
+      repo = "nvim-ts-autotag";
+      rev = "5149f0c6557fa4a492d82895a564f4cd4a9c7715";
+      sha256 = "0zyx4qkm6gq2lw75f2b1k974dv3bz12gd4f6j76dr805b8kq6l5m";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/windwp/nvim-ts-autotag/";
+  };
+  nvim-ts-context-commentstring = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nvim-ts-context-commentstring";
+    version = "2021-12-13";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "joosepalviste";
+      repo = "nvim-ts-context-commentstring";
+      rev = "097df33c9ef5bbd3828105e4bee99965b758dc3f";
+      sha256 = "1q6n98kfhi4ra2rgijv32z0m63r6waih8j8zdy0g4ffk4ycqxsf0";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/joosepalviste/nvim-ts-context-commentstring/";
+  };
+  nvim-ts-rainbow = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nvim-ts-rainbow";
+    version = "2022-02-09";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "p00f";
+      repo = "nvim-ts-rainbow";
+      rev = "c6c26c4def0e9cd82f371ba677d6fc9baa0038af";
+      sha256 = "0q0awc93l6cafbvb3wghrmvsn0qqg8hgkhfy5r86bvr0prwbvxga";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/p00f/nvim-ts-rainbow/";
+  };
+  nvim-web-devicons = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nvim-web-devicons";
+    version = "2022-02-19";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "kyazdani42";
+      repo = "nvim-web-devicons";
+      rev = "4415d1aaa56f73b9c05795af84d625c610b05d3b";
+      sha256 = "1n2301a0jxf2z79bc5hp97r48vsh25hy9bfrx12my6ag839ayyyj";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons/";
+  };
+  nvim-whichkey-setup-lua = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nvim-whichkey-setup.lua";
+    version = "2021-04-16";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "AckslD";
+      repo = "nvim-whichkey-setup.lua";
+      rev = "b2df0761b8ba3fca31b7ae1b0afcad2f8a4e89f4";
+      sha256 = "02bidgicrrx6jwm6hpcq0waqdzif2rws2q1i47zvi5x9i3zyl5cx";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/AckslD/nvim-whichkey-setup.lua/";
+  };
+  nvim-yarp = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nvim-yarp";
+    version = "2020-04-08";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "roxma";
+      repo = "nvim-yarp";
+      rev = "b710bf4daccb603a423754794fb446e5fbb59576";
+      sha256 = "16ma42niwsc066s991idfbwvm0dvwqwdr2zfkc3av10hyimxnzbb";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/roxma/nvim-yarp/";
+  };
+  nvim_context_vt = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nvim_context_vt";
+    version = "2022-02-18";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "haringsrob";
+      repo = "nvim_context_vt";
+      rev = "bcc89cabb4841134c9aec66480499ccfac0331d6";
+      sha256 = "1h350dwl73qdkyyc9nzc92grg858nardspisc49zv1dc3b9f34bj";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/haringsrob/nvim_context_vt/";
+  };
+  nvimdev-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "nvimdev.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-19";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "neovim";
+      repo = "nvimdev.nvim";
+      rev = "db19db97a5039b8485a9768873e4afd3cd731625";
+      sha256 = "0bkxjq3mm6v8h7zsv4mw92nnbj16cxmswdapn7zd2nld23ysyv0l";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/neovim/nvimdev.nvim/";
+  };
+  oceanic-material = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "oceanic-material";
+    version = "2020-11-02";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "glepnir";
+      repo = "oceanic-material";
+      rev = "900f487a1e8229a12f247a0cb7a533fe258945ae";
+      sha256 = "1i6k2p11bsvjrkn9sdkql0im8ys8l9y0l6i850n9hdzvq919cfxv";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/glepnir/oceanic-material/";
+  };
+  oceanic-next = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "oceanic-next";
+    version = "2021-02-05";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "mhartington";
+      repo = "oceanic-next";
+      rev = "5ef31a34204f84714885ae9036f66a626036c3dc";
+      sha256 = "1wazbyxaq71mlpyvyxrbrpyb9vgkcsj2y2zf1sba9gfjjszph482";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/mhartington/oceanic-next/";
+  };
+  octo-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "octo.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-21";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "pwntester";
+      repo = "octo.nvim";
+      rev = "3a393b404e7066a86afd1652f5be7c8074ed4030";
+      sha256 = "02ldc51k5agn9pjqzjbycdjyilz3v04c534wf0x2nsdi97ikf5vl";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/pwntester/octo.nvim/";
+  };
+  one-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "one-nvim";
+    version = "2021-06-10";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "Th3Whit3Wolf";
+      repo = "one-nvim";
+      rev = "faf6fb3f98fccbe009c3466f657a8fff84a5f956";
+      sha256 = "1ajg3vlrms2jy23sd2my0yrrng6wfjklq8fkpnkgxypd4gy6k9rv";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/Th3Whit3Wolf/one-nvim/";
+  };
+  onedark-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "onedark.nvim";
+    version = "2022-01-11";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "navarasu";
+      repo = "onedark.nvim";
+      rev = "e5f6772b61b4aea429db1d8cc61b8a91f467611b";
+      sha256 = "0nlr29ymv5hqiqblmlyac17w26s2y58jlaxmva4ms62x0wq4mxx0";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/navarasu/onedark.nvim/";
+  };
+  onedark-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "onedark.vim";
+    version = "2021-10-15";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "joshdick";
+      repo = "onedark.vim";
+      rev = "e86ce939d85576fb7ce6c1c45fd49c8a570c24cc";
+      sha256 = "19wq5xg1yvk5153c1b0zbhdzaga0ja45m3zm6a1wqb437wcqdqlx";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/joshdick/onedark.vim/";
+  };
+  onedarkpro-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "onedarkpro.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-16";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "olimorris";
+      repo = "onedarkpro.nvim";
+      rev = "7bfdf32cae7bf83f2209f25a180d9f0bc5330919";
+      sha256 = "1877bv4cy1gignpdvhp8xfqgmh4yg04ak7amf9h1q4wg29hna15a";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/olimorris/onedarkpro.nvim/";
+  };
+  onehalf = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "onehalf";
+    version = "2021-01-31";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "sonph";
+      repo = "onehalf";
+      rev = "141c775ace6b71992305f144a8ab68e9a8ca4a25";
+      sha256 = "1p3kxf9abj0xpxwb8hrpy4h0457rvkfkv3zv7czh322vhma4hhd8";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/sonph/onehalf/";
+  };
+  open-browser-github-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "open-browser-github.vim";
+    version = "2021-03-21";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tyru";
+      repo = "open-browser-github.vim";
+      rev = "ac7c034e300f36d591ef234dcd5eb5cd5c07c74f";
+      sha256 = "0n62h0gjakdc3bnpysny0rndhqhq7g5c97pgr42wz599wnr1pily";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tyru/open-browser-github.vim/";
+  };
+  open-browser-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "open-browser.vim";
+    version = "2021-10-05";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tyru";
+      repo = "open-browser.vim";
+      rev = "80ec3f2bb0a86ac13c998e2f2c86e16e6d2f20bb";
+      sha256 = "01qj967nch3wwkbshrsdzyyr4apvsqrpa4dkmpn21qr2183w84zz";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tyru/open-browser.vim/";
+  };
+  orgmode = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "orgmode";
+    version = "2022-02-21";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "nvim-orgmode";
+      repo = "orgmode";
+      rev = "6c8ec4e95755c0375c912c1f9cd1171e5fe23dec";
+      sha256 = "0s4j6j6v6fy7zn1b5zm3di7yxcpj1hm352379hsmah02a3h9jv1d";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/nvim-orgmode/orgmode/";
+  };
+  package-info-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "package-info.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-18";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "vuki656";
+      repo = "package-info.nvim";
+      rev = "10de4d0d50ec1d4d26118c4aa067a9d09e370c9c";
+      sha256 = "1mhhff6knqqq6pgmd3w6vfljcig37yyxvmrvhb205y67igy3vcr2";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/vuki656/package-info.nvim/";
+  };
+  packer-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "packer.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-16";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "wbthomason";
+      repo = "packer.nvim";
+      rev = "963cb58c3dd15699c801baf3e64393c6795b62e9";
+      sha256 = "0pq9c2xdhw7pshv8xsmrdachsfc4kr3n705jxhiqm95ml6c7fm5b";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/wbthomason/packer.nvim/";
+  };
+  palenight-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "palenight.vim";
+    version = "2020-10-20";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "drewtempelmeyer";
+      repo = "palenight.vim";
+      rev = "847fcf5b1de2a1f9c28fdcc369d009996c6bf633";
+      sha256 = "0v7jkg6rpwmyq0wl6lymm2j07r0mzab8lbsnxb0jw34hcpx0rfis";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/drewtempelmeyer/palenight.vim/";
+  };
+  papercolor-theme = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "papercolor-theme";
+    version = "2021-10-14";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "NLKNguyen";
+      repo = "papercolor-theme";
+      rev = "d0d32dc5e92564b63ec905a9423984b5d503c24a";
+      sha256 = "1h9ql0ryqblnmiksskh4phah1br1gbfc3zyylc8gczppgnxvgq5p";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/NLKNguyen/papercolor-theme/";
+  };
+  pear-tree = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "pear-tree";
+    version = "2019-12-08";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tmsvg";
+      repo = "pear-tree";
+      rev = "3bb209d9637d6bd7506040b2fcd158c9a7917db3";
+      sha256 = "0n70rzw34lsnnprqna90ssqrka33qx3z0n2kj19ps8yp3j6lsxvk";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tmsvg/pear-tree/";
+  };
+  pears-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "pears.nvim";
+    version = "2021-05-27";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "steelsojka";
+      repo = "pears.nvim";
+      rev = "14e6c47c74768b74190a529e41911ae838c45254";
+      sha256 = "04kg7g6v6k6jv2pmapaqvkvf6py1i211l822m3lsvf26jcyfs3ag";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/steelsojka/pears.nvim/";
+  };
+  peskcolor-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "peskcolor.vim";
+    version = "2016-06-11";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "andsild";
+      repo = "peskcolor.vim";
+      rev = "cba4fc739bbebacd503158f6509d9c226651f363";
+      sha256 = "15hw3casr5y3ckgcn6aq8vhk6g2hym41w51nvgf34hbj9fx1nvkq";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/andsild/peskcolor.vim/";
+  };
+  pgsql-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "pgsql.vim";
+    version = "2021-12-08";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "lifepillar";
+      repo = "pgsql.vim";
+      rev = "736c9899163a7f4e212c1675d8a1fe42570a027a";
+      sha256 = "0z79jpjncdfc1a6c2992g9q0qrsr90cpp1zh07nr8pzp9rqzgjsw";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/lifepillar/pgsql.vim/";
+  };
+  pig-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "pig.vim";
+    version = "2017-06-08";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "motus";
+      repo = "pig.vim";
+      rev = "60d8a0883d3e474e61af46b581a5ce3af65e9bb5";
+      sha256 = "0az48a3slpzljb69d60cpahkshmdbss0snc8lmvf4yrc1gx8yncv";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/motus/pig.vim/";
+  };
+  plantuml-syntax = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "plantuml-syntax";
+    version = "2022-02-20";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "aklt";
+      repo = "plantuml-syntax";
+      rev = "660bbb1ece1e654b2176f76ce0689304c5a4a025";
+      sha256 = "05xf36np8y0gdcd05nzmkawh131lp4mm5cjgjr1byr8cjyl1idr3";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/aklt/plantuml-syntax/";
+  };
+  playground = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "playground";
+    version = "2022-02-16";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "nvim-treesitter";
+      repo = "playground";
+      rev = "9df82a27a49e1c14e9d7416b537517a79d675086";
+      sha256 = "1hhrcsrgcy3vqxn9gsm68r77n6z5bw4cr0r47darffan5rxykz21";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/nvim-treesitter/playground/";
+  };
+  plenary-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "plenary.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-19";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "nvim-lua";
+      repo = "plenary.nvim";
+      rev = "2a278c8a12a399e25b78a43ebcd4f3996cd4e4b6";
+      sha256 = "1z4mzm1bykyp82598cdxps3i8g68bzkfnc8ffr3ajmlcf0ylj6aq";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/nvim-lua/plenary.nvim/";
+  };
+  pony-vim-syntax = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "pony-vim-syntax";
+    version = "2017-09-26";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "dleonard0";
+      repo = "pony-vim-syntax";
+      rev = "caa34b3d7a15d9bfbfbb2f5944c85eb1eddcfafc";
+      sha256 = "0r2lv99hkm95dv8wy9rkrkcwz5wkmwggfwi5vakgw497l3a9jskr";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/dleonard0/pony-vim-syntax/";
+  };
+  popfix = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "popfix";
+    version = "2021-03-11";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "RishabhRD";
+      repo = "popfix";
+      rev = "f3571e676739208871bd38f9fa0fddf554b6a7a8";
+      sha256 = "19hvwxcqca8l6dvlaccfvqc8755bpr0z0hi7l9qiw6rm458bhchi";
+      fetchSubmodules = true;
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/RishabhRD/popfix/";
+  };
+  popup-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "popup.nvim";
+    version = "2021-11-18";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "nvim-lua";
+      repo = "popup.nvim";
+      rev = "b7404d35d5d3548a82149238289fa71f7f6de4ac";
+      sha256 = "093r3cy02gfp7sphrag59n3fjhns7xdsam1ngiwhwlig3bzv7mbl";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/nvim-lua/popup.nvim/";
+  };
+  presence-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "presence.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-09";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "andweeb";
+      repo = "presence.nvim";
+      rev = "ebdf23b9b180c7f162e3afb4a250c313ca2b7271";
+      sha256 = "0wygl17k2adbsy3pjyyb6amsrx14r11ldbqj21kmkjq289n58f6n";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/andweeb/presence.nvim/";
+  };
+  presenting-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "presenting.vim";
+    version = "2021-06-02";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "sotte";
+      repo = "presenting.vim";
+      rev = "fd826318582ffccf2f79aff7bef365d68f2ca4fc";
+      sha256 = "1s2c44ngv5vpszwg0nkcghb5flzq9pby1m0l7gr7vwb9p7xl3b83";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/sotte/presenting.vim/";
+  };
+  PreserveNoEOL = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "PreserveNoEOL";
+    version = "2013-06-14";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "vim-scripts";
+      repo = "PreserveNoEOL";
+      rev = "940e3ce90e54d8680bec1135a21dcfbd6c9bfb62";
+      sha256 = "1726jpr2zf6jrb00pp082ikbx4mll3a877pnzs6i18f9fgpaqqgd";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/vim-scripts/PreserveNoEOL/";
+  };
+  prev_indent = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "prev_indent";
+    version = "2014-03-08";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "vim-scripts";
+      repo = "prev_indent";
+      rev = "79e9b1b9a6895bfd15463c45595ca599987a4b23";
+      sha256 = "03xqdwfkc7a84742ldsggi7ix99c7dhpmg6j13gkasyfk487ryh6";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/vim-scripts/prev_indent/";
+  };
+  project-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "project.nvim";
+    version = "2022-01-19";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ahmedkhalf";
+      repo = "project.nvim";
+      rev = "cef52b8da07648b750d7f1e8fb93f12cb9482988";
+      sha256 = "1qwpp0a8llx437jms3ghx8wrc5rwnrkh52xp24ysymqr4lc1xfq6";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ahmedkhalf/project.nvim/";
+  };
+  psc-ide-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "psc-ide-vim";
+    version = "2021-05-31";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "frigoeu";
+      repo = "psc-ide-vim";
+      rev = "20ff325813ab114d70573a6768565a36aba796b9";
+      sha256 = "1s79rz8rjp9bqw4yn97wbmzkc6jav4nixvnky22vbma2d0ckkcm0";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/frigoeu/psc-ide-vim/";
+  };
+  purescript-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "purescript-vim";
+    version = "2021-04-21";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "purescript-contrib";
+      repo = "purescript-vim";
+      rev = "d493b57406d2742f6f6c6545de5a3492f2e5b888";
+      sha256 = "1qnf8lg4a6xxn335z57nqb4yp7ij62yr408nbc8m6xwnznck3wa7";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/purescript-contrib/purescript-vim/";
+  };
+  python-mode = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "python-mode";
+    version = "2022-01-28";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "python-mode";
+      repo = "python-mode";
+      rev = "85d2cd1a196ac1def79d4599b5be69395ed5b603";
+      sha256 = "0jk8pssliyar4qs42x9m1jgri446cr4yc7iv8l9wc9xn6r3qnm29";
+      fetchSubmodules = true;
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/python-mode/python-mode/";
+  };
+  python-syntax = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "python-syntax";
+    version = "2020-12-14";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "vim-python";
+      repo = "python-syntax";
+      rev = "2cc00ba72929ea5f9456a26782db57fb4cc56a65";
+      sha256 = "1w4yd25rnbhsps81agvq0kr3vcbifrlpb7h4z0vcgsx1nvmxy205";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/vim-python/python-syntax/";
+  };
+  QFEnter = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "QFEnter";
+    version = "2020-10-09";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "yssl";
+      repo = "QFEnter";
+      rev = "df0a75b287c210f98ae353a12bbfdaf73d858beb";
+      sha256 = "0gdp7nmjlp8ng2rp2v66d8bincnkwrqqpbggb079f0f9szrqlp54";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/yssl/QFEnter/";
+  };
+  quick-scope = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "quick-scope";
+    version = "2022-01-29";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "unblevable";
+      repo = "quick-scope";
+      rev = "5e2373e36d774e1cebd58b318346db32c52db21a";
+      sha256 = "1dqygvc1gr35niqqdqivz5vgqpca9yj68incq3z73rl9qya96pvx";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/unblevable/quick-scope/";
+  };
+  quickfix-reflector-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "quickfix-reflector.vim";
+    version = "2022-02-02";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "stefandtw";
+      repo = "quickfix-reflector.vim";
+      rev = "6a6a9e28e1713b9e9db99eec1e6672e5666c01b9";
+      sha256 = "0rm3vks354g36rc7lr721j7s0x0vpnqhyvc1nhchkhbn1h1yd1ry";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/stefandtw/quickfix-reflector.vim/";
+  };
+  quickfixstatus = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "quickfixstatus";
+    version = "2011-09-03";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "dannyob";
+      repo = "quickfixstatus";
+      rev = "fd3875b914fc51bbefefa8c4995588c088163053";
+      sha256 = "16vxhvyxq51y7wnx0c1fmdi2yb6kfr1pxijq65gxj8qwvbak2s3v";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/dannyob/quickfixstatus/";
+  };
+  rainbow = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "rainbow";
+    version = "2021-11-15";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "luochen1990";
+      repo = "rainbow";
+      rev = "c18071e5c7790928b763c2e88c487dfc93d84a15";
+      sha256 = "1m691f3w1zraam4cmq0sj9a86bmd7g1bhirrzqy5mg089x6n3rdc";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/luochen1990/rainbow/";
+  };
+  rainbow_parentheses-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "rainbow_parentheses.vim";
+    version = "2013-03-05";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "kien";
+      repo = "rainbow_parentheses.vim";
+      rev = "eb8baa5428bde10ecc1cb14eed1d6e16f5f24695";
+      sha256 = "1qw84imlhq4654mxazj7j3sp5g1j3yjxi496i08iix06dm15m5s7";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/kien/rainbow_parentheses.vim/";
+  };
+  random-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "random.vim";
+    version = "2010-10-18";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "vim-scripts";
+      repo = "random.vim";
+      rev = "b2d85eb24a38074eab37a5acf2a295e1f2ad8989";
+      sha256 = "1lzy2cq4jcrsqyxlnbnd0y6j4mabm09bi7q22lf6vinqlb84w7sp";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/vim-scripts/random.vim/";
+  };
+  range-highlight-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "range-highlight.nvim";
+    version = "2021-08-03";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "winston0410";
+      repo = "range-highlight.nvim";
+      rev = "8b5e8ccb3460b2c3675f4639b9f54e64eaab36d9";
+      sha256 = "1yswni0p1w7ja6cddxyd3m4hi8gsdyh8hm8rlk878b096maxkgw1";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/winston0410/range-highlight.nvim/";
+  };
+  ranger-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "ranger.vim";
+    version = "2021-12-13";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "rafaqz";
+      repo = "ranger.vim";
+      rev = "527c7c5371667f7848da91c2abc75c3998cbf1a0";
+      sha256 = "1rfzv6lxbhfk4xwdmhpc9b0xamfa2lrzc1xi630v1hakscjdjcm1";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/rafaqz/ranger.vim/";
+  };
+  rcshell-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "rcshell.vim";
+    version = "2014-12-29";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "vim-scripts";
+      repo = "rcshell.vim";
+      rev = "6b307c6e6e6948fbb27146b0f41b5fb2ddf8e1a8";
+      sha256 = "0dj6gjq213ljshnncal3ywzv8ply2lzqmvpzaf7vdsd6r6vss3ch";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/vim-scripts/rcshell.vim/";
+  };
+  readline-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "readline.vim";
+    version = "2019-12-28";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ryvnf";
+      repo = "readline.vim";
+      rev = "48f04c651728e8a7a8352eec697801aa32348564";
+      sha256 = "1vs91lkm9gwvp0bahx80ag6lw03r5x6kyih70l4sq8q0kydp5f13";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ryvnf/readline.vim/";
+  };
+  Recover-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "Recover.vim";
+    version = "2015-08-14";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "chrisbra";
+      repo = "Recover.vim";
+      rev = "efa491f6121f65e025f42d79a93081abb8db69d4";
+      sha256 = "17szim82bwnhf9q4n0n4jfmqkmhq6p0lh0j4y77a2x6lkn0pns5s";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/chrisbra/Recover.vim/";
+  };
+  refactoring-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "refactoring.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-18";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "theprimeagen";
+      repo = "refactoring.nvim";
+      rev = "7ebc76da62638a852a5a287a00ff94af32fe28da";
+      sha256 = "0gs5qb5s2ilqs2nskd9llgjd5zqcyx3yacyh56xwxr65yjvnpjg8";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/theprimeagen/refactoring.nvim/";
+  };
+  registers-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "registers.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-12";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tversteeg";
+      repo = "registers.nvim";
+      rev = "dd2bfa41b2c43d65f1f715e07acf1f1d34b37de8";
+      sha256 = "19w9v3blnr6x8sp2v362s7yq9yrcgdhkh5r18zkf75fhinaaivra";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tversteeg/registers.nvim/";
+  };
+  Rename = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "Rename";
+    version = "2011-08-31";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "vim-scripts";
+      repo = "Rename";
+      rev = "b240f28d2ede65fa77cd99fe045efe79202f7a34";
+      sha256 = "1d1myg4zyc281zcc1ba9idbgcgxndb4a0jwqr4yqxhhzdgszw46r";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/vim-scripts/Rename/";
+  };
+  renamer-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "renamer.nvim";
+    version = "2022-01-15";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "filipdutescu";
+      repo = "renamer.nvim";
+      rev = "80d627372f90660f135862c8a7f8941b28ee5373";
+      sha256 = "00ls708qx4i39gqdjw7l8i5az0k63i4y0ma30m5zsb1cz8gyzrnp";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/filipdutescu/renamer.nvim/";
+  };
+  ReplaceWithRegister = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "ReplaceWithRegister";
+    version = "2014-10-31";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "vim-scripts";
+      repo = "ReplaceWithRegister";
+      rev = "832efc23111d19591d495dc72286de2fb0b09345";
+      sha256 = "0mb0sx85j1k59b1zz95r4vkq4kxlb4krhncq70mq7fxrs5bnhq8g";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/vim-scripts/ReplaceWithRegister/";
+  };
+  rest-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "rest.nvim";
+    version = "2022-01-26";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "NTBBloodbath";
+      repo = "rest.nvim";
+      rev = "2826f6960fbd9adb1da9ff0d008aa2819d2d06b3";
+      sha256 = "0lb3rcc41rb9yhylmkpsj141yfk1kki1xkd4q2i9y0ld0mlwjjv8";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/NTBBloodbath/rest.nvim/";
+  };
+  riv-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "riv.vim";
+    version = "2021-08-09";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "gu-fan";
+      repo = "riv.vim";
+      rev = "201ffc4e8dbfc3deeb26c6e278980f53d81d7f6a";
+      sha256 = "1drl291lq44hf7qx1g6l5ivqclfb6ih9lj5qy5cmv9w9b3svwlv4";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/gu-fan/riv.vim/";
+  };
+  rnvimr = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "rnvimr";
+    version = "2022-01-10";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "kevinhwang91";
+      repo = "rnvimr";
+      rev = "86da77b6861a21aef04d644b7ad41751d9b66240";
+      sha256 = "06qarvvkxiz126446dd486zwi9yr7qxlgy4vwi38y2gyn793rv0q";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/kevinhwang91/rnvimr/";
+  };
+  robotframework-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "robotframework-vim";
+    version = "2017-04-14";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "mfukar";
+      repo = "robotframework-vim";
+      rev = "75d5b371a4da2a090a2872d55bd0dead013f334e";
+      sha256 = "091ac5rq6f1a7j2q3dy9rc00vckv21m4wd29ijj63jannr02v5ad";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/mfukar/robotframework-vim/";
+  };
+  ron-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "ron.vim";
+    version = "2020-08-22";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ron-rs";
+      repo = "ron.vim";
+      rev = "04004b3395d219f95a533c4badd5ba831b7b7c07";
+      sha256 = "1xlr8slwcr6b9p33awf8xzdp04myv6dcsxwi50val4vzvzcgyrcl";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ron-rs/ron.vim/";
+  };
+  rspec-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "rspec.vim";
+    version = "2020-08-20";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "keith";
+      repo = "rspec.vim";
+      rev = "e49d306de952c2195233b83f9ca9fa94e19affe4";
+      sha256 = "0445abk039qlhk5s9jm5hawfksds5dgshb1lspvfkz8slk6m076z";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/keith/rspec.vim/";
+  };
+  rtorrent-syntax-file = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "rtorrent-syntax-file";
+    version = "2016-03-19";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ccarpita";
+      repo = "rtorrent-syntax-file";
+      rev = "885ca182c02bbbed4b62a3fcfe6fe62fa5b419ca";
+      sha256 = "1vhvmwnwi6862cckl8dqr8pgy0inrr0c31lic89826yv7mfl9mbz";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ccarpita/rtorrent-syntax-file/";
+  };
+  rust-tools-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "rust-tools.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-22";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "simrat39";
+      repo = "rust-tools.nvim";
+      rev = "9e28459c1f92de3341d70d6e9bc3ad76990e90ad";
+      sha256 = "0p5w2sy2393k3d9phr8g1nafjccg1183gxkwqsibk6pr0qqsy2wd";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/simrat39/rust-tools.nvim/";
+  };
+  rust-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "rust.vim";
+    version = "2021-10-05";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "rust-lang";
+      repo = "rust.vim";
+      rev = "4aa69b84c8a58fcec6b6dad6fe244b916b1cf830";
+      sha256 = "07nh8gvkwq91i7qcz0rk5jlc8sb4d3af4zq2892kmmw576zg1wd8";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/rust-lang/rust.vim/";
+  };
+  sad-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "sad.vim";
+    version = "2019-02-18";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "hauleth";
+      repo = "sad.vim";
+      rev = "2f5b33b239a566ffedaa81cee3051bb613482d1e";
+      sha256 = "11kxnrp3b6qc2rcp5jdqjb7cxh6lqy09v3yh7dk4kd51jkgxqbn4";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/hauleth/sad.vim/";
+  };
+  salt-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "salt-vim";
+    version = "2017-07-01";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "saltstack";
+      repo = "salt-vim";
+      rev = "6ca9e3500cc39dd417b411435d58a1b720b331cc";
+      sha256 = "0r79bpl98xcsmkw6dg83cf1ghn89rzsr011zirk3v1wfxclri2c4";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/saltstack/salt-vim/";
+  };
+  SchemaStore-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "SchemaStore.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-18";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "b0o";
+      repo = "SchemaStore.nvim";
+      rev = "45761cc7f76abc543e614e2fafa1ea146f4313bb";
+      sha256 = "14d7pfrr57i1b8kjg6bn3v6z7pa7vqrpa0gi4y0wqjmwiyl22zvm";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/b0o/SchemaStore.nvim/";
+  };
+  scrollbar-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "scrollbar.nvim";
+    version = "2021-11-16";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "Xuyuanp";
+      repo = "scrollbar.nvim";
+      rev = "590b23af866a32277cf803aca0fd770d5b39c2e7";
+      sha256 = "1dvlmmxykf3vyhyvv5aiqbz8fd7zvpw4xq1nxnf3wyj371caawaq";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/Xuyuanp/scrollbar.nvim/";
+  };
+  securemodelines = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "securemodelines";
+    version = "2019-02-09";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "RobertAudi";
+      repo = "securemodelines";
+      rev = "657ebcb88be5e09b715cac903a874046bdd7fc4e";
+      sha256 = "0cqf2vakfhfb3wjmz5kz9kync252sffx3rvlnb8vbfs1p6l19vhs";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/RobertAudi/securemodelines/";
+  };
+  self = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "self";
+    version = "2014-05-28";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "megaannum";
+      repo = "self";
+      rev = "2ed666b547eddee6ae1fcc63babca4ba0b66a59f";
+      sha256 = "1gcwn6i5i3msg7hrlzsnv1bs6pm4jz9cff8ppaz2xdj8xv9qy6fn";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/megaannum/self/";
+  };
+  semantic-highlight-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "semantic-highlight.vim";
+    version = "2020-09-11";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "jaxbot";
+      repo = "semantic-highlight.vim";
+      rev = "7e141c2b7be0f2600276004fd2e7382a3fa0f690";
+      sha256 = "04975ly6zd58zhs2v07dw6m1dha0gkmfm0pvhlrgcrf2qp8n4m3v";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/jaxbot/semantic-highlight.vim/";
+  };
+  semshi = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "semshi";
+    version = "2021-07-24";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "numirias";
+      repo = "semshi";
+      rev = "252f07fd5f0ae9eb19d02bae979fd7c9152c1ccf";
+      sha256 = "0r1nrkhyhk08vfhf9hnbhjlnqy0imqhdqx31y301k2kb31hyiyq3";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/numirias/semshi/";
+  };
+  seoul256-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "seoul256.vim";
+    version = "2021-11-22";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "junegunn";
+      repo = "seoul256.vim";
+      rev = "57e545942fff2f796f26715bc0e937243dfa30c0";
+      sha256 = "06k8fwi44836vsrcghn1s9wp6grrbddy8fjf60cr5nr29zr0h2gw";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/junegunn/seoul256.vim/";
+  };
+  shabadou-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "shabadou.vim";
+    version = "2016-07-19";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "osyo-manga";
+      repo = "shabadou.vim";
+      rev = "7d4bfed1ea8985ae125df3d1403cc19e252443e1";
+      sha256 = "1kvik1yf7yjg9jdmdw38yhkksxg0n3nry02banwik7wgjnpvg870";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/osyo-manga/shabadou.vim/";
+  };
+  Shade-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "Shade.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-01";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "sunjon";
+      repo = "Shade.nvim";
+      rev = "4286b5abc47d62d0c9ffb22a4f388b7bf2ac2461";
+      sha256 = "0mb0cnf8065qmjq85hlgb4a1mqk1nwl7966l1imb54hpzw828rzl";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/sunjon/Shade.nvim/";
+  };
+  ShowMultiBase = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "ShowMultiBase";
+    version = "2010-10-18";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "vim-scripts";
+      repo = "ShowMultiBase";
+      rev = "85a39fd12668ce973d3d9282263912b2b8f0d338";
+      sha256 = "0hg5352ahzgh2kwqha5v8ai024fld93xag93hb53wjf5b8nzsz8i";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/vim-scripts/ShowMultiBase/";
+  };
+  sideways-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "sideways.vim";
+    version = "2022-02-12";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "AndrewRadev";
+      repo = "sideways.vim";
+      rev = "ab20cc8a6a7cb95679f99bc4ec724544f9b94c62";
+      sha256 = "01slcxzw485ik7mszj97x67576yw1l7i6imv3rfdn3cv7d216rj8";
+      fetchSubmodules = true;
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/AndrewRadev/sideways.vim/";
+  };
+  SimpylFold = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "SimpylFold";
+    version = "2021-11-04";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tmhedberg";
+      repo = "SimpylFold";
+      rev = "b4a87e509c3d873238a39d1c85d0b97d6819f283";
+      sha256 = "0ff5x7ay67wn9c0mi8sb6110i93zrf97c4whg0bd7pr2nmadpvk0";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tmhedberg/SimpylFold/";
+  };
+  skim-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "skim.vim";
+    version = "2020-11-11";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "lotabout";
+      repo = "skim.vim";
+      rev = "83faea7f2581005d4adc9256ec76e0fe3f8a15e6";
+      sha256 = "0wppb2wgpk085cwh9kmqzv6f30j2hb3brqx2ik371gkrcfbpf4ly";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/lotabout/skim.vim/";
+  };
+  sky-color-clock-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "sky-color-clock.vim";
+    version = "2018-11-03";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "mopp";
+      repo = "sky-color-clock.vim";
+      rev = "9d4232cc249083f3c5d2eb4e2848e491b52df4ca";
+      sha256 = "1ln50rahb177vilzr4zc7v9znm8xfid1v8gddl83gr9srdbn2bbz";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/mopp/sky-color-clock.vim/";
+  };
+  slimv = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "slimv";
+    version = "2022-02-11";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "kovisoft";
+      repo = "slimv";
+      rev = "1b88c3a67948b446720883ed8eadb8c2b83a21ef";
+      sha256 = "0m0kkc75ifg7lvk8p3vgq5iy8hr254ywj7hhjgxwzm2zbrwkr04s";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/kovisoft/slimv/";
+  };
+  smartpairs-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "smartpairs.vim";
+    version = "2018-01-01";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "gorkunov";
+      repo = "smartpairs.vim";
+      rev = "dc754c29509b1a942552b3cfa348e4aae209322c";
+      sha256 = "1pyynwz7wfbgccdxsyggzl0301qjj3wgyymah5spx8b3s42a6slj";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/gorkunov/smartpairs.vim/";
+  };
+  snap = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "snap";
+    version = "2021-11-01";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "camspiers";
+      repo = "snap";
+      rev = "500f97650136d4c5a00179d7f80dd614e13efdbe";
+      sha256 = "0gqqrci4wz6f19afg60hfbb54yj824nfar0n69gfj4sra7wjgqix";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/camspiers/snap/";
+  };
+  snippets-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "snippets.nvim";
+    version = "2020-09-09";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "norcalli";
+      repo = "snippets.nvim";
+      rev = "7b5fd8071d4fb6fa981a899aae56b55897c079fd";
+      sha256 = "1fdsx7d5nyhhklwidgh387ijd485g2836rwd5i1r0di777mp7w80";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/norcalli/snippets.nvim/";
+  };
+  sonokai = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "sonokai";
+    version = "2022-02-20";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "sainnhe";
+      repo = "sonokai";
+      rev = "5f9654ddbd828312af7f55202e5ecdc0ff4d6a8e";
+      sha256 = "1lgn7jb0dq5ri9izwwzsgwkldq71a43j3c6imyz562q51xcb4mgq";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/sainnhe/sonokai/";
+  };
+  sourcemap-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "sourcemap.vim";
+    version = "2012-09-19";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "chikatoike";
+      repo = "sourcemap.vim";
+      rev = "0dd82d40faea2fdb0771067f46c01deb41610ba1";
+      sha256 = "1gcgnynallz420911fdfm0ccbv3zs78p69nnh2ls1r4vlfp7g350";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/chikatoike/sourcemap.vim/";
+  };
+  SpaceCamp = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "SpaceCamp";
+    version = "2021-04-07";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "jaredgorski";
+      repo = "SpaceCamp";
+      rev = "376af5c2204de61726ea86b596acb2dab9795e1f";
+      sha256 = "0h3wxkswd5z9y46d6272sr210i73j5pwf5faw7qhr1plilfgx4gb";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/jaredgorski/SpaceCamp/";
+  };
+  Spacegray-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "Spacegray.vim";
+    version = "2021-07-06";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ackyshake";
+      repo = "Spacegray.vim";
+      rev = "c699ca10ed421c462bd1c87a158faaa570dc8e28";
+      sha256 = "0ma8w6p5jh6llka49x5j5ql8fmhv0bx5hhsn5b2phak79yqg1k61";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ackyshake/Spacegray.vim/";
+  };
+  spacevim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "spacevim";
+    version = "2018-03-29";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ctjhoa";
+      repo = "spacevim";
+      rev = "30142a518ba77feb22791b5cb2387d88b70c58f2";
+      sha256 = "0m389cnpg17ca8s7vb9yrs40sxb56zg32lcpilnd63zfi7awgscg";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ctjhoa/spacevim/";
+  };
+  sparkup = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "sparkup";
+    version = "2012-06-11";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "chrisgeo";
+      repo = "sparkup";
+      rev = "6fbfceef890e705c47b42b27be743ffed6f9296e";
+      sha256 = "17jgpvl879ik53rr3razfnbpfx63mzpp1rlvxxjsvvrk4g45dssm";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/chrisgeo/sparkup/";
+  };
+  specs-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "specs.nvim";
+    version = "2021-11-12";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "edluffy";
+      repo = "specs.nvim";
+      rev = "e043580a65409ea071dfe34e94284959fd24e3be";
+      sha256 = "1sg2i99ncx5j7al3mhwpnwyx1hila5gars0ak7q3n9yr4013i7dx";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/edluffy/specs.nvim/";
+  };
+  splice-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "splice.vim";
+    version = "2020-01-15";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "sjl";
+      repo = "splice.vim";
+      rev = "815a28e687fdf78b67e9b9cd4c21277bbe658873";
+      sha256 = "0bh1gr2h6w872ql72rdlzpk5znl4lz01x6lgyf330sickizz5mvb";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/sjl/splice.vim/";
+  };
+  split-term-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "split-term.vim";
+    version = "2018-09-30";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "vimlab";
+      repo = "split-term.vim";
+      rev = "a4e28cab77ad07fc8a0ebb62a982768c02eb287c";
+      sha256 = "12vrmbq1r8d6sgyxjwi0s856n1v4vjhrf8wpwq6l4ydmk1bnvjkb";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/vimlab/split-term.vim/";
+  };
+  splitjoin-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "splitjoin.vim";
+    version = "2022-01-08";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "AndrewRadev";
+      repo = "splitjoin.vim";
+      rev = "452d1359fb14731a316be49fb446a05d2c7d2f71";
+      sha256 = "0idp98hm8qbamfdav97c94b1fj6an9vha5rpkc4727n47fj5hvlq";
+      fetchSubmodules = true;
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/AndrewRadev/splitjoin.vim/";
+  };
+  sqlite-lua = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "sqlite.lua";
+    version = "2021-12-20";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tami5";
+      repo = "sqlite.lua";
+      rev = "3855b4ae6f20b73f8694f48b82ccc73a99d45b39";
