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1 files changed, 66 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/nixos/modules/services/continuous-integration/gitlab-runner.nix b/nixos/modules/services/continuous-integration/gitlab-runner.nix
index 7b1c4da862606..d18c4cff04057 100644
--- a/nixos/modules/services/continuous-integration/gitlab-runner.nix
+++ b/nixos/modules/services/continuous-integration/gitlab-runner.nix
@@ -4,24 +4,41 @@ with lib;
   cfg = config.services.gitlab-runner;
   hasDocker = config.virtualisation.docker.enable;
+  /* The whole logic of this module is to diff the hashes of the desired vs existing runners
+  The hash is recorded in the runner's name because we can't do better yet
+  See https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-runner/-/issues/29350 for more details
+  */
+  genRunnerName = service: let
+      hash = substring 0 12 (hashString "md5" (unsafeDiscardStringContext (toJSON service)));
+    in if service ? description
+    then "${hash} ${service.description}"
+    else "${name}_${config.networking.hostName}_${hash}";
   hashedServices = mapAttrs'
-    (name: service: nameValuePair
-      "${name}_${config.networking.hostName}_${
-        substring 0 12
-        (hashString "md5" (unsafeDiscardStringContext (toJSON service)))}"
-      service)
-    cfg.services;
-  configPath = "$HOME/.gitlab-runner/config.toml";
-  configureScript = pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "gitlab-runner-configure" (
-    if (cfg.configFile != null) then ''
-      mkdir -p $(dirname ${configPath})
+    (name: service: nameValuePair (genRunnerName service) service) cfg.services;
+  configPath = ''"$HOME"/.gitlab-runner/config.toml'';
+  configureScript = pkgs.writeShellApplication {
+    name = "gitlab-runner-configure";
+    runtimeInputs = with pkgs; [
+        bash
+        gawk
+        jq
+        moreutils
+        remarshal
+        util-linux
+        cfg.package
+        perl
+        python3
+    ];
+    text = if (cfg.configFile != null) then ''
       cp ${cfg.configFile} ${configPath}
       # make config file readable by service
       chown -R --reference=$HOME $(dirname ${configPath})
     '' else ''
       export CONFIG_FILE=${configPath}
-      mkdir -p $(dirname ${configPath})
+      mkdir -p "$(dirname "${configPath}")"
       touch ${configPath}
       # update global options
@@ -34,22 +51,43 @@ let
       # remove no longer existing services
       gitlab-runner verify --delete
-      # current and desired state
-      NEEDED_SERVICES=$(echo ${concatStringsSep " " (attrNames hashedServices)} | tr " " "\n")
-      REGISTERED_SERVICES=$(gitlab-runner list 2>&1 | grep 'Executor' | awk '{ print $1 }')
+      ${toShellVar "NEEDED_SERVICES" (lib.mapAttrs (name: value: 1) hashedServices)}
+      while IFS="," read -r name token;
+      do
+        REGISTERED_SERVICES["$name"]="$token"
+      done < <(gitlab-runner --log-format json list 2>&1 | grep Token  | jq -r '.msg +"," + .Token')
+      echo "NEEDED_SERVICES: " "''${!NEEDED_SERVICES[@]}"
       # difference between current and desired state
-      NEW_SERVICES=$(grep -vxF -f <(echo "$REGISTERED_SERVICES") <(echo "$NEEDED_SERVICES") || true)
-      OLD_SERVICES=$(grep -vxF -f <(echo "$NEEDED_SERVICES") <(echo "$REGISTERED_SERVICES") || true)
+      declare -A NEW_SERVICES
+      for name in "''${!NEEDED_SERVICES[@]}"; do
+        if [ ! -v 'REGISTERED_SERVICES[$name]' ]; then
+          NEW_SERVICES[$name]=1
+        fi
+      done
+      declare -A OLD_SERVICES
+      # shellcheck disable=SC2034
+      for name in "''${!REGISTERED_SERVICES[@]}"; do
+        if [ ! -v 'NEEDED_SERVICES[$name]' ]; then
+          OLD_SERVICES[$name]=1
+        fi
+      done
       # register new services
       ${concatStringsSep "\n" (mapAttrsToList (name: service: ''
-        if echo "$NEW_SERVICES" | grep -xq "${name}"; then
+        # TODO so here we should mention NEW_SERVICES
+        if [ -v 'NEW_SERVICES["${name}"]' ] ; then
           bash -c ${escapeShellArg (concatStringsSep " \\\n " ([
             "set -a && source ${service.registrationConfigFile} &&"
             "gitlab-runner register"
-            (if service.description != null then "--description \"${service.description}\"" else "--name '${name}'")
+            "--name '${name}'"
             "--executor ${service.executor}"
             "--limit ${toString service.limit}"
             "--request-concurrency ${toString service.requestConcurrency}"
@@ -92,22 +130,26 @@ let
       '') hashedServices)}
+      # check key is in array https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30353951/how-to-check-if-dictionary-contains-a-key-in-bash
+      echo "NEW_SERVICES: ''${NEW_SERVICES[*]}"
+      echo "OLD_SERVICES: ''${OLD_SERVICES[*]}"
       # unregister old services
-      for NAME in $(echo "$OLD_SERVICES")
+      for NAME in "''${!OLD_SERVICES[@]}"
-        [ ! -z "$NAME" ] && gitlab-runner unregister \
+        [ -n "$NAME" ] && gitlab-runner unregister \
           --name "$NAME" && sleep 1
       # make config file readable by service
-      chown -R --reference=$HOME $(dirname ${configPath})
-    '');
+      chown -R --reference="$HOME" "$(dirname ${configPath})"
+    '';
+  };
   startScript = pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "gitlab-runner-start" ''
     export CONFIG_FILE=${configPath}
     exec gitlab-runner run --working-directory $HOME
+in {
   options.services.gitlab-runner = {
     enable = mkEnableOption (lib.mdDoc "Gitlab Runner");
     configFile = mkOption {