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+title: User's Guide for Vim in Nixpkgs
+author: Marc Weber
+date: 2016-06-25
+# User's Guide to Vim Plugins/Addons/Bundles/Scripts in Nixpkgs
+You'll get a vim(-your-suffix) in PATH also loading the plugins you want.
+Loading can be deferred; see examples.
+Vim packages, VAM (=vim-addon-manager) and Pathogen are supported to load
+## Custom configuration
+Adding custom .vimrc lines can be done using the following code:
+vim_configurable.customize {
+  name = "vim-with-plugins";
+  vimrcConfig.customRC = ''
+    set hidden
+  '';
+## Vim packages
+To store you plugins in Vim packages the following example can be used:
+vim_configurable.customize {
+  vimrcConfig.packages.myVimPackage = with pkgs.vimPlugins; {
+    # loaded on launch
+    start = [ youcompleteme fugitive ];
+    # manually loadable by calling `:packadd $plugin-name`
+    opt = [ phpCompletion elm-vim ];
+    # To automatically load a plugin when opening a filetype, add vimrc lines like:
+    # autocmd FileType php :packadd phpCompletion
+  }
+## VAM
+### dependencies by Vim plugins
+VAM introduced .json files supporting dependencies without versioning
+assuming that "using latest version" is ok most of the time.
+### Example
+First create a vim-scripts file having one plugin name per line. Example:
+    "tlib"
+    {'name': 'vim-addon-sql'}
+    {'filetype_regex': '\%(vim)$', 'names': ['reload', 'vim-dev-plugin']}
+Such vim-scripts file can be read by VAM as well like this:
+    call vam#Scripts(expand('~/.vim-scripts'), {})
+Create a default.nix file:
+    { nixpkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {}, compiler ? "ghc7102" }:
+    nixpkgs.vim_configurable.customize { name = "vim"; vimrcConfig.vam.pluginDictionaries = [ "vim-addon-vim2nix" ]; }
+Create a generate.vim file:
+    ActivateAddons vim-addon-vim2nix
+    let vim_scripts = "vim-scripts"
+    call nix#ExportPluginsForNix({
+    \  'path_to_nixpkgs': eval('{"'.substitute(substitute(substitute($NIX_PATH, ':', ',', 'g'), '=',':', 'g'), '\([:,]\)', '"\1"',"g").'"}')["nixpkgs"],
+    \  'cache_file': '/tmp/vim2nix-cache',
+    \  'try_catch': 0,
+    \  'plugin_dictionaries': ["vim-addon-manager"]+map(readfile(vim_scripts), 'eval(v:val)')
+    \ })
+Then run
+    nix-shell -p vimUtils.vim_with_vim2nix --command "vim -c 'source generate.vim'"
+You should get a Vim buffer with the nix derivations (output1) and vam.pluginDictionaries (output2).
+You can add your vim to your system's configuration file like this and start it by "vim-my":
+    my-vim =
+     let plugins = let inherit (vimUtils) buildVimPluginFrom2Nix; in {
+          copy paste output1 here
+     }; in vim_configurable.customize {
+       name = "vim-my";
+       vimrcConfig.vam.knownPlugins = plugins; # optional
+       vimrcConfig.vam.pluginDictionaries = [
+          copy paste output2 here
+       ];
+       # Pathogen would be
+       # vimrcConfig.pathogen.knownPlugins = plugins; # plugins
+       # vimrcConfig.pathogen.pluginNames = ["tlib"];
+     };
+Sample output1:
+    "reload" = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix { # created by nix#NixDerivation
+      name = "reload";
+      src = fetchgit {
+        url = "git://github.com/xolox/vim-reload";
+        rev = "0a601a668727f5b675cb1ddc19f6861f3f7ab9e1";
+        sha256 = "0vb832l9yxj919f5hfg6qj6bn9ni57gnjd3bj7zpq7d4iv2s4wdh";
+      };
+      dependencies = ["nim-misc"];
+    };
+    [...]
+Sample output2:
+    [
+      ''vim-addon-manager''
+      ''tlib''
+      { "name" = ''vim-addon-sql''; }
+      { "filetype_regex" = ''\%(vim)$$''; "names" = [ ''reload'' ''vim-dev-plugin'' ]; }
+    ]
+## Important repositories
+- [vim-pi](https://bitbucket.org/vimcommunity/vim-pi) is a plugin repository
+  from VAM plugin manager meant to be used by others as well used by
+- [vim2nix](http://github.com/MarcWeber/vim-addon-vim2nix) which generates the
+  .nix code