+      sha256 = "1ymzmlkh0hhhvsgbzim91yr9ga8j1dgmfi2mmwpnhvvmf2ycr5xz";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tami5/sqlite.lua/";
+  };
+  srcery-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "srcery-vim";
+    version = "2022-02-04";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "srcery-colors";
+      repo = "srcery-vim";
+      rev = "2f0fd5fe6e47e7fe2a6de19a4b56ea4f86947780";
+      sha256 = "1fcrn6f05dabk6h4c5xhfczcr7mdg1hqnraas0021cr03lgnf63w";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/srcery-colors/srcery-vim/";
+  };
+  sslsecure-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "sslsecure.vim";
+    version = "2017-07-27";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "chr4";
+      repo = "sslsecure.vim";
+      rev = "a1ddb42bf7ebbe9db48109bb89433492754833cf";
+      sha256 = "1wjrpfphr6wwikrii2jxrw2l8523zzfbnrr6pjivj6ml86b38yk4";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/chr4/sslsecure.vim/";
+  };
+  stabilize-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "stabilize.nvim";
+    version = "2021-12-22";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "luukvbaal";
+      repo = "stabilize.nvim";
+      rev = "16d1d235f0b05beb423d8b5e4a32044441e7e8ff";
+      sha256 = "00vaxyrji34xr0lhlanrd1sbbnrnvx93k6mwff0hmxq05m4r665x";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/luukvbaal/stabilize.nvim/";
+  };
+  stan-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "stan-vim";
+    version = "2021-05-28";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "eigenfoo";
+      repo = "stan-vim";
+      rev = "2adaa984e531e1876f053cacb07d8d181d70fbd1";
+      sha256 = "1a826cfmwyn4kfyrj6164425gf2wbjs85cdkhzkqsrj0i924hjqz";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/eigenfoo/stan-vim/";
+  };
+  starsearch-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "starsearch.vim";
+    version = "2014-09-21";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "darfink";
+      repo = "starsearch.vim";
+      rev = "9b8cda1e628160c83846db5a30899a1a1ba5c1c9";
+      sha256 = "1i1ygdqwhz4jqmz9lzjnx1a7s5chdqjsvgkmnd9x0s8ixqa41bpr";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/darfink/starsearch.vim/";
+  };
+  suda-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "suda.vim";
+    version = "2022-02-10";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "lambdalisue";
+      repo = "suda.vim";
+      rev = "6bffe36862faa601d2de7e54f6e85c1435e832d0";
+      sha256 = "147ql1wpg543lyglhx47d79qii6d0dxw0vjwpwzvbxzrnwi50d56";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/lambdalisue/suda.vim/";
+  };
+  SudoEdit-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "SudoEdit.vim";
+    version = "2020-02-27";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "chrisbra";
+      repo = "SudoEdit.vim";
+      rev = "e203eada5b563e9134ce2aae26b09edae0904fd7";
+      sha256 = "0pf9iix50pw3p430ky51rv11ra1hppdpwa5flzcd5kciybr76n0n";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/chrisbra/SudoEdit.vim/";
+  };
+  supertab = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "supertab";
+    version = "2021-04-30";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ervandew";
+      repo = "supertab";
+      rev = "f0093ae12a9115498f887199809a6114659fc858";
+      sha256 = "1r1ck62raxhwcxjv7hic7jm9b5inm1vdqc51zn4nybclys7grnss";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ervandew/supertab/";
+  };
+  surround-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "surround.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-15";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ur4ltz";
+      repo = "surround.nvim";
+      rev = "01756d3f31aeb2307cca5b73f9fa74a0802e5bc3";
+      sha256 = "0adxynnlbybj04vxflvrqhcc7z8y3m7myimdm9xyz8vi18qkfk5p";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ur4ltz/surround.nvim/";
+  };
+  sved = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "sved";
+    version = "2021-10-22";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "peterbjorgensen";
+      repo = "sved";
+      rev = "2f98472720d0e0c7da5a93b4ab4574f75747f693";
+      sha256 = "070fzga0b039wjhfzb7s0s422kv3as7ifv94ma6vh62ml6zm6mpl";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/peterbjorgensen/sved/";
+  };
+  swift-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "swift.vim";
+    version = "2022-01-28";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "keith";
+      repo = "swift.vim";
+      rev = "478e11812f3ddb1778918bd243d8b27c9984ab26";
+      sha256 = "15kqlbp1spkbkrgaa9dwp7dbdppncq059cps1qljpqp49qmgay2l";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/keith/swift.vim/";
+  };
+  switch-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "switch.vim";
+    version = "2021-09-29";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "AndrewRadev";
+      repo = "switch.vim";
+      rev = "900c5d3ee79b1771c5e07bf7290068ea35881756";
+      sha256 = "0fqvwlf01v7bpsmb3ssqw1kbpvfrk7qvrwxsy4y1bnm60kvnqb7a";
+      fetchSubmodules = true;
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/AndrewRadev/switch.vim/";
+  };
+  symbols-outline-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "symbols-outline.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-22";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "simrat39";
+      repo = "symbols-outline.nvim";
+      rev = "758944ebc6919c50557b6eb3a52bc41187041fe2";
+      sha256 = "1qsa1i72h1vq7mxk8dd75786a1gjncc3jafc8gv5lajk7xyqc64j";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/simrat39/symbols-outline.nvim/";
+  };
+  syntastic = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "syntastic";
+    version = "2021-11-11";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "vim-syntastic";
+      repo = "syntastic";
+      rev = "2c4b33f6e6679fb5f3824d9cd38d4813c71a19a3";
+      sha256 = "18lb4rs9zrgn35b2x6b7pycd3h64virkadlidcy3xhzhsynlvwgr";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/vim-syntastic/syntastic/";
+  };
+  tabline-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "tabline.nvim";
+    version = "2022-01-16";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "kdheepak";
+      repo = "tabline.nvim";
+      rev = "c3dfa81da0a4eab7817207fa01fdcbeed783d586";
+      sha256 = "1ihblfr8bb300vfcdvsk74inw17s4c2s9xvsxgphnh85alaxbks4";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/kdheepak/tabline.nvim/";
+  };
+  tabmerge = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "tabmerge";
+    version = "2010-10-18";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "vim-scripts";
+      repo = "tabmerge";
+      rev = "074e5f06f26e7108a0570071a0f938a821768c06";
+      sha256 = "0prkyza1n49cdaslcr57w8zv15vw78mlqbzib2xipmawzjq02idq";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/vim-scripts/tabmerge/";
+  };
+  tabnine-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "tabnine-vim";
+    version = "2022-02-09";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "codota";
+      repo = "tabnine-vim";
+      rev = "bcb474cafade81a7fc1ecab4bd2ceda6fe359e66";
+      sha256 = "0mpawhqhnva3xqpxq27amd6hr0nls3zsxxwzb7bsrkzk4lc2p1kj";
+      fetchSubmodules = true;
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/codota/tabnine-vim/";
+  };
+  taboo-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "taboo.vim";
+    version = "2019-08-27";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "gcmt";
+      repo = "taboo.vim";
+      rev = "caf948187694d3f1374913d36f947b3f9fa1c22f";
+      sha256 = "06pizdnb3gr4pf5hrm3yfzkz99y9bi2vwqm85xknzgdvl1lisj99";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/gcmt/taboo.vim/";
+  };
+  tabpagebuffer-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "tabpagebuffer.vim";
+    version = "2014-09-30";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "Shougo";
+      repo = "tabpagebuffer.vim";
+      rev = "4d95c3e6fa5ad887498f4cbe486c11e39d4a1fbc";
+      sha256 = "1z6zlpzkhwy1p2pmx9qrwb91dp9v4yi8jrdvm1if2k79ij4sl08f";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/Shougo/tabpagebuffer.vim/";
+  };
+  tabular = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "tabular";
+    version = "2019-02-19";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "godlygeek";
+      repo = "tabular";
+      rev = "339091ac4dd1f17e225fe7d57b48aff55f99b23a";
+      sha256 = "0jq91770wsp2waw7pywxjqx59v0vg54gfzirgcd85pg61w22bfla";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/godlygeek/tabular/";
+  };
+  tagalong-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "tagalong.vim";
+    version = "2021-11-20";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "AndrewRadev";
+      repo = "tagalong.vim";
+      rev = "e9f58f764bbbd7e8de61785c4c5ee523727f06a2";
+      sha256 = "0lkkr42igsnfa5pr55q5a8kh1ggbl6ijig8ppcqs1pmhwwwyzkba";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/AndrewRadev/tagalong.vim/";
+  };
+  tagbar = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "tagbar";
+    version = "2022-02-06";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "preservim";
+      repo = "tagbar";
+      rev = "a0343f009025c0457edc92ab83b5a8ee5626d114";
+      sha256 = "14lqfkp6ldrdr67r2s5zjg9kml3llirsjbcvsczs0wmwmdl8r7bp";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/preservim/tagbar/";
+  };
+  taglist-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "taglist.vim";
+    version = "2010-10-18";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "vim-scripts";
+      repo = "taglist.vim";
+      rev = "53041fbc45398a9af631a20657e109707a455339";
+      sha256 = "07aa2gfc73lznyi7w7cybzanspza3p67cv5hxr21g43zhs5k9izd";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/vim-scripts/taglist.vim/";
+  };
+  targets-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "targets.vim";
+    version = "2019-12-08";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "wellle";
+      repo = "targets.vim";
+      rev = "8d6ff2984cdfaebe5b7a6eee8f226a6dd1226f2d";
+      sha256 = "192wq3x64x11nm2jhs4yrc627b0lh002dfnj72xrc7jak9vbdps9";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/wellle/targets.vim/";
+  };
+  taskwiki = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "taskwiki";
+    version = "2021-10-24";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tools-life";
+      repo = "taskwiki";
+      rev = "925d8ed2f522229d32d4cc39486080c244d20f7a";
+      sha256 = "1vifp4j2rkl6568ax3dsx42djl0gvkxaqgxlwzrnlkygmrwv76vn";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tools-life/taskwiki/";
+  };
+  tcomment_vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "tcomment_vim";
+    version = "2022-01-24";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tomtom";
+      repo = "tcomment_vim";
+      rev = "3729ae43318faca94b0a1e878f9c6717b171d55e";
+      sha256 = "07dhmfqrk6806648a0n9y98ngzk59b55j9nnsvvka0hl27q1mkl9";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tomtom/tcomment_vim/";
+  };
+  telescope-asynctasks-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "telescope-asynctasks.nvim";
+    version = "2021-10-22";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "GustavoKatel";
+      repo = "telescope-asynctasks.nvim";
+      rev = "80bd6570e5423d14ad1e6fd56a199955ac1b895f";
+      sha256 = "1vhjdj0jqxlyj6lmysjalnsbh5365fm2irs733hwycicd95f43iv";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/GustavoKatel/telescope-asynctasks.nvim/";
+  };
+  telescope-cheat-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "telescope-cheat.nvim";
+    version = "2021-12-05";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "nvim-telescope";
+      repo = "telescope-cheat.nvim";
+      rev = "8a169767c19db2f2ef2fb3fffe6adbac5a630282";
+      sha256 = "0x68zb1x1v7dkrbgz88wh9ffij0ngjr23k5axxhhi07ppynmhvag";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/nvim-telescope/telescope-cheat.nvim/";
+  };
+  telescope-coc-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "telescope-coc.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-21";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "fannheyward";
+      repo = "telescope-coc.nvim";
+      rev = "33a8785dc0d0a5fdd243875eba48bfec95e2cebc";
+      sha256 = "1zf4x7jwy0p52nq2yhzap9bi8kc4npbdvxs6gbwy9kd1ddidfrkb";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/fannheyward/telescope-coc.nvim/";
+  };
+  telescope-dap-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "telescope-dap.nvim";
+    version = "2021-03-26";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "nvim-telescope";
+      repo = "telescope-dap.nvim";
+      rev = "b4134fff5cbaf3b876e6011212ed60646e56f060";
+      sha256 = "1fcpw42bwl5iych3hxrrl08s5hm6r6k0qx2savw853f3ff982s38";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/nvim-telescope/telescope-dap.nvim/";
+  };
+  telescope-file-browser-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "telescope-file-browser.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-18";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "nvim-telescope";
+      repo = "telescope-file-browser.nvim";
+      rev = "d06fe1d4ade68ba17739025e55e941f9e977d37c";
+      sha256 = "1rvcbbr3bw1i3xykk519m67kw4qkr5x6j7nml5b7camlcdva6lih";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/nvim-telescope/telescope-file-browser.nvim/";
+  };
+  telescope-frecency-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "telescope-frecency.nvim";
+    version = "2021-12-06";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "nvim-telescope";
+      repo = "telescope-frecency.nvim";
+      rev = "979a6f3d882b7b5352cc6a751faa9c9427d40e74";
+      sha256 = "0fy357m0pb1r3ficlkf89hcl4p8pxqr5il83zv5kzdai4zdnqwa8";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/nvim-telescope/telescope-frecency.nvim/";
+  };
+  telescope-fzf-native-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "telescope-fzf-native.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-19";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "nvim-telescope";
+      repo = "telescope-fzf-native.nvim";
+      rev = "8ec164b541327202e5e74f99bcc5fe5845720e18";
+      sha256 = "0n2f5zdpxasswdkmci56n0avwcrwsdyp8csq3mzhzf7696vppli1";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/nvim-telescope/telescope-fzf-native.nvim/";
+  };
+  telescope-fzf-writer-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "telescope-fzf-writer.nvim";
+    version = "2021-04-16";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "nvim-telescope";
+      repo = "telescope-fzf-writer.nvim";
+      rev = "00a1ab1b0aeaa4ad9da238861325ea1ee6d90a44";
+      sha256 = "1c5kiqxg7i1cm69xzvlrrz8dsrpfz8c9sfrnhqc4p6c95kfsna57";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/nvim-telescope/telescope-fzf-writer.nvim/";
+  };
+  telescope-fzy-native-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "telescope-fzy-native.nvim";
+    version = "2021-04-08";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "nvim-telescope";
+      repo = "telescope-fzy-native.nvim";
+      rev = "7b3d2528102f858036627a68821ccf5fc1d78ce4";
+      sha256 = "1mb47ixnpgd7ygrq1cldp9anc6gxqly4amj0l1pgh8cllj63393v";
+      fetchSubmodules = true;
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/nvim-telescope/telescope-fzy-native.nvim/";
+  };
+  telescope-github-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "telescope-github.nvim";
+    version = "2022-01-25";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "nvim-telescope";
+      repo = "telescope-github.nvim";
+      rev = "b46686fd5a928aaf5d433dc9e2aae7d26453f530";
+      sha256 = "1dv4m8xycqq1npc99m5mdv4vh6dwcgf6p7nh1lk82kwyhz1rcw8l";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/nvim-telescope/telescope-github.nvim/";
+  };
+  telescope-lsp-handlers-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "telescope-lsp-handlers.nvim";
+    version = "2021-09-07";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "gbrlsnchs";
+      repo = "telescope-lsp-handlers.nvim";
+      rev = "d6d5983b0131ee2c386ca9e349f6621e12d971cb";
+      sha256 = "1x51mlj1c3cwmcjqssh89049q91423jxm3rv8s25pcw493zb2x6b";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/gbrlsnchs/telescope-lsp-handlers.nvim/";
+  };
+  telescope-project-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "telescope-project.nvim";
+    version = "2022-01-23";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "nvim-telescope";
+      repo = "telescope-project.nvim";
+      rev = "d317c3cef6917d650d9a638c627b54d3e1173031";
+      sha256 = "0kg2jh23cgbwjmvrc1cxvjka4y2j0qpi4r8dzzw0gs2nmdjmmic7";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/nvim-telescope/telescope-project.nvim/";
+  };
+  telescope-symbols-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "telescope-symbols.nvim";
+    version = "2021-08-07";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "nvim-telescope";
+      repo = "telescope-symbols.nvim";
+      rev = "d2d7d6b4298a1f733649526661d872c5e7a75521";
+      sha256 = "0jxnalhfgmnllwb38a9dgzrnrhdnxgcbi2p7m4jk5p87260a9gvk";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/nvim-telescope/telescope-symbols.nvim/";
+  };
+  telescope-ultisnips-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "telescope-ultisnips.nvim";
+    version = "2021-09-26";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "fhill2";
+      repo = "telescope-ultisnips.nvim";
+      rev = "f48b6d4f53b31507d3fd514905c6940409e8ada8";
+      sha256 = "0333k3m0fygc4r7w56csf0h282gf2wqrykl52n6310i9vardyqw7";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/fhill2/telescope-ultisnips.nvim/";
+  };
+  telescope-vim-bookmarks-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "telescope-vim-bookmarks.nvim";
+    version = "2021-08-12";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tom-anders";
+      repo = "telescope-vim-bookmarks.nvim";
+      rev = "b7a436eba6102c2bc73f49766a12e79d24ab8fb5";
+      sha256 = "0lak83b8y963hv61z2yfi1nyaapvq2hnhpcx7bc6h8v4jzyjis0n";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tom-anders/telescope-vim-bookmarks.nvim/";
+  };
+  telescope-z-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "telescope-z.nvim";
+    version = "2022-01-19";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "nvim-telescope";
+      repo = "telescope-z.nvim";
+      rev = "962766a35b8e8c77f3c92612101d4b2347687c00";
+      sha256 = "1ladvpxri5lbjdh6zvbqa306f9nanx80bxy216glq2sgz7br4f1n";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/nvim-telescope/telescope-z.nvim/";
+  };
+  telescope-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "telescope.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-15";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "nvim-telescope";
+      repo = "telescope.nvim";
+      rev = "df0b35c8bc0944164828ccba8ea17941423c6725";
+      sha256 = "0ryx507ynil4y8y989df06d2j6dci5ywdjr4nb7kgwrfj2hn4cv9";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim/";
+  };
+  tender-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "tender.vim";
+    version = "2021-05-24";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "jacoborus";
+      repo = "tender.vim";
+      rev = "7746453a045eaa97dc413a7209268345f33f3243";
+      sha256 = "0yxgcnx5x82ak74nz3pvkd1z8i3c7lcl068lh5izdpx65fk7m5yh";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/jacoborus/tender.vim/";
+  };
+  terminus = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "terminus";
+    version = "2021-12-28";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "wincent";
+      repo = "terminus";
+      rev = "12b07e390ea6346c91cd82edb0fa9b967164c38d";
+      sha256 = "1s964165x466hjcd3ykfd38jaqh274yygnfw34a66rhgjvhmfzmi";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/wincent/terminus/";
+  };
+  termwrapper-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "termwrapper.nvim";
+    version = "2021-03-28";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "oberblastmeister";
+      repo = "termwrapper.nvim";
+      rev = "e00da3cc137f795470818204fc2e712473481c78";
+      sha256 = "0a61n9dpf94rrkq79pjwn73axa1d2zfpsr2ci7wivg3inq7zsqyc";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/oberblastmeister/termwrapper.nvim/";
+  };
+  tern_for_vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "tern_for_vim";
+    version = "2019-01-23";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ternjs";
+      repo = "tern_for_vim";
+      rev = "994ffbe783da36d67786b6c66a4bf784c5eab300";
+      sha256 = "0vpi5lqlyf6kcc0ha8hf3ch2h8v3awidgpwbrv9f3bqvyg4yhdcd";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ternjs/tern_for_vim/";
+  };
+  tex-conceal-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "tex-conceal.vim";
+    version = "2022-01-15";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "KeitaNakamura";
+      repo = "tex-conceal.vim";
+      rev = "93ae39d9222b0892684d02324b85ee9d3647bf8e";
+      sha256 = "05nqqfxkxd8f9xky9mnfxw9g16z1005ka8zxaw52i0n35dg4gg8y";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/KeitaNakamura/tex-conceal.vim/";
+  };
+  thesaurus_query-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "thesaurus_query.vim";
+    version = "2022-01-30";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ron89";
+      repo = "thesaurus_query.vim";
+      rev = "23d8aa3f7d1a785e31e760e1b6b3b4c18abf8332";
+      sha256 = "0mh87m2jimblmdkfw5hr07li3zh2zmvgp23izc79k1i41v4yffsi";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ron89/thesaurus_query.vim/";
+  };
+  thumbnail-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "thumbnail.vim";
+    version = "2021-01-11";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "itchyny";
+      repo = "thumbnail.vim";
+      rev = "bfd408a3210c305aaf51e6ce31ac99497e6ab1ec";
+      sha256 = "1kh12d0dg932j9drby27fhg8vbjm8rwih33rm4yjba0316i8wcyv";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/itchyny/thumbnail.vim/";
+  };
+  timestamp-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "timestamp.vim";
+    version = "2010-11-06";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "vim-scripts";
+      repo = "timestamp.vim";
+      rev = "0437f9bddd4e699e8e9de176daacec234d42b56c";
+      sha256 = "1dvssbmz7xm4p83jmsqalkshbrk67cacsjvxjpnlw870zf2hqc8p";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/vim-scripts/timestamp.vim/";
+  };
+  tlib_vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "tlib_vim";
+    version = "2021-07-17";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tomtom";
+      repo = "tlib_vim";
+      rev = "70c4e222464020edc2809c932b488daaf891eeef";
+      sha256 = "1amx220nbh1s51z35pkhvl3110pbha5qj2rdgxvg8dbqha7py9fx";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tomtom/tlib_vim/";
+  };
+  tmux-complete-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "tmux-complete.vim";
+    version = "2021-03-26";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "wellle";
+      repo = "tmux-complete.vim";
+      rev = "87f6f96c73b599554d1d7f313413d7f9d0336096";
+      sha256 = "0bqh08q1jv05srd15bp9zrlrdzavxy83v153balvhrrvg3z4lk4x";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/wellle/tmux-complete.vim/";
+  };
+  tmuxline-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "tmuxline.vim";
+    version = "2021-07-20";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "edkolev";
+      repo = "tmuxline.vim";
+      rev = "4119c553923212cc67f4e135e6f946dc3ec0a4d6";
+      sha256 = "0gs2jghs1a9sp09mlphcpa1rzlmxmsvyaa7y20w6qsbczz989vm3";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/edkolev/tmuxline.vim/";
+  };
+  todo-comments-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "todo-comments.nvim";
+    version = "2022-01-19";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "folke";
+      repo = "todo-comments.nvim";
+      rev = "98b1ebf198836bdc226c0562b9f906584e6c400e";
+      sha256 = "02qjn45qpvxhw7zifw0a86alika5r8b5a98y1199jpdx2d7zks7j";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/folke/todo-comments.nvim/";
+  };
+  todo-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "todo.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-19";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "AmeerTaweel";
+      repo = "todo.nvim";
+      rev = "b252b4116812352161acfa73cdce6a15ffbde2eb";
+      sha256 = "+m3jy0ue0rAzRQ4hJDFPVVjNaOGNImkZjhIqI/AGTeY=";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/AmeerTaweel/todo.nvim";
+  };
+  todo-txt-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "todo.txt-vim";
+    version = "2021-03-20";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "freitass";
+      repo = "todo.txt-vim";
+      rev = "ed9d639de2e34eafb82f2682010ab361966ee40f";
+      sha256 = "1vw4vhbgxnlkl5m5y55xk81vrknw35s01dw21s815i8clp38zr7i";
+      fetchSubmodules = true;
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/freitass/todo.txt-vim/";
+  };
+  toggleterm-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "toggleterm.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-21";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "akinsho";
+      repo = "toggleterm.nvim";
+      rev = "981e207e17ecd8bf065b5b9201c1d6d2395e9338";
+      sha256 = "1dki7g3q7qp9fmp48h1zi5pyhvn9i6ypqnqhn7n721wsf01mzcrv";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/akinsho/toggleterm.nvim/";
+  };
+  tokyonight-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "tokyonight.nvim";
+    version = "2021-12-31";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "folke";
+      repo = "tokyonight.nvim";
+      rev = "8223c970677e4d88c9b6b6d81bda23daf11062bb";
+      sha256 = "1rzg0h0ab3jsfrimdawh8vlxa6y3j3rmk57zyapnmzpzllcswj0i";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/folke/tokyonight.nvim/";
+  };
+  traces-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "traces.vim";
+    version = "2021-11-17";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "markonm";
+      repo = "traces.vim";
+      rev = "803d97786d0fbe95d33fe3c69e213518ea296839";
+      sha256 = "1hqma8pjl1ladw8iraa6cnsp9jasx4w08zxq5q63ff5mzdb1avn1";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/markonm/traces.vim/";
+  };
+  train-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "train.nvim";
+    version = "2020-09-10";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tjdevries";
+      repo = "train.nvim";
+      rev = "7b2e9a59af58385d88bf39c5311c08f839e2b1ce";
+      sha256 = "1pbv8c2wb6b2h9czx7c0c8v0q7v0wc4w9s6qgw7hcbqdl3jv1svh";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tjdevries/train.nvim/";
+  };
+  tremor-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "tremor-vim";
+    version = "2021-09-07";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tremor-rs";
+      repo = "tremor-vim";
+      rev = "fe94939d107528f905e5751839e1c3df10f0561b";
+      sha256 = "1h4plzbdzw7zfl56i7xfk3dp7labzfyw6xzii3cv8fyahihs83sy";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tremor-rs/tremor-vim/";
+  };
+  trouble-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "trouble.nvim";
+    version = "2021-12-31";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "folke";
+      repo = "trouble.nvim";
+      rev = "20469be985143d024c460d95326ebeff9971d714";
+      sha256 = "00g1w1ry2gzklxvmvgy3dpig8njaziqz64yf7bqr9vqf0nxcvb5p";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/folke/trouble.nvim/";
+  };
+  TrueZen-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "TrueZen.nvim";
+    version = "2021-10-12";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "Pocco81";
+      repo = "TrueZen.nvim";
+      rev = "508b977d71650da5c9243698614a9a1416f116d4";
+      sha256 = "0sr4y1mg83l28l5ias2pv0gxkcgwailfjn2skx35z63f2il3zkbx";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/Pocco81/TrueZen.nvim/";
+  };
+  tslime-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "tslime.vim";
+    version = "2020-09-09";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "jgdavey";
+      repo = "tslime.vim";
+      rev = "9b2b99e409336584103b83c597fdb6234875ae25";
+      sha256 = "048ycam0awcf98zhha6c5n1fk366w559bmjcanik2sqlqw1f74as";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/jgdavey/tslime.vim/";
+  };
+  tsuquyomi = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "tsuquyomi";
+    version = "2020-10-16";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "Quramy";
+      repo = "tsuquyomi";
+      rev = "144526df5340d3bd0b413e6127c0393de171889a";
+      sha256 = "1amizvbpv4mwpi39x9xn5aj1kjkgl4sgh54irnhs4ga76zn0s09d";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/Quramy/tsuquyomi/";
+  };
+  twilight-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "twilight.nvim";
+    version = "2021-08-06";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "folke";
+      repo = "twilight.nvim";
+      rev = "8ab43c0fdc246fdd82382d7ef4ec383f8f755ef9";
+      sha256 = "0fh752l53yk3bnas07kds7vhmdnxrbslq126qdyqb6f1xgzb9gjj";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/folke/twilight.nvim/";
+  };
+  typescript-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "typescript-vim";
+    version = "2020-12-08";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "leafgarland";
+      repo = "typescript-vim";
+      rev = "67e81e4292186889a1a519e1bf3a600d671237eb";
+      sha256 = "1mpp4n7qgz3yq4vka8h5sbngc14w5bzd9s9c2csbv9ds8w0lpi0g";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/leafgarland/typescript-vim/";
+  };
+  ultisnips = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "ultisnips";
+    version = "2022-02-17";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "SirVer";
+      repo = "ultisnips";
+      rev = "ca21d30c7a72e0e18ad95f25ded5a5f820052685";
+      sha256 = "1zn97bjlhz3izs7dh97w528zlfi91k0pl95lrmr5cz2px65icsry";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/SirVer/ultisnips/";
+  };
+  undotree = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "undotree";
+    version = "2022-02-16";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "mbbill";
+      repo = "undotree";
+      rev = "08e259be24d4476c1ee745dc735eefd44f90efdc";
+      sha256 = "154k5wrs0lhx8dj2pqkhfgqk11csa1iw1dshn7n07iq0ab2wkimy";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/mbbill/undotree/";
+  };
+  unicode-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "unicode.vim";
+    version = "2021-09-02";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "chrisbra";
+      repo = "unicode.vim";
+      rev = "664d7b2e5cedf36ea3a85ad7e8e28e43c16f025b";
+      sha256 = "1033x76ixh2k454y23swqhn8bf9nibl8jzijva53c0xk7018kzh4";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/chrisbra/unicode.vim/";
+  };
+  unite-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "unite.vim";
+    version = "2021-02-06";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "Shougo";
+      repo = "unite.vim";
+      rev = "b08814362624ded3b462addba4711647879ca308";
+      sha256 = "0hk5xhn9zfas074hgv0y6lbc1jyj5kqjg4zdix8am3s97aqr96ms";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/Shougo/unite.vim/";
+  };
+  utl-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "utl.vim";
+    version = "2010-10-18";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "vim-scripts";
+      repo = "utl.vim";
+      rev = "67a6506a7a8a3847d00d3af3e2ed9707460d5ce5";
+      sha256 = "0ax68nmzlka9193n2h82qzvhzv4dv6lm7rg3b1vhj2pn1r6ci6p4";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/vim-scripts/utl.vim/";
+  };
+  vader-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vader.vim";
+    version = "2020-02-13";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "junegunn";
+      repo = "vader.vim";
+      rev = "6fff477431ac3191c69a3a5e5f187925466e275a";
+      sha256 = "153cr1mrf5w5lyr8374brwx1z5yl9h0cnijxnd3xikh3yi3pbmwk";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/junegunn/vader.vim/";
+  };
+  vCoolor-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vCoolor.vim";
+    version = "2020-10-14";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "KabbAmine";
+      repo = "vCoolor.vim";
+      rev = "bc19d684af09b1e146cf72176eea1ecded84882c";
+      sha256 = "03vaghwqr3k0nls365wk4qwzmvdvdvq41q02c3l5qv2vsdikmz5i";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/KabbAmine/vCoolor.vim/";
+  };
+  venn-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "venn.nvim";
+    version = "2021-10-19";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "jbyuki";
+      repo = "venn.nvim";
+      rev = "d5a9c73fe7772c11414fc52acbb1d1bdb1ebc70f";
+      sha256 = "1mzxvx1vqnm89yzzy6n3s30y9w7s38lbjhnwdf4diy0kdzyq8x06";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/jbyuki/venn.nvim/";
+  };
+  verilog_systemverilog-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "verilog_systemverilog.vim";
+    version = "2021-01-16";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "vhda";
+      repo = "verilog_systemverilog.vim";
+      rev = "0b88f2ccf81983944bf00d15ec810dd807053d19";
+      sha256 = "0zaxz1j2v8nvhd9x6bx3sj95i7h7c7029hmccls777ikyp6ynf0r";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/vhda/verilog_systemverilog.vim/";
+  };
+  vifm-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vifm.vim";
+    version = "2022-02-07";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "vifm";
+      repo = "vifm.vim";
+      rev = "cc6a3d9ac374078c16a49ace984d9130b307b5e6";
+      sha256 = "15yl6pk9c9dal23jlfc356z4v26a84jhflw5v04y33wv57b1kdfa";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/vifm/vifm.vim/";
+  };
+  vim-abolish = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-abolish";
+    version = "2021-03-20";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tpope";
+      repo = "vim-abolish";
+      rev = "3f0c8faadf0c5b68bcf40785c1c42e3731bfa522";
+      sha256 = "1w9zim2v1av3f43z8q7zh0ia8dgjxjwnvmzd4j3y25vy25avn0lb";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tpope/vim-abolish/";
+  };
+  vim-addon-actions = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-addon-actions";
+    version = "2020-05-03";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "MarcWeber";
+      repo = "vim-addon-actions";
+      rev = "6d350ca6075779af32016f0a0bd3e3521ec4a9eb";
+      sha256 = "1098jc4amwfvcrfjfa5hgmyrjrbl680c3s56h7grvyl3i6n4hj34";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/MarcWeber/vim-addon-actions/";
+  };
+  vim-addon-async = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-addon-async";
+    version = "2017-03-20";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "MarcWeber";
+      repo = "vim-addon-async";
+      rev = "eca316a4480f68c2cb62128f3187dc7b2002afde";
+      sha256 = "1lk8ma51dd0syi73vq5r4qk9cpy6cq3llizvh94hmxblfjpvrs7q";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/MarcWeber/vim-addon-async/";
+  };
+  vim-addon-background-cmd = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-addon-background-cmd";
+    version = "2015-12-11";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "MarcWeber";
+      repo = "vim-addon-background-cmd";
+      rev = "abf2abf339652d2bc79da81f9d131edfe2755f5a";
+      sha256 = "0csy68x686l3x5ancidxb5b6prg9k7ikybqzq3klx0gs5rmksfy4";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/MarcWeber/vim-addon-background-cmd/";
+  };
+  vim-addon-commenting = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-addon-commenting";
+    version = "2013-06-10";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "MarcWeber";
+      repo = "vim-addon-commenting";
+      rev = "b7cf748ac1c9bf555cbd347589e3b7196030d20b";
+      sha256 = "0alak8h33vada2ckb0v06y82qlib5mhyc2yswlv1rqh8ypzhq3mc";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/MarcWeber/vim-addon-commenting/";
+  };
+  vim-addon-completion = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-addon-completion";
+    version = "2015-02-10";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "MarcWeber";
+      repo = "vim-addon-completion";
+      rev = "021c449a5ce1ce4ac0af5955e05b0279c1cc0e75";
+      sha256 = "1ld059y2qwlc5bdfjm2p314s1qh31lxs54g944pw49r46s5nlslr";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/MarcWeber/vim-addon-completion/";
+  };
+  vim-addon-errorformats = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-addon-errorformats";
+    version = "2019-07-16";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "MarcWeber";
+      repo = "vim-addon-errorformats";
+      rev = "bb83675cb0b8cc377fb0a79ba492ba2445674ba6";
+      sha256 = "09cds33lb5gm69wv5plgidprm8nf52vvg9qdzpq9mihvinvj5qv7";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/MarcWeber/vim-addon-errorformats/";
+  };
+  vim-addon-goto-thing-at-cursor = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-addon-goto-thing-at-cursor";
+    version = "2020-02-07";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "MarcWeber";
+      repo = "vim-addon-goto-thing-at-cursor";
+      rev = "44f0cba27013cfc1f4e46697ba6de30b2a128cf7";
+      sha256 = "1s9021qnn95bzl8r7nx818j1kmjfjzg8xg07s071ic96lv40bcqp";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/MarcWeber/vim-addon-goto-thing-at-cursor/";
+  };
+  vim-addon-local-vimrc = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-addon-local-vimrc";
+    version = "2015-03-19";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "MarcWeber";
+      repo = "vim-addon-local-vimrc";
+      rev = "6a27f95b35befa70cd0d049329cd0920566c764b";
+      sha256 = "0n8lwl1gyak149p7jpgm0qbmfj8hcg8hirx3dxdhizw0yc47ws7h";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/MarcWeber/vim-addon-local-vimrc/";
+  };
+  vim-addon-manager = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-addon-manager";
+    version = "2022-01-12";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "MarcWeber";
+      repo = "vim-addon-manager";
+      rev = "4da23170ddbba1cac70a1a2678eba26b0e8b65c8";
+      sha256 = "1axqblq95d2ry8r35sggr291sr41af0nzm7p7wch2wpqcwz9w0qi";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/MarcWeber/vim-addon-manager/";
+  };
+  vim-addon-mru = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-addon-mru";
+    version = "2013-08-08";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "MarcWeber";
+      repo = "vim-addon-mru";
+      rev = "e41e39bd9d1bf78ccfd8d5e1bc05ae5e1026c2bb";
+      sha256 = "0q6rxr9nrp63kidr3m3c2z5sda4g813pzshg0scxkjr8dxwhzdqm";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/MarcWeber/vim-addon-mru/";
+  };
+  vim-addon-mw-utils = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-addon-mw-utils";
+    version = "2020-02-07";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "MarcWeber";
+      repo = "vim-addon-mw-utils";
+      rev = "6aaf4fee472db7cbec6d2c8eea69fdf3a8f8a75d";
+      sha256 = "1w99r6ck6gqg6b0fk9qj07q0b7p2qxav0ar6x294g34wsqij6xj5";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/MarcWeber/vim-addon-mw-utils/";
+  };
+  vim-addon-nix = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-addon-nix";
+    version = "2017-09-11";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "MarcWeber";
+      repo = "vim-addon-nix";
+      rev = "3001a9db5f816dd7af11384f15415bddd146ef86";
+      sha256 = "195z2yz09wirpqjpsha8x7qcr9is1q8qph4j0svws6qbqrkh8ryy";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/MarcWeber/vim-addon-nix/";
+  };
+  vim-addon-other = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-addon-other";
+    version = "2021-10-06";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "MarcWeber";
+      repo = "vim-addon-other";
+      rev = "450e22043f056b376f048d4689f4ad5e29fc91bc";
+      sha256 = "14dj4mb3dnr7zml69rmwc23gz7xz5fnhw3n7imswbk44a6yw5shq";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/MarcWeber/vim-addon-other/";
+  };
+  vim-addon-php-manual = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-addon-php-manual";
+    version = "2015-01-01";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "MarcWeber";
+      repo = "vim-addon-php-manual";
+      rev = "5f9810dd1f6e9f36a45f637ae6260ccff09256ff";
+      sha256 = "1kc67f12wccqdza069b75lpcbqp4kv4r23i4mfz0ihwif5mfnhir";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/MarcWeber/vim-addon-php-manual/";
+  };
+  vim-addon-signs = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-addon-signs";
+    version = "2013-04-19";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "MarcWeber";
+      repo = "vim-addon-signs";
+      rev = "17a49f293d18174ff09d1bfff5ba86e8eee8e8ae";
+      sha256 = "0i4gfp30hmw1vqjl6zxjrgkca3ikdkcnjmma2mncjmcr6f59kjzy";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/MarcWeber/vim-addon-signs/";
+  };
+  vim-addon-sql = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-addon-sql";
+    version = "2017-02-11";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "MarcWeber";
+      repo = "vim-addon-sql";
+      rev = "048a139af36829fce670c8ff80d3aad927557ee6";
+      sha256 = "0ihm157sby6csdwsnw2gwh3jmm3prm1mxwgkx2hsfwlmpb1vwwm3";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/MarcWeber/vim-addon-sql/";
+  };
+  vim-addon-syntax-checker = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-addon-syntax-checker";
+    version = "2017-06-26";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "MarcWeber";
+      repo = "vim-addon-syntax-checker";
+      rev = "739e5719b77c6aea3299c27fc1f4238ac54a8344";
+      sha256 = "1rcn1ps06156nyglvxg6m7pn3vhvmnv5ad6kidp59hggyr5332i9";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/MarcWeber/vim-addon-syntax-checker/";
+  };
+  vim-addon-toggle-buffer = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-addon-toggle-buffer";
+    version = "2012-01-13";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "MarcWeber";
+      repo = "vim-addon-toggle-buffer";
+      rev = "a1b38b9c5709cba666ed2d84ef06548f675c6b0b";
+      sha256 = "1xq38kfdm36c34ln66znw841q797w5gm8bpq1x64bsf2h6n3ml03";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/MarcWeber/vim-addon-toggle-buffer/";
