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9 files changed, 1067 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/lib/README.md b/lib/README.md
index ac7cbd4330add..627086843db7c 100644
--- a/lib/README.md
+++ b/lib/README.md
@@ -70,4 +70,7 @@ tests/filesystem.sh
 # Run the lib.path property tests
+# Run the lib.fileset tests
diff --git a/lib/default.nix b/lib/default.nix
index 509636452b2b5..e4bf45aac3b6a 100644
--- a/lib/default.nix
+++ b/lib/default.nix
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ let
     # Eval-time filesystem handling
     path = callLibs ./path;
     filesystem = callLibs ./filesystem.nix;
+    fileset = callLibs ./fileset;
     sources = callLibs ./sources.nix;
     # back-compat aliases
diff --git a/lib/fileset/README.md b/lib/fileset/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..dbb591a4c8c83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fileset/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+# File set library
+The main goal of the file set library is to be able to select local files that should be added to the Nix store.
+It should have the following properties:
+- Easy:
+  The functions should have obvious semantics, be low in number and be composable.
+- Safe:
+  Throw early and helpful errors when mistakes are detected.
+- Lazy:
+  Only compute values when necessary.
+Non-goals are:
+- Efficient:
+  If the abstraction proves itself worthwhile but too slow, it can be still be optimized further.
+## Tests
+Tests are declared in [`tests.sh`](./tests.sh) and can be run using
+## Benchmark
+A simple benchmark against the HEAD commit can be run using
+./benchmark.sh HEAD
+This is intended to be run manually and is not checked by CI.
+## Internal representation
+The internal representation is versioned in order to allow file sets from different Nixpkgs versions to be composed with each other, see [`internal.nix`](./internal.nix) for the versions and conversions between them.
+This section describes only the current representation, but past versions will have to be supported by the code.
+### `fileset`
+An attribute set with these values:
+- `_type` (constant string `"fileset"`):
+  Tag to indicate this value is a file set.
+- `_internalVersion` (constant string equal to the current version):
+  Version of the representation
+- `_internalBase` (path):
+  Any files outside of this path cannot influence the set of files.
+  This is always a directory.
+- `_internalTree` ([filesetTree](#filesettree)):
+  A tree representation of all included files under `_internalBase`.
+- `__noEval` (error):
+  An error indicating that directly evaluating file sets is not supported.
+## `filesetTree`
+One of the following:
+- `{ <name> = filesetTree; }`:
+  A directory with a nested `filesetTree` value for every directory entry.
+  Even entries that aren't included are present as `null` because it improves laziness and allows using this as a sort of `builtins.readDir` cache.
+- `"directory"`:
+  A directory with all its files included recursively, allowing early cutoff for some operations.
+  This specific string is chosen to be compatible with `builtins.readDir` for a simpler implementation.
+- `"regular"`, `"symlink"`, `"unknown"` or any other non-`"directory"` string:
+  A nested file with its file type.
+  These specific strings are chosen to be compatible with `builtins.readDir` for a simpler implementation.
+  Distinguishing between different file types is not strictly necessary for the functionality this library,
+  but it does allow nicer printing of file sets.
+- `null`:
+  A file or directory that is excluded from the tree.
+  It may still exist on the file system.
+## API design decisions
+This section justifies API design decisions.
+### Internal structure
+The representation of the file set data type is internal and can be changed over time.
+- (+) The point of this library is to provide high-level functions, users don't need to be concerned with how it's implemented
+- (+) It allows adjustments to the representation, which is especially useful in the early days of the library.
+- (+) It still allows the representation to be stabilized later if necessary and if it has proven itself
+### Influence tracking
+File set operations internally track the top-most directory that could influence the exact contents of a file set.
+Specifically, `toSource` requires that the given `fileset` is completely determined by files within the directory specified by the `root` argument.
+For example, even with `dir/file.txt` being the only file in `./.`, `toSource { root = ./dir; fileset = ./.; }` gives an error.
+This is because `fileset` may as well be the result of filtering `./.` in a way that excludes `dir`.
+- (+) This gives us the guarantee that adding new files to a project never breaks a file set expression.
+  This is also true in a lesser form for removed files:
+  only removing files explicitly referenced by paths can break a file set expression.
+- (+) This can be removed later, if we discover it's too restrictive
+- (-) It leads to errors when a sensible result could sometimes be returned, such as in the above example.
+### Empty directories
+File sets can only represent a _set_ of local files, directories on their own are not representable.
+- (+) There does not seem to be a sensible set of combinators when directories can be represented on their own.
+  Here's some possibilities:
+  - `./.` represents the files in `./.` _and_ the directory itself including its subdirectories, meaning that even if there's no files, the entire structure of `./.` is preserved
+    In that case, what should `fileFilter (file: false) ./.` return?
+    It could return the entire directory structure unchanged, but with all files removed, which would not be what one would expect.
+    Trying to have a filter function that also supports directories will lead to the question of:
+    What should the behavior be if `./foo` itself is excluded but all of its contents are included?
+    It leads to having to define when directories are recursed into, but then we're effectively back at how the `builtins.path`-based filters work.
+  - `./.` represents all files in `./.` _and_ the directory itself, but not its subdirectories, meaning that at least `./.` will be preserved even if it's empty.
