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4 files changed, 329 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/lib/customisation.nix b/lib/customisation.nix
index 234a528527d3c..cc9a9b1c55d0a 100644
--- a/lib/customisation.nix
+++ b/lib/customisation.nix
@@ -117,8 +117,55 @@ rec {
   callPackageWith = autoArgs: fn: args:
       f = if lib.isFunction fn then fn else import fn;
-      auto = builtins.intersectAttrs (lib.functionArgs f) autoArgs;
-    in makeOverridable f (auto // args);
+      fargs = lib.functionArgs f;
+      # All arguments that will be passed to the function
+      # This includes automatic ones and ones passed explicitly
+      allArgs = builtins.intersectAttrs fargs autoArgs // args;
+      # A list of argument names that the function requires, but
+      # wouldn't be passed to it
+      missingArgs = lib.attrNames
+        # Filter out arguments that have a default value
+        (lib.filterAttrs (name: value: ! value)
+        # Filter out arguments that would be passed
+        (removeAttrs fargs (lib.attrNames allArgs)));
+      # Get a list of suggested argument names for a given missing one
+      getSuggestions = arg: lib.pipe (autoArgs // args) [
+        lib.attrNames
+        # Only use ones that are at most 2 edits away. While mork would work,
+        # levenshteinAtMost is only fast for 2 or less.
+        (lib.filter (lib.strings.levenshteinAtMost 2 arg))
+        # Put strings with shorter distance first
+        (lib.sort (x: y: lib.strings.levenshtein x arg < lib.strings.levenshtein y arg))
+        # Only take the first couple results
+        (lib.take 3)
+        # Quote all entries
+        (map (x: "\"" + x + "\""))
+      ];
+      prettySuggestions = suggestions:
+        if suggestions == [] then ""
+        else if lib.length suggestions == 1 then ", did you mean ${lib.elemAt suggestions 0}?"
+        else ", did you mean ${lib.concatStringsSep ", " (lib.init suggestions)} or ${lib.last suggestions}?";
+      errorForArg = arg:
+        let
+          loc = builtins.unsafeGetAttrPos arg fargs;
+          # loc' can be removed once lib/minver.nix is >2.3.4, since that includes
+          # https://github.com/NixOS/nix/pull/3468 which makes loc be non-null
+          loc' = if loc != null then loc.file + ":" + toString loc.line
+            else if ! lib.isFunction fn then
+              toString fn + lib.optionalString (lib.sources.pathIsDirectory fn) "/default.nix"
+            else "<unknown location>";
+        in "Function called without required argument \"${arg}\" at "
+        + "${loc'}${prettySuggestions (getSuggestions arg)}";
+      # Only show the error for the first missing argument
+      error = errorForArg (lib.head missingArgs);
+    in if missingArgs == [] then makeOverridable f allArgs else throw error;
   /* Like callPackage, but for a function that returns an attribute
diff --git a/lib/options.nix b/lib/options.nix
index 8d0801775c462..4aa9fe6e78c5a 100644
--- a/lib/options.nix
+++ b/lib/options.nix
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ rec {
        mkPackageOption pkgs "GHC" {
          default = [ "ghc" ];
-         example = "pkgs.haskell.package.ghc921.ghc.withPackages (hkgs: [ hkgs.primes ])";
+         example = "pkgs.haskell.package.ghc922.ghc.withPackages (hkgs: [ hkgs.primes ])";
        => { _type = "option"; default = «derivation /nix/store/jxx55cxsjrf8kyh3fp2ya17q99w7541r-ghc-8.10.7.drv»; defaultText = { ... }; description = "The GHC package to use."; example = { ... }; type = { ... }; }
diff --git a/lib/strings.nix b/lib/strings.nix
index 45d3bcbb440db..820d1901f945b 100644
--- a/lib/strings.nix
+++ b/lib/strings.nix
@@ -781,4 +781,131 @@ rec {
     (x: if stringLength x == 0 then "unknown" else x)
+  /* Computes the Levenshtein distance between two strings.
+     Complexity O(n*m) where n and m are the lengths of the strings.
+     Algorithm adjusted from https://stackoverflow.com/a/9750974/6605742
+     Type: levenshtein :: string -> string -> int
+     Example:
+       levenshtein "foo" "foo"
+       => 0
+       levenshtein "book" "hook"
+       => 1
+       levenshtein "hello" "Heyo"
+       => 3
+  */
+  levenshtein = a: b: let
+    # Two dimensional array with dimensions (stringLength a + 1, stringLength b + 1)
+    arr = lib.genList (i:
+      lib.genList (j:
+        dist i j
+      ) (stringLength b + 1)
+    ) (stringLength a + 1);
+    d = x: y: lib.elemAt (lib.elemAt arr x) y;
+    dist = i: j:
+      let c = if substring (i - 1) 1 a == substring (j - 1) 1 b
+        then 0 else 1;
+      in
+      if j == 0 then i
+      else if i == 0 then j
+      else lib.min
+        ( lib.min (d (i - 1) j + 1) (d i (j - 1) + 1))
+        ( d (i - 1) (j - 1) + c );
+  in d (stringLength a) (stringLength b);
+  /* Returns the length of the prefix common to both strings.
