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path: root/pkgs/development/julia-modules/package-closure.nix
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authorTom McLaughlin <tom@codedown.io>2023-04-07 18:15:01 -0700
committerTom McLaughlin <tom@codedown.io>2023-12-14 23:00:34 -0800
commit36bf6afd42e755bf51ce9678ce2710e1b1d68f99 (patch)
treeed07c9babb9f64fc20f85a5bb8e9dc3ad223a392 /pkgs/development/julia-modules/package-closure.nix
parent9a9178ba2a5021cb4e08aaabf70ac198e66eda1d (diff)
julia.withPackages: init on supported Julias (1.6, 1.8, 1.9)
Be able to build arbitrary Julia environments in Nixpkgs, in the same style as python.withPackages.
Diffstat (limited to 'pkgs/development/julia-modules/package-closure.nix')
1 files changed, 180 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pkgs/development/julia-modules/package-closure.nix b/pkgs/development/julia-modules/package-closure.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..2862e30f0b8bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/development/julia-modules/package-closure.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+{ lib
+, julia
+, python3
+, runCommand
+, augmentedRegistry
+, packageNames
+, packageOverrides
+, packageImplications
+  # The specific package resolution code depends on the Julia version
+  # These are pretty similar and could be combined to reduce duplication
+  resolveCode = if lib.versionOlder julia.version "1.7" then resolveCode1_6 else resolveCode1_8;
+  resolveCode1_6 = ''
+    import Pkg.API: check_package_name
+    import Pkg.Types: Context!, PRESERVE_NONE, manifest_info, project_deps_resolve!, registry_resolve!, stdlib_resolve!, ensure_resolved
+    import Pkg.Operations: _resolve, assert_can_add, is_dep, update_package_add
+    foreach(pkg -> check_package_name(pkg.name, :add), pkgs)
+    pkgs = deepcopy(pkgs)  # deepcopy for avoid mutating PackageSpec members
+    Context!(ctx)
+    project_deps_resolve!(ctx, pkgs)
+    registry_resolve!(ctx, pkgs)
+    stdlib_resolve!(pkgs)
+    ensure_resolved(ctx, pkgs, registry=true)
+    assert_can_add(ctx, pkgs)
+    for (i, pkg) in pairs(pkgs)
+        entry = manifest_info(ctx, pkg.uuid)
+        pkgs[i] = update_package_add(ctx, pkg, entry, is_dep(ctx, pkg))
+    end
+    foreach(pkg -> ctx.env.project.deps[pkg.name] = pkg.uuid, pkgs)
+    pkgs, deps_map = _resolve(ctx, pkgs, PRESERVE_NONE)
+  resolveCode1_8 = ''
+    import Pkg.API: handle_package_input!
+    import Pkg.Types: PRESERVE_NONE, project_deps_resolve!, registry_resolve!, stdlib_resolve!, ensure_resolved
+    import Pkg.Operations: _resolve, assert_can_add, update_package_add
+    foreach(handle_package_input!, pkgs)
+    # The handle_package_input! call above clears pkg.path, so we have to apply package overrides after
+    overrides = Dict{String, String}(${builtins.concatStringsSep ", " (lib.mapAttrsToList (name: path: ''"${name}" => "${path}"'') packageOverrides)})
+    println("Package overrides: ")
+    println(overrides)
+    for pkg in pkgs
+      if pkg.name in keys(overrides)
+        pkg.path = overrides[pkg.name]
+      end
+    end
+    project_deps_resolve!(ctx.env, pkgs)
+    registry_resolve!(ctx.registries, pkgs)
+    stdlib_resolve!(pkgs)
+    ensure_resolved(ctx, ctx.env.manifest, pkgs, registry=true)
+    assert_can_add(ctx, pkgs)
+    for (i, pkg) in pairs(pkgs)
+        entry = Pkg.Types.manifest_info(ctx.env.manifest, pkg.uuid)
+        is_dep = any(uuid -> uuid == pkg.uuid, [uuid for (name, uuid) in ctx.env.project.deps])
+        pkgs[i] = update_package_add(ctx, pkg, entry, is_dep)
+    end
+    foreach(pkg -> ctx.env.project.deps[pkg.name] = pkg.uuid, pkgs)
+    # Save the original pkgs for later. We might need to augment it with the weak dependencies
+    orig_pkgs = pkgs
+    pkgs, deps_map = _resolve(ctx.io, ctx.env, ctx.registries, pkgs, PRESERVE_NONE, ctx.julia_version)
+    if VERSION >= VersionNumber("1.9")
+        # Check for weak dependencies, which appear on the RHS of the deps_map but not in pkgs.