+  };
+  vim-addon-xdebug = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-addon-xdebug";
+    version = "2014-08-29";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "MarcWeber";
+      repo = "vim-addon-xdebug";
+      rev = "45f26407305b4ce6f8f5f37d2b5e6e4354104172";
+      sha256 = "1i64ppdfp2qqq7vw1jf160mj4ikc04v39iazdab83xmiqjsh8ixw";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/MarcWeber/vim-addon-xdebug/";
+  };
+  vim-after-object = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-after-object";
+    version = "2018-09-17";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "junegunn";
+      repo = "vim-after-object";
+      rev = "7f52106df8a05e9bc1c53960c31a55f77e303903";
+      sha256 = "13726m0c73n5pw9gil4ahbg71ibklrwkw9yvbr6qxxvn6qyijpdy";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/junegunn/vim-after-object/";
+  };
+  vim-airline = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-airline";
+    version = "2022-02-06";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "vim-airline";
+      repo = "vim-airline";
+      rev = "d0c67776f27eb49cccbd58008724bd6caa00ed8f";
+      sha256 = "1nnwq2csz1nvj4si3y4b85sv8rihnbzxhwcm35dawki57qnvxkpw";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/vim-airline/vim-airline/";
+  };
+  vim-airline-clock = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-airline-clock";
+    version = "2021-04-14";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "enricobacis";
+      repo = "vim-airline-clock";
+      rev = "c37797d40aa882a71fc3fba0cc27abc637886623";
+      sha256 = "0rj53x4b0vjfrjvpr09vlz69r3y2rym4dab5lyx0sp3sgz9jqizm";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/enricobacis/vim-airline-clock/";
+  };
+  vim-airline-themes = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-airline-themes";
+    version = "2021-07-13";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "vim-airline";
+      repo = "vim-airline-themes";
+      rev = "97cf3e6e638f936187d5f6e9b5eb1bdf0a4df256";
+      sha256 = "0cbxjb1q7xlxykzq4ab4n3ny768ysf97f7h7d9spfmw286j3c2wi";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/vim-airline/vim-airline-themes/";
+  };
+  vim-alias = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-alias";
+    version = "2021-05-25";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "Konfekt";
+      repo = "vim-alias";
+      rev = "9d1a86284c223fad488137075867ba1c1bd20599";
+      sha256 = "1fqa39j3ax7cvj7bn33r545zwbplmf4b6n7z5jgqqn8h03hsq7x1";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/Konfekt/vim-alias/";
+  };
+  vim-android = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-android";
+    version = "2022-02-08";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "hsanson";
+      repo = "vim-android";
+      rev = "e9d03b12378b173b39d416df6469ca417b9cac9d";
+      sha256 = "1r7jcd8q41v1v0syy097qd34ydx0bczgad9ihsmsz83bdbx51dbl";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/hsanson/vim-android/";
+  };
+  vim-anzu = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-anzu";
+    version = "2020-06-10";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "osyo-manga";
+      repo = "vim-anzu";
+      rev = "1b95ec384487e559f0ee70e0f46c33683ff533ac";
+      sha256 = "0q6s9bb1yv7ir2al4gv69vv4c8m09j1ax47qbhchgz23iwka3vmz";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/osyo-manga/vim-anzu/";
+  };
+  vim-apm = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-apm";
+    version = "2020-09-28";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ThePrimeagen";
+      repo = "vim-apm";
+      rev = "2da35c35febbe98a6704495cd4e0b9526a0651e3";
+      sha256 = "09amrb7bzrnwga8cm21fm4ylp2l0jd7cyfsf43fcym3f1k0bycwb";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ThePrimeagen/vim-apm/";
+  };
+  vim-argumentative = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-argumentative";
+    version = "2014-11-24";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "PeterRincker";
+      repo = "vim-argumentative";
+      rev = "63a5f7deb675c38126de626f4c00e000902462fe";
+      sha256 = "06ggdw08gha51r8m35ncgbp6b52lcw52l297b8d9z1c4r6b0s1vj";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/PeterRincker/vim-argumentative/";
+  };
+  vim-argwrap = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-argwrap";
+    version = "2022-02-08";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "FooSoft";
+      repo = "vim-argwrap";
+      rev = "0faba07179f96cae2ab49cf2cc22ebeb922c1532";
+      sha256 = "1lb1rjp1q25gqpzbjix9anjxvx7cqw1qlacvc693f59gl8s8nbf4";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/FooSoft/vim-argwrap/";
+  };
+  vim-asterisk = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-asterisk";
+    version = "2020-02-03";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "haya14busa";
+      repo = "vim-asterisk";
+      rev = "77e97061d6691637a034258cc415d98670698459";
+      sha256 = "1bm99j4vskbgzfn09567qi0462dvjrpdkifc4hg24bi02bx9hjrj";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/haya14busa/vim-asterisk/";
+  };
+  vim-asymptote = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-asymptote";
+    version = "2014-06-26";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "hura";
+      repo = "vim-asymptote";
+      rev = "2c59b7d173bf3837c1378e60b0c51d911cdbe15c";
+      sha256 = "0j4hrirssgnh37crl3yvy2vxf7wigdir860z1qvn1m72hld8n32y";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/hura/vim-asymptote/";
+  };
+  vim-auto-save = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-auto-save";
+    version = "2021-10-15";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "907th";
+      repo = "vim-auto-save";
+      rev = "d8ff037621e2351278cf0892ca19ee7ce479e802";
+      sha256 = "1z075hb5wi7sv9yha4fxfxakcayymicg6av2gc9skaw8y2sx6jzn";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/907th/vim-auto-save/";
+  };
+  vim-autoformat = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-autoformat";
+    version = "2021-11-07";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "vim-autoformat";
+      repo = "vim-autoformat";
+      rev = "bb11f30377985e45e2eecef570856d42dbabb8b0";
+      sha256 = "1lx5lrb0hjijvwngvgsgchww70c1bgqf5qxj8lhvk11dvxn3k087";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/vim-autoformat/vim-autoformat/";
+  };
+  vim-automkdir = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-automkdir";
+    version = "2016-01-17";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "benizi";
+      repo = "vim-automkdir";
+      rev = "dec143a8d9b266f73a42c63ede85bfc26280f79d";
+      sha256 = "00ix0y1ijbis8pj7pf6gv2g5z2s7kxwlr0viybwrs0li5acym6jp";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/benizi/vim-automkdir/";
+  };
+  vim-autoswap = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-autoswap";
+    version = "2019-01-09";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "gioele";
+      repo = "vim-autoswap";
+      rev = "e587e4b14a605d8921942ba65a37583813289272";
+      sha256 = "0l0ijbdl2s9p5i3cxfkq8jncncz38qprp51whbjcda485d1knk9n";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/gioele/vim-autoswap/";
+  };
+  vim-bazel = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-bazel";
+    version = "2021-01-31";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "bazelbuild";
+      repo = "vim-bazel";
+      rev = "58c750d13ec2337ba3e5992f96891bbb843a9dbf";
+      sha256 = "0xsgj1j8xamkri75cjnih5xzwp8y7g1i7hgbbbmknz5d8jm3p204";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/bazelbuild/vim-bazel/";
+  };
+  vim-bbye = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-bbye";
+    version = "2018-03-03";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "moll";
+      repo = "vim-bbye";
+      rev = "25ef93ac5a87526111f43e5110675032dbcacf56";
+      sha256 = "0dlifpbd05fcgndpkgb31ww8p90pwdbizmgkkq00qkmvzm1ik4y4";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/moll/vim-bbye/";
+  };
+  vim-beancount = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-beancount";
+    version = "2021-04-29";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "nathangrigg";
+      repo = "vim-beancount";
+      rev = "2f970a0c826275f7d07fa145ba9a35c15b15232d";
+      sha256 = "0fzacrlfr8fy5j1kps1mbkik0ln7lgd9c9jv74xd3mrz50hzqzby";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/nathangrigg/vim-beancount/";
+  };
+  vim-better-whitespace = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-better-whitespace";
+    version = "2021-09-18";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ntpeters";
+      repo = "vim-better-whitespace";
+      rev = "c5afbe91d29c5e3be81d5125ddcdc276fd1f1322";
+      sha256 = "10xzxavz010a8ildkfmikyi0ly6rqi5d6a2ndzr0frd9ingbk79r";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ntpeters/vim-better-whitespace/";
+  };
+  vim-bookmarks = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-bookmarks";
+    version = "2021-08-22";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "MattesGroeger";
+      repo = "vim-bookmarks";
+      rev = "9cc5fa7ecc23b052bd524d07c85356c64b92aeef";
+      sha256 = "1w8g9jvyi765sp2icjb6c20yn0y6w69zfyh37a367aqk7r76nbk5";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/MattesGroeger/vim-bookmarks/";
+  };
+  vim-boxdraw = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-boxdraw";
+    version = "2021-01-28";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "gyim";
+      repo = "vim-boxdraw";
+      rev = "b7f789f305b1c5b0b4623585e0f10adb417f2966";
+      sha256 = "0zr3r4dgpdadaz3g9hzn7vyv0rids0k1wdywk9yywfp6q9m0ygj8";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/gyim/vim-boxdraw/";
+  };
+  vim-bracketed-paste = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-bracketed-paste";
+    version = "2018-05-22";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ConradIrwin";
+      repo = "vim-bracketed-paste";
+      rev = "c4c639f3cacd1b874ed6f5f196fac772e089c932";
+      sha256 = "1hhi7ab36iscv9l7i64qymckccnjs9pzv0ccnap9gj5xigwz6p9h";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ConradIrwin/vim-bracketed-paste/";
+  };
+  vim-bsv = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-bsv";
+    version = "2020-11-08";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "mtikekar";
+      repo = "vim-bsv";
+      rev = "b03893b98f5b772297e48671a9c5f92f1c7d10eb";
+      sha256 = "1cd0jmxmb30c50a0ssa96a34qm2r3vasnn0x6ah9azx75k4anrcx";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/mtikekar/vim-bsv/";
+  };
+  vim-buffergator = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-buffergator";
+    version = "2021-11-28";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "jeetsukumaran";
+      repo = "vim-buffergator";
+      rev = "0514af606a3b41bbe82c33875179b53300a3cb86";
+      sha256 = "1g1g2agj9dzgrk6ccr4ampyrsqjs4j6gqmvv75avq7q068glglzz";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/jeetsukumaran/vim-buffergator/";
+  };
+  vim-bufferline = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-bufferline";
+    version = "2016-02-09";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "bling";
+      repo = "vim-bufferline";
+      rev = "651fd010aa9613a4b8636a4af8a2db0d22800262";
+      sha256 = "0zls47a3v8dv3h63drbak1mxf3j2x3scvclk7bjwzlk2yp447das";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/bling/vim-bufferline/";
+  };
+  vim-bufkill = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-bufkill";
+    version = "2020-08-04";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "qpkorr";
+      repo = "vim-bufkill";
+      rev = "2bd6d7e791668ea52bb26be2639406fcf617271f";
+      sha256 = "1cvma03bg9psil67kg1x90lny7a31ljz5shybcl1jrfpzsybcqvg";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/qpkorr/vim-bufkill/";
+  };
+  vim-capslock = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-capslock";
+    version = "2022-01-15";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tpope";
+      repo = "vim-capslock";
+      rev = "529b32877e144f7c1a6fabe357317c4b7d94a98e";
+      sha256 = "1jay0hv9asvqpi02zcwp23l2b90n17qbc87jbvzgzjmqjgwi5dk6";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tpope/vim-capslock/";
+  };
+  vim-carbon-now-sh = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-carbon-now-sh";
+    version = "2021-06-18";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "kristijanhusak";
+      repo = "vim-carbon-now-sh";
+      rev = "d63101f65513cffe8834627ee127c067a7be5ad1";
+      sha256 = "1dvhhybykq9lppncxr3klh0x5j7rdw0dh55xhn58d4k3jdfwvrh8";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/kristijanhusak/vim-carbon-now-sh/";
+  };
+  vim-ccls = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-ccls";
+    version = "2022-01-29";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "m-pilia";
+      repo = "vim-ccls";
+      rev = "93ac5dbdeaaaed8fdfd6d850f1e57fb28d204886";
+      sha256 = "15dr487baghlhl559a4zqpm8vnpm77aci4gw9x95v4kds9g4g51k";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/m-pilia/vim-ccls/";
+  };
+  vim-choosewin = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-choosewin";
+    version = "2021-04-22";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "t9md";
+      repo = "vim-choosewin";
+      rev = "839da609d9b811370216bdd9d4512ec2d0ac8644";
+      sha256 = "1451ji3a7waxz1kc8l2hw96fff54xwa7q8glrin8qxn48fc4605n";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/t9md/vim-choosewin/";
+  };
+  vim-clang-format = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-clang-format";
+    version = "2021-12-04";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "rhysd";
+      repo = "vim-clang-format";
+      rev = "6b791825ff478061ad1c57b21bb1ed5a5fd0eb29";
+      sha256 = "00l0flcgbl7dipzq6yxqwlqfi43jrdgbs4bi14lw2wzki5wy3wmr";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/rhysd/vim-clang-format/";
+  };
+  vim-clap = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-clap";
+    version = "2022-02-22";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "liuchengxu";
+      repo = "vim-clap";
+      rev = "c22b4eaf296f8779ca8e6ccfa0a1497c4b5831ff";
+      sha256 = "13x7ykvh9qfdcik2x3yjz49xwww48b3cm1qq1qripnf2b19an3z6";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/liuchengxu/vim-clap/";
+  };
+  vim-clojure-highlight = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-clojure-highlight";
+    version = "2015-07-05";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "guns";
+      repo = "vim-clojure-highlight";
+      rev = "9ac6cb8fef04b2c243377adb671324a60952aee0";
+      sha256 = "0fg3faj0fq7b8pqr0i33qdg2xfd5966lrjl1wkq6jcgvdqamhz0y";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/guns/vim-clojure-highlight/";
+  };
+  vim-clojure-static = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-clojure-static";
+    version = "2017-10-23";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "guns";
+      repo = "vim-clojure-static";
+      rev = "fae5710a0b79555fe3296145be4f85148266771a";
+      sha256 = "0s98qrhv7xh7bvh8bm1vaxpw3n2mcxayay3k90ibgjrv1jpyvzx7";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/guns/vim-clojure-static/";
+  };
+  vim-closer = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-closer";
+    version = "2022-02-07";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "rstacruz";
+      repo = "vim-closer";
+      rev = "43acc7c59fca861cb92cc47f01f184d9d342a73b";
+      sha256 = "1q03kz5ffyz8ifxdn7bgf3r7jlqa8vya13pnjyqda15wly1fl0k8";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/rstacruz/vim-closer/";
+  };
+  vim-closetag = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-closetag";
+    version = "2021-03-24";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "alvan";
+      repo = "vim-closetag";
+      rev = "c0779ef575d5c239162f4ca3506cfb4a95d45a58";
+      sha256 = "1mkn6d7m23ak06pl8i328hd9x6qx5fzrg8ijz32lgd4a56k98n6i";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/alvan/vim-closetag/";
+  };
+  vim-code-dark = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-code-dark";
+    version = "2021-12-17";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tomasiser";
+      repo = "vim-code-dark";
+      rev = "7fe0dc672b20ef62962494560a0bc656fb237346";
+      sha256 = "1i9sgxdw6mjv81gmzk17fy3caizr8dhdygjcpqzz5p56njywwags";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tomasiser/vim-code-dark/";
+  };
+  vim-codefmt = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-codefmt";
+    version = "2022-02-09";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "google";
+      repo = "vim-codefmt";
+      rev = "27e5ac299a0714025cc46fc1da11694a8662b058";
+      sha256 = "06zp45w1mxq075lrw1x2p87l4gdc5fijgag4mj7j61jd2x92xsx7";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/google/vim-codefmt/";
+  };
+  vim-coffee-script = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-coffee-script";
+    version = "2020-12-20";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "kchmck";
+      repo = "vim-coffee-script";
+      rev = "28421258a8dde5a50deafbfc19cd9873cacfaa79";
+      sha256 = "07k7whr32x782jyvzl2vg6c2pdrj5jynf4b4f2my7502rgv03w02";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/kchmck/vim-coffee-script/";
+  };
+  vim-colemak = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-colemak";
+    version = "2016-10-16";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "kalbasit";
+      repo = "vim-colemak";
+      rev = "6ac1c0bf362845355c65dfeab9a9987c1b4dc7ec";
+      sha256 = "1li7yc5vglrhf7w7i7gs2i7ihdb1bhx85basmpgqlf7790lv1599";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/kalbasit/vim-colemak/";
+  };
+  vim-colors-solarized = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-colors-solarized";
+    version = "2011-05-09";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "altercation";
+      repo = "vim-colors-solarized";
+      rev = "528a59f26d12278698bb946f8fb82a63711eec21";
+      sha256 = "05d3lmd1shyagvr3jygqghxd3k8a4vp32723fvxdm57fdrlyzcm1";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/altercation/vim-colors-solarized/";
+  };
+  vim-colorschemes = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-colorschemes";
+    version = "2020-05-15";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "flazz";
+      repo = "vim-colorschemes";
+      rev = "fd8f122cef604330c96a6a6e434682dbdfb878c9";
+      sha256 = "1cg8q7w0vgl73aw1b9zz0zh5vw5d2pm8pm54fhfzva4azg56f416";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/flazz/vim-colorschemes/";
+  };
+  vim-colorstepper = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-colorstepper";
+    version = "2016-01-28";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "jonbri";
+      repo = "vim-colorstepper";
+      rev = "f23ba0d995d41508a2dc9471cf31d3d01a4b5f05";
+      sha256 = "05ykxn0gmh8liz0zv5hb8df1ajggxp88izq3825m0yb3ma3k1jqs";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/jonbri/vim-colorstepper/";
+  };
+  vim-commentary = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-commentary";
+    version = "2021-09-14";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tpope";
+      repo = "vim-commentary";
+      rev = "627308e30639be3e2d5402808ce18690557e8292";
+      sha256 = "0d056h2vh3bzc3mcijq90y5c7rvg01zzxyfc826h4f79y1fz8jnp";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tpope/vim-commentary/";
+  };
+  vim-concourse = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-concourse";
+    version = "2016-11-21";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "luan";
+      repo = "vim-concourse";
+      rev = "7f61ca5d291fddd6d7ff04b03bf347f04bfe4344";
+      sha256 = "0ilf7r0lwx8f7shqxbs9av3gsnary8nbh3xhrfzwsivh8psi7qf6";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/luan/vim-concourse/";
+  };
+  vim-cool = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-cool";
+    version = "2020-04-18";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "romainl";
+      repo = "vim-cool";
+      rev = "27ad4ecf7532b750fadca9f36e1c5498fc225af2";
+      sha256 = "1in44gf7hs978nc9328zh1kj3jh04kcinw0m8spcbgj079782sg8";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/romainl/vim-cool/";
+  };
+  vim-cpp-enhanced-highlight = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-cpp-enhanced-highlight";
+    version = "2021-04-19";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "octol";
+      repo = "vim-cpp-enhanced-highlight";
+      rev = "4b7314a497ea2dd0a6911ccb94ce83b2d8684617";
+      sha256 = "1fvy56r8p0fp8ipsfw6wiq6ppv541849cazzmp3da203ixs87wd1";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/octol/vim-cpp-enhanced-highlight/";
+  };
+  vim-crates = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-crates";
+    version = "2021-05-07";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "mhinz";
+      repo = "vim-crates";
+      rev = "f6f13113997495654a58f27d7169532c0d125214";
+      sha256 = "1acm52hlv0qhisgcy8xwck6zv29b8x40bcngg7z3invv47b1gi7k";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/mhinz/vim-crates/";
+  };
+  vim-csharp = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-csharp";
+    version = "2017-03-29";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "OrangeT";
+      repo = "vim-csharp";
+      rev = "b5982fc69bba7d507638a308d6875b031054280d";
+      sha256 = "16sf3yqvd36b4rkrh6w7jskvlkrgymwa13xcvh586lmlc7g6ilcx";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/OrangeT/vim-csharp/";
+  };
+  vim-css-color = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-css-color";
+    version = "2021-12-29";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ap";
+      repo = "vim-css-color";
+      rev = "8bf943681f92c81a8cca19762a1ccec8bc29098a";
+      sha256 = "061x58afpl7f17ixp3sal54aymhsn0kyygdbvaqxzanzmrsgp8m7";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ap/vim-css-color/";
+  };
+  vim-cue = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-cue";
+    version = "2021-06-18";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "jjo";
+      repo = "vim-cue";
+      rev = "bd1a62303d096aa24fe4160a475645087f8770b3";
+      sha256 = "01f89ki0w2j58pfdvb8w0sf1x5nqgqh3bldinifpd4pysnqhniai";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/jjo/vim-cue/";
+  };
+  vim-cursorword = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-cursorword";
+    version = "2020-06-20";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "itchyny";
+      repo = "vim-cursorword";
+      rev = "cc8114226ceefb5cafe1890e0900d3efb7dab1fd";
+      sha256 = "1x5ljk82bxc3qhrq5pz0dsab8rg1234syd1xmpkgvif52s9g4mfk";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/itchyny/vim-cursorword/";
+  };
+  vim-cute-python = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-cute-python";
+    version = "2020-11-17";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ehamberg";
+      repo = "vim-cute-python";
+      rev = "18cd5e0f63ae5ae74398051c0de9a27d1746e5a5";
+      sha256 = "1svr8r1rva6lq9ypzazrlw5gabnipjyhd2bs43cpfcwx0ms04d2k";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ehamberg/vim-cute-python/";
+  };
+  vim-dadbod = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-dadbod";
+    version = "2021-09-20";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tpope";
+      repo = "vim-dadbod";
+      rev = "8fcde4c500440757f04e38c039005319476d1471";
+      sha256 = "1b6759y9s8sl6d96xzc2lx5qqh0x5sabls12hz0zj6s1736hs3sk";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tpope/vim-dadbod/";
+  };
+  vim-dadbod-completion = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-dadbod-completion";
+    version = "2022-02-13";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "kristijanhusak";
+      repo = "vim-dadbod-completion";
+      rev = "db100d536885fb920925eb0bcaf00bac3d0112dc";
+      sha256 = "0g0zp9j0gaww1w8w7pdfz71dvs2fww9qwsyafbqljn9img0qdmpk";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/kristijanhusak/vim-dadbod-completion/";
+  };
+  vim-dadbod-ui = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-dadbod-ui";
+    version = "2022-01-03";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "kristijanhusak";
+      repo = "vim-dadbod-ui";
+      rev = "a4a9051044876656fe4f22a188b084258727997d";
+      sha256 = "1z16csn6ql0vnmy9646006ri9d1gxw2r7wqi9bh8sgfl2il388lp";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/kristijanhusak/vim-dadbod-ui/";
+  };
+  vim-dasht = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-dasht";
+    version = "2020-07-11";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "sunaku";
+      repo = "vim-dasht";
+      rev = "c1c91ecfd30f0e4e946854a6f7c67eb2d1e21c98";
+      sha256 = "0ldkyzsn4b555pb9qdr0k6w6m3w7ziy7v6bcnx0n8ppq4fl68pz2";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/sunaku/vim-dasht/";
+  };
+  vim-DetectSpellLang = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-DetectSpellLang";
+    version = "2020-01-13";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "konfekt";
+      repo = "vim-DetectSpellLang";
+      rev = "d8b545ef138a9ff013f8243f85c79b277b26f5e1";
+      sha256 = "0c1bxryw4rg4cyql7vfp2gwhkl2d0b8inc6shmgfy7jg4svhzs0w";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/konfekt/vim-DetectSpellLang/";
+  };
+  vim-deus = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-deus";
+    version = "2021-03-28";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ajmwagar";
+      repo = "vim-deus";
+      rev = "1be965e7bc1c01e7db5e46dcd0e50d32d4eef434";
+      sha256 = "1h0imrxhxw81hkh9xl75rcnx7ll5fry6hcf7flx84n6nawvfzyvm";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ajmwagar/vim-deus/";
+  };
+  vim-devicons = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-devicons";
+    version = "2022-01-10";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ryanoasis";
+      repo = "vim-devicons";
+      rev = "a2258658661e42dd4cdba4958805dbad1fe29ef4";
+      sha256 = "044aim36332ss5zlv8vxww8gqv0pldmn3nw08msldkfxmi86ybbd";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ryanoasis/vim-devicons/";
+  };
+  vim-diminactive = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-diminactive";
+    version = "2017-08-27";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "blueyed";
+      repo = "vim-diminactive";
+      rev = "6f2e14e6ff6a038285937c378ec3685e6ff7ee36";
+      sha256 = "14jf5hh3v2f5wb10v09ygx15pxbwziv20pwv0fqkakxwf0vqwd50";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/blueyed/vim-diminactive/";
+  };
+  vim-dirdiff = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-dirdiff";
+    version = "2021-06-03";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "will133";
+      repo = "vim-dirdiff";
+      rev = "84bc8999fde4b3c2d8b228b560278ab30c7ea4c9";
+      sha256 = "06qjfz94hqsmg43dpj347cvc72p16xp76zq216js35yphv6sgx65";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/will133/vim-dirdiff/";
+  };
+  vim-dirvish = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-dirvish";
+    version = "2021-10-08";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "justinmk";
+      repo = "vim-dirvish";
+      rev = "f297b2effb0ec879f33a8539b9701d048d44f295";
+      sha256 = "02fag2mar06845dricviqb3jfc05f13na3svhcpddw7gdpimsdmv";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/justinmk/vim-dirvish/";
+  };
+  vim-dirvish-git = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-dirvish-git";
+    version = "2021-05-22";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "kristijanhusak";
+      repo = "vim-dirvish-git";
+      rev = "1d938c826503059660d89f186d2e8affc686a0e8";
+      sha256 = "11vd07cy8bylh75hznddpkpjyr4jg8sgcq12rv1pig4p6wh4lzm5";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/kristijanhusak/vim-dirvish-git/";
+  };
+  vim-dispatch = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-dispatch";
+    version = "2022-01-14";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tpope";
+      repo = "vim-dispatch";
+      rev = "00e77d90452e3c710014b26dc61ea919bc895e92";
+      sha256 = "1ind8lyghdizgs0q59k3svwdmnq8l88b8ns1qq1xvz47rh836c6w";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tpope/vim-dispatch/";
+  };
+  vim-dispatch-neovim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-dispatch-neovim";
+    version = "2017-01-18";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "radenling";
+      repo = "vim-dispatch-neovim";
+      rev = "c8c4e21a95c25032a041002f9bf6e45a75a73021";
+      sha256 = "111n3f7lv9nkpj200xh0fwbi3scjqyivpw5fwdjdyiqzd6qabxml";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/radenling/vim-dispatch-neovim/";
+  };
+  vim-docbk = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-docbk";
+    version = "2015-04-01";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "jhradilek";
+      repo = "vim-docbk";
+      rev = "6ac0346ce96dbefe982b9e765a81c072997f2e9e";
+      sha256 = "1jnx39m152hf9j620ygagaydg6h8m8gxkr1fmxj6kgqf71jr0n9d";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/jhradilek/vim-docbk/";
+  };
+  vim-docbk-snippets = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-docbk-snippets";
+    version = "2021-07-30";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "jhradilek";
+      repo = "vim-snippets";
+      rev = "81a8dcb66886a0717e9ca73c8857ee90c3989063";
+      sha256 = "0d6532qx66aiawpq2fdji0mnmvnlg5dnbvds5s4pgzafydikpr70";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/jhradilek/vim-snippets/";
+  };
+  vim-easy-align = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-easy-align";
+    version = "2019-04-29";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "junegunn";
+      repo = "vim-easy-align";
+      rev = "12dd6316974f71ce333e360c0260b4e1f81169c3";
+      sha256 = "0gpfdla8shaf5ykgakrsf0h0w6ygvwcv3lfpnki24l790xhdi606";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/junegunn/vim-easy-align/";
+  };
+  vim-easyescape = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-easyescape";
+    version = "2020-11-22";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "zhou13";
+      repo = "vim-easyescape";
+      rev = "fd7875f1657fd54fae85088acf289b9723d8a790";
+      sha256 = "0h8kmhliicbdqhximp3d961crp6qkjjs4yciksl037ds47kzrkif";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/zhou13/vim-easyescape/";
+  };
+  vim-easygit = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-easygit";
+    version = "2018-07-08";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "neoclide";
+      repo = "vim-easygit";
+      rev = "9770370a35838f70eda91d0c3006d0563ccc8d2a";
+      sha256 = "1a42s0nymakz20rjrpwmiqpnlndrkdakzbm53aclzcs61i9zq2k8";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/neoclide/vim-easygit/";
+  };
+  vim-easymotion = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-easymotion";
+    version = "2020-12-17";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "easymotion";
+      repo = "vim-easymotion";
+      rev = "d75d9591e415652b25d9e0a3669355550325263d";
+      sha256 = "1j2kgh1iri0fqkbgbgvfjqgsksfipnmr1xbj554i602pnm0hbg19";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/easymotion/vim-easymotion/";
+  };
+  vim-easytags = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-easytags";
+    version = "2015-07-01";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "xolox";
+      repo = "vim-easytags";
+      rev = "72a8753b5d0a951e547c51b13633f680a95b5483";
+      sha256 = "0i8ha1fa5d860b1mi0xp8kwsgb0b9vbzcg1bldzv6s5xd9yyi12i";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/xolox/vim-easytags/";
+  };
+  vim-eighties = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-eighties";
+    version = "2016-12-15";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "justincampbell";
+      repo = "vim-eighties";
+      rev = "1a6ea42ead1e31524ec94cfefb6afc1d8dacd170";
+      sha256 = "1yh1kny28c7f5qm52y7xd5aj4mycksfb0x1zvcb37c73ycdxc1v2";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/justincampbell/vim-eighties/";
+  };
+  vim-elixir = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-elixir";
+    version = "2022-01-26";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "elixir-editors";
+      repo = "vim-elixir";
+      rev = "ff7a1223dfc5386c41bb582039a90a262d488607";
+      sha256 = "0a82c6vmdjfq1cjiakdxd9mz0ivqivrjcrppqpwch9rzp98qspag";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/elixir-editors/vim-elixir/";
+  };
+  vim-elm-syntax = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-elm-syntax";
+    version = "2021-01-09";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "andys8";
+      repo = "vim-elm-syntax";
+      rev = "b65370b5292730ef35cbdb969da05b52d77d51dc";
+      sha256 = "0nd3ig7zpx49dmgwyqhs3545x64jxbrrgzd9fch4ihb6bhd4j3fr";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/andys8/vim-elm-syntax/";
+  };
+  vim-emoji = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-emoji";
+    version = "2018-01-30";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "junegunn";
+      repo = "vim-emoji";
+      rev = "9ed6515401a6e20a9781ba508db7d67a5e4e231f";
+      sha256 = "0bvwmz570pfxicbask88p523vkggidq5fj2zm59s4c20a7d5s1yy";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/junegunn/vim-emoji/";
+  };
+  vim-endwise = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-endwise";
+    version = "2021-03-06";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tpope";
+      repo = "vim-endwise";
+      rev = "4289889a2622f9bc7c594a6dd79763781f63dfb5";
+      sha256 = "0sixr3rpcgqbaiyk7w6ghcrvllh35cb3gq9isdlwkww3dz4jyyxc";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tpope/vim-endwise/";
+  };
+  vim-erlang-compiler = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-erlang-compiler";
+    version = "2021-06-20";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "vim-erlang";
+      repo = "vim-erlang-compiler";
+      rev = "b334e956026f61c0bf289ffdf37ce9b2aefe01e1";
+      sha256 = "1lhy5kdq3chr1zd0f67nfzmd81jiiw4hif11rx7pkwh019wyalxx";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/vim-erlang/vim-erlang-compiler/";
+  };
+  vim-erlang-omnicomplete = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-erlang-omnicomplete";
+    version = "2021-07-03";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "vim-erlang";
+      repo = "vim-erlang-omnicomplete";
+      rev = "7337df845b90b51f24087716564789c70ae03dc3";
+      sha256 = "00k7vr5x32qqhgp61fhbcbd2rfjs42lpig3k5jd6008hhpm2gw4j";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/vim-erlang/vim-erlang-omnicomplete/";
+  };
+  vim-erlang-runtime = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-erlang-runtime";
+    version = "2021-11-25";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "vim-erlang";
+      repo = "vim-erlang-runtime";
+      rev = "abb5ff4de17aa0add2afedaa478e06ede6ba2baf";
+      sha256 = "1zspw3p00b31x97if1hmmgvxmv6yzky4q4y16qckwn838yjarlhn";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/vim-erlang/vim-erlang-runtime/";
+  };
+  vim-erlang-tags = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-erlang-tags";
+    version = "2021-02-19";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "vim-erlang";
+      repo = "vim-erlang-tags";
+      rev = "d7eaa8f6986de0f266dac48b7dcfbf41d67ce611";
+      sha256 = "03wxy29z0rjnf3hilap7c86di7dkjwb8sdlfh74ch8vhan8h6rv0";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/vim-erlang/vim-erlang-tags/";
+  };
+  vim-eunuch = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-eunuch";
+    version = "2022-01-13";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tpope";
+      repo = "vim-eunuch";
+      rev = "e2c9e01abd2734919e65dd6fe6c84ca2a9b65a7d";
+      sha256 = "02ilz95fmp2j9azpxia38hka2n81x5x3b1knaidiaf1pifl0c7zn";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tpope/vim-eunuch/";
+  };
+  vim-exchange = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-exchange";
+    version = "2021-10-21";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tommcdo";
+      repo = "vim-exchange";
+      rev = "784d63083ad7d613aa96f00021cd0dfb126a781a";
+      sha256 = "15bwlky7if7jp3g3banxi2kkci1wa54y36b4m27mggsc6kdabd6q";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tommcdo/vim-exchange/";
+  };
+  vim-expand-region = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-expand-region";
+    version = "2013-08-19";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "terryma";
+      repo = "vim-expand-region";
+      rev = "966513543de0ddc2d673b5528a056269e7917276";
+      sha256 = "0l30wjlk4vxr16f1njnvf8aw9yg9p9jisvcxbcg3znsq5q8ix6zv";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/terryma/vim-expand-region/";
+  };
+  vim-extradite = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-extradite";
+    version = "2019-05-08";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "int3";
+      repo = "vim-extradite";
+      rev = "58c77fffbb5d61eb0b87c8b4ef0ad78e9659d621";
+      sha256 = "1mm2icx50q5iyhaz1dypnbqh14s1wsnw8skpxcm1klhqn02zk46f";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/int3/vim-extradite/";
+  };
+  vim-fetch = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-fetch";
+    version = "2021-02-12";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "wsdjeg";
+      repo = "vim-fetch";
+      rev = "0a6ab17e84c7f4808bf05ec380121bce40b40d21";
+      sha256 = "04srlz3zaiqkv9hz6q3vdkfq02k1wj4p9mg4m8930das4nkl7a05";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/wsdjeg/vim-fetch/";
+  };
+  vim-fireplace = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-fireplace";
+    version = "2021-12-09";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tpope";
+      repo = "vim-fireplace";
+      rev = "b2fffb38988747e6891bf3bedf3921783e5659df";
+      sha256 = "023vj0bsg3vp9s7ldhidlzd40117fbp0xripvzrz364xy22ikn1c";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tpope/vim-fireplace/";
+  };
+  vim-fish = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-fish";
+    version = "2017-11-22";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "dag";
+      repo = "vim-fish";
+      rev = "50b95cbbcd09c046121367d49039710e9dc9c15f";
+      sha256 = "1yvjlm90alc4zsdsppkmsja33wsgm2q6kkn9dxn6xqwnq4jw5s7h";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/dag/vim-fish/";
+  };
+  vim-flagship = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-flagship";
+    version = "2021-12-07";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tpope";
+      repo = "vim-flagship";
+      rev = "7f3aab5e3f1b48df9f9465b8cd55f9d2a1564087";
+      sha256 = "0vfihdwabl41wdavzppsim6sza8mjynpnb3my85di5xn5mgcmixp";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tpope/vim-flagship/";
+  };
+  vim-flake8 = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-flake8";
+    version = "2022-02-17";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "nvie";
+      repo = "vim-flake8";
+      rev = "a99054ef98e8fdaefa1315af4649138bcadbfdf7";
+      sha256 = "1ila8z90rxsdxgp44n5wms5s3vlx0j0b7svhx0nff66ylfqy3s4x";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/nvie/vim-flake8/";
+  };
+  vim-flatbuffers = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-flatbuffers";
+    version = "2018-10-11";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "dcharbon";
+      repo = "vim-flatbuffers";
+      rev = "ecd75c33576d982f3c83545dff7b3c9245285e75";
+      sha256 = "1mfi9als56cpfsz3s91hg3lci8zn7pr9s0l690wqh40vh57d1gxm";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/dcharbon/vim-flatbuffers/";
+  };
+  vim-floaterm = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-floaterm";
+    version = "2022-02-15";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "voldikss";
+      repo = "vim-floaterm";
+      rev = "6244d1739aad6682c6c1d5db18c846c342af6e3e";
+      sha256 = "1w0d93wm0xwg8wyvyzdibjmnd1py343mvvzj911byvnm1b52zp7h";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/voldikss/vim-floaterm/";
+  };
+  vim-flog = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-flog";
+    version = "2022-01-02";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "rbong";
+      repo = "vim-flog";
+      rev = "2358b199117900d3e36eada1de1f2a12556a5506";
+      sha256 = "1q5ralkkgl81cnnxvz4sm06xzh85zj0pixfl9zirfz4djjab3h82";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/rbong/vim-flog/";
+  };
+  vim-flutter = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-flutter";
+    version = "2021-11-21";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "thosakwe";
+      repo = "vim-flutter";
+      rev = "2292de52c6b2470638b628ed2f3b1332e077cd46";
+      sha256 = "137wp2vhlsflnzkcdycn6cgdsclv9w67rkh7gbariqi8s45y9n6f";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/thosakwe/vim-flutter/";
+  };
+  vim-fsharp = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-fsharp";
+    version = "2018-11-13";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "fsharp";
+      repo = "vim-fsharp";
+      rev = "012d98c981139976551a4d9779f5cce7f8d84d5c";
+      sha256 = "0ds300kjhm352ni3fwivsrnc9ls021d2x29f4cdszillamcgs7pw";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/fsharp/vim-fsharp/";
+  };
+  vim-ft-diff_fold = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-ft-diff_fold";
+    version = "2013-02-10";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "thinca";
+      repo = "vim-ft-diff_fold";
+      rev = "89771dffd3682ef82a4b3b3e9c971b9909f08e87";
+      sha256 = "0bk95cxkfzamlgv1x2jb1bnfas2pmvvqgpn5fvxddf0andm8sfma";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/thinca/vim-ft-diff_fold/";
+  };
+  vim-fubitive = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-fubitive";
+    version = "2020-09-10";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tommcdo";
+      repo = "vim-fubitive";
+      rev = "5717417ee75c39ea2f8f446a9491cdf99d5965e9";
+      sha256 = "0lkp5i8s1214b9b1q9mg3aq32cvqzfd8q0i90bx9nf6n42cg2kjn";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tommcdo/vim-fubitive/";