+    In that case, `intersect ./. ./foo` should only include files and no directories themselves, since `./.` includes only `./.` as a directory, and same for `./foo`, so there's no overlap in directories.
+    But intuitively this operation should result in the same as `./foo` – everything else is just confusing.
+- (+) This matches how Git only supports files, so developers should already be used to it.
+- (-) Empty directories (even if they contain nested directories) are neither representable nor preserved when coercing from paths.
+  - (+) It is very rare that empty directories are necessary.
+  - (+) We can implement a workaround, allowing `toSource` to take an extra argument for ensuring certain extra directories exist in the result.
+- (-) It slows down store imports, since the evaluator needs to traverse the entire tree to remove any empty directories
+  - (+) This can still be optimized by introducing more Nix builtins if necessary
+### String paths
+File sets do not support Nix store paths in strings such as `"/nix/store/...-source"`.
+- (+) Such paths are usually produced by derivations, which means `toSource` would either:
+  - Require IFD if `builtins.path` is used as the underlying primitive
+  - Require importing the entire `root` into the store such that derivations can be used to do the filtering
+- (+) The convenient path coercion like `union ./foo ./bar` wouldn't work for absolute paths, requiring more verbose alternate interfaces:
+  - `let root = "/nix/store/...-source"; in union "${root}/foo" "${root}/bar"`
+    Verbose and dangerous because if `root` was a path, the entire path would get imported into the store.
+  - `toSource { root = "/nix/store/...-source"; fileset = union "./foo" "./bar"; }`
+    Does not allow debug printing intermediate file set contents, since we don't know the paths contents before having a `root`.
+  - `let fs = lib.fileset.withRoot "/nix/store/...-source"; in fs.union "./foo" "./bar"`
+    Makes library functions impure since they depend on the contextual root path, questionable composability.
+- (+) The point of the file set abstraction is to specify which files should get imported into the store.
+  This use case makes little sense for files that are already in the store.
+  This should be a separate abstraction as e.g. `pkgs.drvLayout` instead, which could have a similar interface but be specific to derivations.
+  Additional capabilities could be supported that can't be done at evaluation time, such as renaming files, creating new directories, setting executable bits, etc.
+### Single files
+File sets cannot add single files to the store, they can only import files under directories.
+- (+) There's no point in using this library for a single file, since you can't do anything other than add it to the store or not.
+  And it would be unclear how the library should behave if the one file wouldn't be added to the store:
+  `toSource { root = ./file.nix; fileset = <empty>; }` has no reasonable result because returing an empty store path wouldn't match the file type, and there's no way to have an empty file store path, whatever that would mean.
+## To update in the future
+Here's a list of places in the library that need to be updated in the future:
+- > The file set library is currently very limited but is being expanded to include more functions over time.
+  in [the manual](../../doc/functions/fileset.section.md)
+- > Currently the only way to construct file sets is using implicit coercion from paths.
+  in [the `toSource` reference](./default.nix)
+- > For now filesets are always paths
+  in [the `toSource` implementation](./default.nix), also update the variable name there
+- Once a tracing function exists, `__noEval` in [internal.nix](./internal.nix) should mention it
+- If/Once a function to convert `lib.sources` values into file sets exists, the `_coerce` and `toSource` functions should be updated to mention that function in the error when such a value is passed
+- If/Once a function exists that can optionally include a path depending on whether it exists, the error message for the path not existing in `_coerce` should mention the new function
diff --git a/lib/fileset/benchmark.sh b/lib/fileset/benchmark.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000..f72686c4ab3fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fileset/benchmark.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Benchmarks lib.fileset
+# Run:
+# [nixpkgs]$ lib/fileset/benchmark.sh HEAD
+set -euo pipefail
+shopt -s inherit_errexit dotglob
+if (( $# == 0 )); then
+    echo "Usage: $0 HEAD"
+    echo "Benchmarks the current tree against the HEAD commit. Any git ref will work."
