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path: root/lib/fileset/internal.nix
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/fileset/internal.nix')
1 files changed, 274 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/fileset/internal.nix b/lib/fileset/internal.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..eeaa7d96875e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fileset/internal.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+{ lib ? import ../. }:
+  inherit (builtins)
+    isAttrs
+    isPath
+    isString
+    pathExists
+    readDir
+    typeOf
+    split
+    ;
+  inherit (lib.attrsets)
+    attrValues
+    mapAttrs
+    ;
+  inherit (lib.filesystem)
+    pathType
+    ;
+  inherit (lib.lists)
+    all
+    elemAt
+    length
+    ;
+  inherit (lib.path)
+    append
+    splitRoot
+    ;
+  inherit (lib.path.subpath)
+    components
+    ;
+  inherit (lib.strings)
+    isStringLike
+    concatStringsSep
+    substring
+    stringLength
+    ;
+# Rare case of justified usage of rec:
+# - This file is internal, so the return value doesn't matter, no need to make things overridable
+# - The functions depend on each other
+# - We want to expose all of these functions for easy testing
+rec {
+  # If you change the internal representation, make sure to:
+  # - Update this version
+  # - Adjust _coerce to also accept and coerce older versions
+  # - Update the description of the internal representation in ./README.md
+  _currentVersion = 0;
+  # Create a fileset, see ./README.md#fileset
+  # Type: path -> filesetTree -> fileset
+  _create = base: tree: {
+    _type = "fileset";
+    _internalVersion = _currentVersion;
+    _internalBase = base;
+    _internalTree = tree;
+    # Double __ to make it be evaluated and ordered first
+    __noEval = throw ''
+      lib.fileset: Directly evaluating a file set is not supported. Use `lib.fileset.toSource` to turn it into a usable source instead.'';
+  };
+  # Coerce a value to a fileset, erroring when the value cannot be coerced.
+  # The string gives the context for error messages.
+  # Type: String -> Path -> fileset
+  _coerce = context: value:
+    if value._type or "" == "fileset" then
+      if value._internalVersion > _currentVersion then
+        throw ''
+          ${context} is a file set created from a future version of the file set library with a different internal representation:
+              - Internal version of the file set: ${toString value._internalVersion}
+              - Internal version of the library: ${toString _currentVersion}
+              Make sure to update your Nixpkgs to have a newer version of `lib.fileset`.''
+      else
+        value
+    else if ! isPath value then
+      if isStringLike value then
+        throw ''
+          ${context} "${toString value}" is a string-like value, but it should be a path instead.
+              Paths represented as strings are not supported by `lib.fileset`, use `lib.sources` or derivations instead.''
+      else
+        throw ''
+          ${context} is of type ${typeOf value}, but it should be a path instead.''
+    else if ! pathExists value then
+      throw ''
+        ${context} ${toString value} does not exist.''
+    else
+      _singleton value;
+  # Create a file set from a path.
+  # Type: Path -> fileset
+  _singleton = path:
+    let
+      type = pathType path;
+    in
+    if type == "directory" then
+      _create path type
+    else
+      # This turns a file path ./default.nix into a fileset with
+      # - _internalBase: ./.
+      # - _internalTree: {
+      #     "default.nix" = <type>;
+      #     # Other directory entries
+      #     <name> = null;
+      #   }
+      # See ./README.md#single-files
+      _create (dirOf path)
+        (_nestTree
+          (dirOf path)
+          [ (baseNameOf path) ]
+          type
+        );
+  /*
+    Nest a filesetTree under some extra components, while filling out all the other directory entries that aren't included with null
+    _nestTree ./. [ "foo" "bar" ] tree == {
+      foo = {
+        bar = tree;
+        <other-entries> = null;
+      }
+      <other-entries> = null;
+    }
+    Type: Path -> [ String ] -> filesetTree -> filesetTree
+  */
+  _nestTree = targetBase: extraComponents: tree:
+    let
+      recurse = index: focusPath:
+        if index == length extraComponents then
+          tree
+        else
+          mapAttrs (_: _: null) (readDir focusPath)
+          // {
+            ${elemAt extraComponents index} = recurse (index + 1) (append focusPath (elemAt extraComponents index));
+          };
+    in
+    recurse 0 targetBase;
+  # Expand "directory" filesetTree representation to the equivalent { <name> = filesetTree; }
+  # Type: Path -> filesetTree -> { <name> = filesetTree; }
+  _directoryEntries = path: value:
+    if isAttrs value then
+      value
+    else
+      readDir path;
+  /*
+    Simplify a filesetTree recursively:
+    - Replace all directories that have no files with `null`
+      This removes directories that would be empty
+    - Replace all directories with all files with `"directory"`
+      This speeds up the source filter function
+    Note that this function is strict, it evaluates the entire tree
+    Type: Path -> filesetTree -> filesetTree
+  */
+  _simplifyTree = path: tree:
+    if tree == "directory" || isAttrs tree then
+      let
+        entries = _directoryEntries path tree;
+        simpleSubtrees = mapAttrs (name: _simplifyTree (path + "/${name}")) entries;
+        subtreeValues = attrValues simpleSubtrees;
+      in
+      # This triggers either when all files in a directory are filtered out
+      # Or when the directory doesn't contain any files at all
+      if all isNull subtreeValues then
+        null
+      # Triggers when we have the same as a `readDir path`, so we can turn it back into an equivalent "directory".