+  };
+  vim-fugitive = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-fugitive";
+    version = "2022-02-11";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tpope";
+      repo = "vim-fugitive";
+      rev = "c29ef11cd6478da675678265e76f9e527843876f";
+      sha256 = "1mfskzmpkb7nk1y7szld46npp0r686whrw08iqih7saxbrhhkdra";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tpope/vim-fugitive/";
+  };
+  vim-fzf-coauthorship = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-fzf-coauthorship";
+    version = "2021-07-14";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "maxjacobson";
+      repo = "vim-fzf-coauthorship";
+      rev = "c5df55743a274a2c2d6370008f199176dabae0bd";
+      sha256 = "0v52w9jiyg0q6fmsh0dq8gd6m48vhhj2fy95v7lvqyr7pnr1wqaa";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/maxjacobson/vim-fzf-coauthorship/";
+  };
+  vim-gh-line = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-gh-line";
+    version = "2021-11-27";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ruanyl";
+      repo = "vim-gh-line";
+      rev = "d2185b18883b911a21b684d4bb9d26f6a41b62f4";
+      sha256 = "0wrgjd7l8cnam7nwqyh0m3np2452b18kz4lvnfv3hlsdsdx9xi17";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ruanyl/vim-gh-line/";
+  };
+  vim-ghost = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-ghost";
+    version = "2021-09-26";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "raghur";
+      repo = "vim-ghost";
+      rev = "115e2600481c92c0bfb69d82ccbd8af7dc052a03";
+      sha256 = "15bpxhqdbs3sw2d3w1xa5l8yml67h1fjjqhf1m3zpplqy20kfbxh";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/raghur/vim-ghost/";
+  };
+  vim-gist = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-gist";
+    version = "2021-11-04";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "mattn";
+      repo = "vim-gist";
+      rev = "34e0f0aad5cc21cb3087a5d92ae1aa108019ecda";
+      sha256 = "1dlsml47nh2mdllahh2nicnpqxk271p62cp3xsjd4dbbr0lallds";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/mattn/vim-gist/";
+  };
+  vim-gista = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-gista";
+    version = "2020-09-19";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "lambdalisue";
+      repo = "vim-gista";
+      rev = "c046de1b9d4cf97ff6f80cf3bdbb75b1094f2aaf";
+      sha256 = "0q08hs4y9d4c4zdd0lh4k054133y0455fkn47gi7h16m01g92imc";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/lambdalisue/vim-gista/";
+  };
+  vim-git = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-git";
+    version = "2022-01-04";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tpope";
+      repo = "vim-git";
+      rev = "60b6fc735c198a17657b0bd04f257e59dff184ac";
+      sha256 = "0i6qw7rmizrvrzzsccg50hvrhcz7z99r7ndxm9sh19ybhxndnjcw";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tpope/vim-git/";
+  };
+  vim-gitbranch = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-gitbranch";
+    version = "2021-08-20";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "itchyny";
+      repo = "vim-gitbranch";
+      rev = "1a8ba866f3eaf0194783b9f8573339d6ede8f1ed";
+      sha256 = "0nd6wwc0xd5b9djlcf18phmzjaqc3l7imarh1cil9644n1ls0l00";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/itchyny/vim-gitbranch/";
+  };
+  vim-gitgutter = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-gitgutter";
+    version = "2022-02-19";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "airblade";
+      repo = "vim-gitgutter";
+      rev = "e433d5ddc1e37cb07d646d58b832a88ee848988d";
+      sha256 = "1li873x55q0ia2098ciwn5ayq23si9zqqildz8qxa5xdwv318j8z";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/airblade/vim-gitgutter/";
+  };
+  vim-github-dashboard = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-github-dashboard";
+    version = "2022-01-27";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "junegunn";
+      repo = "vim-github-dashboard";
+      rev = "a639ab203418210eff3e09cea820102a53e15f5b";
+      sha256 = "10dw9lmii3li5hw9sfbam8b2hv19dz6cxfkadmv1xz12cqwfdlwi";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/junegunn/vim-github-dashboard/";
+  };
+  vim-glsl = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-glsl";
+    version = "2022-02-06";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tikhomirov";
+      repo = "vim-glsl";
+      rev = "28a6dfbcd96095226bee90985b7f12c5679dbbb6";
+      sha256 = "051f0q5bkgp77pz0izh5mvqsmxy0rzlvriwq4j7qzslqk7i850p2";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tikhomirov/vim-glsl/";
+  };
+  vim-gnupg = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-gnupg";
+    version = "2020-11-11";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "jamessan";
+      repo = "vim-gnupg";
+      rev = "96be0be1240a848da56d665b38e1b0fe7ee3f1af";
+      sha256 = "10syaaylyaqn60zhyx008863b5b1349pygg7lnaqchw6bard1135";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/jamessan/vim-gnupg/";
+  };
+  vim-go = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-go";
+    version = "2022-02-16";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "fatih";
+      repo = "vim-go";
+      rev = "05f97b7fb130cf137b129dd4f9ab09fa5a8839c8";
+      sha256 = "1g0v9miazm9z9nbi3s8k5imh75kp4d1mz5q95y2aqm12bi5a7890";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/fatih/vim-go/";
+  };
+  vim-grammarous = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-grammarous";
+    version = "2020-11-30";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "rhysd";
+      repo = "vim-grammarous";
+      rev = "db46357465ce587d5325e816235b5e92415f8c05";
+      sha256 = "014g5q3kdqq4w5jvp61h26n0jfq05xz82rhwgcp3bgq0ffhrch7j";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/rhysd/vim-grammarous/";
+  };
+  vim-graphql = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-graphql";
+    version = "2022-02-07";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "jparise";
+      repo = "vim-graphql";
+      rev = "15c5937688490af8dde09e90c9a5585c840ba81c";
+      sha256 = "07j704ysc2klqfjk3918b1kjq16pw1yb1fykdsi2a0lamndn9l04";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/jparise/vim-graphql/";
+  };
+  vim-grepper = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-grepper";
+    version = "2021-08-30";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "mhinz";
+      repo = "vim-grepper";
+      rev = "2b93535752ffcb312f9fab73d90e80dc9f2e60fc";
+      sha256 = "1xldg5hkbapd9s842d3xpdw32sslr8lvfx12p03hrlc2w58innx1";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/mhinz/vim-grepper/";
+  };
+  vim-gruvbox8 = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-gruvbox8";
+    version = "2021-08-04";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "lifepillar";
+      repo = "vim-gruvbox8";
+      rev = "1e205910e67003ff9efb77e7730f1e49d8aae29c";
+      sha256 = "1z7vx4x4flx6853a70vk2bcnv52ra3z275g1i30pjzc5blsbw6hw";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/lifepillar/vim-gruvbox8/";
+  };
+  vim-gui-position = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-gui-position";
+    version = "2019-06-06";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "brennanfee";
+      repo = "vim-gui-position";
+      rev = "065d0dcf96c28cfc0003d72c1b3c49203632f62a";
+      sha256 = "11kv9kkya9sybslg7lfhhcn2fi3n735zvprg8ch6kd58m82xr4n3";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/brennanfee/vim-gui-position/";
+  };
+  vim-gutentags = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-gutentags";
+    version = "2020-05-22";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ludovicchabant";
+      repo = "vim-gutentags";
+      rev = "50705e8ebb7038b31314f416d1bddd9cb9154049";
+      sha256 = "0vm3bp94kbc28azsmm8505hyd9v1a9isrn5dp47njmj8w17l7725";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ludovicchabant/vim-gutentags/";
+  };
+  vim-hardtime = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-hardtime";
+    version = "2021-06-11";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "takac";
+      repo = "vim-hardtime";
+      rev = "00fde0a5e3fe15e329bdeac5331e4b439b6972a8";
+      sha256 = "1c66q7bcg0m19zjd3yz5ywhm094cr48yr6rxp8zhlavaswwx8wz7";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/takac/vim-hardtime/";
+  };
+  vim-haskell-module-name = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-haskell-module-name";
+    version = "2020-01-20";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "chkno";
+      repo = "vim-haskell-module-name";
+      rev = "f9f8e9f83a30b8f805b8fbc0079163e8193b289b";
+      sha256 = "0jawf23gyz9dy6qrh0xhla3z7hgjl1n4g7vmi027j4ipjnlijnji";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/chkno/vim-haskell-module-name/";
+  };
+  vim-haskellconceal = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-haskellconceal";
+    version = "2017-06-15";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "twinside";
+      repo = "vim-haskellconceal";
+      rev = "802f82a5afee56e9e1251e6f756104a3bd114234";
+      sha256 = "1kh6853hi4rgl4z1xs8kz9l1q9w7lh0r42y2m0rabfpr6yh3091r";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/twinside/vim-haskellconceal/";
+  };
+  vim-haskellConcealPlus = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-haskellConcealPlus";
+    version = "2020-01-21";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "enomsg";
+      repo = "vim-haskellConcealPlus";
+      rev = "d59da33c16966f694b2e4f0bfc57515a935da83f";
+      sha256 = "1y2hgcpls21738lhrgimsxnkhxxqczp05nmk68s28xssbn4dqgma";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/enomsg/vim-haskellConcealPlus/";
+  };
+  vim-hcl = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-hcl";
+    version = "2022-01-12";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "jvirtanen";
+      repo = "vim-hcl";
+      rev = "80a497d14d8ca72ae5ee4b9cc6b17fc57b46a407";
+      sha256 = "18gw4iq84lkzmczfqr2yn31lh7kfnbm085h0vvq079c4fc2qa454";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/jvirtanen/vim-hcl/";
+  };
+  vim-hdevtools = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-hdevtools";
+    version = "2018-11-19";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "bitc";
+      repo = "vim-hdevtools";
+      rev = "ab33578bbdbcbd80050faf43e4adee1653fe34dc";
+      sha256 = "1xvjz6yidcywn1xmdqlxsz68lmkx6rmiqf6q2gfz56pzq1mfmski";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/bitc/vim-hdevtools/";
+  };
+  vim-helm = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-helm";
+    version = "2022-01-20";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "towolf";
+      repo = "vim-helm";
+      rev = "86a63d007ffee156d759061850cda9d8daa8ea12";
+      sha256 = "17s4zbl34zi9nhn1dr7z0kyfaf7a7r466bcj195ahsz7c9a48i62";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/towolf/vim-helm/";
+  };
+  vim-hexokinase = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-hexokinase";
+    version = "2021-04-25";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "RRethy";
+      repo = "vim-hexokinase";
+      rev = "62324b43ea858e268fb70665f7d012ae67690f43";
+      sha256 = "1qdy028i9zrldjx24blk5im35lcijvq4fwg63ks2vrrvn0dfsj01";
+      fetchSubmodules = true;
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/RRethy/vim-hexokinase/";
+  };
+  vim-hier = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-hier";
+    version = "2011-08-27";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "jceb";
+      repo = "vim-hier";
+      rev = "0b8c365263551a67404ebd7e528c55e17c1d3de7";
+      sha256 = "118pd9sx1bl9vfr89xrf536hfx4l162a43a1qpwpkqxzb9a3ca7n";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/jceb/vim-hier/";
+  };
+  vim-highlightedyank = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-highlightedyank";
+    version = "2022-01-25";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "machakann";
+      repo = "vim-highlightedyank";
+      rev = "ff16bf3bac23fb4e17c976f4e1ff7941cd686c8d";
+      sha256 = "0slnykqkbqnncz0vjwhf9p9x8wi5p8xfv485wbip1njd6vqhd965";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/machakann/vim-highlightedyank/";
+  };
+  vim-hindent = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-hindent";
+    version = "2018-07-31";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "alx741";
+      repo = "vim-hindent";
+      rev = "f8e84c199fd00a3ccaf5bbbc97786bde9a4faa13";
+      sha256 = "1y4nnz38zal1ffs5n751dn9p9apk8q7pq3cw79r5z6fsdp942ai6";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/alx741/vim-hindent/";
+  };
+  vim-hocon = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-hocon";
+    version = "2017-09-08";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "GEverding";
+      repo = "vim-hocon";
+      rev = "bb8fb14e00f8fc1eec27dd39dcc605aac43328a3";
+      sha256 = "0w6ckm931zpm1k3w02gl58hgfxzfy53sgcc9m8jz3vgi3zz0vki2";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/GEverding/vim-hocon/";
+  };
+  vim-hoogle = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-hoogle";
+    version = "2018-03-04";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "Twinside";
+      repo = "vim-hoogle";
+      rev = "871d104c92e33cb238506f2805f1652561978cc8";
+      sha256 = "17qvi57g72ijgk7nczczli3kcphvdf625fzqbqcmqpsawgvfd07n";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/Twinside/vim-hoogle/";
+  };
+  vim-html-template-literals = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-html-template-literals";
+    version = "2021-06-03";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "jonsmithers";
+      repo = "vim-html-template-literals";
+      rev = "e6f3f8ffaae9c2f9deea2bbb596b64468041616c";
+      sha256 = "1lrkby9m60ccgm35y1z82llgzjd5vmdwfscy7byjd5ycnkhyangi";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/jonsmithers/vim-html-template-literals/";
+  };
+  vim-husk = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-husk";
+    version = "2015-11-29";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "vim-utils";
+      repo = "vim-husk";
+      rev = "ad89559ff8a6c4b1e94a18b2d494a69a1f701d08";
+      sha256 = "09kqzaqa4jdh31q0a3nxbx9li7zg890qxh68rfzblzyx22xv4mka";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/vim-utils/vim-husk/";
+  };
+  vim-hybrid = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-hybrid";
+    version = "2016-01-05";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "w0ng";
+      repo = "vim-hybrid";
+      rev = "cc58baabeabc7b83768e25b852bf89c34756bf90";
+      sha256 = "1c3q39121hiw85r9ymiyhz5zsf6bl9pwk4pgj6nh6ckwns4cgcmw";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/w0ng/vim-hybrid/";
+  };
+  vim-hybrid-material = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-hybrid-material";
+    version = "2020-06-16";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "kristijanhusak";
+      repo = "vim-hybrid-material";
+      rev = "ad031275c63a05b6acb6014a2401d8719a290bd4";
+      sha256 = "0qjg25cfdx9706svw4b527arfdq4ypshay11ak62yswirkvgsc2c";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/kristijanhusak/vim-hybrid-material/";
+  };
+  vim-iced-coffee-script = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-iced-coffee-script";
+    version = "2013-12-26";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "noc7c9";
+      repo = "vim-iced-coffee-script";
+      rev = "e42e0775fa4b1f8840c55cd36ac3d1cedbc1dea2";
+      sha256 = "14yfirny359rlrr082il2ys3hxiyrbbk794rdxrs2lasjy8rb1f7";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/noc7c9/vim-iced-coffee-script/";
+  };
+  vim-illuminate = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-illuminate";
+    version = "2022-01-13";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "RRethy";
+      repo = "vim-illuminate";
+      rev = "db98338285574265a6ce54370b54d9f939e091bb";
+      sha256 = "1inhds5za9v7nja3xv1s7iwcpzd91diixq95bhknp758np6z6yj2";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/RRethy/vim-illuminate/";
+  };
+  vim-indent-guides = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-indent-guides";
+    version = "2021-10-13";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "nathanaelkane";
+      repo = "vim-indent-guides";
+      rev = "765084d38bf102a95ab966fb06472e83fa7deff7";
+      sha256 = "0gffchphg5chg3311x0mb8xd4ir8psdmdscqpx37bxz5w9n7qsdp";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/nathanaelkane/vim-indent-guides/";
+  };
+  vim-indent-object = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-indent-object";
+    version = "2018-04-08";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "michaeljsmith";
+      repo = "vim-indent-object";
+      rev = "5c5b24c959478929b54a9e831a8e2e651a465965";
+      sha256 = "1kmwnz0jxjkvfzy06r7r73pcxfcyjp8p8m2d6qrhjfvzidgfhw19";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/michaeljsmith/vim-indent-object/";
+  };
+  vim-indentwise = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-indentwise";
+    version = "2015-06-07";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "jeetsukumaran";
+      repo = "vim-indentwise";
+      rev = "608bd6876d3b56d469e0e615eb774a6e06095dbf";
+      sha256 = "0bnzk1afi88icq58389nxqz196gkxcj71qrxvw87d72h2zaspvcx";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/jeetsukumaran/vim-indentwise/";
+  };
+  vim-indexed-search = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-indexed-search";
+    version = "2021-12-13";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "henrik";
+      repo = "vim-indexed-search";
+      rev = "763fdd0eb818ad441433aa04d00eabfda579476c";
+      sha256 = "09469n772gcakgwiszn6fd1gb64dma1sqib3c4raspfzjiynr79z";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/henrik/vim-indexed-search/";
+  };
+  vim-ipython = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-ipython";
+    version = "2015-06-23";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ivanov";
+      repo = "vim-ipython";
+      rev = "42499f094b805b90b683afa5009cee99abd0bb75";
+      sha256 = "10wpfvfs8yv1bvzra4d5zy5glp62gbalpayxx7mkalhr2ccppy3x";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ivanov/vim-ipython/";
+  };
+  vim-isort = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-isort";
+    version = "2020-08-14";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "fisadev";
+      repo = "vim-isort";
+      rev = "94b1f1202899aa0b6e2cc20e6d1f133eafe24331";
+      sha256 = "16r2nsdapf3r0zjqwwbl0k8g2p81h9zs14b91dhskyvs0hvf7cfy";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/fisadev/vim-isort/";
+  };
+  vim-jack-in = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-jack-in";
+    version = "2021-03-27";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "clojure-vim";
+      repo = "vim-jack-in";
+      rev = "80c69cc021486d1cfa5dac7d9d6ab6954ff20c27";
+      sha256 = "11dw8kngzznzf91n6iyvw7yi1l35vgpva32dck3n25vpxc24krpn";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/clojure-vim/vim-jack-in/";
+  };
+  vim-janah = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-janah";
+    version = "2018-10-01";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "mhinz";
+      repo = "vim-janah";
+      rev = "3b8ae976987b6ade2abeac25f0208e8bc90d7138";
+      sha256 = "16bygyri9qxyhl8n8md945wwy1i9lss4hwxa7yjl9ms2fzzragv4";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/mhinz/vim-janah/";
+  };
+  vim-javacomplete2 = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-javacomplete2";
+    version = "2021-11-15";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "artur-shaik";
+      repo = "vim-javacomplete2";
+      rev = "b5c8d305df52e0cb85b3436ca1e958c22c6e2d79";
+      sha256 = "1zv6k8ld938zg000svi9q6c5jkbmvlyllxzkl41jcsx2zhqkwdiw";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/artur-shaik/vim-javacomplete2/";
+  };
+  vim-javascript = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-javascript";
+    version = "2021-09-25";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "pangloss";
+      repo = "vim-javascript";
+      rev = "d6e137563c47fb59f26ed25d044c0c7532304f18";
+      sha256 = "0pps9mqkkmmlqy0ir64gvwbz9jngcgvhy8d9hqb7bkps92ya6zr5";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/pangloss/vim-javascript/";
+  };
+  vim-javascript-syntax = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-javascript-syntax";
+    version = "2020-09-27";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "jelera";
+      repo = "vim-javascript-syntax";
+      rev = "7b8e2ee761e5d81f2bff57a728909a7968df098b";
+      sha256 = "1il68nf8zsz1hn5vqmsyjckmh9s8sw4z6lqqqrxwfjqkqm1ji5xq";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/jelera/vim-javascript-syntax/";
+  };
+  vim-jinja = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-jinja";
+    version = "2021-08-26";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "lepture";
+      repo = "vim-jinja";
+      rev = "7c54e2320c5f676636cdd8697480782eebfb2bf2";
+      sha256 = "153qirdl5xrnj1jc0ivlvf2rk7gdby96vn3prf6ky0l0gqxlzd8g";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/lepture/vim-jinja/";
+  };
+  vim-jsbeautify = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-jsbeautify";
+    version = "2020-12-11";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "maksimr";
+      repo = "vim-jsbeautify";
+      rev = "e4586884c8e54218a92d66f2ebc3fefc46315057";
+      sha256 = "0l6z6063cddwlsmz8h2ayz3pblfbvn277javi80xfzxg84nfl6ip";
+      fetchSubmodules = true;
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/maksimr/vim-jsbeautify/";
+  };
+  vim-jsdoc = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-jsdoc";
+    version = "2021-11-20";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "heavenshell";
+      repo = "vim-jsdoc";
+      rev = "71c98ed6eacb4f1c0b9e4950ef679eda6a651cdd";
+      sha256 = "0jxcmriva73s0icllpbh6q6s2fw0ysjm7fk449kdd5fvd5y5ssq5";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/heavenshell/vim-jsdoc/";
+  };
+  vim-json = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-json";
+    version = "2018-01-10";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "elzr";
+      repo = "vim-json";
+      rev = "3727f089410e23ae113be6222e8a08dd2613ecf2";
+      sha256 = "1c19pqrys45pzflj5jyrm4q6hcvs977lv6qsfvbnk7nm4skxrqp1";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/elzr/vim-json/";
+  };
+  vim-jsonnet = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-jsonnet";
+    version = "2019-07-29";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "google";
+      repo = "vim-jsonnet";
+      rev = "b7459b36e5465515f7cf81d0bb0e66e42a7c2eb5";
+      sha256 = "0fc6xpiyxly3ibs4lzn6dk9yd2cc353qb8lavag7zmims1bncvqf";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/google/vim-jsonnet/";
+  };
+  vim-jsx-pretty = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-jsx-pretty";
+    version = "2021-01-12";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "MaxMEllon";
+      repo = "vim-jsx-pretty";
+      rev = "6989f1663cc03d7da72b5ef1c03f87e6ddb70b41";
+      sha256 = "16d76jvfb1cq591i06fnmgzv0q16g89zz7cmvgvj24vap2wgkbp8";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/MaxMEllon/vim-jsx-pretty/";
+  };
+  vim-jsx-typescript = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-jsx-typescript";
+    version = "2020-12-03";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "peitalin";
+      repo = "vim-jsx-typescript";
+      rev = "22df470d92651426f2377e3166488672f7b4b4ef";
+      sha256 = "13w7n8km927v9yvm91c4z8g343bn2mp0k80nwv5y0sz279x4x9n7";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/peitalin/vim-jsx-typescript/";
+  };
+  vim-kitty-navigator = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-kitty-navigator";
+    version = "2022-02-04";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "knubie";
+      repo = "vim-kitty-navigator";
+      rev = "8d9af030c8a74cdda6ab9a510d9a13bca80e8f9b";
+      sha256 = "03rf49w3x67aayfn6hl0jhf4gik1scq4khhnvicp1zabdn8cq175";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/knubie/vim-kitty-navigator/";
+  };
+  vim-LanguageTool = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-LanguageTool";
+    version = "2021-02-08";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "dpelle";
+      repo = "vim-LanguageTool";
+      rev = "0372ffae78aa3eac3bfa48ba3bf2f4015a86385a";
+      sha256 = "00476l49lczj1rw5gb6vs7s9r0zi1khw0g1v6bsfwl5r32699l7r";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/dpelle/vim-LanguageTool/";
+  };
+  vim-lastplace = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-lastplace";
+    version = "2022-02-22";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "farmergreg";
+      repo = "vim-lastplace";
+      rev = "cef9d62165cd26c3c2b881528a5290a84347059e";
+      sha256 = "0wkjyqx427vvjhj0v3vfrg4hfb5ax5qq5ilfqas9h94w1cngiz5c";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/farmergreg/vim-lastplace/";
+  };
+  vim-latex-live-preview = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-latex-live-preview";
+    version = "2020-09-11";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "xuhdev";
+      repo = "vim-latex-live-preview";
+      rev = "afdf3f4778119f0bfacb07629d0155d58eb5562a";
+      sha256 = "0zihnphc021alqbn1f84n233r6a31n499046yw1yspkcnpz7mcxm";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/xuhdev/vim-latex-live-preview/";
+  };
+  vim-lawrencium = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-lawrencium";
+    version = "2021-11-08";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ludovicchabant";
+      repo = "vim-lawrencium";
+      rev = "eee52c9da9a58c1f079adb4a3134a0620bc6e945";
+      sha256 = "12431h344dhjswg0pm8nvfszy8hp8b61nm0r8gsry9a6w1j1a86b";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ludovicchabant/vim-lawrencium/";
+  };
+  vim-leader-guide = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-leader-guide";
+    version = "2018-10-06";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "hecal3";
+      repo = "vim-leader-guide";
+      rev = "8dff63fcc29811bb30fccb135f31ad488a9a6170";
+      sha256 = "1n1qgvr729r28rprjkam0blh4qscs8bxf6ay7v8x732axg9gpyav";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/hecal3/vim-leader-guide/";
+  };
+  vim-lean = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-lean";
+    version = "2017-07-29";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "mk12";
+      repo = "vim-lean";
+      rev = "02d678e4346dce35d6b2eed9a03b2b2d3cc84127";
+      sha256 = "1yw13wf7j92gk8fwkhls6bdbz2h7xbyq4qba8zsfm76rbqn7vzfg";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/mk12/vim-lean/";
+  };
+  vim-ledger = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-ledger";
+    version = "2022-02-10";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ledger";
+      repo = "vim-ledger";
+      rev = "9a2120d9f98b13b3aa37b577a7e769bfdd046130";
+      sha256 = "01myc1pbc1q2fkxcy40pibbqszjxvkc9diwjmixfn4a6qmf8n1gp";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ledger/vim-ledger/";
+  };
+  vim-lfe = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-lfe";
+    version = "2018-04-30";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "lfe-support";
+      repo = "vim-lfe";
+      rev = "290e7085fbd53d0c2b98b5d5a442d697c08b7d76";
+      sha256 = "1wf4lyrnz957ya5zvgkdk1k1jw9yk0bkzz7230m9ry9vl55ss64y";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/lfe-support/vim-lfe/";
+  };
+  vim-lightline-coc = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-lightline-coc";
+    version = "2021-03-03";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "josa42";
+      repo = "vim-lightline-coc";
+      rev = "53465b2c2ce7b6ae3497ad1cdb751dd3d8084d5c";
+      sha256 = "1r1w4j2ir6lzrlr2jhhy3ai4arswrbvjp46dxb6y9fyl516z5mza";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/josa42/vim-lightline-coc/";
+  };
+  vim-lion = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-lion";
+    version = "2020-07-18";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tommcdo";
+      repo = "vim-lion";
+      rev = "ce46593ecd60e6051fb6e4d3986d2fc9f5a618b1";
+      sha256 = "1ci9yi55wcg6388fv3dqhjsyp3nvmf9dz7q2nqsxpyd6yj1szrh7";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tommcdo/vim-lion/";
+  };
+  vim-liquid = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-liquid";
+    version = "2021-11-28";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tpope";
+      repo = "vim-liquid";
+      rev = "fd2f0017fbc50f214db2f57c207c34cda3aa1522";
+      sha256 = "1z9bmcx13py56phr8djdnykw3a933chhv6ypcfigkjp6cyqkj1mc";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tpope/vim-liquid/";
+  };
+  vim-localvimrc = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-localvimrc";
+    version = "2021-11-01";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "embear";
+      repo = "vim-localvimrc";
+      rev = "f09bf7c61e4aa03293622792eaeadb315b91e77f";
+      sha256 = "0rskyxi507b339ipgam3kbf4ymj6bcbw75xpc2cf32xzdlpairln";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/embear/vim-localvimrc/";
+  };
+  vim-logreview = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-logreview";
+    version = "2017-07-08";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "andreshazard";
+      repo = "vim-logreview";
+      rev = "b7b66ab338e904127d796af49235b8c29742f18f";
+      sha256 = "09lyymq0f3ybqdzhbpia7b0wcjbcyg5nkqd72qk8jkvc42da2af3";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/andreshazard/vim-logreview/";
+  };
+  vim-loves-dafny = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-loves-dafny";
+    version = "2018-09-25";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "mlr-msft";
+      repo = "vim-loves-dafny";
+      rev = "d75d3b074a3da2b0fa9fd5bc980f52ec82c2ad7b";
+      sha256 = "170dc38mrakfma30r8z9zaxfn8d5ghrvnlglq6l60yn8fg7njxks";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/mlr-msft/vim-loves-dafny/";
+  };
+  vim-lsc = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-lsc";
+    version = "2021-04-28";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "natebosch";
+      repo = "vim-lsc";
+      rev = "4b0fc48037c628f14209f30616a19287d9e54823";
+      sha256 = "1jwfc193wbh2rmyi6mdwgr3lcq82qhlclq4hjwg1hcw94442r5xv";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/natebosch/vim-lsc/";
+  };
+  vim-lsp = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-lsp";
+    version = "2022-02-12";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "prabirshrestha";
+      repo = "vim-lsp";
+      rev = "3d0fc4072bef08b578d4a4aa4a6f91de571e99e4";
+      sha256 = "16cpi5x2z1gqfzxgvdnqh47g6p0b6dmhrrfqprmc45c6cfwj6plh";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/prabirshrestha/vim-lsp/";
+  };
+  vim-lsp-cxx-highlight = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-lsp-cxx-highlight";
+    version = "2021-10-20";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "jackguo380";
+      repo = "vim-lsp-cxx-highlight";
+      rev = "0e7476ff41cd65e55f92fdbc7326335ec33b59b0";
+      sha256 = "02gyxhx39zqphqybsj8sgg70ilgcp0jaj9lcmyyivljg0qirnxhf";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/jackguo380/vim-lsp-cxx-highlight/";
+  };
+  vim-lua = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-lua";
+    version = "2020-08-05";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tbastos";
+      repo = "vim-lua";
+      rev = "fa810f85437525bcea0fc4ff22c634935721d86d";
+      sha256 = "1fkpfjpmv80lcd7jn95pzxrcbzn8avdywjknd5bn3212ahydg43m";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tbastos/vim-lua/";
+  };
+  vim-maktaba = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-maktaba";
+    version = "2021-08-09";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "google";
+      repo = "vim-maktaba";
+      rev = "f5127b339a9d776f220cc0393783c55def9d8ce0";
+      sha256 = "0svkpk46fvas5346af2cw2ga03mlwd3rn8pya41f9whybqxdrysg";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/google/vim-maktaba/";
+  };
+  vim-manpager = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-manpager";
+    version = "2022-01-28";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "lambdalisue";
+      repo = "vim-manpager";
+      rev = "194607a8d1bd122ad811ef601eb04a3df7786d59";
+      sha256 = "0qnm4k0frki3p9fpb6h4xnv1dxijk9aqcd7glq28c216gh395a5d";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/lambdalisue/vim-manpager/";
+  };
+  vim-markbar = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-markbar";
+    version = "2020-08-31";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "Yilin-Yang";
+      repo = "vim-markbar";
+      rev = "df13c3abe88c01a716b1099de953dcfa1679e663";
+      sha256 = "1y5w182d57z1nl8c7ng25m88by88pnxqdsxmcnnygdfjmvbv8jl9";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/Yilin-Yang/vim-markbar/";
+  };
+  vim-markdown = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-markdown";
+    version = "2022-02-22";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "preservim";
+      repo = "vim-markdown";
+      rev = "95e90840c45911b62261bae02e3ba2777877eaf5";
+      sha256 = "1jrj3419ar7lnj6mriq3pvffsg6g3kxg36jrixi96a0cl2aqrs8b";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/preservim/vim-markdown/";
+  };
+  vim-markdown-composer = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-markdown-composer";
+    version = "2022-01-04";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "euclio";
+      repo = "vim-markdown-composer";
+      rev = "010ae3667fb0cb4c63c99439d1a8f81ebdcc849e";
+      sha256 = "1hz0xjq0srv3llb4i6n2sw0pi2s0k3qcwyk6az5icrvkfhbnc0kf";
+      fetchSubmodules = true;
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/euclio/vim-markdown-composer/";
+  };
+  vim-markdown-toc = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-markdown-toc";
+    version = "2022-02-11";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "mzlogin";
+      repo = "vim-markdown-toc";
+      rev = "31aa38e58334f1321ae8ec6f38d05303f3226698";
+      sha256 = "0kv7miavs4xfiaj7yj0hi7cr65m7mn6rvd6dykmbr8j7w0pra7fr";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/mzlogin/vim-markdown-toc/";
+  };
+  vim-matchup = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-matchup";
+    version = "2022-02-18";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "andymass";
+      repo = "vim-matchup";
+      rev = "7fd8806138f404498db7a3e848d8fa55ad61e7cf";
+      sha256 = "061jvw0rdwz7s4yaiq7s32cx0y1vkknsc80gh2gj53jsbcpk30zp";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/andymass/vim-matchup/";
+  };
+  vim-mergetool = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-mergetool";
+    version = "2019-06-22";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "samoshkin";
+      repo = "vim-mergetool";
+      rev = "0275a85256ad173e3cde586d54f66566c01b607f";
+      sha256 = "1i3zil06zyndm400i2pfn64ykbs29fw8l720229a8ypp9mxcibcp";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/samoshkin/vim-mergetool/";
+  };
+  vim-merginal = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-merginal";
+    version = "2021-11-26";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "idanarye";
+      repo = "vim-merginal";
+      rev = "d47689faa5623e8f455c62a9a1016c92cf66c09e";
+      sha256 = "0ili5kk0rg85dzn3z606c3p81lyq40rj97b4nzcc61x1s9k4l9z7";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/idanarye/vim-merginal/";
+  };
+  vim-metamath = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-metamath";
+    version = "2017-02-10";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "david-a-wheeler";
+      repo = "vim-metamath";
+      rev = "50aff63608256909159f1b8fc3f09ba61b2bb9bd";
+      sha256 = "0gwqafhr18wv9ygq47cxwi0k4gj1xll4z8s61w9l9vwaiy5znssh";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/david-a-wheeler/vim-metamath/";
+  };
+  vim-misc = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-misc";
+    version = "2015-05-21";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "xolox";
+      repo = "vim-misc";
+      rev = "3e6b8fb6f03f13434543ce1f5d24f6a5d3f34f0b";
+      sha256 = "0rd9788dyfc58py50xbiaz5j7nphyvf3rpp3yal7yq2dhf0awwfi";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/xolox/vim-misc/";
+  };
+  vim-monokai = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-monokai";
+    version = "2021-05-06";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "crusoexia";
+      repo = "vim-monokai";
+      rev = "66f7dc9c63296ea6ba408faa60bebe54a34c57f2";
+      sha256 = "10ip0y9p2qf869h2yhp2zs6qc048rw1x5i0spziajca96251gvig";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/crusoexia/vim-monokai/";
+  };
+  vim-monokai-pro = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-monokai-pro";
+    version = "2020-10-02";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "phanviet";
+      repo = "vim-monokai-pro";
+      rev = "05e534f9fea9a8e4cbf69a1523c785845deabe4e";
+      sha256 = "0hf3iy2ydr6jpraf5zyqg2hl7ma5hn301jyxf6m9ffdsz7722jwm";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/phanviet/vim-monokai-pro/";
+  };
+  vim-move = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-move";
+    version = "2021-12-14";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "matze";
+      repo = "vim-move";
+      rev = "d4fbf3b9d794d20a36aef729ecdfa56ce097986e";
+      sha256 = "0dkn6ssqhxdp52cg1hk104n3d3fac48yklmnx6sl7i7lx8hpjshc";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/matze/vim-move/";
+  };
+  vim-mucomplete = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-mucomplete";
+    version = "2021-09-01";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "lifepillar";
+      repo = "vim-mucomplete";
+      rev = "7ef91226beeb382a37b4d4d5f0f54e6acf1eaaee";
+      sha256 = "1c9a8hibcrgagrcv41yyg2qq1f6v60316ai25y44rzk9ncx3idsj";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/lifepillar/vim-mucomplete/";
+  };
+  vim-multiple-cursors = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-multiple-cursors";
+    version = "2020-07-30";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "terryma";
+      repo = "vim-multiple-cursors";
+      rev = "6456718e1d30b42c04b920c5413ca44f68f08759";
+      sha256 = "0dmap8hjk6a0127fkab1pp5cllmijhqx80ijasngg11kxl0wzl32";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/terryma/vim-multiple-cursors/";
+  };
+  vim-mundo = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-mundo";
+    version = "2022-01-30";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "simnalamburt";
+      repo = "vim-mundo";
+      rev = "595ee332719f397c2441d85f79608113957cc78f";
+      sha256 = "0kwiw877izpjqfj4gp4km8ivj6iy2c2jxyiqgxrvjqna62kic0ap";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/simnalamburt/vim-mundo/";
+  };
+  vim-mustache-handlebars = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-mustache-handlebars";
+    version = "2021-11-30";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "mustache";
+      repo = "vim-mustache-handlebars";
+      rev = "0153fe03a919add2d6cf2d41b2d5b6e1188bc0e0";
+      sha256 = "0dnafs9bcfm539plx5hq6nzq6k8li3xbkizdhv71cpmfcbw2srln";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/mustache/vim-mustache-handlebars/";
+  };
+  vim-nerdtree-syntax-highlight = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-nerdtree-syntax-highlight";
+    version = "2021-01-11";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tiagofumo";
+      repo = "vim-nerdtree-syntax-highlight";
+      rev = "5178ee4d7f4e7761187df30bb709f703d91df18a";
+      sha256 = "0i690a9sd3a9193mdm150q5yx43mihpzkm0k5glllsmnwpngrq1a";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tiagofumo/vim-nerdtree-syntax-highlight/";
+  };
+  vim-nerdtree-tabs = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-nerdtree-tabs";
+    version = "2018-12-21";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "jistr";
+      repo = "vim-nerdtree-tabs";
+      rev = "07d19f0299762669c6f93fbadb8249da6ba9de62";
+      sha256 = "16iqhp5l6xvq0k8bq9ngqfhish1fwggpmvd7ni1fh5dqr00iii9x";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/jistr/vim-nerdtree-tabs/";
+  };
+  vim-nftables = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-nftables";
+    version = "2020-06-29";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "nfnty";
+      repo = "vim-nftables";
+      rev = "26f8a506c6f3e41f1e4a8d6aa94c9a79a666bbff";
+      sha256 = "1z5ffgxdq8niggm18qikrh5hl8zs05gdij4z6dfnzy00xvancc40";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/nfnty/vim-nftables/";
+  };
+  vim-niceblock = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-niceblock";
+    version = "2018-09-06";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "kana";
+      repo = "vim-niceblock";
+      rev = "9302f527eefc0fde8df983cbb9710ad52c4213b5";
+      sha256 = "1d0rx7s10jl1q9y5s4235imizbyxrgkm4dxh5ankcr8s617l7mz2";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/kana/vim-niceblock/";
+  };
+  vim-ninja-feet = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-ninja-feet";
+    version = "2021-05-27";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tommcdo";
+      repo = "vim-ninja-feet";
+      rev = "cb9b448dd468a338255aed474e6113ed115612c1";
+      sha256 = "1aqmhqaxb72ih56mh85kv4fkxyqw5hfispd208lfyp4w3zhvli30";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tommcdo/vim-ninja-feet/";
+  };
+  vim-nix = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-nix";
+    version = "2021-05-28";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "LnL7";
+      repo = "vim-nix";
+      rev = "63b47b39c8d481ebca3092822ca8972e08df769b";
+      sha256 = "08n9cgphv2m96kk5w996lwlqak011x5xm410hajmc91vy5fws361";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/LnL7/vim-nix/";
+  };
+  vim-nixhash = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-nixhash";