+    exit 1
+SCRIPT_FILE=$(readlink -f "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")
+nixpkgs=$(cd "$SCRIPT_DIR/../.."; pwd)
+tmp="$(mktemp -d)"
+clean_up() {
+    rm -rf "$tmp"
+trap clean_up EXIT SIGINT SIGTERM
+mkdir "$work"
+cd "$work"
+# Create a fairly populated tree
+touch f{0..5}
+mkdir d{0..5}
+mkdir e{0..5}
+touch d{0..5}/f{0..5}
+mkdir -p d{0..5}/d{0..5}
+mkdir -p e{0..5}/e{0..5}
+touch d{0..5}/d{0..5}/f{0..5}
+mkdir -p d{0..5}/d{0..5}/d{0..5}
+mkdir -p e{0..5}/e{0..5}/e{0..5}
+touch d{0..5}/d{0..5}/d{0..5}/f{0..5}
+mkdir -p d{0..5}/d{0..5}/d{0..5}/d{0..5}
+mkdir -p e{0..5}/e{0..5}/e{0..5}/e{0..5}
+touch d{0..5}/d{0..5}/d{0..5}/d{0..5}/f{0..5}
+bench() {
+    NIX_PATH=nixpkgs=$1 NIX_SHOW_STATS=1 NIX_SHOW_STATS_PATH=$tmp/stats.json \
+        nix-instantiate --eval --strict --show-trace >/dev/null \
+        --expr '(import <nixpkgs/lib>).fileset.toSource { root = ./.; fileset = ./.; }'
+    cat "$tmp/stats.json"
+echo "Running benchmark on index" >&2
+bench "$nixpkgs" > "$tmp/new.json"
+    echo "Checking out $compareTo" >&2
+    git -C "$nixpkgs" worktree add --quiet "$tmp/worktree" "$compareTo"
+    trap 'git -C "$nixpkgs" worktree remove "$tmp/worktree"' EXIT
+    echo "Running benchmark on $compareTo" >&2
+    bench "$tmp/worktree" > "$tmp/old.json"
+declare -a stats=(
+    ".envs.elements"
+    ".envs.number"
+    ".gc.totalBytes"
+    ".list.concats"
+    ".list.elements"
+    ".nrFunctionCalls"
+    ".nrLookups"
+    ".nrOpUpdates"
+    ".nrPrimOpCalls"
+    ".nrThunks"
+    ".sets.elements"
+    ".sets.number"
+    ".symbols.number"
+    ".values.number"
+for stat in "${stats[@]}"; do
+    oldValue=$(jq "$stat" "$tmp/old.json")
+    newValue=$(jq "$stat" "$tmp/new.json")
+    if (( oldValue != newValue )); then
+        percent=$(bc <<< "scale=100; result = 100/$oldValue*$newValue; scale=4; result / 1")
+        if (( oldValue < newValue )); then
+            echo -e "Statistic $stat ($newValue) is \e[0;31m$percent% (+$(( newValue - oldValue )))\e[0m of the old value $oldValue" >&2
+        else
+            echo -e "Statistic $stat ($newValue) is \e[0;32m$percent% (-$(( oldValue - newValue )))\e[0m of the old value $oldValue" >&2
+        fi
+        (( different++ )) || true
+    fi
+echo "$different stats differ between the current tree and $compareTo"
diff --git a/lib/fileset/default.nix b/lib/fileset/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..b301252655207
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fileset/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+{ lib }:
+  inherit (import ./internal.nix { inherit lib; })
+    _coerce
+    _toSourceFilter
+    ;
+  inherit (builtins)
+    isPath
+    pathExists
+    typeOf
+    ;
+  inherit (lib.path)
+    hasPrefix
+    splitRoot
+    ;
+  inherit (lib.strings)
+    isStringLike
+    ;
+  inherit (lib.filesystem)
+    pathType
+    ;
+  inherit (lib.sources)
+    cleanSourceWith
+    ;
+in {
+  /*
+    Add the local files contained in `fileset` to the store as a single [store path](https://nixos.org/manual/nix/stable/glossary#gloss-store-path) rooted at `root`.
+    The result is the store path as a string-like value, making it usable e.g. as the `src` of a derivation, or in string interpolation:
+    ```nix
+    stdenv.mkDerivation {
+      src = lib.fileset.toSource { ... };
+      # ...
+    }
+    ```
+    The name of the store path is always `source`.
+    Type:
+      toSource :: {
+        root :: Path,
+        fileset :: FileSet,
+      } -> SourceLike
+    Example:
+      # Import the current directory into the store but only include files under ./src
+      toSource { root = ./.; fileset = ./src; }
+      => "/nix/store/...-source"
+      # The file set coerced from path ./bar could contain files outside the root ./foo, which is not allowed
+      toSource { root = ./foo; fileset = ./bar; }
+      => <error>
+      # The root has to be a local filesystem path
+      toSource { root = "/nix/store/...-source"; fileset = ./.; }
+      => <error>
+  */
+  toSource = {
+    /*
+      (required) The local directory [path](https://nixos.org/manual/nix/stable/language/values.html#type-path) that will correspond to the root of the resulting store path.
+      Paths in [strings](https://nixos.org/manual/nix/stable/language/values.html#type-string), including Nix store paths, cannot be passed as `root`.
+      `root` has to be a directory.
+<!-- Ignore the indentation here, this is a nixdoc rendering bug that needs to be fixed -->
+Changing `root` only affects the directory structure of the resulting store path, it does not change which files are added to the store.
+The only way to change which files get added to the store is by changing the `fileset` attribute.
+    */
+    root,
+    /*
+      (required) The file set whose files to import into the store.
+      Currently the only way to construct file sets is using [implicit coercion from paths](#sec-fileset-path-coercion).
+      If a directory does not recursively contain any file, it is omitted from the store path contents.
+    */
+    fileset,
+  }:
+    let
+      # We cannot rename matched attribute arguments, so let's work around it with an extra `let in` statement
+      # For now filesets are always paths
+      filesetPath = fileset;
+    in
+    let
+      fileset = _coerce "lib.fileset.toSource: `fileset`" filesetPath;
+      rootFilesystemRoot = (splitRoot root).root;
+      filesetFilesystemRoot = (splitRoot fileset._internalBase).root;
+    in
+    if ! isPath root then
+      if isStringLike root then
+        throw ''
+          lib.fileset.toSource: `root` "${toString root}" is a string-like value, but it should be a path instead.
+              Paths in strings are not supported by `lib.fileset`, use `lib.sources` or derivations instead.''
+      else
+        throw ''
+          lib.fileset.toSource: `root` is of type ${typeOf root}, but it should be a path instead.''
+    # Currently all Nix paths have the same filesystem root, but this could change in the future.