+        # Build up weak_name_to_uuid
+        uuid_to_name = Dict()
+        for pkg in pkgs
+            uuid_to_name[pkg.uuid] = pkg.name
+        end
+        weak_name_to_uuid = Dict()
+        for (uuid, deps) in pairs(deps_map)
+            for (dep_name, dep_uuid) in pairs(deps)
+                if !haskey(uuid_to_name, dep_uuid)
+                    weak_name_to_uuid[dep_name] = dep_uuid
+                end
+            end
+        end
+        # If we have nontrivial weak dependencies, add each one to the initial pkgs and then re-run _resolve
+        if !isempty(weak_name_to_uuid)
+            println("Found weak dependencies: $(keys(weak_name_to_uuid))")
+            orig_uuids = Set([pkg.uuid for pkg in orig_pkgs])
+            for (name, uuid) in pairs(weak_name_to_uuid)
+                if uuid in orig_uuids
+                    continue
+                end
+                pkg = PackageSpec(name, uuid)
+                push!(orig_uuids, uuid)
+                push!(orig_pkgs, pkg)
+                ctx.env.project.deps[name] = uuid
+                entry = Pkg.Types.manifest_info(ctx.env.manifest, uuid)
+                orig_pkgs[length(orig_pkgs)] = update_package_add(ctx, pkg, entry, false)
+            end
+            pkgs, deps_map = _resolve(ctx.io, ctx.env, ctx.registries, orig_pkgs, PRESERVE_NONE, ctx.julia_version)
+        end
+    end
+  '';
+  juliaExpression = packageNames: ''
+    import Pkg
+    Pkg.Registry.add(Pkg.RegistrySpec(path="${augmentedRegistry}"))
+    import Pkg.Types: Context, PackageSpec
+    input = ${lib.generators.toJSON {} packageNames}
+    if isfile("extra_package_names.txt")
+      append!(input, readlines("extra_package_names.txt"))
+    end
+    input = unique(input)
+    println("Resolving packages: " * join(input, " "))
+    pkgs = [PackageSpec(pkg) for pkg in input]
+    ctx = Context()
+    ${resolveCode}
+    open(ENV["out"], "w") do io
+      for spec in pkgs
+        println(io, "- name: " * spec.name)
+        println(io, "  uuid: " * string(spec.uuid))
+        println(io, "  version: " * string(spec.version))
+        if endswith(spec.name, "_jll") && haskey(deps_map, spec.uuid)
+          println(io, "  depends_on: ")
+          for (dep_name, dep_uuid) in pairs(deps_map[spec.uuid])
+            println(io, "    \"$(dep_name)\": \"$(dep_uuid)\"")
+          end
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  '';
+runCommand "julia-package-closure.yml" { buildInputs = [julia (python3.withPackages (ps: with ps; [pyyaml]))]; } ''
+  mkdir home
+  export HOME=$(pwd)/home
+  echo "Resolving Julia packages with the following inputs"
+  echo "Julia: ${julia}"
+  echo "Registry: ${augmentedRegistry}"
+  # Prevent a warning where Julia tries to download package server info
+  export JULIA_PKG_SERVER=""
+  julia -e '${juliaExpression packageNames}';
+  # See if we need to add any extra package names based on the closure
+  # and the packageImplications
+  python ${./python}/find_package_implications.py "$out" '${lib.generators.toJSON {} packageImplications}' extra_package_names.txt
+  if [ -f extra_package_names.txt ]; then
+    echo "Re-resolving with additional package names"
+    julia -e '${juliaExpression packageNames}';
+  fi