+    version = "2022-02-06";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "symphorien";
+      repo = "vim-nixhash";
+      rev = "d6e3c5161ef2e3fbc4a4b68a785d958d97e25b7e";
+      sha256 = "1mrprl6mqapjzcya643nzvwaf01r38knjg9xnfbpvlidfq38d3cw";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/symphorien/vim-nixhash/";
+  };
+  vim-noctu = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-noctu";
+    version = "2015-06-27";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "noahfrederick";
+      repo = "vim-noctu";
+      rev = "de2ff9855bccd72cd9ff3082bc89e4a4f36ea4fe";
+      sha256 = "14z1mwmvq0crvljsk6x29bxxhbavbjsggjr68f6aiz3635yih8vy";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/noahfrederick/vim-noctu/";
+  };
+  vim-nong-theme = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-nong-theme";
+    version = "2020-12-16";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "fruit-in";
+      repo = "vim-nong-theme";
+      rev = "cf7eacc6140ef67f7fc6b3099a6ef82767af82e0";
+      sha256 = "17lvmszydpgn54n54z4mhcipzrwxggnq7lr69k8vwbwmrr8sk0qa";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/fruit-in/vim-nong-theme/";
+  };
+  vim-numbertoggle = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-numbertoggle";
+    version = "2021-07-14";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "jeffkreeftmeijer";
+      repo = "vim-numbertoggle";
+      rev = "075b7478777e694fbac330ee34a74590dad0fee1";
+      sha256 = "1d6wjl20f80kqqb2k13gq7d0vr7kk2mgjpnqf37dzhv1w1g74l2c";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/jeffkreeftmeijer/vim-numbertoggle/";
+  };
+  vim-obsession = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-obsession";
+    version = "2021-03-22";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tpope";
+      repo = "vim-obsession";
+      rev = "82c9ac5e130c92a46e043dd9cd9e5b48d15e286d";
+      sha256 = "0lfcba8sk25l5yp3agh6pwniddf8jx627ikpr8i2z9ary2fqsj98";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tpope/vim-obsession/";
+  };
+  vim-ocaml = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-ocaml";
+    version = "2022-02-09";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ocaml";
+      repo = "vim-ocaml";
+      rev = "335ebc6e433afb972aa797be0587895a11dddab5";
+      sha256 = "079pfc897zz36mb36as7vq38b9njy42phjvmgarqlyqrwgjc0win";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ocaml/vim-ocaml/";
+  };
+  vim-one = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-one";
+    version = "2020-12-14";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "rakr";
+      repo = "vim-one";
+      rev = "187f5c85b682c1933f8780d4d419c55d26a82e24";
+      sha256 = "0lnfw15p865hcnnjcaikf2xwfiqwidsqryq67j1bh74215ib8r10";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/rakr/vim-one/";
+  };
+  vim-opencl = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-opencl";
+    version = "2018-06-13";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "petRUShka";
+      repo = "vim-opencl";
+      rev = "7668b018fe9461c6b51e0b736ed84aa84d6bafce";
+      sha256 = "0z8qasymkkaa272bjxmkp4sgd8qr4ypcqxlyzxgh5imp3gmrc6n1";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/petRUShka/vim-opencl/";
+  };
+  vim-operator-replace = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-operator-replace";
+    version = "2015-02-24";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "kana";
+      repo = "vim-operator-replace";
+      rev = "1345a556a321a092716e149d4765a5e17c0e9f0f";
+      sha256 = "07cibp61zwbzpjfxqdc77fzrgnz8jhimmdhhyjr0lvgrjgvsnv6q";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/kana/vim-operator-replace/";
+  };
+  vim-operator-surround = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-operator-surround";
+    version = "2018-11-01";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "rhysd";
+      repo = "vim-operator-surround";
+      rev = "80337a40a829cfc77b065a71d8a609e2ad7d2c8b";
+      sha256 = "0f9shg81bl39hz67ahbi6k6gbhky7gzp8by16fhiz75hbjgp9lq2";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/rhysd/vim-operator-surround/";
+  };
+  vim-operator-user = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-operator-user";
+    version = "2015-02-17";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "kana";
+      repo = "vim-operator-user";
+      rev = "c3dfd41c1ed516b4b901c97562e644de62c367aa";
+      sha256 = "16y2fyrmwg4vkcl85i8xg8s6m39ca2jvgi9qm36b3vzbnkcifafb";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/kana/vim-operator-user/";
+  };
+  vim-orgmode = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-orgmode";
+    version = "2022-01-23";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "jceb";
+      repo = "vim-orgmode";
+      rev = "66cd7ee69a9cddc73f65566e32da159f1e51401f";
+      sha256 = "1ywf5vcn3b8isfw4gxqfplchn94jvbqvaap15w1yk5ljmp46gxgk";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/jceb/vim-orgmode/";
+  };
+  vim-ormolu = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-ormolu";
+    version = "2020-11-25";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "sdiehl";
+      repo = "vim-ormolu";
+      rev = "edbeb0135692345b088182963e9b229fe2235ac0";
+      sha256 = "03srdix06dhz4b8g9akx448dw2rjbwj840xg7p9c5bq8kbmsjy8x";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/sdiehl/vim-ormolu/";
+  };
+  vim-osc52 = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-osc52";
+    version = "2020-09-19";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "fcpg";
+      repo = "vim-osc52";
+      rev = "551f20e62e68684a5b745ae08b0c4236d86e4c2b";
+      sha256 = "0yxjs32ab27l3kmh5lpinj15m11winqsnmykjq7lizs15v7gd2s9";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/fcpg/vim-osc52/";
+  };
+  vim-oscyank = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-oscyank";
+    version = "2022-02-21";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ojroques";
+      repo = "vim-oscyank";
+      rev = "18db93968ae0f2aa89ee68e18f5785381ab169cc";
+      sha256 = "0a4261fkvgfaw1vsm5fgqm27rlcx8gpj2hkrk8kg9bjaijniqgd8";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ojroques/vim-oscyank/";
+  };
+  vim-over = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-over";
+    version = "2020-01-26";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "osyo-manga";
+      repo = "vim-over";
+      rev = "878f83bdac0cda308f599d319f45c7877d5274a9";
+      sha256 = "00k29pcn69d9036jhjpd1xqxh59qwl30l37lsfijlv18ks0wwiqn";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/osyo-manga/vim-over/";
+  };
+  vim-packer = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-packer";
+    version = "2018-11-11";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "hashivim";
+      repo = "vim-packer";
+      rev = "c2561f41e46df8a78a6b51226f60607582052134";
+      sha256 = "070ncbmwh8wxxfzf7phx0hb0dk9krlvsj5mvrn7kr5y3mngdg9v4";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/hashivim/vim-packer/";
+  };
+  vim-pager = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-pager";
+    version = "2015-08-26";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "lambdalisue";
+      repo = "vim-pager";
+      rev = "a657d508b4d5a23aada7585c9f1e0063914c0c45";
+      sha256 = "10xm77pia916zf9i2llyhs89s653r98l6zq8cswm7cw61bjfxvv6";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/lambdalisue/vim-pager/";
+  };
+  vim-pandoc = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-pandoc";
+    version = "2021-09-07";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "vim-pandoc";
+      repo = "vim-pandoc";
+      rev = "2f57074fc9f67128b30ce32949130a8dbda0b098";
+      sha256 = "0b2kssdbzknc43jx4xjl0c4q4v01735d5wsr77zmb9vq3k48hd7j";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/vim-pandoc/vim-pandoc/";
+  };
+  vim-pandoc-after = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-pandoc-after";
+    version = "2019-04-29";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "vim-pandoc";
+      repo = "vim-pandoc-after";
+      rev = "26513a138d5e2ba8c785e0d7dfec0218e983e9dd";
+      sha256 = "07wg4j2kx08s9hvvp8jspwb0v7fgac8m8cjr3y1sbq8ca18bkvgy";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/vim-pandoc/vim-pandoc-after/";
+  };
+  vim-pandoc-syntax = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-pandoc-syntax";
+    version = "2022-02-16";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "vim-pandoc";
+      repo = "vim-pandoc-syntax";
+      rev = "7bea0ba8929749b2a471520af87635163fb28bdf";
+      sha256 = "1dqd11qmb5jlkmalp10niysz1c2rv2pzwq332i3incq1v1l5146j";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/vim-pandoc/vim-pandoc-syntax/";
+  };
+  vim-parinfer = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-parinfer";
+    version = "2020-02-04";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "bhurlow";
+      repo = "vim-parinfer";
+      rev = "a8c075ce5256bffbf1f62e08aba37dca88d0cf1a";
+      sha256 = "1v2pyjyxvqw2kl9j4pdpdlbl2q3jnndcb8iqgyygs7jn91c4s073";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/bhurlow/vim-parinfer/";
+  };
+  vim-pasta = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-pasta";
+    version = "2018-09-08";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "sickill";
+      repo = "vim-pasta";
+      rev = "cb4501a123d74fc7d66ac9f10b80c9d393746c66";
+      sha256 = "14rswwx24i75xzgkbx1hywan1msn2ki26353ly2pyvznnqss1pwq";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/sickill/vim-pasta/";
+  };
+  vim-pathogen = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-pathogen";
+    version = "2021-01-04";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tpope";
+      repo = "vim-pathogen";
+      rev = "e0a3efbda5ea8e5b181b2b232ef6453c05d07732";
+      sha256 = "1b9v6k0560b7yf2l9v8n23bm27k3akycrv19wfi50havxdjagw1f";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tpope/vim-pathogen/";
+  };
+  vim-peekaboo = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-peekaboo";
+    version = "2019-12-12";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "junegunn";
+      repo = "vim-peekaboo";
+      rev = "cc4469c204099c73dd7534531fa8ba271f704831";
+      sha256 = "11lgf60v2kj772d9azkfddypwidcgfps5mvnhmp4gg0fmfx12h99";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/junegunn/vim-peekaboo/";
+  };
+  vim-pencil = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-pencil";
+    version = "2022-02-13";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "preservim";
+      repo = "vim-pencil";
+      rev = "5b4110dadebb756aae3d852caafbc963bb3c9a5e";
+      sha256 = "0f21dabn586643vzkdxcp86ap803vsm60lx2lifbaicrxkf3s7ri";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/preservim/vim-pencil/";
+  };
+  vim-phabricator = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-phabricator";
+    version = "2021-11-06";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "jparise";
+      repo = "vim-phabricator";
+      rev = "898c55068a2066973eafe2b2eba09d7c8db5dd98";
+      sha256 = "1dzgfiiyfam2rzn69bn5agarw89rabbcx286q152bk3wym6bzj9s";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/jparise/vim-phabricator/";
+  };
+  vim-pico8-syntax = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-pico8-syntax";
+    version = "2016-10-30";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "justinj";
+      repo = "vim-pico8-syntax";
+      rev = "dbdd92fad0533eeaeaea844815d4de11e9507ce7";
+      sha256 = "0say0bb74rdbabgsf7rrbm8x841pmgh80fwr6kn94fgphr3vhm0s";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/justinj/vim-pico8-syntax/";
+  };
+  vim-plug = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-plug";
+    version = "2022-01-03";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "junegunn";
+      repo = "vim-plug";
+      rev = "e300178a0e2fb04b56de8957281837f13ecf0b27";
+      sha256 = "0bfgadn31n516x0m0kr88jk9x79rl6zllnwij759wpazmw1p0xg8";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug/";
+  };
+  vim-plugin-AnsiEsc = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-plugin-AnsiEsc";
+    version = "2019-04-07";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "powerman";
+      repo = "vim-plugin-AnsiEsc";
+      rev = "690f820d20b6e3a79ba20499874eb7333aa4ca5c";
+      sha256 = "05sf9xh7zs475kykz1hsp0xp7iiclp7pdiy3bpx7wlfp9z71bd9p";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/powerman/vim-plugin-AnsiEsc/";
+  };
+  vim-polyglot = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-polyglot";
+    version = "2022-02-20";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "sheerun";
+      repo = "vim-polyglot";
+      rev = "83422e0a1fcfc88f3475104b0e0674e8dbe3130e";
+      sha256 = "1fj2avq18qx6rkghqiyp14qg166889kfpj7hzy5a1n71n5c8lh2j";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/sheerun/vim-polyglot/";
+  };
+  vim-pony = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-pony";
+    version = "2018-07-27";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "jakwings";
+      repo = "vim-pony";
+      rev = "b26f01a869000b73b80dceabd725d91bfe175b75";
+      sha256 = "0if8g94m3xmpda80byfxs649w2is9ah1k8v3028nblan73zlc8x8";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/jakwings/vim-pony/";
+  };
+  vim-poweryank = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-poweryank";
+    version = "2017-08-13";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "haya14busa";
+      repo = "vim-poweryank";
+      rev = "48dff95dbd64423c96fdae5c18eaddb5b5fa3064";
+      sha256 = "016w6nn2qhra9v55sn6g6qf1pj8f072f22r97nzxy4958k7f114a";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/haya14busa/vim-poweryank/";
+  };
+  vim-prettier = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-prettier";
+    version = "2021-11-24";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "prettier";
+      repo = "vim-prettier";
+      rev = "5e6cca21e12587c02e32a06bf423519eb1e9f1b2";
+      sha256 = "0sf23h1d15sqcfx1zsscvvczw8bbc7pravfw72mfrf5n6xfiaqal";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/prettier/vim-prettier/";
+  };
+  vim-prettyprint = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-prettyprint";
+    version = "2016-07-16";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "thinca";
+      repo = "vim-prettyprint";
+      rev = "d6060d2b1ff1cff71714e126addd3b10883ade12";
+      sha256 = "0mb1ylsq4023ik9wd9iwzlynra2c320xp9h2i79bspapglgd5gk9";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/thinca/vim-prettyprint/";
+  };
+  vim-prisma = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-prisma";
+    version = "2020-04-04";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "pantharshit00";
+      repo = "vim-prisma";
+      rev = "e91ac5011232e1bd8ea53204db8d01203d5d0f3c";
+      sha256 = "0pc203n70g1b0qfvrnfi5sxg2vr9zfw274s9lpgpxmribknpxi86";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/pantharshit00/vim-prisma/";
+  };
+  vim-projectionist = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-projectionist";
+    version = "2022-02-02";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tpope";
+      repo = "vim-projectionist";
+      rev = "a1ff5b95b4e3965c285a1983b930a4bcfd7dd87e";
+      sha256 = "1zxwlsnnmq8x56gy37y66hyvir0qzaaf98fkz0d5kyv8nqqirclz";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tpope/vim-projectionist/";
+  };
+  vim-prosession = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-prosession";
+    version = "2022-02-10";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "dhruvasagar";
+      repo = "vim-prosession";
+      rev = "9ce73e992d4481de6235222b75e42f64d2b307ef";
+      sha256 = "09w41jkidlyab67ishjpibbyrpa9qqmcrpb9y91ssyv3mzir5d3w";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/dhruvasagar/vim-prosession/";
+  };
+  vim-protobuf = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-protobuf";
+    version = "2017-12-26";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "uarun";
+      repo = "vim-protobuf";
+      rev = "0d0f4e4b4087e0e608066aa2ba295e396d039931";
+      sha256 = "1vh9f34rb7pg6dc64xhr102yig6y03is74777av464bhq651z7p5";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/uarun/vim-protobuf/";
+  };
+  vim-ps1 = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-ps1";
+    version = "2021-10-12";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "PProvost";
+      repo = "vim-ps1";
+      rev = "d0b89c2dc0f6af09d7876963e94e5c7567eacac6";
+      sha256 = "1m8kjnj3xz5vmzs0ycbwm700jczmhgf2y1sfjx178b0jachfyq0j";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/PProvost/vim-ps1/";
+  };
+  vim-pug = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-pug";
+    version = "2019-09-23";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "digitaltoad";
+      repo = "vim-pug";
+      rev = "ea39cd942cf3194230cf72bfb838901a5344d3b3";
+      sha256 = "07141jkfnaia4ydc6qcg0bc06w720l2lzl7bm4bsjwswqrzmhfam";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/digitaltoad/vim-pug/";
+  };
+  vim-puppet = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-puppet";
+    version = "2021-08-04";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "rodjek";
+      repo = "vim-puppet";
+      rev = "980147f64d708652aad1e67d8b39c17b2dd07702";
+      sha256 = "0851b22an00p6i2xbc18zx3z5ik5k8nfr6is2fcbsqhlks0g7cgf";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/rodjek/vim-puppet/";
+  };
+  vim-python-pep8-indent = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-python-pep8-indent";
+    version = "2020-03-20";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "Vimjas";
+      repo = "vim-python-pep8-indent";
+      rev = "60ba5e11a61618c0344e2db190210145083c91f8";
+      sha256 = "1blyhkykfnf4pgfq9hn9l8pq0iqdvig9m4zd8qq9aa9rlm8f0kzh";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/Vimjas/vim-python-pep8-indent/";
+  };
+  vim-qf = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-qf";
+    version = "2021-07-20";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "romainl";
+      repo = "vim-qf";
+      rev = "65f115c350934517382ae45198a74232a9069c2a";
+      sha256 = "0pylxkmhcanks59imah3q2xyn8lp5735xm17p13yx9vx90779nwp";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/romainl/vim-qf/";
+  };
+  vim-qlist = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-qlist";
+    version = "2019-07-18";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "romainl";
+      repo = "vim-qlist";
+      rev = "be8fba124bf13314435b1faab8f628436d4cffb1";
+      sha256 = "0ska2mzx3hqqkq3fd09r0hlk2j8xc8mbbwfky31x3cmzsb9dksqw";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/romainl/vim-qlist/";
+  };
+  vim-qml = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-qml";
+    version = "2020-11-03";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "peterhoeg";
+      repo = "vim-qml";
+      rev = "50d2e737094c146195171b7d52e522384f15afe8";
+      sha256 = "1iz2l51c15ijkpzyk5qwmd8y0yy2z8f1jwxcwk16h63g4nmfm1zr";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/peterhoeg/vim-qml/";
+  };
+  vim-quickrun = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-quickrun";
+    version = "2021-11-07";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "thinca";
+      repo = "vim-quickrun";
+      rev = "4f2f5628098efba5db2ae152dc3ac0d9b310659a";
+      sha256 = "03db4xyzhsjdfa940bhkh7s8bka7rrpw6l1sscjk9s1mqs5ypjcl";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/thinca/vim-quickrun/";
+  };
+  vim-racer = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-racer";
+    version = "2021-04-04";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "racer-rust";
+      repo = "vim-racer";
+      rev = "d1aead98a936cd8165b3329511d7c987226eb3a6";
+      sha256 = "11f6iw9c59kdjcdkzn27szpi0bxhpp42qmlannnqzm49ssl817vv";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/racer-rust/vim-racer/";
+  };
+  vim-racket = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-racket";
+    version = "2021-04-11";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "wlangstroth";
+      repo = "vim-racket";
+      rev = "32ad23165c96d05da7f3b9931d2889b7e39dcb86";
+      sha256 = "1yyqx471p11vj6gya4yzkiy07vfwzpx10bf6s7dh2h7zp2nz10br";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/wlangstroth/vim-racket/";
+  };
+  vim-ragtag = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-ragtag";
+    version = "2021-02-22";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tpope";
+      repo = "vim-ragtag";
+      rev = "b8966c4f6503a8baaec39e17bd0bf38b2aadc9b2";
+      sha256 = "0q4blsgnl4l2bkhgjry6xnszhsswdand52gc6gdjffwlzwa9jczy";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tpope/vim-ragtag/";
+  };
+  vim-rails = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-rails";
+    version = "2022-01-16";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tpope";
+      repo = "vim-rails";
+      rev = "de73f6d1b0bf1b2af2d576f3420fc861af14769f";
+      sha256 = "18lqsvnacgj5pb35qvw0bk9dpsddj63k4bmyzp8syikpqq3dzn26";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tpope/vim-rails/";
+  };
+  vim-reasonml = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-reasonml";
+    version = "2020-07-16";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "jordwalke";
+      repo = "vim-reasonml";
+      rev = "50dafc42085b704acaa03576cd2ffcaacea58e14";
+      sha256 = "1yfll4rbanql0l27bazk4xk205mk73nk1l9cxyvc9p8qcixx34s4";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/jordwalke/vim-reasonml/";
+  };
+  vim-repeat = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-repeat";
+    version = "2021-01-25";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tpope";
+      repo = "vim-repeat";
+      rev = "24afe922e6a05891756ecf331f39a1f6743d3d5a";
+      sha256 = "0y18cy5wvkb4pv5qjsfndrpcvz0dg9v0r6ia8k9isp4agdmxkdzj";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tpope/vim-repeat/";
+  };
+  vim-ReplaceWithRegister = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-ReplaceWithRegister";
+    version = "2021-07-05";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "inkarkat";
+      repo = "vim-ReplaceWithRegister";
+      rev = "aad1e8fa31cb4722f20fe40679caa56e25120032";
+      sha256 = "1cfgixq5smwbp55x2baaj1kw736w2mykysppphair44vb4w9rlgm";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/inkarkat/vim-ReplaceWithRegister/";
+  };
+  vim-ReplaceWithSameIndentRegister = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-ReplaceWithSameIndentRegister";
+    version = "2020-06-17";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "inkarkat";
+      repo = "vim-ReplaceWithSameIndentRegister";
+      rev = "0b7f542560bd21822a004e8accdf472eb477c9cf";
+      sha256 = "04zvhqh9rjfiwfk8r0zci608pw09svqb42nvp8pvqb11xp2ydg2y";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/inkarkat/vim-ReplaceWithSameIndentRegister/";
+  };
+  vim-rhubarb = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-rhubarb";
+    version = "2021-09-13";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tpope";
+      repo = "vim-rhubarb";
+      rev = "977b3ccbad1f7e5370354ae409fb2ea4a7ce2058";
+      sha256 = "1vvjj3ql2dm3dniscxjmr5h9kfx005bgdxc1ppz6yi2q9spmchqg";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tpope/vim-rhubarb/";
+  };
+  vim-rooter = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-rooter";
+    version = "2021-07-28";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "airblade";
+      repo = "vim-rooter";
+      rev = "0415be8b5989e56f6c9e382a04906b7f719cfb38";
+      sha256 = "1v7akjwrk62q2bk03iqhvziw6s13wnh2lk0vppzvlksv6rj0cmpi";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/airblade/vim-rooter/";
+  };
+  vim-rsi = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-rsi";
+    version = "2021-01-16";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tpope";
+      repo = "vim-rsi";
+      rev = "e181883a0932d9315cceb96b5fffb5e2ec67068e";
+      sha256 = "1pfg3y1hf840pr7f6vcwldbraj2w4c2pnf7ampbgyric0q3f4708";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tpope/vim-rsi/";
+  };
+  vim-ruby = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-ruby";
+    version = "2021-12-31";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "vim-ruby";
+      repo = "vim-ruby";
+      rev = "3b0c329d823b4736b8f5bae8ab546fb690fc0aa2";
+      sha256 = "1r10l7q1wy84insjpzkqg2z4dxv8qja0fgpnwldh6rgh3bz60q0a";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/vim-ruby/vim-ruby/";
+  };
+  vim-salve = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-salve";
+    version = "2022-01-14";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tpope";
+      repo = "vim-salve";
+      rev = "7f66b7a6446fc259798c5525ba15d4e65e2fd142";
+      sha256 = "12xcql1sl23jbni6xh2cvhjxr4byaz3d987frsp41gdxkaig12cq";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tpope/vim-salve/";
+  };
+  vim-sandwich = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-sandwich";
+    version = "2022-01-30";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "machakann";
+      repo = "vim-sandwich";
+      rev = "48acdaded60c6b75fce06a0d61183ee99950c0ec";
+      sha256 = "0rijq9xwm3n84vpjzyvcpy6r58y6ma2pxj61h86122wda5ymwxwg";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/machakann/vim-sandwich/";
+  };
+  vim-sayonara = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-sayonara";
+    version = "2021-08-12";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "mhinz";
+      repo = "vim-sayonara";
+      rev = "7e774f58c5865d9c10d40396850b35ab95af17c5";
+      sha256 = "0m22zjby54gvpg0s7qbpxdvjx6bcf3xdb58yc90bmf6pxklllc20";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/mhinz/vim-sayonara/";
+  };
+  vim-scala = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-scala";
+    version = "2021-08-11";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "derekwyatt";
+      repo = "vim-scala";
+      rev = "7657218f14837395a4e6759f15289bad6febd1b4";
+      sha256 = "0iypq4ii1lbnw6x4qc89vy8g8wq0gi06v96nphcc4fbs04pb4cr5";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/derekwyatt/vim-scala/";
+  };
+  vim-scouter = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-scouter";
+    version = "2014-08-10";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "thinca";
+      repo = "vim-scouter";
+      rev = "5221901d4ad6b2ef8b370b336db2aa7f69f2b6dc";
+      sha256 = "0fx64hj1kzrsxz96195d5lm3x88zyycbcr78819mcbgfzyxis6b8";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/thinca/vim-scouter/";
+  };
+  vim-scriptease = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-scriptease";
+    version = "2021-11-05";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tpope";
+      repo = "vim-scriptease";
+      rev = "710fe7c2f3c636fae0b5cac041ff8da028a0777f";
+      sha256 = "0m3nsy0ks3rljwmaiygb4v3m58a2xnhavawzmms0fh1lsyyzcp1d";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tpope/vim-scriptease/";
+  };
+  vim-sensible = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-sensible";
+    version = "2019-11-24";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tpope";
+      repo = "vim-sensible";
+      rev = "2d9f34c09f548ed4df213389caa2882bfe56db58";
+      sha256 = "153i3kh44ri046va3qdrbvvsv7gy25fsd9pc2yhrg23lvj169zfp";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tpope/vim-sensible/";
+  };
+  vim-sexp = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-sexp";
+    version = "2021-03-08";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "guns";
+      repo = "vim-sexp";
+      rev = "14464d4580af43424ed8f2614d94e62bfa40bb4d";
+      sha256 = "139krxpjhbyypbl6v2jik1rms2fxl3dkqrl4rb7sms6c3p5764qx";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/guns/vim-sexp/";
+  };
+  vim-sexp-mappings-for-regular-people = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-sexp-mappings-for-regular-people";
+    version = "2020-01-16";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tpope";
+      repo = "vim-sexp-mappings-for-regular-people";
+      rev = "7c3de2f13422fb4b62b4c34a660532c7b3d240c7";
+      sha256 = "0malswal9hnbq2wf1rx2lp1r69wpwsvyhgi46xbg079x2n857bmj";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tpope/vim-sexp-mappings-for-regular-people/";
+  };
+  vim-shellcheck = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-shellcheck";
+    version = "2019-07-25";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "itspriddle";
+      repo = "vim-shellcheck";
+      rev = "4346419ac57ef341a15aa39c827c0848f17c6faf";
+      sha256 = "0j28nqmfjxzhwylp2r1mp5v39fws5jvn7k9maam97mi3j66a9jz5";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/itspriddle/vim-shellcheck/";
+  };
+  vim-signature = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-signature";
+    version = "2018-07-06";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "kshenoy";
+      repo = "vim-signature";
+      rev = "6bc3dd1294a22e897f0dcf8dd72b85f350e306bc";
+      sha256 = "08m5dg77yavria7n7iajkj4kqaw848763680003j2gbrjlhpprpm";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/kshenoy/vim-signature/";
+  };
+  vim-signify = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-signify";
+    version = "2021-12-27";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "mhinz";
+      repo = "vim-signify";
+      rev = "69498f6d49f3eeac06870012416dd9bf867b84f3";
+      sha256 = "1c7arf2m7sbmjbf5q1cc3sxpx3y086gfsvf1d3r75k2n7zyyiis6";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/mhinz/vim-signify/";
+  };
+  vim-simpledb = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-simpledb";
+    version = "2020-10-02";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ivalkeen";
+      repo = "vim-simpledb";
+      rev = "1e9e72160dd01c837b5afb4f75cbb587a15b31b5";
+      sha256 = "1y0i876p2pxx7gbr04acnv94cjrincsbg03bqxr89xbqlbggxf0w";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ivalkeen/vim-simpledb/";
+  };
+  vim-slash = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-slash";
+    version = "2019-08-28";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "junegunn";
+      repo = "vim-slash";
+      rev = "31aee09b7ea8893a18fa34f65e63e364fc998444";
+      sha256 = "0ifdd3yqbk8hdvdmr4k44967lyvjnv9ig3r2145wn1lab797sbl4";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/junegunn/vim-slash/";
+  };
+  vim-sleuth = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-sleuth";
+    version = "2022-01-30";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tpope";
+      repo = "vim-sleuth";
+      rev = "27156fb69450ddef8e1bbec6afa71896681ad38a";
+      sha256 = "073bc4pbsx7s5is6658q5pk0l69ip1bx4dhlz2bcvzhkslzp2ik0";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tpope/vim-sleuth/";
+  };
+  vim-slime = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-slime";
+    version = "2022-01-13";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "jpalardy";
+      repo = "vim-slime";
+      rev = "0ea9b35882155996171fd15a5227e673ce2d2c60";
+      sha256 = "1palz3375v400fjlxwpc4drm36rnffz86mdkyqdqssvm41fv0wkx";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/jpalardy/vim-slime/";
+  };
+  vim-smali = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-smali";
+    version = "2015-11-05";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "mzlogin";
+      repo = "vim-smali";
+      rev = "012c21565e6be8f1718ad634aa84730a0a84b42c";
+      sha256 = "1mcdbcfiq5r21q297fxi18c3ah4193j1fnjnbjnrjh20r50wggx8";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/mzlogin/vim-smali/";
+  };
+  vim-smalls = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-smalls";
+    version = "2015-05-02";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "t9md";
+      repo = "vim-smalls";
+      rev = "9619eae81626bd63f88165e0520c467698264e34";
+      sha256 = "0s5z3zv220cg95yky2av6w0jmpc56ysyhsx0596ksvgz5jwhpbad";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/t9md/vim-smalls/";
+  };
+  vim-smoothie = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-smoothie";
+    version = "2021-02-07";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "psliwka";
+      repo = "vim-smoothie";
+      rev = "10fd0aa57d176718bc2c570f121ab523c4429a25";
+      sha256 = "18zn29mkgdiddn3il393xzg7hpa0x25yvais1l29jq2711sg4rdc";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/psliwka/vim-smoothie/";
+  };
+  vim-smt2 = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-smt2";
+    version = "2021-09-25";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "bohlender";
+      repo = "vim-smt2";
+      rev = "66d206292bd2e556bbf729ef808f0fffbab92c88";
+      sha256 = "1431dk1ffcvgjj0zm4sj7z6csmw8hvmf05pxl5p45jj15xbqikzh";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/bohlender/vim-smt2/";
+  };
+  vim-sneak = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-sneak";
+    version = "2021-10-17";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "justinmk";
+      repo = "vim-sneak";
+      rev = "94c2de47ab301d476a2baec9ffda07367046bec9";
+      sha256 = "110f06rf1m6p0asr5h4sr80wpwji3krwna5vdn6aakvcr8a7qqdi";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/justinmk/vim-sneak/";
+  };
+  vim-snipmate = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-snipmate";
+    version = "2021-06-04";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "garbas";
+      repo = "vim-snipmate";
+      rev = "ed3c5426a20bf1c06d7980946ada34fd9f93320e";
+      sha256 = "0bxaalza02sgm045cj4vciy3qhmj7pj1rp9bdwm5837ldq8paj1h";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/garbas/vim-snipmate/";
+  };
+  vim-snippets = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-snippets";
+    version = "2022-02-05";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "honza";
+      repo = "vim-snippets";
+      rev = "851c39c38f48c47f9aa937f83cda314ab1c8dd44";
+      sha256 = "04ni3fnci1h9sqrmchwad9bsqmnq9ix0lvh6mssy4s38pkl677l8";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/honza/vim-snippets/";
+  };
+  vim-solidity = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-solidity";
+    version = "2018-04-17";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tomlion";
+      repo = "vim-solidity";
+      rev = "569bbbedc3898236d5912fed0caf114936112ae4";
+      sha256 = "1qpfbbrm4gjgvbkimhpxyl4fsdqkyw4raf17nw0ibqillz2d3pxx";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tomlion/vim-solidity/";
+  };
+  vim-sort-motion = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-sort-motion";
+    version = "2021-03-07";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "christoomey";
+      repo = "vim-sort-motion";
+      rev = "c8782be8f7da414c6442b3ba4b6abb0345d392d9";
+      sha256 = "1vq2jrn75g3gd8vfgbnkn0w2qc4gbnrn2lg0wmzsvvxdvj8m9lii";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/christoomey/vim-sort-motion/";
+  };
+  vim-sourcetrail = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-sourcetrail";
+    version = "2021-02-16";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "CoatiSoftware";
+      repo = "vim-sourcetrail";
+      rev = "c9c621a7ab81c52a661457ccf33a64fd7c56fd9d";
+      sha256 = "192f69yz1hh2k0b2kcvfvv1jirjcvnbxvjkagmlkkqcg8w32nmlg";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/CoatiSoftware/vim-sourcetrail/";
+  };
+  vim-speeddating = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-speeddating";
+    version = "2021-04-29";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tpope";
+      repo = "vim-speeddating";
+      rev = "95da3d72efc91a5131acf388eafa4b1ad6512a9b";
+      sha256 = "1al53c1x2bnnf0nnn7319jxq7bphaxdcnb5i7qa86m337jb2wqrp";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tpope/vim-speeddating/";
+  };
+  vim-spirv = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-spirv";
+    version = "2020-11-24";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "kbenzie";
+      repo = "vim-spirv";
+      rev = "50669efc68a0a8b455f12727753b2413dab96f07";
+      sha256 = "19h3pavy65irchpy9xn3kkf3lb531479v6apfa5lg02c18gmxq1f";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/kbenzie/vim-spirv/";
+  };
+  vim-startify = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-startify";
+    version = "2021-05-08";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "mhinz";
+      repo = "vim-startify";
+      rev = "81e36c352a8deea54df5ec1e2f4348685569bed2";
+      sha256 = "1y8yi099lqg03781bnma2bj6x5lkvfq65vhdpnm65mfyak6dpzgz";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/mhinz/vim-startify/";
+  };
+  vim-startuptime = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-startuptime";
+    version = "2022-02-19";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "dstein64";
+      repo = "vim-startuptime";
+      rev = "d6098f5603066c438a7bde3cc4acc32fbe6972e8";
+      sha256 = "0ycr5h9zng612ia6sx67mrw266wmy6xdbkrc9rrd53lzd1akh0f3";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/dstein64/vim-startuptime/";
+  };
+  vim-strip-trailing-whitespace = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-strip-trailing-whitespace";
+    version = "2022-02-01";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "axelf4";
+      repo = "vim-strip-trailing-whitespace";
+      rev = "59385775cbe416b2797ec5e2c7eb445a3398dd46";
+      sha256 = "04v3hnljl9lxil6nqnrfsldyyhaz50l3sppifmpa27c2gd1w1v0y";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/axelf4/vim-strip-trailing-whitespace/";
+  };
+  vim-stylish-haskell = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-stylish-haskell";
+    version = "2019-11-28";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "nbouscal";
+      repo = "vim-stylish-haskell";
+      rev = "ef12ab024cb3928ae57ce7c4fa519c4751afef99";
+      sha256 = "0ysz68v4c2i4kxchsvxgkpj5kb0jbm5x06ri1ns9cmk5gj01pmd6";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/nbouscal/vim-stylish-haskell/";
+  };
+  vim-stylishask = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-stylishask";
+    version = "2021-09-10";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "alx741";
+      repo = "vim-stylishask";
+      rev = "4819e57980617eba24856ba6c0134596904ed901";
+      sha256 = "03wz665s6lj42bhll4radpxyqhjylwnb20cgd2giyxd9ab7sy4cg";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/alx741/vim-stylishask/";
+  };
+  vim-subversive = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-subversive";
+    version = "2022-01-26";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "svermeulen";
+      repo = "vim-subversive";
+      rev = "6286cda3f9222bfd490fe34a00a2d8cd4925adec";
+      sha256 = "1lsfxrdxqzk0pqrv6him2s4j0vl1khxa5njknsbn8bvmshv8grap";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/svermeulen/vim-subversive/";
+  };
+  vim-surround = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-surround";
+    version = "2022-01-30";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tpope";
+      repo = "vim-surround";
+      rev = "baf89ad26488f6a7665d51b986f5c7ad2d22b30b";
+      sha256 = "0kzp1g2zw2an0z7bb8h4xs8jf17z0mnn0zf6v1wkipvz6nvp7di8";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tpope/vim-surround/";
+  };
+  vim-swap = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-swap";
+    version = "2021-08-08";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "machakann";
+      repo = "vim-swap";
+      rev = "9358bfdc5e377aa13e7c2c2dd8699ba32b0dcf83";
+      sha256 = "1vi0d4mp3npyv1hz4zyillrw4dpq71b1cqc2lwc4ks5b6g83pf27";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/machakann/vim-swap/";
+  };
+  vim-SyntaxRange = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-SyntaxRange";
+    version = "2021-01-16";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "inkarkat";
+      repo = "vim-SyntaxRange";
+      rev = "3a7fd9ff50fabafe61df12522ed2f275c8e2f45e";
+      sha256 = "1b5xyacbn87z8wkacjpnjk82xmxzivlb111427kwb5kxxdh4w7gq";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/inkarkat/vim-SyntaxRange/";
+  };
+  vim-table-mode = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-table-mode";
+    version = "2022-01-21";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "dhruvasagar";
+      repo = "vim-table-mode";
+      rev = "9191af46b6bee8d3e3474c7f8ea134c800e55985";
+      sha256 = "0szp8n82qmjwpm8skq3zqbmk0j9b269h86v7p6qlwdjnvr39hnis";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/dhruvasagar/vim-table-mode/";
+  };
+  vim-tabpagecd = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-tabpagecd";
+    version = "2021-09-23";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "kana";
+      repo = "vim-tabpagecd";
+      rev = "5f647097d868318002de4d971ed446b8b44e4e90";
+      sha256 = "1nbgjl7qbklh9d2xrlxcpmppp2408lcxm2lddiwdh4v38hqpka7s";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/kana/vim-tabpagecd/";
+  };
+  vim-tbone = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-tbone";
+    version = "2019-11-13";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tpope";
+      repo = "vim-tbone";
+      rev = "82b0118772a87b659a6af49b26b0c4817ec7eccf";
+      sha256 = "0pbj4v6zhlpcxm10jcq50jf2rpqiyp2x0zpxa50s6y6gm834v9wc";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tpope/vim-tbone/";
+  };
+  vim-terraform = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-terraform";
+    version = "2021-07-10";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "hashivim";
+      repo = "vim-terraform";
+      rev = "f0b17ac9f1bbdf3a29dba8b17ab429b1eed5d443";
+      sha256 = "0j87i6kxafwl8a8szy2gzv7d0qhzwynd93iw8k0i42jnpqm8rp3a";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/hashivim/vim-terraform/";
+  };
+  vim-terraform-completion = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-terraform-completion";
+    version = "2021-04-11";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "juliosueiras";
+      repo = "vim-terraform-completion";
+      rev = "125d0e892f5fd8f32b57a5a5983d03f1aa611949";
+      sha256 = "1ifw9s68g4ng5vzlavnvjd39c67m87ws6iafmsbnpdywywiq5q09";
+      fetchSubmodules = true;