+    # See also ../path/README.md
+    else if rootFilesystemRoot != filesetFilesystemRoot then
+      throw ''
+        lib.fileset.toSource: Filesystem roots are not the same for `fileset` and `root` "${toString root}":
+            `root`: root "${toString rootFilesystemRoot}"
+            `fileset`: root "${toString filesetFilesystemRoot}"
+            Different roots are not supported.''
+    else if ! pathExists root then
+      throw ''
+        lib.fileset.toSource: `root` ${toString root} does not exist.''
+    else if pathType root != "directory" then
+      throw ''
+        lib.fileset.toSource: `root` ${toString root} is a file, but it should be a directory instead. Potential solutions:
+            - If you want to import the file into the store _without_ a containing directory, use string interpolation or `builtins.path` instead of this function.
+            - If you want to import the file into the store _with_ a containing directory, set `root` to the containing directory, such as ${toString (dirOf root)}, and set `fileset` to the file path.''
+    else if ! hasPrefix root fileset._internalBase then
+      throw ''
+        lib.fileset.toSource: `fileset` could contain files in ${toString fileset._internalBase}, which is not under the `root` ${toString root}. Potential solutions:
+            - Set `root` to ${toString fileset._internalBase} or any directory higher up. This changes the layout of the resulting store path.
+            - Set `fileset` to a file set that cannot contain files outside the `root` ${toString root}. This could change the files included in the result.''
+    else
+      cleanSourceWith {
+        name = "source";
+        src = root;
+        filter = _toSourceFilter fileset;
+      };
diff --git a/lib/fileset/internal.nix b/lib/fileset/internal.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..eeaa7d96875e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fileset/internal.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+{ lib ? import ../. }:
+  inherit (builtins)
+    isAttrs
+    isPath
+    isString
+    pathExists
+    readDir
+    typeOf
+    split
+    ;
+  inherit (lib.attrsets)
+    attrValues
+    mapAttrs
+    ;
+  inherit (lib.filesystem)
+    pathType
+    ;
+  inherit (lib.lists)
+    all
+    elemAt
+    length
+    ;
+  inherit (lib.path)
+    append
+    splitRoot
+    ;
+  inherit (lib.path.subpath)
+    components
+    ;
+  inherit (lib.strings)
+    isStringLike
+    concatStringsSep
+    substring
+    stringLength
+    ;
+# Rare case of justified usage of rec:
+# - This file is internal, so the return value doesn't matter, no need to make things overridable
+# - The functions depend on each other
+# - We want to expose all of these functions for easy testing
+rec {
+  # If you change the internal representation, make sure to:
+  # - Update this version
+  # - Adjust _coerce to also accept and coerce older versions
+  # - Update the description of the internal representation in ./README.md
+  _currentVersion = 0;
+  # Create a fileset, see ./README.md#fileset
+  # Type: path -> filesetTree -> fileset
+  _create = base: tree: {
+    _type = "fileset";
+    _internalVersion = _currentVersion;
+    _internalBase = base;
+    _internalTree = tree;
+    # Double __ to make it be evaluated and ordered first
+    __noEval = throw ''
+      lib.fileset: Directly evaluating a file set is not supported. Use `lib.fileset.toSource` to turn it into a usable source instead.'';
+  };
+  # Coerce a value to a fileset, erroring when the value cannot be coerced.
+  # The string gives the context for error messages.
+  # Type: String -> Path -> fileset
+  _coerce = context: value:
+    if value._type or "" == "fileset" then
+      if value._internalVersion > _currentVersion then
+        throw ''
+          ${context} is a file set created from a future version of the file set library with a different internal representation:
+              - Internal version of the file set: ${toString value._internalVersion}
+              - Internal version of the library: ${toString _currentVersion}
+              Make sure to update your Nixpkgs to have a newer version of `lib.fileset`.''
+      else
+        value
+    else if ! isPath value then
+      if isStringLike value then
+        throw ''
+          ${context} "${toString value}" is a string-like value, but it should be a path instead.
+              Paths represented as strings are not supported by `lib.fileset`, use `lib.sources` or derivations instead.''
+      else
+        throw ''
+          ${context} is of type ${typeOf value}, but it should be a path instead.''
+    else if ! pathExists value then
+      throw ''
+        ${context} ${toString value} does not exist.''
+    else
+      _singleton value;
+  # Create a file set from a path.
+  # Type: Path -> fileset
+  _singleton = path:
+    let
+      type = pathType path;
+    in
+    if type == "directory" then
+      _create path type
+    else
+      # This turns a file path ./default.nix into a fileset with
+      # - _internalBase: ./.