+  */
+  commonPrefixLength = a: b:
+    let
+      m = lib.min (stringLength a) (stringLength b);
+      go = i: if i >= m then m else if substring i 1 a == substring i 1 b then go (i + 1) else i;
+    in go 0;
+  /* Returns the length of the suffix common to both strings.
+  */
+  commonSuffixLength = a: b:
+    let
+      m = lib.min (stringLength a) (stringLength b);
+      go = i: if i >= m then m else if substring (stringLength a - i - 1) 1 a == substring (stringLength b - i - 1) 1 b then go (i + 1) else i;
+    in go 0;
+  /* Returns whether the levenshtein distance between two strings is at most some value
+     Complexity is O(min(n,m)) for k <= 2 and O(n*m) otherwise
+     Type: levenshteinAtMost :: int -> string -> string -> bool
+     Example:
+       levenshteinAtMost 0 "foo" "foo"
+       => true
+       levenshteinAtMost 1 "foo" "boa"
+       => false
+       levenshteinAtMost 2 "foo" "boa"
+       => true
+       levenshteinAtMost 2 "This is a sentence" "this is a sentense."
+       => false
+       levenshteinAtMost 3 "This is a sentence" "this is a sentense."
+       => true
+  */
+  levenshteinAtMost = let
+    infixDifferAtMost1 = x: y: stringLength x <= 1 && stringLength y <= 1;
+    # This function takes two strings stripped by their common pre and suffix,
+    # and returns whether they differ by at most two by Levenshtein distance.
+    # Because of this stripping, if they do indeed differ by at most two edits,
+    # we know that those edits were (if at all) done at the start or the end,
+    # while the middle has to have stayed the same. This fact is used in the
+    # implementation.
+    infixDifferAtMost2 = x: y:
+      let
+        xlen = stringLength x;
+        ylen = stringLength y;
+        # This function is only called with |x| >= |y| and |x| - |y| <= 2, so
+        # diff is one of 0, 1 or 2
+        diff = xlen - ylen;
+        # Infix of x and y, stripped by the left and right most character
+        xinfix = substring 1 (xlen - 2) x;
+        yinfix = substring 1 (ylen - 2) y;
+        # x and y but a character deleted at the left or right
+        xdelr = substring 0 (xlen - 1) x;
+        xdell = substring 1 (xlen - 1) x;
+        ydelr = substring 0 (ylen - 1) y;
+        ydell = substring 1 (ylen - 1) y;
+      in
+        # A length difference of 2 can only be gotten with 2 delete edits,
+        # which have to have happened at the start and end of x
+        # Example: "abcdef" -> "bcde"
+        if diff == 2 then xinfix == y
+        # A length difference of 1 can only be gotten with a deletion on the
+        # right and a replacement on the left or vice versa.
+        # Example: "abcdef" -> "bcdez" or "zbcde"
+        else if diff == 1 then xinfix == ydelr || xinfix == ydell
+        # No length difference can either happen through replacements on both
+        # sides, or a deletion on the left and an insertion on the right or
+        # vice versa
+        # Example: "abcdef" -> "zbcdez" or "bcdefz" or "zabcde"
+        else xinfix == yinfix || xdelr == ydell || xdell == ydelr;
+    in k: if k <= 0 then a: b: a == b else
+      let f = a: b:
+        let
+          alen = stringLength a;
+          blen = stringLength b;
+          prelen = commonPrefixLength a b;
+          suflen = commonSuffixLength a b;
+          presuflen = prelen + suflen;
+          ainfix = substring prelen (alen - presuflen) a;
+          binfix = substring prelen (blen - presuflen) b;
+        in
+        # Make a be the bigger string
+        if alen < blen then f b a
+        # If a has over k more characters than b, even with k deletes on a, b can't be reached
+        else if alen - blen > k then false
+        else if k == 1 then infixDifferAtMost1 ainfix binfix
+        else if k == 2 then infixDifferAtMost2 ainfix binfix
+        else levenshtein ainfix binfix <= k;
+      in f;
diff --git a/lib/tests/misc.nix b/lib/tests/misc.nix
index 47f7315123410..c7cef2a9059f1 100644
--- a/lib/tests/misc.nix
+++ b/lib/tests/misc.nix
@@ -918,4 +918,156 @@ runTests {
+  ## Levenshtein distance functions and co.