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/juliosueiras/vim-terraform-completion/";
+  };
+  vim-test = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-test";
+    version = "2022-02-12";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "vim-test";
+      repo = "vim-test";
+      rev = "0422b7fa087eb7dd1270dfcb1f3d634b57829b6e";
+      sha256 = "060nvhxj219phx4rxi3igg2lvk39ll8g3jp762nigc242hha6wzf";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/vim-test/vim-test/";
+  };
+  vim-textobj-comment = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-textobj-comment";
+    version = "2014-04-11";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "glts";
+      repo = "vim-textobj-comment";
+      rev = "58ae4571b76a5bf74850698f23d235eef991dd4b";
+      sha256 = "00wc14chwjfx95gl3yzbxm1ajx88zpzqz0ckl7xvd7gvkrf0mx04";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/glts/vim-textobj-comment/";
+  };
+  vim-textobj-entire = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-textobj-entire";
+    version = "2018-01-19";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "kana";
+      repo = "vim-textobj-entire";
+      rev = "64a856c9dff3425ed8a863b9ec0a21dbaee6fb3a";
+      sha256 = "0kv0s85wbcxn9hrvml4hdzbpf49b1wwr3nk6gsz3p5rvfs6fbvmm";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/kana/vim-textobj-entire/";
+  };
+  vim-textobj-function = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-textobj-function";
+    version = "2014-05-03";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "kana";
+      repo = "vim-textobj-function";
+      rev = "adb50f38499b1f558cbd58845e3e91117e4538cf";
+      sha256 = "0cwl102si9zhhhpg6c0fjnyq35v6bl5f34p2s7b47isxdn0qvris";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/kana/vim-textobj-function/";
+  };
+  vim-textobj-haskell = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-textobj-haskell";
+    version = "2014-10-27";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "gibiansky";
+      repo = "vim-textobj-haskell";
+      rev = "ca656e98ea31e201f5bc543909398a6c8bb5d537";
+      sha256 = "096pjjl3ngw0hsh59j2x6pdrpqvp657rcxfyl9kw13ndqyd867xs";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/gibiansky/vim-textobj-haskell/";
+  };
+  vim-textobj-multiblock = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-textobj-multiblock";
+    version = "2014-06-02";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "osyo-manga";
+      repo = "vim-textobj-multiblock";
+      rev = "670a5ba57d73fcd793f480e262617c6eb0103355";
+      sha256 = "1s71hdr73cl8yg9mrdflvzrdccpiv7qrlainai7gqw30r1hfhfzf";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/osyo-manga/vim-textobj-multiblock/";
+  };
+  vim-textobj-user = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-textobj-user";
+    version = "2020-02-21";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "kana";
+      repo = "vim-textobj-user";
+      rev = "41a675ddbeefd6a93664a4dc52f302fe3086a933";
+      sha256 = "1y1g3vcm97fqjyigiajbvbck4nlc04vxl3535x4sl40s5jbm5vz3";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/kana/vim-textobj-user/";
+  };
+  vim-textobj-variable-segment = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-textobj-variable-segment";
+    version = "2021-08-29";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "Julian";
+      repo = "vim-textobj-variable-segment";
+      rev = "30f7bc94bc8a87d923631f5e440200b662becb1a";
+      sha256 = "1168qylhs0f0xzvy68kh07p8w01ypc78h2cb4pklv8079c869k30";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/Julian/vim-textobj-variable-segment/";
+  };
+  vim-themis = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-themis";
+    version = "2021-12-03";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "thinca";
+      repo = "vim-themis";
+      rev = "737e5444713ba53a9dcfbe3b962239bd0bd9162e";
+      sha256 = "0wj3v45p7pxm7f4pdzdbvy78vhq57jki0ldgfb3229hb101k1sgh";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/thinca/vim-themis/";
+  };
+  vim-tmux = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-tmux";
+    version = "2021-10-04";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tmux-plugins";
+      repo = "vim-tmux";
+      rev = "cfe76281efc29890548cf9eedd42ad51c7a1faf0";
+      sha256 = "0z263z1iwbxms90sp6jwk8kc4cf0zj1y3qfyh5p410ghadjnci99";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tmux-plugins/vim-tmux/";
+  };
+  vim-tmux-clipboard = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-tmux-clipboard";
+    version = "2019-04-07";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "roxma";
+      repo = "vim-tmux-clipboard";
+      rev = "47187740b88f9dab213f44678800cc797223808e";
+      sha256 = "1a7rpbvb7dgjfnrh95zg2ia6iiz2mz2xps31msb8h14hcj6dsv6y";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/roxma/vim-tmux-clipboard/";
+  };
+  vim-tmux-focus-events = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-tmux-focus-events";
+    version = "2021-04-27";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tmux-plugins";
+      repo = "vim-tmux-focus-events";
+      rev = "b1330e04ffb95ede8e02b2f7df1f238190c67056";
+      sha256 = "19r8gslq4m70rgi51bnlazhppggiy3crnmaqyvjc25f59f1213a7";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tmux-plugins/vim-tmux-focus-events/";
+  };
+  vim-tmux-navigator = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-tmux-navigator";
+    version = "2021-10-10";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "christoomey";
+      repo = "vim-tmux-navigator";
+      rev = "9ca5bfe5bd274051b5dd796cc150348afc993b80";
+      sha256 = "11qv4bqwwf7wh3l729c9za6kzpyry91q3cks2z51znppkyd20gb7";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/christoomey/vim-tmux-navigator/";
+  };
+  vim-togglelist = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-togglelist";
+    version = "2021-12-08";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "milkypostman";
+      repo = "vim-togglelist";
+      rev = "48f0d30292efdf20edc883e61b121e6123e03df7";
+      sha256 = "0fz0wmz6hp8hwikpfrxxgg0cn6hmr5fl7q1a8bvkhxzhd7xzfqq1";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/milkypostman/vim-togglelist/";
+  };
+  vim-toml = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-toml";
+    version = "2021-12-06";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "cespare";
+      repo = "vim-toml";
+      rev = "2c8983cc391287e5e26e015c3ab9c38de9f9b759";
+      sha256 = "1mxn2z3p3lnk3ibwxhqb3dih25qalpqfwy0rx7i393vpjbkn79py";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/cespare/vim-toml/";
+  };
+  vim-tpipeline = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-tpipeline";
+    version = "2022-02-01";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "vimpostor";
+      repo = "vim-tpipeline";
+      rev = "3758476a99644e8071b240184af3c74bc00373f1";
+      sha256 = "0ilhyam3av9hd685938abz3h4qfpgxcv81qhr71fr8fwbfb8k2w5";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/vimpostor/vim-tpipeline/";
+  };
+  vim-trailing-whitespace = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-trailing-whitespace";
+    version = "2020-11-18";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "bronson";
+      repo = "vim-trailing-whitespace";
+      rev = "05f068ebd9dbdf71d2d334d02abd99deb0311c40";
+      sha256 = "1bh15yw2aysvpn2ndnc0s6jzc0y93x6q1blc5pph67rdix5bm7gy";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/bronson/vim-trailing-whitespace/";
+  };
+  vim-tsx = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-tsx";
+    version = "2017-03-16";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ianks";
+      repo = "vim-tsx";
+      rev = "77c89c42e189fefd3c9a632b37b7e3b3b9edf918";
+      sha256 = "0wmd6gql57bxp868sq2dchp9sc3jbisr4vaz4y0lczhmk0prds6n";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ianks/vim-tsx/";
+  };
+  vim-twig = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-twig";
+    version = "2018-05-23";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "lumiliet";
+      repo = "vim-twig";
+      rev = "ad115512725bcc156f7f89b72ff563b9fa44933b";
+      sha256 = "1p7sfhk0mwx4xk88b29ijb9nfbjwsf6hf3nab2ybcw291qaa75nj";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/lumiliet/vim-twig/";
+  };
+  vim-twiggy = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-twiggy";
+    version = "2022-01-10";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "sodapopcan";
+      repo = "vim-twiggy";
+      rev = "7a2161991722a811c4ff06b3ce0119dd180729fd";
+      sha256 = "1fk3a14sickfkls4khkv2zykfy0093whsl020h61xf5c8g8byv6y";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/sodapopcan/vim-twiggy/";
+  };
+  vim-ultest = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-ultest";
+    version = "2022-02-19";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "rcarriga";
+      repo = "vim-ultest";
+      rev = "3792283722949045c5218abc3cab151441828afb";
+      sha256 = "1fb71npvzdgrwfdgi8m7fzn5an027fcn6s85g0vywjr89l2dqyyx";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/rcarriga/vim-ultest/";
+  };
+  vim-unicoder = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-unicoder";
+    version = "2019-04-16";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "arthurxavierx";
+      repo = "vim-unicoder";
+      rev = "a71fc3670f9337c56806fa9e8e97b7ea09fd5e39";
+      sha256 = "1kcnxx909pdvrvk0kyz3h8f9szn6hmalm8qyakq3pv6dknlkwb0b";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/arthurxavierx/vim-unicoder/";
+  };
+  vim-unimpaired = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-unimpaired";
+    version = "2022-02-02";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tpope";
+      repo = "vim-unimpaired";
+      rev = "f992923d336e93c7f50fe9b35a07d5a92660ecaf";
+      sha256 = "04l0v2jgkvhkfjj7j5r7x81gq2zwbjh5vh4p860p38razq6aixpl";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tpope/vim-unimpaired/";
+  };
+  vim-vagrant = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-vagrant";
+    version = "2018-11-11";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "hashivim";
+      repo = "vim-vagrant";
+      rev = "7741242ed9617ed53ba7e47e801634b819047ac0";
+      sha256 = "0inpgcrca955h0ic7pgl6bfzs7rssjgssvrvqq3y93j5addmh60m";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/hashivim/vim-vagrant/";
+  };
+  vim-vinegar = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-vinegar";
+    version = "2022-01-11";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tpope";
+      repo = "vim-vinegar";
+      rev = "bb1bcddf43cfebe05eb565a84ab069b357d0b3d6";
+      sha256 = "0836s6dl12qdk6x9ihp30h8w6f5lmbs28vmp0njza5fi0m7xb4df";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tpope/vim-vinegar/";
+  };
+  vim-visual-increment = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-visual-increment";
+    version = "2020-05-03";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "triglav";
+      repo = "vim-visual-increment";
+      rev = "0e55bb4054cdd5eefc0bb870f3e3c249673817cb";
+      sha256 = "0if3r3ih8f4yxy5s4xsl7384xzf14rmalvg60n9mbhshyljggvc4";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/triglav/vim-visual-increment/";
+  };
+  vim-visual-multi = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-visual-multi";
+    version = "2021-08-31";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "mg979";
+      repo = "vim-visual-multi";
+      rev = "e20908963d9b0114e5da1eacbc516e4b09cf5803";
+      sha256 = "02y91annhsrq6m9lnnvrla08g3z4chmpdrfrlzf252s26062mwdv";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/mg979/vim-visual-multi/";
+  };
+  vim-visualstar = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-visualstar";
+    version = "2015-08-27";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "thinca";
+      repo = "vim-visualstar";
+      rev = "a18cd0e7a03311ac709595c1d261ed44b45c9098";
+      sha256 = "0yz6ci4i84xxrgazjfa5nsj3q8733p0b6vwcljk1l7ghdfiflvy4";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/thinca/vim-visualstar/";
+  };
+  vim-vsnip = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-vsnip";
+    version = "2022-01-06";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "hrsh7th";
+      repo = "vim-vsnip";
+      rev = "7fde9c0b6878a62bcc6d2d29f9a85a6616032f02";
+      sha256 = "1f0p9pk2a2fxcdf4p35vm0jyrxkkxkqgn1v8fyd622vmcrbrj860";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/hrsh7th/vim-vsnip/";
+  };
+  vim-vsnip-integ = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-vsnip-integ";
+    version = "2022-01-12";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "hrsh7th";
+      repo = "vim-vsnip-integ";
+      rev = "5541e4ac18c732700c4310c86384bea19644d4a7";
+      sha256 = "0ilx1vmn76vnqf8v699jad0jshpg63v0m1f8ck1mh3zp53430d4q";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/hrsh7th/vim-vsnip-integ/";
+  };
+  vim-vue = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-vue";
+    version = "2019-08-03";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "posva";
+      repo = "vim-vue";
+      rev = "c424294e769b26659176065f9713c395731f7b3a";
+      sha256 = "1ig8qacavr15i6z7whlkf2ivw5smnqsw3jwhh4dg5q6037k1hjh1";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/posva/vim-vue/";
+  };
+  vim-wakatime = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-wakatime";
+    version = "2022-02-22";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "wakatime";
+      repo = "vim-wakatime";
+      rev = "f922f82954cb68fccfd20ad3eacc78fb2559a937";
+      sha256 = "1inb0vh1mfg6ihasd317ykw0dsnx8z16jvm6f6i8ldy3fw79y9wg";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/wakatime/vim-wakatime/";
+  };
+  vim-watchdogs = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-watchdogs";
+    version = "2019-09-09";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "osyo-manga";
+      repo = "vim-watchdogs";
+      rev = "8ee2af37095af08376ba2409da152c2a36a4ee90";
+      sha256 = "1hvgqdcnnz09afbas5brwls2sifs8y78jmq44ldgsjny9l445df4";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/osyo-manga/vim-watchdogs/";
+  };
+  vim-wayland-clipboard = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-wayland-clipboard";
+    version = "2022-02-19";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "jasonccox";
+      repo = "vim-wayland-clipboard";
+      rev = "7dcfcc17094eab71fd5fb467eb73c34abdde586c";
+      sha256 = "1rs2zhr500ib1drvnk63yciw4g3z1jsfksm6s2a0ywsxv1b240n2";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/jasonccox/vim-wayland-clipboard/";
+  };
+  vim-which-key = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-which-key";
+    version = "2021-11-25";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "liuchengxu";
+      repo = "vim-which-key";
+      rev = "165772f440bd26c4679eef8b8b493ab11fffc4ae";
+      sha256 = "1jhc8x22qgpbwrbmaf02hbq98hxfibg3jqa3wrnyi1qiik0wxzrc";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/liuchengxu/vim-which-key/";
+  };
+  vim-windowswap = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-windowswap";
+    version = "2018-05-16";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "wesQ3";
+      repo = "vim-windowswap";
+      rev = "15db3f697aa1fa696d99fcdc920c90cd2cec855e";
+      sha256 = "1zzgwxv0a4i1qlig1c3n6n9ns2fqkkv6jqc2qxcipn6v6v88sl2b";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/wesQ3/vim-windowswap/";
+  };
+  vim-wordmotion = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-wordmotion";
+    version = "2021-12-28";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "chaoren";
+      repo = "vim-wordmotion";
+      rev = "0d810cc943a858a570a482055188b5e69c4c8724";
+      sha256 = "0d0sf7dzzawssfn1dq61485vbykwmzc1g4qk91qnl68w9h4xlpgl";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/chaoren/vim-wordmotion/";
+  };
+  vim-wordy = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-wordy";
+    version = "2022-02-13";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "preservim";
+      repo = "vim-wordy";
+      rev = "590927f57277666e032702b26e4e0c82717cc3cb";
+      sha256 = "13ky8zlqalbvamhjvici7nvybansfzhrk8h203ayi2s5id9dai6m";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/preservim/vim-wordy/";
+  };
+  vim-xdebug = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-xdebug";
+    version = "2012-08-15";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "joonty";
+      repo = "vim-xdebug";
+      rev = "a4980fa65f7f159780593ee37c178281691ba2c4";
+      sha256 = "1qh18r0sm4gh95sjbi2hnflvxdl4gk00jyy3n7z4i1gnx9ihxjqw";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/joonty/vim-xdebug/";
+  };
+  vim-xkbswitch = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-xkbswitch";
+    version = "2021-12-29";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "lyokha";
+      repo = "vim-xkbswitch";
+      rev = "17aaeece90075ee4990da21ef662107a243fdbc9";
+      sha256 = "0mvx5im6ryrnqq0mq0z4lfks20cryz8rnrl8347nrhw9vsb1sb2v";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/lyokha/vim-xkbswitch/";
+  };
+  vim-xtabline = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-xtabline";
+    version = "2022-02-03";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "mg979";
+      repo = "vim-xtabline";
+      rev = "ccfa687d4f8d34bc2e23facc9b92c3abb90e5f93";
+      sha256 = "0hrzwnnfdlb21wi3rj91k739v8dwi51w4llip669sw22ad0xz9la";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/mg979/vim-xtabline/";
+  };
+  vim-yaml = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-yaml";
+    version = "2021-01-14";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "stephpy";
+      repo = "vim-yaml";
+      rev = "dce19542d5ec1663183b0f6844ec663b5d1f3d24";
+      sha256 = "18xpdl86zsnmrc1w8wccx9acwjvgij2wpsg7f6dpnxx70c07g3ig";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/stephpy/vim-yaml/";
+  };
+  vim-yapf = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim-yapf";
+    version = "2018-10-04";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "mindriot101";
+      repo = "vim-yapf";
+      rev = "b0c31bd73a6d1026765e659bd0a62c625ec057ad";
+      sha256 = "0ncv6kjyywljsq5fz71rkmgmqxm7msyscgndnj055bnx5sh9wk80";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/mindriot101/vim-yapf/";
+  };
+  vim2hs = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim2hs";
+    version = "2014-04-16";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "dag";
+      repo = "vim2hs";
+      rev = "f2afd55704bfe0a2d66e6b270d247e9b8a7b1664";
+      sha256 = "18lqrl3hqb6cmizc04bbnsh8j0g761w2q8wascbzzfw80dmxy36b";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/dag/vim2hs/";
+  };
+  vim_current_word = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim_current_word";
+    version = "2021-11-09";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "dominikduda";
+      repo = "vim_current_word";
+      rev = "961d54dd53a1da7a9402dc92098a8a8c75d79ac6";
+      sha256 = "1qa8pnr8fjxy0d3kf4vhjzwqlj1yszj2r21phmw4f3yl1hl72hc0";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/dominikduda/vim_current_word/";
+  };
+  vimacs = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vimacs";
+    version = "2016-03-24";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "andrep";
+      repo = "vimacs";
+      rev = "7b8e297722d55089f0f0535fe6422533c98112fb";
+      sha256 = "0x92jcpdlvxhhdpwkv7ig9ya7s96yqjy6ms9xnx8djkf12xql16f";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/andrep/vimacs/";
+  };
+  vimade = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vimade";
+    version = "2022-01-31";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "TaDaa";
+      repo = "vimade";
+      rev = "b0ce0820240e72a330bd388caa48baf434f1a0e3";
+      sha256 = "1yknp4fjdwkc5sfw8f6rkhffa1k7lz3pa9q62v9ifj27a0gykwsd";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/TaDaa/vimade/";
+  };
+  vimagit = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vimagit";
+    version = "2021-08-10";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "jreybert";
+      repo = "vimagit";
+      rev = "fb71060049f829e48fc392e0be43d1040c271204";
+      sha256 = "1yizvf9s9djxar64kp63r45q5vv2k616xskd4adkcfqn8crzyw52";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/jreybert/vimagit/";
+  };
+  VimCompletesMe = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "VimCompletesMe";
+    version = "2022-02-18";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ackyshake";
+      repo = "VimCompletesMe";
+      rev = "9adf692d7ae6424038458a89d4a411f0a27d1388";
+      sha256 = "1sndgb3291dyifaa8adri2mb8cgbinbar3nw1fnf67k9ahwycaz0";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ackyshake/VimCompletesMe/";
+  };
+  vimelette = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vimelette";
+    version = "2019-05-02";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "gotcha";
+      repo = "vimelette";
+      rev = "662f47fe0da2625dc743532832fa39f490388fa7";
+      sha256 = "094xyqba64dndgr5gfcqp6hy3siw90niyrrwz0avs924abss6adg";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/gotcha/vimelette/";
+  };
+  vimfiler-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vimfiler.vim";
+    version = "2020-07-13";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "Shougo";
+      repo = "vimfiler.vim";
+      rev = "0fdf9f2f7e6014a49625433058c1665f72a3b86f";
+      sha256 = "028hcmr7xxqmb55m9q2h2x9kr5xq5866ivr0in23jm44s897yr25";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/Shougo/vimfiler.vim/";
+  };
+  VimOrganizer = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "VimOrganizer";
+    version = "2020-12-15";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "hsitz";
+      repo = "VimOrganizer";
+      rev = "09636aed78441a9de2767fcef6d7c567f322cc40";
+      sha256 = "0phpcxmyz562yyp88rbx9pqg46w8r1lyapb700nvxwvqkcd82pfw";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/hsitz/VimOrganizer/";
+  };
+  vimoutliner = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vimoutliner";
+    version = "2021-04-24";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "vimoutliner";
+      repo = "vimoutliner";
+      rev = "6d849acb977fc2d008f9cd2edf4f1356537794fe";
+      sha256 = "1hy4zgxrc0zn6dnbdv7zy2cn4ny99srsvrgkyvwhg4pzd9rwcqpp";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/vimoutliner/vimoutliner/";
+  };
+  vimpreviewpandoc = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vimpreviewpandoc";
+    version = "2019-02-10";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tex";
+      repo = "vimpreviewpandoc";
+      rev = "3b0a589140abf6cc5d19ad678a7f01822bbee34e";
+      sha256 = "15yjr01wfnhaqw1k8bgxk04vvh76y13zfms66irpihw79f9yzxi9";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tex/vimpreviewpandoc/";
+  };
+  vimproc-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vimproc.vim";
+    version = "2022-02-22";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "Shougo";
+      repo = "vimproc.vim";
+      rev = "3ba46c01109bc590c6740c1133f53584751924b2";
+      sha256 = "05m34kbpi6y4rkcrxz785jikj37y5q44k0wfjdhklr49fgw08vra";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/Shougo/vimproc.vim/";
+  };
+  vimsence = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vimsence";
+    version = "2021-05-01";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "vimsence";
+      repo = "vimsence";
+      rev = "79f43e9da378f66e7c7eb1c6193de8a805d8afe3";
+      sha256 = "0ymdrv74q513ghz7cfsbs9y4qgimk5wbwizwf20dbqy2pcsq6i46";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/vimsence/vimsence/";
+  };
+  vimshell-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vimshell.vim";
+    version = "2019-07-16";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "Shougo";
+      repo = "vimshell.vim";
+      rev = "ee683538f57aaf5094db9860f67f4957a763ffb4";
+      sha256 = "0inf9xx6ni1scxkn0b78qq0234r0ybrwpphyzcafw7i8kzisbn26";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/Shougo/vimshell.vim/";
+  };
+  vimspector = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vimspector";
+    version = "2022-02-19";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "puremourning";
+      repo = "vimspector";
+      rev = "d6641959336d0f0303c94cbea131b160f9dcabe3";
+      sha256 = "0r2sr4kissqvi5d63girgxp6swbkj0czfaf5nbq2c4gjnpkr6clx";
+      fetchSubmodules = true;
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/puremourning/vimspector/";
+  };
+  vimtex = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vimtex";
+    version = "2022-02-19";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "lervag";
+      repo = "vimtex";
+      rev = "c8c9ac5377045f3e2881d13cbb60ff1750497b15";
+      sha256 = "14bl67020mswbbz63jzq25nl6sqg9qzryw12x1s802xnc2f65g9r";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/lervag/vimtex/";
+  };
+  vimux = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vimux";
+    version = "2021-08-15";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "preservim";
+      repo = "vimux";
+      rev = "89604a4464c3069dbe31f7bc8dd16a5fbc88a303";
+      sha256 = "1lr7zqza29xxwbki9fgfazrak6ybyvm1a782kbs3v3zip10xmm3x";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/preservim/vimux/";
+  };
+  vimwiki = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vimwiki";
+    version = "2020-05-26";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "vimwiki";
+      repo = "vimwiki";
+      rev = "619f04f89861c58e5a6415a4f83847752928252d";
+      sha256 = "03dic4vjl3bwd7s6jj3vrz6xicf3a3bccaqgx635hn01ha6vw1jw";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/vimwiki/vimwiki/";
+  };
+  vis = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vis";
+    version = "2013-04-26";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "vim-scripts";
+      repo = "vis";
+      rev = "6a87efbfbd97238716b602c2b53564aa6329b5de";
+      sha256 = "1bg1d2gmln1s0324c4a2338qx729yy708f1hgk98fkgl9sk2bhdi";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/vim-scripts/vis/";
+  };
+  vissort-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vissort.vim";
+    version = "2014-01-31";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "navicore";
+      repo = "vissort.vim";
+      rev = "75a5b08b64d2f762206bffd294066533891fa03c";
+      sha256 = "0a71b22apkhicca9nkd06jlcnqkf583mlpfh2mvl4d474viavqfn";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/navicore/vissort.vim/";
+  };
+  vista-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vista.vim";
+    version = "2021-11-15";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "liuchengxu";
+      repo = "vista.vim";
+      rev = "a0469c645dcbe4033b857da27d35491f39e2f776";
+      sha256 = "1i0j11lbqdych2914chb9rlmr902q52v400y3ifzi38g5md9zv3w";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/liuchengxu/vista.vim/";
+  };
+  Vundle-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "Vundle.vim";
+    version = "2019-08-17";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "VundleVim";
+      repo = "Vundle.vim";
+      rev = "b255382d6242d7ea3877bf059d2934125e0c4d95";
+      sha256 = "0fkmklcq3fgvd6x6irz9bgyvcdaxafykk3k89gsi9p6b0ikw3rw6";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/VundleVim/Vundle.vim/";
+  };
+  wal-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "wal.vim";
+    version = "2020-11-08";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "dylanaraps";
+      repo = "wal.vim";
+      rev = "c72ba0d18946f29aab9c95eb6975d321c68b3681";
+      sha256 = "03hrn0d6mqjlrixwx5l270jfgwgkzr6xg00h39i49j7k3f1ql078";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/dylanaraps/wal.vim/";
+  };
+  webapi-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "webapi-vim";
+    version = "2021-06-04";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "mattn";
+      repo = "webapi-vim";
+      rev = "b09cbd3a27157a5baf0468403b392f577adefe45";
+      sha256 = "17vlzg5dm5phirwyk8xkqnrkplybd8d5rj9kdx7rgla3h7rqn4wg";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/mattn/webapi-vim/";
+  };
+  which-key-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "which-key.nvim";
+    version = "2022-01-19";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "folke";
+      repo = "which-key.nvim";
+      rev = "28d2bd129575b5e9ebddd88506601290bb2bb221";
+      sha256 = "13k1q7zkwr5bfc2lj97nk4npy0gk49r1qbac49aib7fyzirkagkg";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/folke/which-key.nvim/";
+  };
+  wilder-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "wilder.nvim";
+    version = "2022-02-12";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "gelguy";
+      repo = "wilder.nvim";
+      rev = "f49592d297eff4c485ac28927fc7945c165197d6";
+      sha256 = "14sxz4vfzrqwa9qxw9pprj34v7z4gmdz0k1xdkyjcx6fzmny7ycn";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/gelguy/wilder.nvim/";
+  };
+  wildfire-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "wildfire.vim";
+    version = "2021-05-10";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "gcmt";
+      repo = "wildfire.vim";
+      rev = "fa91b732fd1c5acd23b7b32d5fbbc884eedafc8d";
+      sha256 = "15gikqmpaf5c6687kgc5ib57pw7gyvxaihdv5549s7p2xkkbcl24";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/gcmt/wildfire.vim/";
+  };
+  winshift-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "winshift.nvim";
+    version = "2021-11-15";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "sindrets";
+      repo = "winshift.nvim";
+      rev = "aaa04b97640165eb0877bfc04943f4282887470b";
+      sha256 = "0rg7ci0m1hm9jbhjwckvjnfl0w3bl2wfr7wq67k0wdj5vnlzz6w3";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/sindrets/winshift.nvim/";
+  };
+  wmgraphviz-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "wmgraphviz.vim";
+    version = "2018-04-26";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "wannesm";
+      repo = "wmgraphviz.vim";
+      rev = "f08ff5becd1e6e81d681ff2926f2cce29f63cb18";
+      sha256 = "12mb0lbkrzrxyawd9gg6igmsaylvsixcslim0lcgsrd551l9lq2l";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/wannesm/wmgraphviz.vim/";
+  };
+  wombat256-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "wombat256.vim";
+    version = "2010-10-18";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "vim-scripts";
+      repo = "wombat256.vim";
+      rev = "8734ba45dcf5e38c4d2686b35c94f9fcb30427e2";
+      sha256 = "01fdvfwdfqn5xi88lfanb4lb6jmn1ma6wq6d9jj2x7qamdbpvsrg";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/vim-scripts/wombat256.vim/";
+  };
+  workflowish = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "workflowish";
+    version = "2015-12-03";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "lukaszkorecki";
+      repo = "workflowish";
+      rev = "65472189814dddd060aaa558103d837c2f9a5ec9";
+      sha256 = "044jxkcbycmmahi98qd0ynpc8baay72i45qymv4mxvl1d96fjbmd";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/lukaszkorecki/workflowish/";
+  };
+  wstrip-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "wstrip.vim";
+    version = "2021-03-14";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "tweekmonster";
+      repo = "wstrip.vim";
+      rev = "3d4c35c8ca462fbece58886e52679a5355f461d6";
+      sha256 = "020bikc5482gzshjh2vgvknqxpzzzaff14z1rj6b2yvmbr2a837f";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/tweekmonster/wstrip.vim/";
+  };
+  xptemplate = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "xptemplate";
+    version = "2020-06-29";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "drmingdrmer";
+      repo = "xptemplate";
+      rev = "359ffe4d426bce2e95f5866b682856b25555396f";
+      sha256 = "1rj5k58n1ybcc7qxsxlh09p2v4cps5xyzxmvjfrixy1qm2f85kd5";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/drmingdrmer/xptemplate/";
+  };
+  xterm-color-table-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "xterm-color-table.vim";
+    version = "2014-01-01";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "guns";
+      repo = "xterm-color-table.vim";
+      rev = "9754e857e5f4fe1f8727106dcc682d21c29a51e4";
+      sha256 = "08a1d9428xwrjp40qgi34cb5fwgc239qf3agxl32k7bqbn08pq19";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/guns/xterm-color-table.vim/";
+  };
+  YankRing-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "YankRing.vim";
+    version = "2015-07-29";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "vim-scripts";
+      repo = "YankRing.vim";
+      rev = "28854abef8fa4ebd3cb219aefcf22566997d8f65";
+      sha256 = "0zdp8pdsqgrh6lfw8ipjhrig6psvmdxkim9ik801y3r373sk2hxw";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/vim-scripts/YankRing.vim/";
+  };
+  yats-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "yats.vim";
+    version = "2022-01-05";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "HerringtonDarkholme";
+      repo = "yats.vim";
+      rev = "3e6a46271fe307741dbd06507e36ec08f118263a";
+      sha256 = "06aw72jpssi0ppadqw77cyfn6w9r87984h85f58bfffd8v0s9arg";
+      fetchSubmodules = true;
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/HerringtonDarkholme/yats.vim/";
+  };
+  YouCompleteMe = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "YouCompleteMe";
+    version = "2022-02-22";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ycm-core";
+      repo = "YouCompleteMe";
+      rev = "aec79589040497cd0cb0701e089d8d80dc6de996";
+      sha256 = "16nnq95hvprr5wkbrx4slrfjspcshhx4halij3spldrxy40mbm2m";
+      fetchSubmodules = true;
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ycm-core/YouCompleteMe/";
+  };
+  YUNOcommit-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "YUNOcommit.vim";
+    version = "2014-11-26";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "esneider";
+      repo = "YUNOcommit.vim";
+      rev = "981082055a73ef076d7e27477874d2303153a448";
+      sha256 = "0mjc7fn405vcx1n7vadl98p5wgm6jxrlbdbkqgjq8f1m1ir81zab";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/esneider/YUNOcommit.vim/";
+  };
+  zeavim-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "zeavim.vim";
+    version = "2019-06-07";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "KabbAmine";
+      repo = "zeavim.vim";
+      rev = "298e52ad683680b4aa19b53d009cf0e6b9197664";
+      sha256 = "1qj6z0vd7y89wfwh84rndl4iz6cvilncih2fc5xgmljaarg914fs";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/KabbAmine/zeavim.vim/";
+  };
+  zen-mode-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "zen-mode.nvim";
+    version = "2021-11-07";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "folke";
+      repo = "zen-mode.nvim";
+      rev = "f1cc53d32b49cf962fb89a2eb0a31b85bb270f7c";
+      sha256 = "1fxkrny1xk69w8rlmz4x5msvqb8i8xvvl9csndpplxhkn8wzirdp";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/folke/zen-mode.nvim/";
+  };
+  zenburn = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "zenburn";
+    version = "2021-09-15";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "jnurmine";
+      repo = "zenburn";
+      rev = "de2fa06a93fe1494638ec7b2fdd565898be25de6";
+      sha256 = "0pmmc16gkypb3y87d5wg5g8c3cxhj01ah9khl82hfw564yw4ipqs";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/jnurmine/zenburn/";
+  };
+  zephyr-nvim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "zephyr-nvim";
+    version = "2021-04-18";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "glepnir";
+      repo = "zephyr-nvim";
+      rev = "32c4ea97cc1cd3db1abebd46aff2ee18d66d8d59";
+      sha256 = "1ab5ivfddifapc31qbipvajjgx1mclyqqf29cpz7avsc4h6fp3w0";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/glepnir/zephyr-nvim/";
+  };
+  zig-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "zig.vim";
+    version = "2022-02-11";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "ziglang";
+      repo = "zig.vim";
+      rev = "10ff26328cf8e5ed2938b96da6f8c20737eb444a";
+      sha256 = "1r50jrap0pb2mah4b7mx9scg2gz03l02bkqsfqw1a0r7rwv6alxs";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/ziglang/zig.vim/";
+  };
+  zoomwintab-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "zoomwintab.vim";
+    version = "2021-10-10";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "troydm";
+      repo = "zoomwintab.vim";
+      rev = "7a354f3f0aa7807d822c03c8c24dc6c1cced9d3c";
+      sha256 = "18b9c90nrbia3bdx9liznkm05pr7qlya7fdllqnnmpb4v047c06f";
+    };
+    meta.homepage = "https://github.com/troydm/zoomwintab.vim/";
+  };
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/markdown-preview-nvim/fix-node-paths.patch b/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/markdown-preview-nvim/fix-node-paths.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..7b09f5b804618
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/markdown-preview-nvim/fix-node-paths.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+diff --git a/autoload/health/mkdp.vim b/autoload/health/mkdp.vim
+index 9eebb56..0700333 100644
+--- a/autoload/health/mkdp.vim
++++ b/autoload/health/mkdp.vim
+@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ function! health#mkdp#check() abort
+     call health#report_info('Pre build: ' . l:mkdp_server_script)
+     call health#report_info('Pre build version: ' . mkdp#util#pre_build_version())
+     call health#report_ok('Using pre build')
+-  elseif executable('node')
+-    call health#report_info('Node version: ' . system('node --version'))
++  else
++    call health#report_info('Node version: ' . system('@node@ --version'))
+     let l:mkdp_server_script = s:mkdp_root_dir . '/app/server.js'
+     call health#report_info('Script: ' . l:mkdp_server_script)
+     call health#report_info('Script exists: ' . filereadable(l:mkdp_server_script))
+diff --git a/autoload/mkdp/nvim/rpc.vim b/autoload/mkdp/nvim/rpc.vim
+index 5abd807..db1067b 100644
+--- a/autoload/mkdp/nvim/rpc.vim
++++ b/autoload/mkdp/nvim/rpc.vim
+@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ function! mkdp#nvim#rpc#get_command() abort
+   let l:pre_build = s:root_dir . '/app/bin/markdown-preview-' . mkdp#util#get_platform()
+   if executable(l:pre_build)
+     let l:cmd = [l:pre_build, '--path', s:script]
+-  elseif executable('node')
+-    let l:cmd = ['node', s:root_dir . '/app/index.js', '--path', s:script]
++  else
++    let l:cmd = ['@node@', s:root_dir . '/app/index.js', '--path', s:script]
+   endif
+   if !exists('l:cmd')
+     echohl Error | echon '[vim-node-rpc] pre build and node not found!' | echohl None
+diff --git a/autoload/mkdp/rpc.vim b/autoload/mkdp/rpc.vim
+index a3361ec..d42f7a6 100644
+--- a/autoload/mkdp/rpc.vim
++++ b/autoload/mkdp/rpc.vim
+@@ -59,9 +59,9 @@ function! mkdp#rpc#start_server() abort
+   let l:mkdp_server_script = s:mkdp_root_dir . '/app/bin/markdown-preview-' . mkdp#util#get_platform()
+   if executable(l:mkdp_server_script)
+     let l:cmd = [l:mkdp_server_script, '--path', s:mkdp_root_dir . '/app/server.js']
+-  elseif executable('node')
++  else
+     let l:mkdp_server_script = s:mkdp_root_dir . '/app/index.js'
+-    let l:cmd = ['node', l:mkdp_server_script, '--path', s:mkdp_root_dir . '/app/server.js']
++    let l:cmd = ['@node@', l:mkdp_server_script, '--path', s:mkdp_root_dir . '/app/server.js']
+   endif
+   if exists('l:cmd')
+     if s:is_vim
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/markdown-preview-nvim/package.json b/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/markdown-preview-nvim/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..a3900a91dffdd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/markdown-preview-nvim/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+  "name": "markdown-preview-vim",
+  "version": "0.0.1",
+  "description": "markdown preview plugin for (neo)vim",
+  "bin": "./index.js",
+  "repository": "https://github.com/iamcco/markdown-preview.vim.git",
+  "author": "年糕小豆汤 <ooiss@qq.com>",
+  "license": "MIT",
+  "private": true,
+  "dependencies": {
+    "log4js": "3.0.6",
+    "neovim": "4.2.1",
+    "socket.io": "2.1.1",
+    "tslib": "1.9.3",
+    "vim-node-rpc": "0.1.24"
+  }
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/overrides.nix b/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/overrides.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..059622495731b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/overrides.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,1131 @@
+{ lib
+, stdenv
+  # nixpkgs functions
+, buildGoModule
+, buildVimPluginFrom2Nix
+, fetchFromGitHub
+, fetchpatch
+, fetchurl
+, substituteAll
+  # Language dependencies
+, python2
+, python3
+, rustPlatform
+  # Misc dependencies
+, Cocoa
+, code-minimap
+, dasht
+, direnv
+, fzf
+, gnome
+, himalaya
+, khard
+, languagetool
+, llvmPackages
+, meson
+, nim
+, nodePackages
+, parinfer-rust
+, skim
+, sqlite
+, statix
+, stylish-haskell
+, tabnine
+, tup
+, vim
+, which
+, xkb-switch
+, ycmd
+, nodejs
+# test dependencies
+, neovim-unwrapped
+  # command-t dependencies
+, rake
+, ruby
+  # cpsm dependencies
+, boost
+, cmake
+, icu
+, ncurses
+  # LanguageClient-neovim dependencies
+, CoreFoundation
+, CoreServices
+  # nvim-treesitter dependencies
+, tree-sitter
+  # sved dependencies
+, glib
+, gobject-introspection
+, wrapGAppsHook
+  # sniprun dependencies
+, bashInteractive
+, coreutils
+, curl
+, gnugrep
+, gnused
+, makeWrapper
+, procps
+  # vim-clap dependencies
+, libgit2
+, libiconv
+, openssl
+, pkg-config
+  # vim-go dependencies
+, asmfmt
+, delve
+, errcheck
+, go-motion
+, go-tools
+, gocode
+, gocode-gomod
+, godef
+, gogetdoc
+, golangci-lint
+, golint
+, gomodifytags
+, gopls
+, gotags
+, gotools
+, iferr
+, impl
+, reftools
+  # must be lua51Packages
+, luaPackages
+self: super: {
+  clang_complete = super.clang_complete.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    # In addition to the arguments you pass to your compiler, you also need to
+    # specify the path of the C++ std header (if you are using C++).