+      # - _internalTree: {
+      #     "default.nix" = <type>;
+      #     # Other directory entries
+      #     <name> = null;
+      #   }
+      # See ./README.md#single-files
+      _create (dirOf path)
+        (_nestTree
+          (dirOf path)
+          [ (baseNameOf path) ]
+          type
+        );
+  /*
+    Nest a filesetTree under some extra components, while filling out all the other directory entries that aren't included with null
+    _nestTree ./. [ "foo" "bar" ] tree == {
+      foo = {
+        bar = tree;
+        <other-entries> = null;
+      }
+      <other-entries> = null;
+    }
+    Type: Path -> [ String ] -> filesetTree -> filesetTree
+  */
+  _nestTree = targetBase: extraComponents: tree:
+    let
+      recurse = index: focusPath:
+        if index == length extraComponents then
+          tree
+        else
+          mapAttrs (_: _: null) (readDir focusPath)
+          // {
+            ${elemAt extraComponents index} = recurse (index + 1) (append focusPath (elemAt extraComponents index));
+          };
+    in
+    recurse 0 targetBase;
+  # Expand "directory" filesetTree representation to the equivalent { <name> = filesetTree; }
+  # Type: Path -> filesetTree -> { <name> = filesetTree; }
+  _directoryEntries = path: value:
+    if isAttrs value then
+      value
+    else
+      readDir path;
+  /*
+    Simplify a filesetTree recursively:
+    - Replace all directories that have no files with `null`
+      This removes directories that would be empty
+    - Replace all directories with all files with `"directory"`
+      This speeds up the source filter function
+    Note that this function is strict, it evaluates the entire tree
+    Type: Path -> filesetTree -> filesetTree
+  */
+  _simplifyTree = path: tree:
+    if tree == "directory" || isAttrs tree then
+      let
+        entries = _directoryEntries path tree;
+        simpleSubtrees = mapAttrs (name: _simplifyTree (path + "/${name}")) entries;
+        subtreeValues = attrValues simpleSubtrees;
+      in
+      # This triggers either when all files in a directory are filtered out
+      # Or when the directory doesn't contain any files at all
+      if all isNull subtreeValues then
+        null
+      # Triggers when we have the same as a `readDir path`, so we can turn it back into an equivalent "directory".
+      else if all isString subtreeValues then
+        "directory"
+      else
+        simpleSubtrees
+    else
+      tree;
+  # Turn a fileset into a source filter function suitable for `builtins.path`
+  # Only directories recursively containing at least one files are recursed into
+  # Type: Path -> fileset -> (String -> String -> Bool)
+  _toSourceFilter = fileset:
+    let
+      # Simplify the tree, necessary to make sure all empty directories are null
+      # which has the effect that they aren't included in the result
+      tree = _simplifyTree fileset._internalBase fileset._internalTree;
+      # Decompose the base into its components
+      # See ../path/README.md for why we're not just using `toString`
+      baseComponents = components (splitRoot fileset._internalBase).subpath;
+      # The base path as a string with a single trailing slash
+      baseString =
+        if baseComponents == [] then
+          # Need to handle the filesystem root specially
+          "/"
+        else
+          "/" + concatStringsSep "/" baseComponents + "/";
+      baseLength = stringLength baseString;
+      # Check whether a list of path components under the base path exists in the tree.
+      # This function is called often, so it should be fast.
+      # Type: [ String ] -> Bool
+      inTree = components:
+        let
+          recurse = index: localTree:
+            if isAttrs localTree then
+              # We have an attribute set, meaning this is a directory with at least one file
+              if index >= length components then
+                # The path may have no more components though, meaning the filter is running on the directory itself,
+                # so we always include it, again because there's at least one file in it.
+                true
+              else
+                # If we do have more components, the filter runs on some entry inside this directory, so we need to recurse
+                # We do +2 because builtins.split is an interleaved list of the inbetweens and the matches
+                recurse (index + 2) localTree.${elemAt components index}
+            else
+              # If it's not an attribute set it can only be either null (in which case it's not included)
+              # or a string ("directory" or "regular", etc.) in which case it's included
+              localTree != null;
+        in recurse 0 tree;
+      # Filter suited when there's no files
+      empty = _: _: false;
+      # Filter suited when there's some files
+      # This can't be used for when there's no files, because the base directory is always included
+      nonEmpty =
+        path: _:
+        let
+          # Add a slash to the path string, turning "/foo" to "/foo/",
+          # making sure to not have any false prefix matches below.
+          # Note that this would produce "//" for "/",
+          # but builtins.path doesn't call the filter function on the `path` argument itself,
+          # meaning this function can never receive "/" as an argument
+          pathSlash = path + "/";
+        in
+        # Same as `hasPrefix pathSlash baseString`, but more efficient.
+        # With base /foo/bar we need to include /foo:
+        # hasPrefix "/foo/" "/foo/bar/"
+        if substring 0 (stringLength pathSlash) baseString == pathSlash then
+          true
+        # Same as `! hasPrefix baseString pathSlash`, but more efficient.
+        # With base /foo/bar we need to exclude /baz
+        # ! hasPrefix "/baz/" "/foo/bar/"
+        else if substring 0 baseLength pathSlash != baseString then
+          false
+        else
+          # Same as `removePrefix baseString path`, but more efficient.
+          # From the above code we know that hasPrefix baseString pathSlash holds, so this is safe.
+          # We don't use pathSlash here because we only needed the trailing slash for the prefix matching.