+  testCommonPrefixLengthEmpty = {
+    expr = strings.commonPrefixLength "" "hello";
+    expected = 0;
+  };
+  testCommonPrefixLengthSame = {
+    expr = strings.commonPrefixLength "hello" "hello";
+    expected = 5;
+  };
+  testCommonPrefixLengthDiffering = {
+    expr = strings.commonPrefixLength "hello" "hey";
+    expected = 2;
+  };
+  testCommonSuffixLengthEmpty = {
+    expr = strings.commonSuffixLength "" "hello";
+    expected = 0;
+  };
+  testCommonSuffixLengthSame = {
+    expr = strings.commonSuffixLength "hello" "hello";
+    expected = 5;
+  };
+  testCommonSuffixLengthDiffering = {
+    expr = strings.commonSuffixLength "test" "rest";
+    expected = 3;
+  };
+  testLevenshteinEmpty = {
+    expr = strings.levenshtein "" "";
+    expected = 0;
+  };
+  testLevenshteinOnlyAdd = {
+    expr = strings.levenshtein "" "hello there";
+    expected = 11;
+  };
+  testLevenshteinOnlyRemove = {
+    expr = strings.levenshtein "hello there" "";
+    expected = 11;
+  };
+  testLevenshteinOnlyTransform = {
+    expr = strings.levenshtein "abcdef" "ghijkl";
+    expected = 6;
+  };
+  testLevenshteinMixed = {
+    expr = strings.levenshtein "kitchen" "sitting";
+    expected = 5;
+  };
+  testLevenshteinAtMostZeroFalse = {
+    expr = strings.levenshteinAtMost 0 "foo" "boo";
+    expected = false;
+  };
+  testLevenshteinAtMostZeroTrue = {
+    expr = strings.levenshteinAtMost 0 "foo" "foo";
+    expected = true;
+  };
+  testLevenshteinAtMostOneFalse = {
+    expr = strings.levenshteinAtMost 1 "car" "ct";
+    expected = false;
+  };
+  testLevenshteinAtMostOneTrue = {
+    expr = strings.levenshteinAtMost 1 "car" "cr";
+    expected = true;
+  };
+  # We test levenshteinAtMost 2 particularly well because it uses a complicated
+  # implementation
+  testLevenshteinAtMostTwoIsEmpty = {
+    expr = strings.levenshteinAtMost 2 "" "";
+    expected = true;
+  };
+  testLevenshteinAtMostTwoIsZero = {
+    expr = strings.levenshteinAtMost 2 "abcdef" "abcdef";
+    expected = true;
+  };
+  testLevenshteinAtMostTwoIsOne = {
+    expr = strings.levenshteinAtMost 2 "abcdef" "abddef";
+    expected = true;
+  };
+  testLevenshteinAtMostTwoDiff0False = {
+    expr = strings.levenshteinAtMost 2 "abcdef" "aczyef";
+    expected = false;
+  };
+  testLevenshteinAtMostTwoDiff0Outer = {
+    expr = strings.levenshteinAtMost 2 "abcdef" "zbcdez";
+    expected = true;
+  };
+  testLevenshteinAtMostTwoDiff0DelLeft = {
+    expr = strings.levenshteinAtMost 2 "abcdef" "bcdefz";
+    expected = true;
+  };
+  testLevenshteinAtMostTwoDiff0DelRight = {
+    expr = strings.levenshteinAtMost 2 "abcdef" "zabcde";
+    expected = true;
+  };
+  testLevenshteinAtMostTwoDiff1False = {
+    expr = strings.levenshteinAtMost 2 "abcdef" "bddez";
+    expected = false;
+  };
+  testLevenshteinAtMostTwoDiff1DelLeft = {
+    expr = strings.levenshteinAtMost 2 "abcdef" "bcdez";
+    expected = true;
+  };
+  testLevenshteinAtMostTwoDiff1DelRight = {
+    expr = strings.levenshteinAtMost 2 "abcdef" "zbcde";
+    expected = true;
+  };
+  testLevenshteinAtMostTwoDiff2False = {
+    expr = strings.levenshteinAtMost 2 "hello" "hxo";
+    expected = false;
+  };
+  testLevenshteinAtMostTwoDiff2True = {
+    expr = strings.levenshteinAtMost 2 "hello" "heo";
+    expected = true;
+  };
+  testLevenshteinAtMostTwoDiff3 = {
+    expr = strings.levenshteinAtMost 2 "hello" "ho";
+    expected = false;
+  };
+  testLevenshteinAtMostThreeFalse = {
+    expr = strings.levenshteinAtMost 3 "hello" "Holla!";
+    expected = false;
+  };
+  testLevenshteinAtMostThreeTrue = {
+    expr = strings.levenshteinAtMost 3 "hello" "Holla";
+    expected = true;
+  };