+    # These usually implicitly set by cc-wrapper around clang (pkgs/build-support/cc-wrapper).
+    # The linked ruby code shows generates the required '.clang_complete' for cmake based projects
+    # https://gist.github.com/Mic92/135e83803ed29162817fce4098dec144
+    preFixup = ''
+      substituteInPlace "$out"/plugin/clang_complete.vim \
+        --replace "let g:clang_library_path = '' + "''" + ''" "let g:clang_library_path='${llvmPackages.libclang.lib}/lib/libclang.so'"
+      substituteInPlace "$out"/plugin/libclang.py \
+        --replace "/usr/lib/clang" "${llvmPackages.clang.cc}/lib/clang"
+    '';
+  });
+  clighter8 = super.clighter8.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    preFixup = ''
+      sed "/^let g:clighter8_libclang_path/s|')$|${llvmPackages.clang.cc.lib}/lib/libclang.so')|" \
+        -i "$out"/plugin/clighter8.vim
+    '';
+  });
+  cmp-tabnine = super.cmp-tabnine.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    buildInputs = [ tabnine ];
+    postFixup = ''
+      mkdir -p $target/binaries/${tabnine.version}
+      ln -s ${tabnine}/bin/ $target/binaries/${tabnine.version}/${tabnine.passthru.platform}
+    '';
+  });
+  command-t = super.command-t.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    buildInputs = [ ruby rake ];
+    buildPhase = ''
+      rake make
+      rm ruby/command-t/ext/command-t/*.o
+    '';
+  });
+  compe-tabnine = super.compe-tabnine.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    buildInputs = [ tabnine ];
+    postFixup = ''
+      mkdir -p $target/binaries/${tabnine.version}
+      ln -s ${tabnine}/bin/ $target/binaries/${tabnine.version}/${tabnine.passthru.platform}
+    '';
+  });
+  completion-buffers = super.completion-buffers.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    dependencies = with self; [ completion-nvim ];
+  });
+  completion-tabnine = super.completion-tabnine.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    dependencies = with self; [ completion-nvim ];
+    buildInputs = [ tabnine ];
+    postFixup = ''
+      mkdir -p $target/binaries
+      ln -s ${tabnine}/bin/TabNine $target/binaries/TabNine_$(uname -s)
+    '';
+  });
+  completion-treesitter = super.completion-treesitter.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    dependencies = with self; [ completion-nvim nvim-treesitter ];
+  });
+  cpsm = super.cpsm.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    buildInputs = [
+      python3
+      stdenv
+      cmake
+      boost
+      icu
+      ncurses
+    ];
+    buildPhase = ''
+      patchShebangs .
+      export PY3=ON
+      ./install.sh
+    '';
+  });
+  crates-nvim = super.crates-nvim.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    dependencies = with self; [ plenary-nvim ];
+  });
+  ctrlp-cmatcher = super.ctrlp-cmatcher.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    buildInputs = [ python2 ];
+    buildPhase = ''
+      patchShebangs .
+      ./install.sh
+    '';
+  });
+  defx-nvim = super.defx-nvim.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    dependencies = with self; [ nvim-yarp ];
+  });
+  deoplete-fish = super.deoplete-fish.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    dependencies = with self; [ deoplete-nvim vim-fish ];
+  });
+  deoplete-go = super.deoplete-go.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    buildInputs = [ python3 ];
+    buildPhase = ''
+      pushd ./rplugin/python3/deoplete/ujson
+      python3 setup.py build --build-base=$PWD/build --build-lib=$PWD/build
+      popd
+      find ./rplugin/ -name "ujson*.so" -exec mv -v {} ./rplugin/python3/ \;
+    '';
+  });
+  deoplete-khard = super.deoplete-khard.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    dependencies = with self; [ deoplete-nvim ];
+    passthru.python3Dependencies = ps: [ (ps.toPythonModule khard) ];
+    meta = {
+      description = "Address-completion for khard via deoplete";
+      homepage = "https://github.com/nicoe/deoplete-khard";
+      license = lib.licenses.mit;
+      maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ jorsn ];
+    };
+  });
+  direnv-vim = super.direnv-vim.overrideAttrs (oa: {
+    preFixup = oa.preFixup or "" + ''
+      substituteInPlace $out/autoload/direnv.vim \
+        --replace "let s:direnv_cmd = get(g:, 'direnv_cmd', 'direnv')" \
+          "let s:direnv_cmd = get(g:, 'direnv_cmd', '${lib.getBin direnv}/bin/direnv')"
+    '';
+  });
+  fcitx-vim = super.fcitx-vim.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    passthru.python3Dependencies = ps: with ps; [ dbus-python ];
+    meta = {
+      description = "Keep and restore fcitx state when leaving/re-entering insert mode or search mode";
+      license = lib.licenses.mit;
+    };
+  });
+  forms = super.forms.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    dependencies = with self; [ self.self ];
+  });
+  fruzzy =
+    let
+      # until https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/67878 is merged, there's no better way to install nim libraries with nix
+      nimpy = fetchFromGitHub {
+        owner = "yglukhov";
+        repo = "nimpy";
+        rev = "4840d1e438985af759ddf0923e7a9250fd8ea0da";
+        sha256 = "0qqklvaajjqnlqm3rkk36pwwnn7x942mbca7nf2cvryh36yg4q5k";
+      };
+      binaryheap = fetchFromGitHub {
+        owner = "bluenote10";
+        repo = "nim-heap";
+        rev = "c38039309cb11391112571aa332df9c55f625b54";
+        sha256 = "05xdy13vm5n8dw2i366ppbznc4cfhq23rdcklisbaklz2jhdx352";
+      };
+    in
+    super.fruzzy.overrideAttrs (old: {
+      buildInputs = [ nim ];
+      patches = [
+        (substituteAll {
+          src = ./patches/fruzzy/get_version.patch;
+          version = old.version;
+        })
+      ];
+      configurePhase = ''
+        substituteInPlace Makefile \
+          --replace \
+            "nim c" \
+            "nim c --nimcache:$TMP --path:${nimpy} --path:${binaryheap}"
+      '';
+      buildPhase = ''
+        make build
+      '';
+    });
+  fzf-checkout-vim = super.fzf-checkout-vim.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    # The plugin has a makefile which tries to run tests in a docker container.
+    # This prevents it.
+    prePatch = ''
+      rm Makefile
+    '';
+  });
+  fzf-vim = super.fzf-vim.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    dependencies = with self; [ fzfWrapper ];
+  });
+  # Mainly used as a dependency for fzf-vim. Wraps the fzf program as a vim
+  # plugin, since part of the fzf vim plugin is included in the main fzf
+  # program.
+  fzfWrapper = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    inherit (fzf) src version;
+    pname = "fzf";
+    postInstall = ''
+      ln -s ${fzf}/bin/fzf $target/bin/fzf
+    '';
+  };
+  ghcid = super.ghcid.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    configurePhase = "cd plugins/nvim";
+  });
+  gitsigns-nvim = super.gitsigns-nvim.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    dependencies = with self; [ plenary-nvim ];
+  });
+  # plenary-nvim = super.toVimPlugin(luaPackages.plenary-nvim);
+  plenary-nvim = super.plenary-nvim.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    postPatch = ''
+      sed -Ei lua/plenary/curl.lua \
+          -e 's@(command\s*=\s*")curl(")@\1${curl}/bin/curl\2@'
+    '';
+  });
+  gruvbox-nvim = super.gruvbox-nvim.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    dependencies = with self; [ lush-nvim ];
+  });
+  jedi-vim = super.jedi-vim.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    # checking for python3 support in vim would be neat, too, but nobody else seems to care
+    buildInputs = [ python3.pkgs.jedi ];
+    meta = {
+      description = "code-completion for python using python-jedi";
+      license = lib.licenses.mit;
+    };
+  });
+  himalaya-vim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "himalaya-vim";
+    inherit (himalaya) src version;
+    dependencies = with self; [ himalaya ];
+    configurePhase = ''
+      cd vim
+      substituteInPlace plugin/himalaya.vim \
+        --replace 'if !executable("himalaya")' 'if v:false'
+    '';
+    postFixup = ''
+      mkdir -p $out/bin
+      ln -s ${himalaya}/bin/himalaya $out/bin/himalaya
+    '';
+  };
+  LanguageClient-neovim =
+    let
+      version = "0.1.161";
+      LanguageClient-neovim-src = fetchFromGitHub {
+        owner = "autozimu";
+        repo = "LanguageClient-neovim";
+        rev = version;
+        sha256 = "Z9S2ie9RxJCIbmjSV/Tto4lK04cZfWmK3IAy8YaySVI=";
+      };
+      LanguageClient-neovim-bin = rustPlatform.buildRustPackage {
+        pname = "LanguageClient-neovim-bin";
+        inherit version;
+        src = LanguageClient-neovim-src;
+        cargoSha256 = "H34UqJ6JOwuSABdOup5yKeIwFrGc83TUnw1ggJEx9o4=";
+        buildInputs = lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin [ CoreServices ];
+        # FIXME: Use impure version of CoreFoundation because of missing symbols.
+        #   Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: "_CFURLResourceIsReachable"
+        preConfigure = lib.optionalString stdenv.isDarwin ''
+          export NIX_LDFLAGS="-F${CoreFoundation}/Library/Frameworks -framework CoreFoundation $NIX_LDFLAGS"
+        '';
+      };
+    in
+    buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+      pname = "LanguageClient-neovim";
+      inherit version;
+      src = LanguageClient-neovim-src;
+      propagatedBuildInputs = [ LanguageClient-neovim-bin ];
+      preFixup = ''
+        substituteInPlace "$out"/autoload/LanguageClient.vim \
+          --replace "let l:path = s:root . '/bin/'" "let l:path = '${LanguageClient-neovim-bin}' . '/bin/'"
+      '';
+    };
+  lean-nvim = super.lean-nvim.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    dependencies = with self; [ nvim-lspconfig plenary-nvim ];
+  });
+  lens-vim = super.lens-vim.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    # remove duplicate g:lens#animate in doc/lens.txt
+    # https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/105810#issuecomment-740007985
+    # https://github.com/camspiers/lens.vim/pull/40/files
+    patches = [
+      (substituteAll {
+        src = ./patches/lens-vim/remove_duplicate_g_lens_animate.patch;
+        inherit languagetool;
+      })
+    ];
+  });
+  lf-vim = super.lf-vim.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    dependencies = with self; [ vim-floaterm ];
+  });
+  lir-nvim = super.lir-nvim.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    dependencies = with self; [ plenary-nvim ];
+  });
+  markdown-preview-nvim = super.markdown-preview-nvim.overrideAttrs (old: let
+    # We only need its dependencies `node-modules`.
+    nodeDep = nodePackages."markdown-preview-nvim-../../applications/editors/vim/plugins/markdown-preview-nvim".overrideAttrs (old: {
+      dontNpmInstall = true;
+    });
+  in {
+    patches = [
+      (substituteAll {
+        src = ./markdown-preview-nvim/fix-node-paths.patch;
+        node = "${nodejs}/bin/node";
+      })
+    ];
+    postInstall = ''
+      # The node package name is `*-vim` not `*-nvim`.
+      ln -s ${nodeDep}/lib/node_modules/markdown-preview-vim/node_modules $out/app
+    '';
+    nativeBuildInputs = [ nodejs ];
+    doInstallCheck = true;
+    installCheckPhase = ''
+      node $out/app/index.js --version
+    '';
+  });
+  meson = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    inherit (meson) pname version src;
+    preInstall = "cd data/syntax-highlighting/vim";
+    meta.maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ vcunat ];
+  };
+  minimap-vim = super.minimap-vim.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    preFixup = ''
+      substituteInPlace $out/plugin/minimap.vim \
+        --replace "code-minimap" "${code-minimap}/bin/code-minimap"
+      substituteInPlace $out/bin/minimap_generator.sh \
+        --replace "code-minimap" "${code-minimap}/bin/code-minimap"
+    '';
+    doCheck = true;
+    checkPhase = ''
+      ${neovim-unwrapped}/bin/nvim -n -u NONE -i NONE -V1 --cmd "set rtp+=$out" --cmd "runtime! plugin/*.vim" -c "MinimapToggle"  +quit!
+    '';
+  });
+  ncm2 = super.ncm2.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    dependencies = with self; [ nvim-yarp ];
+  });
+  ncm2-jedi = super.ncm2-jedi.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    dependencies = with self; [ nvim-yarp ncm2 ];
+    passthru.python3Dependencies = ps: with ps; [ jedi ];
+  });
+  ncm2-neoinclude = super.ncm2-neoinclude.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    dependencies = with self; [ neoinclude-vim ];
+  });
+  ncm2-neosnippet = super.ncm2-neosnippet.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    dependencies = with self; [ neosnippet-vim ];
+  });
+  ncm2-syntax = super.ncm2-syntax.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    dependencies = with self; [ neco-syntax ];
+  });
+  ncm2-ultisnips = super.ncm2-ultisnips.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    dependencies = with self; [ ultisnips ];
+  });
+  neogit = super.neogit.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    dependencies = with self; [ plenary-nvim ];
+  });
+  null-ls-nvim = super.null-ls-nvim.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    dependencies = with self; [ plenary-nvim nvim-lspconfig ];
+  });
+  nvim-lsputils = super.nvim-lsputils.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    dependencies = with self; [ popfix ];
+  });
+  nvim-metals = super.nvim-metals.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    dontBuild = true;
+  });
+  nvim-spectre = super.nvim-spectre.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    dependencies = with self; [ plenary-nvim ];
+  });
+  # Usage:
+  # pkgs.vimPlugins.nvim-treesitter.withPlugins (p: [ p.tree-sitter-c p.tree-sitter-java ... ])
+  # or for all grammars:
+  # pkgs.vimPlugins.nvim-treesitter.withPlugins (_: tree-sitter.allGrammars)
+  nvim-treesitter = super.nvim-treesitter.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    passthru.withPlugins =
+      grammarFn: self.nvim-treesitter.overrideAttrs (_: {
+        postPatch =
+          let
+            grammars = tree-sitter.withPlugins grammarFn;
+          in
+          ''
+            rm -r parser
+            ln -s ${grammars} parser
+          '';
+      });
+  });
+  onehalf = super.onehalf.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    configurePhase = "cd vim";
+  });
+  parinfer-rust = parinfer-rust;
+  range-highlight-nvim = super.range-highlight-nvim.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    dependencies = with self; [ cmd-parser-nvim ];
+  });
+  refactoring-nvim = super.refactoring-nvim.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    dependencies = with self; [ nvim-treesitter plenary-nvim ];
+  });
+  # needs  "http" and "json" treesitter grammars too
+  rest-nvim = super.rest-nvim.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    dependencies = with self; [ plenary-nvim ];
+  });
+  skim = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "skim";
+    version = skim.version;
+    src = skim.vim;
+  };
+  skim-vim = super.skim-vim.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    dependencies = with self; [ skim ];
+  });
+  sniprun =
+    let
+      version = "1.1.2";
+      src = fetchFromGitHub {
+        owner = "michaelb";
+        repo = "sniprun";
+        rev = "v${version}";
+        sha256 = "sha256-WL0eXwiPhcndI74wtFox2tSnZn1siE86x2MLkfpxxT4=";
+      };
+      sniprun-bin = rustPlatform.buildRustPackage {
+        pname = "sniprun-bin";
+        inherit version src;
+        cargoSha256 = "sha256-1WbgnsjoFdvko6VRKY+IjafMNqvJvyIZCDk8I9GV3GM=";
+        nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ];
+        postInstall = ''
+          wrapProgram $out/bin/sniprun \
+            --prefix PATH ${lib.makeBinPath [ bashInteractive coreutils curl gnugrep gnused procps ]}
+        '';
+        doCheck = false;
+      };
+    in
+    buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+      pname = "sniprun";
+      inherit version src;
+      patches = [ ./patches/sniprun/fix-paths.patch ];
+      postPatch = ''
+        substituteInPlace lua/sniprun.lua --replace '@sniprun_bin@' ${sniprun-bin}
+      '';
+      propagatedBuildInputs = [ sniprun-bin ];
+    };
+  sqlite-lua = super.sqlite-lua.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    postPatch = let
+      libsqlite = "${sqlite.out}/lib/libsqlite3${stdenv.hostPlatform.extensions.sharedLibrary}";
+    in ''
+      substituteInPlace lua/sqlite/defs.lua \
+        --replace "path = vim.g.sqlite_clib_path" "path = vim.g.sqlite_clib_path or ${lib.escapeShellArg libsqlite}"
+    '';
+  });
+  statix = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix rec {
+    inherit (statix) pname src meta;
+    version = "0.1.0";
+    postPatch = ''
+      # check that version is up to date
+      grep 'pname = "statix-vim"' -A 1 flake.nix \
+        | grep -F 'version = "${version}"'
+      cd vim-plugin
+      substituteInPlace ftplugin/nix.vim --replace statix ${statix}/bin/statix
+      substituteInPlace plugin/statix.vim --replace statix ${statix}/bin/statix
+    '';
+  };
+  sved =
+    let
+      # we put the script in its own derivation to benefit the magic of wrapGAppsHook
+      svedbackend = stdenv.mkDerivation {
+        name = "svedbackend-${super.sved.name}";
+        inherit (super.sved) src;
+        nativeBuildInputs = [ wrapGAppsHook ];
+        buildInputs = [
+          gobject-introspection
+          glib
+          (python3.withPackages (ps: with ps; [ pygobject3 pynvim dbus-python ]))
+        ];
+        preferLocalBuild = true;
+        installPhase = ''
+          install -Dt $out/bin ftplugin/evinceSync.py
+        '';
+      };
+    in
+    super.sved.overrideAttrs (old: {
+      preferLocalBuild = true;
+      postPatch = ''
+        rm ftplugin/evinceSync.py
+        ln -s ${svedbackend}/bin/evinceSync.py ftplugin/evinceSync.py
+      '';
+      meta = {
+        description = "synctex support between vim/neovim and evince";
+      };
+    });
+  telescope-cheat-nvim = super.telescope-cheat-nvim.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    dependencies = with self; [ sqlite-lua telescope-nvim ];
+  });
+  telescope-frecency-nvim = super.telescope-frecency-nvim.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    dependencies = with self; [ sqlite-lua telescope-nvim ];
+  });
+  telescope-fzf-writer-nvim = super.telescope-fzf-writer-nvim.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    dependencies = with self; [ telescope-nvim ];
+  });
+  telescope-fzf-native-nvim = super.telescope-fzf-native-nvim.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    dependencies = with self; [ telescope-nvim ];
+    buildPhase = "make";
+    meta.platforms = lib.platforms.all;
+  });
+  telescope-fzy-native-nvim = super.telescope-fzy-native-nvim.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    dependencies = with self; [ telescope-nvim ];
+    preFixup =
+      let
+        fzy-lua-native-path = "deps/fzy-lua-native";
+        fzy-lua-native =
+          stdenv.mkDerivation {
+            name = "fzy-lua-native";
+            src = "${old.src}/${fzy-lua-native-path}";
+            # remove pre-compiled binaries
+            preBuild = "rm -rf static/*";
+            installPhase = ''
+              install -Dm 444 -t $out/static static/*
+              install -Dm 444 -t $out/lua lua/*
+            '';
+          };
+      in
+      ''
+        rm -rf $target/${fzy-lua-native-path}/*
+        ln -s ${fzy-lua-native}/static $target/${fzy-lua-native-path}/static
+        ln -s ${fzy-lua-native}/lua $target/${fzy-lua-native-path}/lua
+      '';
+    meta.platforms = lib.platforms.all;
+  });
+  telescope-nvim = super.telescope-nvim.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    dependencies = with self; [ plenary-nvim popup-nvim ];
+  });
+  telescope-symbols-nvim = super.telescope-symbols-nvim.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    dependencies = with self; [ telescope-nvim ];
+  });
+  telescope-z-nvim = super.telescope-z-nvim.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    dependencies = with self; [ telescope-nvim ];
+  });
+  tup =
+    let
+      # Based on the comment at the top of https://github.com/gittup/tup/blob/master/contrib/syntax/tup.vim
+      ftdetect = builtins.toFile "tup.vim" ''
+        au BufNewFile,BufRead Tupfile,*.tup setf tup
+      '';
+    in
+    buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+      inherit (tup) pname version src;
+      preInstall = ''
+        mkdir -p vim-plugin/syntax vim-plugin/ftdetect
+        cp contrib/syntax/tup.vim vim-plugin/syntax/tup.vim
+        cp "${ftdetect}" vim-plugin/ftdetect/tup.vim
+        cd vim-plugin
+      '';
+      meta.maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [enderger];
+    };
+  unicode-vim =
+    let
+      unicode-data = fetchurl {
+        url = "http://www.unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/UnicodeData.txt";
+        sha256 = "16b0jzvvzarnlxdvs2izd5ia0ipbd87md143dc6lv6xpdqcs75s9";
+      };
+    in
+    super.unicode-vim.overrideAttrs (old: {
+      # redirect to /dev/null else changes terminal color
+      buildPhase = ''
+        cp "${unicode-data}" autoload/unicode/UnicodeData.txt
+        echo "Building unicode cache"
+        ${vim}/bin/vim --cmd ":set rtp^=$PWD" -c 'ru plugin/unicode.vim' -c 'UnicodeCache' -c ':echohl Normal' -c ':q' > /dev/null
+      '';
+    });
+  vCoolor-vim = super.vCoolor-vim.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    # on linux can use either Zenity or Yad.
+    propagatedBuildInputs = [ gnome.zenity ];
+    meta = {
+      description = "Simple color selector/picker plugin";
+      license = lib.licenses.publicDomain;
+    };
+  });
+  vim-addon-actions = super.vim-addon-actions.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    dependencies = with self; [ vim-addon-mw-utils tlib_vim ];
+  });
+  vim-addon-async = super.vim-addon-async.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    dependencies = with self; [ vim-addon-signs ];
+  });
+  vim-addon-background-cmd = super.vim-addon-background-cmd.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    dependencies = with self; [ vim-addon-mw-utils ];
+  });
+  vim-addon-completion = super.vim-addon-completion.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    dependencies = with self; [ tlib_vim ];
+  });
+  vim-addon-goto-thing-at-cursor = super.vim-addon-goto-thing-at-cursor.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    dependencies = with self; [ tlib_vim ];
+  });
+  vim-addon-manager = super.vim-addon-manager.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    buildInputs = lib.optional stdenv.isDarwin Cocoa;
+  });
+  vim-addon-mru = super.vim-addon-mru.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    dependencies = with self; [ vim-addon-other vim-addon-mw-utils ];
+  });
+  vim-addon-nix = super.vim-addon-nix.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    dependencies = with self; [
+      vim-addon-completion
+      vim-addon-goto-thing-at-cursor
+      vim-addon-errorformats
+      vim-addon-actions
+      vim-addon-mw-utils
+      tlib_vim
+    ];
+  });
+  vim-addon-sql = super.vim-addon-sql.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    dependencies = with self; [ vim-addon-completion vim-addon-background-cmd tlib_vim ];
+  });
+  vim-addon-syntax-checker = super.vim-addon-syntax-checker.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    dependencies = with self; [ vim-addon-mw-utils tlib_vim ];
+  });
+  vim-addon-toggle-buffer = super.vim-addon-toggle-buffer.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    dependencies = with self; [ vim-addon-mw-utils tlib_vim ];
+  });
+  vim-addon-xdebug = super.vim-addon-xdebug.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    dependencies = with self; [ webapi-vim vim-addon-mw-utils vim-addon-signs vim-addon-async ];
+  });
+  vim-bazel = super.vim-bazel.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    dependencies = with self; [ vim-maktaba ];
+  });
+  vim-beancount = super.vim-beancount.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    passthru.python3Dependencies = ps: with ps; [ beancount ];
+  });
+  vim-clap = super.vim-clap.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    preFixup =
+      let
+        maple-bin = rustPlatform.buildRustPackage {
+          name = "maple";
+          src = old.src;
+          nativeBuildInputs = [
+            pkg-config
+          ];
+          buildInputs = [
+            openssl
+          ] ++ lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin [
+            CoreServices
+            curl
+            libgit2
+            libiconv
+          ];
+          cargoSha256 = "sha256-JKi51kzCHMctUX6tT8K2Rq1slV3Ek67dCgbPjBkwPTE=";
+        };
+      in
+      ''
+        ln -s ${maple-bin}/bin/maple $target/bin/maple
+      '';
+    meta.platforms = lib.platforms.all;
+  });
+  vim-codefmt = super.vim-codefmt.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    dependencies = with self; [ vim-maktaba ];
+  });
+  vim-dasht = super.vim-dasht.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    preFixup = ''
+      substituteInPlace $out/autoload/dasht.vim \
+        --replace "['dasht']" "['${dasht}/bin/dasht']"
+    '';
+  });
+  vim-easytags = super.vim-easytags.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    dependencies = with self; [ vim-misc ];
+    patches = [
+      (fetchpatch {
+        # https://github.com/xolox/vim-easytags/pull/170 fix version detection for universal-ctags
+        url = "https://github.com/xolox/vim-easytags/commit/46e4709500ba3b8e6cf3e90aeb95736b19e49be9.patch";
+        sha256 = "0x0xabb56xkgdqrg1mpvhbi3yw4d829n73lsnnyj5yrxjffy4ax4";
+      })
+    ];
+  });
+  vim-fzf-coauthorship = super.vim-fzf-coauthorship.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    dependencies = with self; [ fzf-vim ];
+  });
+  # change the go_bin_path to point to a path in the nix store. See the code in
+  # fatih/vim-go here
+  # https://github.com/fatih/vim-go/blob/155836d47052ea9c9bac81ba3e937f6f22c8e384/autoload/go/path.vim#L154-L159
+  vim-go = super.vim-go.overrideAttrs (old:
+    let
+      binPath = lib.makeBinPath [
+        asmfmt
+        delve
+        errcheck
+        go-motion
+        go-tools
+        gocode
+        gocode-gomod
+        godef
+        gogetdoc
+        golint
+        golangci-lint
+        gomodifytags
+        gopls
+        gotags
+        gotools
+        iferr
+        impl
+        reftools
+      ];
+    in
+    {
+      postPatch = ''
+        ${gnused}/bin/sed \
+          -Ee 's@"go_bin_path", ""@"go_bin_path", "${binPath}"@g' \
+          -i autoload/go/config.vim
+      '';
+    });
+  vim-gist = super.vim-gist.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    dependencies = with self; [ webapi-vim ];
+  });
+  vim-grammarous = super.vim-grammarous.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    # use `:GrammarousCheck` to initialize checking
+    # In neovim, you also want to use set
+    #   let g:grammarous#show_first_error = 1
+    # see https://github.com/rhysd/vim-grammarous/issues/39
+    patches = [
+      (substituteAll {
+        src = ./patches/vim-grammarous/set_default_languagetool.patch;
+        inherit languagetool;
+      })
+    ];
+  });
+  vim-hexokinase = super.vim-hexokinase.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    preFixup =
+      let
+        hexokinase = buildGoModule {
+          name = "hexokinase";
+          src = old.src + "/hexokinase";
+          vendorSha256 = "pQpattmS9VmO3ZIQUFn66az8GSmB4IvYhTTCFn6SUmo=";
+        };
+      in
+      ''
+        ln -s ${hexokinase}/bin/hexokinase $target/hexokinase/hexokinase
+      '';
+    meta.platforms = lib.platforms.all;
+  });
+  vim-hier = super.vim-hier.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    buildInputs = [ vim ];
+  });
+  vim-isort = super.vim-isort.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    postPatch = ''
+      substituteInPlace ftplugin/python_vimisort.vim \
+        --replace 'import vim' 'import vim; import sys; sys.path.append("${python2.pkgs.isort}/${python2.sitePackages}")'
+    '';
+  });
+  vim-markdown-composer =
+    let
+      vim-markdown-composer-bin = rustPlatform.buildRustPackage rec {
+        pname = "vim-markdown-composer-bin";
+        inherit (super.vim-markdown-composer) src version;
+        cargoSha256 = "03d7kap6vha1jmyfrjqaja5439x6mhnvjjbz3rmxb3x4dpppbpj1";
+      };
+    in
+    super.vim-markdown-composer.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: rec {
+      preFixup = ''
+        substituteInPlace "$out"/after/ftplugin/markdown/composer.vim \
+          --replace "let l:args = [s:plugin_root . '/target/release/markdown-composer']" \
+          "let l:args = ['${vim-markdown-composer-bin}/bin/markdown-composer']"
+      '';
+    });
+  vim-metamath = super.vim-metamath.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    preInstall = "cd vim";
+  });
+  vim-snipmate = super.vim-snipmate.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    dependencies = with self; [ vim-addon-mw-utils tlib_vim ];
+  });
+  vim-speeddating = super.vim-speeddating.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    dependencies = with self; [ vim-repeat ];
+  });
+  vim-stylish-haskell = super.vim-stylish-haskell.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    postPatch = old.postPatch or "" + ''
+      substituteInPlace ftplugin/haskell/stylish-haskell.vim --replace \
+        'g:stylish_haskell_command = "stylish-haskell"' \
+        'g:stylish_haskell_command = "${stylish-haskell}/bin/stylish-haskell"'
+    '';
+  });
+  vim-surround = super.vim-surround.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    dependencies = with self; [ vim-repeat ];
+  });
+  vim-textobj-entire = super.vim-textobj-entire.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    dependencies = with self; [ vim-textobj-user ];
+    meta.maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ farlion ];
+  });
+  vim-unimpaired = super.vim-unimpaired.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    dependencies = with self; [ vim-repeat ];
+  });
+  vim-wakatime = super.vim-wakatime.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    buildInputs = [ python2 ];
+  });
+  vim-xdebug = super.vim-xdebug.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    postInstall = null;
+  });
+  vim-xkbswitch = super.vim-xkbswitch.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    patchPhase = ''
+      substituteInPlace plugin/xkbswitch.vim \
+        --replace /usr/local/lib/libxkbswitch.so ${xkb-switch}/lib/libxkbswitch.so
+    '';
+    buildInputs = [ xkb-switch ];
+  });
+  vim-yapf = super.vim-yapf.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    buildPhase = ''
+      substituteInPlace ftplugin/python_yapf.vim \
+        --replace '"yapf"' '"${python3.pkgs.yapf}/bin/yapf"'
+    '';
+  });
+  vim2nix = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+    pname = "vim2nix";
+    version = "1.0";
+    src = ./vim2nix;
+    dependencies = with self; [ vim-addon-manager ];
+  };
+  vimacs = super.vimacs.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    buildPhase = ''
+      substituteInPlace bin/vim \
+        --replace '/usr/bin/vim' 'vim' \
+        --replace '/usr/bin/gvim' 'gvim'
+      # remove unnecessary duplicated bin wrapper script
+      rm -r plugin/vimacs
+    '';
+    meta = with lib; {
+      description = "Vim-Improved eMACS: Emacs emulation plugin for Vim";
+      homepage = "http://algorithm.com.au/code/vimacs";
+      license = licenses.gpl2Plus;
+      maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ millerjason ];
+    };
+  });
+  vimsence = super.vimsence.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    meta = with lib; {
+      description = "Discord rich presence for Vim";
+      homepage = "https://github.com/hugolgst/vimsence";
+      maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ hugolgst ];
+    };
+  });
+  vimproc-vim = super.vimproc-vim.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    buildInputs = [ which ];
+    buildPhase = ''
+      substituteInPlace autoload/vimproc.vim \
+        --replace vimproc_mac.so vimproc_unix.so \
+        --replace vimproc_linux64.so vimproc_unix.so \
+        --replace vimproc_linux32.so vimproc_unix.so
+      make -f make_unix.mak
+    '';
+  });
+  vimshell-vim = super.vimshell-vim.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    dependencies = with self; [ vimproc-vim ];
+  });
+  YankRing-vim = super.YankRing-vim.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    sourceRoot = ".";
+  });
+  YouCompleteMe = super.YouCompleteMe.overrideAttrs (old: {
+    buildPhase = ''
+      substituteInPlace plugin/youcompleteme.vim \
+        --replace "'ycm_path_to_python_interpreter', '''" \
+        "'ycm_path_to_python_interpreter', '${python3}/bin/python3'"
+      rm -r third_party/ycmd
+      ln -s ${ycmd}/lib/ycmd third_party
+    '';
+    meta = with lib; {
+      description = "A code-completion engine for Vim";
+      homepage = "https://github.com/Valloric/YouCompleteMe";
+      license = licenses.gpl3;
+      maintainers = with maintainers; [ marcweber jagajaga ];
+      platforms = platforms.unix;
+    };
+  });
+} // (
+  let
+    nodePackageNames = [
+      "coc-clangd"
+      "coc-cmake"
+      "coc-css"
+      "coc-diagnostic"
+      "coc-emmet"
+      "coc-eslint"
+      "coc-explorer"
+      "coc-git"
+      "coc-go"
+      "coc-highlight"
+      "coc-html"
+      "coc-imselect"
+      "coc-java"
+      "coc-jest"
+      "coc-json"
+      "coc-lists"
+      "coc-markdownlint"
+      "coc-metals"
+      "coc-pairs"
+      "coc-prettier"
+      "coc-pyright"
+      "coc-python"
+      "coc-r-lsp"
+      "coc-rls"
+      "coc-rust-analyzer"
+      "coc-smartf"
+      "coc-snippets"
+      "coc-solargraph"
+      "coc-stylelint"
+      "coc-tabnine"
+      "coc-texlab"
+      "coc-tslint"
+      "coc-tslint-plugin"
+      "coc-tsserver"
+      "coc-ultisnips"
+      "coc-vetur"
+      "coc-vimlsp"
+      "coc-vimtex"
+      "coc-wxml"
+      "coc-yaml"
+      "coc-yank"
+    ];
+    nodePackage2VimPackage = name: buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+      pname = name;
+      inherit (nodePackages.${name}) version meta;
+      src = "${nodePackages.${name}}/lib/node_modules/${name}";
+    };
+  in
+  lib.genAttrs nodePackageNames nodePackage2VimPackage
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/patches/fruzzy/get_version.patch b/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/patches/fruzzy/get_version.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..62aaba118f20a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/patches/fruzzy/get_version.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+diff --git a/rplugin/python3/fruzzy_mod.nim b/rplugin/python3/fruzzy_mod.nim
+index dba0689..0109285 100644
+--- a/rplugin/python3/fruzzy_mod.nim
++++ b/rplugin/python3/fruzzy_mod.nim
+@@ -12,9 +12,7 @@ when defined(profile):
+     import nimprof
+ proc getVersion(): string {.compileTime.}=
+-    let ver = staticExec("git describe --tags --always --dirty").strip()
+-    # let cTime = format(times.now(), "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss")
+-    let branch = staticExec("git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD").strip()
++    let ver = "@version@"
+     var options:seq[string] = newSeq[string]()
+     if not defined(removelogger):
+         options.add("info")
+@@ -26,7 +24,7 @@ proc getVersion(): string {.compileTime.}=
+         options.add("release")
+     let optionsStr = options.join(",")
+-    return &"rev: {ver} on branch: {branch} with options: {optionsStr}"
++    return &"version: {ver} with options: {optionsStr}"
+ let L = newConsoleLogger(levelThreshold = logging.Level.lvlDebug)
+ addHandler(L)
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/patches/lens-vim/remove_duplicate_g_lens_animate.patch b/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/patches/lens-vim/remove_duplicate_g_lens_animate.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..1cd232654c889
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/patches/lens-vim/remove_duplicate_g_lens_animate.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+diff --git a/doc/lens.txt b/doc/lens.txt
+index 60943ce..2fe43dc 100644
+--- a/doc/lens.txt
++++ b/doc/lens.txt
+@@ -76,7 +76,6 @@ g:lens#disabled_filenames
+              Default value is [].
+                                                               *g:lens#animate*
+-                                                              *g:lens#animate*
+ g:lens#animate
+              If value is 1 and animate.vim is installed, the window resize
+              will be animated.
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/patches/sniprun/fix-paths.patch b/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/patches/sniprun/fix-paths.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..f3203e0075762
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/patches/sniprun/fix-paths.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+diff --git a/lua/sniprun.lua b/lua/sniprun.lua
+index aa39e0b..188d54a 100644
+--- a/lua/sniprun.lua
++++ b/lua/sniprun.lua
+@@ -4,9 +4,7 @@ M.custom_highlight=false
+ M.info_floatwin = {}
+ -- See https://github.com/tjdevries/rofl.nvim/blob/632c10f2ec7c56882a3f7eda8849904bcac6e8af/lua/rofl.lua
+-local binary_path = vim.fn.fnamemodify(
+-  vim.api.nvim_get_runtime_file("lua/sniprun.lua", false)[1], ":h:h")
+-  .. "/target/release/sniprun"
++local binary_path = "@sniprun_bin@/bin/sniprun"
+ local sniprun_path = vim.fn.fnamemodify( vim.api.nvim_get_runtime_file("lua/sniprun.lua", false)[1], ":p:h") .. "/.."
+diff --git a/ressources/init_repl.sh b/ressources/init_repl.sh
+index 2e6264d..0eab1c6 100644
+--- a/ressources/init_repl.sh
++++ b/ressources/init_repl.sh
+@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ mkfifo $working_dir/$pipe
+ touch $working_dir/$out
+ sleep 36000 > $working_dir/$pipe &
+-echo "/bin/cat " $working_dir/$pipe " | " $repl  > $working_dir/real_launcher.sh
++echo "cat " $working_dir/$pipe " | " $repl  > $working_dir/real_launcher.sh
+ chmod +x $working_dir/real_launcher.sh
+ echo $repl " process started at $(date +"%F %T")." >> $working_dir/log
+diff --git a/ressources/launcher_repl.sh b/ressources/launcher_repl.sh
+index feaa91e..749c55e 100755
+--- a/ressources/launcher_repl.sh
++++ b/ressources/launcher_repl.sh
+@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
+ #!/bin/bash
+-/bin/cat $1 > $2
++cat $1 > $2
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/patches/vim-grammarous/set_default_languagetool.patch b/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/patches/vim-grammarous/set_default_languagetool.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..72c928d1a9711
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/patches/vim-grammarous/set_default_languagetool.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- vim-grammarous-51ef519.org/autoload/grammarous.vim	1970-01-01 01:00:01.000000000 +0100
++++ vim-grammarous-51ef519/autoload/grammarous.vim	2017-11-21 16:33:27.473403322 +0000
+@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
+ let g:grammarous#enable_spell_check              = get(g:, 'grammarous#enable_spell_check', 0)
+ let g:grammarous#move_to_first_error             = get(g:, 'grammarous#move_to_first_error', 1)
+ let g:grammarous#hooks                           = get(g:, 'grammarous#hooks', {})
+-let g:grammarous#languagetool_cmd                = get(g:, 'grammarous#languagetool_cmd', '')
++let g:grammarous#languagetool_cmd                = get(g:, 'grammarous#languagetool_cmd', '@languagetool@/bin/languagetool-commandline')
+ let g:grammarous#show_first_error                = get(g:, 'grammarous#show_first_error', 0)
+ highlight default link GrammarousError SpellBad
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/readme.md b/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/readme.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..0758a3e959819
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/readme.md
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Instructions for adding Vim plugins to `nixpkgs` can be found [here](/doc/languages-frameworks/vim.section.md).