+      else if all isString subtreeValues then
+        "directory"
+      else
+        simpleSubtrees
+    else
+      tree;
+  # Turn a fileset into a source filter function suitable for `builtins.path`
+  # Only directories recursively containing at least one files are recursed into
+  # Type: Path -> fileset -> (String -> String -> Bool)
+  _toSourceFilter = fileset:
+    let
+      # Simplify the tree, necessary to make sure all empty directories are null
+      # which has the effect that they aren't included in the result
+      tree = _simplifyTree fileset._internalBase fileset._internalTree;
+      # Decompose the base into its components
+      # See ../path/README.md for why we're not just using `toString`
+      baseComponents = components (splitRoot fileset._internalBase).subpath;
+      # The base path as a string with a single trailing slash
+      baseString =
+        if baseComponents == [] then
+          # Need to handle the filesystem root specially
+          "/"
+        else
+          "/" + concatStringsSep "/" baseComponents + "/";
+      baseLength = stringLength baseString;
+      # Check whether a list of path components under the base path exists in the tree.
+      # This function is called often, so it should be fast.
+      # Type: [ String ] -> Bool
+      inTree = components:
+        let
+          recurse = index: localTree:
+            if isAttrs localTree then
+              # We have an attribute set, meaning this is a directory with at least one file
+              if index >= length components then
+                # The path may have no more components though, meaning the filter is running on the directory itself,
+                # so we always include it, again because there's at least one file in it.
+                true
+              else
+                # If we do have more components, the filter runs on some entry inside this directory, so we need to recurse
+                # We do +2 because builtins.split is an interleaved list of the inbetweens and the matches
+                recurse (index + 2) localTree.${elemAt components index}
+            else
+              # If it's not an attribute set it can only be either null (in which case it's not included)
+              # or a string ("directory" or "regular", etc.) in which case it's included
+              localTree != null;
+        in recurse 0 tree;
+      # Filter suited when there's no files
+      empty = _: _: false;
+      # Filter suited when there's some files
+      # This can't be used for when there's no files, because the base directory is always included
+      nonEmpty =
+        path: _:
+        let
+          # Add a slash to the path string, turning "/foo" to "/foo/",
+          # making sure to not have any false prefix matches below.
+          # Note that this would produce "//" for "/",
+          # but builtins.path doesn't call the filter function on the `path` argument itself,
+          # meaning this function can never receive "/" as an argument
+          pathSlash = path + "/";
+        in
+        # Same as `hasPrefix pathSlash baseString`, but more efficient.
+        # With base /foo/bar we need to include /foo:
+        # hasPrefix "/foo/" "/foo/bar/"
+        if substring 0 (stringLength pathSlash) baseString == pathSlash then
+          true
+        # Same as `! hasPrefix baseString pathSlash`, but more efficient.
+        # With base /foo/bar we need to exclude /baz
+        # ! hasPrefix "/baz/" "/foo/bar/"
+        else if substring 0 baseLength pathSlash != baseString then
+          false
+        else
+          # Same as `removePrefix baseString path`, but more efficient.
+          # From the above code we know that hasPrefix baseString pathSlash holds, so this is safe.
+          # We don't use pathSlash here because we only needed the trailing slash for the prefix matching.
+          # With base /foo and path /foo/bar/baz this gives
+          # inTree (split "/" (removePrefix "/foo/" "/foo/bar/baz"))
+          # == inTree (split "/" "bar/baz")
+          # == inTree [ "bar" "baz" ]
+          inTree (split "/" (substring baseLength (-1) path));
+    in
+    # Special case because the code below assumes that the _internalBase is always included in the result
+    # which shouldn't be done when we have no files at all in the base
+    if tree == null then
+      empty
+    else
+      nonEmpty;