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path: root/doc/default.nix
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Diffstat (limited to 'doc/default.nix')
1 files changed, 119 insertions, 43 deletions
diff --git a/doc/default.nix b/doc/default.nix
index 86b4a8d978146..5954e4495adb9 100644
--- a/doc/default.nix
+++ b/doc/default.nix
@@ -1,69 +1,145 @@
 { pkgs ? (import ./.. { }), nixpkgs ? { }}:
-  doc-support = import ./doc-support { inherit pkgs nixpkgs; };
+  inherit (pkgs) lib;
+  inherit (lib) hasPrefix removePrefix;
+  lib-docs = import ./doc-support/lib-function-docs.nix {
+    inherit pkgs nixpkgs;
+    libsets = [
+      { name = "asserts"; description = "assertion functions"; }
+      { name = "attrsets"; description = "attribute set functions"; }
+      { name = "strings"; description = "string manipulation functions"; }
+      { name = "versions"; description = "version string functions"; }
+      { name = "trivial"; description = "miscellaneous functions"; }
+      { name = "lists"; description = "list manipulation functions"; }
+      { name = "debug"; description = "debugging functions"; }
+      { name = "options"; description = "NixOS / nixpkgs option handling"; }
+      { name = "path"; description = "path functions"; }
+      { name = "filesystem"; description = "filesystem functions"; }
+      { name = "sources"; description = "source filtering functions"; }
+      { name = "cli"; description = "command-line serialization functions"; }
+    ];
+  };
+  epub = pkgs.runCommand "manual.epub" {
+    nativeBuildInputs = with pkgs; [ libxslt zip ];
+    epub = ''
+      <book xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"
+            xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
+            version="5.0"
+            xml:id="nixpkgs-manual">
+        <info>
+          <title>Nixpkgs Manual</title>
+          <subtitle>Version ${pkgs.lib.version}</subtitle>
+        </info>
+        <chapter>
+          <title>Temporarily unavailable</title>
+          <para>
+            The Nixpkgs manual is currently not available in EPUB format,
+            please use the <link xlink:href="https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual">HTML manual</link>
+            instead.
+          </para>
+          <para>
+            If you've used the EPUB manual in the past and it has been useful to you, please
+            <link xlink:href="https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/237234">let us know</link>.
+          </para>
+        </chapter>
+      </book>
+    '';
+    passAsFile = [ "epub" ];
+  } ''
+    mkdir scratch
+    xsltproc \
+      --param chapter.autolabel 0 \
+      --nonet \
+      --output scratch/ \
+      ${pkgs.docbook_xsl_ns}/xml/xsl/docbook/epub/docbook.xsl \
+      $epubPath
+    echo "application/epub+zip" > mimetype
+    zip -0Xq "$out" mimetype
+    cd scratch && zip -Xr9D "$out" *
+  '';
+  # NB: This file describes the Nixpkgs manual, which happens to use module
+  #     docs infra originally developed for NixOS.
+  optionsDoc = pkgs.nixosOptionsDoc {
+    inherit (pkgs.lib.evalModules {
+      modules = [ ../pkgs/top-level/config.nix ];
+      class = "nixpkgsConfig";
+    }) options;
+    documentType = "none";
+    transformOptions = opt:
+      opt // {
+        declarations =
+          map
+            (decl:
+              if hasPrefix (toString ../..) (toString decl)
+              then
+                let subpath = removePrefix "/" (removePrefix (toString ../.) (toString decl));
+                in { url = "https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/${subpath}"; name = subpath; }
+              else decl)
+            opt.declarations;
+        };
+  };
 in pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
   name = "nixpkgs-manual";
   nativeBuildInputs = with pkgs; [
-    pandoc
-    graphviz
-    libxml2
-    libxslt
-    zip
-    jing
-    xmlformat
+    nixos-render-docs
-  src = pkgs.nix-gitignore.gitignoreSource [] ./.;
+  src = ./.;
   postPatch = ''
-    ln -s ${doc-support} ./doc-support/result
+    ln -s ${optionsDoc.optionsJSON}/share/doc/nixos/options.json ./config-options.json
-  epub = ''
-    <book xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"
-          xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
-          version="5.0"
-          xml:id="nixpkgs-manual">
-      <info>
-        <title>Nixpkgs Manual</title>
-        <subtitle>Version ${pkgs.lib.version}</subtitle>
-      </info>
-      <chapter>
-        <title>Temporarily unavailable</title>
-        <para>
-          The Nixpkgs manual is currently not available in EPUB format,
-          please use the <link xlink:href="https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual">HTML manual</link>
-          instead.
-        </para>
-        <para>
-          If you've used the EPUB manual in the past and it has been useful to you, please
-          <link xlink:href="https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/237234">let us know</link>.
-        </para>
-      </chapter>
-    </book>
-  '';
-  passAsFile = [ "epub" ];
+  buildPhase = ''
+    cat \
+      ./functions/library.md.in \
+      ${lib-docs}/index.md \
+      > ./functions/library.md
+    substitute ./manual.md.in ./manual.md \
+      --replace '@MANUAL_VERSION@' '${pkgs.lib.version}'
+    mkdir -p out/media
-  preBuild = ''
-    cp $epubPath epub.xml
-    make -j$NIX_BUILD_CORES render-md
+    mkdir -p out/highlightjs
+    cp -t out/highlightjs \
+      ${pkgs.documentation-highlighter}/highlight.pack.js \
+      ${pkgs.documentation-highlighter}/LICENSE \
+      ${pkgs.documentation-highlighter}/mono-blue.css \
+      ${pkgs.documentation-highlighter}/loader.js
+    cp -t out ./overrides.css ./style.css
+    nixos-render-docs manual html \
+      --manpage-urls ./manpage-urls.json \
+      --revision ${pkgs.lib.trivial.revisionWithDefault (pkgs.rev or "master")} \
+      --stylesheet style.css \
+      --stylesheet overrides.css \
+      --stylesheet highlightjs/mono-blue.css \
+      --script ./highlightjs/highlight.pack.js \
+      --script ./highlightjs/loader.js \
+      --toc-depth 1 \
+      --section-toc-depth 1 \
+      manual.md \
+      out/index.html
   installPhase = ''
     mkdir -p "$(dirname "$dest")"
-    mv out/html "$dest"
+    mv out "$dest"
     mv "$dest/index.html" "$dest/manual.html"
-    mv out/epub/manual.epub "$dest/nixpkgs-manual.epub"
+    cp ${epub} "$dest/nixpkgs-manual.epub"
     mkdir -p $out/nix-support/
     echo "doc manual $dest manual.html" >> $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products
     echo "doc manual $dest nixpkgs-manual.epub" >> $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products
-  # Environment variables
-  PANDOC_LUA_FILTERS_DIR = "${pkgs.pandoc-lua-filters}/share/pandoc/filters";
-  PANDOC_LINK_MANPAGES_FILTER = import build-aux/pandoc-filters/link-manpages.nix { inherit pkgs; };