+          # With base /foo and path /foo/bar/baz this gives
+          # inTree (split "/" (removePrefix "/foo/" "/foo/bar/baz"))
+          # == inTree (split "/" "bar/baz")
+          # == inTree [ "bar" "baz" ]
+          inTree (split "/" (substring baseLength (-1) path));
+    in
+    # Special case because the code below assumes that the _internalBase is always included in the result
+    # which shouldn't be done when we have no files at all in the base
+    if tree == null then
+      empty
+    else
+      nonEmpty;
diff --git a/lib/fileset/mock-splitRoot.nix b/lib/fileset/mock-splitRoot.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..3c18ab1b1afd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fileset/mock-splitRoot.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# This overlay implements mocking of the lib.path.splitRoot function
+# It pretends that the last component named "mock-root" is the root:
+# splitRoot /foo/mock-root/bar/mock-root/baz
+# => {
+#      root = /foo/mock-root/bar/mock-root;
+#      subpath = "./baz";
+#    }
+self: super: {
+  path = super.path // {
+    splitRoot = path:
+      let
+        parts = super.path.splitRoot path;
+        components = self.path.subpath.components parts.subpath;
+        count = self.length components;
+        rootIndex = count - self.lists.findFirstIndex
+          (component: component == "mock-root")
+          (self.length components)
+          (self.reverseList components);
+        root = self.path.append parts.root (self.path.subpath.join (self.take rootIndex components));
+        subpath = self.path.subpath.join (self.drop rootIndex components);
+      in {
+        inherit root subpath;
+      };
+  };
diff --git a/lib/fileset/tests.sh b/lib/fileset/tests.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000..9492edf4f55e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fileset/tests.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Tests lib.fileset
+# Run:
+# [nixpkgs]$ lib/fileset/tests.sh
+# or:
+# [nixpkgs]$ nix-build lib/tests/release.nix
+set -euo pipefail
+shopt -s inherit_errexit dotglob
+die() {
+    # The second to last entry contains the line number of the top-level caller
+    lineIndex=$(( ${#BASH_LINENO[@]} - 2 ))
+    echo >&2 -e "test case at ${BASH_SOURCE[0]}:${BASH_LINENO[$lineIndex]} failed:" "$@"
+    exit 1
+if test -n "${TEST_LIB:-}"; then
+  NIX_PATH=nixpkgs="$(dirname "$TEST_LIB")"
+  NIX_PATH=nixpkgs="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/../.."; pwd)"
+export NIX_PATH
+tmp="$(mktemp -d)"
+clean_up() {
+    rm -rf "$tmp"
+trap clean_up EXIT SIGINT SIGTERM
+mkdir "$work"
+cd "$work"
+# Crudely unquotes a JSON string by just taking everything between the first and the second quote.
+# We're only using this for resulting /nix/store paths, which can't contain " anyways,
+# nor can they contain any other characters that would need to be escaped specially in JSON
+# This way we don't need to add a dependency on e.g. jq
+crudeUnquoteJSON() {
+    cut -d \" -f2
+  lib = import <nixpkgs/lib>;
+  internal = import <nixpkgs/lib/fileset/internal.nix> {
+    inherit lib;
+  };
+with lib;
+with internal;
+with lib.fileset;'
+# Check that a nix expression evaluates successfully (strictly, coercing to json, read-write-mode).
+# The expression has `lib.fileset` in scope.
+# If a second argument is provided, the result is checked against it as a regex.
+# Otherwise, the result is output.
+# Usage: expectSuccess NIX [REGEX]
+expectSuccess() {
+    local expr=$1
+    if [[ "$#" -gt 1 ]]; then
+        local expectedResultRegex=$2
+    fi
+    if ! result=$(nix-instantiate --eval --strict --json --read-write-mode --show-trace \
+        --expr "$prefixExpression $expr"); then
+        die "$expr failed to evaluate, but it was expected to succeed"
+    fi
+    if [[ -v expectedResultRegex ]]; then
+        if [[ ! "$result" =~ $expectedResultRegex ]]; then
+            die "$expr should have evaluated to this regex pattern:\n\n$expectedResultRegex\n\nbut this was the actual result:\n\n$result"
+        fi
+    else
+        echo "$result"
+    fi
+# Check that a nix expression fails to evaluate (strictly, coercing to json, read-write-mode).
+# And check the received stderr against a regex
+# The expression has `lib.fileset` in scope.
+# Usage: expectFailure NIX REGEX
+expectFailure() {
+    local expr=$1
+    local expectedErrorRegex=$2
+    if result=$(nix-instantiate --eval --strict --json --read-write-mode --show-trace 2>"$tmp/stderr" \
+        --expr "$prefixExpression $expr"); then
+        die "$expr evaluated successfully to $result, but it was expected to fail"
+    fi
+    stderr=$(<"$tmp/stderr")
+    if [[ ! "$stderr" =~ $expectedErrorRegex ]]; then
+        die "$expr should have errored with this regex pattern:\n\n$expectedErrorRegex\n\nbut this was the actual error:\n\n$stderr"
+    fi
+# We conditionally use inotifywait in checkFileset.
+# Check early whether it's available
+# TODO: Darwin support, though not crucial since we have Linux CI
+if type inotifywait 2>/dev/null >/dev/null; then
+    canMonitorFiles=1
+    echo "Warning: Not checking that excluded files don't get accessed since inotifywait is not available" >&2
+    canMonitorFiles=
+# Check whether a file set includes/excludes declared paths as expected, usage:
+# tree=(
+#   [a/b] =1  # Declare that file       a/b should exist and expect it to be included in the store path
+#   [c/a] =   # Declare that file       c/a should exist and expect it to be excluded in the store path
+#   [c/d/]=   # Declare that directory c/d/ should exist and expect it to be excluded in the store path
+# )
+# checkFileset './a' # Pass the fileset as the argument
+declare -A tree
+checkFileset() (
+    # New subshell so that we can have a separate trap handler, see `trap` below
+    local fileset=$1
+    # Process the tree into separate arrays for included paths, excluded paths and excluded files.