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/update-shell.nix b/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/update-shell.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..e1b727c49e046
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/update-shell.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+{ pkgs ? import ../../.. { } }:
+with pkgs;
+  pyEnv = python3.withPackages (ps: [ ps.GitPython ]);
+mkShell {
+  packages = [
+    bash
+    pyEnv
+    nix
+    nix-prefetch-scripts
+  ];
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/update.py b/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/update.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000..7a631c1c7dc5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/update.py
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
+#!nix-shell update-shell.nix -i python3
+# format:
+# $ nix run nixpkgs.python3Packages.black -c black update.py
+# type-check:
+# $ nix run nixpkgs.python3Packages.mypy -c mypy update.py
+# linted:
+# $ nix run nixpkgs.python3Packages.flake8 -c flake8 --ignore E501,E265,E402 update.py
+# If you see `HTTP Error 429: too many requests` errors while running this script,
+# refer to:
+# https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/doc/languages-frameworks/vim.section.md#updating-plugins-in-nixpkgs-updating-plugins-in-nixpkgs
+import inspect
+import os
+import sys
+import logging
+import textwrap
+from typing import List, Tuple
+from pathlib import Path
+log = logging.getLogger()
+# Import plugin update library from maintainers/scripts/pluginupdate.py
+ROOT = Path(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe()))))
+sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(ROOT.parent.parent.parent, "maintainers", "scripts"))
+import pluginupdate
+GET_PLUGINS = f"""(with import <localpkgs> {{}};
+  inherit (vimUtils.override {{inherit vim;}}) buildVimPluginFrom2Nix;
+  generated = callPackage {ROOT}/generated.nix {{
+    inherit buildVimPluginFrom2Nix;
+  }};
+  hasChecksum = value: lib.isAttrs value && lib.hasAttrByPath ["src" "outputHash"] value;
+  getChecksum = name: value:
+    if hasChecksum value then {{
+      submodules = value.src.fetchSubmodules or false;
+      sha256 = value.src.outputHash;
+      rev = value.src.rev;
+    }} else null;
+  checksums = lib.mapAttrs getChecksum generated;
+in lib.filterAttrs (n: v: v != null) checksums)"""
+    "# This file has been generated by ./pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/update.py. Do not edit!"
+class VimEditor(pluginupdate.Editor):
+    def generate_nix(self, plugins: List[Tuple[pluginupdate.PluginDesc, pluginupdate.Plugin]], outfile: str):
+        sorted_plugins = sorted(plugins, key=lambda v: v[0].name.lower())
+        with open(outfile, "w+") as f:
+            f.write(HEADER)
+            f.write(textwrap.dedent("""
+                { lib, buildVimPluginFrom2Nix, fetchFromGitHub, fetchgit }:
+                final: prev:
+                {"""
+            ))
+            for pdesc, plugin in sorted_plugins:
+                repo = pdesc.repo
+                src_nix = repo.as_nix(plugin)
+                f.write(
+                    f"""
+  {plugin.normalized_name} = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {{
+    pname = "{plugin.name}";
+    version = "{plugin.version}";
+    src = {src_nix};
+    meta.homepage = "{repo.uri}";
+  }};
+                )
+            f.write("\n}\n")
+        print(f"updated {outfile}")
+def main():
+    editor = VimEditor("vim", ROOT, GET_PLUGINS)
+    parser = editor.create_parser()
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    pluginupdate.update_plugins(editor, args)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/vim-gen-doc-hook.sh b/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/vim-gen-doc-hook.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..d5f0a00ebcc28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/vim-gen-doc-hook.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+echo "Sourcing vim-gen-doc-hook"
+# the doc folder is copied via the copy_directories entry of the rockspec
+# in the folder gitsigns.nvim-scm-1-rocks/gitsigns.nvim/scm-1
+vimPluginGenTags() {
+    echo "Executing vimPluginGenTags"
+    target="$out/@rtpPath@"
+    mkdir -p $out/@rtpPath@
+    # build help tags
+    if [ -d "$target/doc" ]; then
+        echo "Building help tags"
+        if ! @vimBinary@ -N -u NONE -i NONE -n -E -s -V1 -c "helptags $target/doc" +quit!; then
+        echo "Failed to build help tags!"
+        exit 1
+        fi
+    else
+        echo "No docs available for $target"
+    fi
+    if [ -n "$addonInfo" ]; then
+        echo "$addonInfo" > $target/addon-info.json
+    fi
+    echo "Finished executing vimPluginInstallPhase"
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/vim-plugin-names b/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/vim-plugin-names
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..45b25f5f4d0c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/vim-plugin-names
@@ -0,0 +1,995 @@
+catppuccin/nvim as catppuccin-nvim
+dracula/vim as dracula-vim
+embark-theme/vim as embark-vim
+gruvbox-community/gruvbox as gruvbox-community
+jhradilek/vim-snippets as vim-docbk-snippets
+mattn/calendar-vim as mattn-calendar-vim
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/vim-utils.nix b/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/vim-utils.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..4183b6214351a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/vim-utils.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,532 @@
+# tests available at pkgs/test/vim
+{ lib, stdenv, vim, vimPlugins, vim_configurable, buildEnv, writeText, writeScriptBin
+, nix-prefetch-hg, nix-prefetch-git
+, fetchFromGitHub, runtimeShell
+, hasLuaModule
+, python3
+, callPackage, makeSetupHook
+Install Vim like this eg using nixos option environment.systemPackages which will provide
+vim-with-plugins in PATH:
+  vim_configurable.customize {
+    name = "vim-with-plugins";
+    # add custom .vimrc lines like this:
+    vimrcConfig.customRC = ''
+      set hidden
+    '';
+    # store your plugins in Vim packages
+    vimrcConfig.packages.myVimPackage = with pkgs.vimPlugins; {
+      # loaded on launch
+      start = [ youcompleteme fugitive ];
+      # manually loadable by calling `:packadd $plugin-name`
+      opt = [ phpCompletion elm-vim ];
+      # To automatically load a plugin when opening a filetype, add vimrc lines like:
+      # autocmd FileType php :packadd phpCompletion
+    };
+    # plugins can also be managed by VAM
+    vimrcConfig.vam.knownPlugins = pkgs.vimPlugins; # optional
+    vimrcConfig.vam.pluginDictionaries = [
+      # load always
+      { name = "youcompleteme"; }
+      { names = ["youcompleteme" "foo"]; }
+      # only load when opening a .php file
+      { name = "phpCompletion"; ft_regex = "^php\$"; }
+      { name = "phpCompletion"; filename_regex = "^.php\$"; }
+      # provide plugin which can be loaded manually:
+      { name = "phpCompletion"; tag = "lazy"; }
+      # full documentation at github.com/MarcWeber/vim-addon-manager
+    ];
+    # there is a pathogen implementation as well, but its startup is slower and [VAM] has more feature
+    # vimrcConfig.pathogen.knownPlugins = vimPlugins; # optional
+    # vimrcConfig.pathogen.pluginNames = ["vim-addon-nix"];
+  };
+Typical plugin files:
+  plugin/P1.vim
+  autoload/P1.vim
+  ftplugin/xyz.vim
+  doc/plugin-documentation.txt (traditional documentation)
+  README(.md) (nowadays thanks to github)
+Vim offers the :h rtp setting which works for most plugins. Thus adding
+this to your .vimrc should make most plugins work:
+  set rtp+=~/.nix-profile/share/vim-plugins/youcompleteme
+  " or for p in ["youcompleteme"] | exec 'set rtp+=~/.nix-profile/share/vim-plugins/'.p | endfor
+which is what the [VAM]/pathogen solutions above basically do.
+Learn about about plugin Vim plugin mm managers at
+The documentation can be accessed by Vim's :help command if it was tagged.
+See vimHelpTags sample code below.
+The example file pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/default.nix provides
+* manually mantained plugins
+* plugins created by VAM's nix#ExportPluginsForNix implementation
+I highly recommend to lookup vim plugin attribute names at the [vim-pi] project
+ which is a database containing all plugins from
+vim.org and quite a lot of found at github and similar sources. vim-pi's documented purpose
+is to associate vim.org script ids to human readable names so that dependencies
+can be describe easily.
+How to find a name?
+  * http://vam.mawercer.de/ or VAM's
+  * grep vim-pi
+  * use VAM's completion or :AddonsInfo command
+It might happen than a plugin is not known by vim-pi yet. We encourage you to
+contribute to vim-pi so that plugins can be updated automatically.
+Most convenient is to use a ~/.vim-scripts file putting a plugin name into each line
+as documented by [VAM]'s README.md
+It is the same format you pass to vimrcConfig.vam.pluginDictionaries from the
+usage example above.
+Then create a temp vim file and insert:
+  let opts = {}
+  let opts.path_to_nixpkgs = '/etc/nixos/nixpkgs'
+  let opts.cache_file = '/tmp/export-vim-plugin-for-nix-cache-file'
+  let opts.plugin_dictionaries = map(readfile("vim-plugins"), 'eval(v:val)')
+  " add more files
+  " let opts.plugin_dictionaries += map(.. other file )
+  call nix#ExportPluginsForNix(opts)
+Then ":source %" it.
+nix#ExportPluginsForNix is provided by ./vim2nix
+A buffer will open containing the plugin derivation lines as well list
+fitting the vimrcConfig.vam.pluginDictionaries option.
+Thus the most simple usage would be:
+  vim_with_plugins =
+    let vim = vim_configurable;
+        inherit (vimUtil.override {inherit vim}) rtpPath addRtp buildVimPlugin vimHelpTags;
+        vimPlugins = [
+          # the derivation list from the buffer created by nix#ExportPluginsForNix
+          # don't set which will default to pkgs.vimPlugins
+        ];
+    in vim.customize {
+      name = "vim-with-plugins";
+      vimrcConfig.customRC = '' .. '';
+      vimrcConfig.vam.knownPlugins = vimPlugins;
+      vimrcConfig.vam.pluginDictionaries = [
+          # the plugin list form ~/.vim-scripts turned into nix format added to
+          # the buffer created by the nix#ExportPluginsForNix
+      ];
+    }
+vim_with_plugins can be installed like any other application within Nix.
+[VAM]    https://github.com/MarcWeber/vim-addon-manager
+[vim-pi] https://bitbucket.org/vimcommunity/vim-pi
+  inherit lib;
+  # make sure a plugin is a derivation and its dependencies are derivations. If
+  # plugin already is a derivation, this is a no-op. If it is a string, it is
+  # looked up in knownPlugins.
+  pluginToDrv = knownPlugins: plugin:
+  let
+    drv =
+      if builtins.isString plugin then
+        # make sure `pname` is set to that we are able to convert the derivation
+        # back to a string.
+        ( knownPlugins.${plugin} // { pname = plugin; })
+      else
+        plugin;
+  in
+    # make sure all the dependencies of the plugin are also derivations
+    drv // { dependencies = map (pluginToDrv knownPlugins) (drv.dependencies or []); };
+  # transitive closure of plugin dependencies (plugin needs to be a derivation)
+  transitiveClosure = plugin:
+    [ plugin ] ++ (
+      lib.unique (builtins.concatLists (map transitiveClosure plugin.dependencies or []))
+    );
+  findDependenciesRecursively = plugins: lib.concatMap transitiveClosure plugins;
+  vamDictToNames = x:
+      if builtins.isString x then [x]
+      else (lib.optional (x ? name) x.name)
+            ++ (x.names or []);
+  rtpPath = ".";
+  # Generates a packpath folder as expected by vim
+  packDir = packages:
+  let
+    # dir is "start" or "opt"
+    linkLuaPlugin = plugin: packageName: dir: ''
+      mkdir -p $out/pack/${packageName}/${dir}/${plugin.pname}/lua
+      ln -sf ${plugin}/share/lua/5.1/* $out/pack/${packageName}/${dir}/${plugin.pname}/lua
+      ln -sf ${plugin}/${plugin.pname}-${plugin.version}-rocks/${plugin.pname}/${plugin.version}/* $out/pack/${packageName}/${dir}/${plugin.pname}/
+    '';
+    linkVimlPlugin = plugin: packageName: dir: ''
+      mkdir -p $out/pack/${packageName}/${dir}
+      if test -e "$out/pack/${packageName}/${dir}/${lib.getName plugin}"; then
+        printf "\nERROR - Duplicated vim plugin: ${lib.getName plugin}\n\n"
+        exit 1
+      fi
+      ln -sf ${plugin}/${rtpPath} $out/pack/${packageName}/${dir}/${lib.getName plugin}
+    '';
+    link = pluginPath: if hasLuaModule pluginPath
+      then linkLuaPlugin pluginPath
+      else linkVimlPlugin pluginPath;
+    packageLinks = packageName: {start ? [], opt ? []}:
+    let
+      # `nativeImpl` expects packages to be derivations, not strings (as
+      # opposed to older implementations that have to maintain backwards
+      # compatibility). Therefore we don't need to deal with "knownPlugins"
+      # and can simply pass `null`.
+      depsOfOptionalPlugins = lib.subtractLists opt (findDependenciesRecursively opt);
+      startWithDeps = findDependenciesRecursively start;
+      allPlugins = lib.unique (startWithDeps ++ depsOfOptionalPlugins);
+      python3Env = python3.withPackages (ps:
+        lib.flatten (builtins.map (plugin: (plugin.python3Dependencies or (_: [])) ps) allPlugins)
+      );
+    in
+      [ "mkdir -p $out/pack/${packageName}/start" ]
+      # To avoid confusion, even dependencies of optional plugins are added
+      # to `start` (except if they are explicitly listed as optional plugins).
+      ++ (builtins.map (x: link x packageName "start") allPlugins)
+      ++ ["mkdir -p $out/pack/${packageName}/opt"]
+      ++ (builtins.map (x: link x packageName "opt") opt)
+      # Assemble all python3 dependencies into a single `site-packages` to avoid doing recursive dependency collection
+      # for each plugin.
+      # This directory is only for python import search path, and will not slow down the startup time.
+      ++ [
+        "mkdir -p $out/pack/${packageName}/start/__python3_dependencies"
+        "ln -s ${python3Env}/${python3Env.sitePackages} $out/pack/${packageName}/start/__python3_dependencies/python3"
+      ];
+  in
+      stdenv.mkDerivation {
+        name = "vim-pack-dir";
+        src = ./.;
+        installPhase = lib.concatStringsSep "\n" (lib.flatten (lib.mapAttrsToList packageLinks packages));
+        preferLocalBuild = true;
+    };
+  nativeImpl = packages:
+  ''
+    set packpath^=${packDir packages}
+    set runtimepath^=${packDir packages}
+  '';
+  /* Generates a vimrc string
+    packages is an attrset with {name: { start = [ vim derivations ]; opt = [ vim derivations ]; }
+    Example:
+      vimrcContent {
+        packages = { home-manager = { start = [vimPlugins.vim-fugitive]; opt = [];};
+        beforePlugins = '';
+        customRC = ''let mapleader = " "'';
+      };
+   */
+  vimrcContent = {
+    packages ? null,
+    vam ? null,
+    pathogen ? null,
+    plug ? null,
+    beforePlugins ? ''
+      " configuration generated by NIX
+      set nocompatible
+    '',
+    customRC ? null
+  }:
+    let
+      /* pathogen mostly can set &rtp at startup time. Its used very commonly.
+      */
+      pathogenImpl = let
+        knownPlugins = pathogen.knownPlugins or vimPlugins;
+        plugins = findDependenciesRecursively (map (pluginToDrv knownPlugins) pathogen.pluginNames);
+        pluginsEnv = buildEnv {
+          name = "pathogen-plugin-env";
+          paths = map (x: "${x}/${rtpPath}") plugins;
+        };
+      in
+      ''
+        let &rtp.=(empty(&rtp)?"":',')."${vimPlugins.vim-pathogen.rtp}"
+        execute pathogen#infect('${pluginsEnv}/{}')
+        filetype indent plugin on | syn on
+      '';
+      /* vim-plug is an extremely popular vim plugin manager.
+      */
+      plugImpl =
+      (''
+        source ${vimPlugins.vim-plug.rtp}/plug.vim
+        silent! call plug#begin('/dev/null')
+        '' + (lib.concatMapStringsSep "\n" (pkg: "Plug '${pkg.rtp}'") plug.plugins) + ''
+        call plug#end()
+      '');
+      /*
+       vim-addon-manager = VAM
+       * maps names to plugin location
+       * manipulates &rtp at startup time
+         or when Vim has been running for a while
+       * can activate plugins laziy (eg when loading a specific filetype)
+       * knows about vim plugin dependencies (addon-info.json files)
+       * still is minimalistic (only loads one file), the "check out" code it also
+         has only gets loaded when a plugin is requested which is not found on disk
+         yet
+      */
+      vamImpl = lib.optionalString (vam != null)
+      (let
+        knownPlugins = vam.knownPlugins or vimPlugins;
+        # plugins specified by the user
+        specifiedPlugins = map (pluginToDrv knownPlugins) (lib.concatMap vamDictToNames vam.pluginDictionaries);
+        # plugins with dependencies
+        plugins = findDependenciesRecursively specifiedPlugins;
+        # Convert scalars, lists, and attrs, to VimL equivalents
+        toVimL = x:
+          if builtins.isString x then "'${lib.replaceStrings [ "\n" "'" ] [ "\n\\ " "''" ] x}'"
+          else if builtins.isAttrs x && builtins ? out then toVimL x # a derivation
+          else if builtins.isAttrs x then "{${lib.concatStringsSep ", " (lib.mapAttrsToList (n: v: "${toVimL n}: ${toVimL v}") x)}}"
+          else if builtins.isList x then "[${lib.concatMapStringsSep ", " toVimL x}]"
+          else if builtins.isInt x || builtins.isFloat x then builtins.toString x
+          else if builtins.isBool x then (if x then "1" else "0")
+          else throw "turning ${lib.generators.toPretty {} x} into a VimL thing not implemented yet";
+      in assert builtins.hasAttr "vim-addon-manager" knownPlugins;
+      ''
+        filetype indent plugin on | syn on
+        let g:nix_plugin_locations = {}
+        ${lib.concatMapStrings (plugin: ''
+          let g:nix_plugin_locations['${plugin.pname}'] = "${plugin.rtp}"
+        '') plugins}
+        let g:nix_plugin_locations['vim-addon-manager'] = "${knownPlugins.vim-addon-manager.rtp}"
+        let g:vim_addon_manager = {}
+        if exists('g:nix_plugin_locations')
+          " nix managed config
+          " override default function making VAM aware of plugin locations:
+          fun! NixPluginLocation(name)
+            let path = get(g:nix_plugin_locations, a:name, "")
+            return path == "" ? vam#DefaultPluginDirFromName(a:name) : path
+          endfun
+          let g:vim_addon_manager.plugin_dir_by_name = 'NixPluginLocation'
+          " tell Vim about VAM:
+          let &rtp.=(empty(&rtp)?"":','). g:nix_plugin_locations['vim-addon-manager']
+        else
+          " standalone config
+          let &rtp.=(empty(&rtp)?"":',').c.plugin_root_dir.'/vim-addon-manager'
+          if !isdirectory(c.plugin_root_dir.'/vim-addon-manager/autoload')
+            " checkout VAM
+            execute '!git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/MarcWeber/vim-addon-manager '
+                \       shellescape(c.plugin_root_dir.'/vim-addon-manager', 1)
+          endif
+        endif
+        " tell vam which plugins to load, and when:
+        let l = []
+        ${lib.concatMapStrings (p: "call add(l, ${toVimL p})\n") vam.pluginDictionaries}
+        call vam#Scripts(l, {})
+      '');
+      entries = [
+        beforePlugins
+        vamImpl
+      ]
+      ++ lib.optional (packages != null && packages != []) (nativeImpl packages)
+      ++ lib.optional (pathogen != null) pathogenImpl
+      ++ lib.optional (plug != null) plugImpl
+      ++ [ customRC ];
+    in
+      lib.concatStringsSep "\n" (lib.filter (x: x != null && x != "") entries);
+  vimrcFile = settings: writeText "vimrc" (vimrcContent settings);
+rec {
+  inherit vimrcFile;
+  inherit vimrcContent;
+  inherit packDir;
+  # shell script with custom name passing [-u vimrc] [-U gvimrc] to vim
+  vimWithRC = {
+    vimExecutable,
+    gvimExecutable,
+    vimManPages,
+    wrapManual,
+    wrapGui,
+    name ? "vim",
+    vimrcFile ? null,
+    gvimrcFile ? null,
+    vimExecutableName,
+    gvimExecutableName,
+  }:
+    let
+      rcOption = o: file: lib.optionalString (file != null) "-${o} ${file}";
+      vimWrapperScript = writeScriptBin vimExecutableName ''
+        #!${runtimeShell}
+        exec ${vimExecutable} ${rcOption "u" vimrcFile} ${rcOption "U" gvimrcFile} "$@"
+      '';
+      gvimWrapperScript = writeScriptBin gvimExecutableName ''
+        #!${stdenv.shell}
+        exec ${gvimExecutable} ${rcOption "u" vimrcFile} ${rcOption "U" gvimrcFile} "$@"
+      '';
+    in
+      buildEnv {
+        inherit name;
+        paths = [
+          vimWrapperScript
+        ] ++ lib.optional wrapGui gvimWrapperScript
+          ++ lib.optional wrapManual vimManPages
+        ;
+      };
+  # add a customize option to a vim derivation
+  makeCustomizable = vim: vim // {
+    customize = {
+      name,
+      vimrcConfig,
+      wrapManual ? true,
+      wrapGui ? false,
+      vimExecutableName ? name,
+      gvimExecutableName ? (lib.concatStrings [ "g" name ]),
+    }: vimWithRC {
+      vimExecutable = "${vim}/bin/vim";
+      gvimExecutable = "${vim}/bin/gvim";
+      inherit name wrapManual wrapGui vimExecutableName gvimExecutableName;
+      vimrcFile = vimrcFile vimrcConfig;
+      vimManPages = buildEnv {
+        name = "vim-doc";
+        paths = [ vim ];
+        pathsToLink = [ "/share/man" ];
+      };
+    };
+    override = f: makeCustomizable (vim.override f);
+    overrideAttrs = f: makeCustomizable (vim.overrideAttrs f);
+  };
+  pluginnames2Nix = {name, namefiles} : vim_configurable.customize {
+    inherit name;
+    vimrcConfig.vam.knownPlugins = vimPlugins;
+    vimrcConfig.vam.pluginDictionaries = ["vim2nix"];
+    vimrcConfig.customRC = ''
+      " Yes - this is impure and will create the cache file and checkout vim-pi
+      " into ~/.vim/vim-addons
+      let g:vim_addon_manager.plugin_root_dir = "/tmp/vim2nix-".$USER
+      if !isdirectory(g:vim_addon_manager.plugin_root_dir)
+        call mkdir(g:vim_addon_manager.plugin_root_dir)
+      else
+        echom repeat("=", 80)
+        echom "WARNING: reusing cache directory :".g:vim_addon_manager.plugin_root_dir
+        echom repeat("=", 80)
+      endif
+      let opts = {}
+      let opts.nix_prefetch_git = "${nix-prefetch-git}/bin/nix-prefetch-git"
+      let opts.nix_prefetch_hg  = "${nix-prefetch-hg}/bin/nix-prefetch-hg"
+      let opts.cache_file = g:vim_addon_manager.plugin_root_dir.'/cache'
+      let opts.plugin_dictionaries = []
+      ${lib.concatMapStrings (file: "let opts.plugin_dictionaries += map(readfile(\"${file}\"), 'eval(v:val)')\n") namefiles }
+      " uncomment for debugging failures
+      " let opts.try_catch = 0
+      " add more files
+      " let opts.plugin_dictionaries += map(.. other file )
+      call nix#ExportPluginsForNix(opts)
+    '';
+  };
+  vimGenDocHook = callPackage ({ vim }:
+    makeSetupHook {
+      name = "vim-gen-doc-hook";
+      deps = [ vim ];
+      substitutions = {
+        vimBinary = "${vim}/bin/vim";
+        inherit rtpPath;
+      };
+    } ./vim-gen-doc-hook.sh) {};
+  inherit (import ./build-vim-plugin.nix { inherit lib stdenv rtpPath vim vimGenDocHook; })
+    buildVimPlugin buildVimPluginFrom2Nix;
+  # used to figure out which python dependencies etc. neovim needs
+  requiredPlugins = {
+    packages ? {},
+    givenKnownPlugins ? null,
+    vam ? null,
+    pathogen ? null,
+    plug ? null, ...
+  }:
+    let
+      # This is probably overcomplicated, but I don't understand this well enough to know what's necessary.
+      knownPlugins = if givenKnownPlugins != null then givenKnownPlugins else
+                     if vam != null && vam ? knownPlugins then vam.knownPlugins else
+                     if pathogen != null && pathogen ? knownPlugins then pathogen.knownPlugins else
+                     vimPlugins;
+      pathogenPlugins = findDependenciesRecursively (map (pluginToDrv knownPlugins) pathogen.pluginNames);
+      vamPlugins = findDependenciesRecursively (map (pluginToDrv knownPlugins) (lib.concatMap vamDictToNames vam.pluginDictionaries));
+      nonNativePlugins = (lib.optionals (pathogen != null) pathogenPlugins)
+                      ++ (lib.optionals (vam != null) vamPlugins)
+                      ++ (lib.optionals (plug != null) plug.plugins);
+      nativePluginsConfigs = lib.attrsets.attrValues packages;
+      nativePlugins = lib.concatMap ({start?[], opt?[], knownPlugins?vimPlugins}: start++opt) nativePluginsConfigs;
+    in
+      nativePlugins ++ nonNativePlugins;
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/vim2nix/README.txt b/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/vim2nix/README.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..4263481461f1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/vim2nix/README.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Usage see vim-utils.nix in nixpkgs
+This code depends on vim-addon-manager
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/vim2nix/addon-info.json b/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/vim2nix/addon-info.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..93ca9bc129b5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/vim2nix/addon-info.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{'dependencies': {'vim-addon-manager': {}}}
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/vim2nix/autoload/nix.vim b/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/vim2nix/autoload/nix.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..0ddbeaae6be1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/vim2nix/autoload/nix.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+" usage example:
+" call nix#ExportPluginsForNix({'path_to_nixpkgs': '/etc/nixos/nixpkgs', 'names': ["vim-addon-manager", "vim-addon-nix"], 'cache_file': 'cache'})
+let s:plugin_root = expand('<sfile>:h:h')
+fun! nix#ToNixAttrName(s) abort
+    return nix#ToNixName(a:s)
+fun! nix#ToNixName(s) abort
+  return substitute(substitute(a:s, '[:/.]', '-', 'g'), 'github-', '', 'g')
+fun! s:System(...)
+  let args = a:000
+  let r = call('vam#utils#System', args)
+  if r is 0
+    throw "command ".join(args, '').' failed'
+  else
+    return r
+  endif
+fun! nix#DependenciesFromCheckout(opts, name, repository, dir)
+  " check for dependencies
+  " vam#PluginDirFromName(a:name)
+  let info = vam#ReadAddonInfo(vam#AddonInfoFile(a:dir, a:name))
+  return keys(get(info, 'dependencies', {}))
+" without deps
+fun! nix#NixDerivation(opts, name, repository) abort
+  let n_a_name = nix#ToNixAttrName(a:name)
+  let n_n_name = nix#ToNixName(a:name)
+  let type = get(a:repository, 'type', '')
+  let created_notice = " # created by nix#NixDerivation"
+  let ancf = s:plugin_root.'/additional-nix-code/'.a:name
+  let additional_nix_code = file_readable(ancf) ? join(readfile(ancf), "\n") : ""
+  if type == 'git'
+    " should be using shell abstraction ..
+    echo 'fetching '. a:repository.url
+    let s = s:System('$ --fetch-submodules $ 2>&1',a:opts.nix_prefetch_git, a:repository.url)
+    let rev = matchstr(s, 'git revision is \zs[^\n\r]\+\ze')
+    let sha256 = matchstr(s, 'hash is \zs[^\n\r]\+\ze')
+    let dir = matchstr(s, 'path is \zs[^\n\r]\+\ze')
+    let date = matchstr(s, 'Commit date is \zs[0-9-]\+\ze')
+    let dependencies = nix#DependenciesFromCheckout(a:opts, a:name, a:repository, dir)
+    return {'n_a_name': n_a_name, 'n_n_name': n_n_name, 'dependencies': dependencies, 'derivation': join([
+          \ '  '.n_a_name.' = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {'.created_notice,
+          \ '    name = "'.n_n_name.'-'.date.'";',
+          \ '    src = fetchgit {',
+          \ '      url = "'. a:repository.url .'";',
+          \ '      rev = "'.rev.'";',
+          \ '      sha256 = "'.sha256.'";',
+          \ '    };',
+          \ '    dependencies = ['.join(map(copy(dependencies), "'\"'.nix#ToNixAttrName(v:val).'\"'")).'];',
+          \ additional_nix_code,
+          \ '  };',
+          \ '',
+          \ '',
+          \ ], "\n")}
+  elseif type == 'hg'
+    " should be using shell abstraction ..
+    echo 'fetching '. a:repository.url
+    let s = s:System('$ $ 2>&1',a:opts.nix_prefetch_hg, a:repository.url)
+    let rev = matchstr(s, 'hg revision is \zs[^\n\r]\+\ze')
+    let sha256 = matchstr(s, 'hash is \zs[^\n\r]\+\ze')
+    let dir = matchstr(s, 'path is \zs[^\n\r]\+\ze')
+    let dependencies = nix#DependenciesFromCheckout(a:opts, a:name, a:repository, dir)
+    return {'n_a_name': n_a_name, 'n_n_name': n_n_name, 'dependencies': dependencies, 'derivation':  join([
+          \ '  '.n_a_name.' = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {'.created_notice,
+          \ '    name = "'.n_n_name.'";',
+          \ '    src = fetchhg {',
+          \ '      url = "'. a:repository.url .'";',
+          \ '      rev = "'.rev.'";',
+          \ '      sha256 = "'.sha256.'";',
+          \ '    };',
+          \ '    dependencies = ['.join(map(copy(dependencies), "'\"'.nix#ToNixAttrName(v:val).'\"'")).'];',
+          \ additional_nix_code,
+          \ '  };',
+          \ '',
+          \ '',
+          \ ], "\n")}
+  elseif type == 'archive'
+    let sha256 = split(s:System('nix-prefetch-url $ 2>/dev/null', a:repository.url), "\n")[0]
+    " we should unpack the sources, look for the addon-info.json file ..
+    " however most packages who have the addon-info.json file also are on
+    " github thus will be of type "git" instead. The dependency information
+    " from vim-pi is encoded in the reposiotry. Thus this is likely to do the
+    " right thing most of the time.
+    let addon_info = get(a:repository, 'addon-info', {})
+    let dependencies = keys(get(addon_info, 'dependencies', {}))
+    return {'n_a_name': n_a_name, 'n_n_name': n_n_name, 'dependencies': dependencies, 'derivation':  join([
+          \ '  '.n_a_name.' = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {'.created_notice,
+          \ '    name = "'.n_n_name.'";',
+          \ '    src = fetchurl {',
+          \ '      url = "'. a:repository.url .'";',
+          \ '      name = "'. a:repository.archive_name .'";',
+          \ '      sha256 = "'.sha256.'";',
+          \ '    };',
+          \ '    buildInputs = [ unzip ];',
+          \ '    dependencies = ['.join(map(copy(dependencies), "'\"'.nix#ToNixAttrName(v:val).'\"'")).'];',
+          \ '    meta = {',
+          \ '       homepage = "http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id='.a:repository.vim_script_nr.'";',
+          \ '    };',
+          \ addon_info == {} ? '' : ('    addon_info = '.nix#ToNix(string(addon_info), [], "").';'),
+          \ additional_nix_code,
+          \ '  };',
+          \ '',
+          \ '',
+          \ ], "\n")}
+  else
+    throw a:name.' TODO: implement source '.string(a:repository)
+  endif
+" also tries to handle dependencies
+fun! nix#AddNixDerivation(opts, cache, name, ...) abort
+  if has_key(a:cache, a:name) | return | endif
+  let repository = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : {}
+  let name = a:name
+  if repository == {}
+    call vam#install#LoadPool()
+    let list = matchlist(a:name, 'github:\([^/]*\)\%(\/\(.*\)\)\?$')
+    if len(list) > 0
+      if '' != list[2]
+        let name = list[2]
+        let repository = { 'type': 'git', 'owner': list[1], 'repo': list[2], 'url': 'https://github.com/'.list[1].'/'.list[2] }
+      else
+        let name = list[1]
+        let repository = { 'type': 'git', 'owner': list[1], 'repo': 'vim-addon-'.list[1], 'url': 'https://github.com/'.list[1].'/vim-addon-'.list[1] }
+      endif
+    else
+      let repository = get(g:vim_addon_manager.plugin_sources, a:name, {})
+      if repository == {}
+        throw "repository ".a:name." unkown!"
+      else
+          if repository.url =~ 'github'
+            let owner = matchstr(repository.url, 'github.com/\zs.\+\ze/')
+            let repo = matchstr(repository.url, '\/\zs[^\/]\+\ze$')
+            let url = repository.url
+            let repository = { 'type': 'git', 'owner': owner, 'repo': repo, 'url': url }
+          endif
+      endif
+    endif
+  endif
+  let a:cache[a:name] = nix#NixDerivation(a:opts, name, repository)
+  " take known dependencies into account:
+  let deps = get(a:cache[a:name], 'dependencies', [])
+  call extend(a:opts.names_to_process, deps)
+  call extend(a:opts.names_to_export,  deps)
+fun! nix#TopNixOptsByParent(parents)
+  if (a:parents == [])
+    return {'ind': '  ', 'next_ind': '    ', 'sep': "\n"}
+  else
+    return {'ind': '', 'next_ind': '', 'sep': ' '}
+  endif
+fun! nix#ToNix(x, parents, opts_fun) abort
+  let opts = a:opts_fun == "" ? "" : call(a:opts_fun, [a:parents])
+  let next_parents = [a:x] + a:parents
+  let seps = a:0 > 1 ? a:2 : []
+  let ind = get(opts, 'ind', '')
+  let next_ind = get(opts, 'next_ind', ind.'  ')
+  let sep = get(opts, 'sep', ind.'  ')
+  if type(a:x) == type("")
+    return "''". substitute(a:x, '[$]', '$$', 'g')."''"
+  elseif type(a:x) == type({})
+    let s = ind."{".sep
+    for [k,v] in items(a:x)
+      let s .= '"'.k.'" = '.nix#ToNix(v, next_parents, a:opts_fun).";".sep
+      unlet k v
+    endfor
+    return  s.ind."}"
+    " let s = ind."{\n"
+    " for [k,v] in items(a:x)
+    "   let s .= next_ind . nix#ToNix(k).' = '.nix#ToNix(v, next_ind)."\n"
+    "   unlet k v
+    " endfor
+    " return  s.ind."}\n"
+  elseif type(a:x) == type([])
+    let s = ind."[".sep
+    for v in a:x
+      let s .= next_ind . nix#ToNix(v, next_parents, a:opts_fun)."".sep
+      unlet v
+    endfor
+    return s.ind."]"
+  endif
+" with dependencies
+" opts.cache_file (caches the checkout and dependency information
+" opts.path_to_nixpkgs or  opts.nix_prefetch_{git,hg}
+" opts.plugin_dictionaries: list of any
+"     - string
+"     - dictionary having key name or names
+" This is so that plugin script files can be loaded/ merged
+fun! nix#ExportPluginsForNix(opts) abort
+  let cache_file = get(a:opts, 'cache_file', '')
+  let opts = a:opts
+  " set nix_prefetch_* scripts
+  for scm in ['git', 'hg']
+    if !has_key(opts, 'nix_prefetch_'.scm)
+      let opts['nix_prefetch_'.scm] = a:opts.path_to_nixpkgs.'/pkgs/build-support/fetch'.scm.'/nix-prefetch-'.scm
+    endif
+  endfor
+  " create list of names from dictionaries
+  let a:opts.names_to_process = []
+  for x in a:opts.plugin_dictionaries
+    if type(x) == type('')
+      call add(opts.names_to_process, x)
+    elseif type(x) == type({}) && has_key(x, 'name')
+      call add(opts.names_to_process, x.name)
+    elseif type(x) == type({}) && has_key(x, 'names')
+      call extend(opts.names_to_process, x.names)
+    else
+      throw "unexpected"
+    endif
+    unlet x
+  endfor
+  let a:opts.names_to_export = a:opts.names_to_process
+  let cache = (cache_file == '' || !filereadable(cache_file)) ? {} : eval(readfile(cache_file)[0])
+  let failed = {}
+  while len(opts.names_to_process) > 0
+    let name = opts.names_to_process[0]
+    if get(opts, 'try_catch', 1)
+      try
+        call nix#AddNixDerivation(opts, cache, name)
+      catch /.*/
+        echom 'failed : '.name.' '.v:exception
+        let failed[name] = v:exception
+      endtry
+    else
+      call nix#AddNixDerivation(opts, cache, name)
+    endif
+    let opts.names_to_process = opts.names_to_process[1:]
+  endwhile
+  echom join(keys(failed), ", ")
+  echom string(failed)
+  if cache_file != ''
+    call writefile([string(cache)], cache_file)
+  endif
+  enew
+  let uniq = {}
+  for x in a:opts.names_to_export
+    let uniq[x] = 1
+  endfor
+  for k in sort(keys(uniq))
+    call append('$', split(cache[k].derivation,"\n"))
+  endfor
+  " for VAM users output vam.pluginDictionaries which can be fed to
+  " vim_customizable.customize.vimrc.vam.pluginDictionaries
+  call append('$', ["", "", "", '# vam.pluginDictionaries'])
+  let ns = []
+  for x in a:opts.plugin_dictionaries
+    if type(x) == type("")
+      call add(ns, nix#ToNixAttrName(x))
+    elseif type(x) == type({})
+      if has_key(x, 'name')
+        call add(ns, extend({'name': nix#ToNixAttrName(x.name)}, x, "keep"))
+      elseif has_key(x, 'names')
+        call add(ns, extend({'names': map(copy(x.names), 'nix#ToNixAttrName(v:val)')}, x, "keep"))
+      else
+        throw "unexpected"
+      endif
+    else
+      throw "unexpected"
+    endif
+    unlet x
+  endfor
+  call append('$', split(nix#ToNix(ns, [], 'nix#TopNixOptsByParent'), "\n"))
+  " failures:
+  for [k,v] in items(failed)
+    call append('$', ['# '.k.', failure: '.v])
+    unlet k v
+  endfor