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path: root/pkgs/by-name/fe
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authorJosé Ribeiro2024-08-02 17:25:33 +0100
committerJosé Ribeiro2024-08-02 23:49:04 +0100
commit2c19ea977c9ff46115aa3ab59c7dffce0826d144 (patch)
treef16312eb28a95dd94c3fe972f0f3ddadc77e6da3 /pkgs/by-name/fe
parent021270bec589c7060ffdce504d9d493afc8f5ef5 (diff)
feishin: move to pkgs/by-name
Diffstat (limited to 'pkgs/by-name/fe')
1 files changed, 161 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pkgs/by-name/fe/feishin/package.nix b/pkgs/by-name/fe/feishin/package.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..98a0c5edebce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/by-name/fe/feishin/package.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+  lib,
+  stdenv,
+  buildNpmPackage,
+  fetchFromGitHub,
+  electron_30,
+  darwin,
+  copyDesktopItems,
+  makeDesktopItem,
+  ...
+  pname = "feishin";
+  version = "0.7.1";
+  src = fetchFromGitHub {
+    owner = "jeffvli";
+    repo = pname;
+    rev = "v${version}";
+    hash = "sha256-eNGHrSF/MgRHh0CVc0l8denZIbAnPXwFCZJZcvF+Xtc=";
+  };
+  electron = electron_30;
+buildNpmPackage {
+  inherit pname version;
+  inherit src;
+  npmDepsHash = "sha256-7oh5bl5APAvzb/TxHMUP/saRWLwuP9xqGvn7/RDhFk8=";
+  npmFlags = [ "--legacy-peer-deps" ];
+  makeCacheWritable = true;
+  nativeBuildInputs =
+    lib.optionals (stdenv.isLinux) [ copyDesktopItems ]
+    ++ lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin [ darwin.autoSignDarwinBinariesHook ];
+  postPatch =
+    ''
+      # release/app dependencies are installed on preConfigure
+      substituteInPlace package.json \
+        --replace-fail "electron-builder install-app-deps &&" ""
+      # Don't check for updates.
+      substituteInPlace src/main/main.ts \
+        --replace-fail "autoUpdater.checkForUpdatesAndNotify();" ""
+    ''
+    + lib.optionalString stdenv.isLinux ''
+      # https://github.com/electron/electron/issues/31121
+      substituteInPlace src/main/main.ts \
+        --replace-fail "process.resourcesPath" "'$out/share/feishin/resources'"
+    '';
+  preConfigure =
+    let
+      releaseAppDeps = buildNpmPackage {
+        pname = "${pname}-release-app";
+        inherit version;
+        src = "${src}/release/app";
+        npmDepsHash = "sha256-NgWPr3mctn7f6X2JFsbdNNHkN84RRlLAywqfbyahCQw=";
+        npmFlags = [ "--ignore-scripts" ];
+        dontNpmBuild = true;
+      };
+      releaseNodeModules = "${releaseAppDeps}/lib/node_modules/feishin/node_modules";
+    in
+    ''
+      for release_module_path in "${releaseNodeModules}"/*; do
+        rm -rf node_modules/"$(basename "$release_module_path")"
+        ln -s "$release_module_path" node_modules/
+      done
+    '';
+  postBuild =
+    lib.optionalString stdenv.isDarwin ''
+      # electron-builder appears to build directly on top of Electron.app, by overwriting the files in the bundle.
+      cp -r ${electron}/Applications/Electron.app ./
+      find ./Electron.app -name 'Info.plist' | xargs -d '\n' chmod +rw
+      # Disable code signing during build on macOS.
+      # https://github.com/electron-userland/electron-builder/blob/fa6fc16/docs/code-signing.md#how-to-disable-code-signing-during-the-build-process-on-macos
+      sed -i "/afterSign/d" package.json
+    ''
+    + ''
+      npm exec electron-builder -- \
+        --dir \
+        -c.electronDist=${if stdenv.isDarwin then "./" else "${electron}/libexec/electron"} \
+        -c.electronVersion=${electron.version} \
+        -c.npmRebuild=false
+    '';
+  installPhase =
+    ''
+      runHook preInstall
+    ''
+    + lib.optionalString stdenv.isDarwin ''
+      mkdir -p $out/{Applications,bin}
+      cp -r release/build/**/Feishin.app $out/Applications/
+      makeWrapper $out/Applications/Feishin.app/Contents/MacOS/Feishin $out/bin/feishin
+    ''
+    + lib.optionalString stdenv.isLinux ''
+      mkdir -p $out/share/feishin
+      pushd release/build/*/
+      cp -r locales resources{,.pak} $out/share/feishin
+      popd
+      # Code relies on checking app.isPackaged, which returns false if the executable is electron.
+      # https://github.com/electron/electron/issues/35153#issuecomment-1202718531
+      makeWrapper ${lib.getExe electron} $out/bin/feishin \
+        --add-flags $out/share/feishin/resources/app.asar \
+        --add-flags "\''${NIXOS_OZONE_WL:+\''${WAYLAND_DISPLAY:+--ozone-platform-hint=auto --enable-features=WaylandWindowDecorations}}" \
+        --inherit-argv0
+      for size in 32 64 128 256 512 1024; do
+        mkdir -p $out/share/icons/hicolor/"$size"x"$size"/apps
+        ln -s \
+          $out/share/feishin/resources/assets/icons/"$size"x"$size".png \
+          $out/share/icons/hicolor/"$size"x"$size"/apps/${pname}.png
+      done
+    ''
+    + ''
+      runHook postInstall
+    '';
+  desktopItems = [
+    (makeDesktopItem {
+      name = "feishin";
+      desktopName = "Feishin";
+      comment = "Full-featured Subsonic/Jellyfin compatible desktop music player";
+      icon = pname;
+      exec = "feishin %u";
+      categories = [
+        "Audio"
+        "AudioVideo"
+      ];
+      mimeTypes = [ "x-scheme-handler/feishin" ];
+    })
+  ];
+  meta = with lib; {
+    description = "Full-featured Subsonic/Jellyfin compatible desktop music player";
+    homepage = "https://github.com/jeffvli/feishin";
+    changelog = "https://github.com/jeffvli/feishin/releases/tag/v${version}";
+    sourceProvenance = with sourceTypes; [ fromSource ];
+    license = licenses.gpl3Plus;
+    platforms = platforms.unix;
+    mainProgram = "feishin";
+    maintainers = with maintainers; [
+      onny
+      jlbribeiro
+    ];
+  };