+    # Also create all the paths in the local directory
+    local -a included=()
+    local -a excluded=()
+    local -a excludedFiles=()
+    for p in "${!tree[@]}"; do
+        # If keys end with a `/` we treat them as directories, otherwise files
+        if [[ "$p" =~ /$ ]]; then
+            mkdir -p "$p"
+            isFile=
+        else
+            mkdir -p "$(dirname "$p")"
+            touch "$p"
+            isFile=1
+        fi
+        case "${tree[$p]}" in
+            1)
+                included+=("$p")
+                ;;
+            0)
+                excluded+=("$p")
+                if [[ -n "$isFile" ]]; then
+                    excludedFiles+=("$p")
+                fi
+                ;;
+            *)
+                die "Unsupported tree value: ${tree[$p]}"
+        esac
+    done
+    # Start inotifywait in the background to monitor all excluded files (if any)
+    if [[ -n "$canMonitorFiles" ]] && (( "${#excludedFiles[@]}" != 0 )); then
+        coproc watcher {
+            # inotifywait outputs a string on stderr when ready
+            # Redirect it to stdout so we can access it from the coproc's stdout fd
+            # exec so that the coprocess is inotify itself, making the kill below work correctly
+            # See below why we listen to both open and delete_self events
+            exec inotifywait --format='%e %w' --event open,delete_self --monitor "${excludedFiles[@]}" 2>&1
+        }
+        # This will trigger when this subshell exits, no matter if successful or not
+        # After exiting the subshell, the parent shell will continue executing
+        trap 'kill "${watcher_PID}"' exit
+        # Synchronously wait until inotifywait is ready
+        while read -r -u "${watcher[0]}" line && [[ "$line" != "Watches established." ]]; do
+            :
+        done
+    fi
+    # Call toSource with the fileset, triggering open events for all files that are added to the store
+    expression="toSource { root = ./.; fileset = $fileset; }"
+    # crudeUnquoteJSON is safe because we get back a store path in a string
+    storePath=$(expectSuccess "$expression" | crudeUnquoteJSON)
+    # Remove all files immediately after, triggering delete_self events for all of them
+    rm -rf -- *
+    # Only check for the inotify events if we actually started inotify earlier
+    if [[ -v watcher ]]; then
+        # Get the first event
+        read -r -u "${watcher[0]}" event file
+        # There's only these two possible event timelines:
+        # - open, ..., open, delete_self, ..., delete_self: If some excluded files were read
+        # - delete_self, ..., delete_self: If no excluded files were read
+        # So by looking at the first event we can figure out which one it is!
+        case "$event" in
+            OPEN)
+                die "$expression opened excluded file $file when it shouldn't have"
+                ;;
+            DELETE_SELF)
+                # Expected events
+                ;;
+            *)
+                die "Unexpected event type '$event' on file $file that should be excluded"
+                ;;
+        esac
+    fi
+    # For each path that should be included, make sure it does occur in the resulting store path
+    for p in "${included[@]}"; do
+        if [[ ! -e "$storePath/$p" ]]; then
+            die "$expression doesn't include path $p when it should have"
+        fi
+    done
+    # For each path that should be excluded, make sure it doesn't occur in the resulting store path
+    for p in "${excluded[@]}"; do
+        if [[ -e "$storePath/$p" ]]; then
+            die "$expression included path $p when it shouldn't have"
+        fi
+    done
+#### Error messages #####
+# Absolute paths in strings cannot be passed as `root`
+expectFailure 'toSource { root = "/nix/store/foobar"; fileset = ./.; }' 'lib.fileset.toSource: `root` "/nix/store/foobar" is a string-like value, but it should be a path instead.
+\s*Paths in strings are not supported by `lib.fileset`, use `lib.sources` or derivations instead.'
+# Only paths are accepted as `root`
+expectFailure 'toSource { root = 10; fileset = ./.; }' 'lib.fileset.toSource: `root` is of type int, but it should be a path instead.'
+# Different filesystem roots in root and fileset are not supported
+mkdir -p {foo,bar}/mock-root
+expectFailure 'with ((import <nixpkgs/lib>).extend (import <nixpkgs/lib/fileset/mock-splitRoot.nix>)).fileset;
+  toSource { root = ./foo/mock-root; fileset = ./bar/mock-root; }
+' 'lib.fileset.toSource: Filesystem roots are not the same for `fileset` and `root` "'"$work"'/foo/mock-root":
+\s*`root`: root "'"$work"'/foo/mock-root"
+\s*`fileset`: root "'"$work"'/bar/mock-root"
+\s*Different roots are not supported.'
+rm -rf *
+# `root` needs to exist
+expectFailure 'toSource { root = ./a; fileset = ./.; }' 'lib.fileset.toSource: `root` '"$work"'/a does not exist.'
+# `root` needs to be a file
+touch a
+expectFailure 'toSource { root = ./a; fileset = ./a; }' 'lib.fileset.toSource: `root` '"$work"'/a is a file, but it should be a directory instead. Potential solutions:
+\s*- If you want to import the file into the store _without_ a containing directory, use string interpolation or `builtins.path` instead of this function.
+\s*- If you want to import the file into the store _with_ a containing directory, set `root` to the containing directory, such as '"$work"', and set `fileset` to the file path.'
+rm -rf *
+# Only paths under `root` should be able to influence the result
+mkdir a
+expectFailure 'toSource { root = ./a; fileset = ./.; }' 'lib.fileset.toSource: `fileset` could contain files in '"$work"', which is not under the `root` '"$work"'/a. Potential solutions:
+\s*- Set `root` to '"$work"' or any directory higher up. This changes the layout of the resulting store path.
+\s*- Set `fileset` to a file set that cannot contain files outside the `root` '"$work"'/a. This could change the files included in the result.'
+rm -rf *
+# Path coercion only works for paths
+expectFailure 'toSource { root = ./.; fileset = 10; }' 'lib.fileset.toSource: `fileset` is of type int, but it should be a path instead.'
+expectFailure 'toSource { root = ./.; fileset = "/some/path"; }' 'lib.fileset.toSource: `fileset` "/some/path" is a string-like value, but it should be a path instead.
+\s*Paths represented as strings are not supported by `lib.fileset`, use `lib.sources` or derivations instead.'
+# Path coercion errors for non-existent paths
+expectFailure 'toSource { root = ./.; fileset = ./a; }' 'lib.fileset.toSource: `fileset` '"$work"'/a does not exist.'
+# File sets cannot be evaluated directly
+expectFailure '_create ./. null' 'lib.fileset: Directly evaluating a file set is not supported. Use `lib.fileset.toSource` to turn it into a usable source instead.'
+# Future versions of the internal representation are unsupported
+expectFailure '_coerce "<tests>: value" { _type = "fileset"; _internalVersion = 1; }' '<tests>: value is a file set created from a future version of the file set library with a different internal representation:
+\s*- Internal version of the file set: 1
+\s*- Internal version of the library: 0
+\s*Make sure to update your Nixpkgs to have a newer version of `lib.fileset`.'
+# _create followed by _coerce should give the inputs back without any validation
+expectSuccess '{
+  inherit (_coerce "<test>" (_create "base" "tree"))
+    _internalVersion _internalBase _internalTree;
+}' '\{"_internalBase":"base","_internalTree":"tree","_internalVersion":0\}'
+#### Resulting store path ####
+# The store path name should be "source"
+expectSuccess 'toSource { root = ./.; fileset = ./.; }' '"'"${NIX_STORE_DIR:-/nix/store}"'/.*-source"'
+# We should be able to import an empty directory and end up with an empty result
+checkFileset './.'
+# Directories recursively containing no files are not included
+    [e/]=0
+    [d/e/]=0
+    [d/d/e/]=0
+    [d/d/f]=1
+    [d/f]=1
+    [f]=1
+checkFileset './.'
+# Check trees that could cause a naïve string prefix checking implementation to fail
+    [a]=0
+    [ab/x]=0
+    [ab/xy]=1
+    [ab/xyz]=0
+    [abc]=0
+checkFileset './ab/xy'
+# Check path coercion examples in ../../doc/functions/fileset.section.md
+    [a/x]=1
+    [a/b/y]=1
+    [c/]=0
+    [c/d/]=0
+checkFileset './.'
+    [a/x]=1
+    [a/b/y]=1
+    [c/]=0
+    [c/d/]=0
+checkFileset './a'
+    [a/x]=1
+    [a/b/y]=0
+    [c/]=0
+    [c/d/]=0
+checkFileset './a/x'
+    [a/x]=0
+    [a/b/y]=1
+    [c/]=0
+    [c/d/]=0
+checkFileset './a/b'
+    [a/x]=0
+    [a/b/y]=0
+    [c/]=0
+    [c/d/]=0
+checkFileset './c'
+# Test the source filter for the somewhat special case of files in the filesystem root
+# We can't easily test this with the above functions because we can't write to the filesystem root and we don't want to make any assumptions which files are there in the sandbox
+expectSuccess '_toSourceFilter (_create /. null) "/foo" ""' 'false'
+expectSuccess '_toSourceFilter (_create /. { foo = "regular"; }) "/foo" ""' 'true'
+expectSuccess '_toSourceFilter (_create /. { foo = null; }) "/foo" ""' 'false'
+# TODO: Once we have combinators and a property testing library, derive property tests from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Algebra_of_sets
+echo >&2 tests ok
diff --git a/lib/tests/release.nix b/lib/tests/release.nix
index 805f7a7e95d6e..c8d6b810122ec 100644
--- a/lib/tests/release.nix
+++ b/lib/tests/release.nix
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
+  lib = import ../.;
   testWithNix = nix:
     pkgs.runCommand "nixpkgs-lib-tests-nix-${nix.version}" {
       buildInputs = [
@@ -24,7 +25,7 @@ let
       nativeBuildInputs = [
-      ];
+      ] ++ lib.optional pkgs.stdenv.isLinux pkgs.inotify-tools;
       strictDeps = true;
     } ''
@@ -50,6 +51,9 @@ let
       echo "Running lib/tests/sources.sh"
       TEST_LIB=$PWD/lib bash lib/tests/sources.sh
+      echo "Running lib/fileset/tests.sh"
+      TEST_LIB=$PWD/lib bash lib/fileset/tests.sh
       echo "Running lib/tests/systems.nix"
       [[ $(nix-instantiate --eval --strict lib/tests/systems.nix | tee /dev/stderr) == '[ ]' ]];